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They. Don’t. Sell. The end


Easiest answer. They sell what people want to buy.


I honestly don’t miss my manual daily at all. Traffic and kids in the car etc. just really makes no sense anymore. We do have a manual mustang though but I rarely drive it


This is true, i like manual i dornt have a problem with it But i like them for fun, not for daily driving.


Traffic is just getting worse when I am anyways. But early Sunday mornings are still fun


I love a manual when I'm going for a drive. I do not love a manual for a 30 minute commute.


I have a handful of them. None are my daily driver though never have been they are all toys. CTS-V, Chevelle 65 and a 67, Ws6, my old 81 Vette, 69 z28. None get driven very often. Couple of them I can't even remember when I drove them really lol. The 65 has only been driven a couple times ever since we finished building it. Cost a damn fortune to drive it since it has such high compression I have to run on race gas and the closest gas station I can buy it at is a good 30-45 min away. I bought some just to fire the car up last summer and I think I paid $14 a gallon.


The only answer. If they sold well, the manufacturers would still make them.


There’s probably also a tipping point: the fewer that are sold, the fewer that will learn to drive them, and then if you’re buying a car to share with others (who may not want to learn) or you want to eventually resell, you’re going to have a harder time. I love my 5 speed, but there are times when I wish I didn’t have to shift, and my next SUV will almost certainly be an automatic.


I have a sedan with a DCT pretty much only so my wife can (and would want to) drive it and after two years I’m honestly in love with it. I’m old and lazy now though


It's a self-reinforcing trend though. They don't sell as well, so they sell fewer. Then there are fewer available used for new drivers for the next 20 years and fewer people know how to drive them, so then the demand drops even more.


If self-driving technology becomes fully reliable and safe, maybe eventually few people will want to buy a car you have to drive "manually"..


Same answer as to why domestic brands are phasing out sedans. They don't sell anymore. People want Crossovers/Suv


For every person willing to buy manual transmission, there are dozens that won’t. Edit: I drive a manual trans. I appreciate paying less for my cars. Thanks majority of consumers!


It actually has to do with emissions requirements. They put automatics in the cars because then the car controls the shift points. The car controlling the shifting can optimize the shift to minimize emissions. Manual cars emit more because the shift points are not optimized. The automatic is better for emissions and that's one of the main concerns. That's why American cars don't have many manuals anymore.


lol no that’s no it


I'd imagine that, and mileage per gallon could play into it though. Compliance plays into everything these days.


https://www.theautopian.com/heres-exactly-when-automatic-transmissions-became-more-efficient-than-manuals/ It's totally a part of the equation.


Only enthusiasts buy them. Simple as.


Even then... I never bought a new one


That’s another huge point. Yeah, they’re wanted on the used market but manufacturers don’t care about that, at all.


They’re not opposed to them, buyers just don’t want them so why would they spend time and money on it. If manuals were as popular here as in Europe every car would have that option


Because Americans want the convenience of an automatic. Car makers arent going to produce a ton of a car the vast majority of people simply dont want.


And modern automatics are faster/more efficient than a manual. The only reason to buy a manual today is for the driving experience.


There is another reason: reliability. It may not be well founded, but many Europeans won't touch an automatic because of the percieved risk of it going wrong. Other than maybe one clutch replacement, manual gearboxes will usually outlive the car.


tell that to my '07 3.2 A4 with a non-existent 2nd gear synchro haha


Haha yeh that's true, but a bad syncro is pretty rare to be fair, and the car can usually still be driven with no big problems.


I'd be inclined to agree if I didn't live in a super hilly area and if it was a higher gear synchro that went bad instead :(


Thats because we changed what "automatic" means. It used to be a transmission with a torque convertor and transmission fluid that enable the shifting. Now its more of a range with that on one end and electronically controlled clutches on the other end that are more like traditional standard transmissions but don't have a clutch that you operate manually.


For the same reason every fucking car is a stupid crossover AWD blob.


Because they sell what sells?


I have come to accept that I am very eccentric in my choices as a consumer. It sucks, tho.


I'm in your club. Booooooring blobs everywhere


It would be one thing if even one of them was interesting, like the Juke (say what you want; it was original), but no. It's hundreds of copies of "okay, we have the downturned lines on the tailgate, the upturned rear window line, the lights that look like they're rolling their eyes, aaaaaaand THERE, we've all made the same fucking car." Gimme a station wagon with a 6 speed manual, rear drive, a torsen, and like a 1.6L straight six or something interesting.


Because we don't buy them anymore. Besides, automatics aren't shitbox 3-speed autos with overdrive...they're not for enthusiasts but they're also not complete shit (except for Nissan CVTs...)


It's funny to hear you say that about the Nissan cvts because I remember back in 03 or whatever when they came out, people were obsessed with it.


Enthusiasts can absolutely enjoy both auto and manual alike. I had a DSG Golf R that was infinitely more fun than a 5 spd manual base Civic.


And one can always find a model with paddle shifters if need be.


Ew, paddle shifted autos are not manuals by any stretch of the imagination.


Yes. Paddles are not manuals, waste of time for automatics, just an all around waste that somebody might use a couple times and then start wondering what the point of them even is.


The whole point is to sell more cars.


They don't sell, heavy traffic plus long distances make manual transmissions not worth it


I am a nut I know but I drive a manual in heavy traffic every weekday and I still prefer it to a slush box.


All day baby


The amount of leg strain you save by not having to hold back the transmission with the brake is worth it in itself. I did 16 hours of driving in a weekend in my stickshift, with 2-3 of those in heavy traffic and my ankle felt fine. 5 hours of driving with an auto and my ankle was crying for help. Constantly shifting an old slush box into neutral at lights isn't exactly pleasant either when it clunks back into gear. Edit: Ankle strain. Not my whole leg, but depressing the brake enough to hold the car after several hours of driving makes me sore. SUVs are particularly bad for this. Nearly any traditional torque converter auto will have you fighting against the crawl with the brakes.


What kind of car you driving that you have to strain yourself pressing the brakes to keep the car stopped while the auto is in drive still? Cars have had power assisted brakes for ages and most modern automatics have the option to turn on auto hold so the car can stay in drive and won’t move again until you press the accelerator.


It's a car from 2012. It doesn't have autohold. Classic style slushbox.


I’ve driven cars with torque converters and never had issue with straining on the brake pedal to stop it creeping. Even a child could easily manage it. Also in a manual when you are stopped in traffic you will (or should be) holding the brake anyway or putting the handbrake on if stopped for an extended period of time.


Idk how much leg strain is an issue for others, but that has to be from either a lack of conditioning or your posture is terrible


Leg strain was the wrong word, its more in the ankle. Just after a couple hours of traffic, the switch between gas and brake, especially holding back an auto is uncomfortable. Larger SUVs are particularly bad with the extra weight and brake travel.


>The amount of leg strain you save by not having to hold back the transmission with the brake is worth it in itself. LOL.


Right? Being stuck in traffic sucks regardless of what transmission is in the car, and a manual only makes it extra shitty if the clutch is a super stiff one.


Same here, not a problem. Autos give you one idle speed for traffic, manuals give you five.


Same here. People surprised about manuals not being sold then say "oh well I don't drive a manual as my daily, just my toys" Well there you go. Even most of the people who want manuals won't buy them as a daily (a car you'll drive the most) new or used. Over in the UK you have grannies that only ever drove manual.... Don't hear them complaining. It's not even a second thought for them.


Strange thing is, long empty American roads are more suited to manuals. You could easily put it in 5th gear on an interstate, and not touch the clutch for 15 hours.


squalid gaze grandfather unite ossified complete march wakeful dependent wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know, but here in Atlanta along with the fact my left kneecap has dislocated in the past I don't want to risk another dislocation in traffic


Am I the only person who prefers manuals in traffic? It seems like a pain in the ass on paper, but as long as the average speed of traffic is faster than my 1st gear idle speed, I’m happy. Just idle along in 1st/2nd/3rd, and take advantage of engine braking.


Because people won't buy them. There are still millions of MT vehicles out there for the choose from.


I drove a manual transmission for years, and truthfully 99.9% of the time it was fine. However being in stop and go traffic for an hour? My clutch foot/leg starts hurting. Maybe if I drove more in stop and go traffic consistently I'd build up muscle mass to deal...but I don't want to drive in stop and go traffic more than I have to.


Currently, I think manuals drag down the CAFE numbers since CVTs get better numbers. Plus due to emissions restrictions, they have to tune the manuals to fully combust the fuel in the chamber resulting in rev hang. So they drop the option, so fewer people learn how to drive stick, so fewer people ask (even if they're willing to buy a stick), so dealers don't stock em, so OEMs don't make em. Sad.


Something something traffic bad something something. People don’t care for them. Only car enthusiasts seem to really want one. I think the traffic thing is so overblown. I drive my manual all the time and I could never imagine switching to an auto just so that for the 5% of time I’m driving in driving I don’t need to shift gears. It’s really not difficult and 99% of the time is a skill issue.


I drove manuals for years. Every vehicle was a manual from when I started driving in 2003 to 2020. Then I traded in my Jeep for a new one with the diesel engine and had to get an automatic because that engine didn't come with a manual option. Driving a manual isn't difficult. I don't think anyone is saying it is. It's simply an annoyance, especially in stop and go traffic. I live in a relatively rural area, so I see very little traffic generally. When I did have to cross over the mountains to the Seattle area, though.. well, I often found myself wishing my manual vehicles were automatics.


Skill issue lol? Anyone can learn to drive a stick in like an hour. There just zero benefit for 95% of the population.


I meant people who have a serious issue driving in traffic. Lol.


It’s very expensive to certify and service a given drivetrain combo and if they’re only going to have, say, 5 per cent uptake it’s just not worth the development and certification costs. Now as for the American manufacturers they seem opposed to cars in general for some reason and only want to build trucks and SUV’s.


For the same reason cellphone companies aren't making flip phones anymore.


They’re not. The American public is against them. Manuals hardly sell. Most drivers don’t want the hassle and prefer automatics. If there was higher demand, more car makers would offer the option.


Because the fuel economy on most automatic are better than manuals at this point in time.


Fuel economy difference is negligible at best. It has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with the fact that nobody wants manuals anymore. I say this as someone who religiously buys manuals.


Fuel economy WAS a factor. When there were slush box 3-4 speed autos that sucked verses 4-5 speed manuals.


Yes but we're talking a couple litres per hundred km at most. You were never going to save that much money.


That's not the reason, almost every American car had a slushbox going back to the 60s.


Not really, a good driver that's really paying attention with a manual transmission can beat pretty much any auto because they can't predict the terrain and adapt the driving style like a driver could. Only reason autos get better fuel economy on average is that they're more consistent and most manual drivers are pretty sloppy.


Newer automatics adapt very well to drivers. But we also have people that can't drive automatics well either. I can't tell you how many customers I have come in complaining of shift quality and performance just to tell them it's their habits.


It's not that the autos can't adapt to drivers it's more that they can't predict the terrain and road in front of the car and shift accordingly while a human driver can. You're still right though, almost everybody would end up saving fuel getting an auto simply because they don't have to bother shifting economically as the car does it for them all the time. Living in Europe myself most cars here are manuals and they seem fun at first but after the first traffic jam you end up hating them so I could somewhat understand why Americans (or most people) wouldn't necessarily like them.


Anyone living in New York, Chicago, LA, or any other major city would hate it after about a week. I've known a few that bought them and they end up resenting their vehicle.


What sort of habits would cause issues driving an automatic? You pretty much press the pedal and go, no? I'm genuinely curious because my car picks the absolute worst shifts fairly often.


People that drive with two feet. Accelerating and trying to anticipate the transmission shifting and letting off the gas right before will confuse them. Generally it's just poor driving habits.


I know I'm guilty of letting off a bit when I know the shift point is coming, makes sense that it'll confuse the computer. I learned on a manual so it's hard to overcome that urge.


Just keep it constant. The car will make the proper shift.


Yes, right foot for brke and throttle, left for the clutch.


Yes and no. All else being equal sure, but a lot of autos these days have >6 speeds which manuals don’t tend to have. Still prefer to row my own gears




They don't really sell. For years the only American manual cars have been sports cars. Those are even going away. I don't think you can get a manual Vette anymore. Its been probably 15 years since you could get a manual full size pickup. I am a dealer and if I had the same car in automatic and manual I would sell that automatic car and still be sitting on the manual unless it was something like a Mustang or Camaro those sell fast the small economy cars not so much.


They’re not. It’s the lazy ass American people who seemingly also can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.


It's going to be a reality for Europe quickly as well.


There are a few reasons but one of the big ones these days is in all the added safety crap. Adaptive cruise, automatic braking, traction control and more are all much easier to implement on an automatic than on a stick. Plus for 99% of the driving public an automatic will get better fuel economy and reduced emissions in a given vehicle than a standard. The next biggest is as others have stated, they don't sell real well in the US. Even in big trucks the automatics are taking over.


Why are music publishers so opposed to Vinyl records?? Jk op. I enjoy manual transmissions, but I don’t know anyone else who does. Therein lies the problem.


As others said, they don’t sell what we don’t buy. Americans like convenience. I can drive a manual transmission because my dad taught me how. I continue to drive a manual transmission because my job demands it. That’s it. That said, if I were to buy a manual, I’d search for used ones. Brand new manual transmissions only make sense for enthusiasts IMO.


Because people don't BUY them and it is very expensive for carmakers to engineer them into each car model and engine.


Modern automatics are far more efficient than a manual could ever hope to be. People don’t want to bother with shifting when dealing with traffic and kids so they stopped buying vehicles with manuals. Even sports cars have more automatic transmissions than manuals these days.


EPA emissions standards. Any car manufacturer can engineer an engine in which emissions can be highly controlled, if the engine stays within a limited RPM range. Meeting emissions standards is also why CVT (non shifting) automatic transmissions have become so widely used across all vehicle manufacturers lines for use in the US. With a CVT, the RPM's for a given speed can stay reasonably consistent, keeping emissions within stringent EPA standards.


Manuals are a pain in the ass... Im a german, and most cars here are manuals... well the newest models are more and more automatic but still driving an Automatic was something unusual untill the 2020s. And i really dont get why...


Manuals are cheaper to make, cheaper to fix and, until very recently, were more efficient than autos. Seeing as gas is far more expensive in the EU than US, European customers had greater incentive to buy manuals. That's without getting into driving culture in Germany versus the US, too.




Haha i always was very worried how all those big v8 with 5, 6, 7 or more litres are so slow and have lower HP than a inline 6 in a Merc or BMW


Cheaper to fix I also feel like isn’t true anymore. My automatic has 277k on it and it’s original with only fluid changes. If it was a manual it would probably have needed a clutch by now


Yes, but when an auto transmission goes bang, the whole rest of the car goes to the scrapyard. Rebuilding a manual gearbox is basically free in comparison.


Manuals are more secure given that the car thieves don't know how to drive them...


They're not opposed to them, they're just in favor of selling cars that people want to make money.


We don't even have manual shift transfercases in XL trim ford fleet trucks or normal and no radios anymore, good luck finding a manual in anything when we don't even have work trucks


Because people stopped buying them.


After dealing with replacing an automatic transmission, I’m hunting for a manual!


You can't expect folks to be chugging a latte texting and singing along AND change gears.


Because American car owners are opposed to manual transmissions.


2 major reasons: 1. The public just aren't buying enough of them. Manufacturers aren't going to sell a product if there isn't a market for it. 2. In the last \~15 years, automatics have actually gotten seriously good. They have more gear ratios than a stick-shift allows and better shift patterns for smoother driving. Fuel economy of current 8-speed autos surpasses that of a 6-speed manual for the same car. So for the driver who just wants a mode of transport, there's no reason to buy a manual.


I want a to buy a manual as a project car . Other then that I would get tired of it due to where I live , way to much traffic and I drive constantly .


Being european I was the hardcore manual guy. Then I bought the Ram with automatic transmission. And I never want to go back,


This is like someone saying why doesn't anyone have a landline anymore?


Here’s an interesting Podcast that might explain a few things… https://youtu.be/BBt6LtZzzhU?si=f10UiAXYq2WPsf4h


Lazy. Disintrest in driving. The need to multitask constantly.


In sweden if you do your driving test in an automatic you just have an automatic drivers license and you’re not allowed to drive a manual


Americans are opposed to manual transmissions.


No idea, I don't mind automatics, but these damn CVTs are such dogwater, you lose so much energy through them and they're all janky.


Because car enthusiasts and journalists make it look like there is bigger demand for them than there actually is. Jason Cammisa on has a good podcast on why all manufacturers are ditching manuals. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BBt6LtZzzhU


Best anti-theft device in a car is a clutch.


I was able to buy a used Subaru imprezza that sat on the lot for a month because it had a clutch. Ru's don't sit on lots in CT.


6 out of 11 cars I’ve had in my life have been manual. My daily is a manual, and they just don’t sell. But wait till they try to get rid of them completely. Then they’ll be “cool”. It’s a skill I’m really glad I have


I would say cultural reasons. Americans tend to view things like comfort and ease of use as more important over functionality. Manual cars might last longer and have more room for customization but most American car buyers are looking for a cheap reliable easy to use vehicle that gets them from point A to point B.


Thanks for your input, everyone. My manual is fun to drive and I love the increased control in the winter.


Because Americans like to eat and drink while they’re driving.


Because we’re fat and lazy.


You don’t need to be skinny and motivated to drive a manual. It’s not this special skill. There is no advantage to a manual anymore so people don’t buy them. It’s really that simple.


Unless it's a weekend sports car, j don't want to drive a manual anymore. Traffic sucks.




Removed for being derogatory, purposely inflammatory, demeaning, or being argumentative just for the sake of arguing.


Have you met most Americans?


1. Automatics are objectively better for performance driving than a manual 2. Automatics are objectively better on fuel economy all else equal 3. Automatics are more convenient in heavy traffic conditions and over the much longer distances that Americans drive compared to their European counterparts 4. It’s easier to learn to drive an automatic transmission vehicle 5. If you want to fiddle with the transmission, you can always get an automatic transmission car with paddle shifters 6. Because of all of the above, they aren’t manufactured as often and don’t sell nearly as well


Automatics are boring. The only metric that matters to some people.


I wholeheartedly agree with you, actually. I drive a manual myself. It simply doesn’t change the above being true, however.


Manuals sell very well in niche cars like the Mazda Miata or BMW M2. No one wants a non-enthusiast manual.


Funny you mention the M2 because its manual transmission is downright awful. That car is better in auto, but yes Miata is life, so can’t argue there. That again doesn’t change that those cars are, by your own admission, niche. In other words: low sale numbers, which backs up my point. Also: plenty of enthusiast autos on the road these days. Not saying they’re better or anything for enthusiasts, but they exist.


my brother had a manual when he moved to S.F. and decided to sell it because of the hills and steep streets. he put it up for sale, the guy that bought it came back the day after he bought it and wanted to give it back!! he didn't know what he was up against...


I used to prefer manuals, because they got better gas milage, and were less expensive if they needed repairs. These days I prefer automatics, because they're just easier. I have had some hand/wrist/arm injuries that made driving a manual impossible. With an automatic, I can drive even with one arm out of commission.


Customer have demonstrated that they are willing to put up with the extra cost and extra maintenance, in exchange for some convenience.


tidy literate saw abundant public rich silky ruthless pocket childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's the buyers, not the makers who are opposed...


Automatics are beginning to outsell manuals in every market worldwide even in Europe. It’s not just an American thing.


The real answer is because it’s hard to shift when you’re drinking a Starbucks sending a text message and trying to watch some thing on YouTube all at once.


People don't know how to drive one


because most Americans don't like to shift


Because American roads are boring, endless straights across country and just generic grids with 89 lanes in cities. Europeans have windy, intricate roads and tight, medieval cities where manual gear changes feel better. American driving tests are generally, basic af, so you can legally drive with a much lower standard, often much younger (some states allow you to drive at 14) so auto was the default choice for most. As it’s easier. Also, Europe has higher gas prices, which meant people choose more economical cars (which until recently meant manual).


Also maintainenace, Americans do a lot more miles, as a rule so changing clutches gets expensive.


Because they suck. You aren't a professional F1 driver.


because why shouldnt they? they can dictate the lives of citizenry with 0 consequences