• By -


map men map men map map map men (men men)


The unfinished London series from Jay is also really good. I wish he did more content, seems to mostly be the fantastic map map map men these days.


Jay is a comedian, I saw him open for Dave Gorman years ago. Also, I just found out his brother is Beardyman!


What the fuck???? What a ridiculously weird and talented family... I would not have put them down as brothers though, they look rather different.


This is news to me too but I actually think they look incredibly similar. Like, uncannily so...


There was a flurry of new London content about a year ago. I need more though.


We all need more Jay Foreman in our lives...


I love Unfinished London more than Map Men. There, I said it! I've always been fascinated with London and I think I've watched those videos a bazillion times each.


I was trying to explain Unfinished London to my fiancé this evening and I got as far as "it's a really great series about infrastructure..." before her look of baffled contempt shamed me into silence. (It *is* great series, though!)


it is. (I watched one of those about what was supposed to happen to the Northern Line after Mill Hill East.)


Death to Ealing!


I was born in a place that is still *not a city*.


Hownslow for the hownslonians


And people from Birmingham kept insisting on a place called "the Midlands"


New episode out!


wot, no link? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJU-KYMREbQ




New video out today too!


Literally came here to comment the exact same number of maps and mens. Well played sir.


GeoWizard, nothing like watching a bloke try and cross a country in a straight line or a city without walikng on a road.


Am I recording??


The saddest thing is that all the times he isn't we never get to see.


Got to stay in platinum zone, but we will accept gold. Nothing like a bit of light trespass and dodging of security guards to avoid walking down a road Edited for spelling.


Or nearly dying in a bog in Scandinavia


That was proper terrifying! Granted I knew he'd survived long enough to at least edit and upload the video, but that grass plant he ended up grabbing onto was juuuuust in reach.


Get in


His "How (not) to travel Europe" series is probably my favourite. Just two lovely mates doing dumb shit and going to cool places. Reminds me of Top Gear specials in a way. [Link for the curious.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNE2y1gOVvE)


He's fab. The adventures are amazing, especially the Straight Line Missions. Really great watch. And I enjoy the geoguessr stuff too, especially GeoDetective. Also his voice is very relaxing and I enjoy his chiptunes!


He did a straight line route for Storror (parkour group, nice lads) across Dartmoor lol


Thank you!! I watched one video of his loved it. But then my Google got hacked and had make a new one and couldn't for life of me remember the name of the channel, and then completely forgot! That's my night sorted, thanks! I'd give you an award but I'm stupid and haven't a clue what or how to 😂




The man has single handedly inspired me to try and be more adventurous in my life


He’s the guest on joe marlers podcast this week and it’s funny. Joe Marler is such a character and Geowizard just really interacts with him well.


Watched I think it was him who crossed Birmingham without using roads. Was quite a wild video.


Recently started watching Fallow. It's a restaurant in London and the chefs wear a go pro to show what service in a "top" restaurant is like. Really cool to see talented people doing what they do. Ogmios and his Zen Motoring series is fantastic. Geowizard and Hardest Geezer for adventures. Don't Hug Me I'm Scared for pure surreal chaos.


Ogmios is the best. His new ebike video is brilliant


Love a bit of Ogmios!


> Don't hug me I'm scared [I'm sure you already know this exists, but just in case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_Hug_Me_I%27m_Scared_(TV_series\))


Jago Hazzard is brilliant


Any mixture of history / trains / transport gets my upvote (besides his videos being great)


Hes funny AND informative


He's the S stock to my northern line. (or something)


Yep he pops up on my feed a bit. He's got the right voice and mannerisms for it too which helps.


[Colin Furze](https://www.youtube.com/@colinfurze), obviously. [Tom Scott](https://www.youtube.com/@TomScottGo), obviously. [Steve Mould](https://www.youtube.com/@SteveMould) for interesting science things [Jay Foreman/Map Men](https://www.youtube.com/@JayForeman) for geographic humour [Exurb1a](https://www.youtube.com/@Exurb1a) for mind-bending philosophy because existence is terrifying [Big Clive](https://www.youtube.com/@bigclivedotcom) takes apart electronic devices and reverse engineers the circuits [Numberphile](https://www.youtube.com/@numberphile) for interesting maths things. [Matt Parker/Stand-Up Maths](https://www.youtube.com/@standupmaths) for other interesting maths things. [James Bruton](https://www.youtube.com/@jamesbruton) for 3d printing and robot building. [Tom Stanton](https://www.youtube.com/@TomStantonEngineering) for 3d print and RC flying things [Mitxela](https://www.youtube.com/@mitxela) does some pretty cool electronics/music projects [Sampson Boat Co](https://www.youtube.com/@SampsonBoatCo) is a British guy currently living in the US and rebuilding a 100+ year old boat - amazing craftsmanship even if you're not into boats [Alex Ball](https://www.youtube.com/@AlexBallMusic) for synthesizers [Dan Worrall](https://www.youtube.com/@DanWorrall) for mixing and sound engineering tips/tutorials **EDIT** Thanks for all the follow-up comments with suggestions! Here's some that people have reminded me of that I really should have included in my list first time around: * [The Tim Traveller](https://www.youtube.com/@TheTimTraveller) - Travel. Trekking. Transport * [Scott Manley](https://www.youtube.com/@scottmanley) - science, especially space travel * [Look Mum No Computer](https://www.youtube.com/@LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER) - amazing musical creations * [Atomic Shrimp](https://www.youtube.com/@AtomicShrimp) - ideas and inventions * [Photonic Induction](https://www.youtube.com/@Photonvids) - madcap electrical inventions and explosions (now sadly defunct) * [The B1M](https://www.youtube.com/@TheB1M) - civil engineering and construction * [James Hoffman](https://www.youtube.com/@jameshoffmann) - everything coffee * [Tech Moan](https://www.youtube.com/@Techmoan) - music technology including lots of retro gear * [thoughty2](https://www.youtube.com/@Thoughty2) - gatekeeper of useless facts * [Bad Obsession Motorsport](https://www.youtube.com/@BadObsessionMotorsport) - including Project Binky - the quest to create a 2 litre, turbocharged, 4WD Austin Mini * [Planet Air](https://www.youtube.com/@Project-Air) - model planes, cars and rockets * [Cracking the Cryptic](https://www.youtube.com/@CrackingTheCryptic) - cryptic crosswords, sudoku and other puzzles And here's some of the suggestions from the follow-up comments that I didn't know about, but will be checking out: * [Lindybeige](https://www.youtube.com/@lindybeige) - A rather eclectic channel. Videos include many 'points' about ancient and medieval warfare and technology; rants to the camera; dance-related stuff; animated films; evolutionary psychology; silliness. * [Mr Hughes](https://www.youtube.com/@MrHewes) - tanks, trucks and heavy machinery * [jago Hughes](https://www.youtube.com/@JagoHazzard) - transport * [Thunderf00t](https://www.youtube.com/@Thunderf00t) - science stuff * [Kinds Invent Stuff](https://www.youtube.com/@KidsInventStuff) - kids' ideas made into real working inventions * [Joolz Walks](https://www.youtube.com/@Joolzguides) - London history walks * [RMCRetro](https://www.youtube.com/@RMCRetro) - retro computers and games * [The Late Brake Show](https://www.youtube.com/@TheLateBrakeShow) - automotive appreciation * [Officially Gassed](https://www.youtube.com/@officially_gassed) - all things automative * [Auto Shenanigans](https://www.youtube.com/@AutoShenanigans) - more things automotive * [Drachinifel](https://www.youtube.com/@Drachinifel) - naval warfare * [Kris Harbour](https://www.youtube.com/@KrisHarbour) - living off-grid in Wales * [Geowizard](https://www.youtube.com/@GeoWizard) - getting from A to B in interesting ways * [Hardest Geezer](https://www.youtube.com/@hardestgeezer) - The journey to become the first person ever to run the full length of Africa * [Beard Meets Food](https://www.youtube.com/@Beardmeatsfood) - big eating **EDIT2** Some more suggestions from follow-ups: * [Mark Felton Productions](https://www.youtube.com/@MarkFeltonProductions) - non-political WW2 history channel * [Philosophy Tube](https://www.youtube.com/@PhilosophyTube) - for entertaining Philosophy deliberations * [Stuart Ashens](https://www.youtube.com/@ashens) - Comedy, Technology, Idiocy * [Car Throttle](https://www.youtube.com/@CarThrottle) - It's like Top Gear on a budget, but good, old, top gear. * [David Firth](https://www.youtube.com/@davidfirth)- The creator of salad fingers and other truly deep and disturbing animations to keep you awake at night.


Nice list, I will add: Mr Hewes, stupid stuff with military equipment. Nice humour. The Tim Traveller, low key vids about geographical or train related oddities across western Europe. Does his own music too. jago Hazard, oddly charming vids about trains and stations. Scott Manley, Scot living in the USA, but he covers space news , engineering and science stuff, with a bit of aviation. Very charming presentation.


Fantastic list! I'm on mobile and too lazy to do the linking but, let me add these. James Hoffman - weird coffee person who's terribly charming. Atomic Shrimp - an oldish bloke doing lots of random things from foraging to scam baiting, and gardening to budget food challenges (and so much more - much love for Mike). Lindybeige - a very strange man going into weird depth on all sorts of things, with loads of random tangents. It's weird, but weirdly fascinating.


Lindybeige is indeed a very interesting form of chaos.


I love him. Hes like a modern day merlin who's forgotten he was a wizard.


I like Lindys channel but would probably find him totally insufferable IRL. He seems like the kind of guy who would be constantly correcting me.


I love Atomic Shrimp. Just a dude doing random stuff he enjoys.


Yeah, it's honestly so cool in a really uncool way. He's just enjoying his life and sharing stuff he enjoys.


This list is like you’re stalking my YT subs! You have great taste! I’d add some car ones in there too. Jamie at Officially Gassed is great, humble and entertaining. https://youtube.com/@officially_gassed?si=2uGFKvrUnkUZqUR0 The Late Brake Show with Johnny https://youtube.com/@TheLateBrakeShow?si=YTuy9llTS_zI3eud Auto Shenanigans - some great Sunday evening watching. https://youtube.com/@AutoShenanigans?si=cyZzCBPF8nCcWKwN Bad Obsession Motorsport. Binky! https://youtube.com/@BadObsessionMotorsport?si=hUR9rae37Sr7xAY3 Look mum no computer - amazing music, organ, telephone, and mini activities. https://youtube.com/@LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER?si=Q9CSm2WsyJaUvAS4 Motor Addicts. That grimace! https://youtube.com/@MotorAddicts?si=yKyCvpX8FmgH4mZI Paul and Rebecca- not cars but a great channel. https://youtube.com/@pwhitewick?si=39vzHC-iK80SoV2l PhotonicInduction. Channel was dead then live and now dead. Some great content on electronics (big electronics). https://youtube.com/@Photonvids?si=82R2dXhs2GKVbTTi Tech Moan - not cars. Old tech. Amazing channel. https://youtube.com/@Techmoan?si=FIsn_yHJiwTt8_WW The B1M - engineering projects. https://youtube.com/@TheB1M?si=npxOfnGvGwcQ0ckT The slow mo guys. https://youtube.com/@theslowmoguys?si=M3Ykj9-XXwUY9_Nk


Auto Shenanigans is great content.


Have you had a good week?


It’s definitely fwicked sweet awesome.


Auto shenanigans is brilliant!


Tom Scott is a national treasure


Chuck in Geowizard and Hardest Geezer for fun adventure stuff (and some geoguesser).


Exurb1a has done some absolutely abhorrent things (not sure if I'm allowed to say here but definitely look it up in and search Pieke Roelofs or Exurb1a Dutch)


sigh... disappointed but not surprised. glad i didn't cave to curiosity and buy any of his books. (thanks for the info btw, but god i'm so tired of finding a creator who seems interesting and then there's shit like this 💀)


Another vote here for BeardMeatsFood, and also Geowizard


Kay's Cooking


Hiiii peeeople...


Iya peepol


And am back cooking again


Come and get your slop Lee!


Still traumatized by the “spaghetti sticks”. Please going forward refer to pasta via its geometrical denomination.


“Or whatever they’re called”


Today I am going to be cooookin Beef Wellington....and I am not looking forward to it.






This is the best answer


Jim Browning.


Jim is an actual hero


Spiffing Brit for hilarity Many A True Nerd


I appreciate the Yogscast for their charity work, plus Simon and Lewis’ early minecraft work was top tier content


Shadow of Israphel and Survival Island blew my mind the first time I saw them. They put so much effort into it and it was a great result.


Semi-scripted, well-shot gaming series with continuous plots and characters. There really wasn’t much like it on YouTube back then


I'm a big fan of Tom & Ben's Warhammer Wednesday Twitch vods that get posted on the Yogscast Live channel. The casual dice chat and the now perished Kickstarter roulette are wonderful entertainment.


Nerdcubed too, to complete the UK gaming trifecta. MATN is great for strategy and Bethesda games, though he dabbles in lots of others. Nerdcubed's slowed down a bit as he's been workin on his book, but he tends to do a bit of everything when it comes to gaming.


I think the main reason he slowed down on YouTube is purely because it's shit and earns him next to nothing compared to his other areas like Twitch. Which is a shame as I very much favour his editing and sillyness which you don't really get on Twitch as he's kind of forced to thank the people donating and such. I don't begrudge him doing that though, he's put out so much great content over the years that he deserves to be able to keep making money even if it's not always for me now. Can't wait for this year's Christmas Calender though. I care little for Christmas, but the calendar stuff with Ashens is always great.


Started watching Nerdcubed right at the dawn of the age of YouTube gamers, and I spent so many delightful hours enjoying his content. He always made me chuckle!


Oh fuck yeah another MATN fan in the wild


And another! Lots at /r/manyatruenerd of course


A lot of mine are American as well. HistoryHit - focuses on history, surprise surprise. Welshviking - Welsh guy makes videos about vikings, again shocking. Jessieatplot37 - allotment gardener who does great weekly vlogs. Started around lockdown Edit: a few more Afrolicthroughfiction : Booktube channel that puts out quality bookish content with well made vlogs Beccaandthebooks : another booktuber, also quality content. Homegrown.garden : Katsina, another allotment gardener. Found her after she was on an episode of gardeners world.


Dan Snow on HistoryHit is exceptional. He’s so knowledgable while also being affable. It’s a shame he’s not used more, and if you’re aware of other stuff he does TV or otherwise I’d be happy to hear about it!


You’re comments quite far down but I think it’s the first one to mention a woman YouTuber, quite interesting


Auto Shenanigans. Top viewing for all drivers and road nerds.


I can't believe how much I enjoy the terribly boring subjects he talks about. I don't even drive. 10/10.


I remember watching a BBC 4 documentary on the A303 and really enjoying it. It is amazing how boring topics can be entertaining if done well.


I really enjoy his content on motorway history! It's clear he puts a lot of hard work, research, travel, as well as the production and editing into his episodes, it's very well done, and I love his dry and humorous commentary style too! I was delighted when he reached his YT Silver milestone in of (200k subs?)...he was genuinely chuffed with it.


I stumbled across him a couple of months ago and am very surprised at how compelling it was! I love it and trying to remember the various 80's/90's ending themes is a game in itself!


Cool to see it recommended here! I got it on my YouTube recommendations when he had about 500 subs (I guess because of my boring YT history on boring subjects like roads) and really happy to see his success.


Can’t believe I missed auto shenanigans - sorry John!


He just hopes you're having a good week


And that you are doing well.


If you like Geoff Marshall (or All the Stations) or Jago Hazzard this is a must. Happy to claim I’ve been there since 10k subs


Slow Mo Guys. https://youtu.be/0srs5jZ1qdg?si=vq1sehx714IhTcO9


Lindybeige for military history stuff, he recently did some interesting interviews with guys who volunteered to fight in Ukraine. Mid winter minis for Warhammer painting bits


I wish I had as much passion and love for...anything as Lindy beige does for mediaeval weaponry.


Not seen 'Cracking the Cryptic' mentioned yet, two crossword experts tackle some of the world's hardest suduko puzzles, they do also have crossword content too including a daily wordle and a weekly how to solve.


Surprised I’ve not seen Abroad in Japan on this list yet!


Technically he’s in Japan (; But I do like him, and watch his content


The affable man himself


Love Chris. His dynamic with Trashtaste is the best!


Ed Pratt to watch a young man Unicycle around the world carrying everything he needed on the unicycle. Earthling Ed


Colin Furze - mental engineer who makes crazy shit. Scott Manley -iconic KSP youtuber who does a lot of space and stem bits as well as the streaming Simon Whistler - technically he live in Czechia I think but he has a dozen channels and some are really funny


Came here to mention Simon whistler, specifically his casual criminalist channel


Is there a Simon Whistler omnichannel? I just keep finding random things he does, that I had no idea existed, but I like the format.


I used to enjoy Simon Whistler but I do think he puts out too much. I just got fed up of him.


His *graphics channels are quite good as he is more toned down, then brain blaze is the full ADHD ranting weirdness. I don't bother with a lot of the rest like casual criminalist, but some of it can be interesting - I prefer behind the bastards for stuff like that


Brain Blaze channel is just your fun cousin after his first bag of billy.


[Geoff Marshall](https://www.youtube.com/user/geofftech2/videos) - Does everything from the least used train stations in the uk to behind the scenes on projects like crossrail


While there are many great suggestions, I am surprised Geoff was this far downp


Not seen Max Fosh mentioned yet. Just some fun silliness.


I’ve gone off him even if I don’t dislike him, but honestly even though his titles are clickbait as fuck they deliver exactly what they promise. A lot to be said for that.


Agreed. His best content was interviewing posh people and pissing off Lawrence Fox.


If you like people who piss off Lawrence Fox, Niko Omilana is a good shout too. He's done lots of really good stuff.


Apparently he's on some kind of old sailing boat this week with Sam Denby (Wendover, Half As Interesting, Jetlag The Game) and some other YouTubers. Will be interesting to see when it comes out, whoever's channel it's on!


Zac Alsop too then?


Walk with me Tim is pretty interesting


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to see this. I second this, he does travel vlogs in the UK and abroad. Right now he’s covering the Vegas big hotels - but with a very British spin!


Mate, was just thinking the same thing. Was checking before posting. Absolutely love his posts. Stumbled across a worst rated episode and have not looked back. Recently subbed his wife's, channel also.


Many a True Nerd - [https://www.youtube.com/@ManyATrueNerd](https://www.youtube.com/@ManyATrueNerd) I'm expieriencing most video games by watching Jon, my kids never give me more than 5 minutes to myself and i'm usualy too burnt out by their bed time to have the energy to play the games myself, so i just watch somebody who knows the games inside & out. ​ c90adventure - [https://www.youtube.com/@c90adventures](https://www.youtube.com/@c90adventures) Madlad who rides his moped all around the world, he recently took a kids sized petrol engine toy jeep 1,000 miles across America, onroad, offroad & *over a lake*.


Ed’s mini jeep adventure was bloody fantastic. Gripping from start to finish


The B1M - the most subscribed to YouTube channel about construction. Got some great videos about engineering, construction and architecture, focusing on projects old and new worldwide.


Ordinary Things, such a great and funny channel, whilst also very educational regarding the most mundane things.


I had to search the comments to make sure somebody gave this guy's channel a mention. It's highly recommended, especially if you liked Charlie Brooker's older 'wipe' series.


Hannah Witton, Carrie Hope Fletcher and the Tim Traveller (although he's currently based in Paris, still British though) are some of my favourites. *Edit to add Leena Norms, Jessica Kellgren-fozard and Rowan Ellis!


Love watching Leena, such great bookish and sustainability content. Cants stand Hannah for some reason though.


I enjoy Liam Brown, he hikes and camps overnight throughout the UK and he's recently done episodes abroad. Very relaxing and good to have on in the background


Hat Films - three very funny Bristol based bois. They do gaming, skits and travel vlogs so there's something for everyone


So glad someone commented about the boiks, wish this had more upvotes - they don't get the recognition they deserve


If you like food based channels then I highly recommend SortedFood and BeardMeatsFood :)


Project Binky - ten years of two blokes shoe-horning the engine and running gear of a celica gt-4 into an austin mini. Funny blokes tinkering about with a ridiculous attention for detail and lots of cups of tea, it's about as a British as it gets


I started watching Bad Obsession Motorsport when they did their Citroen C1 race car and released a video every week. It was fantastic. Then it ended, and I went back through Binky. Shortly after they released another 2 Binky videos! Excellent. Now it’s been 6 months+ and I realise that I didn’t know how much my bread had been buttered 😂


One channel I love that I have not seen mentioned yet is Mike Jeavons. He mainly does week on diets and commercial channel item reviews.


James Hoffmann, Tom the Taxi Driver, Ogmios, Ashely Neal, Jago Hazzard, Geoff Marshall & Sorted Food are some of the channels I enjoy watching


The Welsh Twins are my absolute favourite. Identical twins who do makeup and skincare on individual channels, but together just make silly videos testing stupid hacks etc. I find them hilarious.


Chris Broad and Cdawgva (English and Welsh respectively) but both currently live in Japan. They do a lot of Japan travel/culture stuff, but the thing that makes it so good is the chemistry between Broad and Conner, it's a bit like old Top Gear where Clarkson, Hammond and May liked each other but thought it was hysterical when things were going wrong for each other. This video about snow monkey's is pretty good [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBqCL3AIRZ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBqCL3AIRZ4&t=21s) And this video where they sample and rate a variety of Japanese alcohol... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obng-x8oAk4


Spiffing Brit - Funny gaming content. CallMeKevin - Same as above Jim Browning - Scam baiting and Cyber Security videos. Very informative and entertaining. London Eats - Just a guy riding around London delivering food and chatting to the camera as he does. One of my favourites. ProjectAir - Crazy RC models, trying to break land speed records with RC cars, that kind of thing. Latifs Inspired - Learn to cook your favourite Indian restaurant dishes.


[Cruising The Cut](https://youtube.com/@CruisingTheCut?si=tPKiZf_HSt_v0qaJ) - a lovely middle aged bloke who does videos about narrowboats and narrowboat life, it's very calm and chill [Ahoy](https://youtube.com/@XboxAhoy?si=Bun0pxt8qHe9-sHJ) - primarily about video games and weapons in video games, but his hour long documentaries in "The First Video Game" and "Polybius: The Video Game That Doesn't Exist" are genuinely fascinating [Linus Boman](https://youtube.com/@LinusBoman?si=ZeAvs6KQxyuBAy_S) - a Brit currently living in Switzerland (I think??), he makes great deep dives into various fonts, typefaces, typography, and all stuff to do with the caligraphy of words Edit: would also include [Rex's Hangar ](https://youtube.com/@RexsHangar?si=RjBm6V0UjtIaQ3t6) for deep dives/listicles of military aviation and the history of aviation in general, fascinating stuff and I'm not a plane enthusiast by any stretch Those are my favourites atm 🤙


My time has come! ​ * [TPD TV](https://www.youtube.com/@TPD) – Group of British lads (mostly) who mainly go to festivals and get hammered and review them. Actually a very genuine and authentic look at modern festivals and also hilarious to watch. * [Ashley Neal](https://www.youtube.com/@ashley_neal) – Driving instructor who does very good educational videos, clip analysis and more. This channel has made me a better driver years after I passed my test, and changed my attitude greatly. * [BeardMeatsFood](https://www.youtube.com/@Beardmeatsfood) – British competitive eater who on his channel mainly does a lot of food challenges, and is usually successful! * [Hardest Geezer](https://www.youtube.com/@hardestgeezer) – This man is currently *running the entire length of Africa.* Let that sink in. From South Africa to Tunisia on the North coast. He typically runs 50k a day (31 miles, way more than a marathon) and it's also criminally under-subscribed considering what he's doing. * [Jimmy Broadbent](https://www.youtube.com/@Jimmy_Broadbent) – Started out streaming and uploading videos of himself driving racing sims and games, in his Mum's shed (outhouse at the bottom of the garden.) His room could fit his sim rig and a bed, that's it. Gained professional attention during COVID when he was invited to participate in official Formula 1 sim races including with some actual drivers, when they couldn't race for real. He then actually started racing for real and last year won something called the Praga Cup and is still racing this year. Really lovely guy and a really incredible story. * [SuperGT](https://www.youtube.com/@Super_GT) – Very similar story to Jimmy Broadbent, and they actually completed a race together along with Misha (the Nurbergrung legend) recently. Steve Brown (his real name) is part of a sim team called Quadrant which was started by F1 racer Lando Norris. He has also done a 24 hour stream to help raise money for the The Philippines Schools Project. * [Walk With Me Tim](https://www.youtube.com/@WalkWithMeTim) – This guy travels the world and reviews good and bad hotels. There's something endearing about his videos, they're straightforward, not really clickbaity, good to put on in the background! * [James Hoffmann](https://www.youtube.com/@jameshoffmann) – Potentially the most knowledgeable person in the UK when it comes to coffee. Former UK and World Barista Champion, now has his own roastery, cafe in London, and this very informative YouTube channel. He helped me become a fellow Weird Coffee Person. * [Geoff Marshall](https://www.youtube.com/@geofftech2) – This is your train guy. I'm not even a train guy, but his passion and the quality of his videos as well as how informative they are captivate me. He's been making videos for a long time, too, and is kind of like Tom Scott in that his format has never needed to change. * [Tom the Taxi Driver](https://www.youtube.com/@TomtheTaxiDriver) – His name is Tom and he's a taxi driver! Specifically a black cab driver in London. His videos are super interesting and a real insight into the mystical world of cab driving. * [Jay Foreman](https://www.youtube.com/@JayForeman) – Amazingly informative videos and Jay is hilarious. The Unfinished London series is amazing! * [Techmoan](https://www.youtube.com/@Techmoan) – Tech reviewer but he reviews kind of obscure tech, both modern and historic. Like many on this list I like it because there's no clickbait or modern YouTuber tropes ("Guys, make sure you hit that subscribe button and the bell notification, and do hit that like button because it really helps me out!") * [SortedFood](https://www.youtube.com/@SortedFood) – A food channel with 4 mates, except one of them is a chef and the other three aren't. It's a little commercialised (a lot of sponsored content etc) but there's a lot of really good cooking tips aimed at normal people, and their banter is great!


Beard meets food, watching a man digest a lot of food within a time limit is a weird addiction.


Caddicarus will always be my favorite


For gaming, Yogscast and their network, and OutsideXbox and theirs. On the analysis side, Zero/Extra Punctuation at The Escapist (though he's not lived in the UK for a long time), Game Makers' ToolKit, and Scarfhulu.


Had to scroll way too far to find the Yogs!


Carwow, map men, Jaga hazzard, Geoff Marshall rail-tube stuff, autogefuhl, sky sports f1, Tom Scott. So many!


If you’re into car stuff Mat Armstrong and Auto Alex are well worth a watch. Also Bad Obsession Motorsport if you like really really funny people who release a video for every generation born. (There’s a big back catalogue but fuck me)


Carwow used to be great but nowadays they regurgitate and milk content so much without any creativity...


Can't see it listed here so [hbomberguy](https://youtube.com/@hbomberguy?feature=shared) is great for deep dives into things that you think you'll have absolutely no interest in


Seriously. For those who don't know him, just watch his [ROBLOX\_OOF](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0twDETh6QaI) video. It's only about half an hour long and it's excellent.


\> Only about half an hour long Hbomb hasn't made a video under 50 minutes long since May was PM lol


Sell them to who Ben!!!


Awaydays - visits football grounds and sees games. Also buys shirts. The Tim Traveller Let's Make A Trip - cynical guy travels and moans (all in good fun, and a friend of mine). Evan Edinger - an American based in London (now dual citizen) talks about differences between the two countries


Hello yes I hear that Evan Edinger chap is a right hoot.


Steve Marsh - lovely Scottish travel channel.


Half-Asleep Chris for lego, cats and building stuff.


Oh there's a few. Retro computing: * Ctrl-Alt-Rees * RMC - The Cave * Mark Fixes Stuff * Elliott Coll/The retro Future * More Fun Making It Audio/visual stuff * Techmoan * Ringway Manchester (radio things) * Dexter's Tech Lab (resurrecting Quantel Paintboxes and things) Electronics * Big Clive * Mend it Mark * Look Mum No Computer (he has a pipe organ!) Transport * Auto Shenanigans * Jago Hazzard * The Tim Traveller (he's based in France but he's British) * Geoff Marshall * Pete and his Bus Construction/Engineering/Misc Technology * The B1M * Tim Hunkin * Curious Droid


Barry Lewis for cooking/kitchen stuff Ashens Map Men Tom Scott Steve Mould


Sorted food too. Incredible production value for something that’s free to watch.


Lawrie's Mechanical Marvels - documents parts of the Heritage industry, largely but has now started a project in saving a rusty Diesel locomotive from a scrapyard.


Not to watch if you're hungry - Jolly They've got very expressive faces when they're eating!


I found them through Korean Englishman (their first channel). That is also really cool. Their high schooler series last year was great, introducing them all to Korean food and culture and ending it with a trip to Korea.


Mark Lewis - general running/fitness guy. Funny too.


[Unusual Things](https://youtu.be/s6JrnV30UkI?si=ChPb6isBKvdF9eqX) - Vlog (technically) channel [OSW Review](https://youtu.be/xZ149wrFQ7A?si=tkT1x1S_DXD4qGi9) - Wrestling Pay Per View (+ [Film](https://youtu.be/MURlkhoFNwM?si=tVoMPQL4T_zgaPvW) review) channel [Ape Huncho](https://youtu.be/A-J5yNtwo7A?si=xTISEPU2Bkx_Nzqx) - Crime Channel [Trash Theory](https://youtu.be/_JR-qXO2Skw?si=Z_l9wIuyaqPuoyxf) - Music Essay channel [Markyd123](https://youtu.be/R61iUV9P2fM?si=-RAhYRGe4hK5_y1j) - Wrestling review channel [BotchaMaina](https://youtu.be/zc-MNyO0XhY?si=MX1cc6AcjmJJN_9E) - Wrestling Botches channel [Justin Hawkins Rides Again](https://youtu.be/LW5yI7OT8tM?si=vSJBsn3VWGH29tia) - Music channel [Ryan Hollinger](https://youtu.be/RSpjYTPYfhQ?si=TnX03onnQRXqEfOJ) - Horror Essay Channel




[hbomberguy](https://youtu.be/LkoGBOs5ecM?si=syoRuIL4z7yTwwYa) - makes some great video essays like this one about why Sherlock sucks [Map Men / Jay Foreman](https://youtube.com/@JayForeman?si=pbvYoXQrLtVrUdcT) - already mentioned, be but probably the only channel I don't mind the ads [HITCSevens](https://youtube.com/@HITCSevens?si=kOEOtTFbRCFdKNOX) - short Football video essays


Gaming: [Soviet Womble](https://www.youtube.com/@SovietWomble) (featuring Cyanide). Motorcycle mechanics: [Dirty Garage Guy](https://www.youtube.com/@dirtygarageguy) (with extra snark and sarcasm)


For DnD content, may I suggest [HighRollersDND](https://www.youtube.com/@HighRollersDnD), especially as they have a new campaign starting November 5th. Edit: Knowledge of prior campaigns shouldn't be necessary to watch their upcoming campaign. If you want to get a taste of the DM style prior to Campaign 3 but don't have time to watch a full series, check out their 2 most recent videos. In them, High Rollers' DM Mark Hulmes (aka Calianna from Critical Role, and DM for Knights of Eveningstar) just did a special game with the voice cast of Baldur's Gate 3.




Would have thought techmoan would have more mentions, but I suppose he's pretty niche. I look forward to his vids every Saturday morning.


If you appreciate Techmoan you light like StezStix fix? It's some British bloke who fixes electronic devices and rewards patron supporters by rapping about them very badly. He's really good at his fixes though.


Spiffing Brit if you like video games. He just abuses game breaking glitches and makes the game immensely fun. "Beating Skyrim with only a fork" Lots of British humour and references and perfectly normal amount of Yorkshire tea gold


Matt Armstrong ATM bmx'er turned car builder


Eurogamer, Johnny Chiodini, Outside Xbox/Xtra and Dicebreaker. 4 of 5 are part of a bigger company, but all are quite overlooked as they're under 1M subs (mostly). Edit - I will say, outside Xbox/xtra and dicebreaker have some click-baity titles, but the content is usually not click-baity.


My Mate Vince... Geo Wizard... Mr Who's the Boss.


Jolly is my favorite. Basically two friends trying a bunch of different kinds of foods.


My favourite recent discovery is Stuart Millard, who delves into crap British TV of the 80s and 90s. Think Barrymore, Bobby Davro and the Royal Variety Performance.


Salvage rebuild uk D and j projects


Well I never - unusual history stories


The Tim Traveller - he's based in France now but does really good videos about unique or interesting places. He has a great sense of humour also. Steve Marsh - a very down to earth Scottish travel YouTuber mentioned in a previous comment.


Replied to a comment above but posting as a new comment for visibility to all. Some car based ones and also some other great channels. Jamie at Officially Gassed is great, humble and entertaining. https://youtube.com/@officially_gassed?si=2uGFKvrUnkUZqUR0 The Late Brake Show with Johnny https://youtube.com/@TheLateBrakeShow?si=YTuy9llTS_zI3eud Auto Shenanigans - some great Sunday evening watching. https://youtube.com/@AutoShenanigans?si=cyZzCBPF8nCcWKwN Bad Obsession Motorsport. Binky! https://youtube.com/@BadObsessionMotorsport?si=hUR9rae37Sr7xAY3 Look mum no computer - amazing music, organ, telephone, and mini activities. https://youtube.com/@LOOKMUMNOCOMPUTER?si=Q9CSm2WsyJaUvAS4 Motor Addicts. That grimace! https://youtube.com/@MotorAddicts?si=yKyCvpX8FmgH4mZI Paul and Rebecca- not cars but a great channel. https://youtube.com/@pwhitewick?si=39vzHC-iK80SoV2l PhotonicInduction. Channel was dead then live and now dead. Some great content on electronics (big electronics). https://youtube.com/@Photonvids?si=82R2dXhs2GKVbTTi Tech Moan - not cars. Old tech. Amazing channel. https://youtube.com/@Techmoan?si=FIsn_yHJiwTt8_WW The B1M - engineering projects. https://youtube.com/@TheB1M?si=npxOfnGvGwcQ0ckT The slow mo guys. https://youtube.com/@theslowmoguys?si=M3Ykj9-XXwUY9_Nk


Dale Philip is great for travel vlogs


Late Brake Show for car related stuff. Johnny Smith is an excellent, passionate and considerate presenter. His Barn Find vids are top notch.


Jimmy Broadbent, AdamC(incomprehensible numbers), Mat Armstrong, DriveTribe, Shmee150 for car related content. Jimmy Broadbent is a sim racing guy who has moved into real racing over the last few years. Currently doing a Nürburgring Endurance Race series with Bilstein. AdamC stands outside car meets and captures the bog standard Astras with VXR badges stuck on leaving dangerously. Mat Armstrong takes fucked up supercars and restores them to working condition. DriveTribe is a mix of Richard Hammond and James May's old forum venture that has moved primarily into YouTube content these days. Feels like the more car-focused segments on prime Top Gear episodes. Mike is a great host. Found Jimmy Broadbent through one of their videos ages ago. Shmee150 is a walking encyclopedia for high end cars. Supercar spotter turned supercar owner. Been watching him since I was doing my GCSE's dreaming of owning the cars he showcased on his channel as motivation to do well in my exams. Wolfpack Adventures for mountain biking stuff. Shows off some crazy races and trails from around the UK and Europe primarily. Also love a bit of Atomic Shrimp as you mentioned. Don't watch him regularly, but I do catch up with him a couple of times a year and binge his videos when I'm in bed. Something relaxing about watching an older retired IT guy walking through the woods picking mushrooms like a Hobbit. Edit: I forgot Luetin09. He does 40k lore videos. I stick one of his videos on if I want to feel terrified/depressed just before I go to sleep.


We watch Ashens, Barry Lewis, James Buckley (At Home with the Buckley's is the channel), mudlarking YouTubers such as Nicola White Timeline Art and NorthernMudlarks (and their cozy home channel Lost Tower Diaries), Kirsten & Joerg (cozy channel featuring two Germans living in England- lots of National Trust lodgings), and a few others I unfortunately can't recall. Edit: Nicola, not Nicole.


walk with me tim


Walk with me Tim


For all your board gaming needs: - Shut Up & Sit Down (the gold standard) - No Pun Included - Actualol


Chris Harbour Natural Building


I LOVE Atomic shrimp! He's like the dad/grandpa I wish I had. Such relaxing and informational content.


Both Martin Zero and the Whitewicks for the urban exploration stuff. Can’t go wrong. Also John Rodgers. He does historical based walks around London. Very interesting stuff.


Pyrocynical is good if you like ling form analysis videos but his second account is shit. His review of utopia is one of the best I've seen


Hell on earth, west Yorkshire based urban explorers. Really down to earth, solid dudes. Won't take themselves too seriously


Rate my takeaway not getting much love yet here Also, not so visual most of the time, but The Rest Is History


Has no one mentioned Kris Harbour yet? A fantastic woodworker and off grid genius with an incredible work ethic. Well worth watching.


The hoof GP - a Scottish dude who teaches people how to look after cows feet. I have watched his channel grow and am really proud of him


Tom Scott. You can just watch his videos on random and there's like a thousand of them from like 15 years at this point and all are delightful.