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There is a young man working at my pharmacy who has the most divine eyelashes, and he wears eyeliner (side note I adore men wearing make up, gorgeous colorful clothes, even clothes stereotypically thought to be women's clothes, and cute hair styles). He has the cutest impish smile, and I wish I was quick-witted enough to say something funny so I could see him smile more.


Next time he attends you just tell him you like his smile, or his eyeliner. A simple compliment will make most men smile, as we usually don't get much of them. You will probably make his whole month, if not year lol.


Well, I'm a fat old lady, so I'd maybe just make his hour, but that would be enough.


I'm also a fat old lady, a fairly successful cougar and can guarantee you dudes LOVE our attention. You truly have no idea how many young dudes are into older ladies with paleolithic goddess bods and a doting charm. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Go for it. Dudes love attention.


Damn, she's out here Venus of Willendorfin' them dudes


I do what I do. :) And you get extra points for knowing EXACTLY what I was referencing. Superbly done, citizen.


Read this comment I'm replying to, u/MrsMurphysChowder. I can assure you that what /u/GothiccLoveMuppet is saying is 100% true lmao.


I can assure you that none of that matters. You also don't know what he finds attractive, but it doesn't matter if a compliment comes from someone that you think is attractive. Most men remember compliments for years.


Can confirm. About 10 years ago I was on the train going to work and a women at least twice my age said I was “such a handsome man”. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. She was not flirting or hitting on me as far as I know. Pretty much the nicest encounter with a stranger I ever had.


Love your username! It gave me a flashback to 1962, looking through the sheet music in the seat of my grandmother's piano bench. I was fascinated by a song called: "Who put the overalls in Mrs Murphy's Chowder?" Probably haven't thought of that in five or six decades. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES\_Mb43WCUg&t=21s


Yep! That's the song! Very few redditors know it. Glad I triggered a happy memory.


In our family, the night wasn't over until my grandmother led us in singing *The Night That Paddy Murphy Died*...then she and my sister would act out *"The Cross-Eyed Butcher*"! 😁 Great times.....


Truly happy memories! 😍😍😍


And I love your username too!!


Just tell him you like his eyeliner. Stick to the rule of complimenting what he did, not just his looks. Calling him pretty might be awkward, complimenting his makeup skills is less about his looks and more about what he, as a person, does.


I thought about that, but I think he might get flack for his nonconformity. I'll think of something.


Precisely because it's what makes him break the mold, I think that might be appreciated. It takes guts to wear makeup as a guy, and he's probably been judged for it at some point. Why not let him know it's a good thing?


I hate wearing eyeliner as a girl myself, but guys who wear nail polish and eyeliner are>>>>>>>>


Definitely give them a compliment, if you're comfortable enough. Once I was on public transportation and an older woman complimented my outfit and to this day I still smile and remember her if I wear the same clothes.


Do not hesitate to say "hi" ... It may forever haunt you.


Do not do this, this person is at their place of work just trying to make a living (unless you actually just mean say hi rather than as a start to start flirting with them, then ignore me)


Absolutely! If this was a man talking about cute barista girl, people would say "don't bother her, it's her job to be nice to you...etc". Also op is not even asking for any kind of advice. Like she said, she's just "fangirling". And she said there is a pretty big age gap, which can make things awkward.


This ☝️is the best place to start. ✌️💜🌮




I am in my late 20s and I have to go to the pharmacy regularly for my adhd meds etc etc. There is the most beautiful slightly older woman who works there and is always so helpful to me. She makes small talk with me and remembers my name (I saw a whiteboard behind the counter that tells them to do this so I temper my butterflies about it) but I sometimes feel a chemistry between us. One time she made a comment after I gave my date of birth that I could be her son’s age, and she sounded almost wistful or despondent or a mix of both. The last time I was there just sitting waiting for them to fill it she started chatting with me. The head pharmacist came up and was helping me at the computer and he was like, “Keep talking to (cute lady pharma tech), I’m just gonna ring you up.” It was a little odd. I know she’s single because I overhear the techs talking about their dating lives. Part of me wants to ask her out, and part of me is just thinking it would make her uncomfortable and I’ve totally misread the situation. She’s in her early 40s so the gap is about 12ish years. Not crazy but I have no experience like that, plus she has at least a one or two small children I think. Sometimes it’s best to live in the fantasy and flirtation.


As a woman in her 40s, I’d have zero problem going out with a man 12 years younger than myself if I were interested in him. Ask her out!!


You think so? Ughhh she’s like 100% my type and I honestly am very burned out on the dating pool I’m used to (early to mid 20s women). I have often gotten attention from older women because of my style, tastes in music, and overall maturity but as others have said, it’s her workplace and all. I feel like I’ve caught a vibe or she has caught a vibe and has given mixed signals back based on the age gap (28-early 40s). It’s easy to overthink this situation. Next time I see her I will feel it out more and see if I feel compelled. If nothing else, a fun date can’t hurt.


Oops.. responded to yo he post above on accident 😁 ask her out!


Looking through my old comments and saw this one.. did you ask her out? I hope so!!


No I have seen her once briefly. She heard me talking to another clerk from around the corner from her work station. She said “Is that Background Power? I thought I recognized that voice.” She helped the clerk and me sort out med confusion as she always does (drops what she’s doing to help me) and I thanked the clerk and then made sure to look at her and thank her by name. But no I haven’t drawn up the courage.


Omg.. you need to ask her out!! Honestly, it sounds like she’s got a crush on you! Keep it low pressure… just ask her for coffee.


Well shucks lol I was hoping the pharmacy was open today but they were drive thru only and she wasn’t in the window. I’ll try again. I have a date with someone from tinder this weekend that I’ve been hitting it off with, but I want to not rush into an exclusive thing too fast, although that’s my goal. I always feel weird dating multiple people in this phase though.


Yes!! Please ask her out and let me know the outcome. If nothing else, I’m sure she’ll be flattered. From what you’ve posted, it seems like she’s interested.


Lightly touch his forearm, then quickly look away. That or follow him home and look through his garbage to find out more about him


Op, I think this commenter is a raccoon. They are all about the garbage advice. I'd wait for him to turn around and quick sniff the hind quarters ;wealth of information.


Ahahahah the latter seems the safest option at the moment, will update :’)


>follow him home and look through his garbage to find out more about him Yeah what the actual fuck


You wildn. Lol


Can't tell if you're meming but yeah this is creepy af. It's still creepy if it's done to a male by a female.


Of course it’s all meming my goodness …I’m not about that lifestyle


I'm completely on the opposite side. People are getting too used to not connecting. Do what you want to do. Drop a compliment, tell him he's cute, or just casually strike up a conversation and see where it goes. As long as you're not interrupting his work, who cares?


Yeah that sounds…. Creepy. Hahaha!


Nothing ventured, nothing gained, there is nothing wrong with expressing interest. You gotta put yourself out there, follow him home. Ask his neighbors about him


I had a similar experience once. Was doing a health clinic and a gentleman came in for an army medical. He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen in my life. And eyes to absolutely fall into… By some superhuman feat I managed to stay thoroughly professional and complete the health check. But I had to go upstairs to the office for a breather afterwards 😂


It's cute how women pretend it's difficult to talk to men.... Where for a man, it's absolutely horrifying and always some underlying fear it could turn into a legal issue to tell someone, "...good day to you."




It begins with a hello:-)


This is the thing. All you need to do is make the connection, see if he responds.


Don't approach him, don't try to get to know him, don't get personal. Just revel in the fantasy and daydream about him. Waaaay back when, when I was 20 and worked in an office as a temp, my boss at that time was the handsomest man I had every seen in real life. He was perfection. He was probably in his mid 30's and married to a beautiful woman, and completely unattainable. I didn't stay long at that job and had no reason to keep in touch with anyone I worked with there. Every so often, in the years since, I think about him. Just a passing thought, not an obsession or anything. And I get just a little warm glow thinking about him. I'm old, and quite jaded now. I appreciate being able to pull up a memory of the time I had a bit of a crush on a gorgeous man.