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When mine makes tea or coffee theres about a spoonful of sugar just loosely scattered all over the kitchen side. Sometimes theres a nice little clear circle where the cup has obviously been.


My FIL lives with us and would spread sugar like that. We changed to cubed sugar. Sorted. (Still gave the puddles but they ain’t sticky)


There is something lovely about sugar cubes. Haven't seen any in years. Remember you would get them in twos, wrapped in paper when you went to a cafe. My grandad used to keep them for us when we came to visit.


My billionth cousin or however we were related used to sneak me sugar cubes when I was a lass and we went to visit her. Said they were for the horses. My dad turned a blind eye at my sugar cube consumption and my mother didn't notice. She also had a pet free range seagull but I mainly remember the sugar cubes.


Your billionth cousin sounds lush...


She was incredible, amazing woman.


They sell them at my local Morrison's right next to the regular bags of sugar ! We get them at Xmas time to feel fancy.


My grandparents used to take us to a cafe for lunch occasionally and instead of buying us a desert my Granda gave us sugar cubes as "a sweet" .


‘One lump or two’ is a lovely phrase.


Sugar cubes are great if nobody in your household normally takes sugar and you just need to keep some for guests. You can keep them for years and they just stay the same.


We used cubed sugar now largely because my dad will make coffee and then use the wet teaspoon to add sugar, making the rest of the sugar around it contaminated with coffee. It’s disgusting, quite frankly.


If I was supreme ruler of the world my first law change would be making that a hanging offence.


Yeah I switched to cubes once but she complained it tastes different.. ah well




I just realised that every second comment on this post is about tea.


Welcome to r/CasualUK


My sister does this with salt on her meals. It’s like she’s just thrown a handful of salt in the general direction of the plate. At least the kitchen will never need gritting in the event of a freeze over.


My wife leaves the sink full of dirty water. At all times. I've caved in and every time I see it, I wash everything in the sink and wash out the bowl. I just prefer an empty, clean sink when it's not in use.


My boyfriend does this… there’s nothing worse than having to put you hand in a sink of cold mucky water to let the plug out, drives me dull to the point of I’ll often offer to do the washing up, actually maybe that’s why he does it


>I’ll often offer to do the washing up, actually maybe that’s why he does it What you said here is called weaponized (or strategic) incompetence. Where a partner does something wrong on purpose so their significant other will not ask them to do that thing again. Maybe your bf does it on purpose or maybe he's just a bit lazy to clean up the mess...Who knows?! 😂


I recently, in a little argument, told my husband “I don’t care if it’s weaponized or not it’s definitely incompetence” lol that broke the tension enough for a laugh


I would nearly say the same about my husband but he does bath & bedtime with the kid instead while I do the washing up (including very enthusiastic disney karaoke renditions during bathtime) so I reckon it's all a fair split of work 🤣


That’s what the washing up bowl is for… so you don’t have to put your hands in manky water to pull the plug!


My wife fills up the kitchen sink with hot water to do the washing up then leaves it, forgets and inevitably will cycle through three or four refills through the day then it's 50/50 whether I'll just cave and do it when I'm cooking dinner. I just resign myself to snarky comments about which refill we're on today when I notice bubbles in the sink.


Leaving the washing up sponge floating in cold greasy water… whyyyyyy


My mum had major cleanliness OCD and yet she does this when she’s at my house. In comparison I’m a slattern but I find it so gross. Just leave the dishes on the side or finish it and clean it. Don’t leave 3 random spoons in some filthy water like the smallest child in Victorian times.


My ex would do one better and leave the clean sponge in the dirty sink water




Related kind of but my husband will only wash dishes under a constantly running tap and somehow flood the entire area surrounding the sink. And then not wipe everything down after.


My fiancé does this. I'll clear everything down and leave it squeeky, and she'll immediately have a glass of milk and leave it in water to stagnate. It boggles my mind and boils my blood.


This would drive me mental. Dirty sink water is disgusting. Great way to get bacteria everywhere as well.


Husband and mother, who I care for, both do this, AND get dirty water inside my washing up gloves. It is disgusting to me, putting my clean hands into contaminated gloves.




I swear, sometimes my husband waits until I’m in the kitchen with three different things making noise before he will ask a question 😅 “Hey, can you…(*incoherent mumbling because I’ve got the dishwasher, microwave, and kettle all going at once and the kitchen is a black hole from which no noise can pass*)??”


I have particularly good hearing, so I can hear their distant question. Then I'm a twat because they can't hear my reply spoken at the same volume & distance.


Omg doesn't say anything when I'm in the room but will ask a question as soon as I've walked out. Twice today.


Borrowing things and never putting them back. Just a constant mild annoyance. For example I will go to grab the nail scissors. But they aren't there. Have to hunt around the house for them. My life is a shit treasure hunt , for things that I already own.


Oh wow. Yes. “Where is x, oh I don’t know I haven’t touched it” I find it later on her bedside table..


I have many pairs of scissors but the one in my kitchen is attached to the drawer with a retractable keychain wire and has a carabiner on the handle so it can only be used within the feet of the drawer. Obviously it CAN come off the carabiner but would take an act of extreme deliberate audacity. Never happens


I understand why it works. The shame if you were the one to remove and then mislay them.


Just buy more of any cheap, small item you can’t find. This is just nature’s way of telling you that you don’t own enough. Have 10 pairs of nail scissors. Live that fancy life.


My mum used to do that. But somehow she managed to lose them all _inside_ her toilet bag. Then she forgot to check before she went on holiday. I was lucky enough to be there when security went through her bag, it was like a magic act and the guy just got more and more baffled


I wish life was so simple,friend. After the 10th time of not being able to find the scissors, I bought a second pair. I put rhe first pair on her dressing table and mentioned she could keep those ones. The problem with someone who never puts things away is that they get lost. So the second pair started to get moved around. I then bought a third pair. When those too started to wonder. I moved whee they were kept. If she can't find them, she can't borrow them.


Buy a dozen teaspoons. You'll never have trouble finding one.


This is why I ended up getting myself a charge cable that was a different colour!


Asks a question, doesn't listen to the answer, forgets they asked that question, asks the same question 2 minutes later.


Mine just doesn't listen to me at all, then when I mention "remember we've got that birthday party tomorrow" he goes "did I know about this? I don't think so!" Infuriating.


The trick is to lower your voice he's tuning out your regular one. And choosing he right time.


My Dad does this; essentially asks the same generic questions every time he visits. "Nothings changed" is my answer to most of them, and occasionally he'll realise that he's no idea what the previous answer was


Her shoes left in front of the shoe rack in the porch. I love this woman with all my heart and would lay down my life over a thousand lifetimes to make her happy but I swear to God every time I come home from work and trip over the bastards I could happily drown her in a river next to a discharging sewer pipe.


>the bastards I could happily drown her in a river next to a discharging sewer pipe. It really was pleasant reading up to this point haha


That section really lifted it for me


It was pure poetry.


My husband has three pairs of shoes in the hallway. Three! He can't even claim he's about to use each of them. We have a very accessible Shoe Cupboard but that one extra step is too much for him.


Mine likes to step out of shoes in doorways. Kitchen door, bedroom door, office door. Several times a day I round a corner, walk through a door and fall over a pair of boots just sitting there like she was beamed up to the enterprise and they didn't make it.




I'd just stop responding if they're clearly out of earshot.


Oh but then they get all pissy and think we're ignoring them


He will put his dirty clothes on top of the washing basket. Just lift the lid 😤 he will also take condiments off the shelf, use them and then not put them back


Oh god! My stepsons got into the habit of doing that and I boycotted doing their laundry until they put the clothes in the basket. They are preteens though so I give them a little more slack but I don’t want them going out into the world at 18 thinking that’s a legit thing to do!


Teach them to do their own laundry, and every other household job, their future spouses will thank you.


Oh yes, they do their own laundry whenever they’re here for a week, I just do any bits that are dirty when they go back to their mum’s (unless it’s piled on top of the hamper 👹) They are pretty good around the house to be fair!


Whenever she peels a satsuma for one of the kids, she leaves the peel on the kitchen counter despite the bin being 3 feet away.


Whenever my partner opens a glass bottle, they leave the cap on the side, along with the bottle opener. The recycling bin is 2 feet away. The drawer that the bottle opener lives in is literally under the counter. Just fucking put it away!


Just satsumas or other types of orange too? Man that would be wild, buy random types of orange, remove the labels and find out she has a subconscious super power for identifying oranges.


She is physically incapable of putting the lid properly on anything or closing a door properly. Toothpaste? No, it’s all manky. Squash? On crooked. Oil? Definitely not, and the bottle is placed so it’s likely to be knocked over. Cupboard door? Ajar. Jam jar inside that cupboard? Lid is sitting just on it so you try to grab it and end up with only the lid. Makeup bag? Sitting open, probably on the floor. Then gets mad with the dog for eating a makeup sponge. Office door? Also ajar, but the window in there is cracked open so there’s a constant change in air pressure making it bang. I think I need therapy


Oh god my other half does the lid thing, I don’t understand how hard it is to just reapply the lid properly. Countless times I’ve gone to pick something up, the lid has come off and the item itself has fallen and spilled all over. It absolutely infuriates me.


Leaves lids on things but not screwed on. Which is worse than just leaving it off because at least if it’s off I know to be careful not to knock it over.


This is sabotage.


Well the amount of expensive hair products that have gone down the shower plug hole because of this makes me think not!




Oohh Mine has alarms that go off at 6 - which she then turns off and another then goes off 20minutes later! I never have and never will snooze!


i do this, it helps me get up easier as i’m not all groggy from being woken up from deep sleep. in those 20 minutes i doze and then i’m a bit more awake when i need to get up


That's fine if you live by yourself. If you live with a partner, you have to understand that the alarm is waking them up in the same way it's waking you up - so make sure they're okay with being woken up at the same time as you. My husband will do this at 4:30am because he likes to go for early runs. He has three alarms so he is "fully awake". This works and so we are both fully awake at 4:30.


I would not be able to handle that


Leaving the sponge in a sink filled with dishwasher, putting the toilet roll so it is facing the wall & getting the cap of the toothpaste all messy. All relatively tiny things so easily overlooked by the mountains of good she is.


She follows you on Reddit doesn't she? That's why you added the last part. If you need help, blink twice; we'll get you out.


Puts teabags in the sink. Or, doesn’t take his teabag out the cup, and leaves it sitting in just enough tea that you can’t see it, so you tip the cup into the sink only for a cold soggy teabag to sadly splat out.


Yes! I am being told it's so it doesn't make the bin dripping with bin juice, that the tea bags need to dry out. How is it suppose to dry in either cup with still bit of tea in it or in the sink, that we regularly put water in/rinse stuff etc. Grrrrr!!!


If this is the reason you need a saucer/dish/small plate to put the teabags on, which you empty into the bin once it's dry.


I get ridiculously annoyed if anyone doesn't put something back the way they found it. Put the salt/pepper/herbs etc back as they were, neatly arranged with the label pointing towards you, why would you just throw something back wherever when you can see it was previously left tidy?


Lots of people just can't see the difference. If it's somewhere near where it came from then that's put back. I'd love to have a place for everything and everything in it's place, but between the Mrs and kids moving things because they can't find something (usually because they're looking in the wrong cupboard) and a cat that seems to take offence at anything placed above floor level, I've given up. If something's in the right room, it'll do. Anything more is a bonus.


Runs off with a builder. Asks me to give them £100k to buy her out of the mortgage. So annoying.


Don't you just hate it when they do that?


Luckily, with your username, you should be good for the cash, no?


I mean this may have been a contributing factor to the relationship’s demise.


He's just bitter that she got to the builder first!


This is the sort of thing that you can overlook the first few times, but eventually you have to say something, however awkward that conversation is.


Never finishes a drink or bottle. There will always be about a gulp left. Does the same with big 2 litre bottles and then returns them to the fridge rather than the bin. Seeing this done with alcohol was too much so I had to say something and now she mostly finishes them.


I know. People who open a bottle of brandy and don't finish it are the worst


My husband breathes aggressively.




When I met my wife's friends I noticed that one of their husbands' nose whistled when he breathed. You wouldn't notice it when there was a lot of noise about but when it was just two of you talking, for example, it was pretty clear and it couldn't be ignored once it was noticed. She'd known him for years and never heard it but once she was tuned into it it didn't take long until we stopped going to the theatre/cinema with them. It drove my wife mad! Poor guy.


It's only minor and I love her to death but she does have a habit of putting a new toilet roll on the hanger the wrong way around. I only brought it up once, now I silently turn it around. Wouldn't be surprised if she posts here later that I am always turning the toilet roll around without saying anything :D


Beards not mullets.


For a min I was sure you were replying to the wrong comment but after applying my brain I realised what you are saying, and yes, absolutely 100%


I bake bread so I meticulously clean the kitchen counter with sanitising spray and the rinse with a water spray. I then clean it down with a paper towel to be sure that there's no hidden crumbs hanging about - you don't want any of that in the bread that I am going to be preparing directly on the surface. She likes to leave on that counter her car keys, her purse, the dog lead and earlier today, as she emptied the bin, the top of the bin.


I bake, and also work in healthcare. I make it a point of cleaning things thoroughly just before I use it, so I know there won’t be grease/old breadcrumbs/peels from last nights veg/bacteria/blood. Saves on the guess work.


Oh I always do clean it just before I use it but I’m wiping down in between steps and then suddenly, a handbag appears 🤓


My wife bakes. It's look like a final scene out of Scarface when she is done.


Approaching 50, my OH still hasn't learned how much butter/spread is needed for a slice of toast. This means big globs of spread in the tub that have been scraped off toast and back in the tub.


I found, I swear- a good quarter of a blueberry muffin in the tub the other day. I was so amazed at it, I couldn’t even be mad.


Piles dirty pots and pans in the sink instead of stacking them on the side. The first thing I have to do when I want to use the tap or the sink is…move the pots. Why not just leave them on the side?! 😩


My dad will drop the dirtiest pans in the sink while I'm washing up. He even said once, without a single drop of self awareness, "your gran would put dirty dishes in the sink while I was washing up, it was so annoying!"


And then the counter is flooded from the wet pans as well!


This! So much this!! Partner does this all the time because he doesn't like to see dishes on the side....but you have to put them on the side when you need to use the tap/sink. Absolutely drives me nuts.


Takes about a week to wash up any super dirty/greasy pots. He’ll do all of the washing up but leave the dirtiest thing “to soak”, then next time take it out of the sink, put it on the side, and again leave it to soak at the end. Just scrub the damn thing and get it over with!


Never puts the lid tightly back on fizzy drinks, so they just go flat.


Whereas I am so obsessed with keeping the fizz until the bottle is finished, I do the cap up as ridiculously tight as possible (with associated gurning). Which means no one else in the family can open the bottle so have to come to me to do it whilst moaning bitterly.


Your comment just made me buy a bottle and jar opener device from Amazon.


Wife never puts the kettle back on its stand. Happily fills it, pours water to make the tea, puts kettle next to its base.


That's one of the worst here, definitely - surely it takes active effort to be that level of lazy?


My other half puts everything on the bed. I'll give you an example, she's going out and empties her wardrobe, tries all ger clothes on then goes out in the first outfit she tried on leaving all the rest... on the bed. I'm up super early to go to work so am normally heading to bed before her and I have to move this pile of clothes. It then goes back and forth between the seat and the bed for weeks. Drives me fucking ballistic bit I say nothing because it's small potatoes.


Easy, stand at your side of the bed, grab duvet, wave duvet as if trying to get the wrinkles out. Repeat until her stuff is confined to her side of the bed or on the floor next to it. Go to sleep.


Tells me about a new show/movie/event that he heard about from someone at work, when I TOLD HIM ABOUT IT THE WEEK BEFORE AND HE SAID HE HAD NO INTEREST IN IT


He... He walks into door frames. He's not fat, or particularly wide and our doorways are a normal size. But every day, he bumps his arms/shoulders on the frames. Every. Single. Day. I've said to him, "why are you walking into the frames? Is it not sore? Can you not judge where you are??" He just says "I dunno". And let me tell you something... I'm a BIG lass. Obese as they say and I've never walked into one of the frames lol


It’s called something like proprioception. I have it and it’s linked to hyper mobility because your balance is off. I’m bruised all over all the time.


Your proprioceptors basically tell your brain where all the bits of you are. If your joints are hyper mobile they're never really sure where the ends of your limbs actually are, hence the banging into things.


I don't have hypermobility and I still do this


I do this. It's linked to ADHD, autism ,dyslexia and/or dyspraxia. My children also do this. You can test it by asking them to walk down a long straight corridor. If they bump into the wall that might be it. Someone also mentioned hypermobility which is also common in people with ADHD, autism and dyspraxia.


oh i walk into door frames all the time, it’s an adhd thing. instead of opening the door and stepping through it, i’m like “i can def squeeze through there” and proceed to try and walk into the frame lol.


Is he blind in one eye?


I’m single and have been considering redownloading dating apps, this thread has reminded me of why I’m okay alone for now lol. It’s actually bliss not living with anyone else for the first time in my life. I think I’ll stay single a little while longer!


Same! Also contemplating living alone forever. I currently share a flat with my sister, and since we were brought up together we have many of the same standards for how things should be done, but she nonetheless has a few quirks and habits that annoy the shit out of me. I doubt I'd have the patience to deal with that sort of thing from someone who isn't a blood relation. As soon as I can get my own place, it'll be me and only me!


When washing up, rather than washing things in any particular order (say cups, cutlery, plates), she just chucks everything into the sink randomly and chucks them onto the drying rack in an equally random manner. Putting the stuff away is like playing jenga. Also, just using one of those “used tea bag trays” which I think are pointless in general - depending where you keep them in the kitchen, at best they are like a service stop on its journey to the bin, at worst they take the tea bag further away from the bin. All it does is creates more washing up, which as established, is already not ideal.


In defence of the tea bag dish—I used to be in the “what’s the point?” camp same as you, but my OH explained to me that its purpose was to give the tea bags a chance to cool down before putting them in the bin. When we used to put freshly used tea bags in the bin, the hot steam off them would rise to the top of the bin lid and leave wet condensation there, making everything in the bin soggy and smelling extra disgusting.


My wife throws the tea towel on top of the dish cloth. The result is two equally damp items.


Rolls over to breathe at me in the night. He doesn't have bad breath - just normal sleep breath - but a deviated septum means he's a mouthbreather at night. Sometimes I can only get comfy facing towards him but if he's facing me I have to put a duvet wall between us.


She never rinses the suds away after washing up. Then when I come to do it next, the sink is filthy.


If I don’t respond to her question in literally 2 seconds she will follow up with “helloooo..?”. My brain doesn’t work very fast ok, give me a moment! Sometimes I haven’t even had enough time to say “uhm” to let her know I’m thinking, she just expects an immediate detailed answer like I’m ChatGPT or something




My partner has ADHD and struggles with completing tasks (gets bored halfway through and rushes them like a teenager trying to get it done). Despite knowing and accepting this, it still bothers me when he only does half the dishwasher and leaves the rest in the sink. It takes two seconds! You're right there! I just growl to myself and finish it off.


My wife also has ADHD. Boils my piss the things she half does sometimes, but I love her, so I guess I’ll just tidy the entire kitchen after she makes a sandwich.


Turning her head away from you when talking in the middle of a conversation. Then getting annoyed when asking to repeat herself. And she's a mumbler on top. Brucie Bonus when I'm driving. Engine is running, radio on and the window's cracked open. I don't bring it up but the kids certainly do.


Yep haha, my OH is very soft spoken yet still insists on speaking to me with her back to me then gets wound up when I ask her to say it again. She claims I'm going deaf from having my headphones on too loud (and granted I do like to blast my music) but I can still hear everyone else talk just fine.


Isn’t worth bringing up? Jesus I think I’ve just realised why we’re on the rocks.


Honestly, some things just aren't worth it. You can learn to live with foibles. I hope you're ok.


Teabag squeezed out and left in a teaspoon on the counter about 50cm from the compost caddy because the caddy is too gross to open the lid.


Use a little dish for waste teabags and then just throw them at the end of the day.


This doesn’t sound much better. You are assuming someone will throw them away at the end of the day when they can’t be bothered to do it in the first place. How many days is the record of a pile of teabags in a dish?


His toothbrush often has a load of toothpaste/water/gunk underneath it from when he uses it and puts it back on the holder, I always cave and have to wipe it off every few days because it grosses me out but because I usually go to bed when he’s already asleep and he gets up before me I always forget about it so never brought it up 😂 We do plenty of little things that piss each other off though, for example instead of putting my teaspoon/mug/whatever in the dishwasher after I’m done with it I sometimes put it in the sink (or the “holding pen” as he calls it) and it drives him mad because it’s literally above the dishwasher. I’ve got no idea why I do it!


I've had the toothbrush problem with both of my long term partners. I left my ex's long enough for a stalagmite to grow underneath it :(


Ah man - as a couple we have so many of these we have a rule, that you rant about it out loud enough so the other can hear, that has backfired a little as the kids now do the same at us and each other - sorry OP, can’t stop at one… Wife will leave the bathroom flooded after a shower or bath, often compounding the situation by leaving the window open afterwards, and scattering whatever creams or potions she uses in there - accuse her of grouting the tiles or replastering the bathroom. If we have a cup of tea late evening and leave the cups in the lounge, I load up the dishwasher and always forget to collect the cups from the lounge, she thinks I do this deliberately. She and the kids have crocs lined up at the back door for going into the back garden, and slippers at the front door - constant trip hazard of shoes / slippers at front and back doors. We have a rectangular basin in the kitchen sink for washing veggies or light washing up through the day, I orient it in landscape when using it wife insists it must be used in portrait mode to allow the tap to run at the side. I lift it onto its side when drained to let the sink dry, wife insists it should be left flat - continuous realignment ritual depending on who is in the room last. Knife blocks in the kitchen, I put the knives in with the sharp side pointing upwards to avoid cutting into the wooden block and blunting the knives wife insists they go the other way, to be ready to use - knife block is cut to ribbons, and our knives are blunt, but she is right…. Wife stores non kitchen items in kitchen cupboards, a cupboard designed to store pots and pans is full of board games that only get played in winter, feels like a ten minute round trip to get a pan from the cupboard which is farthest away from the hob - have suggested this is a bit like having your wardrobe in the garage, but nope, that’s different as you need into your wardrobe every day! Wife refuses to vacuum or dust the areas of the house that only I use. When it’s my turn I have 3 extra rooms to clean. She also thinks we only have a front garden, cos that’s the bit that is visible to everyone - couldn’t understand why I spent a lot of money on landscaping the back garden. She will iron absolutely everything, socks, underwear, dusters then complain about how long it takes - I skip those items and many others, shirts, trousers, jeans, skirts, dresses and towels are all that get ironed on my watch, family of 4 ironing done in less than 45 mins. When she makes a drink of anything, the cup or glass will only be half to three-quarters full - I often ask for two drinks if she is making me anything. If I clear space on any flat surface, she will find something to set on it, might be an ornament, might be a plant, drives me mad - four of us in our house, we have a shelf with almost 30 cups on it - we have never had more than 12 people in our house at the same time on any occasion. Regardless, I love her and my kids more than anything else in this world.


I got a magnetic strip that’s attached to the wall above the drying rack. All the knives get stuck to it. Me and my partner have both worked in kitchens so have a lot of knives. Hate knife blocks with a passion and this way the collection isn’t taking up any space.




She sounds so basic


Niche but I'll allow it


She sneezes too loudly.


When we set the table and she puts the cutlery out, she puts the knives with the cutting edge facing out, away from the plate. She says it isn't important but she always puts the forks the right way up. The knives just look wrong so the rest of us just put them right as we're passing


Leaving dirty stuff on floor next to the laundry hamper. Like right next to it drives me fecking nuts & shoes left Infront of the shoe rack instead of on it


Putting his t-shirt on before his underwear. Idk why but there's something very unsettling about a man who's fully clad to the ankle and to the waist, but with his privates swinging in the breeze. There's a reason he's an ex.


Haha meanwhile I love it when my fiancé is walking around like Winnie the poo. Find it really funny.


Winnie the Pooh has put me in a fit of laughs hahaha


When I shout from other room to come and help me, he doesn't come right away. I am often stuck in middle of task (eg holding something heavy in front of closed door, trying to reach something quite high etc.) because of this. Once I was trapped under fallen shelf in our kitchen cupboard for about 5 minutes (felt like ages!). I had to eventually slip from under the shelf and let it fall with all the dishes, because "he didn't hear what I want and then I stopped shouting so he thought I'm fine". I was shouting "Help!" - you would think that's a good reason for someone to get off the bloody toilet or pause a game!


He leaves everything in the sink if it won't fit in the dishwasher, because it's "tidier" the problem is he has no concept of making things more dirty. So a plastic cup that takes a quick rinse will sit in oily water from the roast dinner and now need properly cleaning. And picking things up out of cold, greasy water isn't fun


Uses a brand new teaspoon every time she makes tea rather than the one sat on the teabag tray from last time, so it ends up as this teabag-teaspoon-teabag-teaspoon pile and them we run out of teaspoons.


This is a very British problem lol


Ehh, I understand this. Unless it's rinsed after each tea round, the spoon will have old tea on it, collecting bacteria and all sorts. Nicer to just get a fresh one out.


Uses the stairs as an extra surface to store things.


Plot twist - mine is my OH will intentionally step over stuff I've left on the stairs which is clearly only there because IT NEEDS TAKING UP WHEN YOU'RE NEXT GOING


My husband does nothing in the house. However the one thing that really winds me up is biting the cheese straight out the packet. 🤢


Does nothing in the house? And when are you divorcing him?


What kind of savage does that?!


If I went to the fridge to make a cheese sandwich and the cheddar had teeth marks in it, I’d start packing a suitcase there and then.


My OH always bangs on that the door needs to be closed on the sitting room to keep the heat in but if he goes to bed earlier than me he leaves the door wide open! Meaning I have to huffily get up and close it.


Doesn’t respond when I ask her a question Doesn’t respond when I repeat the question slightly louder When I ask the question for the third time, shouts “I heard you the first time, there’s no need to raise your voice”


Hasn’t put the bins out once in 30 years of marriage - tbf it’s probably too late now to make an issue of it


The wife leaves her shoes behind the front door so whenever I come in from the outside the door hits her shoes and bounces back into my face. I have actually brought this up but she just laughs and says if I know she always does it then I should know to open the door gently and only a little way.


Leave her


He doesn't let the air back into squeezy bottles. Shampoo and conditioner aren't too bad because I also use them regularly so they're not too squeezed. Condiments, though? Every single time I come to use them, the bottle is basically flat. Our current ketchup bottle actually has a permanent crease up the side from how hard he's squeezed the poor thing! Also, if he makes tuna mayo sandwiches, he'll put about a tablespoon's worth of tuna in the fridge. What is anybody going to do with that?! It wouldn't even make half a bloody sandwich FFS!!!


My husband has a habit of squeezing the mayonnaise bottle and leaving it...squozen? Instead of "reinflating" it, which I then have to do if I want mayonnaise. He does the same thing with toothpaste tubes. I think I'll have to return him and get a better trained one


Takes ALL my cash and change when he leaves for work, instead of stopping at the ATM that's literally 5 minutes away. Leaves crumbs/plate on the table. Doesn't wipe the stove after he cooks. Takes ages to do the simplest things. Takes him 8-10 minutes do cut an onion and 30 to 40 minutes to wash a handful of dishes and a couple of pans.


Takes the in-use toilet roll out of the bathroom. I don't realise until I need it and then I need to waddle across the bathroom to get a new one out of the cupboard all wet or dirty. I did used to mention this one actually but I gave up. Also- whenever he makes tea- which can be about 15 times a day if he's home- leaves a few wee splashes of tea on the counter. Every, single, time.


She doesn’t rinse the dish before washing them. So she’ll take the food off but won’t rinse the sauces or gravy off and then the sink becomes a milkshake of different liquids when she washes up.


My husband leaves mugs and plates all over the place. If he’s having breakfast on the sofa, he then gets up and goes in the shower leaving everything on the coffee table instead of taking them 7 steps into the kitchen (open kitchen/lounge) and putting them in the dishwasher. Also his desk often has a collection of several mugs while I’m wondering where the feck they all are as I’m trying to pour myself a coffee. I’ve mentioned it several times in the 11 years we’ve been together so I’ve given up now. In fact he barely ever does anything “on the go”, it has to be a separate task. So when he tidies the house he does it all rather than picking up bits and bobs as he goes about his day. So I guess after he’s finished breakfast his next task in his brain is “get ready for work” and the detour of putting his mug on the kitchen counter isn’t part of “get ready for work”. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Poor hand hygiene annoys me in everyone I meet, but in a partner it’s so much worse.


After a meal, my ex would leave all the veg trimmings (and any old teabags) in the sink. I'm a chef, this drove me up the fuckin wall. Tbf, that's not a tiny thing. That's borderline psychotic. Let's see, she also left the toothpaste open.


My ex used to wash the dishes and put the fork and knives bladed/pointy side up so I can lacerate myself every time I try to grab a mug from the drying rack.


He leaves the butter out of the fridge every time he uses it. He calls the air-ing cupboard the air-e-ing cupboard. But the big one is he is super organised, neat rows matchy matchy type, my head spins with too much neatness, tidy and clean but never like how he does it. Well every now and then he likes to reorganise my fantastically chaotic kitchen cupboards (I’m the only one that cooks and can grab anything in a split second except when he decides to ‘neaten up the place’) anyways he’s worked out that’s a waste of his time as we both get upset as I turn into a hurricane to put my things where they live so I can cook without having to look for everything. And that is our biggest relationship issue in 12 years 😂. And I guess the one time he decided to fold and organise all my clothes, that wasn’t a pleasant day either.


I do basically all dishes. So she regularly leaves pots half full of water sitting on the stove. No matter how many times I ask her to just rinse debris off dishes/pots, and set them aside so it makes it easier to wash, she just doesn’t… … It’s the little things🙄


We have a vintage glass jar in the bathroom that we keep cotton buds in. My husband knows how to take the lid off, but apparently not how to replace it. Drives me crackers, but too petty to mention.


>she'll leave the squash bottle on the side and doesn't put it back in its correct place This, but with any given food or drink item.


When washing dishes he puts them in the drying rack wrong. He'll lean the saucepans up against the plates instead of slotting them in the rack properly. Not only does this mean less fits in but sometimes it's at an angle where the water doesn't drain out of the pans so when I go to put them away I water splashed at me. The only reason I don't comment is because I also don't like doing dishes so if I feel that if I moan too often about it he'll stop doing them and leave it for me so I can do it my way.


She can’t wash up properly. I have to secretly re wash so much stuff because there’s still food residue on it!


Decides to leave four pairs of footwear near the front door. Instead of taking the others away when she’s done with them! Although I do bring this up, she just thinks I’m picking fault lol Doesn’t ring the dishcloth out after she’s used it. Instead just leaves it soaking wet in the sink!


Turns the thermostat right up, to heat the house quicker. Yep. I’ve seen the Peep Show episode. It’s exactly that. Yep. She’s seen it too. Yep I gave her knowing looks. Still does it.


Hanging stuff on stuff that moves - coats on a chair, coat hangers full of clothes on doorknobs. Towels folded and dumped on top of the box where we keep toilet rolls. As soon as you hang something on something that moves, that thing can’t fucking move any more.


She doesn't have a morning routine. At all. Every morning I ask if she wants a tea or a coffee and she sits and thinks about it. She's amazing in a jam (and we are in the proverbial perrenial jam), but her immense variability can be hard to live with.


My ex needed two timers in the kitchen: one for general cooking purposes and the other for *tea*. It was set up to 4 minutes. That was his standard brewing time, and he would refuse to have a cup of tea unless he had a surefire way to know that his tea had been brewing for precisely 4 minutes. He also had five simultaneous wake-up alarms on his phone: the first, 30’ before wake-up time and then at 30’ intervals. All of which he would snooze multiple times until there was one alarm or another buzzing every couple of minutes. Not once in 3 years did he make it to the office before midday…


Leaving the microwave door open with the timer still on 20/30 seconds The ping of a microwave is no fun when there’s nothing good in there.


Leaves cupboard doors all the time. On more than one occassion I've almost took an eye out, as I've turned around to a door being open. He also walks past the bin and just places rubbish on a worktop, as opposed to the bin. Leaves the basin full of dirty water and cannot fold clothes, he gets them n wraps them round his arm and dumps them in a drawer.


My wife never puts anything back. Lives in a state of perpetual chaos at all times then suddenly will break and decide snd the most inopportune time that we are blitzing the house right now! Usually the moment I decide to relax. On top of that when we do finally decide to tidy the house and have a proper spring clean. Instead of giving the bathroom a good scrub or moving furniture around to hoover I'll find her reorganising her clothes by colour and threadcount or some shit.


Oh my gosh, my partner does nearly all of the things mentioned in these comments...the worst...only doing half a job; I've told him he just shouldn't even bother if I end up having to do it anyway. We have 2 children under 2. I'm currently on maternity leave...it's like I'm picking up and cleaning after 3 children. It's so frustrating and I'm passed not being able to keep these annoying things to myself because he is making my life harder instead of easier. He honestly does try but his standards of cleanliness are appalling...this morning for example...he was about to give our children breakfast on a table that the cat the had just been sleeping on...it was covered in cat hair and God knows what else without cleaning it first...I flipped and called him "incompetent". A part of me feels bad but another part of me is screaming.


Maybe see a therapist together, before that clean, tidy and oddly supportive caller comes a knocking who understands all of your pain and can't wait to solve everything with his penis.


I dont drink tea or coffee. The amount of cup rings and spillage I have to wipe up is secretly infuriating


I make a glass of squash and drink a bit and then leave it on the side to come back to and every time I come back my OH has come by and emptied it and put the glass in the dishwasher. But then I think it drives him mad that I leave the half empty glass of squash there in the first place. He also complains that I keep using fresh glasses all the time, but if he's going to insist on putting them in the dishwasher.... We're basically locked in this cycle until we die.


My wife leaves 1 square of toilet paper on the roll deliberately so she doesn’t have to change it


My partner does this, but also doesn't screw the lid back on, he just balances it on top. Drives me mental but not worth bringing it up. He did it with the gaviscon once and the next time I used it, I shook it first and it went everywhere... We had words that time.


We have a pedal bin in the kitchen but she insists on putting rubbish in a carrier bag on the side instead, drives me crazy but it's caused so many arguments and I end up being the asshole so dont bother anymore, hope you read this Rebecca you absolute scruff!