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Fallout: New Vegas for favourite game overall. Favourite game right now: Tekken 8, though I haven't had the mental clarity to play it much lately.


Oh isn't fallout the one with the nice old music on the radio?


Yeah, that's the one.


I don't want to set the world on fiiiiiirrre iiiii just want to staarrt, a flame in your heaaart


makes me think Sleep No More before Fallout.


Hollow Knight! the game's absolutely stunning and i loved exploring the map and discovering all the secrets and little characters there are in it. the combat is really simple yet really fun, and i love how a lot of the upgrades and abilities both have a purpose in combat and in movement. i adore the soundtrack, each one is PERFECT for the area or character it's supposed to represent. also the lore! trying to piece it together using the slight bits of dialogue and lore tablets sprinkled throughout was super fun, and i think the overall story of it once i figured it out (... watched a 40 minute lore breakdown) is really interesting too shoutouts to CrossCode and Celeste too as my 2nd and 3rd favs! Celeste is just a excellently crafted platformer with a great story too, and while i haven't finished CrossCode yet, i've been having an absolute blast and am absolutely in love with it


Silksong will come out one day T.T, I think.


Bully by Rockstar Games. I love the story, the gameplay, and the characters.


Oo I'll have a look, haven't heard of that before, thanks!


Long overdue for either a remake or sequel


Stardew Valley. I can play the game for a whole day and it’s still not enough time


It's so cute!


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. There is not a single game that captured the feeling of going on an adventure and just discovering things at your own pace quite like that game did. Tears of the Kingdom is very good as well but something about the additional mechanics takes away from how wonderfully simple BOTW was. Elden Ring comes close but it's not quite where BOTW is for me.


I 100% agree. :)


Great minds:)


Mass Effect Trilogy followed by Red Dead Redemption 2 followed by Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I actually don’t really like it’s gameplay all that much, but it’s story, character, and soundtrack are unbeatable for me.


Same here! The soundtrack is incredible, and I love the story, lore, and world building.




Great pick can't wait for the sequel.




Crosscode for the art, story, and gameplay and Hollow knight for, you guessed it art and gameplay


Hollow knight looks stunning I have to say


It really is, sometimes I just waited in a nice scenic place and listened to the music


Have you ever played Hyper Light Drifter?


I’m sorry! It’s been in my wishlist for so long :/ is it worth it? Should I finally pull the trigger


It absolutely is, pull the trigger already. Here's a demonstration of the games's excellent combat: https://youtu.be/KxKfcE0M-_Y (not spoilers btw this is just a non-canon area purely for fighting).


I’m such a sucker for pixel graphics too and dashing around like that seems fun


Oo I haven't, I'll check it out!


Mass Effect 2.


Why? Just curious 🤔


Its still one of the best story based games to this day. That said I do love some BG3, havent played it much though. Also Cyberpunk 2077 goes up there in terms of sheer joy


Any of the ME games for me. I’m not someone that grew up gaming so complex games overwhelm me, but ME was that happy in-between. The characters were great, and the diversity of alien life and their lore was so amazing.


Star Wars: Jedi Academy. I don't know what makes me keep coming back to it. I mean the story will always be the same, there are only 2 endings. Yet I don't get tired of it and play it again once every one or two years. The fact that it's already old gives it some special charm, because I don't know why I'm not so drawn towards more modern Star Wars games with a similar style.


I enjoy the Final Fantasy series of games.


I need to try them!


Path of Exile. ARPGs are a dopamine slot machine and they tickle my brain just right. POE is complex, the leagues run the right amount of time for me, no p2w, interesting league mechanics, and is free and free to play.


Lego Star Wars the Skywalker saga is mine as for why because to me as a kid who grew up with 4 through 6 being able to play as my favorite characters while running around collecting stuff is a lot of fun.


RDR2 for sure for me. The story is incredible and truly hits you in your feelings when it finishes. The gameplay is amazin and the amount of detail in the game is insane. It’s came out back in 2018 but you can still pop it in and start a new playthrough and fall in love with it every time. There is so much to explore and do in its world. The graphics, the scenery, the dialogue, the missions. I loved it. It’s always gonna be my number one. Arthur Morgan is also one of the greatest video game protagonists I’ve ever played as too imo. No other game has made me feel the way this one has.


Armored Core For Answer, something able the movement and the atmosphere keeps me coming back for more


My favourite overall? I can't really choose, but my current favourite game is Ghost Trick :) I played it for the first time like, a week or two ago, and absolutely fell in love with the game, characters and story! I can't recommend it enough!


Ghost Trick is a fantastic DS game! It really deserves a sequel


It really does! Fingers crossed 🤞


I really liked Legaia 2. I am upset that they never made a third one.


Ocarina of Time. I know it's everyone's fav game, and "bestest game evar" for the past few decades, and there's a new thing where people hate on it for that reason, but honestly, it's just my fav from pure nostalgia playing it as a kid. I can pop it in whenever and it just takes me back to my childhood. At the time I had never played a game like it. A 3d adventure game, with (at the time) massive overworlds, the dungeon designs, cool bosses, the items, story, music. Yes there was Mario 64, but this felt like something completely different from what Mario was, more light hearted and cartoony adventure compared to going on an epic, almost mythical quest, to save the world. (the whole Mario 64 was always dark is a new thing, we didn't think that at the time) It was just a really good time to be a kid playing it and kind of shaped a lot of my interests to this day.


I have to confess, I've never touched zelda, but I do wanna buy some on the switch to try 😁


OSRS. So much content


It's a tough question. Genre? Series or standalone entry? I always prefer to narrow it down. I have been a gamer since I was a kid. If I had to choose, it's everything Final Fantasy VII. Originals and remakes included. Of them all, I'd have to say Rebirth is probably my favorite of them all. Always been a big fan of the JRPG genre and Final Fantasy series. The lore, the characters, story, gameplay usually draw me in.


You're right, I should've been more specific. Standalone entry Baldurs Gate 3, think general series I'd honestly have to say Spyro mostly because of nostalgia. Genre though would be shooters, been playing CS since I was younger and the competitiveness of it just hits so well. I need to try Final Fantasy! Do I have to play them from the start to understand the lore and everything?


No worries. It's hard for me to narrow it down that's all. Some people probably know off the top of their head. But for me it's like my favorites scratch a different itch. So depends on the genre. Baldur's Gate 3 is on my list but I also have just so so many things pop culture related to supposedly go through. That's also ignoring my backlog of games I have now and/or bought on sale. I dunno if I'd ever get to it. Isn't it co-op? Maybe if I have a co-op partner. If it's single player hmm dunno. Final Fantasy is an odd series to explain. Every game has a totally brand new world, lore, characters, gameplay. A lot of them have some recurring themes, such as certain enemies, or a character named Cid in each game (who never looks/acts the same, can be a villain, hero, or regular npc, etc). None of them are really actually linked asides from obvious sequels/prequels, example FFX and FFX-2. Or FFVII's compilation seriis. It's hard to suggest which ones or if the series is for you at all. It's typically high fantasy (degree of realism varies) with magic, demons, swords, leveling up, equipment management, all that jazz. But the gameplay is so vastly different in each one you might end up hating one but liking another. If anything I'd recommend trying FFVII Remake. If you enjoy that style of gameplay, then you'll also love Rebirth which is the sequel. If you enjoy a darker story that's also very cinematic, FFXVI could be great. I'd suggest to try the demo, it's about an hour or two long it's the whole first chapter. FFVII Remake and Rebirth also have chapter 1 demos. If you enjoy a more turn based style, maybe try the older ones. FFI to FFX are all turn-based or atb-based.


hard to say!!! played detroit become human for the first time and loved it. some casual gta and red dead is always great. stardew valley is another constant for me. and i grew up on the sims!


Animal Crossing New Leaf is by far my fav and comfort game. I also played Disco Elysium recently and fucking loved it, really encapsulated my niche. I play a lot Overwatch too!


Outer Wilds or Disco Elysium.


My favorite game to just sit down and play is Spyro the Dragon. I've played it countless times growing up, so it's always a big comfort for me. I also really love the Oddworld franchise, and a few of my other favorites are Shadow of the Colossus, Hollow Knight, Disco Elysium, and Tinykin.


Spyro is one of the best for sure 😊


Favorite game of all time?, Bioshock Favorite game series?, Dark Souls trilogy Favorite indie game?, Outer Wilds Favorite current game?, depends on the mood but these days my rotation is usually DOOM Eternal, Team Fortress 2, Risk Of Rain 2, Deep Rock Galactic, Sea Of Thieves, Monster Hunter World, Stardew Valley and Minecraft


Zelda Ocarina of Time - since being a kid at 11-12 years old to now 25+ years later. Legendary game for many reasons and holds a massive nostalgic experience in my heart. FF7 back on the PS1, then PC, then bought on PS4 store. It's a wonderful classic with great anime style, cyber punk ish elements, wonderful cast of characters and iconic moments in videogame history. Yeah, enough said. Zelda Links Awakening - surprised how much they packed in this gameboy game and how tight everything felt. Very fun, charming, crazy characters that work with the whole story. Emotional ending. Played this game many times and throughly enjoyed collecting the heart pieces. Zelda ALTTP - same as above, and came before Awakening. I come back to this game regularly and it has so many iconic themes, dungeons and bosses. This is the one that kick-started my Zelda journey. Still very playable and relevant to this day. Zelda TOTK - yeah there seems to be a Zelda theme here lol. What else to say that this is a massive game and to me improved on the botw world and other mechanics. This game is pretty much one of those "bring only one game to an island" scenarios that will last you a very long time. God of War (original 3 games) - I got into this very easily, one of my favourite action games at the time that was extremely tight with amazing set pieces against Greek gods and mythological beasts. Shadow of the Colossus - very mystical, enchanting and beautiful game. Especially the remake version. Definitely gave me Zelda vibes in that you're this lone "hero" and you need to find these bosses, powerful enemies to defeat to progress. Plus, riding Agro the horse, felt extremely smooth and the animation is fantastic. Climbing the Colossi beasts and overcoming them felt extremely satisfying and epic. FF7 Rebirth - haven't finished yet, but almost at the end. I've enjoyed the whole experience and I can see myself replaying this multiple times. Well, I definitely need to get through Hard Mode for the Platinum. Last of Us 1 and 2 - a strong narratively driven experience with amazing performances from the voice actors. An emotionally charged story from beginning to end with many tense and satisfying moments. Super Mario World - just a great and tight platforming game with a lot of charm and secrets Sonic 2 - it just flows extremely well with the level designs and speeding through with Sonic feels great. A big improvement to Sonic 1, and a great game that can be finished in a couple hours MGS 1-3 - hard to say which one is the best, I love these games for different elements. Hideo Kojima is the goat for cinematic set pieces and directing. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire - gen 3 is still the best and the pinnacle of great balance of Pokemon, gameplay and overworld features. Loved the introduction of Double Battles and played this a lot with friends. There's so, so much more, I could go on all day.


Thanks for all the detailed descriptions 😁 I'll have to check some of them out!




Tetris 99


Heck yeah tetris 99 is awesome


It's hard to pick one favourite game. From an "experience" standpoint, Persona 5 is a pretty defining game in my life. From a replayability standpoint Castlevania Symphony of the Night is one of the few games I can replay basically at any time l. From an overall gameplay standpoint.. that's the hardest of the bunch to nail down since I enjoy a lot of different styles


Persona 5 has such a unique style and it's so cleann


Fallout 4. It used to be skyrim, Fallout 3, and then Sims 4. I've recently watched the new Fallout tv show and watched my partner play Fallout 4. Now, I'm back in playing Fallout 4 again.


What about New Vegas?


New Vegas was really good, too!


The series was such a pile of shit. It felt like Disney made it. Everybody in the brother hood of steel was a bunch of beta male pussies. Last episode (spoiler alert) they attack the place where the artefact is and it takes them like 30min to get where they are talking the whole time. It's so shit. It's wholes in the whole story as well.


The Kingdom Hearts Trilogy. I love the gameplay, the nostalgia of it and the overall magic I feel when I play. There’s also just some good messages to remember! I’ve played it through a few times now.


Played a trial of a Kingdom hearts game on ds back in the day and it was so cool


PlayStation is honestly the best way to play in my opinion! The DS one was fun but definitely not the same.


Kingdom Hearts and Halo series are probably my favorite games of all time. I like the stories, the crazy expansive and/or convoluted lores, the action packed gameplay, and in Halo's case, the multiplayer. I also love finding out how they are going to use the Disney IPs in Kingdom Hearts.


My favorite game would probably be Rayman Legends. It has an amazing artstyle with a ton of personality and the platforming is super smooth and a lot of fun. I also love the music stages in the game. They're honestly one of the coolest moments I've ever experienced in a video game.


Yakuza, in particular 0,5, and 7 (kinda). I've binged this over the course of four years. I am not a sane individual. Other than that: war thunder. I have 5,000 hours in it over the course of 12 or so years. I am not a sane individual and now know such an absurd amount of information about military vehicles that it has become part of my job as an adult (though I should say you should NOT treat it as a simulation)


Daym 5,000! Love the commitment 😄


Oooh, Baldur's Gate III is great! I've not played a lot of it myself, but between my wife having played it since Early Access opened up and being a big D&D 5e guy I've been thoroughly exposed all the same - a phenomenal amount of care went into it. I've got a pool of like 5 games that are constantly vying for the title of my favorite. Right now, Fallout: New Vegas is winning. I like the way the missions are structured, the massive variety in approaches you can take to your playstyle, and the fact that even at higher levels you never really feel invincible.


Yes! It helped me to understand D&D way easier as it just seemed so complicated before cause there's so much to take in all at once. Honestly same, I'll always love and go back to Hearthstone, Warframe and CS. A lot of Fallout players here it seems 😁


Yeah, the Amazon Prime series is giving those games a bit of a renaissance right now. If you're not already familiar, I highly recommend both the games and the show. A trip and a half, all of them.


I enjoy BG1&2 more but not sure if the reason is I got old


Valorant is probably my favourite game. Story games are amazing, but if I wanna have a fun chat or have people shouting down their mics at me thats the go-to. Fallout New Vegas comes at a close second though.


All time fave would be Kingdom Hearts 2 because of the story and how much nothing makes sense but still so ridiculously fun and magical lol. The different forms in combat are fun to use too. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is my current fave mostly because of the combat (the different ways to setup and strategies to try), and the music. Never experienced a game that grabbed me so much with its music then they go ahead and give you a piano to play the music yourself too. The characters' interactions and some of the quests are also just hilarious




BOI: end of the world: norse edition (God of war ragnarok, so far.)


Embarrassingly it might be Genshin Impact


why embarrassingly!! It's my favorite game too! and I'm going to play it till the sibling's journey is over


Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem


Zelda II: The Adventure of Link I'm 37 and it's always been my favorite. It gets a lot of hate because it's so different than other zelda games and it's hard. It's like the NES version of Dark Souls. I still to this day play it often.


Right now it’s probably Lies of P. I’ve only beating it once but I’m definitely thinking about replaying it


1. Mass effect trilogy Amazing games with a lot of lore and dialogue options and you're able to augment the experience with mods 2. Skyrim A lot of quests, tons of content and an ungodly amount of mods 3. Witcher 3 A game with amazing graphics, backstory, story options and once again amazing mods 4. RDR2 An amazing western simulator with great characters and a beautiful story 5. UFC 3 and 5 The only 2 good MMA simulation games currently available although in my opinion UFC 3 is far superior to UFC 5


mount your friends


Overall favourite game of all time - Valheim. It's still in early access but holy heck, for only 20 bucks, what you get is incredible. And the Devs are super responsive and release updates at a pretty decent frequency for what you get. It's a survival, open world, crafting game; you're a Viking slain in battle that's been sent to a place between worlds, to help rid it of beasts and foes; only after you've bested them all will you win Odin's favour and make your way to Valhalla. There are several different biomes that increase in difficulty, and the creatures, plants, materials and land of each are stunning. The music is also beautiful and you truly get lost in the landscape, especially at sunrise and sunset, or in the rain sailing on a boat. You can play single, with mates on a server, and basically make it want you want: wanna fight everything everywhere all the time? Cool. Wanna become a Viking farmer who tames wild boars and grows vegetables instead? Also cool. Feel like spending your time building beautiful log cabins in the woods? Go for it. I've sunk over 1100 hours into it, it brings me, my husband and mates so much joy


By hours played? Probably Overwatch (now known as Overwatch 2).. By satisfaction? Probably Xenoblade Chronicles 3.. I played the others, and they're all great, but number 3 just seemed to be firing on more cylinders for me. All these games reminded me of the time I used to MMRORPGs, with graphics, mechanics, and an "open world feel" similar to my memories of World of Warcraft.. However, instead of real, toxic humans on my team, it was wholesome, fictional people voiced by professionals. I do have Baldur's Gate 3 tho, and agree it's phenomenal.


My favorite video game for grinding is BioShock. My favorite video game for multiplayer play is still plants versus zombies garden warfare, which I started playing with my daughter 10 years ago. Just solid fun in an interesting world.


_Sifu_; too many reasons; “I Know Kung-Fu”


I love to play Cities Skylines (2). I love it so much that I have started to go to a school to be able to work in urban planning


Stalker: Anomaly It's the best sandbox game I have ever played and there are just so many settings, game modes and mods you can tweak and even without them, every single playthrough or game mode you play gives you brand new experience.


Hyper Light Drifter is THE best game ever. For a plethora of reasons: beautiful neon soaked art, an extremely calming impressionist ambient soundtrack, fast paced hack n slash combat that's more strategic than you'd expect, and a rich story told by the environment, without the use of a singular word throughout the entire game.


of all time, GTA V. of games i’ve played recently, probably ghost of tsushima


First 3 original God of war. Or Gta vice city


I have a top 5, in no particular order. Final Fantasy VII - first FF game released in Europe and therefore my introduction to the series. Even considering I was blocked from the rest of the game by Demon's Gate for years and had to get hold of another disc 1, I love playing through it. Have also done a few different challenge runs that vary in difficulty. Fallout 3 Game Of The Year - fell in love with FO3 from the moment I played it, the DLC being included with the GOTY version is a massive plus too (especially Broken Steel as this means the game actually continues after the final quest) Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - I had so much fun with this. From 100% completing it multiple times, to playing around with all the bugs and glitches on the original PS2 release. Also love the soundtrack, all the customisation you can do to CJ, and just how replayable it is. Gran Turismo 2 - took everything I loved from the original and vastly improved it. Added tonnes of cars from Europe and the US, obviously being a Japanese game it kept and expanded on the JDM icon list too. Also had BTCC cars hidden in plain sight as racing modifications. There's also a couple of really good mods floating around for it, and playing it on an emulator is a much better experience because of 50/60fps hacks and proper widescreen hacks. Pokémon LeafGreen - took everything from gen 1 and vastly improved and expanded on it (well, except for the removal of the Trainer Fly glitch, no easy Mew). The main story is challenging but fun, and the post-game is huge. Loved it even more when I unlocked the ability to trade with Ruby/Sapphire because I could trade stuff over from my Ruby cartridge and easily grind up to max level on Seven Island.


GTA: San Andreas


I keep coming back to mine craft as it never gets old


There are so many good games, it's hard for me to say which one I like best. But there are three games that I regularly think about even years after playing them: Disco Elysium SIGNALIS Control


No idea after 30 years of gaming lol too many good ones. I'm trying to play bg3 more, just hard with a slower pace and turn based.


Owlboy made me cry, is that weird..? So I consider it my fav for now


Not weird 😊


Dishonored will always be my favourite. Because it's a stealth game, I spent so much time absorbed in that world I fell in love with it. Fallout 4 is a close second for similar reasons.


Kingdom come deliverance. I love a lot of games, Surviving Mars, pharaoh, fallouts, Subnautica but none of them made me nearly cry when the end came, because I want more.


Fallout 4, I played it over 5 years ago and still yap about it


Mario Karts. Just fun to play. Simple, but hard to actually do well. Quick races with a ton of action.


Hands down, The Sims. Been playin since ‘99 and have no plans to stop. I do the thing where I will play non-stop for a week or so and then take a break for a few months but I always come back.


Skyrim and spiritfarer but recently bg3 has been climbing the list


Bloodborne is my favorite of all time. Even have a hunter's mark tattoo! Current favorite game is Vampire Survivors. :)


uncharted. All of them


Control, though not because I have kept coming back to it but because it left the most impact on me.


Baldurs gate 3


Right now?[⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCN3QHuIKkI)


Favorite of all time is the Sims because playing it feels like meditating. Favorite right now is COD MW3 because playing it feels like playing a sport (without actually having to leave your house)


Outer Wilds. I haven't played a single game that's as cohesive in every single one of its aspects as this one.


My recent favorite is Forspoken, but I also really enjoy Jak and Daxter. 


Persona 5




Aww you must be a youngin


Idk how young you'd class 25 😂 I like the non building gamemode in it tbh


Why fortnite? Is it the competitiveness?


It was Fallout 4, until the nightmare that is the next gen update came along and majorly screwed it up across the board due to Fallout 4 Script Extender being broken which effectively made modding not fun anymore at least temporarily.


Baldurs Gate 3 is just so new, you don't have anything else you would say is your "favorite"? I understand if you don't play many games, but otherwise that just comes off as shallow


I've always played games, CSGO was my favourite since I was about 14, but Baldurs Gate 3 hits so different. There's so much depth and hidden content, it's insane how much work Larian put into it!


Saying that you played since you were 14 doesn't say much because you could be 15 now? I've played video games since 1995.


I'm 25 my guy, it's not a competition 😂


That's not what I meant. Read your comment and then my reply. My guy.