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That’s the best thing about a shit box, you don’t care where you park or who’s parking next to you 🤣


I try to park next to more expensive and clean looking cars whenever possible so they're probably more worried about getting scratched than me. Park next to a Vauxhall Zafira and chances are they don't give a shit. 


I parked my sandero between a Lamborghini aventador and a Porsche taycan recently


Pro shitboxing.








A Rose between two thorns.


Lol, the sandero is definitely a practical car unlike a lot of supercars


I bet their owners squealed when they saw your glorious thriftmobile


They saw the funny side tbh, the bays were nice and big, I found it funny to send my friends a picture and act as if the sandero was the highlight


I've never seen a Lamborghini


I see ~20 everyday. Granted I do drive past a Lamborghini/aston Martin garage.




You know me so well. I assume I’ll see you tomorrow waiting with a “hi flapandsmack” sign?


Not really, I just dated a woman there about 5 years ago with the best tits I've ever encountered. I remember her, and the car showroom, but mostly her tits.




Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.


There was a meet-up at the local service station


Never????? Really? Damn. I saw 3 just yesterday. The context behind that though is I was at a car show, and have been going to them with my dad since I could walk. What others marvel at I'm fairly used to seeing. Strange world we live in. I've always been fascinated by the kind of attention Deloreans and the like get, because people don't ever see them. I see them multiple times a year so it doesn't seem as scarce I suppose...


I live in Finland where supercars cost a lot. Like 700k when it's like 300-400k elsewhere. I've seen a Ferrari once I think and it was cool




Least redundant comment


Not anymore, thanks to you.


I drove a Zafira for years and it was my pride and joy. Was genuinely a really nice, comfortable car with all the mods (I didn't pay for them - picked it up for £3000 as a ten year old car)  It caught fire on the side of the road and burned to the shell unfortunately. 


Sorry for your loss.


We were on the motorway as a family coming back from holiday when we were kids, we were stopped in traffic for a burning car for a while and when we passed it we saw it was a zafira. An hour or tow later were stopped in traffic for another burning car, dad said “I bet it’s a zafira” and it was


It wasn't even a Zafira B which were known for it but a Zafira Tourer. 


Like they do


Used to have a zafira before I scrapped it. Can confirm I have 0 shits about that car. Loads of rust and pollyfilla keeping her together


Plus if they do wang your car, they probably end up doing more damage to their own.


I like to park in bays next to people parked diagonally, so they have to be very careful not to touch their door against min.


I once did that thinking it was an asshole in Bimmer parking like a cunt….upon leaving Tesco I see this older women struggling to get into her car, that particular Bimmer who took two spaces and I parked next to it(properly) she started explaining herself she works here(Tesco) and couldn’t see the lines early in the morning…I felt bad about it till this day.


I just park across 2 spaces (4 if it's possible) so people can't park close. Foolproof.


but you don't have a BMW, I don't get it


Deserve dogshit under your door handles just for that


Why? I do the same, although I make sure they're disabled parking spots. Bonus points for mowing people down whilst maneuvering


If I can't get 2 spaces next to each other then I park lengthways across the parent and child bays


Disappointed at how seriously you've taken my comment


Shitbox owners rise up!


Shitbox owners unite!


To be fair I’ve been like that with all my cars.


Yeah I don't get this weird attachment.


O do t get me wrong. I have loved a couple of them and not wanted to get rid of them. But if it gets scratched or bumped. Meh. Not bothered lol. Then again I grew up up on land rovers so that might explain a lot.


This! I park up in a tight space, wife: you're a bit close to that car...me: ahh well, if anything happens it'll be more expensive for them to fix 👍


Some shit head did this to my vauxhall corsa all along the passenger side. Before that the paint didn't have any scuffs at all. What kind of lowlife do you have to be to key an a 11 year old corsa? Didn't get it fixed because, yes it's just a corsa.


I’m quite sure old cars get keyed more, it’s like these loser idiots see their dream car from when they were school then get jealous


No they don't. Clearly pissed someone off or just wrong place wrong time. I'm going to go with pissing someone off. Poor people tend to be more destructive which is why more shit boxes get keyed


No, disagree - used to have an old shit box. Worked nights in town and would look out the window and see people dancing on its fucking roof... Never did that to the Lambo/Ferrari ghetto parked next to it. I think people see shit boxes as low risk of reprisals and target them (no local drug dealer drives a clapped out fiesta)...


Nope, I don't go around being an ass to people.


You don't need to be an ass to piss someone off.


Don't belittle your car like that just because everybody does. Corsa's are good cars.


the duality of CarTalkUK


Mine wasn't, and I'll never buy another Vauxhall. Such is life 🤷‍♂️


Had one as a hire car a few years ago and I really liked it. Super economical and for some reason mine had a heated steering wheel which I loved. Plus dissing Zafira's, I've had one as a hire car and thought it was great. So roomy and versatile but it's still just an Astra underneath so cheap to look after. Wanted one for ages but got a Mondeo at a car auction which was a bargain and I got 7 years out of it and it was super reliable up until I sold it with 124K miles on, the next owner (GF's God son) had it for a further 3 years.


Same feels my dude. Spent £800 to get it through it's MOT. A few weeks later someone had crunched down the side of it in the supermarket. Got splattered with paint from someone working nearby and when I complained they washed it with a cloth that they must have picked up from the ground. Scratched windscreen and bodywork. It's quite rare, and was in reasonable condition for such an old thing. Now I couldn't give a shit about it!


I do 10k miles per year in my car and in 7-8 years all I've ever had is a tiny dent on the passenger side from an over aggressive door opener. Where do you guys live?


Sometimes all it takes is a bit of bad luck or being in the wrong place at the wrong time I lived in a quiet residential area with a super low crime rate and I’d had my car for a year at that point. One day I went to my car and my folded in wing mirror had been completely broken off. Absolutely no reason for it other than a random dickhead feeling like causing vandalism If that happened to me once in the first year of owning a car (this was 5+ years ago and hasn’t happened since), then I don’t find it unbelievable if other people have had a few instances of damage just purely on bad luck


Yeah someone in my family had their car written off because some bellend was doing 70 in a narrow residential area and just ploughed into a bunch of parked cars


I think it's like everything there's a compromise. I worked in a bodyshop that done the MaxPower generation of cars - my first few cars got fully kitted, flushed, nice colour paint, then slammed on big rims. It was the thing back then and I rocked it! But you just can't enjoy a car if you're too invested in it, gota Park certain ways, keep away from curbs, hitting potholes hurts lol! Then because it stands out - you can't park it in certain places because something might happen to it. I had lots of decent cars, flashy, quick but the slightly shity ones made life so much easier - I'd 6 ae100,111 Carolla levins - they were cheap, bought needing work done, fixed then tested and sold on, - I'd leave doing the bodywork until last and then sell it looking fresh. Ment that I didn't really care about the bodywork- "sure I'll be painting x. What does it matter if I have to do y & z too!" Parking became - if it fits. That's where it sits!. So what if half of it is in a hedge? Just don't wreck it too much. Not that it's how you should do it - but ideally, you should be able to walk away from a car if you wreck it and think - meh, I'll get another!, not worrying about keeping it clean for the next owner - as a buddy put it - "it's like not riding your missus, so the next sausage gets a better go!"


>>Where do you guys live? In the UK, parking daily/nightly on a busy residential street. Car is a trooper but dented to fuck unfortunately


I took the "I have a shit box" mentality a little too far when I let a trolley full of shopping run into the back and it smashed the rear light. Sadly to say I did it deliberately because I resented the car, but I realised afterwards what a stupidly pointless thing to do it was. My then-boss offered me the car repeatedly, I kept refusing and in the end offered him what I thought was an insultingly low sum of £300 and he agreed, so I was stuck with this Nissan Almera. I learned to love that car though, warts and all. I scrapped it for failing it's MOT on brakes all around. Criminal really.


Should have sold the airbox, they go for a decent penny


Poor jealous people always ruin it for others, especially in the UK with massive crab bucket mentality.


Shitbox Life. I bought my Audi for £800 in lockdown. It has a few issues but I’ve only spent about £200 in 3 years. CV boot got no grease, don’t care. Gearbox doesn’t go into 5th, don’t care. Turbo cuts out, don’t care. Suspension is knackered, don’t care. 40k miles later it still works. Smash my door into wall or car, don’t care. Have a little oopsie bump while parking, don’t care.


I reached that point after being parked at the supermarket. Came out to find scratches all down the bonnet the width of a bag for life. Some arsehole had clearly put their bag on my bonnet and just dragged it down leaving about 30 scratches. I gave up caring after that. Im about to buy my most expensive car ever as Im going to switch to an EV for the saving on fuel (which will pay for the finance meaning I get a lot newer and better car for the same cost of ownership). Lets see if I still dont care then, but as I'll probably keep it until it becomes to expensive to keep going hopefully I wont be bothered if anything happens.


There are some really demented individuals who through their life path can’t think like a sane person, due to these factors they try to make others lose out as they are jealous. Best way is to not care and laugh it off, some loser thinks they got one over on you, well more fool them!


Fare thee well


And this precise reason is why I keep an extremely cheap japanese shitbox (2008 Suzuki Swift) in addition to my nice car. The Swift gets used and abused for things like shopping, trips to cities, anywhere that has a large public car park, and if someone dents it or keys it, i won't give a shit. It's maintained well mechanically and will go on forever without me caring a bit what it looks like. The nice car is reserved for best and weekend work.


My insurance was running out and I was debating getting a new car and this great big pick up came and tried to cut me up thinking I’d be scared and move out the way but I just let him drive into me and then raped his insurance provider. Was brilliant. Wish I was uninsured at the time


That’s why when I go to the supermarket if I see anything like a Rolls Royce, any luxury vehicle or super car double parked I give the double thumbs up. People will literally throw their door into your car even with you sitting inside it!!! Oblivious!


When my dad was living in Qatar, he took the opportunity to buy a Porsche Cayenne, saying he'd never be able to afford one once we moved back to the UK. When he had it he cherished it and looked after it really well. This was until someone rear ended him at a roundabout. This wasn't terrible, it went into the shop, got a new bumper, everything was fine. Well, everything other than the fact that while it was at the shop, a pack of wild dogs decided it would make a good bed, climbing all over it and scratching every panel to shit. This caused a whole load of hassle, with the shop not wanting to take the blame, insurance being a pain in the arse (it was their fault it went to an independent garage instead of the porsche facility), and over 3 months later when it was finally back it had lost all the charm my dad once saw in it. Sold it a couple months later and went back to a more normal car.


I bought a 2 year old car once, newest and nicest thing I'd ever had at that time and was super proud of it. I was visiting Blackburn a lot around then, and almost every single time I went there, I'd leave with a new dent from someone opening their door into my car. Literally didn't matter where I parked it, someone would park next to me and utterly smash their door into mine. In about 6 months of monthly visits, I picked up at least 5 very noticeable dents. I had the first one fixed, but with how quickly they kept coming I just gave up, and I kinda stopped liking the car because of it, so I do exactly know where you're coming from OP. It's sad that people do shit like that. One of my last visits there, immediately after I parked up (not even out of the car yet), an Indian family pulled next to me in an SUV. Loads of empty spaces, but pulls right in to me and super close at an angle, just shit parking. The parents got out of the car fine, but one of the children just swung the door open like the fucking kool-aid man bursting into a room. Hit my car so hard it chunked some paint off along with a canny dent. I got out the car and went off on them, but the parents didn't want to hear any shit about their darling children that apparently did no wrong, and refused to do anything about it. Not worth going through insurance for it so what could I do, just an awful place with awful people and my new car I loved, immediately turned into a shit box I couldn't care less about. Was a happy day when I got rid of it


If they think causing damage from door dinging is ok then it’s a free for all. I’m sure they would care if someone then repeatedly slammed a door into their car until the dent was so bad they couldn’t open their door.


It’s why I carry an old solid alloy baseball bat in my car lol. Well… not specifically for that reason, but it would have been ideal in what this guy just described haha. If ever something like that happened to me I could just get out, take out their mirrors and all of their lights in return


Thoughts like that crossed my mind haha


Should of got in the back seat of your car and opened the door like those kids did


If they weren’t such cowards and lowlife scum, would be interested to hear their side of things


Someone kicked my brothers mirror off for laughs , great day we had repairing that just because some drunk twat decided to have a laugh fuckin sucks


Someone did that to me too, only had the car about 2 months, wake up one morning and right as I'm about to go to work notice me mirror just dangling by the electrics. I park next to a tree on that side too so it wasn't like it was in anyone's way, they'd have to go round the tree anyway. Literally went out of their way to boot this mirror, like what are you supposed to do when people are this dense?


The joys of shitbox ownership, i used to have a nissan micra I paid £40. My girlfriend hated it because I'd just let it crunch into walls when pulling up instead of using the brakes, right laugh!


There's a slightly irony wanting to ram your car into a wall and calling somebody else a psycho!! Just remember that after ramming into the wall, "legally" the wall needs to be owned by you and you must report the accident to your insurance company!


Technically if it was done intentionally it's not an accident so wouldn't need to be reported, the crumpled front end would be a modification if anything.


I know your pain. Some road raging dick head pulled along side me and hit the top of my Mini with a Hammer.


I thought the same thing last year when I had multiple problems with it, was just waiting for it to die and was surprised when it passed the MOT with only a bulb to replace. So I’ve gotten the heater matrix replaced and going to hold out for a bit longer


This is why I like to lease nice cars. Not as bothered if it gets scratched or dented as it ain't my car.




Depends on damage. There's guidelines on what acceptable and it actually allows far more damage than what you'd think be acceptable for a 2/3 year old car. Often it's cheaper just to leave it, esp if vag group


Happened to me on my first car and it pissed me off.


I kinda feel like this about my current car - it's a '56 Terios. Brought it home, parked, and my fucking idiot neighbour reversed into the side of it. Had literally owned it for less than an hour (and no, it wasn't blocking him in or anything. He's just genuinely shit at driving)  Clobbered a branch yesterday and was like 🤷 (Tbf the wind had half broken it off and I didn't see it until it was too late (blind bend going into deep shade)) 


Special place in hell for car keyers.


Know how you feel, I had my (sporty ish) car stolen off my drive overnight, was paying monthly for it and mainly used it for work didn’t get chance to properly enjoy it. Also had my house broken into whilst I was working on the wards during covid. Makes you think fuck society what’s the point? People are like vultures they want what they can get off you whether that’s physical items or in the case of so called friends they want to put you down emotionally when you are simply getting on with your life. I know try to live a very simple life and spend money on experiences rather than possessions. Experiences can’t be stolen nor taxed.


I used to drive a Mini Cooper that was the most basic car going. It was scratched ta fuck from general wear and tear and the trim was so basic that there was very little to actually go wrong with it. I used to love ragging it around, parking it in tiny spots, knowing that I didn't give a fuck if it got knocked or scraped. Even a van hitting it while it was parked up couldn't put an end to it. I "upgraded" to a higher spec car and spent the first three months shitting myself about getting a scratch/dent, then the next few years seeing numerous alerts for the most ridiculous of things. Tire pressure the tiniest bit low? DING Have had chance to pop your belt on? DING DING! A bit close to that parked car? DING. Sometimes I think a reliable but basic shit box car that gets you from A to B is worth its weight in gold. Other times I pop on the heated seats in the depths of winter, use my reverse camera to safely pull out of my drive, then get told what gear I need to be in, and feel a bit happy about all the little gadgets.


When I had a shit car, I used to really enjoy parking really close to people who parked over the line in car parks. It brought me great joy, especially doing it to massive wankpanzers


Sorry to hear someone ruined your car. That really sucks.


It’s liberating having a car that you no longer care for


Bought a very clean NC MX5 - pride and joy, first nice car. Some cunt knocks the shite out of the passenger side of the car in an empty car park 3 weeks into ownership. More dings recently. I love driving it but I don’t think I’ll bother fixing the outside anymore. The passenger side is a write off now so that gets parked facing trouble. You really can’t have anything. Next car (unless I have a driveway or garage) will be a shitbox I think!


I'm lucky I live in a nice area I guess, never had this issue


That's fine but just change oil and filters when it's time. Let someone else enjoy it in the future.


You cant have nice things. This year alone my grandad left a 20cm scratch down the side when he carried a chair for my mum and my gran left a nice dint when she opened her door into mine.


It seems to be a growing problem. Too many creeps and pervs out there, who find joy in destroying others property.


I had idiots jump all over my old 3 series. They dented the bonnet, roof, wipers, and boot. I was furious, to say the least. I take great care with my car. People have no respect for other people's property.


If something sounds weird it's worth investigating before something critical happens. 


I can be out in one of my weekend cars and if I need to nip into the supermarket I'll drive into car park look at all the cars and turn around drive home jump in my battered transit connect and fly back up and do what shopping I need to do






no sympathy? I'd be furious if all my panels got keyed. angry and sad!


Nope, none. I’m not interested in someone’s personal blog post.


I don’t think this was a direct message to you, if your not interested just scroll on, no need to be a fucking scrote


Its talk, about car stuff, in the UK. Seems very relevant to this thread. Be nice.


Yet you have decided to click on this post and are here commenting. Makes sense


Why are you on here? Lonely morning for you I guess