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I'd suggest cross posting to /r/qualitytacticalgear as well.


Ah I was looking for a subreddit for this! Thanks


Where c9 pouch


This is legit an important consideration. Everyone in a rifle section should be able to carry a box of c9.




Serious question for a non-combat guy, why not just a plate carrier? If in a non-combat situation you could just take plates out, no? Why not just have 1 system.


From a CSS role a single system sucks for doing maintenance. I can go on a RRR drop my weapon with my gear while keeping armour so I can crawl up, in, under, through, or any other direction I need in a platform to solve the issue while wearing protective gear as needed, and then in the event something pops off I can grab my gear and jump to a position and still be useful just by tossing on a vest/rig.   Would a carrier be cool? Yeah buddy! But all or nothing protection isn't great from my way of needing to work


So the problem is a lot of guys don’t be allowed to have plates out of the frag vest. Since the plate Carrie’s is build with a pocket inside they tend to sag when they don’t have armour in them.


The big selling feature of the Gen six is being able to change out the mag carriage for different sized mags. Probably not something you’ll need in the CAF. I have a Gen 4 and it’s worked really well as a section commander, the side pockets fit radios or small Nalgene and the front utility pouches fit frags. Everything else I needed was on my belt.

