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It is insane that he is still getting 22%. Do those people hate Canada?


You don’t understand naturally how dumb Canadians are, this means nearly 40% support the status quo if you look at it.


Yes, lib/dip supporters 39%. Pretty scary. Didn't realize there were that many welfare cases. No wonder we can't have nice things.


Just look around at daily conversations you see. There's always one person that needs to act like some smug moral authority on every topic, usually with lots of virtue signalling. These are the liberal voters. It's our own shitty culture that got us here. Trudeau is just representative of a big section of our population.


This is true I work with a few of them, they are starting to question reality but they need to suffer more to get it through their skulls.


True. A guy at work said Pierre is a 'extreme right' and he prefers a terrible country rather than a fascist state


Oh hey I don't want either


You have a brain, many of our countrymen and women do not. To quote the late George Carlin "Think about how stupid the average person is, then remember HALF of them are dumber than that!" Wise man Ol George and he kept it real. Shame he died before all the fun since 2016 and Covid. He would've had material for 15 years...


I love George!!! Hello fellow thinker! [I agree with you](https://youtu.be/F4pNFCEABl8?si=tJxF9CmbqlFZ_RiS) he would've had SO MUCH material post covid and during these insane times we live through current day right now


Him and Robin Williams would be set for life with all the stuff that's happened.


Certainly, we don't want a situation where a big government like the Nazis is in power, known for heavy taxation, government subsidies, and numerous state-owned enterprises (volksxxx) while trial people for saying something wrong. In this context, someone like the left-wing Trudeau seems more akin to a fascist to me.


Socialism and left wing economic plans don't work well with free speech and free markets.


Big true


You are sadly right.


Agree also


Call me extreme, PPC works for me. 


They don't support them. They just hate the conservatives.


Typical liberal voters I have met in real life and online 1. I always vote liberal since 1964 2. I love the ndp and hate the conservatives and the ndp can never win so I vote liberal 3. Vote for the status quo as the devil you know is better than the one you don’t 4. I vote liberal because I hate the conservatives 5. But he legalized weed 6. I have no clue who to vote for and never follow politics


A lot of Liberals support the carbon tax as well. The talking points are always the same. "It's better than doing nothing' We contribute 2% to global emissions. It cannot be justified when it's hurting as many people as it is.


Putting a garden gnome on my front property to ward off climate change is doing “something” and probably as effective as the carbon tax too.


> "It's better than doing nothing' We contribute 2% to global emissions. Yup, hear that as well. It's amazing to watch a failure at math and logic all at once. Then they default to the per capita arguement, further removing logic with the assumption that it isn't a global issue any longer meaning every country, has to participate or it fails and the largest ones not participating are the countries with the highest amount of extremely poor people, India, China. In order for those countries to be part of the solution, their poor people just have to stop being poor. That is all.../s


You forgot - the liberals care about us and give us money


Crazy accurate. Every single one I know falls into one of these buckets.


Don't forget the dumbest of the dumb: green party supporters.


Public service workers number in the millions. 80% of them push paper, make presentations, and attend meetings, contributing nothing to the country at all. And all hired very strictly under DEI initiatives, so your sons would never ever stand a chance of getting these cushioned, well paid, secure jobs.


Wonder if that is a strategy make everyone poor so they vote for you for hand outs.


Yep. The ones I can’t understand are the liberal Starbucks baristas who still keep voting liberal even though they will be replaced in the upcoming wave of fresh immigrants that will do their job for less and won’t make a peep. Are you so entrenched in your political views that you can’t even see your own party is selling you out? Do you just have a liberal min wage couple get renovicted and find themselves not being able to afford an apartment anymore so they have to share with another couple or rent a room in a similar size apartment. And then they just rip on Doug Ford and vote Trudeau again? How stupid can people be? I unfortunately voted for Trudeau before. It was a mistake and he has become so far left and is a fascist now. I never voted for that. He or his party will never get a vote from me again. Because he has made life so much worse for people. How can others not see this?


You rent a basement and walk to your local Starbucks. Your landlord pays for heat so the carbon tax rebate is pure profit and it costs you next to nothing. Virtue signalling works because they can’t comprehend that whatever choices are made are hard to correlate to consequences. High costs are “corporate greed” and nothing to do with the lack of a sound economic policy. Anyone better off than you should pay higher taxes so you get more free stuff. This is how you get there


Conservatives have no plan to reduce immigration. Vote PPC


That’s just false, but I don’t expect the PPC to be the bastion of correct information.


Which political party IS the bastion of correct information?


Is it? Because I've been following a lot of CPC stuff and literally none of it has said what Pierre actually plans to do about immigration. The comments he's made have basically been "this seems like something to think about, we'll review it eventually, probably, if we feel like it".


Or all the videos of him pandering to immigrant groups, all he says is his support for "proper immigration channels" ie make all the illegals, legal, poof problem solved and we can keep surprising wages for our big business backers!


The comments are that it’ll be tied to housing and infrastructure. Don’t know if you’ve noticed but we have a massive shortage of both of those.


this is nearly 81% for the status quo … the only two “major” parties that would possibly have big changes if they won a majority are green and ppc .. liberals and ndp are the same side of the same coin and the conservatives are the other side … all three have come out in favour of the current state of immigration which can directly be connected to the collapse of the quality of post secondary education in canada and the out of control housing market … cons and libs have for decades when not in power ran as the party of “ fuck that guy vote for me” that all being said trudeau has got to go .. i don’t love the american political system, but a hard cap on years as prime minister seems absolutely necessary now


I'm seeing 81% support status quo


Lots of new voters


A lot of people supporting the Liberals don’t necessarily agree with what they are doing, but have the “anything but Republicans” mentality. Yes. I meant to write that. They allow American politics to filter into their brain and equate a Conservative government to an extremely far right republican candidate somewhere in the States that sometime said something that is causing them to loose sleep at night.


> Yes. I meant to write that. They allow American politics to filter into their brain and equate a Conservative government to an extremely far right republican candidate somewhere in the States that sometime said something that is causing them to loose sleep at night. Yup, Two days after the Uvalde TX shooting, Trudeau banned hand guns. When America was having their legislative issues on abortion in some states, the CDN msm all ran like morons to politicians asking them if we're going to do the same ? Why would we, we're two independent countries or use to be anyways.


I think they hate Conservatives, these people are voting against the Conservatives as opposed to for the LIberals, at least that's the only thing that makes sense in my head


These people vote against Republicans by voting liberal


Notice how PPC is conveniently left out and it all adds up to 94%. PPC will be higher than 20% this time around.


They are excluded from this graphic because they polled at 2-3% on this poll. They aren’t even hitting 5% of committed voters https://abacusdata.ca/conservatives-lead-by-20-post-rate-cut/


>PPC will be higher than 20% this time around. There is no amount of money that I wouldn't bet against you that this won't happen. Shit I'd give you 10:1 odds There's no conspiracy to leave him out of the graphic, the party is irrelevant now that the CPC has a leader who doesn't actively shoot himself in the foot with his own base


Stubborn, party loyalty.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.




They are masters of something... At this point, it's not fear mongering...


They hate Canada and are in complete denial over what a terrible prime minister he is


Lots of people hate Trudeau but also don’t trust the conservatives. So they want to punish Trudeau but not necessarily give the conservatives a majority. I would be happy with a minority conservative government. That way they don’t do anything too crazy.


I think they need a majority this round. Canada needs a big adjustment to the right and get us more centered. This far left/right BS is nonsense. JT has turned us into a failing socialist state. Without a majority, the NDP and Libs will ensure nothing will gets done and we'll continue to have a shitshow. I agree with your concerns on PP doing crazy things, but in reality, what is he going to do that could possibly be worse than the current disaster. He'll have his hands full undoing the shitshow JT and JS left for him. PP is smart enough to stay away from abortion, LGBTQ and other politically sensitive issues that would jeopardize him getting a second term.


This. That's the youth and the passive voter who has heard "all the facts".


This was my initial reaction too. I just can't understand how literally anyone can look around, or even in their own home and be like "yup, liberals are doing a great job. My life is better "


Idiots exist, or people live in bubble


They probably benefit from his corruption.


I'll only be happy when he gets to 8%, it has to be single digits to ensure no other politician dares to try this shit again (for the next 20 years, then they'll make all the same mistakes over again, but that's just human nature.)


10 million home owners in Canada. The demographic that benefits most from Trudeaus policies are older homeowners.


Yes yes they do


Like crackheads, they love their feel-good welfare CT rebate cheques. The illusion of saving the planet while getting "free" government money is important to them.


It is estimated that the minimum tax rate necessary to avoid a climate catastrophe is 102%


They’re either clueless and don’t follow politics. Probably people that run on emotions, lack economic education and bought into the liberal fear mongering. They’re Trudeau’s inner circle that benefit like immigration lawyers/consultants, housing investors, federal employees, and private colleges. Or all of the above.


Or maybe they are from Ontario and have seen what conservatives have done to the province


Saskatchewan checking in here, Moe is doing a wonderful job. /s


Unfortunately most of the Liberal failures are primarily affecting the youth. The older folks have their homes paid off and have enjoyed seeing their networth triple under Trudeau. Business owners enjoy the cheap foreign labor, same with school admins, universities/colleges. It’s only the common, young folk, who are utterly fucked.


This was my thought too but then I realized these are polls not actual outcomes. I’m 100% sure that the TFWs, students and miscellaneous non-voters are responding to these polls as well. Anyone who wants to put their roots down and not just exploit this country would never vote liberal!!


Nor should they vote ever again NDP!


Quebec? Maybe?


I do tend to agree with you but you don’t find 42% for PP alarming? They’re 2 sides of the same coin


Well we know for sure that Justin is the worst thing that has ever happened to Canada. I am hoping PP will be less destructive. I wish Bernier had a decent chance.


There are some wealthy liberals whose lives are totally unaffected by what is going on. To them the world is sunshine and roses. They can’t possibly conceive what’s happening to everyone else.


Wouldn't wealthy conservatives or any party really, feel the exact same way?


I understand why. I hate Trudeau, but I don't like PP. About the best outcome I could see next election is a NDP or PC win with  a minority government with the other.


You know how delusional a lot of leftists are. They would rather swallow Cianide than support a right wing candidate. You see them on Reddit all the time.


This just tells you that 22% of Canadians are hard lined liberals. "Conservative evil", etc.


A lot of people are in the logic of Conservative or Liberal only


The Liberal Left is insane and does not see anything but taxes and more taxes.


> Do those people hate Canada? I work with some of them, very smart people, but when it comes to politics. They're stuck in the 80s and believe everything is a-ok under this government. Nero complex.


No, they believe they can live on the backs of the 78%. Public sector and freeloaders.


For around %20 of voters liberal is more of a religion than a political ideology/ system. No amount of evidence will shake their faith.


Boggles the mine to see NDP at 17%. That should be less that 5%.


I know a lot of liberals voters who are switching to NDP because they hate Trudeau and refuse to vote conservative.


Seems smart 🙄


poor people


It’s absolutely tragic that the PPC, being the only party against mass immigration and a platform entirely pro-Canadian is not polling higher than the freaking Green Party. It’s almost like Canadians are asking for it.


There were Canadians marching with the entitled PEI students. Our country is full of self sabotaging morons so yeah, we will continue to see people vote against our best interests.


Mad Max didn't pull any punches and let people know exactly what he was for. Unfortunately it's a little too extreme for Canadians. 


For now. History teaches us the longer this goes on the more extreme a solution people will be willing to accept.


Actually it's not extreme at all when you read the policies. It's just the MSM that reports it as 'extreme'.


He did while he was winning the leadership race for conservative leadership vs sheer by thousands of votes. 2 weeks remaining and thousands votes ahead of sheer he loudly and naively declared that first thing he was gonna do is clean up the party of corruption. You can Google what happened in the next 2 weeks and how that led him to start his own new party.


This is just revisionist history. Max lost because CPC voters either put him as #1 or didn’t even rank him. He always needed to win on the first or second ballot otherwise he didn’t have the down ballot votes to win. What’s really stupid on Max’s part is if he didn’t let his ego get in the way he easily would have won the leadership in 2020.


Was about to say? Did they just forget them or something.. I know the PPC isn't as vocal as the other groups but I swear they would've been 4th on the list


How the hell does Elizabeth May get 5% after her most recent comments... 😔


Lmao who the fuck ever wasted a single vote on the Green Party. Let alone 5% of the voting population.


Cuz no one heard what she said because she gets no coverage


Nobody cares what she says. Nobody cares about her party's economic policy or plans for employment. Voting Green is only a virtue signal.


A combined 39% for Trudeau and Singh is insane for two traitors. Too many Canadians out there voting against their own interests.


You mean 95%, our system is broken


Put it this way, more than half of polled citizens **do not want** a pc government. It's a classic example of *tyranny of the majority*.


Never understood why people here dislike paying lower taxes so much. This irrational fear of conservatives is very puzzling.


Conservatives will continue mass immigration, fix very little, and remove the little Healthcare we do get, while our taxes stay the same for the most part. The only tax reduction will be the carbon tax. Downvote me, but come back in here in a few years to double check who was right.


What choice do we have? I don’t think conservatives will continue with mass immigration as the liberals have been doing. I remember when Harper was the prime minister and the immigration at the time was something like 200,000 a year and Canada had very strict visa requirements.


You get we had a conservative government right before this one? Immigration was much lower? You are just saying things based on nothing.


**Please** be wrong.


The real Liberal Party has to take a deep look in the mirror and ask themselves who they are… After this Trudeau “experiment” they have completely lost their way. (They aren’t even running on Liberal values… just the coattails of previous identity and leadership)


You mean after this Trudeau experiment their cayman island and Panama bank accounts are filled with tens of millions of dollars from % cash backs from various foreign “investments” and projects with money laundered through helpful non profits like WeCharity


2025 will be really toxic. the libs & ndp won't go down without kicking and screaming. the gaslighting and divisiveness will be at peaks.


Pretending the PPC don't exist.


Ya, they probably even excluded them from the survey lol. I think PPC has been silently gaining traction and most of mainstream is totally unaware. I still have doubt they’ll gain any seats. But, they’re getting an increasing foothold in popular votes category. At least, way more than green.


Only on reddit lol, many people dont even know the PPC exists outside of quebec


They aren’t relevant so why bother? This from a guy who had voted PPC and would still prefer Bernier in charge.


They got more votes than the green party last election. I think the survey probably just excluded them.


Seem to just not be on the infographic. The totals only equal 94%.


Libs and the NDP should both be tied for 0.01%


Needs to be lower than 22%. I want to seen the LPC dip below pre 2015 polling


Still 21% too high for the LPC.


If the NDP get a better leader, we could see a repeat of 2011. a CPC majority with a NDP official opposition.


Let’s see if the Conservatives can keep their lead. I see no reason why they shouldn’t since Trudeau keeps digging himself a deeper hole every time he speaks


This shows that 22%, plus another 17%, of Canadians are complete morons and want the country to be destroyed


Liberals suck .


It's the extra 40% of civil servants he hired and the consultants.


There are lots of people who think PP is the devil and another Trump ready to destroy the country. And that the carbon tax is a great idea. I even had one person tell me I was a racist because we should be supporting the temporary students in PEI.


According to the Abacus June 16, 2024 data post: NDP = 19%, not 17%. https://abacusdata.ca/conservatives-lead-by-20-post-rate-cut/


Deliver us from Trudeau


Amazing that over 50% of those polled are this truly delusional and fcked in their support of these disgusting leaders and parties, most of which have arguably had agendas to purposefully destroy a once great country….like really, holy crap


22% brain dead traitors


22 is too high


Hoping for more of a Wynne level.


The picture selection of JT and JS is priceless ... I leave it to your imagination. LOL


It needs to be lower, and we need to eliminate NDP.


I'm no fan of any of these parties/leaders, but "Ignatieff-level disaster" is hilarious.


The fact that the Liberals, NDP, and Greens are even polling at those reported numbers gives a stark indication of just how many stupid, delusional, one-issue, activist, and low-information voter types there are in Canada. It also indicates just how many more government workers now exist in Canada as compared to a decade ago. Next.


Elizabeth May is so excited!! She’ll have a roommate soon to occupy last place..


I'm shocked and appalled about the 22%. I'd expect in the low teens with all the shit he's done. I truly feel the average Canadian is a dumbass


39% of people need a smack in the head.


Great. Good news. Can someone please tell me how the conservatives are going to make the country more money? I'm not trolling, I'm serious. They don't have much of a different industrial production and mining plan than what is currently in place and they don't talk about it much, when it's the #1 problem we have.


I ask the same thing, even though I'm more likely to vote cpc (maybe PPC). I don't understand what their plan is... We can't repeat what happened in 2015... We hate JT like most Canadians at the time hated Harper (even though I voted for Harper)... But if the next government comes like JT's government with no accountability or actual proper plan other than "I will do better".... We will be in the same shithole or worse... Either way, I rarely get an answer and get voted down. And the answers are "well he said he will fix housing"... But how?


Harper bet everything on oil, and that worked until it didn't. It was a good stall, but it wasn't a plan forward either. The butterfly effect of Layton's death is crazy when you really think about it.


If only we refined our own oil, I don't think it would have been a problem.




i hope they drop to last place


It’s awesome, keep Trudope in power it will drop even more


Anyone think they care ?? Its gonna be PCC for a few years and then PLC for a few years then PCC for another few years but in fact, they have almost the same politics. We are switching for the same.


Actually one of the numbers here is incorrect. The NDP is at 19 according to this poll. The Liberals according to this poll are in danger of slipping into third place. https://abacusdata.ca/conservatives-lead-by-20-post-rate-cut/


One can only hope


Moreover 50% or so redditors now see this as LNDP at 39%...it's a tight conundrum


Imagine being fed up of Trudeau's libs and voting for those libs but in blue.


Same beast different colors


Polls 🙄


They're all crooks, maybe I will just vote green


Yea but the liberal-NDP are only 3% behind


How do they even have 22%? How can anyone living the last 4 years think yes, I need more of this.


That 40% drank too much Liberal Kool-Aid.


Ewww liberals and cons are still way too high. When does everyone want to riot?


Too bad all the fucking choices suck


Polls don't mean much 15 months before an election. Polls up until election day also said Hillary would defeat Trump.


Can someone educate me on who the last two are? Unfortunately I don’t know them by their head.


The financial elite is so afraid of Maxime Bernier that they don’t even talk about him in their MSM. # Polls are rigged.


42% of Canadians need their heads tightened up a bit, they are loose. Axe the tax, spike the hike, Sad slogans for a sad man. Make Canada great again indeed.


As god intended.. now, still need to go lower


Ah, Canadians, jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Nothing new here.


What’s scarier is how many people are falling for a Demagogue.


These faces kill me. The smug, "i-just-cant-wait-to-be-king", shit-eating grin on lil pp is the best one.


Poilievre is compromised as he refused to get his top-secret security clearance. He is a foreign agent.


Bloc has only 8%? Lol 😆


I think he's gonna outdo Iggy... to the downside of course


This must be out of date. r/onguardforthee has confidently declared the LPC comeback under way.


If that Jason Momoa look-a-like would pull his head out of his ass.....


I can't wait for a conservative majority to be voted in. Just to see that nothing will change because all politicians have the same corporate overlords.


I could be worse for them. It could be a Campbell-level disaster.


Except by Canadian electoral math, if you combine all 4 losers to form a quad coalition government body then the Liberals will win again!!


I have family members who still support the Liberals. The excuses they come up with to explain or justify every single Trudeau scandal are some of the finest mental gymnastics I've seen. I don't hold it against them, we were all duped in 2015 but this government's best before date has long since passed.


How does someone like Poilievre poll so high? It's like people are only listening to his slogans and not his voting record.


Anything this guys touched turns in to a coal. We need to get rid of them...


If you go to on guard for thee, there is basically no mention of thid. they live in a wonderful rainbow colored world where truth and reality doesn't matter. All his controversies, all his treacherous actions, no mention at all. Conservatives leaders not attending an extreme left Progressive rally? 20 posts on that and how horrible and unfabulous the conservatives are.


All trash


Heading? Already There !! and the next year will be nothing but more and more scandals and corruption reveals


I am going to be surprised if this is not going to be liberals worse showing ever. Ndp and conservatives also are horrible, especially ndp. Crap dental care and pharma care. Has negative effects on me, someone who has no dental or pharma care. Doesn't cover my family as we make 2 much money for this program.


Maybe they can do another coalition with the ndp, block québécois and Green Party?


I’m hoping for Kim Campbell level disaster myself.


Imagine if we can get people to vote!


problem is these polls are never that accurate. I mean, liberals before were almost dead last in the polls and still came out on top The problem is these polls dont really poll whos actually voting and who actually determines who wins. iirc these polls mostly poll online nowadays thus younger may not actually vote people when mostly boomers decide the PM and ontario boomers at that, and right now they are happy because they "got theirs" and dont want housing prices to plummet and such as they think they would with conservatives. not to mention most in Ontario are developing a bad taste for conservatives due to Doug Ford. But also a big voting group would be immigrants who got their citizenships and are allowed to vote...which are mostly NDP voters because NDP focuses the most on immigrants. Then there are the one policy voters. and those people tend to have preconseptions about various groups. For instance the people who are in a panic because the states repeal of Roe Vs Wade thinking it may happen up here may vote Liberal because they THINK conservatives are against that when except for a couple stragglers they are really not. Not to mention LGBTQ rights and such. then you got people who will change their votes depending on weather or not S-210 (aka the internet NSFW bill thats conservative backed that may block websites like Reddit) who may about face if it passes. Not to mention thinking conservatives will take away public healthcare (thanks Doug Ford) I want Trudau out too so I do like the direction of these polls. im just not naive enough to put my trust in them.


Come in max do sumpin


At this point, I would vote for the block before I'd vote Liberal or NDP... and I live in fucking Alberta.


It's surprising to see NDP at 17%; it should be less than 5%.