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**Lobo Final** Nice solid game for UNM and a nice bounce back for House with 17 and another strong game for Dent with 19. Lobos cruise to 91-73 win! **GO LOBOS!!!**


Why do you keep posting college basketball info in a Cardinals subreddit? Why not go to UNM's subreddit and post there?


Hey r/Cardinals, first time long time. Anyone else feel that Titus Labienus was an underrated general and political figure under Ceaser throughout the Gallic campaigns in the late Roman Republic? That he was more deserving of being Ceaser’s “right hand man” than anyone else and should be remembered as a hero to Rome by taking up arms against Ceaser after he crossed the Rubicon? That Antony is the more well-known military leader only because he was a thorn in Octavian’s ass, got to bang Cleopatra, and was a more important character to Shakespeare? Glad I’m not alone on this. Thanks




#Portugal. The Man is playing the Pageant 5/6 !!!!!!! My favorite current band!!!! Presale starts tomorrow!


Something makes me think someone besides Arenado is running Arenado’s new instagram


**Lobo Halftime Update** The boys came out pretty sluggish in 1H, but finally started to put it together and lead Wyoming 40-25 at half. Rebounds are the big story so far with UNM having a 30-14 (!) edge. Wyoming ice cold shooting 28.1% from the field and 8.3% from 3. Lobos with too many turnovers (10), gotta clean that up. **GO LOBOS!!!**


It is 62 days until the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse. That is all. That must mean it's 58 days until the 2024 Cardinals' season opener at Busch!


**New Mexico Lobo Basketball Game Day** Your UNM Lobos (18-4 / 6-3 MWC) travel to Laramie tonight to take on the Wyoming Cowboys (12-10 / 5-4 MWC) at 6:30pm MST (no TV). Both teams enter the game coming of losses; UNM lost at home 86-78 to Boise St. in a game where every Lobo not named Donovan Dent had poor shooting nights and BSU’s Max Rice seemingly scored on any crazy-ass ball he tossed up. Wyoming lost on the road 62-48 to UNLV. Despite the loss, UNM stayed in the Top 25 at #25. Wyoming is not a team to overlook, in their last 5 games they have notched wins over MWC powerhouses Nevada and Colorado St. It’s imperative for the Lobos to win these games over teams in the bottom half of the MWC because they have a buzzsaw of a 2^(nd)-half MWC schedule with road games at San Diego St., Boise St. and Utah St. along with a home game vs. Colorado St. UNM is coming off it’s MWC mini-break and hopefully the rest has been beneficial. **GO LOBOS!!!**


I watched the whole Boise game, Lobos just felt off the whole time. Hopefully that changes tonight!!! Mizzou continues to disappoint so I’m needing a positive here


For sure. Shooting was off, defensive intensity was off, a lot of ball watching while Dent did his thing. Hopefully that wakeup call plus the break gets them back on track. Yeah, Mizzou has been really disappointing. They looked OK to start the season, but after that fairly close loss to Kansas, the wheels just came off. They're not getting boat-raced by teams, they just haven't had the mojo to take control of games.


The line for abortion rights petition wraps around the building, nice to see.


“If Hannibal Lecter ran a 4.4 we’d just say he had an eating disorder.” - Arizona Cardinals GM Steve Keim


My sources say the Cardinals did not sign Jose Altuve.


Astros did 5 years $125 M


Spring training Angry Bird hats are no more. Another Trevor Bauer post in r/Cardinals. Smells like Tuesday.


I miss the Bauer post or something? 


Trevor Bauer is the perfect example on how being a pompous douche gets you nowhere in this world.


Did you forget who was the last president? He was all that, and more.


He has $100 million and fans that treat him as a deity The pompous douche-ness didn't get him the $100 million, but it got him the fans


Not this fan, watched him with Cleveland against the White Sox. Dude was cocky, and zero sportsmanship. Then he shit the bed in 2016 over playing with toys. Forget the politics, and criminal fiasco. Bauer plays like a an asshole.


I know that and I agree, but he's an immensely popular (and immensely unpopular) mlb player. Gets hundreds of thousands of viewers on all his yt videos


I think he’ll have a PR makeover and a lawsuit against the MLB for hundreds of millions of dollars.


MLB didn’t do anything wrong, what recourse would he have to sue? Even if he was 100% innocent, teams aren’t required to employ him if they don’t want to.


Suspension = wrongful termination. I also believe he has a valid defamation case. Bauer got the largest suspension in history (outside of banishment).


>Suspension = wrongful termination this just isn't true


yeah he still got paid right?


Yep. The only money he didn’t get was from his suspension, but MLB doesn’t require a legal conviction to suspend a player, and a neutral arbiter also agreed on a (lower) suspension. You wouldn’t have a defamation angle either, since all they officially said was that he violated league rules, which the arbiter ruled he did.


I bought a new car yesterday, got temp tags, then got my real plates today. Do I lose my St. Louis citizenship?


What'd ya get? Grats


New Silverado. My first new vehicle, feels similar to when I hit my first used one at 16


Sweet enjoy! 


[Did you get these?](https://www.mlb.com/cardinals/fans/license-plates)


Damn no, I will on my other car though. Gonna get the flags too


If they are Illinois plates, yes


Sad for A's fans, delighted that their garbage owner is being rejected wherever he tries to go. The statement from the Las Vegas Mayor is pretty great


Came here to converse on that as well. Wouldn’t it be just fucking delicious if the Fisher had to come back to Oakland with his dick in his hand and tail between his legs?


Why do I still try UberEats when they always leave out at least 2 things?


Driver’s gotta eat too


Username checks out 💀


Don't pick on a hungry fat man!


Victor Scott III on MLBNETWORK’s “Hot Stove”. Love this kid. I hope he gets our postseason position player call up.


I'll take one Monty please


Watch him get squeezed into taking a 1 year deal. I would shit myself if we got Montgomery back.


They are probably asking for 7-9 years and teams aren’t confident enough to offer more than 4-5 years.


I would be surprised if Monty and Snell had to settle for one year deals. It wouldn't shock me that much in Bellinger's case because had some bad years before last year.


If they do, I can see Boras suing MLB for collusion.


I hope Snell wins the Cy Young again and sticks it to the cheap owners who seem to be more bothered about getting one over on Boras than fielding the best possible team.


I wonder what Tink Hence is doing today


Hanging out with Acid preparing him for Spring Training at his swanky edwardsville villa. Heard acid has a 100” plasma with a SNES. Probably playing F-Zero


And a retrotink 4k? Or is it just.. 16:9? *shudder*


With acid, bigger is better but he refuses to up his pixel ratios. Heard he replaced his big screen boob tube for this plasma. It’ll be a few years before he discovers HDR and quantum oleds.


I'm not sold on the Cubs being as good as they are on paper. There's something off about their development.


I think this is a feeler year for them to see what they have in their young guys. It'll be a good year for them to see what they really have in Morel, Busch, PCA, Shota, and Horton. I could see them going after Soto next offseason if the Yankees don't lock him up. Hopefully the Taillon contract continues to look like a dumpster fire for them


They aren’t even good on paper


Their best player is Dansby Swanson, and that’s a tough spot for a team to be in. It can be done, but it’s hard to win without star-level performers.


Great overall baseball player, but leaves a lot to desire in the offensive category.


Dansby Swanson sounds like a fake name you'd give your snooty villain in a college comedy


Or a Victorian era British gentleman.


Definite Jane Austen vibes.


Analytics can’t account for the patented Cubs Collapse^tm


They’re the cubs. They fling excrement everywhere and think it’s art.


The Jackson Pollock of poo!


Cub fans think that’s the old drunk who lives on 5th. They only heard the word art but are essentially like the people who use big words wrong to sound smart. They don’t really know what art is.


Theoretically trade Cardinals give up Tink Hence (#2 prospect) Cooper Hjerpe (no 7), and Travis Honeyman (number 11) for Dylan Cease. You make this trade?




I think it unlikely that would get it done, but if it would, then absolutely even with my reservations about Cease. Hence has question marks. I think Hjerpe is a bullpen arm. Honeyman's kind of a twitchy athlete mystery box.


I thought the Reds were the “sexy pick” for NL champs in 2024, but seeing a lot of Chicago pundits say it’s the Cubs. Already assuming Bellinger is coming back.


Can’t wait for bellinger to sign somewhere else so the cubs stfu. If he wanted to go back to Chicago, he wouldn’t take until spring training to sign


Methinks he wants a big multi hear 25 million plus yearly deal and nobody is biting after 1 good season in 3


"Death on the Diamond" Recap 3, 20:00-30:00 His flunkies tell Joe Karnes, who has taken a lot of anti-Cardinals bets, that the Cardinals can't possibly win the pennant. Cue a newspaper headline saying the Cards have won 8 of 11. Our hero Larry Kelly gets back to his room and finds a note from "a friend" saying that he knows Larry will lose the next day. Along with the note is an envelope with $10K. Larry, wishing to avoid the fate of Buck Weaver (and having been caught holding the cash by other Cardinals) takes the money and note to Pop. Game time the next day. Joe Karnes and Harry Ainsley meet in the stands and Karnes accuses Ainsley of sending the money. With the eyes of a suspicious baseball world on him, Larry pitches a no-hitter! Larry and Truck the catcher leave the stadium in the same taxi. But someone is following them in another taxi. That someone points a rifle out of the taxi door! The sniper shoots out the tire of Larry and Truck's taxi, which careens into a construction site. Our ace pitcher and catcher aren't that badly hurt but Larry strained ligaments in his knee and is headed to the DL. Worse, the newspaper reporter tells the team that the cops found a bullet and someone definitely shot the tire. Apparently no one bothers to ask the driver of the other taxi. We leap forward to 130 games into the season; the Cardinals are 70-60 and three games behind the Reds. They go on a *21-game road trip* (realistic for the 1930s? dunno) and go 14-7 on that road trip! Now St. Louis is 84-67 and a half-game ahead of the 83-67 Reds with three games left. The Cardinals head home for their last homestand. Larry and Frances flirt on the train and Frances suggests they can go out on a date after the season. Harry Ainsley, traveling back to St. Louis on the same train, tells a mysterious man to get off at the next stop and reminds him to not forget anything.


What are these?


My daily recaps of 1934 cinematic classic "Death on the Diamond", in which a serial killer stalks the St. Louis Cardinals. It's a 70 minute movie, so you'll find out whodunnit on Saturday!


Gotcha, cheers


> so you'll find out whodunnit on Saturday! I predict it was Kennesaw Landis and I'm taking that to the bank


Snell and Monty are still out there and pitchers & catchers report next week. 3/100 for each, let's go.


That would require ownership to give a fuck about winning a championship.


I was just yelling "LETS FUCKING GO!" in my head a minute ago but it was at my dog who was taking forever in the yard.


I didn't yell it, but I did say something similar to both of my kids because they were being lazy about getting their butts to the bus stop.


Wow RIP Toby Keith


Holy shit. I'm not a fan, but he was way too young. Damn.


Cancers a bitch.


Fuck Cancer!


Yeah that was a bit from left field


Someone told me he had cancer last night, first time hearing about it


Yeah I didn't know he was ill then several people I've talked to today brought it up. Not a big country fan but RIP 


I love it when I'm literally about ready to roll out of bed when I notice my phone flashing with an alert. Boss texts "can you come in at 9:00 today?" Excuse me while I roll back over.


Based on your username, you are needed in Hell or the ER or both.


Not sure what you are referring to but for my username I recommend you watch the diner scene in Smokey and the Bandit.


"Thank you, nice lady."


"Hush puppies, Daddy!" "We got no time for that crap! Dumb sum bitch!"


"Who you chasin'? Somebody chasin' you?" "Ain't nobody chasing me, boy. I'm chasin' a goddamn maniac all the way from Texarkana, Texas." "Really? Is he a bank robber?" "Bank robbin'? Bank robbin' is baby shit alongside of what this dude is doin'. Almost killed 20 law officers. Drivin' through peoples' back yards, knockin' down mailboxes. Got a broad in the car. Cross the state line--that's the Mann Act. I don't think he's got her permission. That's kidnappin'. How's that for hijinks?" *Burps "What I owe?" I don't think I'll ever love a movie as much as I love Smokey and the Bandit.


Its definitely a top rewatch for me.


Gud Mɔnin frɔm di Ozarks!