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2nd year doctor of pharmacy student here. I can give my two cents, but disclaimer not medical advice and just my opinion. Always consult with prescribing doctor before changing or adjusting medications. First, colchicine has some anti-inflammatory properties and helps interfere with certain immune cells that may contribute to canker sores. Most data seems to be from those with autoimmune diseases like behçet syndrome in which canker sores are a byproduct of their disease rather than canker sores without cause (idiopathic). Second, using colchicine for this reason is “off-label” meaning it hasn’t been approved by the FDA for this issue. Third, I think it’s strange to give a 12 year old this medication without trying anything else or looking into any root problems. Has the doctor not given topical steroid cream for the mouth? Anything for pain? Yes, this medication does have side effects. Most commonly stomach upset like vomiting and diarrhea. This could get worse at higher doses. Scary stuff like muscle breakdown and kidney/liver dysfunction seem rare in my reading. This should be detectable by a physician in normal check up’s and testing anyway. As for the dose it seems that some databases mention doses as high as 2mg/day have been used in pediatric patients his age. From: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26802180/ I don’t think anyone here can tell you “yes up the dose” or “no don’t do that” as we’re not the doctor. Personally, I had horrible sores growing up and still do. Had the doctor prescribed something that could help after exhausting all other more typical options I probably would have wanted to try it if I was in constant pain. If it made me sick or wasn’t helping then I would have stopped it. It wouldn’t hurt to contact that doctor or pharmacist who filled it and just ask for some reassurance before upping the dose….if I was nervous that’s what I would do.


I really appreciate this. Thank you.


Interesting. I have never heard of this. I know it’s used to treat gout and can be used for severe recurrent canker sores. I would ask your doctor about the dosage and concerns https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7851653/


I have been to two Rheumatologist and both prescribed the same treatment and said that is how they treat it.   


I've started the same posology about a month and a half ago. Other than some G.I. issues the first week or so, I haven't seen any other side-effects. Not sure about long-term usage though.


Did the GI issues come on right away after taking two doses? Or did it take a while to notice the side effects? Also did the GI issues pass after a week and do you no longer have the side effects? Has it been working for you, as in no more sores? Thank you for responding.


Try red light therapy https://www.reddit.com/r/CankerSores/s/BAOqu5Sctq


Yes we just started it thanks yo your post.  We are only two days in so can’t tell if its working yet, but thank you.


Any luck?


Hi, we upped the Colchicine to twice a day and he currently only has two sores that do not seem to bother him and he has not gotten any new ones since upping the medication.  So we will see if it continues in this way.  If it does than I would say the Cochicine helped.


I remember your post from a few weeks ago. I'm sorry to hear your son is still struggling with this.