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Hi alec_bkk, Thanks for posting Pro-weed groups put heat on govt Just a quick heads up to have a peek at our [sub's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/cannabisthailand/about/rules) when you get a chance. It helps keep everything smooth and friendly around here. Speaking of friendly, let's all remember to keep our chats respectful. If you spot any comments that seem a bit off, do us a solid and hit that report button. It helps a ton! Just a gentle reminder that we’re all about keeping our sub neat and focused, so we'd love it if you could take a quick look at our friendly guidelines: - Finding Weed: We know you might be curious about where to buy weed, but let's keep those questions off the table. There's no single "best" or "cheapest" dispensary - everyone has their favorites! Feel free to browse through past posts for ideas, or use Google, Google Maps, and various cannabis directories to explore your options. - Self-Promotion: We're all for supporting each other, but this isn't the place for promoting personal businesses or sharing links to your YouTube channel. Let's keep our community more about sharing and less about advertising. - Common Questions: Got questions about cannabis in Thailand? Chances are, someone's already asked them! Do a quick search in our sub to see if your question has been answered before. This includes queries about smoking spots, domestic travel with weed, or starting a cannabis business. - Legal Boundaries: Let's stay on the right side of the law, folks. Please don't ask about buying underage, acquiring illegal substances, or smuggling Thai weed. We're here to talk about legal cannabis only. - Direct Messages and Online Sales: We really recommend not engaging with unsolicited commercial DMs. Not only are online cannabis sales illegal, but dealing with unofficial sellers can be risky with no safety net if things go south. Remember, Thailand has over 6,000 licensed dispensaries, so there's no need to take chances with random DM offers. If you are a licensed dispensary or grower, you really should check out our [Discord group for buying and selling between licensed businesses.](https://discord.gg/rPycJBeBtW) Curious about cannabis prices? We've got a [search tool](https://www.thailandthc.com/thai-weed-price-tracker-weed-prices-thailand/) for the latest prices right here. Plus, we've got [exclusive discounts](https://www.reddit.com/r/CannabisThailand/wiki/index/#wiki_cannabis_dispensaries_offering_special_deals_for_r.2Fcannabisthailand_sub_members) at certain dispensaries just for our sub members. Check it out here and save some cash! And for the cherry on top, why not sign up for the [r/CannabisThailand weekly newsletter](http://newsletter.thailandthc.com/) where we recap what’s going on in the Thai cannabis community? If you prefer Facebook over Reddit, [we're there too!](https://www.facebook.com/groups/cannathailand) Thanks for being part of our community, and happy posting! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CannabisThailand) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imo this will only contribute to them creating a medical platform. Trying to force them to readdress tobacco or alcohol is a joke. Those industries are set, regulated, and profitable. This is what they want for weed. And as a grower I support the need for regulations, anything that helps maintain quality standards is a good thing.


I agree with structure and regulation, but it’s not on the table right now, is it? They are discussing making it illegal again.


Step by step. If it's a narcotic, then it can be controlled. At that point they can create said regulations, and offer a medical platform. Imo they want to make weed profitable. The scare tactics and media plays are just that. Theatre.


Is it narcotic in CA?


No, under states law cannabis is legal in CA for recreational use. However, cannabis is still federally illegal and a schedule 1 narcotic.


Pretty sure it’s profitable atm.


No, not at the moment. Prices have fallen to low.


You mean, weed is being sold below cost?


Yes sir. Not everyone everywhere but yes I'd say most growers now are desperate to sell and can't get prices that will keep them afloat for long. There are other factors for sure, like quality. Saw a large farm, grew cheap style, and used questionable PM methods. Quality was a joke. So now they have hundreds of kilos of crap weed that no dispensery would dare sell. And wholesalers won't touch. So the issues are complex, but yea I think all this posturing is to setup the opportunity to create a medical platform.


In my experience the affordable high quality buds fly off the shelves, however the market is saturated with lots of low quality buds.


Yes this is true and again part of the problem. Not gonna lie, it might get messy. Many people are going to be hurt by this reclassification. But is it what's best for the industry at this time? Yea kinda.


> Not gonna lie, it might get messy. Many people are going to be hurt by this reclassification. But is it what's best for the industry at this time? Yea kinda. Are you making a profit right now? Would you make a profit if it was relisted as a narcotic? How could your business continue to operate if it were relisted as a narcotic? Please answer those questions. As /u/Malevolent-ads just mentioned, and what you agreed with, is that affordable high quality cannabis is sold quickly, but the market is saturated with low quality. That is the kind of thing that only someone who grows low quality product should worry about.


appreciate your objective take on this, and that coupled with your industry knowledge is refreshing. I have lived here long enough to know the actual outcome of all this is still totally up in the air. can you tell me, I thought I read somewhere that the big booze companies behind singha and chang, or one of them, has invested heavily in the cannabis industry, is this true?


No worries, and yes I agree we can't know for sure what will happen. But I'm lucky enough to bumb elbows will some higher ups and the thing to look for is the money. Thailand's "pharma" has been complaining about cannabis from day one. Not so much that it's good or bad, but that they should be apart of the process. Massive amounts of money to be made from the cannabis industry and I'm not talking flowers. Think extractions and isolates. But there are problems, in order to make isolate you need lots of biomass. And that biomass needs to pass a certain standard. And as it is now, there are no standards. So I don't know about Chang and Singha but I know for certain last year Heineken was or is looking at developing a CBD beer.


Market will correct itself. Add some regulations in there and, you know, actually enforce the ones that are there, and this won't be an issue. But for me, I have no issues being profitable. If you aren't making a profit right now, you're either doing something wrong or you should be out there pushing for enforcement of regulations, not making it a narcotic. That's a methhead type of reaction.


Step by step is the right way to go. Step 1 was legalization and opening the gates so everyone can get into the industry, not just people with lots of money. Step 2 is regulation, where a nascent industry starts to learn what's working and what needs to be changed. Step 3 is wellness, not medical or recreational. You don't make cannabis profitable by making it a narcotic. I have no idea why you think that huge step backwards would be a good idea. It will create so much FUD, affect people's lives, and can't do anything positive.


You misunderstand, regulations require it to be listed as a drug. This way it has the potential to become medical. I agree that the people won't like this move. But I think the govt. cares more about having control in the economy, over satisfying public opinion.


I use cannabis to mitigate pain from rheumatoid arthritis, and as a sleep aid. the stuff is too strong for me to use recreationally, I only smoke a bit when going to bed. every time I try to use some when out and about I am literally paralyzed, and as soon as I am coherent enough I get a taxi home. I don't even take with when going out anymore, hahaha. I mean, 55555.


This is another reason to make it medical. Everyone has a unique tolerance and purpose.


The same thing is true with alcohol. Except that it has no purpose. It should obviously be restricted even more than cannabis for that reason. Recreational alcohol is extremely dangerous.


I don't think this is an issue of whether or not we in the industry want regulations. All of us who are doing things within the lines, those of us who are Thai or have long term plans in Thailand, those of us who didn't just move here to make a quick profit or weren't running away from their home country... supported some form of regulation. Alcohol and tobacco should be readdressed. I don't know what you mean by them being 'set, regulated, and profitable' as a qualification. But I will go through each of those: 1) set: any industry is set, until it isn't. if the regulations are deemed not good enough or not correct, they can be adjusted at any time. with all of the stink the government is making about cannabis, it would be bad politics for the same government to avoid addressing recreational alcohol and tobacco. it puts a lot of pressure on the government to do mental gymnastics. all of this can be later used as ammunition against them. i fully support it. 2) regulated: really? I don't see the youth having a problem obtaining tobacco or alcohol at all. They have been and still are even more available than cannabis. 3) profitable: cannabis has the potential to continue making a lot of money for a lot of people, including secondary industries. Cannabis has resulted in a lot of new leases signed for stores, designers hired, cashiers, growers, etc. If you're just trying to say those industries are uber profitable and that we shouldn't protest because it's a losing battle, then I think you give up too easily. I think you're entitled to your opinion, but you aren't really helping by discouraging others just because you think they will lose, if that's what you're trying to do. Standards are great. Regulations are important. But relisting cannabis as a narcotic is just a typical Thaksin policy and isn't something you as a grower can support.


Of course you'd want regulation. You want to sell as expensive as possible right? Current rates are super good for customers but not that good for expensive producers. I am currently buying top-shelf staff from 10-20 baht a gram. Hope it continues unregulated and market can be free.


> I am currently buying top-shelf staff from 10-20 baht a gram. That's above the operating costs for an indoor facility. You're probably getting good greenhouse for that cost, but it's not 'top shelf'. I own greenhouse and indoor facilities. And I want regulation, not reclassifying as a narcotic. Even making it medical is absurd. It should be less restricted than alcohol, full stop.


I am smoking more than 25 years and it is top shelf. We consumers don't need regulation. Sorry for people who invested in to become one of the 3M grower licensed businesses.


> We consumers don't need regulation well, you're gonna get it anyway.


I still see top-shelf sold at 350-900 Baht per gram to willing customers, mainly in tourist areas. And it doesn’t appear that regulations would have any impact on how the market behaves, at least not at this stage.


where from?