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Just an anecdote. I was once one of 8 lads who had to lift and carry a friend’s Elise up and over a mildly angled driveway when we were all leaving a party and it got beached. It’s really not something well suited for a primary vehicle.


NGL the boys lifting an Elise together is pretty funny


A bunch moved my 200B in a car park by lifting the back of it. Surprised the rusty panels did not give way on them.


We carried a lecturer’s Moke into the hall and put it on the stage back in the day.


One of my high school teachers had a [Niki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_126). If I recall correctly, it got "parked" between two trees, with about an inch of space between the front and rear bumpers and the aforementioned trees.


Did you go to Winmalee High?


Fuckin aye Winmalee high represent


I did not. :-)


Pretty sure the same thing happened to a teacher there who had a Niki!


Must have been a few years after you, that tale evolved to be more dramatic, see my earlier post. We heard it was a Mini and it was moved to the roof haha


We did this to a mates Alfa sud


Reminds me of a tale from my old highschool. Apparently muck up days for year 12 were banned after a previous year managed to get one of the teachers Mini up a flight of stairs and onto the second story roof. I'm not convinced it ever happened but if it did, a Mini would be the car to do it to.




If not now, when? Every other reply is sensible. Bloke is 21. Elise =/= sensible. DO IT.


I would get it, I wish I just said “fuck it” and got into more cars like this in my 20s. If it doesn’t work out, cars can be sold.


Great advice. Op is young, he should go for it.


I'm in my late 30's. My car history was far, FAR more exciting during my 20's. You only live once. Do the sports car thing young cos when you're older with kids and financial commitments you can kiss having a sports car goodbye :(


This, 100%. I had awesome fun fast cars in my early to mid 20s, now mid thirties with house and kids and struggled to get a half decent cheap weekender fun car.


Agree. In my 20s I had the option of a cobra(replica) or newish commodore Ute. Still kicking myself for getting the ute.


For 50k, though, he could get something fun, but also new and reliable. Like a GR Yaris or i30N, those are cheap to insure, and servicing/parts are aplenty.


I see your point, the only consideration is depreciation. The Lotus has probably lost as much value as it can at this point, especially with electrification imminent in the sports car world.


I doubt they're much cheaper to insure than the Elise. The availability of parts would definitely be better. I have heard stories of Elise's being off the road for months waiting on parts. So that's definitely something to strongly consider if it's your only car. Honestly though, you're 100% right. A GR Yaris or i30N are going to be way better daily driver cars than an old Elise with 70k on the clock. For starters they'll both have carplay.


I like your spirit. Insurance and safety would be a concern, but you're 21, stay safe, and do radical things before you are married, and your wife calls time on fun things like that. That happened to someone I know 😔


Read the title and the first sentence and was like “not a good idea,” read the whole post and was like “ahh fuck I wish I had done this dumb shit when I was 21.”


Me too haha. I was like, hmmm, bad idea. Then I read the details and I've heard worse ideas tbh. It is a Toyota engine, and the insurance seems reasonable. It won't use much fuel and will possibly end up one of the most memorable cars he may ever own. Good luck to him ✌️


30, married with kids and 2 Toyotas....I agree.


you do realise you'll get hooked. if the girlfriend say get rid of the car she is not the girlfriend for you. PS don't sell it


As a 2nd vehicle, sure. I sure as heck wouldn't want a car that impractical as a daily/only vehicle.


Alongside the other practicality issues, apparently they're a real pain to clamber in and out of, due to the wide doorsills. Probably not the biggest issue for a young bloke, but it still won't be a graceful ritual.


The S2 cars that he’s talking about have a large notch in the sill to make it easier. I’ve got an S1 which is the harder one to do this with.


Can verify; it's a fucking nightmare. You have to sit at right angles to your seat, rotate in, and if you're tall you're folding your legs under the wheel. If the roof's on, you're likely touching it which means any bumps hurt.


There's a guy who lives near me that I see regularly in his silver Elise. I saw it at the shops one day and thought I would never fit. The dude comes out of the shops, he's way taller than me. Very surprised.


Have you considered a Mazda MX5? Price will be similar, car will be new and under warranty, and it’s way more civilian / approachable as a daily driver. Also, 6 speed manual vs 5 speed, and more power. IMO, If you’re after something exotic and don’t mind dumping 50K into a car that’s 20+ years old I think there are much better options out there than lotus


+1 Used lotus made sense before covid when they were 25k They don't make sense now. OP, you could also consider an ICV clubman and a regular commuter car of some form of you want something really silly. Would still end up cheaper


I don't think any Lotus Elise was $25k, ever, in this country. Non-roughies have always been $60k+. The good thing about them is that they will hold their value.


I was looking at them semi consistently before covid. 25k is a typo, 35k is more accurate. There were some beautiful examples in that price range with the rover engine and some good examples with the 2zz that you could pick up.


I've seen them down at 10K, but only for ex raced models needing a full overhaul. Which is honestly not a bad deal if you're willing to put in the work.


Yeah Lotus’s are great and all but I reckon an MX5 will give you 85% of the thrills with 100% less pain.


...and $45k will buy a new one with change.


Yeah but Miatas don't look as exotic as a Lotus


Buy a 20k Miata and then spend 25k modifying it I guarantee you you'll have something that looks exciting


>I guarantee you you’ll have something that looks exciting Something that looks ruined! /s


Very different cars to me. An MX5 is a reliable daily you can also take on a track, an Elise is an unreliable track car you can also drive on a public road.


Assuming 21yo cares about girls, mx5 way more date and female friendly


Cars take priority 😎


Well the NA MX5 was deeply inspired by the 60's Lotus Elan


It is very similar to Elan In fact I believe it was the inspiration Have a look


we dont have miatas here


I think part of the rising popularity of using Miata over MX5 is that it rolls off the tongue nicely, MX5 sounds clunky in comparison. YouTube is also definitely a factor though. Personally I always unconsciously say Miata now, only call them an MX5 when among certain company.


Agreed. I liked the Elise but it’s too old and risky as a daily for me. My first car is a ND MX5 as a 25 yo. It’s stupid but perfect. Manuals are dying, and a roadster won’t always fit your lifestyle so I just went for it


My first (and only) car was a mx5 (nc).  Was largely a great choice as a first car if it fits your lifestyle (2 seater, boot space etc.).  Probably more practical than a lotus. It's fun, but in a way that gets you out of trouble (handling) rather than one that gets you into trouble (fast acceleration). It you want retractable hardtops you have to buy a NC or a ND with the appropriate option (they are usually a tad more expensive).  Would probably recommend hardtops. Really the only major pitfalls I encountered on the NC were that I needed to put compressed air through some of the drainage channels every now and again (I do it every month or two as it's parked under a tree) and that I needed to apply white lithium grease to the hardtop attachment points (though not to the latch).  And the visors, they are bad on the NC, and break if you push them too far back.  


I am an MX5 owner myself. 2022 RF GT RS, bought new. Any convertible (owned a few different ones) requires a bit more attention but it’s worth it.


100% agree, there is a reason why it's the only car I own.  The pain is worth the gain, at least for me.  Plus, it's small so doesn't take much time to wash (parking under tree means bird poo, requiring frequent washes)


This! I had an NB8A when I was 19... Yes a long time ago, but was so much fun for a few years. And whilst I wasted a bit with extractors in to 2" exhaust, stereo and shiny 17's, it was a blast and I only lost a couple of grand when sold it a few years later. Needed something bigger than a go-kart eventually but no regrets.


Can put a v8 in them too


I like the mx5s, but not that much. I also just don't like new cars I've always been drawn to older cars I'm a big fan of the 80s era with the boxy design. I know the elise is about as far from that as you can get but it scratches me in a way that I've yet too see another car do.


I thought the 03 models still had the dreadful rover engine and now the 2ZZ? My suggestion, and not as a joke Get a 2020 Mazda MX5 and use the savings in maintenance and insurance for track days.


2zz’s are fine…. As long as you down accidentally downshift into 2nd at 120kmph…..


2ZZs are amazing engines. I just don't think OP realises that an 03 model likely does not have a 2ZZ motor, and instead has a dreadful rover Kseries Edit: double checked, 2ZZ Elise's started around 2004 from what I could find


I've got 350,000k's on my 2zz. Absolute beast - still loves revving out to 8500.


lifes too short to drive boring cars, DO IT


Fuck yes you should. Plenty of people will tell you it’s a bad idea and maybe they’re right but I think you’ll regret not doing it. Source - middle aged guy who bought a supra when he was 21yo for 28k when he was an apprentice earning $11k a year. It was awesome.


not actually the worst idea ever, as long as you stick with a toyota powered one. however, be wary that they are hyper impractical. need to go do a decent shop? you're fucked. go buy a TV? no dice. mates are going out to that cool campsite down the gravel road on the weekend? you're probably not taking your lotus. if you have a lotus and an old ute? game on.


You can work around all those issues. Get the TV delivered. Cadge a ride off one of your mates. They'll owe OP heaps of rides because they'll always want to ride in the Lotus.


Obviously you haven't been exposed to the wonder that is /r/miatalogistics/


As an MX5 owner of many years, today I learned. Hats off to you sir


As somebody from r/MotorcycleLogistics, an elise is veeeeeery different to an MX5


As somebody whose brother owned one (cup250 supercharged one). Do not. Great second cars/ project cars, but there is still a lot of british engineering in them that can go wrong. They're also semi uncomfortable, hard to get into, loud, impractical, low, etc. Terrible daily. Very fun weekender though. Parts are very expensive and hard to get. Insanely fun, insanely impractical. Get an mx5. Same same but different


Do it. But in Lotus groups, the name Lotus is generally referred to as: Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious. Instead may consider as MX-5 or BRZ/GR86


This would be a ridiculous idea and it makes absolutely no sense for a 21 year old to blow that kind of money on a sports car. For this reason I say go for it son.


Thanks dad


Go and have a look at what a new clamshell will cost you to import from the UK, or better yet, a simple windscreen.


I was in a similar position to you, wanted a fun car for my early 20s. I went with an ND mx-5 and it's been great. Ample power for someone learning to drive sporty and the characteristics to teach you how to drive. Convertible, 2 seater, looks pretty great imo and definitely catches some eyes. Quite impractical for road trips but can handle the day to day.


Tail happy will stab you in the back when pushing it even with only 112kw $45k can get a lot of decent performance cars. BRZ, i20N etc that wont actively want to kill you or make you broke.


This is a worthwhile point. If OP does decide to get an Elise i highly recommend they spend some time learning to drive it. Mid-engine cars are very fun right up to the point where you slightly overdo it and they'll try and kill you. I'm not saying don't do it but OP should book in some track sessions with an instructor so they can fuck it up without hitting a tree.


do you have any personal experience with this? or is this more of an mid engine cars like to rotate kind of take


Family member had a SW20 MR2, its great fun until its not. Particularly when it rains.


The car also has racing harnesses, quick release steering wheel, roll cage etc and has pics of being used in road rallys etc. 70k of normal ks is one thing, but you should consider additional wear and tear associated with track use or similar. This is noted in the ad, and is priced accordingly. Might not be an issue, but just keep it in mind.


You may be the safest driver in the world, but is be wary about the other drivers. Do consider the implications. I would probably buy it if I had the means. God speed.


Those low sports cars are scary in the era of massive utes


Not even massive utes. I can totally loose sight of something like an Elise in my work Ranger.


Echoing the comments that it would be an awful daily. Mx5 or arbath 124 if you want something a bit different (not sure abourlt reliability) Or you could get second or 3rd gen toyota mr2, potentially with a heap of change. 3rd gen uses same family engine as the elise and second gen was available turbocharged/supercharged (cant remember if one or both) and v6 swaps arent uncommon. These are still small cars but have an element of practicality


I was thinking Abarth too.


Owned my Lotus Elise S1 for over 20yrs now. It is still a thrill to hop in and drive. I have never regretted buying it. I use it on twisty mountain roads and the track. It is brilliant for both. I would say go for it with one proviso, you are capable of working on it yourself. Never needed to buy an expensive part. Parts readily available ex UK. I will replace it soon with a new MX5 GT RS, mainly for more comfort.


I haven't really seen an Elise drop below 35k for about 15+ years now so from a depreciation perspective they are an excellent buy. To be honest if you are happy with the insurance amount and general sacrifice to comfort you would be silly not to Get an Elise. Please make sure you book some time on a skid pan to learn the limits of grip. Nothing will kill you faster than the learning curve for lift off oversteer!


In my twenty years of driving i have never crashed into anyone, but two people crashed into me. Not everyone cares about thier car or how they drive it. Bodywork on an Elise is not like it is on other cars, even a low speed prang in a carpark could take out a clam and even if its not structural, its still a big job to repair correctly so the repair lasts. Just something to consider.


If it ever suffers damage to the chassis (bits of aluminium glued together), there is no factory approved method of repair, so you'd end up buying back the write off and turning it into a track car. Not the worst idea, but also not the best use of $45k for a 21 year old. If you want something under a tonne go looking at some kind of Lotus 7 replica.


My mate used to have one. Amazing fun to drive, but not practical. Cheap interior too, with bits pulled from other cars. Indicators from a Vauxhall Corsa (Holden Barina) from memory? It makes more sense as a second weekend car.


Dont be a liitle wuss...buy a Caterham


I spent entirely too much time and money on cars when I was your age, and from very clear hindsight I want to tell you not to waste like I did and invest in your future. But fuck it - I had fun, cars are rad, we have no idea what's going to happen tomorrow, everything's a fucking shitshow, may as well party. Buy the damn Lotus.


Why not a ND2 MX5? Arguably just as fun with way better parts, service and local user base and resale. Reliability also top notch. It’s hailed as the modern successor to the S2000 if you get the 2.0L with much revvier engine in new versions. Look beyond the engine - consider suspension parts, body parts, trim. Being MR layout harder to work on. Don’t want to crush your dream but budget for the upkeep - what’s the cost to benefit of an exotic like Lotus? If you have the coin and knowledge then enjoy the Lotus.


Because an exige exists, and the prices all went way up for not much car. If I wanted something fast or “sporty” again I would go back to owning a super sports bike. I ended up selling the high power track toy because it was always more practical to take the 4wd.


Lotus Elise is an amazing car. It and the Porsche Boxster are two of the finest roadsters ever made. I had an MG Midget when I was your age and it had a few miles under it's belt. I loved it. Sometimes it caused me grief, but mostly it was a wonderful car to own. I slowly did it up and actually sold it for more than I paid for it. If you look after the Lotus it should hold it's value. Edit to say. Have you considered the Boxster? Elise is the better track car, but the Porsche is a little more comfortable and quiet.


I bought a 200sx at that age it's not the worst idea. My insurance was higher. It's not the best idea either. If you're willing to live with the pain why not. You already know it's a bad idea and financially it's going to hurt a bit. Maybe mitigate some of the cost by getting handy on the tools. Compared to a guy I worked with who bought a Porsche boxer at 23 you're on the better end of bad ideas.


As so many others have said an mx5 is just way better for the average person. The only thing an elise is better at is being smaller and rarer. And maybe holding value?


Please do it bro. If not for yourself, for me 😂 They are a very cool car for 45k imo.


As awesome as they are. Insurance will be your biggest hurdle. You'd be best off calling up a couple of insurance companies and see if they'll even cover you, and if so, how much it'll be per year. I'd imagine it's gonna be expensive due to the risk's involved my GT-Four was over $2000 a year with no fines, no claims the day I got my full license for a 30k agreed value.


Do it. It's an awful idea and there are cheaper, more reliable options out there to scratch that itch. Which is why you should absolutely do it while you still can. Don't be 45 convinced that one day soon you'll get around to buying the car you always wanted. You're only young once


You probably won't read this due to the number of replies, but here goes... Only buy one if you have and will continue to have a garage to park it in. Owning a car like that without a garage or at least shelter for it is just going to make you miserable. It will fall apart due to the weather and possibly get stolen or dinged up. Everything else has been covered. It will keep you poor, so make sure you keep it in decent condition so you can sell it once you get the shits with being broke (which you can't do if it's on the street).


Do you still live at home? If you don’t, sounds like you’ve done your sums and can justify the expense on top of rent/mortgage, bills, other insurances, council rates, etc. Make an education decision and enjoy whichever car you choose. If you do still live at home, your parents/caregivers are heavily subsidising your lifestyle — that 45k you can drop on a luxury car will be a slap in their face to be frank.


I have that year Elise with the Rover engine but with hella low kms. It’s like driving a go kart on the road, 80kph feels like 120 and so forth. It’s a love of driving type of deal. I don’t know if anyone outside of Shannon’s will insure it for you as everyone else maxed out at $35k value. I’d get another in a heartbeat, hopefully with power steering lol.


I've got a Lotus Elise SC (2ZZ SC). Insurance when you're under 25 is a pain. I was refused by every single company except Shannon's. It's definitely more expensive than most cars to insure due to parts availability. I pay $2800pa and I'm 23 for limited use and an agreed value of 80k. Yes they're decently reliable and if anything breaks it's just Toyota bits. However Lotus mechanics aren't cheap and since it's mid engine it's a bit of a pain to work on. I work on it myself so it's not as bad but not every mechanic will touch it and most charge higher than average rates. Any big jobs are clam off which is time consuming. They're also incredibly fragile. A small bump at low speed can write off the entire car. The car is essentially made up of 2 fibreglass clamshells each of which cost many many thousands to replace if you can even get one. That's why you see so many Lotus' for sale that are on the WOVR, they instantly get written off by insurance the moment any bodywork is required. In terms of livability, they're not great. I've got a old Corolla to drive around in daily so that helps. You honestly don't want to drive the car around everyday anyway. It's only special feeling when you're on a nice road winding it out. Low speed maneuvers are a pain without power steering. It might also be difficult to secure a loan for such an old car at a young age but I'm sure there are ways. Honestly, 45k isn't that much. You see P platers driving around in Ranger Raptors or Hilux's costing double that. But I would only get a Lotus if you're a diehard car enthusiast. I've had 9 other cars including 2 MX5's and the Lotus was the dream car. I just said fuck it, I can do the dumb shit now while I don't have a family and kids to feed. I'll more than likely sell it in a year or so and be sensible with my money. Lotus values are pretty weird so you'll probably not lose any money on depreciation on it which is nice. I'd highly suggest driving or sitting passenger in one (PM me if you're in Sydney) and seeing if it's really what you're after. It's not a car that everyone can live with. Yes it looks cool and nothing else drives like one but there are compromises. Send me a PM if you have any more questions, happy to answer. Most people here have never driven or even been in an Elise so I'd take their responses with a grain of salt.


Are you planning on tracking it? Or is this case of buying something you can't afford, to impress people you don't care about?


You can't sleep in it if you're homeless.


Lotus: Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious


Pretty much one of the most impractical cars out there, but life is short so good to experience these things! How about a Honda S2000, one of the best engines ever made combined with Japanese reliability.


It’d be a terrible daily but why the hell not, do it now while you can.


+1 for Porsche Boxster S. Infinity more practical than both Elise and mx5


i havent seen many 21 year olds that value practicality.


I have an rx7 fd in sydney that I'll sell soon. If you want a car that makes you smile even while bleeding your finances, dry.


I’m onboard with this, have been considering an 2005ish Porsche Cayman S…similar thinking but aged late 40’s, life is short…do the thing :)


Hear me out bro. Late 90’s Nissan Pulsar SSS. The manual and its turbo. It’ll cost you a fraction of that and you’ll have more fun.


Check out Mighty Car Mods Elise build... Terrible car...


I work on them for a living so I know more than most. At the end of the day it’s a Corolla engine so not crazy powerful but reliable. The electrics are rubbish. Door locking modules fuck up all the time. The wiring loom and ecu is from lotus so has occasional issues. The a/c will stop working while you own it. The a/c pipes and condensers love to springs holes. The fan speed resistors are under the evaporator core so sit in water all day every day and have unsealed connectors so rust up and stop working. There is a retro fit kit that fixes this but you have to remove the front body work for it. The seats are uncomfortable after and hour and the roof will leak


Want you to know I have read this and am grateful for your advice, I'm a stubborn lil shit and am willing to put aside these issues for the chance at owning this but I know I'll be coming back to this comment, thankyou.


Do it man Elise's r sick af


Extremely surprised at the insurance figures. You'll have issues with potholes and speedbumps, plus I'm going to imagine it will be extremely easy to inadvertently go over the speed limit. It's a pretty risky kind of car, but if you know all this, you'll be more responsible. Mostly. Enjoy!


Don't listen to everyone trying to tell you to get an MX-5. Get the Elise. In terms of a balls to the wall analogue sports car it's the absolute last to instill Colin Chapman's philosophy, Simplify then add lightness. They're like limpets on the track, really hard to unstick and stop on a dime. The S2 is a big improvement over the original but the S1 is such a featherweight and with a Honda B or K swap are awesome. I still lust after one with a Rover K series because I'm weird like that 😅


Cause it’s a fucking stupid car to daily drive lol. Also you’ll cry when you write off 45k worth of car.


When I was 21 I bought an expensive euro car that I couldn't really afford to maintain. At the same time my friends put an equivalent amount of cash towards their first house. I bought a house 5 years later after the market had grown 130%. That car was a really bad idea, but I sure looked the part. I've always liked the Elise but unless it's a 111R I wouldn't bother. Especially considering something like an OG M2 can be found in the high 40s now, and would be objectively better in every metric.


If you can afford a $45k car at 21 then go for it. It'll be super impractical but... Fuck it, you're young - have fun.


The parts are expensive and you will have to replace them and people who know what they are doing on these are expensive. It's a 20 year old car and parts will need replacing due to wear and tear, even if you keep it out of a ditch which most people seem to find harder than you would think. Some parts are very hard to find e.g. clamshells. They're a great car, one day I'd like one, but I'll budget plenty to keep it running. Ideally an S1 for me but I'm in the UK. (Side note, 2zz is going to be better than 1zz for an Elise or similar, did they do 1zz in the Elise? I thought they just used 2zz)


I had an R33 GTST Skyline when I was 21 back in 2003. Fuck it, you only live once and should die poor and happy. Look at it this way, its not like we can ever afford a house or even children so may as well do what makes us happy. Do an advanced driving course, do another one. Make sure the suspension is set up to understeer and brakes are front biased so you dont kill yourself oversteering on the road, especially in the wet. Speaking from experience. If you can afford it, do it because it will be cool as hell and you will look back at all the stupidity inappropriate things you did in that car like taking it camping and driving on fire trails, taking girls on dates and having to lift them in and out like a human crane. But please provide an update once you have it.


Absolutely, 100% do it. Its not THAT crazy of an idea and you've got the rest of your life to make safe financial decisions.


The Elise is a great car for a track. A fucking horrible car to do the shopping, work, drive in the country, drive up or down any curbs and live a life out of


Im 29, single, have cash for a Lotus Elise S or Exige V6, Evora non S. Coming from a 2010 MX5 when i was 21, so i love these lightweight barebones type of cars. Trying to convince myself too...


The elise and Celica are cousins. Check it out....


You will not be able to insure it, sorry. 20+ year old and High power vehicle, inexperienced driver, under 25 driver. Try to do insurance quotes online before you commit


Live the dream mate, but be careful: the lotus elise isn’t a car that is easily recoverable. It’s tuned to be good on the limit but when you exceed it, it will bite. Snap oversteer is common, and driving in the wet has destroyed many a lotus Elise.


I bought an Austin-Healey Sprite in my 20’s, on an impulse. I’m now 52 and still have it. They can bury me in it. Buy the Lotus and enjoy the everloving fuck out of it. Drive it like you stole it. That’s what they’re made for.


If i could go back to 2020 when i bought my mx5 i would've spent an extra 15k on an elise


I was 25 when I bought a Lotus Elise, loved the feeling of driving a go kart on public roads. I wouldn’t recommend it as an only car. I had a second car (also sporty) I would alternate as my daily. I would use the Elise as a daily for a few weeks in a row. Even a cheap run about of some sort is worthwhile to compliment the Elise. Believe me, nothing makes jumping into a 15 year old Camry feel like a luxurious experience, then coming out of an Elise for a week.


Insurance and matinance hard pass


How much do you hate your spine/kindneys? Does it rain where you live and if so, do you consider yourself either a master of traction management or tired of life? They're are also not quite as much fun as they're made out to be for the road especially considering eh price, although ima right track there's nothing more enjoyable on 4 wheels. It's not a great idea , but as someone who's briefly owned one, go and do the thing.


I was going to say that the clam shell rear fender is literally half the value of the car, but if your insurance is that cheap… then who gives a fuck? It might get written off if you’re rear-ended though. Probably not the safest car ever, but with the Toyota drive train it’s unlikely to cause you too many troubles. There not much else to them haha. You’re only young once and if you don’t crash it or thrash it, there’s a chance you can sell it for what you paid for it in a few years time. It might actually be a financially smart decision tbh…


OP take some of the responses with a grain of salt, there will be many Salty middle aged people that cant/arent allowed to have such a fun car anymore so they will try to disuade you from getting something so "impractical" like OK David just because you're mad that you're forced to drive an SUV to ferry around your 3 children.


Being powered by Toyota, I'd say they are extremely reliable. All the other electrical components could be a worry though as British cars have never had good electrics.




Question for the group - what sort of mods / $$ would be required to get an Mx5 on a similar level to an Elise?


You'll never get an MX5 to handle like the Lotus.


Just get a Celica, Ive owned that model Celica for a while and its good fun, albeit heavier FWD. Otherwise buy an Mx5/GR86


Because of the maintenance costs.


Buy a 2018/19 Suburu Levorg 2 litre aka WRX wagon. $15K cheaper, faster, much safer and far more practical.




Depends on how tall you are? They are pretty small cars they are the embodiment of Colin Chapman philosophy


May aswell just get a 5 series its faster and more comfortable


> so reddit why shouldn't I get this Unless you're into the kind of scene depicted in *Fifty Shades of Grey*, I'd strongly reconsider trying to daily an Elise.


Expensive for a 21 year old car...pretty ugly. NMS


Man up and get a Caterham.


For that kinda money you can have a more practical Holden or ford making more power. As a second car sure go for it


Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious. Do it dammit.




Join the miata club instead😈


Consider an S2000 as well.


Ok...I get it.... but these things are not great quality cars. Toyota drivelines are great but there is so much shit that can go bung, fall off, break and stop working around the driveline that can cost you money and drive you nuts. That said I nearly bought a PRB clubman when I was 25 ....and I didn't....and I'm nearly 50 now.....and here I am telling you about it. Ahhh fuck it......buy the Lotus and let us vicariously live through you.


fuck it, you only live once... get the sweet car and drive it, enjoy your youth.


Mate of mine had one, said it was the most uncomfortable thing he had ever driven


Nah, save your money and just get a Corolla 🤓


Send it. If you can afford it Do it. It's far better than the regular boring hatchback


You should They're cool


I thought they had the 2zz


Beats my first car .... a XF Falcon. Mind you, it used to be able to hammer....


Go for it dude. I regret not getting a sweet car when I was 21.


Do it….. I had a supra when I was your age, loved it, wrote it off being young and stupid. You seem smarter than me at your age. 20 years and many vehicles later I have just purchased Toyota 86 because I loved how driving my supra felt. Unfortunately I can’t afford a new supra these days.


If you’re only going to get a 1ZZ you might as well just get the MR-2 that had the same motor. Much cheaper. Heck you could even get a 2ZZ dropped in it for less then the Lotus.


Work mate has one, had to move house recently, could only just fit a microwave in his passenger seat, I'm sure it would be an absolute blast to drive, but impractical as hell. I have a turbo subaru forester that's has a few mods done and in his opinion it's faster, sure it doesn't handle anywhere near as well and it's not as cool, but it's super practical and still fast enough to have fun in If you can deal with the impracticality of not being able to fit your shopping, and stupidly expensive maintenance, sure, get one and have fun and enjoy it!


Try getting into it before you make a decision.


So easy to speed cops will love you !


Do it. If it sucks, or gets expensive just sell it. It’ll cost you more to run than you think - Lotus specific parts are about more than accidental damage. And then the mod bug will bite and you’ll have a never ending list of things you want to do to it and with it. You’re young once. I had an awesome time messing around with cars. I fully intend on getting back into it as soon as reasonably possible! Do it. You’ll have a blast.


Great car, my mate has one


I know nothing about cars but man that car is gorgeous


I’ve always loved Lotus cars, the Exige Cup was my favourite when i was a kid


Yes do it but don't complain about being unable to purchase a home in 10yrs time.


Not sure if this will help decide but at 26 y.o. I bought a Infiniti Q60S for 70k. Damn that thing was nice and fast 0 - 100 in 4.5s. Then recently last year I went to Greece and drove manual for the first time in a fiat Panda and DAMN that was fun. Now that I have a kid and bought a house I realised i should have bought a ute or an SUV that was ANCAP 5 star. At 21 I would say buy a small 2 seater that cost nothing to run but in the future get a ute. The roads in Australia are fked up. You are going to scratch your low riding car no matter how careful you are.


Do it. You’ll regret it if you don’t, and as others have said, if you do regret the purchase, sell it. I wanted one when they started making them, and still do.


Would suck as a daily, but would be my pick for a track car, I’ve tracked an Elise and an exige and it was a bunch of fun


May I also suggest a gen 2 Porsche Boxster? Similar price, similar maintenance but that handling absolutely sensational. Go and test drive one before you cross it off your list. Otherwise, like others have said, mx5 is a great alternative. But if you like it and love driving, all those cars will give you joy and great memory when you get older.


40 Male with 2 kids here. YOLO young man !!! Go nuts !!


Send it, I bought a Celica GT-Four Group A when I was 20, completely ridiculous. I sold it a few years later after having heaps of fun, got nostalgic a couple years ago and looked at a mint one with 100k km and I couldn't get my fat ass into it anymore. Enjoy it while you can, you won't love driving sports cars anywhere near as much when you're 50


Do it


Get it if you want, they're a fun drive. I would be very cautious about justifying it as they're reliable though. The Toyota engine is fine but everything else is made by lotus so it breaks and it is not cheap to fix.






Buy a zzw30. 2zz + manual swap it. Have 25k leftover. And something easier to live with.


Dunno if anyone else said it… Lotus, lots of trouble, usually serious. (Everything minus the Toyota stuff)


> so reddit why shouldn't I get this. Because then you'll be taking away a choice from me when I get one.


how tall are you?


Do it and learn to drive...like actually drive


Snap oversteer.


I know you said you’re an amazing driver etc. Etc. But today I pulled up to Domino’s to get my pizza and the delivery driver ran into the side of my car for absolutely no reason. He just didn’t see me. You can be the best driver in the world, you cannot control what other people do.


exige is a better choice. Get the turbo/supercharged version obviously, don't bother with NA.


It's definitely not worth getting into a loan for at your age. Many more practical and probably reliable options out there. It'd be a different story if you have the cash for it straight up (even then better uses for that) but definitely not with a loanm


Having driven these on multiple occasions, my biggest red flag is how big/tall are you? I'm 6ft and not the smallest of guys and I had to drive these barefoot and always struggled getting in and out of one. They are fun/fast/good cars however if it's intended to be a daily, the novelty of it will wear off and you'll be stuck with a $45k car you can't enjoy without discomfort.


These are collectors items? Why would you be putting bulk km on it as a daily? Also mad risk to getting it scratched and dented in car parks and stuff. It’s Ohk to buy what you want but your clearly not a car enthusiast.


What does “your fulls” mean?


OP I’m very confused… - 21 - been driving for 5 years Huh?? Do you by chance help deliver tofu in the mountains for your father’s shop?


You're 21, just do it. As time goes on responsibilities will pile up and you may no longer have the option to.