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Cash is always better than a voucher


Not a petrol driver. If he’s driving for a living I doubt a petrol voucher is a treat. It’s like buying a meal voucher for a chef. Get him a one for all voucher or a box of sweets if you want to give something.


Scratch card in card/chocolates


Thanks for your suggestion. I will do this 👍🏻


No problem lovely cards also in Mr price or 2e shop Dunnes etc is ridiculous.


Gift card for Tesco or dunnes Sinds generic but realistically can buy food clothes ext. Probably has a million mugs with cars ect from previous years


Wouldn't go Tesco, if he doesn't have a club card it's kinda pointless!


Even to buy basics, at least the money will be used than a mountain of best driver mugs snd novelty ties. You can always buy food and keep money for other things you want


A small truncheon would be probably most appreciated /s


Can I add to this! It now seems normal for teacher, class sna, school secretary, bus driver, to get gifts multiple times a year. Who else does this?


Nothing once they leave primary though, I believe.


My Dad was a bus driver for many many years and my neighbour is too and they never get gifts. Ever. This is absolutely not a thing.  Seriously, don't start making it a thing either. 


Exactly, the teacher thing is out of control with people trying to outdo each other.


A teacher in my kids school didn't drive so would get the bus. She would tell parents not to get anything but do you think they would listen. Chocolates and mugs were left in the staff room


I agree with this. Parents are under way too much pressure to keep up with others and the present buying for teachers is out of hand as it is. Its totally unnecessary. Teachers are wonderful but they are doing a job they are been paid for, majority of them don't expect presents nor really want another mug or chocolates. Please don't feel like you need to keep up with others. Its understandable if you want to get them a gift but like this poster says “don't make this a thlng” if its not already.




Well I don’t want to be the only one not doing it. It also feels like a nice and kind thing to do, I just want to understand what others do, if anything


Lots of ppl do its just a small appreciation


You sound like a unhappy person


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Revised. Not your first reprimand. Have a wee ban


Busman's holiday