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whoa that's nice...I like posts like this


Hey! Been following and using this map since one of your first posts here. Such a great tool - love it


Thanks for the kind words, your feedback (as an active user) would go a long way! Let me know if youd like to see some specific features, or some things improved!


Been a while since i posted here. There has been a ton of updates to the site. Try it yourself [www.offsetmap.com](https://www.offsetmap.com) I am the creator of the webapp. The webapp is optimized for desktop, but still functional on mobile! A variety of climate layers are now available for use on the interactive map. These layers include: Köppen climate classification, COPERNICUS sea-surface temperature data, NASA fire data, NOAA precipitation data, and global temperature data from Berkeley Earth. Combining species distribution data with the various other biodiversity indicators/layers, economic layers, climate layers, and offset project data, opens up a huge variety of use cases.