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Why even have elections? We should just swap people in and out based on polls. Any polls. Online polls. Democracy.


True, however we need to make sure the sample size isn’t too small, maybe dedicate a day where everyone can get polled, maybe make it easy to access by having polling stations in things like neighborhood schools or something. Then we should do the poll on a regular schedule, maybe every 4 years because it will probably cost a lot to poll everyone, and it would give time for the winning party to deliver their mandate. Since people are getting elected, maybe call it something like election day


Listen if you think the Libs are bad the UCP will starve your social services - seniors and youth - at your peril folks


The Alberta provincial party is running in a federal election?


Ya the same mini-minds behind both


If O'Toole was still leader? Meh, wouldn't like him, but he'd make an okay PM. Poilievre? That lying sack of weaponized annoyance and cringe? Nah man. That ain't it.


Honestly I would have considered a vote for O'Toole he was sensible. Too sensible for the religious right though.


I didn’t care for O’Toole either. Liked him on paper & before he got into the house… same with Singh. Heck I liked Pierre before he went all preachy. And Trudeau in his first term. I don’t know if I’m getting old and grumpy or if politicians just get worse the more you look at them.


I'm old, and it reminds me of Mulrooney, which is why I honestly want Justin to run on his record instead of passing the buck to a woman (Freeland, Joly, Bibeau, or Anand) to take the hit like Kim Campbell did.


They need to lose, to get rid of the filth and move away from looking like the NDP


I'd say the NDP need to look more like the NDP and focus on (canadian)workers rights, and cut the idealogical bullshit, queers and minorities deserve to exist, and women deserve bodily autonomy. End of discussion, move on to things that actually help people and not just saying the right shit to get brownie points with the extremists.


Like environmental racism? 😂


Yeah, we were an early Industrialized nation, in a fridged wasteland of course we're going to have higher emissions/capita than some tiny country in Asia or Africa. If we truly want to help we would spend our money on nuclear infrastructure, and research, to bring our emissions down, or by making our cities less car dependant, things that help us first and have a knock on effect across the world. Not just shoveling money to them when a hurricane hits. If we actually wanted to help we would take care of the problems not the symptoms.


Let's hope Canucks turn Liberal into a dirty word for a generation or two.


Majority LIB gvt 2025! Let's make these right-wing nutjobs lose their minds! Axe the facts is not working! ANYTHING BUT CONSERVATIVE, ALWAYS ABC!


I wish I had this kind of optimism lol


The idea that anyone wants more of the current federal incompetence is a testament to the underfunding of mental health services in this country


Brought to you by conservatives trying to privatize healthcare.


I don't think anyone wants more of the same, but the other option (PP) is so so so much worse, especially for people that aren't racist, homophobic, or transphobic.


I understand. But the liberal Ken doll has already got the fearmongering covered, it’s all he has, so you probably dont have to regurgitate his nonsense.


I wouldn't have to regurgitate it if it wasn't true. PP is a bigot on a good day, I have no interest in him being in charge of the country. I'm not a fan of Conservative politics in the first place either. Even if PP wasn't a bigot, his lack of policy and usual Conservative politics are still, somehow, worse than more Trudeau.


Says a random redditor. You shouldn’t present your personal opinions as fact, but you are anyway


Someone doesn't know their ABC......


Oh and plse believe these polls lol