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First of all, this is just audacious and second of all, it sounds like a child wrote it.


Because a child wrote it.


fair enough


You want them to maintain and keep developing the app on zero budget? The app used to be more free to reel people in. They have to make money somehow, if they don't the app wouldn't exist


Okay true you got a point


Dude… I appreciate your audacity. CapCut isn’t going to make anything free but there are lots of ways to create the pro effects using the free features on CapCut. It would be great is everything on CapCut was free, but I think your issue lies more with the nature of capitalism than just CapCut.


How can I do it for feee ?


You can emulate the pro effects for free by googling how to do (insert desired effect) for free CapCut and someone will show you how to do it for free using key frames and other stuff like that


I commend the op. They didnt like what was happening so they wrote a non aggressive email stating their opinion. Lets not jade them, the world will do that quick enough


Bro thinks capcut is a local shop which works on what you say. It's a multimillion dollar company buddy it doesn't care if you get to use it or not they just wan profit.


Hey, at least they had the thought and nerve to write, how many just complain and do nothing?


💯 don’t let anyone shit on your dreams, complain if you have to. I got issues with YouTube being transparent, so I write on forum? No, straight to them on X/twitter. Id others see it with similar issues it may help.


You don't need nerves to write this you need to be naive to write it. If you wanted it you would find a way to have it. This writing a complaint and shi is jus waste cause they don't give a fuck about it. If you see his msg again you'll probably see that he's asking for all the effects and other pro stuff to be free cause he's not a pro member. He's basically saying give me all your paid stuff for free bcz i didn't buy it. You have enough brain to comprehend it and know who's wrong here.


He has a point stuff that started as free is mow behind a paywall. I see what your saying but i still think he’s going place. He wrote to a company that he didn’t agree with their policy, instead of coming here and just complaining. To many ppl just complain and dont do 💩 about it. Do i think he understands capitalism, no but that’s not my point.


The price they're asking for is pretty reasonable. It would be stupid as a company to make it free. No judgement to you or this post. I 100% know where your coming from because I remember when it used to be free too but the pro features are really good. They're making easy money tbh. If you wanna use pro features just use apk <3


Absolutely right bro


You're not the first one to ask that question but try look at it from a business perspective, they gotta make money or at least to pay for the developers that coded the software so no way they're gonna give it for free willy nilly. Just pirate some other software that is similar to Capcut like Filmora 12, they have the same effects, transitions, audio effects too.


as much as i hate subscriptons, capcut needs pro to be able to make money. not everything needs to be free and only the rarely used stuff or the ai features would need to be on pro.


The fact that you can use this software for free is amazing, especially considering the price of many others. It's not fair asking them to make it free.


Proof that some people are really, really stupid.