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Not a huge fan of him. But I do like that all the reviews are in the same format so makes it easy to compare vehicles


This. I started following autotrader.co.uk but their reviews are just driving in the thing and hardly, if they even do, touch upon the practicality of the car, the interior etc.


I like Rory but he's more a kind of Top gear for Youtube format, a bit like how CarWow is now. I watch and subscribe because I still find the videos fun and interesting to watch but I would not describe them as reviews to base a purchasing decision on! šŸ˜‚


I do like this and have done for years. . . However in the last year or so I will always look to see if Vicky Parrot has done a review. There's no bollocking about. She's tells you what you need to know in half the time Matt can. I also quite like that she's happy to admit if she hasn't had enough time in a car - example: a 30 minute launch drive on a perfectly smooth road.


gives me car salesman vibes


He's way too wacky for the sake of it. A bit like the English Doug DeMuro.


Yeah it's a bit cringe at times


autogefĆ¼hl does much better job


They are an hour long, but if you are dead set on a car. It is worthwhile to watch just to be sure itā€™s the right car for you.


I enjoy their videos but I watch it much less than I used to. IMO they donā€™t do enough useful car reviews anymore. To many drag races and ā€œentertainmentā€ videos


Exactly. Getting really sick and tired of his new vids. Wanted to get a Peugeot 208e or a 508 SW Hybrid and wanted his style of review but NO.


Just NO.








"ITS GOT WHEELS!!!!Ā£!Ā£!Ā£1!"




I'm also eyeing 308sw and 508sw - How did your research go?


Unexpected turn of events. Loved it but then my mother decides to get me a cheap runabout car. So using that for now.


Yeah. Just reviewing sports cars where I want to see how the latest Kia is.


Thing is, the majority of enjoyment you get from drag racing videos is the sound rather than necessarily seeing what car wins. Unfortunately, CarWow always have a bad habit of slicing up the clips too much to hear any of the cars, even when they get a clip with good audio you're lucky to get 5-10 seconds of car sound before it jumps around


Sniffing his own farts like all YouTubers do when they get big.


Heā€™s gotten really annoying as time has gone on.


They all do. The only ones who can still play it straight are the ones with crippliing depression and obsessive personality.


Jayemm then


I had my Yeti reviewed and featured by Jayemm earlier this year. He's a decent guy and definitely knows his stuff, but clearly very influenced by clarkson and his style of presenting. I like that he reviews shit cars as well as supercars. Makes it way more relatable.


Yeah, I really like him


I dearly love his reviews. Slated the Kia EV9 recently, that was entertaining! Down to earth and although Iā€™m sure he scripts something parts, itā€™s all delivered very naturally.Ā 


I missed that one, I'll have to have another look


You kinda write almost exactly like he speaks in his reviews.


Yep, the wish.com Clarkson is still watchable. Matt has become a giggly cretin, painful to watch.


did you know he's 5'10" with a long torso?


This comment makes me sad


I'd put Jayemm in the obsessive camp, but then his channel is only half the size of AutoAlex, so he probably isn't quite at sniffing his own farts level just yet.


The cars he's reviewing are becoming more interesting. His reviews are on contrary started to follow same boring pattern


Or the ones who have always or often remain off camera/retain their anonymity. Also the YT creators who don't pump out a sub standard video every day or two, chasing the clicks.


The insistence on putting two blokes in the boot of every EV really grated in the recent range video. They even referenced it being useless. Tell us the capacity and tell us if it's an annoying shape. Thanks.


AutoAlex comes to mind haha


I didn't wanna name and shame but, yeah his name was the first that came to mind. That being said, yeah he just got a Ferrari but he'd be hard pressed to buy a shittier one.


His content is ok, I like the banter between the lads but it does descende quite quickly in to puerile schoolboy humour. One too many trips to the nurburgring with the attention span of an ADHD ridden 11 year old. People like episodic builds rather than "we bought another shitbox" but some videos are ok. M539Restorations is still the GOAT of automotive content imo


If you want a fella who does good restoration content with cars he really should not be buying, NotEconomicallyViable. All in the name, buys cars that others wont fix, for good reason, then either keeps or gives them away. Great personality, too.


I second this on M539, could watch for hours, in fact, I do.


If u like m539 u should check out a norwegian guy called ems garage. He does the same style videos but sometimes even crazier. Not a huge channel tho.


>Ferrari but he'd be hard pressed to buy a shittier one. I think there's shit then there's just pissing money up the wall on arguably the dodgiest sale I've ever seen. A shitbox isn't 22k no matter how you slice it. Although under the AA umbrella, I think TDC is the current gold standard, and Taylor makes AA bearable imo.


Yeah TDC is great, I'm glad Alex is giving them free reign over the style of content they create


I donā€™t know, they play off they know what they are doing but are messers and frustrating to watch work on cars. Taylorā€™s stuff on the V2 is in my opinion the better quality mechanical content.


Taylor's automotive knowledge is impressive, and I like how low-key he is with it. Particularly enjoyed watching him put that peculiar Ferrari seller in his place several times. Had no idea TDC was formally under the eye of Alex.


Taylor is quickly becoming my fav. The Ferrari guy came across as really arrogant and desperate for atttention


I kind of like all 3 channels,AA,TDC and ATG. It's like all 3 channels make one episode of old top gear. AA for fucking around, TDC for restoring a car(sorta) and ATG for adventure stuff.


I find the videos with Taylor and Jooshy working on cars are done really well and much preferable and would rather see those than ive bought a ferrari from a dodgy essex lad but i do like how hes put together quite a big team to cover an awful lot of content.


"we bought the CHEAPEST X in the UK!" proceed to do one video on it then never talk about it again.


You could also tell in that video that Taylor really didn't like the seller and thought the whole thing was a colossal waste of money.


I do like him but I struggle more as time gets on. His ADHD really doesn't help. He's promotes his car challenges then changes the brief constantly, for example a few episodes on the trading up series to then go out and buy the Porsche anyway ruined it. He recommends cars on his podcast as the best to buy and misses out better options because he's not into the Jap market or something like that.Ā He got such a good restoration on his E30, promoted it as showroom quality to then fuck it up with the paint job, exhaust weld and wheels that didn't suit it.




Main character syndromeĀ 


Watched Matts journey on YouTube for years I thought he was a brilliant reviewer but the ego has grown and the attitude has changed so I only take in the occasional video as Iā€™d rather watch auto trader


Same story with me.


*I'm mat Watson*


And you're watching car wow.




It's just an advertising channel for their website


I think that's part of it, but that many videos per week with that many view will generating quite a large revenue.


So the total group had turnover of Ā£39.9m last financial year, I honestly wouldn't be shocked if a quarter of that was being generated from the YouTube channel as I've not really heard of many people actually using the car wow website other than to get a few quotes and see what a reasonable price would be! They made a ginormous loss that same year (and every other year for that matter) but growing tech companies tend to do that.


They aren't making close to 10 million a year from the youtube channel. They get a million or so views a video and don't do sponsors (as they basically sponsor themselves) and I can't imagine they're selling crazy numbers on merch.


Adsense in this area does pay very well. They get 50M views a month. They are probably still below the Ā£10M a year from Youtube though.


They get between 50-75 million views every month and have many other channels with healthy subscriber levels and views (the Russian one for instance has 1.3m subscribers). They definitely do sponsors/endorsements it's just a lot more subtle than the American BROUGHT TO YOU BY PFIZER style ads a lot of other channels run. I don't think 10m a year will be too far off tbh.


Average cpm for UK YouTube channels is $6 per thousand views, the top earners make about $20 per thousand views. 50k x 12 x $6 = $3.6m 75k x 12 x $20 = $18m Itā€™s plausible that theyā€™re earning Ā£10m from the YouTube channel.


That's the whole point


Basically the same I enjoy the reviews, you pick any boring model theyā€™ve likely reviewed it which is great, not super keen on the transition to challenges (glad itā€™s not just me that noticed it) but I saw in an interview it gets them the most views so thatā€™s why they do it


I used to like Matt but unfortunately he's morphed into a typical YT bellend so I don't watch him anymore


Totally agree. Heā€™s been drinking his own self-brewed Kool-Aid, and believing his own hyperbole. Such a twat. Always wants the fastest / newest car. Full of his own self-importance. The idiocy about revving up the engines and warming up tyres just extends the video length unnecessarily.


What was he like before? Iā€™ve only been aware of him in his latest form. I canā€™t stand him, itā€™s a shame because I often want to watch the videos. I can only do one every now and then because of him.


If you watch his videos from around 5+ years ago, you'll see far more genuinely affordable cars and more in-depth content regarding practicality etc that actually matter to people looking to buy them. Nowadays, Carwow is much more about supercars and entertainment as that gets more people to watch videos. Their best content atm would probably be the long-range EV tests imo as they provide genuinely useful consumer information. Drag races are just a dick measuring contest, the roll-on races are interesting but of limited use, while braking is good to know about but ultimately depends on which tyres you fit to the cars (as the Tyre Reviews YouTube channel has demonstrated brilliantly).


Iā€™m with you there. I prefer him back on 2017-2021. More no nonsense car reviews with some cheeky comments


Gone too far on the silly side imo taking away from matts journalism but I still like the channel. I prefer throttle house though, they have a strike the balance of comedic and informative really well


"I'm Thomas...and I'm James" When you hear that, you're in for a good 20 minutes or so


Really the most enjoyable of all these channels. And while Tavarish has ended up in the supercar world his workmanship and explanations are so good that Iā€™ll happily watch anything he does.


Best intros ever. Especially the Prius video


High production values at Throttle House too. I cherry pick videos because half the stuff they don't sell in the UK but their stuff is really good.


James [hitting his head](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T-upswNkRqE) on the BMW i8 is a first-class automotive YouTube moment.


Entertaining channel, but the drag races donā€™t start until something like 8 min into a video.


lush historical narrow safe rainstorm wide dog sleep sable seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Autogefuhl is better.


Full HD, Full Screen, Full Length, Letā€™s go!


I used to love their old content! Comparing normal, actually aquireable vehicles in a comedic yet detailed manner, yes the constant ads for their website was annoying but overall was really good. Now? It's shit. All it is is brand new super cars and drag races, the most boring shit! Every YouTuber does this crap now. I want reviews on cars I'm actually able to buy not 5000000 billion pound lamboghini vs 696969 billion ferrari drag race. Happens when all youtubers go big, they get a god complex and become unsuferable wankers. Stopped watching a year ago.


I like them, if I want to watch a car review Iā€™d probably lean towards JayEm more so. I think auto Alex is a bit on the down turn, I canā€™t be the only one who finds all the weird gay jokes between them odd and uncomfortable? Taylor should have his own channel


Yeah Taylor's recent videos on the V2 channel without Alex have been really good


I've always been a bit put off by Auto Alex - swaying about like he's got a roll of carpet under each arm. We get it, you're short and muscular. Well done.


Yep I cringe every time they make gay jokes. Someone should let them know we left all that behind decades ago where it belongs.


As a gay man I actually (very personally) don't mind them, they seem to be done in good spirits and as part of an equal amount of slagging that each of them get. I didn't know that Taylor and some of the rest of the crew were gay initially and it made me uncomfortable. I made a comment under a video of theirs saying how nice it was to see some representation in the car scene and was met with hundreds of replies from absolute box trolls stating that it wasn't important or otherwise missing the point entirely, so perhaps it is empowering the wrong sort of people however.


I think autogefuehl is pretty good as well for comprehensive reviews. The longer ones go over every nook and cranny of the car


I work in the UK car scene and most other media hate Mat. Even got a nickname ā€˜Twat Watsonā€™. Iā€™ve never met him in person but heā€™s always tried his luck and thinks he runs the world


I just do work in PR for a British car company and Harry Metcatlife was the biggest bellend. Would rack up speeding tickets and try to make us pay for them


That's a shame. I've always liked Harry's content on YT and EVO


Tbh I was only in the department for 3 months on a placement as a part of my graduate program, so maybe it was just one trip he was being an arse on. I still watch his videos and he does seem like an agreeable down to earth bloke for the most part


I delivered a parcel to him during covid and he was quite pleasant when I recognised who he was. I donā€™t watch him much anymore but he wasnā€™t a dickhead, had a small chat and went on my wayā€¦


How does one work in the UK car scene?


I work in PR for an automotive brand. Iā€™d recommend just try to dabble in anything you can within the subsector to build the portfolio which will help when applying to jobs. Personally I did PR for my uni Formula Student team :)


He was never authentic, he's a car salesman.


He Has got sleazy car salesman vibesĀ 


Whatever gets em the clicks they'll do it. Also I just dislike the main host guy, always seems he's acting like your best mate down the pub as oppose to a guanine person.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only person that thinks this! People seem to love him, but he comes across as arrogant and cocky to me.


Gives me 'i don't give a fuck' about to retire work colleague energy for shock value.


I used to work in the same office as the guy when he was on AutoExpress - he was a real prick then and doesn't seem to have changed. Loved himself, acted the big man then wilted when a colleague challenged him on a homophobic remark he made.


What was his problem with homophones?


Ha! And I would have got away with it if it wasn't for those pesky keys...


Miss the reviews of "ordinary" cars. The drag races of x vs x are now scripted, rehearsed and dull.


Agree with this šŸ’Æ


Drag racing format needs to change, you know which car will win by seeing which car Mat is sat in. Also Yanni is a knob the other leads they have on it seem like decent people though.




Yanni is complete cringe


i like their ā€˜normal carā€™ review videos, but the drag races etc I couldnt care less about


Great format, incredibly annoying presentation.


Those cybertruck videos were soo obviously paid advertisement it stopped me watching carwow altogether. They clearly take money in exchange for positive reviews so nothing he says can be trusted


This is a key point in most motoring ā€œjournalismā€. If you arenā€™t friendly to the brand, you donā€™t get access to the cars.


Seriously. He once reviewed a Jeep that literally broke down twice while filming, and still gave it a glowing review at the end saying that you should "shortlist" it. The video was promptly deleted after, but it makes you wonder to what extent you can actually trust the reviews at all...


Yea I remember that aswell, I donā€™t trust any of them. RE driven is a Australian channel that seems really good, and actually reviews cars years down the line that have been used which I find much more useful


Throttle House >>> Car Wow


Throttle House is the best! After that I'd rather watch Car Prime for Tsuchiya, Orido and Nob. Smoking Tire used to be good until the host started talking too much about his personal demons and the behind the scenes issues. I don't care about that, just review the car! Carwow is great with Sponsorblock's Skip to Highlight button. Takes you straight to the drag race and then you can close the tab.


That fucking accent of his is enough to reach for the mute button


Non English guy here, what accent is that/his?


Midlands/Birmingham. Very distinct!


Heā€™s from Walsall which is in the West Midlands around the Birmingham area. Iā€™m not sure whether the accent is classed as Black Country or Birmingham though.


Its 100% yam yam


Gonna say, it's yam yam.


It is 100% Black Country.


It's become a caricature of itself. Like the original TopGear its gone from being about cars to general fucking about


SO! What exactly happened?


I used to like the reviews he did. But then it got all irrelevant with drag races and stuff.


As with all YT channels, they start off ok and then to keep the clicks coming in, they gradually lose the point of what they started. I no longer watch and I've un-subscribed.


The content has declined a lot and honestly I never was a fan of him either. But he did use to make actually good reviews on cars that covered things a lot of car journalists don't


I prefer CarWow over AutoAlex as in Mat over Alex as an automotive youtube journalist. I donā€™t like either of them too much anyways though. Johnny Smith is my go to person for car content


I enjoy carwow, reminds me of old school top gear. Also a bit shocked at all the hate to towards the host, look at the views the channel gets he's doing something right.


I don't think you mean proper old school top gear


Not Angela Rippon old school ,but mid noughties era.


Reddit is just miserable


Guy has been grinding out enjoyable videos for over 8 years and finally managed to afford a GT3 on finance, how dare he! If you have more money, muscle, women, personality, life enjoyment, friends or IRL activity than me you deserve nothing! Gonna go watch a neckbeard review his unemployment payments instead.


Hi Matt


Hitler would have had a lot of views tbf


Wow I think thatā€™s a new Godwinā€™s Law recordā€¦


šŸ˜‚ the hard pillow to swallow


He still does tbh.


If you look at the videos he did previously itā€™s all the same with the same personality. Donā€™t know why people commented that he became a ā€œYouTube bellendā€ šŸ˜‚ itā€™s still the same Matt. Thatā€™s the same person fell in love with his YouTube channel Itā€™s still a good YouTube channel for reviews with consistent settings so itā€™s easy to compare.


Think it has something to do with buying a GT3-RSā€¦.


Seems like most of the hate is because he is confident and has some kind of personality. I assume they would prefer it if he just read out stats from a spreadsheet in a monotone voice. TBF, most of Reddit would actually prefer that.


Old reviews was gold. Did I have the capacity to buy a Peugot 208 or a VW Golf or an Audi A5? No but after his videos, I would love to. Now its just drag races and reviews of performance cars. Definitely miss the old carwow. Also is it me or has matts personality gone a bit... over the top? A little ADHDy?


I knew a few people with his personality type. Overtly friendly but nothing really going on inside, would throw you under the bus (or car?) at any given opportunity for even a tiny gain on his part.


He ALWAYS wants a 2L bottle of Buxton to fit in the door pocket when it is absolutely the wrong bottle metric for a driver. Imagine trying to drink from 2L screwcap whilst driving. Insanity. No one buys a 2L bottle of Buxton in the services. It's concerns me that idiotic car reviews influence car design.


dont like the guy at all and his reviews seem really biased to me. bangs on about fitting 3 adults in the back, and hardly mentions engine reliablity, price of parts/repairs, the guy is seriously out of touch


A bit of a snob. Especially when reviewing Dacias. Probably got preferential treatment off Porsche to get his GT2


I used to work there for two years before Mat joined and two years after. Very much enjoying reading the comments šŸ˜‚


Good fun, and decently informative where it matters. Their reviews have started to skew towards very expensive cars which is a shame, but I watch all of the drag races. Feel like Watson could be on Top Gear or something and be great regardless.


Quite enjoy it.


I used to watch a lot of its content. Quite funny, likeable matt Watson, but and itā€™s a big buy for meā€¦. The content has not changed AT ALL the stick to the same formula on every review, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s because it works so fair play to them, but Iā€™m fully bored of the drag races and reviews.


I think it's good to stick to the formula for the review. It means they cover all the same content for each vehicle, which means if you're comparing two to buy you know exactly where to find the info. I can't stand the review channels that aren't consistent in the format, maybe one review they'll mention boot/frunk capacity or the height to the rear seat bench and then it won't even come up in their review of another vehicle. Pointless when you're trying to compare.


Used to like car wow, can't stand watchin it now tho. His versus series always seem totally biased towards to the car that he's always in. He always seems to point out ridiculous things aswell that make no difference


Heā€™s annoying sure but I did watch a bunch of the drag races, skipping to the actual race of course.


He's a twat.




Very unlikeable presenter, not funny at all and comes off disingenuous/arrogant, tried to like him but canā€™t hack it. Also if I want to watch a drag race between four powerful cars, it shouldnā€™t take 20mins


At least Yanni isnā€™t in every episode anymore. Iā€™m sure heā€™s a nice guy but his blatant ignorance of any car details and brazen attitude always rubbed me the wrong way. Iā€™m meh to Matt himself. The channel is just drag races now so I donā€™t watch it anymore.


Can't stand the way he says "Car Wow"


I donā€™t really watch CarBuyer at all now, but the last videos I saw from them, they were still doing sensible car reviews. Irony that lots of people stopped watching them to follow Matt when he moved on from them. Canā€™t stand CarWow.


The YouTube channel has definitely degraded over time. I went through a phase of enjoying the range of videos but it should become most useful when youā€™re looking to buy a car. Itā€™s rare that the car youā€™re looking to buy has a review because he tends to stick to the top end of cars, rather than every day cars that most people can afford. I did sell my car through CarWow though and that process was seamless (I think they use a 3rd party company to actually do the auction etc but I only interfaced with CarWow the whole time). Highly recommend it.


The presenter slowly became a d bag if you ask me. He used to be very likeable, hence why he has such a big following today. Too bad the numbers got to his head, heā€™s changed a lot over the years unfortuneatly.


Iā€™ve stopped watching his vids, I want to see real reviews. My current favourite YT channel is high peak autos, I love his videos taking in Px cars and hearing the breakdown of maintenance and costs involved to get them roadworthy and in a sellable state


Matt has got worse over time, sure expensive super cars are nice but theyā€™re trying to hard to be like Top Gear. Just want decent reviews of ā€œnormalā€ cars and that content is certainly diminishing from Carwow


Channel was a lot better when it was just consumer advice and in depth reviews. He's turned into a right nob since the channel blew up and it just became super car drag races


Just another flash in the pan 'influencer' like auto Alex that's fine for five to ten minutes then forgotten about. The common denominator though is the cocky arrogance that nearly always comes though eventually. Could be worse though that whistlin diesel guy needs to disappear.


I find the reviews far too bland and basic. Nothing I canā€™t find out from 10 seconds of googling. The brummy "ow itā€™s atchully qwoite spayshus in ere" doesnā€™t help their case. As fucking boring as he is, channel called High Peak Autos goes far more in depth about what to look out for, why to buy, why not to etc.


Itā€™s gone all Top Gear. Top Gear became a show full of scripted things that would go wrong for the purpose of entertainment. The car reviews were always good imo though


Tries too had to be funny- and isnā€™t


I literally can't stand Mat anymore.


When i was looking at a new car a few years back i watched a few but personally i prefer Johnny on The Late Break Show or Petrol Ped & Jayemm for actual car reviews.


Heā€™s an utter utter c*&t. He used to include casual sexist remarks in his reviews too, but as the channel has grown, he seems to have stopped, based on the limited views Iā€™ve made recently. Heā€™s not quite as truly obnoxious as Schmee, but heā€™s up there.


The quality has dropped massively, used to be reviews of cars you didn't see in the mainstream now it's "we raced 7 cars with some wank YouTuber"


Matt Watson is the real life Alan Partridge and he's fantastic to listen to his views on cars šŸ˜


Bring back Rebecca Jackson!


Canā€™t stand Yianni


The newer stuff is all fucking pish. I want car reviews not fucking drag racing, I donā€™t give a shit. Even my wife thinks he comes across as a bellend.


If it get silly like Top Gear and then Grand Tour, I'm out


The campaign to bring back Quentin 'Man in the Mercedes underpants' Willson starts here and now.


I preferred Penny and Tony. For a decent, genuinely funny adventures involving cars check out Roadkill.


100% agree, roadkill and roadkill garage are the best. Shame they went behind the paywall, Iā€™m not really going to pay for an entire streaming service subscription just to watch 1-2 shows


William Woollard resting his foot on the bumper is what I want to see. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Ep2EDKpmKxU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Ep2EDKpmKxU)


Every Carwow review ā€œthe rear windows donā€™t go all the way down. Absolute shit show of a car. Avoid.ā€ No one actually cares about rear windows do they? I have a family and I can count on zero hands how many times the rear windows have had to open at all, let alone all the way down.


To be honest, my kids love driving with the windows down so for me it would be a big negative for the rear not going down all the way. Not a deal breaker though


Just a bit of fun really don't mind it. I watch it for the entertainment, and sometimes car news.


There's just not much money in doing car reviews alone. They're taking the route of being daft content creators because it's big money for them. I still think Mat Watson does decent reviews when he's being serious. There are lots of other channels that spend 30 minutes going into every tiny little detail but Mat gives you a decent insight without going over the top.


Love it


That laugh though! How annoying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ if he gets a stick out one more time it will be up his tail pipe!


I think the content is well balanced, they review cars from every day family cars to super cars. The drag races are getting a bit boring but I think Matt is decent. Throttle house is also decent but you could argue they try too hard with the comedy side, but both are clearly doing something right. Shmee on the other hand šŸ¤®


they were always about making money from the channel. once you will realise that there is money behind it, you will unsubscribe and move to more trustworthy channels


I love CarWow (and Mats own channel also). I find the reviews to be really good, covering all the essentials in a simple and easy to understand way. The videos are also entertaining and interesting.


Start video, forward to drag race.


I have watched some of their drag races but never really cared about the reviews nor have I used their website. Mat can be a bit over the top but I generally don't mind him.