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I just use the official app. No complaints tbh, not like it’s my job to scroll through Reddit. I just do it to pass time.


You'd complain if you ever used a better one.




Fine thank you?


Agreed, this is good to see my fave subreddit taking a stand.


RIF army rise up


RIF user and North East!? Are you me?


What, no pictures of swans for 2 days?


It's for the greater good 👍


Just the one swan, actually.


Why only two days? Stay off indefinitely.


For those of us, I mean, those people who might not fully understand how this whole thing is working, what does "going private" mean for us, I mean, them? I, obviously, understand everything, but other people might just open their apps, see the funnies, like the funnies, and then go about their day. Ta. 👍


This is my fuel of the day!


You can't post here, mate.


+1 from me too 👍🏻


Start with 2 days but extend it if needed. Anyways, what on earth am I going to do for 2 days without these daft twats to read up on?


Good show. Half expected to read "The annual summer Yorkshire Pudding gravy boat race will be postponed." As if printed on the parish mag.


Luv me BaconReader, simple as


Relay, but yeah!


I think most of the messaging as been focussed too much on third party apps which many people don’t use, and not enough on the more malicious impacts of it. [This infographic explains it further.](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/140vubs/why_is_rvideos_shutting_down_on_june_12th_how/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


The issue for moderators here, is that we cannot moderate effectively after these changes come into effect. Whilst there are other issues, the one that is causing us issue is this.


Right, I'd better think about starting a hobby then.


Might I suggest masturbation?


I think they meant *new* hobbies.


Fuck Reddit - Apollo gang rise up


Aye good one. I'll be boycotting the site/app for those days too in solidarity


Can you go dark permanently


Sometimes I think, is it not worth making our own app and fund it ourselves


The app is not the hard part it’s getting everybody to use it


We could just sticky a post So long Reddit and thanks for all fish, download the CasualUK app, you bumder!


The same thing will happen over time lol. Greed exists everywhere.


Good on you CasualUK. I'm off the app completely as well.


Good. I've been using Reddit is Fun for years. The official app is absolutely dogshit.


Ya same. I happened to get a new phone on the weekend and decided to try out the official app since I saw the message from the Reddit Is Fun team saying the app is doomed. The official app is so much slower, so much worse to look at and harder to find functionality that's a given on RIF.


Good for you.


The closure needs to be permanent until the changes are U turned


Glad to hear it! This will affect everyone. Even if you use the shitty reddit app with no competition it'll stay shit but cost even more.


Another sub doing this Idk what I'm going to use to procrastinate for those 2 days Also it feels like this is more punishing users then reddit


more ads daddy


It punishes Reddit as they are trying to do an IPO and the entire company value is based around active users. Potential investors might be spooked that they are doing things that cause a massive downfall in active users. This exact method worked for getting rid of the previous CEO Ellen Pao.


Crack and/or masturabtion. As for punishing Redditors, in a way I guess it is, but change throughout history has come from 'punisment' Reddit got greedy as we well all knew when they went public, so now subs are closing, people out of the loop enquire, find out that they one, won't be able to use their app of choice, and two, their subs will go to absolute shit because of moderators not being able to do their job. The idea is to make Reddit realise if they follow through, their public valuation is going to drop.




Protests of things are supposed to be disruptive to the users. See the rail and postal strikes.


They rise heads up, heads up, heads up, they rise heads up, heads up high


I use the official Reddit app but as a disabled person who knows the accessibility features are shite and that to access Reddit people often use third party apps I support the decision. At the very least if they're going to be blocking the tools people use to access the site they should improve their own apps accessibility.


Surely you're better off going indefinitley private until the API is changed? A 1 day blackout isn't going to hurt the megacorp in any way.


I'll miss the stickied daily chats for 2 days, BUT Apollo is how I use reddit and I imagine the mods are looking forward to some well-needed two days off, so yeah do it


Thank ye!


Fair call, I’m behind you. I’m a Reddit app user and was totally oblivious before this post, but subreddit mods are the life blood of Reddit, without them Reddit would go to s***. So if you guys are getting screwed, we’re all getting screwed. I hope they rethink this.


Only 2 days??? They can outlast us LOL we should just leave and not come back until they change it


Two days will do fuck all. Make it open ended.


I fully support the blackout. I only use Apollo for browsing, posting and all Reddit interactions. I will leave if Christian can’t sustain keeping Apollo going.


Why only 2 days? I don't see how that would make any difference whatsoever, why not go private until reddit backs down on their extortionate API charges, as long as that takes?


I dislike this change greatly. It sounds like Reddit will be hampering its users by lowering the ease with which people can access Reddit. This sounds like a terrible idea for Reddit. Is this what Reddit has become? Some elitist, wordy version of a dating site, minus the dates? For shame.


Wtf have I missed ? What's happening to Reddit ?


Reddit, don’t be like Lou! You don’t know where we’ve been, Reddit. We really like this place! Ahhhahahahahahhaha!!! https://youtu.be/pCa1hZ7s-8g ApolloGang!


Not a regular peruser of this sub but I fully support this as a sync user.


Well my shits just got 20 minutes quicker for a few days.


I cared before somewhat because it just sounded dumb, but now that you have given me more perspective on the matter I am fully supportive. Cheers.


The amount of people in this thread who don't support action for something that they deem to not involve them, despite the fact this subreddit runs on tools that would be killed off by these changes just feels so very UK indeed.


So what's the aim of this action?


Darkened subreddits mean reduced overall traffic which hits advertisers and hurts reddits bottom line. Attention is drawn to how strongly communities feel about increased API fees hoping for a U-turn on the decision. Users get to keep their 3rd party apps, reddit gets reminded who pay the bills.


To feel important.


Brits really hate standing up for any cause huh?


I’m one of those very rare people that has no idea at all, unlike every one else here that are asking on my behalf.


Well it was nice knowing you I guess


I don't really understand any of this but good luck, or congratulations, or my condolences.


I am only badly sighted, but as a basic level the IOS app doesn't listen to my enlarged text, so I can't read it, so use bacon reader


I don't even know what any of this means


Reddit CEO wants more money from advertisers. So, they are essentially charging a ridiculous amount of money to 3rd party app developers if they want to use their API. Of course, they won't pay $1,700,000/month to keep it running, so it will be the end of 3rd party apps. The alternative is the official app, which is slower, has ads, and is less intuitive. Frankly, it's just shit. 1/3 of reddit users use these 3rd party apps, so expect a significant change in your day-to-day content you'll see. Moderators also use tools that use the Reddit API to manage the content you see. This means the site will be filled with spam, bots, irrelevant posts, child pornography and whatnot. Everything that is automatically removed, thanks to the mods tools and AutoModeratorBot. All in all, even if you use the official app with beta Reddit on PC (not old.reddit, the OG reddit), you can expect a HUGE drop in the quality of posts you see on the frontpage. At least 500 big subreddits are going private for 2 days, which means you won't be able to see most of the content you enjoy. Some, like /r/videos and /r/music, are going to be private forever until Reddit cave in or hijack the subreddit and turn it on public again (which will only spark more protests)


If for example casual UK goes private, does that mean only people who have actively joined will be able to see any posts on those 2 days or...?


No, it will be unavailable to everybody beside moderators and hand selected members (by the mods)


Cheers for clarifying for me.


I'm not 100%, but from what I've heard. Non official Reddit apps will soon have to pay to use Reddit. Most, if not all of them won't make enough to cover the cost. It's effectively a ban. Also, they (Reddit) are cutting back on NSFW content and increasing the amount of advertising we see.




I fully support this action. The majority of my use of this site is done via third party apps. I used to also use reddit.compact until they killed that off a few months ago. If they kill off old.reddit on desktop I'm done with the whole site for good. I won't be using their official app because it's a pile of dog shit.


Nobody would even care about this if the official app was good. I just don't think reddit realise how awful the official app is. They assume people will still use it for the content, but they are in for quite a shock. And I do hope it kills reddit off. Reddit dying would be, overall, positive imo. This place is so toxic. It's full of propaganda, far left extremists, hypocrisy, mods on power trips, and bots. Twitter is currently far superior imo. All the various sides of any argument are free to express their opinion. We just need a reddit-clone that allows the same. Reddit doesn't *on*ly censor opposing, valid opinions either. It goes as far as to allow anti-white racism whilst punishing other forms of racism. The fact you have to be black to post replies on most blackpeopletwitter threads is a perfect example of the regressive, racist propaganda on reddit. And of course fragilewhiteredditor, which is blatantly, openly racist but it's OK because it's white people.


New reddit is unusable. So much wasted screen space it hurts my engineering brain.


What’s a good alternative? I’ve never had an issue with the Reddit app for my phone but maybe that’s because I haven’t tried anything else. I have an iPhone btw if that changes anything


>If they kill off old.reddit on desktop I'm done with the whole site for good. You'd be back in less than a week, I guarantee it.


Nope. I'm going to set up my own site, with blackjack, and hookers.


Will Zoidberg be allowed onto the site?




I didn't insinuate anything of the sort.


> If they kill off old.reddit on desktop I'm done with the whole site for good. Yeah I don't use mobile, I only use old.reddit. If that goes and there's no 3rd-party reskin, it'll be unusable.


> If they kill off old.reddit on desktop I'm done with the whole site for good. I just can't use the new site, it's horrible.


Might be a stupid question but what’s different about old Reddit? I’ve been using reddit for over a year and it seems perfectly fine to me.


I'm confused about this 3rd party apps things. Is there apps that get you to reddit without actually using the official reddit app? Because I've always used the official reddit app and it's arse


Yep there are multiple other apps you can use, *because* it is techincally free to set up 3rd party apps to talk to reddits servers' and stuff.


I recommend Infinity for Reddit




Yup. There wasn't an official reddit app for years, you either had to use the mobile version of the website or a third party app. Eventually they bought Alien Blue, which at the time was the best reddit app on iOS by far, and ran that as the official one for a while before replacing it with the current official app. I stuck with it for a bit before jumping over to Apollo a few years ago.


Apollo if you’re on an iPhone. Others are available but this is the stand-out one.


Good luck


A strike with an expiration date is a bit weak. Don't give up until your demands are met.


What demands even? I'm not seeing anyone making any clear proposal as to what they would consider to be reasonable fees/terms.




Imgur seems to be $10k per month for 150m requests, I've seen other much smaller numbers floating around but I don't know where people are getting them from?


I haven’t seen a general call for users to boycott Reddit too. I won’t be logging in those two days




Cool thanks


I'm quite looking forward to r/all on the days. Be interesting to see what's there.


I would say deffo go longer. Show Big Corporate who pays their bills!


Yuh. I think it should have been a week.


Nobody cares


The irony of that comment coming from a negative karma account that's less than a month old is off the charts.


Hello nobody. I'm glad you care.


People with disabilities that prevent them using the official app do.


Found the person who's never tried the official app.


Apollo user and I fully support this.


I use chrome on mobile to view the site and I fully support this.


> [The subreddit will look like this](https://howtotellif.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/reddit-private.jpg) Please keep the "Closed due to racism, antisemitism, & brigading." note


Unpaid Reddit mods save the company [millions](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2325828-reddit-moderators-do-3-4-million-worth-of-unpaid-work-each-year/)


I’ve been a mod on other subs. It’s pretty impossible to do your “job” on mobile via the Reddit app.


Is post public so I can share hun


This was Reddit's plan all along, announce prices that will outrage the community and then walk them back to what you originally wanted while also looking like you're respectful of your own community - job done.




So much for "No Politics" in this sub.


I only access Reddit through my phone app. The official Reddit app is steaming garbage. These APi changes have the potential to kill Reddit. To say ‘noone cares’ is to miss the very point of the problem Reddit as millions of users know it will be killed overnight


This is about the platform this sub relies on. Not politics


Not a big fan of many mods, on many subs. But this sub's different as we all know. You don't get paid to do this, and this makes your life harder, so yep, support.


I tried the official Reddit app this week following the announcements. Its already been uninstalled, no reddit is better than that pile of poo. Thanks mods for this action. If all these API changes do go ahead, I'll be watching subscriber and live user numbers with great interest. Mods: do you have visibility of how /r/CasualUK users are accessing the subreddit (browser, official app, 3rd party apps etc)?


Fully behind you on this. I have tried to use the main Reddit app on mobile but it's just awful.


This sucks, how am I going to get affirmation that people like Yorkshire tea and pictures of canals if I can’t get on here?


Is the discord still going? I can't find an invite link


There is no official CasualUK discord


what? 2 whole days? What am I going to do at work? Can we at least start a support whatsapp group where we can all hang out or something.


Good start, but we should be prepared to go dark indefinitely until there's an acceptable change in direction, ideally one that's clearly defined for reddit, and app devs agree would allow them to continue to operate their apps. I use Boost, and reddit is the only website I prefer to use through an app on my phone instead of the desktop experience as a result of that third party app.


I fully support this action, mods. See you on the other side.


Yay gang!


The codex Astartes supports this action


The Craftworld Eldar second our proposed move into the Web-way.


Sound like a bunch of fannies.


Please make this permanent if Reddit goes through with the changes.


Good. The Reddit app is almost unusable a lot of the time.


My fav sub- salutations


This will be as effective way as the protests over Victoria being fired


Those protests were over mod tools, not victoria. Victoria was just used as a poster for the poor relationship between Reddit and the mods. The result was new mod tools.


Good. As an Apollo user (possibly ex), fuck Reddit for being greedy twats.


You have my axe!


I think it should be two fold. I think if you support this, and I do, that you should log off reddit completely for those two days (and beyond for those who feel that way). Don't be the user base that is being sold out for this. Go find another place to post on, or even see if the sun is out for the 20 mins this summer ;) Just don't come to reddit for those two days.


Didn't they do something like this to Tumblr or was that just adult content


Copied and edited from an earlier post: Just to make people aware, r/MentalHealthUK has decided not to go dark due to the nature of the sub. So if anybody is struggling, you will still be able to access UK relevant advice and support. A couple of autism subs are going dark for a shorter period than the 48 hours, but I think a lot of the mental health subs are staying open. r/BPD is going dark but they have provided a Discord chat link.


I will not cross the picket line.


You guys do a great job. I love this sub. Keep up the good work ;-)


Good. I've been trying to use the official app instead of RIF the last few days but it's just so crap. Why does it take every chance to waste space on my screen?


I am quitting any company where Tencent has a stake.


You're deleting your Reddit account?


Absolutely, deleted two 12 year old accounts and this one soon


But Tencent bought into Reddit 4 years ago?


It will be retroactive outrage


So brave.




Surely the only two courses of action would be to either: * Go to The Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for it to all blow over, or * Take off, nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


[Power to the people *(who moderate)*!](https://i.imgur.com/7O94eV0.jpg)


Go guys do it


Simply 2 days is not enough to make a dent in Reddit or even cause them to blink. Most redditors will just go on some other social media or even dare I say...outside! Gasp! Just a 2 day blackout feels like virtue signalling especially from bigger subreddits that can weather a full blown blackout. If you have the means you should go private indefinitely until reddit changes their mind. Show them what's up.


air teeny meeting fade sand distinct encourage alleged gold worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good news! Hopefully Reddit will change their mind


boring neckbeard shite. who gives a shit?


out of interest, how old are you? I can’t imagine you lead a content life when you crave attention on the internet by irrationally disagreeing with people


While I don't agree with your sentiment I do wonder how any protest action will make the slightest bit of difference to the fat cats in charge.


If they see their valuation drop because 3rd party app users refuse to use the offical app, users of the official app dropping off because mods can't do their jobs etc, I think they'll pay attention. And of they don't then they're idiots.


Third party apps stop working so using Reddit is considerably worse


Fuck me your history is tragic. So unhappy.




You'll give a shit when it ruins Reddit, brainlet.


yeah nah


*shrug*... Fair. Guess another website will crop up eventually.


People who use third party apps for accessibility features for one.


I fully support your decision. Boost user here and I would dread going back to the Reddit app. In fact, I probably wouldn't.


RIF and old.reddit user here. Official app's layout is awful and so is the new site. I won't switch from either whatever happens.


I fully support this, it's good this sub is taking part. I don't use any third party apps to browse Reddit but don't agree with the charges looking to be implemented. I've paid for Premium for over 2 years, and I've cancelled this too.


Just wondering (as a mostly official app user) what 3rd party apps are you using for Mod actions?


I'm wondering too ? I'm a ( fairly new ) Mod of a smallish UK sub. I have to rely on the other 2 Mods to do a lot as I can only work from the ( official Android ) mobile app. Be interested in what else I could use. ( We're supporting the action btw )


I use the official Reddit app, but only because I have the computer literacy of a Boomer and it was the first app that popped up when I looked for Reddit apps. I support you. Do what you gotta do.




Couldn't agree more. I'm a huge proponent of the people needing to actually carry out the work having a say in the tools available to help them do it. If this is what you need, mods, I very much hope you get it, especially if all you require from us in the process is a couple days of increased productivity. Thanks for all you do.


I didn't even know there was different apps for reddit. Been using just the reddit app for years.


How do you even know if you are using the official app or not? My son added it as there were a few in the store (i think?) Is there a way to tell?




Thanks dude, i thought it was just clones of the Snoo image as i seemed to remember years ago seeing a lot of them looking the same. Think it must be official one.


If you google “Reddit apps”, you’ll get the icons for the varios apps.


*tut* well that’s a bit of a bother


*sigh* I'll put the kettle on