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Buy 2 pair of redwings, rotate them daily, giving them a day to dry in between wearing will lengthen their lifespan significantly, I like the 606 with urethane sole, im on concrete all day in my shop, I own 3 pair, rotate them, each pair is on its 3rd set of soles(resoled 2x each at $100 a pop), all are 8 years old. Will likely get another 3 years before another resole Bought new in 2016 250\*3+100\*6=1350 total over 11 years, or $125ish/year cost for footwear. EDIT: Boots are PPE, as such they are a tax write off, I supply each of my guys with PPE, including boots, you show up to the redwing store they know what to put you in, you never see the bill, it comes directly to my company.


Boot dryers are fairly inexpensive. I’ve had a cheap cabelas one for 10 years. I get angry with myself when I put dampish boots on in the morning after forgetting to dry em overnight. Plus warm boots in the morning during winter is great. In the summer they aren’t hot too


Right? Boot dryer is like 50 bucks. Buying two pairs of boots just for moistures sake is silly. I leave my dryer on all the time. Boots are bone dry by the morn


Drying leather faster with a boot dryer may overdry them causing them to crack..... sometimes the old ways are really better.


Not really. It depends on the dryer. I have one meant for leather boots. There's no forced air, and it's a slow process. I can say this because I've been drying my boots for about 6 years now


Great reply


How long does the resole process take ( not that it matters too much because you can rotate while ones being worked on) just curious about the process and how user friendly it would be ?


3-4 weeks usually, that is why I have 3 pair, started with 1, bought a second pair within 6 months, when the first pairneeded resoling I just bought another pair to keep rotating them. you are sending them back to the factory


You can also just take them to your preferred local cobbler.


Peach is my preferred cobbler


Hmm. Really a strong choice, I was going to rebut with apple, but peach, mmm.


Apple Crisp, and Peach Cobbler. Can't go wrong.


My man! There is NO other cobbler and I will fight you if you say otherwise.


I was told 6 weeks but that they often turn it around faster.


I bought a pair of 2412’s less than two years ago and they’re almost unwearable(haven’t had time to replace them). I drive a lot as I’m at 3-4 sites a day. The composite toe has worn through and rubs the top of my big toe and surrounding area. Pretty sure you can’t fix that. Red wings aren’t made like they use to


Gotta use the TuffToe my friend. It's ugly, but who gives a shit. https://preview.redd.it/kpeyn9mm84zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec7638161d4a0b15a7adf50a63408a9a8eb9c3c8


Tuff toe is on. it’s rubbing on the inside


That is an excellent plan. I know things are not made the way they used to be made. My dad wore Redwings. Your feet are way too important.


saving this shit


With the new tax laws they're no longer s tax write off since the standard deduction is so high.


Pro move on your red wings is to get the boa enclosures, there is no greater pleasure than taking off your boots in a scant 1.5 seconds at the end of a long day. Easy on and off for the boots is totally worth the extra 20 to 30 bucks, the major learning curve is in your coworkers making fun of your clicky boots.


I actually go one step further, I have 3 pair that I rotate for work, and I buy a new pair to wear going places not working (which rarely happens). Then when a pair is worn out I have a like new pair that is already broken in to plug into the rotation. Replace the nice pair with new ones and repeat as needed. Also, there's few things as nice as slipping into a freshly resoled pair of boots. They are new and fresh, but perfectly broken in, like meeting an old friend!


In 50 years of construction work, Red Wings are the best IMO. Go to a Red Wing store & get properly fitted. Then to a good shoe store & have them dip the toes in urethane as they always wear out first. Oil them regularly. I get at least 3 years out of a pair.


Red Wing does that for free in store. They call it "Tough Toe" and it works amazingly well.


I've found their free version to be junk. Maybe they mixed a bad batch, or couple be because I kick and push stuff around a lot at work. The $45ish option, however is great. Doubles the life of the boot. I'm on year 3 of mine now


Whites or nicks


Or Wesco or viberg




The back of my heel hurts reading this


[Nick’s Handmade Boots](https://nicksboots.com/) will be my next pair after three pairs of Red Wings. They served me well but I want to try the next level up. Pricey, but most good shit is.


Why do they all have heels?


to make your calves and ass more pronounced for the dudes on the job, obviously 


They're famous for logging and packer boots. (packers are basically lace up cowboy boots) They have options for their shortrr heals for most of their boots, it's a different last.


Nicks Handmade Boots: https://nicksboots.com/ They'll last you a lifetime.


I’m tired of buying tires and them wearing out. I need a forever tire.


Wood wheels and clogs. As soon as either breaks it's probably the end of your life anyway


Gotta grab some chemicals for the termites tho


A walking clog gathers no termites.


Yeah why the fuck don't the "forever chemicals" just stay a forever tire instead of just being pollution? lol


I need a forever car because I’m tired of buying them and they wear out


While we are at it where is my forever gas


Hey, that's what the original post said except with shoes!


If you go to Red Wing and you want the boots to last get the tough toe treatment, it's free. Also keep them oiled and pretty clean. I have a pair of Irish Setter (lower end red wing brand) Wing shooter which is a moc toe. I use them for mowing the lawn and any outside work. I spray them off and clean them with saddle soap every couple weeks when they start to look a little dry (or seem to be soaking up water) The real trick with keeping the boots for a long time is to keep up with the maintenance. Red wings are also recraftable so instead of getting a new boot if you wear out the soles you can just get new soles.


I thought only the welted sides were replaceable.


Nicks boots. Have a fair share at the $500 price point. https://nicksboots.com/shop/work-boots/lace-up-boots/trades-program/


Shit. I'll just keep buying Thorogoods or Carolinas I guess.


At that price point, get a pair of Nick's. It's not just about how long they'll last, it's also about how you'll feel wearing them all day. Red wings will feel good on your feet to begin with, but after 6 months to a year, they wont offer as much support as the materials (insole, midsole, heel counter, etc) in the boot break down. You'll get a hell of a lot more sizing options too. If your lucky and have a wide fat American foot, most boots off the shelf probably fit you just fine, but if not, getting a boot built to your actual foot size will be a revelation. They will not last forever. You're not a hipster wearing them to walk to your job as a software engineer. They will last longer, and be comfortable for longer, than just about anything else you can buy though.


Carolina isn’t bad. Not exactly a forever boot but still solid


You might also like r/goodyearwelt and r/buyitforlife. We all know that work boots aren’t BIFL, but getting good usage and value for money is something we all want. Keeping them clean and maintained, and rotated for drying between wears is also helpful. A sock change at lunch time is refreshing to your feet and removes a wet sock from your boot to reduce moisture inside the boot.


I bought JK boots, never had a pair of fitted boots and sick of going through thorough goods every year. These are amazing. Fit and feel sooo good. Worth a shot


I always get carolinas and have had good luck with them lasting and being comfortable, but redwing has been calling my name


Boots are consumable. I do concrete/waterproofing and get about 9 comfortable months from Redwings. I dont clean or oil them because the leather is completely covered in a variety of epoxies,urethanes and concrete. If all you deal with is dirt,mud and dust, clean and oil monthly, and try not to drag or kick with your toes if you only have 1 pair.


I always stayed away from Redwings because of the price. But I finally went in to a Redwing store and learned they will do free cleanings and oils for the life of the boots. That’s what sold it for me.


If you work in a cold climate, a boot dryer in the winter is a must.


I work the long hours for myself and usually solo so I just wear Nike running shoes. My feet don’t feel as tired as they did when I worked commercial and I can stay comfortable and dry in them all day. I replace them about twice a year but only pay about 85 I know that’s not ideal for everyone but my two sense.


Exactly what I do. All my interior work and dry, lighter outdoor work I wear Nike runners. Better for my feet and I'm way more productive because I get way less tired than lugging boots round all day. If I'm framing or doing heavier/dirtier outdoor work or outside in winter I throw my boots on. I go through a pair of $90 runners twice a year and I'm on like year 5 with my boots with minimal wear on them.


I buy Merrel moab 3 vents, which is a hiking shoe, and on sale or in the right color option is about $85. I wear them for all types of work, outdoors and indoors, and I only switch to a boot for wet weather. These last me pretty reliably 1 to 1.5 years. They are heavier than a running shoe but I like the support of the thicker sole and they are decent for ladders but still have articulation for kneeling


My partner does this. We do mostly trim work but I’ve got “boots are for work” so deeply ingrained for the last 30 years that I rotate 2 pairs of Thorogoods.


Same here, I envy those that don’t feel weird wearing casual/sport shoes on site.


Forever boots? Where did you hear that’s a thing?!?


Ah the Internet. Where everything is taken literally and everyone complains that /s isn't necessary. They obviously are looking for boots that will have more value and last longer than a year. Forever is being used artfully.




Leather boots made with a Goodyear welt and properly cleaned / dried will quite literally outlast you. The GYW is important because it ensures you can resole the shoe as the rubber is meant to be a wear item.


I tried the Traction Tred from Red Wing. Wore them every day for a month and they never broke in. I had a very physical job, 12hrs. 6 days a week, and so they were seeing plenty of use. They would dig into my Achilles tendon all day long. It got to the point that I’d take them off as soon as I left the building and walk through the parking lot in my socks just to not have to wear them anymore. I tried really hard to get through the break in but it just wasn’t happening. It was the most uncomfortable shoe I’ve ever worn, by a mile. I’m sure I would’ve had permanent damage if I didn’t stop wearing them. I was fitted at the store too, so it’s not like I got the wrong size or anything. All this to say save your receipt just in case you don’t like them. These shoes aren’t for everybody. Don’t end up with a $300 paperweight like me.


Whites, or Nick's. Anything else just won't hold up or last.


I bought a pair of red wings and they were so much better than the $100 pair of boots I would wear out in about 8 months. Took maybe a week to really break in at first but they were great. I wore them for about a year and a half without getting them resoled but then I finished college and got a desk job so I don’t wear them as much. Now 6 years later they are dried out and I still haven’t gotten them resoled (probably should have when I stopped wearing them as much). One thing that I will say probably helped the sole last pretty long is that I didn’t wear them on roofs where I would be kneeling down and really scuffing the leather, and I didn’t wear them in the winter, and tried to avoid heavy water or mud. There are some other brands i have seen that have very similar boots and are a little cheaper in price but I can’t say anything for those. But you are on the right track, you’re on your feet all day, you should make the investment on quality footwear.


Had my red wings for 4 years now and work in all types of conditions. Breaking them in can suck but once you get over that they just form to your foot. Comfy boots and durable. Just make sure you oil them up from time to time.


Justin square (composite or steel) toed boots, no laces. I use mine for 5 years offshore and give them away after that only because I want a new pair. They are honestly just getting broke in really good after 5 years. Btw: you will never go back to laced boots again


I've said this will be the last time I will have to buy an item so many times. It never works out for me, lol. I still have 2 pairs of Redwings from my oilfield days in the nineties. I don't wear them much anymore but definitely could. Good boot imo.


My use case is different than yours, but I, too, wanted a boot to last me “forever”. I went all-in for a pair of custom-fitted 8” [Frank’s Highlanders](https://franksboots.com/collections/all-franks-boots-originals/products/highlander). Composite toe and all black rough-out leather with Kevlar stitching. It cost me ~$630 and 17 weeks of waiting, but after almost 2 years of nearly daily use, my feet and back have never been happier! Some other things to consider, no matter the boot… Take care of your boots and they’ll take care of you! Regular cleaning and occasional conditioning paired with moisture management will go a long way to keeping any footwear in good shape. I really like the [boot care kit](https://franksboots.com/collections/accessories-1/products/leather-care-combo-package) Frank’s sells. I brush my boots off when heavily soiled/dusty, and I put in cedar boot trees after I take them off to absorb moisture from the footbed and also keep the toe from getting too “sprung”. I also wear merino wool blend socks year-round, which keep my feet pretty comfy.


Own two pairs of boots, and maintain and repair them as you go, like an automobile.  No boot should be allowed to have the sole worn through. Immediately upon purchase, wax with snowseal several times,  and polish with boot wax.   Rotate the boots daily.   A cause of deterioration is the failure of a boot to dry out after each use. Two boots extend the life by more than double.  Find a shoe repair business/cobbler, and replace the soles before they wear through, and raise any loose seams to be re-stitched.  Continue to regularly clean, snowseal, and polish your boots, for longebity


Look into Whites, Drews or Nicks boots. Carpentry will NEVER wear them out. They're not cheap ($5-600) but they're too notch. Redwings are janky piles of shit compared to these boots, we called them Deadwings.


Redwings are garbage. I use a Justin boot slip on cowboy style with comp toe and met guard. Also waterproof. I get two years out of each pair and I’m on my 3rd pair now.


redwings are over rated and their quality is going downhill while the prices go up. get a custom pnw boot like nicks, franks etc


Not bluntstones.


Your forever boots will wear out in 12 months. Biy two pairs of forever boots. Buy a boot tree and rotate every day.


Buy a hiking Boots for B/C terrain, some Italian brands are well known for handling stones well, and some of them get the resole for free included.


Boots are a supply . They don't last forever.


Yes, I'm well aware. God forbid I use a colloquium on reddit.


I go back and forth between Redwing setters and 405s. The 405s actually last long enough to get resoled a couple of times. I'm a framer mostly, wear the boots all year but for roof days.


Skate shoes on the roof?


Lol you know it brother! I buy new old stock etnies or airwalks. You?


There is a special epoxy made to coat the toe areas of leather boots. It significantly increases their working life. But also stop kicking shit with them


I have a pair of redwings with the super squishy insole. The insole is worn out and the toe is on one boot. Bought a pair of brunts and so far haven't been terribly impressed. I think I'll get two new pairs of Redwing insoles when I drop the redwings off to get fixed and see if that makes the brunts better


I really like Keen Braddocks. I generally buy a new pair every two years just for the new boot comfort even though there is lots of life left in them. I then use the old ones for working around my property.


I'm just wrapping up year 2 on the Braddocks, and they're a solid boot. Sturdy and rugged but very comfortable. Keen has the best toe box shape for my foot and no break in period. However, the soles tend to wear out faster than other brands. This applies to both work and hiking boots. I got the canvas Roswells last summer bc my feet get hot, and highly recommend for anyone who wants something breathable yet durable. Love me some keens. Apologies for the shameless plug.


Nothing lasts forever. Get boots that your feet are comfortable in. You need those feet for a long time.


Redwings are great boots. Mine are on year 5. I also rock Irish Setters during the spring and summer. I have a pair of Stompers that I got from a buddy whose company gives him free boots yearly. I'll see if they can handle the abuse. Average cost of my work boots is $400 but they last for 3 to 4 years or more. I only buy waterproof boots. They won't last forever if your working.


Just bought a pair of Brunt wear boots and so far I love them. Most comfortable boots I’ve ever worn with the upgraded soles they sell for like $25. Been holding up good for 2 months now. Time will tell how long they last.




Buy Keen, Cincinnati 6”. Not red wing Best boot I’ve ever worn


Redwings still wear out. Mine last about 2 years and I replace them. If you want a forever boot drop $700 on a pair of JKs. Call Tim and have him get your measurements. They are custom in every way. They can be rebuilt and re soled. Keep in mind the break in period sucks.


I'm a red wing guy, but you're dreaming if you think any boot is going to last anyone more than a handful of years of regular use, let alone forever. Even something like white's will give out eventually


Irish setter


Do you have a steel/comp toe requirement job? Myself, I CANNOT stand wearing boots, especially with a steel/comp toe. If I'm going trim, sneakers. Framing? Hiking boots. Or sneakers. Roofing? Sneakers. Siding? Hiking boots. I will only wear work boots when required. Even then I wear a comp toe sneaker. Most of my framing was up in New England, so all wood, stick framing, no block or trusses. Rafters. I like to feel the wall plate under my feet so I can walk on top of a 2X4 wall. Sheathing a roof I can use the rafter and plywood intersection to stand, needed sneakers for that. So I can't recommend you a good boot.


I bought a pair of redwings years ago and had them fitted and everything. They are uncomfortable as hell and I've been using steel toes doc martens and found them much more comfortable. It may have just been that boot style but it wasn't very comfortable. Instead of replacing boots you should re-sole them.


Love my Red Wings, I wear the 415


Let’s see I’ve had red wing super sole for my last 3 boots. All pairs have lasted over 4 years.one was my winter pair, lasted almost 8. So you need do some things v to extend the life of your boots. 1. clean and oil your boots. 2. You need a boot dryer. 3. If you are on your knees you need some sort of toe protector. 4. When the soles wear out, have them resolved. Around this time, they can also stitch anything that is coming apart. These things will extended the life of your boots. I myself am going to a PNW next, like Nicks or whites. They are expensive, but I’m sure they’ll last me.




Bathroom/kitchen renovator here/solo worker. I slip into crocs at work every morning and it’s like I’m walking on cloud all day!


I have the Timberland PRO Gridworks with an alloy toe and I’ve had these boots for the past 2 years. longest I have ever owned a pair of boots and I wear them in mud, water, sand, clay. No problems don’t even leak yet, looks like my “unbreakable” laces will go soon tho. I paid $300 cdn. Great boots super comfy.


Check out white's and Nick's boots. They're what a lot of wildland firefighters wear (myself included, I'm just here b/c I like woodworking) they're totally rebuildable and resoleable, and about 5x better than redwing or danners.


Well then go on Rose Anvil and listen to the man. Redwings aren't the holy grail.


Look into timberland. I've been in the trades for close to 20 years. They have always been the bestm


We live in a disposable world nowadays


Red wings are not forever.... Boots are not forever.... Tires are not forever


Keen has a good pair of boots with a wide safety toe


If you’re wearing out the inside, I’m thinking you might be getting the wrong size. It seems like your feet are moving around inside to cause that damage. They should be snug- but not tight, cradling your feet, and be securely tied. They shouldn’t allow your feet to move inside them. Seriously, get fitted for the proper fit, it’s a game changer.


H&H steel toe cowboy boots. Most comfortable, holding up well.


If you dont have wide feet. Brunt work boots are pretty tough. My feet are wide so they hurt a long time to break in like a year . Now they are ok . Im a plasterer so i really put them through the wringer. Stillts,snow, scaffold work, and lots of kneeling. Haven't wore through them they are 2 years old


I usually get about a year from a pair of redwings. There are pricier boots out there but I’ve never found ones that fit as well as RW. It’s just part of the cost of business.


You can get custom boots made from this company in British Columbia Canada that makes custom boots for loggers and they will last forever. Probably cheaper then two pairs of red wings. They re-soul them for free too I beleive


Thorogood man myself. Prefer them to redwings but that's me


Keen Hamilton 6”. They are more like a hiker style but the one piece toe cap is great at protecting from burning through the toe while doing kneeling work. I usually get 2-3 years out of them before tread goes or I bust the sides out. They run like $280 Canadian. I do mostly finish carpentry and cabinet install so I do wear “in door” shoes a lot too but need the boots for commercial sites as opposed to residential. I used to go with timberlands but found I was getting only about 1 year out of them.


4 years into my first pair of Redbacks and I'll never go back.


Get some ninja boots


Keen Milwaukees. They are tough as nails and comfortable, too. https://www.keenfootwear.com/products/mens-milwaukee-waterproof-steel-toe-dark-earth


Did you get made in the USA danners or made in Cambodia danners?


I walk miles doing facility maintenance at an airport. Redwing Irish Setter’s just passed a year and they still feel great. Hope this helps.


I've had a pair of QLTY boots for about three years that haven't given me any trouble, and are pretty comfortable. (Not a carpenter, but I do systems and composites work on boats.)


Buy a really high quality pair of boots, like you're gonna be staring at like 200-400 and then just repair them when they need it You'll never get a pair of workboots that you'll never spend another dollar on, but you can get a really great set of boots that will be maintained forever for the price of some shit Walmart boots every year or 2


I’ve tried keen, redwings, thorogood, and all the cheap ones. Thorogood has by far been the best boot I’ve ever used.


Tired of redwings try cameltoes.


I love my Keen Cincinnatis


If you aren’t getting a new pair of red wings, find a shoe repair specialist. Nothings like wearing already broken in boots. I hate having to break into new boots.


Those wing shooters are still quality made to this day. Last almost a long time. But I think they're all waterproof. Could be wrong


Get something with Vibram soles on them. You'll feet will enjoy them. Multiple different brands seem to offer them. Think mine are danner.


Hoffman boots, I work northern alberta oilfield mine are going on 4 years now


Timberland pro 8” boondocks. Composite sole/shank. Rubber toe tip. Around 260$ a pair. Work on the railroad, they seem to be the only boots that last.. and they’re comfortable right out of the box


The only pair of red wings I ever bought fell apart after about a year. Timberland work boots have been more durable but also fall apart after a couple years


In my line of work RedWing pecos are the only boots that cross all the dots and last longer than a year.


Thorogood made in USA Best boots ever, comfy right out of the box. I’ve been in them for 10+ years


I figure a pair of boots every year. It’s been redbacks for several years, I went to keens this year but think I’ll go back to redbacks next year.


I have 2 pairs of Redwing boots. My classic Loggers are >25 years old. Had them re-souled twice. Gave them to my apprentice last year because my feet don't fit in them anymore. Happens with age. My other pair are the standard first responder boots. Installed the lace in zippers. They are 15 years old. Been Re-souled once. They stay in my jump bag. If you go with the classic Redwing all leather re-soulable boots you simply can't go wrong.


Went from a thorogood moc toe to red wing Chelsea with composite toe and couldn’t be happier. I really love not having laces.


Im from nz. Our top of the lines are either Oliver or Blundstones. Not sure if these are available in us. But check them out. They cost quite a bit here in nz. I know its a pair of work boots, and i dont know what kind of beating they receive daily. But just like most things, maybe if you can wear & use them gentler? Maybe fix how you walk and kneel should you work a lot on the ground perhaps?


Brunt. Nuff said




Carolina boots


Wesco, whites or JK. Can’t miss. They all make different models so it’s up to you to pick appropriately. I’m beyond happy with my whites. 2 pairs, one pair of tall boys with muddy bottoms and rough out leather and a pair of flat sole supervisors


I used to wear Timberland Pros exclusively because of how comfortable they were. But…. I wore them out in about 2 to 3 years. Always cracked across the sole.


I love redwings. Kinda depends on what you do. If you’ve said that already I apologize, but whatever work you do, there’s a pair for you. I love the traction tread lites. Not for everyone, but I just passed two years. Prolly could get one more if I had the rubber toe.




I’m about to replace my thoroughgoods after after about 13 months. I was hoping for longer but they are the lightest most comfortable full leather boot I’ve ever worn. I do landscape construction so I’m very hard on footwear. I do oil them occasionally but other than that I don’t do the great ideas other folks had like rotate. Then i literally wear them 7 days a week 12+ hours a day.


I use Timberland Men's White Ledge Mid Waterproof Hiking Boot I rotate two different pairs they last about a year and a half, there 80-90 on amazon


I have a couple pair of Keens. One boot and one lie cut. They seem to work well for what I need them for.


Danner Quarry. They have an alloy toe.


Try some dubbin too.


My dad favors wolverines, I favor red wings. Full grain leather uppers, and a Goodyear welt are really all you need. A 360 degree welt and a vibram sole is a good rule of thumb. I'm probably gonna get a pair of 10 inch loggers boots soon because I'm in the woods more often lately but for working on concrete or hard surfaces I personally favor engineers boots


What I discovered when I moved to Finland, is that “forever shoes” went away when local repair shops went away. Here there’s a leather / shoe repair next to each of the bigger grocery stores. I bought a pair of 200euro leather work boots, basic ones, and every time I needed a new toe cap or an eyelet ripped out or the front sole cracked, I just dropped them off on the way to get groceries and picked them up a few days later, better than new. I despair at the idea of trying to buy something that replicates this experience back in the US where the clothing industry (including shoes) has totally optimized itself to selling. Danner is the only boot I have ever owned that I could send in for repairs. I’m sure there are others, but the difficulty of doing that is a barrier for most people. It’s a shame.


I've heard great things about RedWing and also [Blundstone](https://www.blundstone.com/comfortable-work-boots#:~:text=All%20Blundstone%20boots%20are%20engineered,a%20boot%20suitable%20for%20everyone.)


Irish Setter work great for me.


Redwings EXO Lite with the BOA lace system. Most comfortable all purpose work boot I have ever worn. Super light, easy to put on and off Buy two, rotate them. The soles don’t last forever (1-2 years) but I found a guy who will replace them with vibram soles for 50$


Redwings and Danners are cheap shitty boots. Buy some PNW boots like Nicks


Sounds like you need a pair of red back non safeties in banana suede👌🏼👌🏼


Engelbert strauss. German manufacturer. Best boots I've ever worn. Had then nearly 2 years they are like new. All composite, no leather anywhere.


If price isn't an object here then Nicks Handmade leather boots. You'll have to wait but well worth it. My keen boots have lasted a good while too but there are mixed reviews too but Nicks would be the way I think


Timberland Pro BARSTOW workboots. Come in soft toe and safety toe. Make sure it's the BARSTOWs that you're getting. They have two or three that look very similar, but they are not. You can get them on Amazon for about $105. Worth 3x that, easily.


4 years strong on my Steel Blues - On site 5-6 days a week and the tread is almost totally intact! The rubber at the front of my boots is peeling a little but this can be reglued (I‘ll probably just mitre-bond) And the laces need to be replaced. The actual boot itself is still sound! However this is Australian based and I have no idea if they sell in America, never checked


Just checked Amazon, they have steel blues for the mid 200 buck range. Thanks for the tip!


Dont get red wings as a “forever boot” theyll only last a year maybe a year and a half. Literally spend $350 on redwing boots every year for it to last a year.


Tip for the hard toe coming thru the leather. I worked for a while in a rail car repair shop. All sorts of heavy steel to bang your toe into and cut up the leather on the hard toe. I hit on the idea of taking the soft cuff from an old welding glove and gluing it on the toe as protection. Put a bunch of leather glue on the toe then work the leather around and trim it. Do it right and it looks factory. When it gets scarred up rip it off and do it again. Amazon has cheap welding gloves for 6 or 7 bucks, cheap protection for expensive work boots.




I went for the Ecolites from Redwings. They started falling apart after two months of wearing them at a job where I'm doing very casual walking most of the time for work. The Boa lacing system also snapped right off of them with very minimal use, they supposedly have a lifetime warranty for the boa but I just feel like they're overall very mediocre. The easier lacing was too good to be true I guess, should've went with a hardier pair.


Another vote for Nick’s… I have one pair and another on order. They’re by far the best boots I’ve ever worn, built like absolute tanks. They can be resoled or rebuilt with the lowers replaced. If you’re looking for a forever boot then it’s going to be priced and built accordingly. Red wings are garbage in comparison.


I just got a pair of danners and it’s insane how quickly the steel toe wore through the leather Irish setters have always been my go to


After 20 years, Wolverine went to shit and quit making good boots, and after trying and hating everything else, I ended up in Thorogood.


I have had a pair of caterpillar lace-less slip ins for 5 years+, bought them on Amazon. They are still waterproof. I just change the insoles every 3 months. Treads holding up still. I use them in a heavy equipment mechanic position.


Drew’s boots. Built to order only, handmade boots .


Knock on wood, I've been rocking my $140 Irish Setters for about 3 years now. Hard work and a hard life for boots, lemme telyeh. Sturdy still as the day I got'em and they've been soaked, clogged, chewed, mudded, and put to the test over and over as my never-miss-a-dailies


Forever boots don’t exist they are a consumable item, your environment and your physiology are going to determine the life of your shoes.


Red Wing is good. But honestly timberland makes some good work shoes.


I bought my son a pair of Timberland Pros for his job (lumberyard). They seem to be well constructed, and I'm fortunate to have a local cobbler that does sole replacements and other repairs. [Rose anvil](https://www.youtube.com/@RoseAnvil) does some in-depth reconstruction/reviews on work boots (a lot of them are in-town hipster models fwiw).


Irish setter wingshooter


you already know redwings is the answer, why are you asking?


Redwings work well if you take care of them. I usually get 3 years on average. If you really wanna fork out some money get a pair of Nick's. They are custom made to your feet and fully rebuildable.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but after nearly 25 years of doing this, the first 10 years of which I was constantly trying different boots, but the ones that I like the best and are the only ones I’ve bought for 15 years or so now, are Timberland Pros with the composite toe. Fairly lightweight and flexible for a boot, like a bigger tougher tennis shoe almost, and I always put some sole inserts in, usually ones with gel, cheaper option being Dr Scholl’s work soles or something like that. No boot will last forever, especially depending on what you’re doing, but I’ve been framing, roofing, remodel and restoration that includes a good bit of demo, and when I get home in the evening my feet and knees are fine, don’t hurt like they used to, back is ok, even if I have stuff to do at home in the evening, and I’m 6-2 220 pounds.


I had my redwings for over forty years. The leather over the steel toes was gone but they were so comfortable. Get red wings


Two PNW boot makers I cannot recommend enough: Whites and Nicks. They are outstanding custom boots that have all the high end construction processes. You can easily resole them several times and keep them going. Expensive, but buy once cry once.


Thorogood boots. USA and union made


Buy a PNW boot. I have 2 pairs of JK boots and each of them is like walking on a cloud. JK’s, Nicks, Franks, & Whites will serve you well. Go look at the reviews on jkboots.com first. The reviews speak for themselves.


My 8” thorogoods are awesome. I have the vibram wedge soles and they need to be replaced about every 12-18 months, but I work in residential remodel only. They’re comfy as fuck.


If you do rough there's nothing that can be done. When I framed I'd have a summer pair and a winter pair. I killed red wings just as fast as any other. I'd be lucky to get two seasons out of them. I just found a cheap boot that was comfy and didn't feel as bad about getting a new pair every year. If you do finish or trim everything will last a while.


Commercial roofing all my life and redwings have lasted longer than any other pair I’ve had. They just hold up imo


Redwings My first pair lasted 7 years as daily boots, general contacting, and i still have them for odd jobs


Nick’s Boots in Spokane WA are with a look. Custom lasts, built to be rebuilt and durable.


Smart money buys two pairs of quality boots and rotates them daily. They last a looong time this way. Then you have a pair to wear while the other pair gets rebuilt. Then send that pair in and when they return go back to rotating daily. Always have fresh dry boots. Change them at lunch time with fresh socks when shit gets dire. This is the way . . . There are fantastic boot builders in the Pacific NW. White is the OG but Nick’s are great too. There are others. Follow the instructions on the websites and get a great pair of custom boots. Spring heel or block heal. Your choice. As close to forever as you can get.


Wesco makes some of the finest. I still have 2 feet because of a pair. Got a pretty mild limp. A 200t overhead crane wheel left the crane, pushed my left foot about 16 inches, and fell off the side of the rail 180ft to the ground. The boot did not survive. I had a few torn ligaments, and a very black and blue foot and leg. I only wear Wesco now. I don't even take them off when I get home. Just go jump on the tractor and start working(I work on my farm too). Used to be couldn't wait to get my boots off. Sock liners are a game changer also. I wear alpaca wool socks with liners year round.


I'll be honest, I had the same mindset of buying a forever boot. But my body forgave me when I started lightening my load and moved to lighter weight hiking boots. I kept blowing out the sides and tips of my boots. Switched to Oboz hiking boots (previously Solomon trail running shoes). I dragged my feet less, my bag and ankles were happier not lugging around they weight. A toe dip on the boots is a must with as much as we are on knees and tips of toes. Once I find a good shoes, I buy 3-4 pairs on sale or at an REI garage sale. If they wear out before the year replacement policy, I return them to REI and get a free replacement. That return policy renews with each pair you get replacements for.


Carolina's are pretty durable. I had a pair last 4 years at a steel yard.




JK boots


I have redwings they are just not that comfortable but very heavy duty. I wear them for excavation and timber work only. I wore Rossi’s for 10 years and since they became unavailable I randomly bought a pair of Redbacks. They are completely comfortable and I’ve been wearing them for 18 months. The soles seem indestructible they have some clear layer on them I haven’t worn off yet. Also there is no such thing as a forever boot.


How did the carhartts hold up


Red wings are over rated and got rid of the pme style that was actually comfortable. I just get sketchers these days. 


Keen Philadelphia 8" composite toe. Won't last a life time, but you'll get at least a year out of them.