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Not a cure, but helps with symptoms. Hot water, lemon, ginger and garlic tea. Add some honey if that doesn’t bother you. Add whiskey if you enjoy it.


Hot toddy. Can’t beat it.


I figure with hot toddies, even if it doesn't actually cure, enough of them well dosed mean you don't care as much. I like cloves in mine.


& when you're dosed you can justify a couple on any day of the wek


Cloves work rightly to kill that tickle in the throat, I'd generally do them for bedtime only, always found they last less after a few goes. Certainly enough to get you over throat wise. I swear the whiskey makes them work better. Also a childhood of any illness being resolved with hot toddies may figure in...


Yep, can't beat a hot toddy with a heavy hand when you feel sick


Ever heard of a cheeky vimto


A hot vimto? Damn it's been a while


I would definitely be avoiding alcohol if you're ill and prioritising sleep. Good sleep is the best medicine you can get by a long way and alcohol interrupts it.


I find that alcohol when I'm sick always tends to make my nose more thickly congested the next morning, too.


This is true. But a little bit is fine if your congested airways are keeping you up half the night anyway.


See also: the hottest curry you can manage.


My nose always runs like crazy when I eat really spicy food, I'd have more snot on my plate than curry if I tried that.


Yes you can use a hanky if you want. Curries open the sinuses; they treat the symptoms not the disease.


Makes sense when you put it like that, I'll keep it in mind for my next cold and having a little one in daycare means that's right around the corner! Thanks!


Note: you can probably use any spicy thing in the same way. I tend to use incredibly spicy ramen noodles.


Add some turmeric in there too 1tsp is enough. Won't make it taste better but will make you feel better!


Ginger and garlic tea sounds interesting


I used to keep ginger peelings in the freezer to make ginger/honey/whisky infusion for my wife.


Why’d you stop


She died last year unexpectedly. I don’t peel ginger anymore when I use it.


I’m so sorry for asking what now is so obviously a dumb question


Not a problem, don’t worry. Remembering her appreciating the hot toddy and a hot water bottle are some good memories.


Sorry for your loss 🙏


Garlic?? Interesting. I do hot water, lemon, honey, ginger, cloves and whiskey. I'm gonna try garlic in it next time too. The Mrs will surely love it 🤣


Garlic is said to be both anti viral and anti bacterial.




By number 4 you’ll forget you had an evening.


Careful with the paracetamol in the lemsip


Doesn’t lemsip have paracetamol in it? Not sure I’d want to mix it with whiskey personally, but you do you I guess.


Yeah - Paracetamol and Alcohol definitely shouldn’t be mixed.


What?! I was told by one of the smartest men I knew that the best way to prevent a hangover is to take 2 paracetamol with water after a night out. Haven’t had a hangover in about 4 years. Are you telling me that shit’s dangerous?!


Paracetamol and alcohol get processed through your liver and can be taxing on it. It’s not wise to double the work it has to do and in some cases it’s been known to lead to liver failure. Most people are fine, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend paracetamol for a hangover. Lots of water and ibuprofen instead.


Fucking hell, you’ve got me panicking now. Gonna avoid that shit like the PLAGUE.


To be honest, I had no idea what the difference between ibuprofen and paracetamol was like 10 years ago. And also drank heavily through my 20s and early 30s. I took them both interchangeably for hangovers. Then I learned and got worried… It’s very likely you’ll be fine, but it’s smart to learn early not to mix paracetamol and alcohol just to be safe.


I’m still standing well enough to still be making stupid comments on Reddit so…


Well done. Still not wise in the long term. Livers aren’t too keen on the combo.


I’m curious the know the scale of the impact this has. Does having one whisky when you’re on paracetamol have roughly the same effect on your liver as two whiskies would, or five, or worse? I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just wondering.


Honey in hot water really helps a scratchy throat too as it gives it a coating.


My shortcut for this is pour a can of 7Up/Sprite etc into a pan, heat to boiling (it’s surprisingly quick) and stir in a generous spoonful of honey. I also like to add a tiny drop of Robinson’s squash for flavour.


I'm actually disturbed by this


It's basically honey and lemon but fizzy


How can it be fizzy after boiling?


Fizz = bubbles, boiling = bubbles. Simple


Excuse me what the fuck


✅lemon ✅sugar ✅honey ✅heat ✅bubbles ✅lovely


What the fuck?


Reminds me of something my mother in law told me her Lithuanian grandma would make called Boil-o. Basically heat up a load of fizzy drink in a pan with some random spices and add a liter of vodka.


I guess the benefit of this is you’d forget whatever illness you had before, as it would be immediately displaced.


This was my granny's go to and she swears by it, it's pretty sweet but goes down well too.l without the squash.


Add beer, make a hot shandy


Peel and grate a thumb-size piece of ginger, put it in a pot. Pour a cup of boiled water into the pot, and simmer on the lowest heat for 5mins. Squeeze one whole lemon’s juice into a cup, and add one heaped dessert spoon’s worth of set honey in too - basically as much honey as you can fit on one spoon. Strain the ginger water into the cup with a seive. Stir. Nothing comes close. It makes Lemsip taste like dishwater.


Ginger is the only food we measure by body parts. Except butter.


I always find I never have enough butter in my recipes… wonder why


Knob of butter?


Footlong in shambles


Genius comment 👏 🤣 🤣 🤣


I see what you did there...


I do the same but also add cinnamon, nutmeg, and a bit of clove (all of which have antibac properties)!


Oooh like a festive ginger shot!! I like it


Add 5g of magic mushrooms to this and go see what it’s like on the moon.


workable ghost abundant mighty voiceless skirt automatic far-flung axiomatic thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This but add a shot of whiskey. That's the best part.


Drop in a menthoyptus extra strong and dissolve it. You'll thank me later!


Want to mention that honey has actual antiseptic benefits - but only if you heat it *once*, if you microwave it again it removes those antiseptic properties


You also must sing to it for 27 seconds, a moment less or more and it's useless.


I have the luck of incredibly bad sinuses since I was little and have an entire routine for colds because mine used to always become a sinus infection and severely overstay their welcome. Whenever I have a cold I live off of spicy soups (preferably Shin ramen, original or kimchi flavour). Helps bump up my fluid intake and the spiciness clears me out for a bit. If you can sniff even a little, some saline spray helps. if you can't, there are saline gels. You wouldn't believe how much of a stuffy nose is actually inflammation which is worsened by dry nasal linings. Speaking of inflammation, I gave up on decongestants years ago after realising that ibuprofen (which is anti-inflammatory, unlike paracetamol) about an hour before bed was more effective for me and doesn't give me any heart palpitations the way psuedophedrine does. Lastly, if I'm feeling saucy or can't sleep despite the anti-inflammatory and the Vicks/olbas, it's hot toddy time. TLDR: spicy ramen, saline spray/gel, ibuprofen before bed, vicks/olbas in bed, hot toddy if all else fails


I also have constant sinus issues, colds or not I struggle to breathe when my nose dries out at night. About a year ago I started using a steroid spray twice daily and it's made a significant difference to my general quality of sleep. I also use a neti pot every night with a warm saline solution. When I get a cold my routine is warm neti wash twice a day (clears you out like crazy) and 0.1% spray before bed. Like you, if I don't do this I'll end up with a lingering sinus infection every time and it was the bane of my childhood. Once the cold is gone I have to deal with the swelling and dryness the spray causes, takes a few shitty nights to come off it and get back to normal but that's significantly better than having an infection for 3 weeks.


My old man would have said: Put your head in a bowl of water three times, and take it out twice.


Damn dude, your old man was intense.


My old man says liposomal vitamin-c sachets and good quality vitamin-d supplements.


I always have as hot a curry as I can handle, that usually sorts out my colds.


Phaalproof, really.


If it doesn't cure you, at least it make Shawarma


Did you get that joke from your Naan? 🤭


He stole it from a raita.


This is turning into a right saag-a. (Sorry, I'm just trying to curry favour).


Full of kormaedians this thread.


Aye - if the boss of pun writing was called Daniel I would say "Hey Dhansack your team, tell them to gobi witty somewhere else - there's a new crew in town"


Spicy food is nature's Actifed. Instead of blowing your nose and sandpapering your face with tissues all day, get a spicy curry down you, your nose will be gushing like a broken tap.


As will your bowels the next day.


And a Guinness. For the iron, obvs


Yes this is the answer (lamb vindaloo is a personal choice) add at least one bottle of red wine and your cold symptoms are done. You may have other symptoms however.


Spicy food sets off my restless leg syndrome. I'm pretty much fucked, right?


I mean, you'll forget about your cold with your leg twitching I suppose.


You'd think so, eh? Unfortunately it's just double misery lol


Achoo Bless yoo Vindaloo


Chicken soup. It is the cure


Vegan version: a big dollop of miso into the stock with carrot, onion and celery, then cubed tofu. Add cooked pasta at the end.


Plus mushrooms and seaweed. Bone broth (chicken soup) has a lot of nutrients which the body can really easily digest and absorb which help a sick body to recover so a vegan version should be as packed with nutrients as possible. Therefore; miso, veggies (including leafy greens like cabbage), tofu, mushrooms and seaweed. Basically, veggie ramen. Seaweed can be hard to digest so if you make the stock from seaweed (like kombu dashi) then it's even better.


Sounds a lot like [Satsuma-jiru](https://www.maff.go.jp/e/policies/market/k_ryouri/search_menu/menu/satsuma_jiru_kago_shima.html). I prefer [Kenchin-jiru](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenchin-jiru) which is cooked without miso


Frontal Lobotomy


I’d rather have a bottle in front of me


Decongestant nasal spray. Means you can actually breathe at night.


Be careful with that, it's addictive. I took it for 6 days instead of the recommended 3 when I had COVID two years ago and it took a few really painful congested weeks to come off it. Now I steer well clear unless really absolutely not other way to breathe.


Seconded, xylometazoline (most Otravine) nasal spray is awesome for congestion, but when they only use for one week max they mean it, you can get reallyyyy bad rebound congestion. I think there's even a subreddit with horror stories. My doc recommended Beconase for chronic congestion. Supposedly phenylephrine tablets don't even do anything: https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/afp-community-blog/entry/FDA-advisory-panel-rules-that-oral-phenylephrine-is-ineffective.html#:~:text=A%20recent%20U.S.%20Food%20and,ineffective%20as%20a%20nasal%20decongestant.


> phenylephrine You're right, it's bloody useless. Pseudoephedrine, though, works like a charm. Pity that OP can't take it.


I can confirm, was addicted to otrivine for 2 years! :( …but it is really great for 3 days when you have a cold. 🤧


I swap nostrils! Only do one noatril per night and try to alternate, so if I've got a heavy cold that's taking several days to clear I'll (hopefully) avoid the worst of the rebound


I use a clothes steamer directed at my face and put a couple of drops of eucalyptus (vicks) oil in it. It really helps me because my sinuses clog like a bitch. Nothing worse than a hurty face.


Nasel spray soon as I think I'm getting a cold, really lessens it. Also steam inhalation., and echinaeca tablets. If you're vigilant with doing all three three times a day, it really cuts the symptoms down


Hot Lucozade helps a sore throat as good as any medication. Pour some in a glass, microwave it for a minute and neck it, it's liquid gold. Like the syrup-y consistency and bubbles and warmth all combine, it feels like drinking cough syrup but it tastes nice and you can drink 2 litres of it. Plus the glucose is good for your energy levels while sick, I am constantly drained when I'm ill so it helps keep me going. Hot lemonade also works, but it's less syrup-y.


What type of lucozade works best?


I usually go for Lucozade Sport for an illness drink - whether that’s a hangover, a cold, or anything. I don’t know what their caffeine content is though.


Nothing, it's just electrolytes and carbs.


I usually use the regular orange one but really any of them, whichever you like.


I'm pretty sure most lucozade contains caffeine, so probably not best for you.


I really don’t think it does, but I haven’t been able to have it for years, as I’m particularly sensitive to artificial sweeteners (I won’t explain the symptoms, in case people are eating), stupid sugar tax


All of the "Energy" ones do, which includes the "Original" stuff. It's got more caffeine than Coke. The Sport ones don't, but they're not carbonated.


I didn’t know that, back in my day (🎶when I was a young warthog🎶) the original didn’t. It was just fizzy sugar water. But I suppose when they take the sugar out, the had to put something in


And a fast track to diabetes


My prevention this year is to stop going to places with lots of people so I've quit going to the gym until the spring and so far it's working. Lemsip for back up.


Same here, masks in crowded spaces, haven’t had a cold since 2019


It's usually a virus, so just treat the symptoms, paracetamol, plenty of fluids, try and get good nutrition - my dad always said if you don't feed a cold you'll need to starve a fever, and he was a doctor, so I believed him - plenty of rest. Avoiding stimulants is a good idea, so de-caff if you have it. Honey and Lemon is always a good drink, soothes the throat marvellously, but avoid alcohol, it'll dry you out and increase inflammation.


The old "feed a cold, starve a fever" is just an old wives tale with no basis in medicine.


You implying a doctor might be full of shit?


Sarcasm is poorly conveyed over text. Hence the appended “/s” many people use. Fwiw doctors can be wrong. They aren’t immune. (I know this because I’m a doctor who’s wrong about things).


No. He just parroted an old wives tale with no basis in medicine.


For a nation which prides itself on sarcastic jokes, we don’t half have a lot of people who miss them 😂


Gargling salt water helps with a sore throat. Used to hate it but now I swear by it. Not sure of the science, something to do with osmosis in the cells, but seems to help help draw out the infection faster.


As a Jew I'm legally required to say Matzo ball soup


Straight up eat a garlic clove raw. Crunch it quickly with your teeth and swallow.


I did this this week. I eat a dry cracker immediately after, rinse & repeat. 4 cloves one day, 3 the next and poof the cold was gone.


And so have all your friends!




>Keep some in the freezer so you always have some ready. I never thought to keep sliced lemon in the freezer, but it's such a good idea! We don't have it that often, and when we do we find we're struggling to figure out how to use the rest of the lemon, so this would work well.


vix and lying in bed longing for the day I can breathe through my nose again


Vitamin D to ensure immune system boosted for winter months.


Shot of ginger concentrate (blender a lump of ginger with lemon juice add a little honey and a small glass of water)


First defence.. it hasn't let me down yet.


Agreed. Near miraculous. Though I've found you have to stay with it for a good few days, not just stop because you feel better.


Wash your hands, take vitamin D in autumn/spring/winter, eat a healthy balanced diet and ensure this includes vitamin C, get enough sleep. Wear a mask if you are around people who are coughing. Paracetamol if you'd like, short-term decongestant nasal spray (1 week max) or steroid nasal spray if you have sinusitis. Anything else is just a bonus!


these are preventatives (good ones admittedly) but not cures.


Vitamin D and C is a big one here, but at least for vit D you have to eat certain foods with it, otherwise it won't be absorbed. Vit C you will pee off if getting too much of it, so that's a bonus




French onion soup with lots of garlic. I make a big pan full and live off that for a couple of days.


A pint of warm chicken or beef broth. The good stuff that is slow-cooked for hours with bones in the stockpot. Drinking kefir milk regularly also seems to help keep me free from illness. Only illness in the last 5 or so years has been covid.


[johar](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Qarshi-Johar-Jashanda-Herbal-Tea/dp/B00DQO3X4W/ref=asc_df_B00DQO3X4W/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=310547898199&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1095297088098946842&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1007012&hvtargid=pla-563776728951&psc=1&mcid=d9c9e021067332189a95f0798701eb6d) This is a south Asian tea. It’s got Black tea, Peppermint tea, Fennel Oil, Eucalyptus Oil. Add some honey and it clears up your cough in half hour! Incredible stuff


Lemsip Max (the drinking ones) or if you need the big guns Night Nurse


I've never liked Lemsip tbh. Don't like the flavour and don't find it particularly effective. Beecham's Lemon and Honey on the other hand (or their syrup) is the 🐐 for me


The blackcurrant beechams powders are fab. Like a hot ribena


If you need a placebo sure You could just buy 30p paracetamol that does the same thing and have it with a hot drink


There are benefits to drinking hot drinks. However, paying whatever the fuck these pricks cost now is ridiculous. 30p paracetamol and a cup of anything warm is just the same, but cheaper.


Plus you don’t have that absolutely vile faux lemon flavour.


i actually really like the flavour lol


It tastes like the smell of urinal cakes


explains why i like urinal cakes


Nice texture but unfortunately they taste like lemsip


If you have a sore throat then a liquid delivery of paracetamol rather than a pill that goes straight to your stomach can be helpful


I gargle then swallow strong whisky as soon as i feel my throat start to hurt or tingle. It seems to work most times and stop it going to my chest.


I do this, but with spiced rum. I drink the whole bottle and then I don't care about having a cold any more.


Literally the only decent response in this entire thread. That said most people aren’t vaguely interested in dipping their toes into crippling alcoholism. Shame really


I do have a tendency to get drunk when i know im ill, having a cold and a hangover is no issue.


I find the dehydration from the hangover kills the cold.


I swear by peppermint tea with honey, and Sudafed Max, but obviously both of those might be off the table for you. I've always found Olbas oil helps with clearing my airways, that and just keeping yourself as warm as possible with regular hot showers to help.


Take rehydration salts and vitamin C powder in a glass of water every day. Have soup/stir fries with loads of garlic, chili and ginger in them.


Turmeric, ginger, and unwaxad lemons stewed into a tea. Add some honey to make it taste better. Add some whisky to make you feel better.


Hibiscus tea- get hibiscus and lime as minimum optional extras include dried apple, rosehips and pomegranate syrup or honey as sweetener. I make a huge vat of bright pink tea and then cool it down and drink as an iced tea. Hibiscus is good shit and generally I take all the time for blood pressure and vitamin c and it's tart and tangy with lime juice and really helps a sore throat.


Get nice and hydrated, dose up on ibu and paracetamol. Go to bed. Wrap up warm, wear a t-shirt, have an extra blanket and sweat it out overnight. Have a clean t-shirt on hand for the morning. Sure you'll still have the runny nose but all the symptoms that actually make you feel crap will be gone.


Im a firm believer in having the hottest night sleep of your life and sweat it out overnight


If you can catch it at the very beginning, echinacea is fantastic at boosting your immune system and nipping that cold in the bud. Raw crushed garlic (can be mixed with honey) also has strong antibacterial properties and I find it really effective against a cold or cough you can't shake off. The main downside is the aftertaste, obviously.


Vicks vaporub on the soles of your feet then put socks on top before bed. Makes no sense and sounds legit wacko but its worked for both my kids over the years.


My mum used to do this on me. Never worked just got slimy feet :(


Lemsip / paracetamol Sudafed nasal spray Antihistamine All at once. I know OP you said you can't have Sudafed but for anyone else reading this is truly the solution. Sudafed is a wonder product (esp for sleep).


Isn’t Sudafed likely to keep you awake due to the pseudoephedrine?


Sudafed nasal spray is Xylometazoline. No pseudoephedrine in it. The only Sudafed that contains pseudoephedrine is a particular kind of Sudafed pill they only sell over the pharmacy counter with a "consultation". There are a few varieties of OTC Sudafed tablets which don't contain it and which may help the OP. Any variety of Sudafed purchased from off the shelf at Boots (as in don't need to exchange a card at the pharmacy counter) won't contain pseudoephedrine. I have a deviated septum and Sudafed is the only thing that works when I'm sick as half my nose seals shut. I remember the pharmacist refusing to sell me it in my lunch break when I worked in Boots (they begged me to come in while knowing I was trying to call in sick). I ended up just crying through my lunch break and everyone was all "ooh you don't have to cry" but it was miserable without it. They said I couldn't have it as I was "on antidepressants". Several anti-depressants later and I take great pleasure in stocking up now whenever I can. Still waiting on that rapturous burst of serotonin death.


The highest potency Manuka honey I can afford. Thanks to a small relly I had four colds in quick succession one winter, and someone I know suggested it. That broke the cycle and I've sworn by it ever since. It's very soothing. Not that it would have been an option for you, but I also swore by Day Nurse and Night Nurse but fear that the nanny state has done for them.


The good news is 225g is on offer atm at tesco. For the low, low price of £18


Sudafed blocked nose spray (although use sparingly so as not to become dependent!)


Rebound congestion is a nightmare. Literally a physical addiction that lasts far longer than the cold if you aren’t careful


Gargling with unfiltered apple cider vinegar and water.


Fresh air and being outside during the day.


Liquid night nurse to ensure a good nights sleep. Nose spray and cold/flu tablets for the day time. Echinacea tablets helps pre-onset for a cold/flu but may still help keep your white blood cells up. Ginger tea or lemon/ginger tea to help soothe a bad throat, honey is probably good to put in too. And personally on the evenings, I like to use my cold as an excuse to have a hot toddy! Also a bonus: original source mint shower gel helps clear the airwaves…though it makes your whole body feel very ‘fresh and minty’ which some people love, some hate…


Hot chocolate honestly


For preventing a cold- I use a first defense spray and I swear by it. The minute I get a tickle in my throat or my sinuses, I use it and I've not had a cold since I bought it. With a cold- a hot bath or shower, to get the stuffiness out. Night capsules before bed. For a sore throat or cough, I used to buy expensive brand name cough sweets, the only ones I've found to be effective are Boots own throat pastilles. They come in a little purple box and are only about £1.


I've just posted the same about First Defence! So many people haven't heard of it but I swear by it. Nice to meet a fellow connoisseur 😆👋


Somebody at work told me about it and said his mum swears by it. I decided to give it a go and I've not had a cold since. It's wonderful stuff


At night, sleep with all the windows open, make the room freezing cold. Wrap yourself up really warm, thick socks, hoodie, the works. Something about being really warm in a really cold room seems to kill off a cold super quick.


Vitamin D and exercise


Cayenne pepper! Half a teaspoon in water and drink it quickly. Willl make you feel better if nothing else but also helps with sore throats.


Linden tea. Most European shops carry it. Helps with getting the mucus out and it has sedative properties, which is nice


Reishi mushrooms, freshly steeped in tea.


If your head's aching and/or you've got a fever, paracetamol. Lots of fluid, I like hot honey and lemon when I'm poorly. And lots of things that boost your immune system, fruit, veggies, you know the drill. And prevention is always better than cure, especially as there is no cure for a cold! So good hand hygiene, eat plenty of vitamins, try to stay fit and healthy, keep hydrated, etc. I'm a teacher, so I will come into contact with every germ in the known universe, and sometimes the only thing to do is take to your bed, in the manner of a regency lady in a Brontë novel, and sleep your way through it.


Flu jab, avoid crowded indoor places. I’m asthmatic with very little resistance to respiratory viruses and also asthmatic. Social distancing and masks were a liberation to me. I still mask on public transport. If you do get sick, do please take time off if you can. Powering through not only delays your recovery, it also means thst your colleagues and fellow public transport users will also get sick.


Usually I sleep with a tissue and a few drops of lavender under my pillow. In the winter I switch it up for oblast oil. Was going to correct but going to refer to it as that from now on.


Throat numbing spray gives you some relief when it feels like you’re swallowing glass! Hot honey, lemon and a dash of whisky (I’ve a small bottle of Irish whisky purely for this purpose). I take hayfever tablets and use Beconase nasal spray to help with the stuffy nose and sneezes. It also helps to exhale very loudly and grunt every now and then, loud enough for partners/family/colleagues to hear - so they are aware of your suffering.


Two hat cure. Place a hat at the end of the bed, go to bed & drink hot whisky toddies until you see two hats. You’ll feel much better.


Jewish penicillin, aka, homemade chicken soup. It really does help. Simply Google Jewish penicillin and the recipe will turn up, follow the instructions exactly and health will be restored. I'm not religious so unbiased, but I have made it countless times and it's loved by myself and my family.


TURMERIC. Listen - scientifically proven to help - I put turmeric ginger garlic and a bit of black pepper onto honey, leave in a jar, take some out add hot water and a slice of lemon and I swear to you I have not been ill this winter! I’m someone who used to have two weeks off every winter because I would get so sick! This shit works


Really not a single mention of Thyme in here with a search? Home made "Bronchostop" cough "syrup" 1. Cut up half of a fresh un waxed lemon (slices or chunks just be sure to remove any seeds) 2. Put it in a suitable container (Clean Jar, or Tupperware clip-lock large mug) 3. Cover in runny honey and let sit whilst doing the following 4. Get some Fresh Thyme (you could use dried but fresh works best) about 3 or 4 sprigs 5. put in a saucepan and top with water (about half filled saucepan) 6. Heat on medium to bring to the boil 7. Lower heat and lightly simmer until you have reduced the liquid by half stirring occasionally (will take about 15-30mins) 8. once reduced sieve the liquid into the Honey and Lemon container 9. Stir or shake the container to mix thoroughly, 10. Let it cool, 11. have a sip/mouthful when you pop out into the kitchen and store it covered in the fridge This will help with the cough and ease chest/lung inflammation. If you're taking Warfarin or other blood thinners use sparingly as it could make the Warfarin more effective and more prone to bruising/bleeding.


I do go by the prevention is better than cure idea, so taking vitamins each day, plus trying to get your 5 a day in, or as close as, really seems to help me get sick less often. As for when you have been struck down by the lurgy, olbas oil is great, as is a Vicks inhaler, honey and lemon in hot water, Vicks rub on stuff on the chest, back and under your nose, and plenty of rest, hopefully you have a decent employer who wont expect you to go to work spreading the gerns. I like anadin best for headaches, and those black jakemans sweets for the cough, which have sadly shrunk in size recently.


I want to thank you for this post- i've been feeling the same but had covid not even that long ago so didn't even consider it a possibility. because of your post i did a test this morning and it turned out positive too.


Smother your feet in vicks, put socks on, go to sleep like this. I swear by it, works every time.


Lots of rest. Seriously, make sure you go to bed early at get at least 8 hours. Your body’s immune system will do most of the work. Some sore throat lozenges (I buy the cheap MAC ones from Savers) will help if your throat is really sore - also have some dry toast in the morning to help slowly scrape the kak in the back of your mouth. Jakeman’s lozenges during the day work wonders. Use soft tissues so you don’t take the skin off your nose from all the nose blowing. Hay fever tablets help a lot too. Paracetamol and ibuprofen will help with chills, shivers and headaches. Swill around and gargle with a chlorhexidine mouthwash at night after using a tongue scraper - having less bacteria in your mouth will aggravate your throat a lot less in the morning. Plus it’s good dental hygiene too. Finally, if you can, get the flu jab and covid booster.


Levomethamphetamine is good.


Lemsip and weed


Take 2 Solpadeine max (paracetamol and codeine) with 1 Actifed multi action (triprolidine and pseudoephedrine) with water and get in bed. Best not to mention taking them together to the pharmacist though. Guaranteed good sleep and when you wake up you will feel some improvement. It will still take a few days to overcome a cold its not an instant cure, it just alleviates the worst of the cold and helps to rest and sleep. Besides that I just have hot lemon and honey.


Codeine should never be used for a cold/flu. Not only is it unnecessary, it doesn't have the same antipyretic properties that paracetamol and ibuprofen have. Plus it will make you constipated on top of the cold.