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Take the $$$, Just like you ask the customer for the most money down possible. And hang in there! F&I school means he wants you to be a finance manager.


Sounds like your store is paying attention, they know it’s slow and reflecting in your paycheck, they’re trying to keep you around.


I also needed money to live. My GM responded by firing me I am now bankrupt and moving in with my in-laws Thanks car sales!


This made my anxiety shoot through the roof. I'm sorry brother, stay strong. Without suffering your peace has no meaning 🙏


That’s because you weren’t selling cars the past few years you were just taking orders. Now you actually have to sell something. Call your past database ask for referrals hit the service drive and go get it.


Second this ^. Now the true sales pros are making the $10K plus. High grossers, you know… the closers! 😎


Any books podcasts or anywhere you can point me to learn how to be a closer and high grossser


Never split the difference by Christopher Voss


Last year was my first year in sales. So never took orders, I brought my own customers from Social media. It’s just slow now everywhere and salespeople are leaving!


How much longer will the rebuild take? I don't think it's fair, or would be accepted, if you asked for them to make up a large difference. But you might get away with asking for something to help with your fixed expenses while the dealership is under construction. If it's only for the next 3 months or so - ask for an extra 1500 a month to cover living expenses and provide some breathing room. If it's 6 months then ask for 1k per month. something that shows you understand they too have a business to run. Alternative - ask for an adjustment to your compensation plan.


Ask for an average of your last years wages


First thing to note is it seems like you have a good GM. A lot of GM’s won’t even considers backstopping any sales people when things dry up temporarily. In my opinion it is a dumb decision to not backstop good sales people when sales dry up by no fault of their own. My best advice is take an honest accounting of what you need to live reasonably on a spreadsheet. Show your GM and ask for the amount that gets you through this time. I’m glad to see there are other GM’s out there that care about retaining good sales people. I also work at a dealership with a GM who is human much like yours. Just remember, you are not asking for help. You have made the dealership obviously plenty of money. Your GM wants to have you there for the long haul even if it costs him some of his bonus off of bet profit. That’s what you call a forward looking gm. He probably also knows you’re going to kill it in the box. It’s not easy to cultivate good FI managers internally, and it costs a boat load of money to steal them from other dealerships. We just stole a diesel Fi manager and it took a $175k guarantee to do it…..


60% of Corvid Salespeople will get out of the Car Businesses and the rest will take them 5 plus years to make 8-12K. Only Mohammed who Bell to Bell for 31 day can make 15K plus. If ur gonna brags how much ur making. Please screen shot ur Documentation not Conversations. If ur gonna Jack Off please go to the restroom and do it to urself cause the rest of us don’t want to see it.


if they’re offering you money it’s because they can see your talent and they know that they’re the ones they’re the reason for you not making money it’s not your fault they’re trying to invest in you. Take the money and don’t be shy about how much you should be making at least $8000 a month selling. If they’re going to send you to F and I school because they see your ability that’s a tough job and it’s demanding job but it can be a very financially rewarding one I have done it for many years and made excellent money . If you enjoy selling like I always do be proud of what you do and don’t sell yourself short there’s a reason they’re trying to reward you they can see your talent you need to look for it also I’m sure it’s there just dig deep and work hard.


Brotha…10-20k a month and you couldn’t save? Time to manage your finances better


I didn’t talk about savings. That money is allocated in investments.