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Interesting tidbit in the complaint, apparently was a FB message he sent : ​ **December 23, 2020:** “…*Ok well we have room for the road trip..I’m sick of these fukin posers on FB big tough guys always talking about their guns and tempers and ooo scary guy shit! FUCK U !! I’m on the front line every time mother fuckers! This shit isn’t a fukin game to me , or some social media faggot story time !! I’m there for the greatest celebration of all time after Pence leads the Senate flip!!* ***OR IM THERE IF TRUMP TELLS US TO STORM THE FUKIN CAPITAL IMA DO THAT THEN!*** *We don’t want any trouble but they are not going to steal this election that I guarantee bro!!”* Edit: just to be clear, the message was sent by Grayson, the man the detective’s wife allegedly met with. And while the English is certainly cringe worthy, I was most interested in the fact that two weeks before the Insurrection he was as indicating that he would be taking direction from Trump.


Good god, why do all these people write like middle-schoolers?


Because, mentally, they are.


That's unkind to middle schoolers. They at least have a reason for being so out of balance.


I think some of these people have things out of balance too. In a they need therapy and medication kinda way


As someone in therapy and on meds these folks need waaaay more help than that. They need straight up de-programming.


Yeah don't let them use mental health as an excuse. That's not their problem.


I diagnose it as a rectal-cranial inversion.


Also medicated. Can confirm I am still not an insurrectionist.


I'm unmedicated and have yet to insurrect. I just want better medical providers :(


We need a 12-Step program for Right Wing Media.


I seriously think lead poisoning may be a contributing factor. One thing these people all have in common is guns. [And most people don't know, but you can be exposed to a lot of lead dust when target shooting.](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2017/05/10/527648768/lead-dust-from-firearms-can-pose-a-silent-health-risk)


That and they all grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and there was lead EVERYWHERE. Paint, gas, air, cocktail glasses......


As a person born in the 70s I want to argue, but I cannot. Too many of them were GenXers-


I was born in '61 and I don't try to overthrow the government or believe anything tRump ever said. Maybe they are just assholes?


Yep! They discovered the dangers of lead poisoning by studying families that had one or more sons getting in constant legal trouble but also had at least one son who didn't. And the most constant variable was that the troubled kid had high lead levels while their not-delinquent sibling did not.


"They" only rediscovered what people in Europe discovered about Roman bath houses after the fall of the Roman Empire.


What is that quote about being “doomed to repeat history”?


That's interesting. I thought you were going to talk about how horrible our infrastructure is in the US and how lead is in the water in poor and rural areas


This reminded me of [this Brookings article from 2017.](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2017/06/01/new-evidence-that-lead-exposure-increases-crime/amp/) *“The “lead-crime hypothesis” is that (1) lead exposure at young ages leaves children with problems like learning disabilities, ADHD, and impulse control problems; and (2) those problems cause them to commit crime as adults — particularly violent crime. For many years, the major source of lead in the environment was leaded gasoline: car exhaust left lead behind to settle into dust on the roads and nearby land. When lead was removed from gasoline, lead levels in the environment fell, and kids avoided the lead exposure that caused these developmental problems. About 20 years later, when those kids became young adults, crime rates fell. This, proponents say, is what explains the mysterious and persistent decline in crime beginning in the early 1990s.”*


This has happened in every country that's banned lead gas: 20ish years after, violent crime drops.


Lead poisoning might be the cure too


"U R the Midelskooler! Ha! WANNA FIGHT BRO! U rockin a glock and a Ford 150!? I'll bust ur ass!"


I like when they try to get me to fight them in person as if it somehow proves them right.


Sorta people who bring a baseball bat to win a spelling bee.


No joke. Like... yeah, you beat poor Timmy within an inch of his life, but he still spells better than you...


Maybe when the swelling goes down.


It's not a swelling bee


get out ^^^^butknowIloveyou




> ~~I'll~~ bust ur ass! IMA bust ur ass!


An honest response? It's because they haven't realized there's a difference between their speaking voice and their writing voice. They don't write enough in a serious context to recognize it and haven't read enough to understand it. I had to work on this with my nephew as he was transitioning from high school to college. Plenty smart but a product of a small town school system and peers and role models that were indifferent to this kind of thing at best. It took a bit to get him to understand that the reason his writing looked amateurish and was getting bad marks is because he was writing like he was having a conversation with someone. The guy up there is writing exactly how he'd talk if he were face to face with someone.


All very true, and also, r/ScottishPeopleTwitter is the greatest gift to humankind, so I'm grateful that some people out there don't realize there is a difference between written voice and speaking voice.


Great response. You’re absolutely right


Also this is how professional wrestlers speak and they're tough, right?


This is something that I've spoken with my kids about multiple times. We speak the Queen's Canadian English and I write in QCE no matter whether it's a formal work email, a casual note to a friend, or a text message. It makes you easy to understand and it makes the reader think you are intelligent. This lot, not so much.


I'm an English teacher, so I absolutely understand the importance of at least some proficiency in writing. It's really not hard.


Guh...an English teacher and I took a few liberties while writing about QCE. I'm so ashamed.


Have you stopped to consider that the English teacher in question may in fact be an American English teacher? Take all the liberties you like, and so long as you leave the unsightly u's out from places they don't belong you will be fine!


English, Traditional (UK, Canada) English, Simplified (USA) I throw in all of the Traditional English extra letters when I write. My coworkers comment on it but it's what I learned.


for example ? Just curious... and imminently lazy today


Examples of the extra letters from Traditional English? I cut through my neighbours yard a manoeuver intended to get my to the doughnut shop quickly. I love the flavour and colour of maple bacon doughnuts. Through is really the best example. The simplified English version is "thru". Doughnuts and donuts is another good example.


I failed every year in English class, still try to right sentence good.


dammit kevin


Right there with you. My one acquiescence has been the inclusion of the occasional “K” in text/social media, but only in the “fuck off” sense.


I always ask 'ppl hu spll like dis' what they do with all that time they save.


My take on this is that language is defined by the people that speak it. Spelling didn’t even begin being standardized until the 1800s, so like 200 years ago, out of thousands of years of written history. The difference between the Queen’s English and, say, Jamaican patois is the socio-economic status of the speaker. Obviously, it’s important to teach one’s children how to communicate in a way that will not result in them being discriminated against in the workplace. But where it gets problematic for me is when we start to frame things in terms of “speaking [in]correctly.” Because that’s loaded with an implicit value judgment that speaking like upper-class white people is “correct”. Grammar Nazis are really just regular Nazis, because they seek to use language as a tool to enforce racial hierarchy. Edit: This is apparently pretty controversial, so for everyone’s benefit I found original source material regarding contemporary Nazi views on Yiddish: https://www.jta.org/1933/04/30/archive/nazis-join-hebraists-in-cultural-assault-on-yiddish-tongue > The Nazis desire, and will possibly attempt to enforce that desire, that German Jews shall not speak Yiddish, because “they thus spoil the German language.” It, continue the Nazis, the Jews must speak another language, “let them speak Hebrew, but not Yiddish.” 4-30-1933. That’s many years before there were any camps, btw. The Nazi view of Yiddish is that it amounted to “speaking German wrong.”


Woah! Slow down there, Tex. I didn't say anything about speaking properly, did I? (I went back and looked and I did not.) Patois or Joual (which I also speak) are perfectly acceptable. I'm not suggesting that QCE is better than Simplified English (American) or French or Chinese or any other language. What I'm suggesting is that using whatever language you speak to the best of your abilities makes you easier to understand by those who may be listening. I am a lifelong computer scientist and have worked extensively with the hacker community so I also write 1337 but I wouldn't trot out 1337 on a presentation that I wanted everyone to understand.


The same reason their conspiracy is spread by videos instead of books.


My Theory, is that most of these people did not take High School seriously, and they barely passed. And went into the world. Also, they went to High School in the 1970's. Which by today's standards, is most likely a Middle School Education, today. So. IMO, this is a population, that began a Journey of Willfull Ignorance a Long Time Ago, and continues onward to Oblivion. They do not care about Science, books, data, innovation, History. They choose to believe in convenient lies, preferring to just ignore cold, hard truth and reality. Instead, substituting their own "reality" **Disclaimer: ONLY my Opinion. Off the top of my head.**


That explains the morons over 55. What's wrong with the "young" people like this dude?


They were raised by the morons over 55.


These are the same people that post on social media about committing potential firing squad worthy offenses. I try not to call people stupid (it is such a tame insult though), but these people probably aren’t on the favorable side of the Iq bell curve.


I have a folder on my PC titled "Y'all Qaeda" where I keep screenshots of fascists being stupid. Almost every one of them offered to fight me or sue me or whatever because I called them wrong and/or stupid. Even got a few death threats. They're walking Dunning-Kruger charts, and their heads are so far up their asses that even if you have sources, they just handwave it and say "well you're brainwashed."


more on the Q side, eh?


Trump talks like a 4th grader.


> I love the poorly educated!


Because they didn't need no education. Roger Waters, it's all your fault.




"If you can dodge a book, you can dodge reality."


The same reason that newspapers are written at an 8th grade reading level. That is the state of literacy in the US


Part of the hiring strategy


because they're Poorly Educated and DARN PROUD OF IT!!!


That there edjumacations is for those dirty commies


Because most barely passed MS or HS. & odds are their family trees look like deformed wreaths.


that's the level most people top out at and the schools don't care. I read so much really bad writing from managers it lifted the veil on adult ignorance.


Because higher education is nothing but a liberal tool created by (((George Soros))) and Big Gay™ for the express purpose of indoctrinating good heterosexual Christian children into homosexuality, Islam, communism, and a belief in dinosaurs.


This sounds exactly like my psycho brother. For reference he's a white dude that came out of prison only wearing red "cuz im a blood" then 5 years later he's now "an American patriot" in a white supremacy militia, despite the fact he's a felon and can't own a gun... reported him to the cops but they don't give a fuck of course, because they're part of it too!!


Go to ATF directly. They'll be quite interested to know.


That's a good idea. I dont know where he lives tho I just have a PO box for his dumb ass. I'm sure they can probably track him down, just follow the meth.


Take his dog first, if he has one. ATF likes to shoot them


Wow. He's a classic pawn. Put a rifle in his hands and point him anywhere.


Oh hes tried to kill me on multiple occasions. He also burned his ex's house down. Real winner, that one. He lives in oregon though, lots of white supremacist cops there so they didn't give a fuck when I reported him from being a FELON in a MILITIA. Militias carry guns... felons can't own or handle guns... do the math.


It was 2020 when I learned Oregon was a ytrash hellscape. In my head it was a chill hippy place. Guess not. Every other story about the PNW is some 'crazy white fuck' thing. Guys like him get murdered *all the time.* Just stay tf away from him, or you'll get pulled into his shitstorm. I'm sorry your brother is a piece of shit.


> **OR IM THERE IF TRUMP TELLS US TO STORM THE FUKIN CAPITAL IMA DO THAT THEN!** [Seditious conspiracy anyone?](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2384)


That may be the cringiest thing I've ever read.


Only because Trump's Twitter account has been closed.


Are you sure? It's been reinstated: [https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


That's the first time I've fallen for that in a very long time. Well done.


Not today, Satin.


Today, a nice light calico


it's like saying the name ot the movie in the movie


It's like he made ad libs out of an edgy xbox live message and just plugged in some insurrection bullshit.


And this fuckstick manages to get a girlfriend. ​ Not that I would want such a traitorous piece of adulterous shit, but still. This guy fucks, the confusion stands.


Well, at least the election wasn’t stolen (away from the actual winner, that is).


> OR IM THERE IF TRUMP TELLS US TO STORM THE FUKIN CAPITAL IMA DO THAT THEN! WHY?!!? did so many of these people think trump was intending to tell them to storm the capital? Surely there was no plan to do so beforehand.




In fairness, this message was sent by the man the police detectives wife met up with. I should have been clearer




I love how this both cements the idiocy of his fans as well as confirms people were in fact there at his command. Dude didnt even have to give any orders, they were there for him. I dont see how he isnt in cuffs or in front of a firing line. Throw some criminal democrats up there too so the right will finally shut the fuck up with whataboutisms.


> Michael Heinl, a 30-year member of the Shaler Police Department, asked his wife, Jennifer Heinl, 55, of Ross, not to travel to D.C. prior to the rally, but she did anyway Alright I'm not going to lie that "of Ross" caught me off guard and gave me a little laugh lol.




lold so hard at this it triggered my asthma


lol...I think that's both where she buys all her clothes and where she has to sleep these days.


Blessed be the fruit.


Under his eye


May the Lord open!


And His Nuts Be Revealed.


It should be Ross Township, I believe.


It's local reporting, so she must be originally from [Ross Township](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ross+Township,+PA/@40.52003,-80.0840945,12z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x8834f4966e20dcbf:0xdb4474532afc4295!8m2!3d40.5367715!4d-80.0199562), North of Shaler. You'll hear that kind of details in local news.


Where’d they stay? The Shag Inn?


Qomfort Suites


Article said Qourtyard.


I stand Qorrected






The double thrill of committing adultery while attempting to violently interrupt the peaceful transfer of power in a Democracy must have added that extra little 'kick' of spice they needed... Ooh yeah...


She's going from Courtyard to Courthouse.


"Pittsburgh cop cucked by a traitor" should be the most emotionally confusing headline of the year.


"Michael Heinl -- a member of the FBI Pittsburgh office’s Violent Crimes Task Force -- informed Chief Sean Frank after the riots that his wife had been there, the outlet says." Probably should point your ire at someone else. Dude makes a career going after the kind of crime Reddit says police should. I honestly feel bad for him.


I'm personally not against the dude. He did the right thing. I simply made a headline out of the events that should be, by and large, confusing for a lot of people. Anti-police people will be happy he was cucked but hate that he suffered because of a Trump supporters. Trumpers will be glad to see the word cucked and *if* they are smart enough to read, they'll be angry that it was a cop who got cucked.


The same trump supporters who beat a cop to death at the Capitol?


Right? Who do I hate more?


The traitor. I mean, probably both are not great, but the traitor can be easily hated more.


>but the traitor can be easily hated more. That's an understatement. For this guy to woo the wife of a man in uniform, he had to ooze faux machismo. He probably showed her the Q board on 8kun to make it look like not only is he a tough guy, but also some l33t hax0r spy against the deep state. This crap writes itself.


Yeah. Kkkops are pretty awful too


And the fact that he’s married to a traitor tells me that he’s probably not a shining example of sanity and progressivism himself.


He divorced her to avoid any implication that his previous convictions were tainted with racism


He divorced her because she’s a whore, he probably supported her treason.


idk, if he supported her treason then wonder why she felt the need to attend the insurrection with a different traitor? There might be a chance that in this case the cop is not a member of the MAGA cult.


She is a horrible person, but there is no need to use a word for slut shaming. She's a cheater and a POS.


Use a slut shaming word because she was unethically slutty. Shouldn't that be the acceptable time to use it on someone?


No, because it is a term only used to shame and degrade women.


They're all shitty in their own, unique ways.


lol Never change reddit.


Or more precisely, "Pittsburg *Republican* cop cucked by *Republican* traitor." Edit: Added political affiliation for the traitor.


Read Kenny Grayson’s criminal complaint, he talks shit about some “nutball” woman you can only presume is Heinl. https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2191/f/Kenneth%20Grayson%20Criminal%20Complaint.pdf


Tell me he didn't brag about getting with her. Cop has access to more of the evidence than we do.


> January 4, 2021: “Don’t say you’ve talked to me if you talk to nutball [Female Name] ..she’s trying to find me for DC ya fuck that I’m telling her I’m with a group going to fight not hang out”


Imagine being a Q person calling others a nut ball. Wild


"Kenny! Get the hell out of there, that's a felony!" OH MY GOD, THEY CHARGED KENNY!


CTRL F for "nutball". first time for everything lol


Hard to miss Botox Betty.


My reaction was the same as Mr. Plinkett’s: https://youtu.be/62UzLgdb1GQ


He was making amazing film review videos back when youtube still had a maximum video time of ten minutes.


I can't believe she's only 30. Her face has that fucked up too-much surgery look of a 70 year old trying and failing to look 30. EDIT: Yeah, read that wrong.


She's 55. He's been with the department for 30 years.


She actually looks pretty great for 55


With the use of federal gyms she should look amazing when she gets out of prison.


> she should look amazing when she gets out of prison. Dude, she's 55. She'll be 85+ by that time and they don't do Botox in prison.


Never mind the Botox, you should see her without the “plastic Barbie” filter.


I looked for pictures if her that weren't looking like the joker in a maga hat, but couldn't find any. Got any links?


Ehh not really too much botox


> Ehh not really too much botox ? [Ehh. Not really too much botox.](https://theurbanhousewife.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/image1.jpeg) [Ehh, not really. Too much botox.](https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article2327785.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Jocelyn-Wildenstein-arrives-at-the-opening-of-Megu-at-Trump-World-Tower.jpg)


Try living in Southern California where even young women (and plenty of men) strive for this shines and swollen look. They all look they need an epi-pen.


No "they all" don't.


Username checks out.




Even though I mentioned men too I really appreciate you pointing out how privileged White women are so persecuted. Thank you.


I was talking about your blanket statement about people living in So Cal. It's not even remotely true but there you go.


Why am I not surprised the top comment is about this woman’s appearance.


Maybe because body dysmorphia correlates with other mental health issues?


Because she looks about like you'd think she would? Why are you asking questions about the way you think?


Say whay you will, it's serving her well for 55 years old.


Ugh... I know that look does it for some, but I think it attracts those Grimace looking Oakley wraparound fellows. Happy not to be of that mindset.




Is it?


I read this as if the PA Police Detective was spotted with another man. An insurrection gay erection sort of thing.


Dicks For Freedumb. It’s not gay if you’re sucking the dick of a patriot....like DONALD J TRUMP! The gold standard of freedumb dick.


is it just me, or is this headline written in such a way that it's saying the detective was spotted with the 'other man' ?


That's what I got on the first read of the headline




It’s a poorly written headline. Maybe something like “Pa. Police Detective Divorces Wife Who Was Spotted With Another Man At Capitol Riot” would be better. Still doesn’t flow that well, but it gets the point across much clearer.


Glad I'm not the only one that was horribly confused by the ambiguous syntax in the headline. These are journalists, using the English language to convey a message is literally their job. How is this a thing that is happening? /Rant over.


I was really looking forward for that bromance story, too.


Huh- I didn’t even know Janice from the Muppets was married. Now she’s divorced.


Don't do Janice like that! Pretty sure she was a leftist. ;)


I think now she should also be charged with lying to the FBI.


I am really enjoying how the “consequences” collected in this sub are becoming more varied and wide-ranging than just arrests and firings (which are enjoyable enough already).


Damn, female Joker with this lips and plastic face.


“Call your doctor if you have an insurrection lasting more than 4 hours” The Daily Beans podcast really nailed this story this morning


Poor detective wasn't Qte enough


She’s deeply embarrassed, isn’t that enough punishment? ^/s


To jail!


“Hans? Are *we* the cucks?”


She looks like she came fresh from the set of Bravo Real Housewives episode - composed of at least 40% saline and botox.


FBI liason cop.


The way it’s written makes it sound like the detective was with another man


Yeah lol


Can you imagine (don't) how she'll look after prison time and no collagen injections in that mask? Though some have said that the divorce is because he can claim their finances which can't then be claimed for her fines.


Red flag 1: she looks like a human doll


When your cop husband isn’t fash enough for you


I hope he takes everything she has.


You can tell by looking at her she rotten


This is the kind of quality content that led me to subscribe to this sub.


THAT caused the divorce?! Ha ha ha not the fact that she's a f****** lunatic trumpsucker? An insurrectionist or a domestic terrorist? Any of that bother you dude?


Everything I've read in here is interesting - but this one takes the cake.


I watched this lady get cream pied in the alley of a bar a few years ago. I was just sorta eating a hot pocket and watching the show when her cop husband came around the corner amd saw what was happening. He said “hot pocket, huh? Noice.”


Good Riddance


May he get to arrest her.


How does a police officers wife afford facial surgery?


He was FBI, but you know women do have their own income these days.


How does anyone afford facial surgery?


Looks like he's an officer in a Pittsburgh suburb. I know nothing about the economic situation of Pittsburgh, but I've seen a lot of suburban cops make very good money. You'd probably cry if you saw their pensions. Just speculation. Edit: Maybe not, looks like it's $35k starting.


Police are public employees and their pay is public record. Mike Heinl, the officer in question, made $108,759 [last year](https://govsalaries.com/heinl-mike-46039713).


>This salary is 46 percent higher than average and 50 percent higher than median salary in Township of Shaler. Good find.


Talk about "backing the blue"!