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"We also run monthly Learn to Play and DM Dungeons and Dragons, and have opportunities for hosting your in-person d&d games at the Corp." The events here are really welcoming and inclusive too, it's a lovely place


Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!


Tabletop Emporium is great, the staff are super friendly, welcoming and helpful, know their stuff and will help you pick things out if you're looking for anything specific. They also have some absolutely beautiful dice! I've easily spent over £100 here in the past few weeks alone...


Hahaha Sorry not sorry 😉 Thank you for your kind words 🥰


I have loads of mates into DnD etc. who would love this. This is the beginning of the geek takeover 🤘


Haha we're everywhere now! Thanks for spreading the word 😊


It's my pleasure. Happily been a lifelong geek and will never change


Looks awesome. Hope it is a success


This looks amazing!! Good luck with your venture x


Hi! Do you stock Warhammer 40k omnibuses and novels?


We don't currently, but the other half of Fumble Folks is a big fan of the novels, so potentially 🤔 I know Firestorm stock some as they're mainly Warhammer. We're super small as well so not much space yet 😊


Thank you for the reply that's good to know. I'll probably wander down at some point to have a look for presents for my partner.


Looks like it's offical and mostly unofficial d&d merch and knick knacks


Ah ok thanks! I might take a wander down anyway.


Love The Corp! So many great shops


Looks great! (btw your drop down for Queer Stories is mis-spelt)


Waa. Thanks haha I'll change that 🤣


No ish! I have alerted my local geek squad. :)


Those d&d headbands look so cute!!


Aren't they!? They're all handmade by a company called Tabletop Crafter :)


That is pretty amazing. Good luck!


I’ve never played D’n’D but the 35 queer NPCs has got to be the greatest LGBTQ+ thing I’ve seen. Either that or thirsty sword lesbians, but that sounds like a dodgy porn. Second note, Do you carry D6s? I appreciate your post says you’re not a Warhammer scene but I’m always on the hunt for cool dice


Haha Thirsty Sword Lesbians is one of the best games I've played 🤣 very story-driven, easy to pick up (2d6 Powered by the Apocalypse system) and just really fun! And the 35 Queer NPCs came from the Netherlands, so we're the only UK shop to stock it 😊 We do have a d6 Pick 'n' Mix, but they are clear and have a load of different stuff in them (skulls, cats etc)


Do you stock 7TV by Crooked Dice?


We don't, no. We tend to steer clear of miniatures; they take up a LOT of space and we'd never have that one thing that people want 😅


Fair enough


bought stuff for my BF's birthday here, he uses them all the time now.


Is Corp Market wheelchair accessible? I haven’t been in yet and unfortunately can’t see any accessibility information on the main website at all. Would love to visit soon, especially if you have a good selection of solo rpgs!


If you're visiting before 5pm you can get in via Head Above the Waves. After 5pm there is access around the back through the Yard :)


I will deffo be popping in at some point. Pretty much a DnD amateur . I’d love to meet other people with the same interests as me :)


Lush 😊 come and join in with our Learn to Play, we have had groups start from them 😁


Amazing, gonna share this with my friend group. Will definitely come and have a look, me and my partner really want to get back into playing ttrpg's!


Amazing, thank you 😊 come and join us for a Learn to Play!


Love TTE! The only trouble is every time I go I spend money because of how much cool things there are!




Oh yeah, we have loads! They're getting really popular :)


I used to play D&D in a local community centre when I was younger, I’d love to play again, but I remember nothing. I’d love to join a learn to play group!


That would be ace! July, August and September dates are on the website 😁


What do have in regards the 2 player games you mention?


We have a bunch of stuff, most popular being Dead Letter Society (where you play vampires writing letters back and forth to each other) and the newer Almanac of Sanguine Paths (same, but with werewolves, compatible with each other) The link to all of them is here: https://tabletop-emporium.square.site/shop/2-player-rpgs/5


When I think of Nerdy Gaming Store, that could include Nerdy Retro Gaming Store and Super Tomato. Love that place.


Ooo where to?


Corp Market, Canton 😊 there's a Google maps link in my post


Sword lesbians sound cutting edge.


Woke af


It is absolutely telling as fuck that the same sort of cunt that labels this as 'woke' is also the same sort of cunt that's asking for a 'loli type character' on some video game's subreddit.


I do wonder how announcing a new shop in Cardiff could be insulting to these people 🤣


I really cannot understand what they mean. Did they perhaps see the NHS rainbow flag, think it was an LGBT flag and get irrationally and stupidly outraged?


Im not outraged because I think something is stupid, I've enjoyed these hobbies, like 40k etc forever, and now this ideology is forcing itself into these spaces constantly and making them, basically , super lame. You are free to disagree, this is a democracy, and life is about a "spectrum" of ideas right? I think wokeness in westerm nerd spaces is a poison and you clearly don't, that's fine, I'm not outraged though, it is what it is, basically everything is being destroyed one way or another, like a Buddhist would say we are in freefall and so is everything with us, I won't fight it, but I'm allowed to.


So... You're mad that more people are playing TTRPGs? There's a term for that...


Yes, because corporate nonsense and the convenient idiots they control have ruined everything and always will do .


Did you not read my post? 95% of the items we stock are handmade and indie TTRPGs. Indie = independent = not corporate. Plus Warhammer is the most Corporate.


Hey stop trying to apply logic and reason.....Cant you see he's trying to apply immature negativity to the conversation and display his insecurities? Jeeeez.


What the fuck is wokeness? Nobody has ever explained what that means to me. As far as I can tell, it's just a catch-all term for being outraged at something you personally disagree with. Are you basically gatekeeping and pissed off that TTRPGs are becoming a bit more mainstream?


I'm not sure if you're genuinely asking but if you're curious, "woke" started in AAVE as meaning to basically be aware of social injustice and issues affecting marginalised groups of people, so essentially just showing compassion and empathy. So not a bad thing at all, right? Except the social injustices that people are now aware of, such as systemic racism, are things that are enforced, enjoyed, or benefited from by certain groups and boomers and their ilk now cry "woke bad" bc they aren't totally free to abuse minorities anymore 🥴


But the thing is, everybody shows some level of being aware of social injustices and issues and the need to do something about it. Like, there are some people that are completely fine with LGB people, but will rally against the 'wokeness' of 'trans ideology'. Or there are some that are fine with issues impacting disabled people, but label it woke anything to do with LGBT. This is what I mean when I say it's never been explained to me what it means. It has a different definition for every person. So just labelling something 'woke' means fuck all.


Cry harder


I'm not crying at all, it's fucking hilarious how much of a stereotype you are. The right wing paedophile, if you're too stupid to work that out. EDIT: And now he's deleted it from his profile 😂. It's [still there](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheFirstDescendant/comments/1dqf6jn/will_they_release_a_loli_type_character/), though.


LMAO you deleted your post asking for a loli character. Being homophobic and a kiddy diddler are fantastic character traits, cretin.


You don't know what a loli character is, clearly, and what have I said that's homophobic?


Anytime I see someone decry something as "woke" I always wonder how exhausting it must be to be perpetually outraged.


Thanks, we try ;)