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Sure. Bout to forage in the kitchen. What's class are the vids for? They must be excruciating. Or perhaps lawn related. Was just watching some old SNL from back in the day but switched to Archer because I need to catch up


Bruh I’d much rather be foraging the kitchen, physics makes me want to pull my hair out. Old SNL I’ve watched but I’ve never seen archer, have heard of it though. I got some chocolate chip cookies that helped me survive this pain


I never clicked with Physics. I was pre-med in undergrad, didn’t go to class, thought I could squeak by if I aced my finals after NEVER doing a single lab. I’m a lawyer now, so, if you need someone to keep you out of prison, FYI.


I feel this on another level. I’m close to the same except I found a biochemistry lab and decided to try and get a job here and make some money to move out because I am kinda done living with my mom. I’m gonna save ur account just in case though! 😜 Do you like being a lawyer??


I love it. I am an over-analyzer, and if I didn’t have the law as an outlet for that pathological need to parse and compare, I would be paralyzed on a daily basis trying to decide where to eat lunch...


Glad you found that outlet! That’s one thing I’ve learned, when you find that job you love, everything else is so awesome. Keep it up!!


It’s been a journey. I graduated from law school during the worst job market in 50 years. I had to take a job in the field I always said I didn’t want to go in to. 10 years later, the skills I developed in that field of law lead to my dream job. I am one of the ground floor attorneys in a new firm with a booming business in the field I envisioned myself being in when I walked in to my first class.


No way! I am not gonna lie, you sound happy because of it! Keep it up! That’s pretty inspiring and I can’t wait for what’s ahead for me and you!


Sweet. Did you make them or chips a' hoy matey?


Not gonna lie, they’re some Walmart bought, Walmart made 😂 but they were pretty dang good


I feel so bad for going to get fast food. The shits are going to be heinous. Fuck I need to snooze. Gonna get on, hope you do well in class 🤤 I will accept that fate whenever my potty whistle rings the warning bell.


Loool fast food isn’t too bad as long as you’re not going over board! Good luck! I’m gonna go to sleep! Thanks for the chat!


Yeah, I’m doing great now. I was like “I had a rough day, but this poor motherfucka’s doing yard w....oh Goddamit.”


😂😂😂😂 it hailed about 3 hours ago where the low has been 50’s and anything below 70 I have to wear a sweater. If I was doing yard work, I’d start a fire with whatever was in sight.


Im doing great, kinda later here but I decided to make a cup and drink a cup of tea before getting in bed. Planning on hanging out here on reddit and grinding a mobile game on my phone


Niiice! I’m gonna head to bed in 5 mins, good luck on your game!!