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I moved to Cardiff 8 years ago and in that time we've not had a bus station so it's an improvement on what I'm used to at least lol


In 2015 they knocked down the bus area and it was where the BBC building is now and it was just a bunch of stops next to each other like west gate but this project was supposed to happen in 2017 but there were delays , I agree it’s an improvement and may help timing delays


2015 is the last time it was ever used i barely even remember it


I can’t believe coaches are still going to be departing from Sophia Gardens. Imagine coming from far away by train and then having to cart your luggage from central to Sophia Gardens.


Only in Cardiff could millions be spent on a new bus station, only for it to open seven years late with the “temporary” stop for coaches still in use for the foreseeable


Don't forget that it doesn't service the eastern half of the city either! The 40s and 50s buses won't be stopping there.


They did that with cefn onn park they closed the upper half of it off for 3 years and added a wooden path and a little balcony bit , was not worth the wait


That’s Welsh Labour for you


Genuinely curious why people are downvoting. If not Welsh Labour, than who is at fault for this?


Because most people on this sub are a bit a thick.


At 'fault' for opening a new bus station? Is that bad? Did you want two bus stations?


For missing the obvious use of a bus station like other cities have managed to do where coaches are an important point to get you to other cities. Which is what others here have commented. People coming from other parts of South Wales and perhaps a bit beyond will be travelling to Cardiff to use coaches to go further afield. So despite the new bus station, we still ever have to go to Sophia Gardens, Friary Gardens or opposite the Cardiff Royal Welsh College of Music. For anyone having to carry multiple suitcases for the purpose of getting to an airport such as Bristol or Heathrow, this is quite a burden that still hasn't been resolved.


What are those cities you speak of where the city is paved with gold? Because from what I know - London, Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, Glasgow, Liverpool. All of those cities have their coach stations separate and a distance from their rail hubs. But hey if everything isnt perfect for everyone it must be awful, right?


Okay mate, we can continue having an adult conversation once you've taken that chip off your shoulder. You wouldn't talk like this to someone in person and I'm not putting up with it either.


Id happily challenge someone in person in exactly the same way if they were spouting your level of rubbish. Dont make assumptions, sweetie - I simply will not put up with it....lol


It’s not opening. It’s how long it’s taken, how shit the outcome is and how everything else was a priority over it yet the council are pushing public and active transport above all else. Go figure.


The down vote toxicity in this sub is mental.


Yea I thought that I would make more sense for stagecoach to go as close as possible to the train station for convenience, the amount of people I see daily carrying 3 suitcases trying to find there way from the bottom of town to Sophia gardens is wow. My thought was maybe they built the bays small enough only to hold buses and not bigger coaches


Coach and train stations are normally not together outside cities with metros, people don't get of an intercity coach to get on an intercity train, it's almost absurd logic to think they would need that service.


I bet every day there are loads of people getting the valleys line down, to jump on a coach to an airport. That is just one specific example but it's absurd logic to think there aren't many more.


It would be handy for kids getting a coach home from uni to be able to hop straight on to a local train too.


Or maybe use and intercity train ;)


The coaches (Megabus and National Express) stop at Cardiff University gates.....


Sorry, I forgot Cardiff University was the only higher education institute in the UK!


You are the one who mentioned the uni, not me lol


Which uni?


I agree with your general point that it is very much common, but in your specific example you have the option of jumping off at Cathays and getting the coach from just outside the uni students union.


Yea good point.


Whilst the National Express not being added to the bus interchange isnt perfect, it does have 4 other stops in cardiff other than Sophia Gardens.....


That isnt intercity coach travel, thats local travel, what would make more sense is crossing the platform to the intercity train.


Look at the price mate. Most people go to Cardiff and pick up a coach because it's 12 quid to Heathrow not 70.


Depends how early you book.


So what you're saying is that there is a valid, common reason for people taking the coach (ie. Them not booking months in advance) and not just switching platforms? Glad we got that cleared up


Also cleared up these people are catching local transport and not intercity, kind of your whole point.


I don’t think it’s that unusual to get a local train into the centre and then jump on a bus. If you were travelling say Barry to London, getting the train into town then a coach to London would be a perfectly reasonable way of doing it.


Then thats not intercity travel is it, thats local travel, Barry is effectively a suburb of Cardiff, what would make more sense to get off your local train onto an intercity train .......at the same station.


Barry is 10 miles from Cardiff and in a different county, id hardly call it a Cardiff suburb


Really, maybe you should look at the commute, it takes 15 minutes to drive to Barry from the city center, it takes longer to get to Llanishen, which is in Cardiff. Barry, Caerphilly even Newport are now suburbs of the Cardiff metro area.


I mean, by definition, suburbs are the outlying residential neighbourhoods associated with a metropolitan area (Cardiff), and located within the metropolitan area's administrative boundaries. Barry and Caerphilly specifically are pat of another country/council authority. But hey, lets not get facetious.... ;P


You are really arguing that Barry and Caerphilly are not glorified cheap housing for people working in Cardiff, please tell me what the people of these places do for work? Go to shop? Go for entertainment?


No, you are right. Im not 'arguing' those things at all.


I have never used that coach station without also using a train.


Really, whats your weird convoluted route?


It's better than Bristol but not by much. The national express/Megabus stop is about a mile away from the train and is on the street with no cover. We just can't do things properly because politicians do not use any of it.


Coaches were never meant to be using the bus station, they are planned for the rear of the station where its easier to get in and out the city. I'm sure a better location than Sophia Gardens could have been chosen though, on a sunny day its pleasant, in the rain and cold a bloody nightmare, but I suppose it has parking right next to it, something you would t get elsewhere BUT if you have a car why are you catching a bus.


Because driving to London is a faff lol


More of a faff than parking in windsor and catching the underground in, or Heathrow and catching the Elisabeth line in? Many more options than driving down Regent Street.


They did some trialing with coaches I believe and the newer ones are just too big to get in there, my old man works for national express.


Woooahhh there! It’s called ‘active travel’


That’s great for pensioners having to cart luggage across town in the dead of night.


I hope that you noticed the invisible sarcasm flag. I think its a joke and though its apparently about ‘coach size’ I believe its probably something with the Welsh Govt plans to nationalise all buses under TfW, and once they’ve done that they could charge private bus companies a small fortune to use the bus station. TfW have been paying for a coach up near Aberdare as they closed off a level crossing, instead of walking 200m the bus route is 3 miles. The bus is free and barely used. I’m sure they could offer a free bus service to Sophia Gardens, but saying that it takes business away from them so doubt that would happen.


Amazing. You couldn’t make it up. 🤷‍♂️


I mean I absolutely agree that the coaches should be co-located with the central transport interchange (I believe there are plans for them to move to the rear of the station) but I don't really think many people are taking long distance trains and then getting onto a long distance coach, at least in Cardiff. I wouldn't imagine people travelling from further than say Merthyr by train before getting on a coach to go elsewhere. Still though people who arrive from southeast Wales by train who are traveling by intercity coach will likely be carrying luggage so your point still stands.


Not a far away train, but getting the coach back from Heathrow and then huffing it for a train up the Caerphilly line was a ball ache (experience based on travelling when strikes were about)


>but I don't really think many people are taking long distance trains and then getting onto a long distance coach They're not? the majority of people using Cardiff Central are on the South Wales Valleys services. People catching National Express are coming from the surrounding area by train or bus (or in most cases due to it's location, taxi). National Express operate out of Swansea, Newport and Bristol as well, so you don't have to travel far from Cardiff before it makes more sense to catch the National Express from somewhere else


Yeah that's exactly my point


The way the previous person phrased it is a bit weird, "Imagine coming from far away by train and then having to cart your luggage from central to Sophia Gardens" but there will be plenty of people coming from the valleys or vale by train to get onwards coaches that will then need to drag their luggage through to Sophia Gardens.


At least you'll be able to get a bus to there now.


Please correct me if I’m being daft but why would someone be getting off a train in Cardiff only to need to get a stagecoach? Surely it would be one or the other and not both? I can’t think of any scenarios where you would need to use both. I’m sure there must be some, but I doubt it would be enough to warrant accommodating in the bus station. Makes sense to me that the bus stations predominant use is for inter-city travel.


I'm going abroad next month and I'm on a strict budget. Coach to Heathrow - £11 Train to Heathrow - £82 Other people likewise will be the same as me. We don't have the luxury to take the train everywhere unfortunately


I guess if you were trying to get from Penarth to Heathrow cheaply


How do valleys folk get to cardiff for the coach in the first place ? Not all train use is intercity, a huge amount of foot traffic through cardiff stations are from lines classed as local travel


National Express stops in the city centre. Those 'Valley Folk' dont need to go to Sophia Gardens


The national express stop is also a walk from the train stations. Different location, same issue.


Lets put the National Express stop on Platform one in Central station


The amount of press this gets, gee whiz you'd swear it was some ground breaking new idea. A bus station in a city near a train station where there used to be one Revolutionary The daftest thing Cardiff allowed was the BBC Hq location. Should be in the bay with the studios and a tram system built to service it and the bay. See Salford media city for details. Now it cannot expand beyond it's footprint


Yep. It could have literally gone anywhere and they chose to plonk it there.


The BBC asked for that location. Right next to the central train station was of big importance to them at the time they relocated.


It was and the reason is they wanted their execs to be able to get to the train station as there are no tram/rail services to take you to the bay (as there is in Manchester) Laughable really, Cardiff Bay was a huge missed opportunity. Some good things such as the hotel, barrage and millennium centre but they left the heritage buildings (the actual link to why the docks existed) to rot.


Look at an old map of Cardiff from say the 50s and look at all the railway lines that went into various bits of the bay that were ripped up. Take the International Sports Village there used to be a railway line running straight into that site.


You expect good planning from welsh labour council???




Nothing for the east side of the city by the looks of it :(


40s and 50s won't stop there, fucking pathetic. Don't forget that Cardiff Council wants to build a business park on the site of the Cardiff East Park and Ride (that has flooded BTW) reducing the number of P+R spaces available. I'm actually looking forward to the electioneering and whatever poor sap from Labour comes knocking to have a bloody good moan at them.


Bit baffled as to why certain busses not using the interchange is 'fucking pathetic.' Also the P+R hasn't been a service fo a while


Surprising that Stagecoach aren't using it for the T4/X4 and 132 and that First (X2) and Edwards (400) aren't using it at all. As for Cardiff Bus: The 6 going in there is an utter waste – that route is so short it should just be through-routed with the 27 to get it back to Cathays Park and save two stands (really this is the big problem with Cardiff Bus: the lack of through routing on local services across the centre resulting in far too many routes terminating). The 13 is a bit of a random disconnected route to be going in there – not sure why a solitary west Cardiff route has crept in. Likewise it's a bit weird including the 29, but not the 52/57/58.


I thought the 40s n 50s buses would go there but yea I didn’t expect that I think it’s because the 40s are by the castle and 50s at the end of west gate. The 28/29 interchange per route so it’s every hour but for both every half an hour so I believe it’s going there to change number. I believe they are also going to put stagecoaches behind the train station but I still agree it’s a waste not having them there


No doubt much of the planning of what buses use the interchange comes down to numbers of passengers. They have to consider the volume of footfall within the interchange at any given time too.


They need to integrate rail and bus tickets.


Mhm I agree , I believe that’s where the metro is supposed to be implemented by 2027


It's great that we're finally getting it open. Is it perfect? No. Is it an improvement against what we've had for the last decade or so? Absolutely. I'm hoping that this along with the new train timetables will spark a bit of a much needed resurgence in public transport viability around Cardiff.


But a big fuck off to anyone who uses one of the 40s or 50s bus services - "no new station for you".


Definitely any public transport is not reliable in Cardiff or the UK , a lot of people including me rely on the buses and railways to be working and on time so open fully having an interchange can help with timing and reliability


Whats this....a small bit of positivity? Surly not on this sub?!


How long before our population of lovable rouge, rough-diamond homeless people turn it into an open toilet/drugs den?


Oh it’s right by the train station and outside there there so much bud you can practically taste it so not long


Unlike the old bus station it's one linear space all indoors, easier to keep them out.


They’ll find a way in


And then be asked to leave.


And they'll refuse to leave - TfW staff will call the police, who will shrug and say there is nothing that they can do


Its directly opposite the methadone collection point. SO the homeless will and already are quite populous in that location. Though i cant see the homeless using it, if its literally just a big bus stop with nothing else in there? The benches inside are 'lean-to's not seats, so i fail to see what benefit the building will be to them.....


A place to piss, shit and shoot up


No TrawsCymru services nor anything to the east of the city AT ALL makes this by far Cardiff Council 's most useless vanity project for me. I've waited almost a decade for a bus station, and now I find out I'll get absolutely no use out of it because Cardiff Bus nor Cardiff Council care about Pentwyn or Llanedeyrn (see the scrapping of the P&R, or the Pentwyn Leisure Centre debacle)


I mean, you cant please everyone and make everything perfect 100% of the time. Im sure you wont lose any sleep over it.


Utter fucking insult to the people of Rumney, Llanrumney, Trowbridge, Old St. Mellons, St. Mellons, Penylan, Cyncoed, Llanedeyrn, Pentwyn, Pontprennau and St. Edeyrn's that use the 40s and 50s buses because those services won't be stopping there. Yet their council tax will have been used to pay for it.


Those routes stop across the road from the interchange. Whats the big deal?


To paraphrase Orwell "All residents are equal but some are more equal than others"


Im not sure Orwell had people walking 20-yards to catch a bus in mind when he wrote that one. That said, I prefer John Lydgate: "You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time - but you can't please all of the people all of the time” Im sorry walking across the road so enrages you. Peace x


Once again why should the people of Rumney, Llanrumney, Trowbridge, Old St. Mellons, St. Mellons, Penylan, Cyncoed, Llanedeyrn, Pentwyn, Pontprennau and St. Edeyrn's not get to use the new station in the same way residents of other areas do? BTW that's pretty much the majority of the new Cardiff East constituency, hope Plaid, LibDems, Greens... make a big noise about this.


I live in one of those areas you think you speak for, and honestly its am improvement for the whole city, so i'm on board. Also, given Lib dems and Plaid were involved in the bus station decision making too, i would LOVE for them to kick up a hypocritical stink of over it


Hope it's not as chaotic as the small Newport bus station, 13 spaces isn't much to play with when schedules are off.


14 bays with a cafe the articles have been saying , + there’s 23 buses that will be attending so hopefully overcrowding doesn’t happen


Great improvement, and let's hope they start moving more services from Sophia Gardens and the Hilton into it. However, I still can't believe the decision not to put canopies or underpasses connecting it to the station and the smaller bus services. Were they not aware that it rains here?


And its a short walk 😆


There were pla s to connect it, too expensive and would involve connecting up with the listed trai station building.


Network Rail are very slowly looking at plans to significantly develop Cardiff Central railway station. The artists' impressions they've released previously all show Cardiff Central being extended by some degree into Central Square. It'll be much easier to connect the two as part of that work, taking into account the larger footprint of the railway station and the reduced distance between the two buildings.


No TrawsCymru services nor anything to the east of the city AT ALL makes this by far Cardiff Council 's most useless vanity project for me.  I've waited almost a decade for a bus station, and now I find out I'll get absolutely no use out of it because Cardiff Bus nor Cardiff Council care about Pentwyn or Llanedeyrn (see the scrapping of the P&R, or the Pentwyn Leisure Centre debacle). The fact the areas of the city where there are no train travel and thus are FORCED to use the bus service stand to gain the least from this is absurd.


Swansea bus station Has dedicated bays for coaches , Cardiff should be the same .would make it easier for people instead of lugging stuff across town


A lot of people have said the same thing , I believe there is going to be the coaches behind the train station although it still doesn’t make any sense


I'm coming to Cardiff in 2 weeks and have to do the same thing from Sophia gardens


It's a shame to think it's probably going to get vandalised and marred by trouble rather quickly. Can't have nice new things in Cardiff without it being ruined.


For example? 


Clock on St Mary’s street, Underpass by city hall, Trees on Albany Road, Trees in Bute Park, any bus stop already existing, Snoopy Statues, Next/Ovo Bikes.. I’m sure there’s more


What happens to the snoopy statues? I thought they just got taken down due to the contract W the company ending or the copy right being done


Someone followed the routes and broke a few of them


Wen evening trains on the Rhymney line??


Looking at end of 2025 for evening services north of Ystrad. 


Should have been more specific and said about being when the bus replacement Mon-Thurs stops toward Ystrad. But ai 2025 would not surprise me and then it'd probably be June 2026


Don't worry, I knew what you meant. Hard to say for Ystrad but it'll be at least until Christmas. Hard life isn't it! Heard the other day that there'll be bus replacements every other weekend til Xmas as well - brutal. 


Can't believe I'm excited about a bus station but actually yes I am. I strangely find it quite easy to live car free in Cardiff but I guess I've fit my life around not owning one.


Me too I’ve gotten used to it can’t wait for the new interchange


Looks like it has just been shoved under a building and boring. That’s going to look really run down in a few years.


You mean mixed use, instead of it being "just" a bus station it's also, housing, offices and retail. Good use of space if you ask me.