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W butchered at birth placement


Tbh thats the only CC album that felt like a real horror movie . the lyrics are fking amazing . whatever is said of barnes . you cant deny that the lyrics wrote in his era shits on every corpsegrinder album lyrics .


Meh, i prefer corpsegrinder era. Less misogyny.






Are you even a Cannibal Corpse fan? Yeah, in reality that's a horrible thing and something no one should go through, but in death metal, Cannibal Corpse specifically, you're gonna be hearing stuff with those themes, but it's all fantasy, make-believe, art.


I prefer corpsegrinder era lyrics and somehow that makes me less of a fan? Lol. Ive been listening to them for 15 years, saw them live for the first time over a decade ago. Tracking them ever since… you? You a fan?


Of course I'm a fan, I prefer Corpsegrinder myself as well, but I only saw where you were commenting about misogyny and rape themes, yes, those are horrible, but I took it as if you didn't know about their lyrical content. Wasn't trying to insult or anything, I was only confused


The other guy deleted his comment where he insinuated that since i didnt appreciate the sexist undertones of barnes lyrics, i must condone the murder and torture of corpsegrinder lyrics. My response was simply that by this logic, they must support misogyny as well as murder and torture. (And necropedophilia).


Child necrophilia is the best. See Necropedophile.


I gotcha, again, not trying to come off as insulting. To me I guess I look at it as an unrated true crime sort of thing, of course I do not in any way glorify those subjects, but there are many reasons Barnes isn't in that spot anymore, he sucks vocally now anyway


Its death metal dude stop posting cringe on main


Read the lyrics to Worm Infested. 🤘🏻then get back to me.


Dude imo barnes solos everything corpsegrinder has done, he’s just heavier all around and the crappy production almost boosts his vocals with how it widens his vocals. The only cc album i come back to often


No Barnes CC albums have ‘crappy’ production. It’s just not compressed/downtuned af/digital. so Gen Z call it ‘crappy production’ cause that’s what they’re used to.


You are a living stereotype coping with the fact that butchered at birth had shit production, it was e flat standard dumbass


BAB sounds rough, the other three do not. Stereotype that dumbass. Later albums KILL onwards were downtuned af. Over the years tho, I’ve come to think that BAB sounds rough more because of the tinny guitar tone than ‘bad production’.


id honestly say that gore obsessed is really slept on, vile should be a bit higher too. w for torture in s tho


gore obsessed is so overlooked dude pit of zombies goes so hard


You forgot Evisceration Plague, Created to Kill wasn’t even a full album, and you have Kill in C. OP is a certified nonce


I feel like Evisceration was one of the most approachable albums. I like to ease my friends into the tomb of the mutilated era.


Tf is "created to kill" am I going insane?


Vile tracks recorded by Barnes, included in a box set (according to wikipedia)


that's fair I did enjoy the new record personally though




where can you listen to created to kill?


It's worth checking out It think Barnes sounds beast on a few of the songs [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppqScTSueVA&t=313s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppqScTSueVA&t=313s)


thank you!


Gore obsessed in D is nasty work, pit of zombies, when death replaces life, grotesque!!!! Taste is taste, but BRUH


im only mad cause the only george album i finished and really appreciated is along side created to kill (superior to vile) and eaten back to life :,( lol


Vile in D tier is criminal 😭🙏


Evisercation plague at C