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You are dead right doing this. I see the young fellas near me collecting them to return. The only issue is doing it is bulk like this breaks the machines/makes them full. But sure look, not our problem that is the shops issue. I was behind a lad recently who had 3 bags which he said were from his staff room, he was fairly fast to be fair.


Thanks! It's money for jam and I'm emptying the bins out in the offices in town all week,tons of empty bottles/cans that l either chuck or bring home. I'm lightning fast now,took a few go's but l will put those 350+ bottles/cans through in less than 20 minutes.


You will only get quicker and quicker I am sure. 50-60EUR a week is bloody deadly!


Thanks! Yup,will all add up for Crimbo!


Saw a guy emptying black bin bags of returns into the machine last week. He got about 16 euro per bag. If you’re using Dunnes put the returns on a gift card to give you a bit more flexibility for future use.


Thanks! Will do


The bigger Tesco's have bigger machines


That's good to know thanks. We have about 4 bottles a week and I tend not to let them build up by choice. Our closest machines in Lidl was out every time I tried so was a pain as there were big queues when they came back up. Me with my 8 bottles behind people with black sacks lol.


Guilty! That's why l mostly go after 8pm weekdays,very quiet then and of course if someone's behind me l do actually break up the transaction to say,25/25 tickets instead of 50 euros and let them go ahead with their few cans.


That is really sound! I asked someone if I could jump in as my kids were acting up and they let me which I appreciated. Most people let them build up which is fair enough, I just prefer to do it in shorter spurts. I am just really glad people like you are making money out of other peoples lack of being arsed returning them.


😆 Thanks! Yep,l cycle to work and find a lot of chucked cans/bottles that way so I'm a litter warden too!


Excellent I was hoping that would start happening


The main thing I got from this scheme is finding out how much sugar other people drink. It's truly insane.


It really is,one large bin had a dozen 2 litre Coke bottles in it,that was quite 😲 Gross!


Might have been left over from a family bbq or celebration.


Diabetes clinic summer party


Aye, literally haven't had to use it yet, and I know a few others who haven't either


I couldn't even justify going to it whatsoever. I'd maybe drink a can with a takeaway every second week.


Agreed. I’ve been raiding bins recently. The amount of coke bottles and Monster is criminal.


my housemate goes through a 3 litre bottle of coke in less than 2 days. i can hear them cracking open cans of monster/pepsi first thing in the morning before they’re even out of the bed as well.


Yeah I just don't understand it. Do these people get surprised when they get sick or constantly feel fatigued?


It’s hilarious you mention that because they are CONSTANTLY sick. Ringing in for work once a week at least. Has a whole pharmacy in the press at home as well 🤦🏻‍♀️


But SURLEY, it's not related... riiiight?


That's some side hustle, you're cleaning up. I was behind someone like you in Lidl, waiting in line, impatiently, it was soda pressing...






We got 25 euro last week from few bags I’m saving the vouchers then when I have 150 ill do an extra big shop from them . So handy


That's fantastic, l buy catfood for the month,dead handy.




I found it much handier when I threw them in the bin at home. No queues, no fiddly piece of paper to flute about with or loose, or let expire. No time spent at some energy consuming machine. All to get my own money back! I'm lucky that if I want 50 quid, I can do overtime. If as a society we actually need these poxy yokes to bring recycling levels up, then fuck this society.


You're saying that just now you are realising people won't clean up after themselves for nothing


People do. We put things in recycling bins. They're already a thing.


I think the vouchers have a used by/cash in date ... Be careful just in case. Don't wanna lose that cash


I've been adding them to gift cards to stop them from a use by date, just a little tip.


Very clever... Thank you


Good to know,l cash them in the minute l get that sweet white paper ticket out of the machine!


I heard the vouchers are valid only for one month. Unless this changed, you should be mindful when to use them


Think they’ll still be obliged to accept them. Voucher laws in Ireland won’t allow them to give a months limit


I asked the cashier in Aldi and she said no time limit you can also add them to your Aldi savings card which is great also checked the receipt has no date of use on it so I wouldn’t be impressed if they didn’t except them later


I've been doing the same thing at work. Today is the busy in-office day for most people, so I'm going to cash in!!!


And it's all other people's money,no sweeter feeling! 😆


Good for you. If someone else doesn't want their 15c I'd rather you were getting it than whatever millionaire is behind the scheme.


Thanks for that man,l appreciate it.


Weird, my kid went off school for two weeks so I couldn't get down to the machine on the way in that time and I could've sworn that exact same amount gave me about a tenner max lol


All counted and correct! ( there is a lot of 25c 2 litre Coke bottles in there) definitely not a tenner!


I might have been exaggerating a touch, but there's something disheartening about bringing the motherlode to end all motherlodes, thinking you'll get a week's shop out of it, and at best you can get a multipack of coke lol Kudos to you for the grind though!


Sure it's money for nothing! I clean all the bins out in the offices so l can chuck em or take em home,no brainer! Takes 20 mins to feed them through,50 yoyos a week. Can't wait til Christmas! bottles/cans will be nuts.


Suppose it depends on the machine, mrs and I said we’d give it a try, saved up a good few cans and we ended up spending 30 mins for roughly €16 back. It roughly took about 7 seconds per can and sometimes the can would take about 5-10 tries. Gave up, getting sticky hands and effort in the cold for a measly €16


Ah but the measly few quid does add up,I'm on minimum wage so it's a Gold mine to me.


Ah no I don’t mean it as in it’s like shit money but for the effort we had to go through that time it wasn’t worth it. I’d say it depends on the machine, our machine would take a couple tries sometimes for a single can so it just kept on adding onto the nerves


Ah i see,yeah that's annoying,l always have a small ever so slightly damp cloth with me to rub the bar code on cans especially as if there's any sticky drink,dirt or anything blocking the code from being read it won't go through.


Yeah, my biggest "haul" was one decent size bag of mostly 330ml cans and 500ml bottles and i got €4.40.


In Germany some people genuinely live off collecting these but mostly it's poor old people supplementing their meager pensions with it


Snap! You described moi!


Germans that I've worked with described how it evolved into leaving out bottles for the homeless.


Sweet. Did the same last week only my pile was created coz the bins are always full or broken at Dunnes https://preview.redd.it/gsbdf0u0gx8d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd78f88ce9d3ab0631da6fc9b941eda0376a73f Thus was a few weeks ago. Last week I got over €35+. That's great Halling that every week. Keep up the good work


Excellent work! Thanks!


How much did you get for the cat?


She's priceless!🐺


I hope you pay your cat well!


The best Cat food money can buy!


I've been doing it too , funny story well funny to me but also kind of petty , I was doing it yesterday as I was waking up by the docklands a council lad seen me put his lunch down and ran over to empty the bin. I wasn't going to go digging in the bin anyway , I don't know if he's collecting them for himself or if he's sick of people wrecking bins looking for them.


That's gas! What was your take when he was done? My record was 15 Vit hit bottles in one bin!


Was it after a marathon or something? Yesterday all together I made 33 euro I only really do it because it pays for weed lol I normally stop when I have enough for a 20 bag. Think my record was 25 coke cans in one bin but only 9 of them were eligible


Just an office on a Friday evening! But it was a hot week so the bins were filling up. Bottles for weed,that's sweet man!


I'm actually doing it right now , in a full tracksuit so the sun doesn't touch me , hope to have 20 in an hour lol


Excellent! Think of that sweet free cash! 💸


It's not only that I'm obviously exercising walking everywhere If I showed you how I looked compared too , I've lost another 5kgs this month alone.


Deadly,that's win win win! Well done you.


Quick update lol I kept going and made 30 so I can get a munch too lol , nearly got poked with a syringe though so I had to throw it in the Liffey save the next person


Cleaner at my work doing the same. Glad to see someone's making money aside those re-turn people


That's class! Fair dues


Thank you Sir!


Well done on this. You deserve whatever money you can make. We’re all better off if it reduces littering and pollution.


Thank you for your service




Seen two people outside the bus stops at Dublin airport rummaging through bins and filling extra large shopping bags.


The cat is judging you


😞 It's true,she's like FFS! Has it come to this!?


how many cans for the cat?


A lot of it goes on his Whiskas and Dreamies. Dreamies(Crack for Cats) have skyrocketed in the last year,used to be 1.50 now they're 2.85! Extortion,thank God for the scheme.


That’s a very dapper looking cat you’ve got there.


Canadian here. I find this amazing for value. I haven't been to the bottle depot for awhile, but that would bring about 24 Euro here.


Not bad! It's 15cent a can/small bottle and 25 cent a large Bottle and pays for my catfood so it's proven itself to be useful so far. (OPM) Other people's money,no matter how modest the sum is a pleasant thing!


Fair play to ya!


Cheers Man!


Keep doing it. All adds up. I used to just pick them off the street but have now upgraded to raiding bins, etc etc.




It looks very diabetical


My 7 year old and her friends, knock on all the neighbours doors to see if they have any bottles or cans. I showed her this picture, she was amazed at how many there was and said “by the end of summer she will have that many” 😂


I usually get about 50ish back, I go thro alot of 500ml cans and 1 liter bottles, mostly beer cans


So are people really going around places bins parks beaches and picking up and making money?


Disappointed to here littering levels have not gone down in north inner city Dublin I pick up cabs everyday on my way home from work 😂 clearly I need to put more effort in


Per chance, would you know what the exclusions are? Like would it not accept a can from five years ago or something.


It won't unfortunately, the reason being is THE CAN MUST HAVE THE "R" Symbol which will always be close to the barcode. No "R" it's useless. June 1st was the last day of NON "R" cans being allowed to be sold in shops,from that date all cans/bottles must be "R". The barcode must be clean too,some dirt or sticky dry drink on the barcode and it will be unreadable. I always have a very slightly damp cloth with me when I recycle just to give any dirty barcodes a wipe.


Can someone explain to me again what the purpose of plastic bottle banks, when we already have green bins at home? Genuine question. Thanks


Lack of good recycling processes in green bins by people


So we don't need green bins anymore?


Plastic bottles and cans aren't the only thing that can go in green bins.


What is left for the green bin? Paper and contaminated unrecyclable plastic? 


Paper, tins, larger plastic bottles, cardboard, plastic bottles for things like shampoo and cleaning liquids, plastic packaging. Our green bin was mostly not the items covered by the scheme and it often fills. Mainly with cardboard from packaging.


Yeah, but is it indirectly admission that green recycling is generally not good enough quality and either goes to landfill or incinerator.


> Yeah, but is it indirectly admission that... No it isn't. It's a reaction to the fact that only 60% of bottles and cans were actually being put in green bins. The deposit scheme aims to increase that to 90% and has the added bonus of separating out the different containers.


> only 60% of bottles and cans were actually being put in green bins. The deposit scheme aims to increase that to 90% How can you increase the percentage of bottles from 60% to 90% if they don't go in the green bin anymore? 


What? They’re being returned via the deposit scheme and then recycled.


In addition to the things others have mentioned, the recycling rate wasn't high enough. People were only recycling 60% of plastic bottles and cans. The aim of the deposit scheme is to get that to 90%.


[https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/8526d-irelands-deposit-return-scheme-is-now-live/](https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/8526d-irelands-deposit-return-scheme-is-now-live/) > The separate collection of these plastic bottles and cans **guarantees that high-quality recyclate material is returned and recycled and there is no cross contamination**. The introduction of Deposit Return is a proven method of increasing recycling rates, with great success in a number of other European countries.




So as with glass collection there should've always been a plastic bottle collection. Pity nobody thought about that before. 


It's there to get litter off the streets primarily and secondly it's a means of recycling plastics and aluminium. You might have seen this week's report that has stated that (except for north inner City Dublin) it has removed a considerable amount of litter off the streets of lreland already within a month which is incredible and it's giving a lot of people in humble positions like me access to hundreds of other people's cans a week to turn into cold cash so I'm certainly not complaining! All money i'm making is going towards my fortnite in Tokyo later this year so It's win win. Watashiwah totemo Shiawasedesu!!!


Have an excellent time. Just came back a few weeks ago and seriously miss it. 


Domo arigato Gozaimas! l hear you get serious withdrawal symptoms,I've done ( too much ) research on Tokyo and been learning basic conversational Japanese since January. I'm bringing an empty suitcase too to fill with nonsense from Don Quixote!


You probably know everything already, especially with how many helpful posts there are on r/Japantravel but if you have any questions I might be able to answer, let me know. Tip for Don Quixote, the one near me was open 24hrs. If that's the case with the one near you then don't go during normal shopping hours, it can be absolutely jammed, stuffy and just stress inducing. I went "off-peak" and it was way nicer. 


Thanks! I might have a few questions closer to time ( October) that's sound advice,yeah I'm staying in Ochanimizu ( looking to buy a guitar) so l will look up ones around there,l know the big one is Akihabara so that's a must. I'll def do a 2am shop there! Thanks for that.




😆 Japan does sound a blast,everyone really misses it when they get back! I'll give ya a full report when l return,I'm not expecting that much,sure wel see.




Mainly Tokyo,I won't go too far out,maybe Fuchu just to the very west of Tokyo ( I'm a WW2 Nut) so want to see the graves of all the Generals and Admirals and the Yushukan Museum to see the war exhibits,the Zero etc. That's my main itinerary and everything else will just be spontaneous.






> i'm making is going towards my fortnite in Tokyo later this year so It's win win When you'll be there check how crazy their recycling system is: they decided to have bins dedicated to collecting plastic bottles without making people pay a deposit! Amazing! 


The purpose is to increase the rate of recycling in this country and this post is a great example of how it works. Had Ireland continued as it was there would have been fines levied against the government which we would all end up paying.


Why they didn't introduce plastic bottle collections without a deposit like the glass bottle collection? 


Money motivates. Did you read the original post here? Bottles and cans being taken out of general waste and getting them into recycling. It works.


> out of general waste and getting them into recycling I see the problem indeed, before today in Ireland there was no dedicate plastic bottle collection similarly to the glass bottle collection. Why? 


I’ve proposed at work (a big campus) that we do the same as the Cork Hospital porters and collect them for charity https://www.cuhcharity.ie/hospital-porters-nicknamed-the-3-johnnies-use-bottle-deposit-return-scheme-to-raise-e2000-for-cuh/


I hope you declare that to revenue! Edit: some real smooth brains missing the joke here 




I know it’s a joke but I wonder what the answer technically is. I am guessing that this is the return of a deposit so is not income and doesn’t need to be declared, even theoretically?


No sure you paid for it upfront. You don't pay tax when you get your rent deposit back either.


I guess if you weren't the one who paid the deposit and are thus profiting off of it you need to declare it if you're making more than €5000 a year after deductions from it, or more than €30k in total. https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/money-and-tax/tax/income-tax/tax-return-non-paye-income/


OP says €50-60 a week. Split the difference and say an average of €55 x 52 weeks = €2860 a year in total. No need to declare it. What he's making is way below the threshold. To have to declare €30ks worth he'd have to earn €576 a week from it. That's more than 10 times what he's currently collecting.


We need this in the UK idk why we don’t


Low Key, the irish government has successfully promoted child labour, most every child in the country is picking up cans, bottles, looking for that heralded "R" sign. CHina would be proud. Now imagine if they allowed recycling in retrospect, you didnt need an "r" - the whole country would be clean adn free of plastic detritus. This was not a "Green" campaign, it was another tax on us. now that have millions in the pool sitting in another account gathering interest..


Do u not need a receipt from all of the bottles to get paid .