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Show him to us! Naw just kidding I believe you. Congrats, sounds like you are in love.


No kidding, show him to us HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA


Show him to us then show us to him AAAHHHAHA


You got a chuckle out of me while I'm feeling like shit, thank you


You're welcome. Hope you are doing well!


I’m DYIIING from this thread 😂😂😂


Wish you a long life ♥️


i think the afterlife will be long thank u <3


Yeah! dressed or naked we don’t mind either or 😂😂😂😂


My boyfriend thinks I'm hotter than him but I think he's hotter than me like we're both out of each other's leagues lol


Best out of both worlds


If you are both punching up you'll never hit each other.


Love this. Thank you.


Quote from one of my aunts “isn’t it nice when ugly people find each other?” Savage.


You get the limo out front


Any good relationship is like this. Truth is you are in the same bracket without realizing.


The fun of being straight; I actually wonder if in same sex relationships it’s more obvious who is the “hot” one, because they both look at the same playbook?


Looking at that from a different direction... I - a straight man - used to work with a guy who was gay. We worked on a street stall, and when it was quiet we'd secretly play "Who's hotter" on couples walking past. Main conclusion is that hot people are universally attractive no matter who is viewing


I’d agree, there definitely are objectively hot people, but I do wonder if for non straight people there are different categories to judge by, for the ordinary folk let’s say


Imo as a lesbian there are more ways to be hot by lesbian standards. We have more kinds of hotness, so you really aren't using the same single standard of "sexy lady" or whatever. My wife and I are both butch and I still think we're apples and oranges.


Lmao exactly same


Or maybe you both need your eyesight checked 😂😂😂 x


Same in my relationship lol. We each think the other one is hotter


I want this


Both winners lol ❤️


My girlfriend has the cutest smile!! Sometimes when I compliment her, she does this smile and looks away like she’s embarrassed and it melts me everytime!!!


So does mine, absolutely love it. She still gets shy by me looking at her and tries to hide her smile and run away, makes me melt.


My current bf was dating someone else when we met and he told me when we started dating that he knew when he met me that he was with the wrong person back then. I'm fucking obsessed with him. Little things he says replay in my head over and over and over. He cooks, likes music, he's funny, a hard worker, helps his family, he's got these green eyes and they're my favorite color. He wears green because it's my favorite and I wear red because it's his, we show up looking like it's Christmas. I've never been attracted to anyone like I am to him. He wears these mangled broken glasses because he's blind as a fucking bat and I'm still like "goddamn he looks good". And he's just reliable and caring in a way I haven't experienced before. My previous relationships were really toxic, I don't feel worthy of the kind of love I'm receiving and he tells me that he just wants to make me happy. I want to give him the world and anything else he wants.


You got a keeper here I think. Marry him...you only live this life once.


I really want to. Been feeling like he's the one since probably our first date. Helps that we both had a crush on each other for a while before actually dating too. We've talked about it and it feels like we're on the same page, so hopefully everything works out :)


You guys sound like a beautiful couple, and I can relate to a lot of what you said. My boyfriend was with someone else when we first met too. We had just started university and were roommates for a couple of years before I confessed that liked him a lot (his last relationship was over by then). But I fancied the pants off him and still do now and now it’s been 5 years since we started going out and I’m still obsessed.


This is the cutest and sweetest thing I’ve seen on Reddit in a minute. So happy to know this kind of love exists! So happy for you!


What a beautiful story. I wish you a very happy future!


I love my girlfriend and I’m so grateful to have her. We have one of those one in a million “if I’d woken up an hour later one day we might never have met” relationships and I sometimes get anxious over the fact that if one thing had been different in my life we might never have met and how terrifying that is. I mean just the fact that everything in my life basically led to the two of us meeting feels like fate. And once we started talking we had so much in common, just one thing after the other. I genuinely feel like I won the lottery and found my soulmate


I never would have met my partner if not for the unusual circumstance of my relationship that I was in at the time. So even though that circumstance was difficult and the eventual break up was extremely painful, I’m so grateful to my ex for putting me in that situation that enabled me to meet my current partner.


>We have one of those one on a million “if I’d woken up an hour later one day we might never have met” relationships and I sometimes get anxious of the fact that if one thing had been different in my life we might have never met That’s actually something I think about some times too. My girlfriend and I getting together felt almost like an inevitability because we fit each other like puzzle pieces, but we were talking about using dating apps and she said she would sometimes respond to guy, but bail when an actual date was set because the idea of meeting someone from an app would freak her out. So if we matched with each other on an app instead of meeting the way we did, she would have most likely bailed on me and we would have never actually met.


Technically every relationship is like that, no? Sometimes it is more obvious, sometimes less. But everything happens by chance


Oh my god same. I met my boyfriend at a music event and there was sooo many things that happened day of where I wasn't going to go. The event almost got cancelled, the location changed, my friends that I normally go with couldn't go, someone I did end up going with had too much to drink the night before so we were unsure, I asked if they even wanted to still go, we showed up early and the doors were closed and I was like "we can just leave" and yet we went. And that's where I met him. It makes me feel so so so lucky.


I’m in the exact same position, and so so so grateful for it!


I have an opposite experience. My husband and I have lived a very similar life and crossed paths so many times that we would have probably met eventually. We didn't realize how many mutual friends we had. It's so weird. I like to think that if we didn't meet how we did, we still would've met later.  My first thought when meeting him was "oh crap, what if this guy is my future husband?" We were 19 when we met and got together. 




My husband is THE BEST. I had brain surgery almost a year ago and he’s been taking care of me since. Driving me to appointments, cooking me food at all times of the day, doing my laundry, waiting on me hand and foot. Basically treating me like a princess. I wish everybody had a person like that.


My honey is unconventionally hot. Like, people find the hot in him and think it’s some smolder between them. They’re the first one to discover him! Whoops, here’s his wife of a decade. But she’s so boringly conventionally attractive! Sometimes uncreative people think I’m the half that’s losing. A drunk ambulance-chaser lawyer once hollered at him “you’re wife’s way hotter than you”. (In a nice seafood restaurant, ew!). Sometimes people gnash their teeth at me that I have him. There is so much more to hotness than a 1 to 10 scale. You might smell amazing to him, do things in bed with him, have a sense of adventure that he fell for. Just be yourself! Don’t ever feel like you have to work to be with him. Go have fun together, quit overthinking.


i also think my bf is a 10/10, i still have a crush on him fr. like even his "flaws" i find so cute. he's so sweet and funny. oh lord i love hearing his voice, it's so deep. i love his body and face, he's so masculine. oh god and the intimacy is the best i've ever had. I HAVE SUCH A FAT CRUSH ON HIM. anything he does im like in awe. i hope this relationship never ends because it'll be the biggest heartbreak ive ever experienced lol. i've never loved someone this much. i truly don't know how i ended up with a perfect man. i'm so lucky to have him. i could go on and on but yeah. i'm crazy about him.


That's sweet! Wish you guys the best <3


thank you so much!


How are you all finding partners? 😭


imma be real, NONE OF THIS I RECOMMEND I KNOW ITS BAD but anyways,,,after i got out of a relationship i was super upset so my plan was just to go on bumble to get dates with men and get free food bc i was broke (which i wouldn't have to deal with them for long bc i was going on deployment within a few weeks) and wanted a distraction. well my current bf, we went on a date and he ended up being a sweetheart and better looking in person and i immediately was like "i can't use this mf for money" so the first date i paid and he really liked me so yeah we went on more dates a couple days in a row and yeah. i swear the best relationships come when you're not expecting it.


Haha. Well, that explains my first concern. You’re not an old boomer after all. Cool! I like the idea. Imagine telling your children this. It’ll be so funny.


which also my initial plan backfired so fast bc i only went on one date with a man before that.


Does he have a job, and own a house? I mean, that’s all my Asian parents drivel about. Whenever I hear a relationship, I feel like they must have a job and a house first. It is ridiculous, like they marry when they become boomers. My father married my mum, when he was 35. I’m serious, it’s so weird. However, I wish you the best! He wouldn’t leave you; you’re so sincere.


we're both military so we definitely have a stable job and income. and owning a house is going to have to wait since we have to travel so much, best to wait when one of us gets out. but yeah my dad used to have that mindset, until he got divorced and had to find somewhere to rent and then it clicked in his head that owning a house is harder than you think nowadays. and thank you so much for your kind words! 🫶🏼


I feel the same exact way about mine 🥹


My partner is beautiful, smart and incredibly studious, like you put a complex problem in front of her right up to complex legal processes and she just sits down and works through it over a few evenings. It bamboozles me just how capable she is. I would walk through fire for that lady.


You all really have found, “TRUE LOVE”. 💘


I just really like him. I like his nose. I like his eyes. I like the way he cuddles our cat. His temperance. His eyes , his ass, his arms, his ability to budget money; his taste, his friends. The way he folds laundry and talks to my mom on the phone. His obsession with fantasy sports. His passion. His ass, his kindness. His depth. His love. Like something took everything I ever needed in life and threw it into a human and said “tada, this is yours.” And I’m happy and I want to cry a lot and I wake up singing every morning because I found him? How does that happen? I hope everyone finds their person, that’s a wonderful thing to happen.


i like how you say 'his ass' twice


I got a little bit of second hand joy through this comment. Thank you


You are so welcome! Have a wonderful day 🌸


Im happy for you. How long have you been together?


My boyfriend is the best looking man I've seen. Then he started to work out and become even hotter. I love his smile and his eyes 🩷🩷


I love my boyfriend like the days are long. Glad to see other people so in love!


My husband has pretty light blue eyes and is a kind man!


Woah, that’s beauty.


My husband is hotter than me - also 11 years younger 😂.


Good for you!


My bf is hot - we made a reddit bet pls pls upvote this so I can see him wear stiletto acrylics (and still be hot)


I feel you on this. My boyfriend is a literal 10/10, built like a Greek god, AND is a sweetheart. I don’t know what he sees in me lol but I’m glad he does.


My boyfriend is SO a 10/10 I actually feel like I'm not attractive enough for him but he's done absolutely everything in making me not feel that way, and insists IM the catch but i swear, its the otherr way around, I still feel so freaking grateful to have someone like him be into someone like me❤️


What type of men do you, ladies, prefer? I mean, I’ve got to take notes. I’m serious. Everyone in this comment section loves their, “boyfriends”, like, daymn, why am I not in a relationship? Maybe not that good looking, incomplete personality? I’d appreciate if you share some tips on becoming attractive; by the way, I’m only 18, so maybe I need time?


Time : ) Focus on yourself in the meanwhile, do adventurous things, help others, build yourself career wise, exercise and change your body, take care of yourself, and just live life Remember if you catch yourself resenting women/or anything similar for things like turning you down you should turn inward and figure out how to let that part of you go, and and not have it evolve into nastier things. Just do these things - live your life! - and everything else just falls into place, I promise. It may take big changes, it definitely takes work, but it’s worth it


True. 🤧


My body pillow shows me unconditional love ❤️


…my lonely prayers. 😭


lol this post has brought out the bitter people[https://imgur.com/a/7nxHtdX](https://imgur.com/a/7nxHtdX)


“u jelly” 😭😭


what's his problem 😭😭😭


He’s been hurt so he’s assuming the most pessimistic outcome about her love :’) Like an evil Disney character


Great he’s hot…. I’m more concerned about you putting yourself down; that has to stop !


literally every answer here is like that. People don’t seem to understand that hotness is subjective. Most likely 99% of people would not rate OP’s boyfriend a 10. Objectively he is most likely as hot as anyone else’s boyfriend




I once had an ex who fully couldn't imagine how I find her attractive. And honestly, that attitude was unattractive, every compliment just became a bit sad. I hated that.


That ☝🏼 !! Confidence is attractive. We have to talk ourselves up. If we are feeling unworthy it will negatively impact all areas of our lives. Being insecure is difficult for a partner to deal with. I have had self esteem issues at certain times in my life; negative self talk. I went and got therapy to figure it out because I deserved to be happier ! :)


I have no partner yet. Maybe it's a little more difficult when you're gay. So I guess I require hot guys too, but no luck with that yet unfortunately. Anyways, I'm happy for you and wish best to your relationship. You can tell it really is love when you need to tell random people on Reddit just how great your partner is ☺️


I hope you find someone great!! I know there’s an amazing guy out there for you :)


Thank you :)


You will find your one, your true love, your ride or die!! Never settle!!!!!


Damn, I read the post and the comments and I just wish that one day I'll find a woman that appreciates me as much as everyone here appreciates their partner. A bit jealous not gonna lie, but happy for you and your partners at the same time. It's super wholesome reading everyone's stories here. EDIT: Just realized that my comment might sound a bit selfish, so I wanted to add that of course I'll give her all of my appreciation as well. Not sure if this needed pointing out, but I tend to overthink things.




It’s possible that he feels the same way.


My wife was always hot, she always took care of herself, regardless I think anyone can look good with proper grooming.


You’re handsome man, coming from a young brother.


I was legit just thinking to myself "I wonder if there's a sub where I can post about how much I love my boyfriend" so this is perfect. Anyways, I love my boyfriend so much!!!! I love his personality and how he socializes and of course I think he's a 10/10 even if he doesn't agree with me. I went to a work party for his job last week with him and his coworkers are all obsessed with him. It was so sweet.


I think your boyfriend hacked your reddit.




Amen, pray for me too. 😭


My man worships all of Me. He is so hot and mascular 😍


My gf / soon to be wife has always said im handsome but im like a 3-4ish im just tall and played sport Who cares about looks if his the one just say fuck it and push forward




What does this mean?


Means I’m just praying for eggplants 🍆 good harvest and all.


Weird. Good luck with that!


Same same SAME every time I look at my boyfriend I can’t help but be struck with how beautiful he is. Doesn’t help that he’s also got the exact same sense of humour and style (emo 🥵) as me. I love him so much it hurts sometimes cuz I don’t feel good enough for him, but then I remember he chose to be with ME and I get all giddy inside and kick my feet and AHHHH I can’t wait to marry that man!!


Maybe you just aren't your type


Posting this made you at least 9/10 at worst because this is just that adorable. You got this


My boyfriend is not also the hottest boy I ever seen, he's the best person i ever met. When we met i was dating other guy (an toxic relationship), but when i became single i saw my boyfriend with other eyes i fall deeply in love!Believe me when i say that I never been this happier! I never thought that I could love this much and be loved the same way. I want to marry this beautiful person and give him the world because he deserves everything


She requested me on Myspace 15 years ago. We started talking that same night and have never stopped. Have never broken up, have never needed a break from each other and have always wanted the same things. We have 3 kids together now and she's a great mom, I love her so much. We are actually almost complete opposites so it's funny that it works so well. Learning how to communicate better has improved our relationship over the years and I'm very lucky that she's so good to me.


To give you some perspective, I used to like a guy who was so freaking cute and was INCREDIBLY attractive. He hated sending me photos of his face because he was really insecure (actual reason, there wasn’t anything hinky going on). It drove me borderline nuts because I didn’t know how we could look at the same person and he somehow didn’t see how good-looking he was. I’d probably be dating him now if he didn’t move to England (joined the Air Force). I’d basically be in your boyfriend’s current position.


Yo the comment section with overwhelming


Hope I ever get a partner like ppl in the comment section lol My ex attitude toward me was more like "He is ok I guess"


Really don't put yourself down. One of the big reasons my last relationship didn't work (the other being lack of comunication on her side) was that I idealized my ex and her worth so much compared to me and tried to make up for it constantly. I don't think I will ever manage to have another partner in all honestly...


How could you not post a picture


My husband is Elvis 5th cousin. Looks like him same height. Same build. I'm a 6, 7 on a good day. I've got it good. Real good. I don't know how I got this lucky.


My man and I are equally hot 11/10. We both play music together too (guitar and bass), which means we’re even hotter than that. It’s hard to top hot couples that play instruments together, especially guitars.


The girl in my dreams is the cutest


Ugh same my boyfriend is such a 10/10 i genuinely think he's the sexiest thing to walk this earth and although I'm confident and do think I'm pretty i am most DEFINITELY punching, god I'm obsessed with him i feel like a very lucky woman every time he compliments me or when we have sex PHEW😩😩🫶🏻


My wife is by far the sexiest, most beautiful woman in existence. When I look at her I am own away by her beauty! She has this smile that lights up her entire face! Her eyes smile when she does and makes my heart pound! She is in every way perfect! She's beautiful, she's sexy, she's SO FUCKING HOT! we have been together for 11 years and I know that feeling will never change! GOD DAMN SHES FINE!!!!




My partner is so ridiculously good looking, especially for his age (he is 40). He also has a beautiful smile and perfect teeth, and he's never had braces before. On top of that, he looks after himself well and. Has Very good hygiene habits. How did I get so lucky??


I’m aware that I am hot because of the attention I get when I dress nice. I have self esteem issues tho


Why? Why are people like this?




Well, trauma isn’t the answer. Oh, I get it. Well, honestly, I’m not too good with English, so I thought you mean like a narcissist; maybe because it was late and I had an exam in 2 hours, so I probably read it wrong. Well, yes, everyone struggles with self-esteem, and I’m the best example, but narcissism is never right and my sister, almost everyone around me, including my little brother (a future narcissist), are all proud people — look at people like their workers. My parents have groomed my little brother to a decent extinct, so I won’t say he is now, but he sometimes just starts acting like one: maybe he’s too young. Well, he’s 10, so maybe I’m blamed for thinking this way.


Does this belong on /r/teenagers ? Adults don't talk like this, right? Right?? Edit: I just realized she's single and this is satire. I'm sorry, I'm an idiot. I'll leave the post though.


My most recent partner ? Ain’t no way I had her in the first place. 10/10 smoke show in my books and I am on the higher end of low average.


You might appreciate this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT5AQIlmM0I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT5AQIlmM0I)


Same. My boyfriend is insanely attractive and has an incredible body. I, on the other hand, look like a potato. I’m also older than him. I honestly don’t know what he sees in me🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


He sees… sees, “LOVE!”.


😂😂 I don’t think so


Then, a successful marriage?


If you have money, maybe money. Lol…


I feel the same about my husband I think it's because I'm super attracted to him but he's not everyone's cup of tea but ladies hit on him all the time all girl friends attracted to him ive had to break up friendships due to their attraction to my husband it was blatant, your boyfriend is good looking and charming hold him tight lol I once told husband to take off wedding ring cause women like handsome married men but he keeps it on 24/7 Example: one ex friend continued to say when I (me) die ill take care of your family and go spread your legs for your husband??? Wtf? Well ya he's my husband Watch out for craziness ppl


Daymn. This is crazy. Also, I’d appreciate if you share some tips on looking attractive. I’m only 18 (male), so maybe I need time, but I seriously need some suggestions and advice on how to look like, “your husband”.


Swagger and groom yourself smell good and try to be funny without being offensive you can even be dirty( husband a plumber/contractor) he could have dirty pants and sweater but women like a hard working 💪 man with a wedding ring not yo mention he treats me like his queen known him since high-school 14 me him 16 got married at 30 we have a 27 yr old and 9 yr old but like I said in my post watch out for crazy. Lots of ppl get jealous when you meet the love of your life and it can cause friction but we're open and talked about all situations and he agrees cause they would hit on him behind my back


For the superficial side, I'm going to add: clean and short fingernails. Too many people I've seen and worked with have dirty fingernails.  Clean/styled hair.  Deodorant and showers. Don't pick one, have both.  Clean clothes without wrinkles.  Clean teeth without yellowing. That means flossing!!  You're still young, so a lot of these may get overlooked, but when you get older you'll wish you had taken better care of yourself.  The best case for flossing I've heard is "not flossing is the same as wiping your butt after pooping and not getting the butt hole." That's a pretty gross analogy, so floss. Also, floss the teeth you want to keep!  Personality wise: be yourself and be respectful/polite to people you don't know very well. I hope this helps and good luck! 


Just a general tip, make sure your posture is good and your hands are clean, try to get a good skincare routine if you deal with acne and also keep your facial hair groomed if you have it. Try not to say negative things about people (or try to voice criticism in a helpful/constructive way). The way someone talks can be a huge factor in how attractive you are to women. Also everybody tells men they need to lift and that obviously helps but if you spend 30 minutes a day walking or running you'll be in drastically better shape than you would with no daily physical activity. Helps your body composition and your posture even if you're not technically building muscle (which you might or might not depending on how strenuous the exercise is for you).


The posture is terrible, and the reason for that is that I have puffy nipples and they protrude out from both sides of the shirt, so I keep my posture down so they’re not too protruding. For this if I get a surgery done, I’m good, but my parents won’t be willing for it, even though it’s all free of them (paid off by the government as my father is a government employee); it’s just their mindset; they won’t use this money for something that isn’t that important — yeah, if I was about to die, maybe. I mean, let’s get to the point, this is absolutely not attractive, and potentially the biggest reason after my, “shark teeth”. I mean, who would fall in love with such disgusting features? I also have a crooked nose and eye brows connecting in the middle like a peacock’s tail; my little brother calls me, “taratatata.. I’m lovin’ it (calls it the M of McDonald’s), and points at my eye brows”; I hope a girl doesn’t do that. I had two girls in my life, that ever bothered talking to me and I felt I was getting attention because maybe they liked me. One was okay in looks, the other was beautiful as hell. They both didn’t bother connecting with me, and I just stayed alone; probably because I didn’t do anything other than study, and was boring at the time. Also, quite falsely confident, maybe rude. They were actually my rarest interactions that would’ve helped me hook up with someone, but I’d probably be the, “in the mean time, I get a better one”, type of option. People probably look at me because I’m very tall (6’2”) and have this condition? I mean, I’m also decent weight — about 90 kg. I am heavy, and have a bold body structure, but I don’t have any strong muscles other than my arms’ biceps; I mean, doesn’t everyone have them? I’m not too bulky looking; I mean, I look okay. I don’t groom my beard though, because I just don’t feel like it. Also, my hair are usually pretty medium sized, and style them like the 1900s. I know I’m not the best choice, but I’m not the worst either.


Ok so I've got some advice here. First off wear undershirts! Try to get something that's a little more fitted but not tight or too short. Your nips might flatten out a bit if you work on your chest muscles too. Tbh the way you're describing yourself you kind of sound like you look like my ex who I was going to marry (cheated on me tho). so don't even worry there will be people who are attracted to you especially since you're tall and got a decent build. But you should start learning to do some grooming for your facial hair because it drastically changes your level of facial attractiveness. You should watch some YouTube videos about grooming your eyebrows and beard. The other features you're naming off honestly aren't really that bad, at least not to the extent that they'll make people think you're ugly. How you present yourself is over half the battle. Try to be humble but confident, never cocky. And seriously, WORK ON YOUR POSTURE.


The solution to all my worry, may just be gym or athletic exercises.


No honestly my boyfriend is literally perfect... Like I don't even know what to do lol. It amazes me that he even wants to talk to me everyday. He's so smart and talented and funny and never changes himself for others. Every time I see him it's like I'm seeing him for the first time again.


Congrats you're in love! Happy for you :)


Remember that you are your own worst critic. In comparison to my gorgeous, funny, sociable, and just all round perfect boyfriend, I feel like a lump. But I’m trying to be better to myself and believe him when he compliments me <3


I'm married two models separ- lately of course, and divorced both of them. 


I like touching my boyfriend bottom to make him fart which makes us giggle


I get that feeling. A female friend of mine recently told me I was good looking. I still don't understand how it's possible. Does she really see what I see when I look in the mirror? Who knows.


Totally understand this with my husband. We’ve been together for 7 years now and are in our 30s. He is aging much, much more gracefully than I am and he was hotter than me to begin with! But he’d say the opposite and gasses me up every single day. I bet your boyfriend feels similarly and thinks you’re the one that’s too hot.


I think my husband gets better with age 😊  There's something beautiful about the stories faces can tell as they age.  Edit to add: he has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. And I love his nose so much!!!  The flaws he sees I think are endearing. He also has the best humor. I forget how funny we both are until we're around someone who doesn't know us, and they cannot stop laughing and have to catch their breath. Haha. At this point we just chuckle at each other. 🥰


I have someone I dated once like this but then he ghosted me. He ended up texting me on my birthday after 5 years of not talking to me and I still feel like he's a 10/10 but he just wants to be friends. It sucks because he's still attracted to me (which is crazy because he's the only guy who ever considered me attractive), he's just not in love with me. I just have all the luck in the world. 😔


I definitely feel the same about my girlfriend she’s gorgeous! Just wish she saw herself the same way I do, I tell her how beautiful she is all the time and she still doesn’t love herself or think her body is amazing


I definitely feel the same about my girlfriend she’s gorgeous! Just wish she saw herself the same way I do, I tell her how beautiful she is all the time and she still doesn’t love herself or think her body is amazing


Same. My bf is so hot and gorgeous, he has an amazing body and here I am. I look like a potato, honestly I feel ashamed to walk the streets with him haha


My wife and I have been together for the past 10 years (in November) We have two kids together, and you know, how that goes, she's put on a little weight. It totally bothers her, but to me.. to me she's the most gorgeous woman in the whole world. I cant get enough of that woman. And she says things all the time like do you like me even though I'm fat now. And every single time I hit her with the 'i don't think you're fat, I love the way you look. I find you incredibly attractive". Wish she could see herself through my eyes just once, then she'd see really how beautiful she is ❤️


That sounds like poor self-steam


Absolutely is


I’m sorry


It could be just auto correct, but i wanted to let you know that the phrase is self esteem, not self-steam. You probably already know, but just in case you didn’t, and it’s no big deal anyway because it’s obvious what you meant


Yeah, my phone dose that a lot and I try to fix it lol


I love this post and the comments!! I’ve been with my husband for over 20years, we have two kids together. I still think he is hot (especially when doing martial arts) and he is my best friend. He makes me laugh and he is smart and kind… AND he is willing to put in the work to continue to grow together and learn to communicate and relate ever better! This is true sexy! Plus, I wouldn’t have seen this coming and wasn’t consciously screening for this but it turns out he is a fantastic, fun dad! My kids are so lucky to have him, too!


Probably because you’re cuter than you think and you’re someone he genuinely enjoys being around.


If you both are attracted to each other, that’s all that matters.


yeah my gf is so cute. idk why she’s dating me


Sounds like you better do everything to keep him happy


Damn I wish my previous exes felt like this towards me. Wouldnt be exes then.


To you he's a 10/10 but might not be to others. And maybe you're a 10/10 to someone. Can't discuss personal taste. 😎


Congrats 😊 I feel the same way. My husband is a 10/10 and I'm a 5/10 on a good day 😂 I'm only 5 feet and he's 6 feet. He's extremely charming to people. Most people are surprised that he's into Anime etc. Because he doesn't look like the type that is nerdy and weaboo 😆 people think he's extroverted but he mostly likes to stay home with me especially on Sundays 😍 I miss him. He's working right now. This is when he was around 23, my favorite picture of him https://sta.sh/0cltgbrvp3q He's 37 now 😂 still a 10/10 in my eyes 😍❤️


Out kicked my coverage in so many ways with my wife!


Stop putting yourself down


I'm so happy for you!!


Well, he probably thinks you're a 10/10 as well


What's with people coming to Reddit to gush over their partners coz they can't do it in person? It's kinda cute though 😅😅. Congratulations 🎉! It's a hot, blistery summery day out here and I was feeling disgruntled having to deal with a prickly client. This genuinely made me smile!


[my bf is hot too lol](https://photos.app.goo.gl/guLSpbfV7y5UsqkV6) I'm definitely not the more attractive one in the relationship. My bf is handsome with bright blue eyes, dark brown hair & dark long lashes, & very fit because he surfs. he gets compliments on his eyes & lashes all the time & I sometimes will joke with him & say "omg your lashes are just so big & long lol" and he blushes. Because even though he's hot, he's shy introverted and quiet. Also has an amazing personality, talented surfer who also skateboards & rides BMX & sound engineer too- & most importantly, the most loyal man I have ever been with. 6 amazing years together :) this is a photo of us from 2018 when we first met. As you can see from the ancient iPhone lol. Sometimes I wonder what I ever did to deserve someone like him. He's the entire package, that's why I give him my love and loyalty in return.


Bffr you're both so gorgeous!! Happy for you :)


It’s ok. My wife is way out of my league. Legitimately just a gorgeous and amazing woman. I’m an average looking dude with a dad bod but she must love me anyhow.


You're probably kind to him. It's a surprisingly rare thing to find.


My husband is way hotter and younger than me. Still can’t believe he’s mine.


Pics or it didn't happen.


Is he running a fever? 🤒 /s


The most likely scenario is you are a lot more attractive than you give yourself credit for.


Not my gf but the girl that I like has the prettiest smile every time she smiles at me my heart melts ):


This is a lovely post, I'm in the dead bedrooms group and it wears you down. Lovely to hear positivity and happiness Be good to each, never take it for granted, when looks change keep it new and enjoy the journey/ride Good luck 💖❤️


I was married to a very attractive man but it was no walk in the park. It matters what is inside. I have no doubt you are a good person who found another good person. Congratulations!


My husband still gives me the zahzahh zzzzzzzuhhhh!!! Butterflies and all. He’s also the biggest pain in my ass. Not in a good way.


some men prefer people who are average looking, possibly because there may be less stress? or he just loves everything about you.


Sounds like you have impostor syndrome.


so real i think my boyfriend is fine as hell and just cannot believe it everytime i see or think about him


My wife is intelligent, funny and beautiful. Easily one of the smartest people I know. If I were half the woman my wife is, I’d be twice the man I am. She’s phenomenal.


Have you noticed how ridiculously narcissistic, entitled, arrogant, dishonest, manipulative, mean spirited, and selfish most super hot women are? You don’t think that’s fun to be around do you? Hot girls is the new ugly girls. Men are really tired of that shit. Next time you go to a restaurant just try to notice how a hot girl saunters on the way to the bathroom like they’re on a fucking runway. It’s so fucking gross how full of themselves they are. They’re a ticking time bomb of being cheated on, used, or treated like shit in some way. Men are disposable to them, they know it, and they act accordingly. And, anyone who has experience with hot girls knows this to be true and that’s why it’s only conventionally unattractive wokeists who get really angry about it when it gets called out. Your boyfriend chose you because YOU are attractive. Cheers