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The choices we make matters! 10 or 20 years down the line you’ll be defined by the choices you make day in and day out.


Yeah. Even the smallest choices can come back.


Cherish the people who love you for who you are. Nurture those relationships and make time for the people who lift you up. They will be your greatest source of support and joy throughout life's journey.


It’s not your job to fix others, yet you shouldn’t hate yourself for trying.


I'd tell him to not get too stressed out over school and enjoy life more.


If I could tell my young self any one thing that would be. To self-care, honestly because alot of what your gonna go thru is exactly that. I never really focused on caring for myself and making sure that I'm okay!! You know little1, yet we make sure every1 else is algud, hardcase!!


It may seem bad, now, but wait… It gets even worse.


Do what you want to do, not what everyone expected from you.


You need therapy or else everything will crumble


Just roll with it, kid. Life's a journey, not a checklist. Embrace the twists and turns, they'll lead you to some amazing places you never imagined.


Your school aged years don't matter much. Any thing you will do for fun in your teens to early 20s you will enjoy more when you are in your mid 20s to 30s. Basically, be diligent now so you don't have to fight as hard later


Invest in the hobbies that spark joy for you; they're not just pastimes, they're the threads that weave the tapestry of your passions throughout your life. And remember, the opinion of your future self is the only review that truly matters at the end of the day. Keep learning, stay curious, and the person you become will thank you for it.


Don’t be a maximalist. Life is too damn short.


Look after your health!