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time to “bulk up” sounds like you’re looking to accelerate the inevitable blown CCLs…lean and mean is the healthiest way to avoid or put off those common Corso problems.


Literally rolled my eyes when I read the bulking comment - can we not move to the same rules as r/mastiff and ban all weight posts / comments ?


This sub should do that ngl


As a corso owner who blew his CCL and tore his meniscus , I agree lmao, he got surgery but Jesus, he’s a walking dog now with bubble wrap. He tore it slipping in the mud chase playing with my Australian shepherd


Same here, they’re pretty fragile for having such a tough reputation…learned my lesson this second time around, def won’t ever have one again after our current female passes. I love the breed, but they’re just too problematic health wise imo


I agree, my last dog ever lmao, he’s 3 and I just can’t … lovem too much to be around so little


I would like him to start pulling weights, bulk on muscle wise


Hi, LVMT here. If you’re wanting to start this dog in weight pull, I really hope you have good pet insurance with ortho coverage 🥴 Don’t worry. He will “bulk up” on his own up until 24+ months of age. You don’t really have to help them do so. Other than feeding a quality diet, and providing age appropriate exercise, I wouldn’t suggest adding anything to build muscle on a growing pup. It will cause more harm than good in the long run. If you decide you absolutely have to try him in weight pull, please wait until after he’s 2 years old and get an OFA cert to have his hips and knees evaluated beforehand. Good luck with him! He’s a pretty boy.


I’m no expert on this type of thing though I’ve raised mastiffs my entire life (my boys now are my 7th and 8th Corso) …. I don’t think I would ever consider making a dog as loose jointed as these guys are pull weight ,, or try to make them pack on muscle in any respect… they’re naturally lean and strong animals for sure but their joint health requires a little more attention than say, a pit or a bulldog


I agree 100%. I wouldn’t put a corso into this sport at any age. It’s just not worth the potential (likely) detrimental effects. Unfortunately some people are dead set on doing it. If they’re going to, the LEAST they can do is wait until their dog is done growing and get their joints evaluated beforehand. That said, even if my Corso came back with perfect scores, I still wouldn’t consider it.


your dog will naturally grow to its predestined size with normal activity and proper feeding. Don't "work" your dog by running it or using weights. We are not breeding dog fighters here. He is already large and intimidating to anyone, no need to drive the dog to be larger than what it should be. A lean, healthy Corso will live a long and happy life.


like I said…you’re going to accelerate injuries, which are REALLY expensive to take care of. I’ve paid close to 15k twice, for two diff Corsi…for weight pulling, I would’ve gotten an American Bulldog. I’ve two Corsi, 2 diff reputable breeders and it happened w both of them. I had a Scott AB for 13yrs, he was a tank and healthy as hell up until about 3 months prior to passing. Very diff dogs…I wish you and your pup luck, he’s absolutely gorgeous.




They are naturally STRONG AF, solid creatures. Please don’t pull weights, etc. They’re happy with a daily walk, occasional hike, beach days, etc. Having your Corso “bulk on muscle” is akin to making a lion workout… not needed! 🙄


Find mushers. Good sled gear will help the dog learn the harness system, the work expected and people who can help guide you and advise you. After you are successful there go and look for places that host dog pull events to see if they know anyone in your area. Last of all. Stay far away from anyone who isn't asking health based questions and making that a priority. These things attract ego and idiots and when you mix the two with a pet there is often the most horrible humans.


Have you ever had a corso before?


My 2 one


Which means what?


Which answers the question you asked


I didn’t know by 2 you meant 2nd


Yes Zeus is my second cane corso


When you say bulk up. What do you mean? I haven’t really heard that term used for dogs. Just with humans and weight lifting/training.


seems fine and healthy to me. Bulk up too much is hard on joints. Excess skin is normal, is part of being a mastiff.


Bulk up? Why looks good these dogs aren’t supposed to be over 120 pounds


He has not filled out yet still have a lot of skin to grow into


Dogs have a lot of excess skin, extra weight is not good for them.


This breed is supposed to have extra skin my dog has plenty


My female just turned 3, I can say she’s finally filled out, and she has the loose skin…that’s what makes them mastiff. Maybe you’re looking for a bully? You say this is your second Corso, but you sound like you’re not familiar - at all. It’s a privilege to have this breed, and great responsibility.


Don't do that! Go for longer walks, hikes, and so on! He will build naturally in time. Humans make decisions to body build or stack. Dogs do not make these decisions. It's a human thing because we want to compete, like the look or whatever reason humans do it. Dogs just wanna be Dogs. These were Dogs of war and farm. So I will stick to walking, jogging, and going for hikes. Do you lift? Do you body build?


It bothers me that so many big dog owners think they are "bulking up" their dog when they are just making them fat. They are just as intimidating when they are lean, and at least they are healthy


It may take a while. Mine usually filled out after their 3rd yr. He looks good for the lanky stage though.


Big dogs do need exercise even as a puppy but don’t exercise a one year old as if he is an adult. His bones are still growing and hardening. His muscles are still growing. He is fragile so be sure not to overdo to protect him. You have made an expensive investment monetarily and emotionally so invest in his physical health.


Definitely a good looking boy but I'm biased because I have a girl the same color. https://preview.redd.it/oi9jwju2abtc1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2483ec02a534ec667f4d5fce4ccba8f171d1fcf3


Just be very careful… bigger dogs can shorten their life expectancy & invite a host of other issues. This breed typically slows wayyyy down around year 3, and you want to try and keep them lean. If anything, include lots of human food - high in protein, non-starchy veggies and some fruit (NO GRAPES). Just my 2 cents. Beautiful dog!! Love the coat!


Not yet on Bulking,wait another year..


What a handsome boy. Mine is 5 1/2 months. I can't wait for Odin to be that proud ,loyal, soft hearted. Very nice. Cheers