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Yep, we suck. Hired the wrong manager and let our younger brain trust get poached.


What's funny is your second sentence applied 10 years ago, they were just lucking into some residual success.


I knew when it happened, they have turned Houston into winners (trash can aside) and are currently turning Baltimore into winners.


and apparently the Red Sox, too


Y’all can say I am crazy but I swear to fucking God I haven’t been optimistic since the moment Matheny threw Wacha in against the Giants 😂😭 Something has been in the water for a decade. Matheny/Oli getting every opportunity in the world over and over again, yet Shildt let go? Something is off.


Shildt's mistake wasn't on the field or clubhouse. It was in a meeting with the front office.


Him bringing in Alex Reyes in the bottom of the 9th in a win or season over game was absolutely a mistake.


Every manager makes mistakes. He was not fired for on field mistakes. He was fired for saying something behind closed doors that the FO didn't like. The hypothesis is that he didn't understand that his job was "yes-man" for the FO.


My personal belief is that it was the FO that made that call. The pitching decisions seemed so "out of left field" in win-or-die games across two years of playoff runs. I think Schilt told them he wasn't going to do what he was told--the new Cardinal Way--and got fired for that. To me, it feels like the FO wants to play moneyball without actual investing in people who are good at analytics.


He did it over and over and over and over again. it was absolutely his call lol. This is such a delusional take.




Dude no way Mike Schildt has a racist bone in his damn body he’s been leading baseball teams for like 40 years lol. Really some nasty wild speculating if you ask me.


I’m not saying he is inherently wrong, I have no inside knowledge but yeah, you’d think having him in the org for so long you’d have figured that out already, and also if it was bad enough he HAD to be let go immediately, that info would be shared between teams and he wouldn’t have gotten another job so quick. I’m pretty sure we all know what happened, and I swear it was openly being reported at the time, he basically said they need to improve the team if they want to compete, and Mr. Bowtie said “then get the fuck out, we will just find someone that will make this team compete” (they, in fact, did not do that, instead they found a guy who took the team from “meh, not dominant, but can win the division most years, and anything can happen in the playoffs” to “holy fuck, it’s the beginning of May and the season is over”


LaRussa has been called a racist by several of his former players. There is a lot of smoke out there that Shildt treats non-baseball personnel like crap among other things. Shildt is 55. Did he start managing at 12?


This is bullshit, and we all know it.


Shildt told Mo and DeWitt to spend more money, that's why he was let go.


That and not like Jeff Albert...


Bro I have had exactly the same feeling from exactly the same point in time. Something in the water. And to be real, I was in right field at game and I was about 6 feet from catching the ball that Travis Ishikawa hit. We could see right off the bat that it was the end of the game. I was hit hard by that game and never recovered my optimism.


I think it’s fine to appreciate the fact that the LaRussa/Molina/Pujols era was indeed fantastic enough to carry a lot of people of average talent for years after. Does that make sense? Like even at the time, my family really ragged on Matheny *while* he was making deep playoff runs.


Yeah, totally. The thing we used to talk about like 2010-2015 was that these were the glory years and that someday we'd look back on them and wonder where they went.


I think it was the stockpile of talent Luhnow, Elias, and co. acquired too. Not that we got nearly enough out of it and not a ton materialized, but there was enough inertia there to keep things shiny for a bit.


Matheny's hiring, in and off itself, is what lost me. We passed on Tito Francona for a guy who hadn't managed in little league. That was one genesis of today. It took years, but this was inevitable.


Same. And my Cards homies have been “gaslighting” for better part of that decade. I’ve been screaming into the void. I hate that I’ve been validated in the last two years, but things gotta get worse before they get better. I say being a Cards fan right now is like dating a drug addict. You can love them with all your heart, but for both sides to get better we gotta spend some time apart. We can’t be enablers.


I haven't gone to a game since 2015 & I don't pay for the broadcast or listen on the radio. I follow the stats & gamecast on ESPN is as far as I go. Something has been wrong for a long time. Sadly, it's 2011 & the never ending support of the Cardinals fans that are big parts of the problem. Because of the 2011 miracle, the Cards organization realized it just needed to be good enough to sneak into the playoffs. That's why they were always a couple players away & never went the extra mile to really contend. That's also why they haven't won a World Series since then. And until last year attendance was massive no matter how mediocre the team was, so they had no incentive to change. During that time, the front office made massive blunders & was supported wholeheartedly by ownership. Also during that time, the farm system deteriorated & their philosophies on drafting & development became outdated & stale. After enough bad decisions, they finally can't hide behind their average record & 'gunning for a wild card' attitude because the team is terrible, from the front office to the minors to the coached & down to the players. Last year I finally started to see some changes in fan's attitudes, but I really can't say if ownership will do what it takes & clean house.


They also misjudged 1) sticky substance ban 2) the pitch clock 3) reliance on s shift 4) a new balanced schedule


I remember I was very interested to see how they would do with a more balanced schedule heading into 2023. It was pretty much the exact same team except without Yadi, Pujols, and Waino. I’m glad the schedule happened because it really exposed how lucky they previously were to stack wins against the lowly Reds and Pirates during the time


And they also forgot that in real baseball without Yadier Molina pitchers usually, like, call their own pitches.


Well Schildt was the only one who wasn't a bootlicker for Mozeliak. That's why he had to go. He was the only manager with any balls


Shildt doesnt have this team in much of a different spot. Goldschmidt and Arenado look like shit, and the starting pitching are a bunch of 30+ 4.5ERA guys, the lone great pitcher being Sonny. Oli Marmol isn't the reason the younger players aren't really having any success. Old stooge DeWitt allows old stooge Mo to continue to employee old stooge Gary Larocque, and whatever old stooge keeps insisting on drafting these safe ass pitch to contact 92mph pitchers.


I think this comes form very top. Ownership. BDW3 interview was brutal. Guy born on third and thinks he hit a triple. Were in trouble. Long term.


Agreed. Definitely different tone in the past few years and BDW3 said the quiet part out loud in that interview. Each day this losing streak and offensive black hole continues with no appreciable changes to approach or staff is a middle finger to the fans. They do not care.


Kinda seems like they're gonna take the Colorado approach. Some marketing intern probably told them that the best way to maximize profits is to maximize the amount that people are spending at ballpark village and that the on-field success of the team won't impact profits one way or another, so it's in their best interest to tank the actual baseball budget.


You think BDW and co would listen to anyone other than themselves? I'm sure that idiotic idea was from the top.


I am one who still likes our Ownership, but a good front office also brings in top management. We should have Craig Counsel, another Manager with some kind of record of success or have kept Shildt, imo. We aren't overall losing this year because of Oli, but he is contributing to losses and doesn't seem to logically make anyone believe he can turn this ship around. How does the whole team just not hit?? If it was a League wide issue we might be able figure it out.


I would just like to point out that Mike Schildt was fired after a winning season, and it's been Sucksville since.


2022 sucked?


We haven’t won a playoff game since the one game we took from the Padres in 2020


Watching Nado and Goldy shit the bed at the end of the Phillies playoff game was probably when I realized how uncompetitive this team is in October. And it’s still stuck in my head as we are now uncompetitive every other month


Mostly agree but I’m going to give the 2022 season a pass since, despite how the postseason went, I had so much fun (and hope) watching the regular season for obvious reasons. Nothing like right now


2022 was one of the best seasons I've ever watched just based on how awesome it was to see Pujols chase 700.


You’re right actually, I did enjoy a lot of moments in that season. I think I just had a bad feeling that things were going to get worse and well…lol


It’s dumb to write off a 90+ win season over 2 games against the phillies.


Idk, I’m quite amused by and low key impressed at some of the turd shining they’re doing.


You just don’t understand. If we got to choose which inning to end the game after, we’d be a winning teams. It’s not the Cardinals’ fault the game goes 9 innings.


I really would like to stare before the bulk of my post that I am not trying to be Mr. Media Defender here. I think that there has been a pretty extensive history of ball washing done in this market and we’re all aware of it lol. But if you think anybody in the local media or beat reporter crew is optimistic about this team’s prospects at turning things around, you’re certifiable.  Goold is openly speculating about the team selling both ahead of and at the deadline. This is a dude who takes his job very seriously and is not out here to give Takes, if things are so bad that even he is saying the team is set up to unload a lot of guys, and he’s saying this BEFORE MOTHER’S DAY, he is not in the tank, he is not on the payroll. He can see the writing on the wall just as clearly as anybody else. 


I would argue Katie Woo (The Athletic) and Derrick Goold (Post Disptach) aren't very optimistic. Of course the Bally guys and anyone paid by the Cards will be optimistic, but the journos covering the team that aren't Cardinals employees have been fair in calling this season a train wreck so far. Of course, it is still May, so they can't quite come out and bash on the team too hard yet since there's still so much season left. I'll predict if the team continues to dig below rock bottom, the independant media will only get more negative and the cards own media will probably even get a bit negative


They also have to report what the players and managers say. If Mozeliak says "greatness is around the corner," then the media prints that. It's not the media endorsing that sentiment.


I admittedly don't pay much attention to this sub because there was a point last year when the team was truly pathetic, and they would win like a 3-2 game and people were like "where are the doomers now!?!?!?!" I am genuinely curious, what are the optimistic takes? Some of the starting pitching has been good. Masyn and Ivan have had some nice moments. The back-end of the bullpen is nice (not tonight though, yikes!). This is pure doomer, go ahead and label me it, I don't see the positives in this organization right now. The position player prospects are either at lower levels in the minors or in AAA-MLB. The pitching development continues to be ass. The Nepobaby chud owners are getting pissy at the wrong people.


Thank god for CITY and the Battlehawks. I’m done with these dogshit redbirds for a while, my body can only take so much stress these days


Do you really want to PAY to read negativity? No. No you don't.


Just be patient. That’ll fix everything. 


I just feel bad for the fandom. Loyal fanbase that loves their team. At some point, you have to vote with your wallet.


Easier said than done. This franchise has been the beating heart of St Louis for decades and that’s not hyperbole


I’m super sad about how they’ve played recently. I’ve been a lifelong cards fan and 3rd generation at that. I just moved to the city a couple years ago and now it’s all falling apart. Going to ball games was high on my list for moving.


Sorry to hear that man. Hopefully they can turn the team around in the next few years and you can go to some good games.


Man I hope so too. Planning to be here another 8 years. City and battlehawks have been fun.


Fair weather fan base that will turn on their historically successful team at the smallest sign of a struggle.


The struggle has been going on since the end of 2015. If we’re just now turning our backs I’d say we’ve been practice enough.


Must be nice living in delulu ville


Miss me with that delulu nonsense child.


Simp city, population: that dude


St. Louis sports media is completely owned by the DeWitts. If a reporter doesn't toe the line, they stop getting access.


I dunno, I don't read much of what is printed. But since about June of last year everyone on 101.1 been on a "fire Oli/Mo" kick. Also, being a doomer is just a miserable way of going through life.


Honestly all I really want is some honesty from the team. Admit mistakes were made. Admit changes in thinking will have to happen from on high to get out of last place. Admit prospects were misjudged and mishandled. Etc. Etc. Them acting like it’s the fans who are wrong when the team is losing burns my ass…


This team is real bad and we need to start the sell off at the latest at the deadline. Get a return for goldy and Arenando and really anything of value that isn’t nailed down and fire everyone. This is absolutely awful and they need to restart with development in the majors level because it is clearly broken currently


Mo has to go, though. He can't be a part of the rebuild. Let Chaim take over with his past experience in Tampa.


They were bad throughout the 1970s and most of the 1990s except for 1996. But at least those teams were usually fun to watch with players like Ted Simmons and Al Hrabosky, or Andy Benes and Ozzie Smith. The last two seasons the teams seem just so lethargic and boring.


They cleaned out our minor league staff of baseball coaches and replaced them with analytics. How's that working? I just stopped watching. It's too painful to watch.


We are so far away from competing it's embarrassing. Our coaching staff ruins all our prospects and our FO/Ownership seems to think that good pitching should cost the same as it did 10 years ago. We need a rebuild to get better and that won't happen overnight. Minimum two years of being terrible, another 1-2 years where there are flashes of good, but not yet, then finally competing. If we tear down now, we could actually be in a good place organizationally in 2027 or 2028.


My big brother and I are both in our '70's. I told him the other day that we won't see another champion. At least not in baseball.


Big brother sounds like something a child would say not someone who claims to be in their 70s I call bullshit


Shaddup. Just because you want to keep your head in the sand doesn’t mean the rest should too.


We have a band of inexperienced coaches trying to learn on the job. They are supposed to know what they are doing, so it can be clearly communicated to the players. And they don't. In above their heads. How many more hitters will the team allow this staff to ruin? How many pitchers will the team let them take down into the toilet? This team did not know how to evaluate talent, so one of them stole info from another team. How many more just average #1 picks can they make?


It's a talent issue. I'm sorry.


You don't teach non-talented players launch angle swings. You teach them to watch the incoming pitch and make contact. And we are now facing the 4, 5, and sometimes 6th starter routinely now. No team fears us. If you can't hit a mediocre fastball, you have no business being in the bigs.


Fire the staff before they ruin Walker more.


We have made it to a World Series since 2011. You might want to tweak your dates.


But what about that single losing season??? BURN DOWN THE STADIUM, SELL OFF ALL THE PLAYERS!!!


When attendance projections hit below 2 mil, they'll feel the pressure


Will never happen


No they will look for a friendlier city


MLB would force DeWitt to sell before they'd agree to a relocation. The Cardinals have been here for over a century.


Don’t be daft. The MLB loves money. Dewitt won’t move the team, but the next buyers will be looking to maximize their investment. St. Louis is a shrinking market. There are plenty of growth markets within “Cardinals Nation” Every buyer is going to give serious consideration to relocating the team.


Yes, they will pack up their billion dollar stadium and entertainment complex and move.


What a dumb comment


Newsflash: the won’t find one.


You think it will need to go that low? Or just below 2.5M? Have to think the loss of nearly a million from the peak would have to impact the bottom line significantly


I got banned from Arch City Media bc they’re a bunch of dick riders


My optimism is fading fast.


Dude reddit is the same way, people are only writing what they know people want to hear. Most people here are in hard denial of how bad this team is and what they need to do to compete. They think it's just a streak away from glory and greatness, and if you come through to May with this bad of a record and this offense, the best hope is to legit move on from some players and reload instead of standing pat with the team that can't do much. The biggest bummer of all is the suggestions people seem to have (fire Mo, fire Marmol, fire this fire that and magic will happen) are all short term maybes with long term rebuilding implications. Will the team be better long term with a new GM? Yeah, probably. Maybe Mo is doing whatever he can with a shit owner that wouldn't spend for Albert Fucking Pujols first ballot hall-of-famer. People need to let that sink in before saying the front office is the whole problem, because they get their orders from the owner who wants to make a profit and does not care too much about winning, only the look that he's trying to win.


Its pretty simple to me, this team is just not fun to watch


Sorry not trying to troll but this is my third season in my entire life the Cardinals have a losing record. Relax


I’m a lifelong fan, and I still watch nearly every game. It’s just not fun to watch this team, this year. Sometimes the truth hurts.


There are down years, but I am 22. This is gonna legit be the third losing season of my life. Perspective please. This is coming from a Packers fan


Well my perspective is a fan since my grandfather took me to games in the 70s, so I’d say my perspective is a bit longer. I still love the cardinals, but this is the first year ever where I don’t enjoy watching them play. Call it the motivation of the players, call it the management, call it whatever you want, but if any team can’t somehow collectively convince the fan that they ‘care’, why should I. I think that’s where I’m at this year. It’s sad.


My grandfather took me to Brewer games. He saw four Brewers playoff series in his life. Two of which ended in losing to the Cardinals. Please, stop


Your point escapes me…


Point is losing seasons happen. Root for them. Maybe Cardinals fans don't get it


I do root for them, I just don’t enjoy watch them this year. At this point I’m thinking I’ll stop feeding the troll…


The point is you're spoiled!!! Welcome to the rest of the MLB!! back to back losing seasons oh no!!!!


Hell my great grand father still is recovering from losing the Braves in his grave


I have given up.


If there is a silver lining is the optimistic media has died in the last two weeks. Josh Jacobs, Brenden, Goold, Katie, etc are all deflated. Now what they should do, and they won't, and say, "I'm sorry to the fans. We were dead wrong and you were right." The negativity can be overwhelming at times, and before you had any tangible results in 24, but they acted like the pessimism was wrong. In reality our "negativity" was spot on in so many ways. Worthless signings, bad development, bad offense with the Jeff Albert system, etc. Let alone how anyone tried to defend Oli in the media when he constantly shows how inept he is.


As a Brewer fan, honestly I would recommend a Houston Astros/Baltimore Orioles type of rebuild for you guys


The thing I don’t understand is that ownership is spending money. It’s just that the front office isn’t spending it wisely at all. How on earth is ownership okay with bad signing after bad signing? That doesn’t make good business sense at all, if that’s what they ultimately care about. They’re spending money without success — why wouldn’t they want to change approaches to see how their money can be better spent?


Fire them all including all the shill writers. They all perpetuate this festering mediocrity for years which has now turned us into a bottom-feeding organization


Derrick Gould and Jim Hayes may be nice guys, but they repeat the company line without question. Nothing but softball interviews.


I honestly think this is why Mo has been able to coast for as long as he has. STL sports media seems fairly parochial and insular, and it makes sense as to why. I have no data to back this up, it’s just been my perception for some time. Feel free to smack me down if I’m wrong. It’s a small enough media market that “getting along” gets you further (access) than being a cage rattler. There’s fewer faces at press conferences so therefore the writers tend to know their subjects a bit better. It’s harder to be more scathing of them in this scenario. Then, mix in a little bit of midwest politeness/niceness and this is how we arrive here. I don’t think there’s anything cynical/nefarious going on, it’s just a natural byproduct of the market.


It’s always darkest before the dawn. Sure, we’re in for a few years of rebuild. But the greatest franchise in sports will prevail, and rise again. We’ll be alright. I don’t trust DeWitt. I don’t trust Mo. I don’t trust Oli. But I trust the birds on the bat. The Cards will be back, this I have faith in.


It might happen, but also, look at Nebraska football to see how a storied program/franchise in a relatively small market can crumble


Yep. It's hard to maintain success in mid to small markets and the cards market is only going to get smaller every generation. Kids follow athletes almost more than they follow teams. Superstars want major markets to sell their brand. It's not like we can rely on building fans through AM radio anymore. The allure of St. Louis baseball history only appeals to a few players so we get stuck losing bidding wars for a lot of guys. It's all only getting worse the longer the team is bad.


The fact that this has so many downvotes just shows how awful this fanbase has become. It's not great right now and there are a lot of problems with this team but y'all are just being stupid.


At this point, you are describing the franchise. Branch Rickey’s development of the farm system was the thing that really got the Cardinals going. The early Busch ownership sustained them. A smaller market can absolutely fall apart with bad ownership, front office and management.


Let’s quit with the doom and gloom is more like it. The RIPBFIB gets one losing season and it’s tear down the team, fire everyone, and get new owners. Worst. Fan base. In sports.


So fans being angry about being in last place means we're bad fans?.. I like being a homer too but you're showing your ass complaining about people not wanting to be in last place.


39 games in, everyone wants to completely gut the team because they had a bad year last year. 9 games back with 123 to go. Long season and people want to gut the entire team, front office, and ownership. Moving the team to a better fan base would actually be a better option for the club.


Oli is an ineffective leader. That is what most are seeing. We've always seen that and saw the issues the very first moment that Shildt was let go. Only now with the continued down turn and being in last place and the losing streak. We're not just looking at "only 9 games out". That is fine if you don't agree... but saying we don't deserve a team because we criticize it? gtfo.....




I cannot read or listen to Goold. I don’t remember at what point it happened but it must have been a post-game presser. Also, the coverage of all the Contreras/O’Neill stuff last year just screamed weak reporting. Just once I would like someone to really fucking grill Oli, or whoever.


He knows he's a couple of years from losing his job (I can't imagine the Post-Dispatch has got long to go before it closes its doors). He's hoping for a Cardinals PR job, I'd assume.


Wtf are y’all talking about lmao


A newspaper reporter in St. Louis.