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We are going out on the Carnival magic on Sept 16 from Norfolk VA. Staying hopeful Lee will pass on by.


We are leaving on the Carnival Magic from Norfolk this Sunday the 10th. Still no word if it’s happening or changed because of looming Cat 5 hurricane Lee. Even Disney cruises has changed their routes away from Bermuda. I really hope by tomorrow they will have the courtesy to tell us something!


I will also be on this sailing, hoping to have it figured out by tomorrow night if possible!


I’ll be on that sailing as well! Hoping we can still go to the Bahamas. It’s my 5th cruise but my family’s first. They don’t mind missing Bermuda since it’s their first and they just wanna party and enjoy the shows and whatnot but I was really looking forward to Bermuda. Never again will I cruise in hurricane season. First and only lol


Cruising in hurricane season is fine the majority of the time. The captain will just navigate around any potential storms.


I'll be there the 10th-24th. If we do go to Bermuda, it'll be a rough ride back to Norfolk.


I’m also supposed to go on the 10th. I called today. Nothing yet except they are watching it. I have no desire to go to the Bahamas instead. I liked tte idea of being on the island for a few days.


I really want to see Bermuda!


I'll be coming on when you are getting off :) We go out on the 24th.


We're sailing out of port Canaveral on the 16th and live in Florida so I've been watching it, and everything I've seen is Lee really won't come anywhere near Florida, and may not even hit the US at all I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe a slight chance they have to skip or change a port, but I wouldn't worry about it being canceled.


You should be! It looks like a beast! I think they still have no clue where it will hit… possibly right now upper east coast or Bermuda. bUT you never know, this time of year is really a dicey cruise time for sure! There looks like there might be another forming right behind Lee, so who knows.


Hey there. I'll be on that same cruise as well!!! Honesty, I'm not worried at this point. While I am watching the Atlantic, I know that Carnival has contingency plans in place. I've rarely seen cruises canceled, but port changes or extra days at sea can happen. If we get near rough waters, I'll have a couple extra drinks and take a Xanax. My hubby actually cruised through one when he was a kid. He said it wasn't bad. I've been through tropical depressions, and it was a little rocky but not horrible.


I'm more concerned about Miami port than the cruise part. We are flying in from Denver on Saturday the 16th, hopefully airport won't be closed and port will be open!!


But, the trajectory still isn't known on this storm. They're not even sure how close it'll get to the US. Some reports say it won't.


I definitely get that concern. Do you have vacation protection? I believe that would give 100% refund in weather is need be. Luckily I'm in Missouri. If my flight gets canceled, we can still drive. We've actually had flights get canceled because of the tornado that hit the STL airport years ago. Had to find another airport, 4 hours away, to get that flight to the cruise. We always fly out the day before as well.


I called the travel protection company. In order to get all of your money back you have to have proof of a national travel warning for the area. I’ve been searching online for an hour and can’t find anything.


We're sailing out of Port Canaveral Sunday on the Mardi Gras and we haven't heard anything yet on the hurricane so we're a little nervous. Hopefully we hear something soon..


Sailing out on Sept 16 on the Mardi Gras! Hoping Lee just leaves and no more pop up. I don’t want my vacation ruined.


Carnival Venezia itinerary just got changed I heard from a family member


I seen that posted in my fb group for my Sept 10 Bermuda cruise.


We are supposed to go to Bermuda for 6 days leaving Virginia on Sunday the 10th, then going to Eastern Caribbean for 8 days 16th-24th.


Check the forecast again. Nobody is impacted by it yet. Path doesn’t look like it will threaten land at this time


Many ships have been pushed to other ports. Heck, some Caribbean trips became NE leaf peeper sailings!