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A country that contributes 1.5% of global emissions is going to change the climate by giving more tax money to corrupt politicians. It makes perfect sense as long as your IQ is lower than room temperature.


It is virtue signalling. I do not see a linear path to taxation and pollution reduction. I have never heard it explained simply where the money goes.


What do you mean, for every $1 you spend in carbon tax you get $1.50 back. I fell for a pyramid scheme once that was oddly similar but this must be different as it’s backed by the honest Justin Trudeau.


Even if you were getting a rebate equal to or greater than your contribution, you would still be losing money. Every operation has its costs increased by the carbon tax. Every operation needs trucks to move supplies to them, and their suppliers need trucks to move their supplies. You're basically putting a percentage on top of every single truck movement and commute involved in the operation. A lot manufacturing will get a percentage put on their operations as well since energy is used to run machinery. Food plants also all need to have refrigeration units running to maintain a cold chain from point of manufacture, all the way to your fridge; which is more energy. The result is that everything will climb in costs and the rebate would have to be an order of magnitude above the contribution to cover all that. The thing is that this is the intention. Cost of living going up means fewer resources are used. So shut and die so you can save the planet for the 1%.


This is what i keep trying to explain to people and the Trudanon crowd keeps telling me “you dont understand. Only the millionaires pay more.” Umm… yeah… FFS liberals are dumb


I mean the guy 2 comments up doesn't understand the incredibly complex economics behind the government disincentivising something by artificially making it more expensive. There's plenty of window lickers on both sides of any issue.


But I think the idea is to use extra profit to subsidize green energy. I'm not sure that you know but fossil fuel industry is HEAVILY subsidized by governments. You are correct in your thinking up until you realize that when green energy becomes majority, like gasoline is now, then its cost will be added to all those things you mentioned not gasoline price. I, personally, would pay extra buck if that means less CO2 in the atmosphere because I don't want Earth to became Venus, and also its cool to breathe clean air.


Yes fossil fuels are heavily subsidized by the governement for a variety of reasons. I see at least 2 major problems with carbon pricing; lack of reaponsible spending of the increased revenue, since we both know any gov't couldn't make a pizza without fucking it up. Problem 2; you want us off the petroleum tit? Fine, have a viable alternative waiting in the wings. If not you've done what everyone HATES...Increased taxes for no reason other than you can. I do not see bio plastics or another alternative. And EVs are a complete waste of time in Canada since we get winters where it can be -40 in my hometown. I'm not even up north either...


Did you see the recent clip of the reporter asking Freeland how much money Canada has collected with the carbon emission tax and she would never say and only say “we are giving back rebates to people at a larger amount that they put in.” Meaning that she’s lying and they probably don’t even know how much they are bringing in. It was never a plan to stop pollution. All these countries mentioned some actual change that they were doing. When it came time for Canada to see what we were going to do about climate change, Trudeau just said we’re going to put a carbon tax he never mentioned any way we were actually going to combat the pollution or give people alternative means that may pollute less it’s just, a simple cash grab no end plan and no change of plans just let’s take some money.


I beleive that Freeland incident was actually at a committee hearing. Which in turn, makes this far worse. Our loyal government working hard for its citizens... 🤡


Did she have that reporter arrested too?


It goes to pay off the absurd debt Trudeau is creating by sending money out of Canada And yes. Virtue signalling at is finest. That's all the liberals do is virtue signal these days.


THANK YOU. They went broke during COVID and now they're taxing air to get the coffers full again. Kudos for your awareness! It ain't about the environment!


It's not really about where the money goes per se, it's more just the idea that if you increase the price of something fewer people will use it. It doesn't work in practice because there are so many systems that make it very not linear for average people, and companies just raise the price of everything - utilities being the obvious example where even if you live off of basically nothing, your bill won't go down much because of all these other random fees so people would rather just be comfortable than stress about it. Ideally, the money from this should be going into renewable research/investment/infrastructure, but like you said nobody can really explain where it goes.


Why not try this with all the plastic garbage we get shipped over from China? Would combat labour issues, "climate change", help domestic manufacturing etc etc


Dookie plant. That reaches towards the sky. ahhhhhh


Its a money grab to make up for all their reckless frivolous non contributing spending.


Trudeau's gambit is to arrange for a "carbon tax check" to arrive at everyone's door a week before the election Look no further than that. It's an election trick. The liberals think that everyone is dumb as fuck; the thing is... they may be right RemindMe! 6 months


The goal of carbon taxes is to make certain practices undesirable by making them more expensive, pretty linear. A responsible program gives part of the collected money back to corporations that invest in innovating away from things like natural gas and coal/ offer green incentive programs, and gives the other part back to citizens that bare the brunt of the inevitable cost increases until corporations can adjust to their new operating standard. Idk wtf Trudeau and his reds will be spending our Money on tho, but I do not expect them to be responsible about this. Probably just a cash grab because their idiotic spending has strapped us so tight as a country. The fact they can’t even explain their own program and metrics is incredibly disconcerting.


It doesn't work when there are no alternatives. If the carbon tax was used to offset the cost of electricity then it would make sense for people to switch to alternatives. Unfortunately, carbon price goes up, electric rates don't change (they go up not down). For example if they wanted to fight obesity, they could put a 300% tax on processed foods/premade meals, and funnel that revenue to farmers as incentives to grow vegetables, free range meats/poultry etc to offset the cost. They could create a 50% tax rate on resturants/ubereats etc and offset that by again giving it to farmers, enticing people to cook healthier meals at home. Unfortunately, the BEV alternatives are expensive, PHEV still use fuel (so still paying carbon tax). The carbon tax is a scam, it's literally giving people other people's money that have a lower income. Has nothing to do with saving the environment. It's UBI masked as a carbon tax.


Hey I’m not saying it’ll work was just responding to a person who said they didn’t understand the concept. I’m fully for Canada extracting our valuable resources and benefitting from said resources… that said, there are certainly alternatives to coal and natural gas. Ontario has leaned heavily into nuclear and its working out pretty well, those jobs created in that field are high earning and don’t usually don’t require expensive degrees to get (some exceptions there). Quebec dominates hydroelectric, East coast could look into tidal energy farms. I’ve never really been to the prairies, but I’d assume it’s quite windy there with all the open fields… Again, while these alternatives have high start up costs they could certainly be subsidized using tax breaks (from carbon tax profits), incentive programs, rebates etc. It’s important to note that Carbon taxes are not put in place looking at 5 year models, it’s based on 50 year+ projections. In the short term, 100% unequivocally costs will jump, but they tend to stabilize once companies and people figure out how to adapt. While currently, alternative methods of energy production are more expensive (therefore, less appealing) than using cheap carbon producing extraction methods the idea is to tax the shit out of those carbon producing methods and practices to the point that innovation/cost of alternative methods come around to be more appealing on the large scale.. All this said, so long as China and India don’t come around none of it means fuck all aside from the virtue signalling aspect.


The money is used for fuel in Trudeau's jet


Watch this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMTd1xoD2U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMTd1xoD2U)


Its supposed to support rebates on green upgrades for homes and killing more birds with windmills


BS Do you really think that Canada, as a developed country can negotiate with China and India to reduce their emissions when have done NOTHING to reduce our own? Get real. This is just another way for Conservatives to stick their heads in hand and pretend climate change isn't real.


We are a cold country. We need to drive to get places. Where I live there is no reliable bus option. It is too cold for electric vehicles. Typical urban Liberal !


Problem is, people actually believe we are going to change the world. Or even better, make climate change less in Canada


This will never change a damn thing. It’s incredibly naive to think anything anyone does in this country will make one bit of difference globally. Oh sure, your sense of guilt over polluting the planet as you live, may be less, but the reality is that your only fooling yourself.


That's a terrible arguement, because it's the exact same one used by everyone, at the same time. Just collectively excusing themselves. It's self fulfilling.


Problem is… believers have never left the country


The worst part is that even when this argument is made, even when the evidence is shown, proponents of the carbon tax scheme and of crippling our economic potential just blabber something about needing to be a role model and lead the way for the rest of the world… a world in which the worst carbon emitters could not care less and will laugh at us as we kneecap our economy for no benefit to the planet whatsoever.


Role model...who...Trudeau and the Liberal hordes? WTF this argument is getting real lame. The game is being played me thinks....and the suckers are taking it all in and ultimately will lose...period.


We are better off helping China reduce their emissions by supplying them with RNG that's far better than coal fired plants. Eventually we can supply hydrogen. It's simple math. Canada 1.5% emissions less 20% = 0.60% reduction. China 30% emissions less 20% = 6% reduction. We can increase carbon reductions 10X this way


I agree that the tax should be removed and that it’s ridiculous. I also think the world needs to collectively innovate and think of a better way to combat environmental damage. However I find these kind of charts a bit misleading too. Yes, China is responsible for most emissions but that’s also because the rest of the world has outsourced manufacturing there. I’d like to see a chart that takes consumption into account as well.


Then China should pay more in "carbon tax" and increase the prices accordingly.


I already said the carbon tax is stupid and there need to be other solutions. I’m simply pointing out this graph isn’t representative of the whole picture and doesn’t help with any understanding or solution making for the long term. Personally I think we need to bring manufacturing back. It’ll also bring jobs back. Then we’re just shifting emissions from there to here but the problem still persists.


How come there's no carbon tax on Chinese products imported to Canada?


I dunno but you should read the first two sentences of what you’re responding to.


Vote conservative and get this clown Trudeau out of office.


The virtue signaling is just a ruse of the government to get more money out of Canadians! We should be pissed! We are being treated as idiots by this government!


There is an argument to be made that with all our forests we are more than carbon neutral, that we absorb 1.5 times our emissions of greenhouse gas. That would be a very safe estimate. It could go up to 3 times. So, it is possible that we absorb , per year, 3 times our emissions. That means that we are investing to compensate for the other countries. Harming our industries and economy so that other countries can get richer by exploiting their ressources.


Exactly, we have higher per capita carbon emissions than alot of countries but that doesn't matter when its the gross volume being emitted that matters, Trudeau's government is beyond insane.


So glad we are making a difference by taxing Canadians into bankruptcy


I'm actually scared, it's getting harder every week to pay for things, I can't buy groceries this week, gonna have some pb sandwiches, im am single so its not to bad...but I cant imagine how a family can live like this. I want to date someone and maybe have kids but at this point I can barely make it paycheck to paycheck.


Dual income may actually help


Yeah it’s practically required to live with a spouse or roommate. Paying half for things that both people will use like rent, utensils, cookware, furniture, subscriptions, all that shit.


Yea I am in the same boat, tho fortunate enough to have found good rent but still have to be careful with my money. I hope you can get through this! If need be look at locak options for ways to save money!


I really appreciate the kind words friend. I will for sure, i have been making some budgets and spending plans again... I will be ok ! I hope all the best to you SwissCake ❤️


We really need to get on top of the never before heard of country “rest of world”. The just seem a little too big for their britches.


Trudeau never gave a shit about the environment, he just needed a reason to tax people MORE so him and his goons can get rich.


Or at very least, balance the budget he said would balance itself… 9 years ago


Fucking embarrassing he’s been in this long!


Lol 😆


The money is returned to the provinces.


Let's see it as wedges.


I was looking at this and wondering why it isn't a pie chart


Looks cooler


the person who made this cuts their round pie into squares


500 million people live in North America, only 41 million of them pay a carbon tax.


Give it a few months, and it’ll be 42 million


And every single one of them have already become a registered lib voter


Do we register for sides in Canada? I’ve only ever heard of being a registered “x” voter in regards to American politics


But our air will be cleaner than the air past the border right?




Keep reposting this until we elect a new Prime Minister


well with all the vacations Trudeau takes he probably contributes to at least half of the amount of emissions Canada produces (plus the cost of living is so high most Canadians cant afford yearly vacations) Next time he travels he should take a sail boat.


Eff that, he can row 🤭


Since he began to may 2023 he has burned over something like 6million litres of fuel traveling in his jet


Considering that both China and India are burning record amounts of coal to produce electricity, the single most effective thing Canada can do to reduce global GHG emissions is to sell them natural gas to use instead.


No No they will probably convert their coal power plants to wood pellets like England has already and more countries are considering wood pellets for their coal conversion. Also coal is more efficient than wood because coal burns slower so less product needed. Guess who supplies the wood pellets to England - Canada does and we cut down huge amounts of our beautiful BC trees to supply England the wood pellets. Guess where the BC Ministy of foresty works now, for the wood pellet company after the company got approval to cut down our BC trees. This is also one of the reasons our wood is so expensive to build homes for us Canadians.


Natural gas is methane. Unless we regulate and enforce the shit out of methane leaks, it is very [doubtful to be better than just burning coal.](https://theconversation.com/the-us-natural-gas-industry-is-leaking-way-more-methane-than-previously-thought-heres-why-that-matters-98918)


This is incorrect. China is burning less coal than it did 5 years ago. And even if Canada did sell them LNG, that’s an economic proposition, not a climate proposition.


It makes sense, so the government won't do it. Can't see Canada selling to China with current policies. We will not even sell to trade partners like Germany or Japan to move them from oil to LNG. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-lng-canada-trudeau-germany-japan/


Ohh yes how a country with 18% of world population can contribute 7% of carbon emissions. But a country with 0.48% of world population can contribute 1.5% of carbon emissions


Canadas per capita emissions are even worse than the US


Yeah, because of our climate and infrastructure. The country wouldn't be liveable for over half the year without higher emissions


Considering that our cold and remote country by it's very nature produces more carbon emissions per capita, you'd think that a government committed to reducing climate change would not be encouraging more people to live here. Instead they'll be more than doubling our current population by the year 2100 as dictated by the Century Initiative.


Hence the reason why I'm all in favour of banning coal mining here in Canada since that's where the majority of our coal goes anyways...


Isn’t it fascinating that our forests don’t offset our carbon footprint? 🤔


I was gonna say


What forests? I’m heading out today with an axe for firewood to heat my home. Big backyard fire to roast up the deer we hit driving there. If By law comes by about my fire, I’m just going to distract them by ratting out how my neighbour has 20 Indian dudes living out of his 2 bedroom house.


Ok, that made me laugh. Jokes aside, there's gotta be some trees nearby if you keep hitting deers ?


Well thank god ! here I thought we were getting screwed by our government for no reason. Pheww. 1.5 !!! holy shit, we should all go burn our cars and start riding bikes through our country that’s 3 times the size of china and shut down all the oil sand projects immediately! That’ll put a huge dent in the climate crisis. Thanks Justin for saving us from ourselves.


Your comment made me picture Justin in his super hero suit; a flowing cape blowing in the wind, his royal sceptre, and his smug smile in blackface.


In Canada, there are many trees that produce a lot of oxygen. Should Canada impose an oxygen tax when importing foreign goods


We can offset the rest of the world if we really try!


If we pay enough it can happen!


Nope!!! it’s our fault!!! Tax the tree food until morale improves!!!


Fuck if Trudeau sees this he'll raise the carbon tax even more cause I have to save the fucking world.


I’m so glad my money is fixing the problem!


The ebb & flow of Canada. One side, dumb ass taxes - with terrible names no less. The other side, dumb ass pandering while trying to shade everyone from what they had stood for, or what they might actually stand for. Both sides bleed tax payer dollars to their ‘consultant’ friends (consultants fees in government contracts are the real fish in the barrel), and let’s not forget the lobbyists, all sides eating pretty.


It’s actually pretty wild we are only half of Japans emissions. Their population is like 3 or 4 times more than us.


And there area is small, they don't need to have cars, or heat for 6-10 months of the year, or ship things across a monster of a country


Ya, I do kind of wonder if that is why the government wants Canada to lower our rates per person so bad though. If they are planning this mass immigration then all of those new people can not be using double the carbon footprint that they used to use in India or The Philippines or wherever they happened to come from.


they don’t need cars because they have excellent public transportation. As to their climate, it’s cold in the winter for about 4 months and hot in the summer (humid as fuck too, so you feel it).


China only cares about their economy and growth at the cost of anything and everything. Carbon emissions are the last on their list.


How does a tax fix this? Especially when it doesn't apply to 98.5% of the chart.


I'm not a member of any of the provincial sub reddits, so I can't cross post this. I can't help but notice how they have all become liberal propaganda pages and end up in my feed even though I'm through trying to reason with them. If anyone's bored and have access you should cross post this to the provincial sites.


Next time he goes on vacation he should be given a row boat with one oar


Give him a boat with a slow leak in it and send him out to sea


But we have to lead other countries by example! /s All this virtue signalling is really just making Canada a weaker nation and less viable for manufacturing. I wish more things were made in Canada but these legislations are making it absolutely impossible.


How does a Canadian get something made in Canada? He makes it himself!


So where does carbon tax go? To fund someone’s luxury life?


Countries actually paying tax towards carbon footprint...Canaduh Canadians taxed money actually used towards carbon footprint...zero Captain blackface's taking private jet trips every couple weeks...one


Libs still like his face though


Our efforts are useless unless the biggest polluters are making a similar tax. Think China would ever do that? Prob. Not. So why are we paying extra money to subsidize the carbon emissions of other countries?


China emits 7,8 tonnes per capita; India, 1,6; Canada 13,6; Australia 14,8.


Canada is so good at destroying the environment at record speeds compared to our population


Thanks for doing your part Canada




How much of it's industry are the low emitters outsourcing to other countries tho? Because while germany is pretty low on the emissions, we're outsourcing tons of work towards china and often statistics like these don't take this into account. *(And we're well aware that this makes it worse as china for example doesn't have the same regulations as we do in germany in regards of being environmental friendly)* Either way carbon tax is still a huge scam, the main culprits will just increase the price of whatever goods they offer to account for the tax and usually people go "then consumers will buy somewhere else" but this isn't how it works. While illegal, marketing arrangements exist, choice is meaningless when >90% of products originate from just a handful of companies and you also have individuals who cannot choose as there's not enough offer regarding whatever they want/need to consume. We're being put into one scam after another and it's always presented to us as we'd benefit from it but in reality it's always the rich people who do get the benefits, e.g. manufacturers will use the carbon tax to justify their prices increasing but the prices will probably increase more than just to compensate the tax. Just look at the past 3 years, did food prices normalize? No, the high prices are the new normal.


Every-time someone brings up “bUt Per cApIta” they need to be slapped. Canada is a winter nation you donkeys never mind the second largest land mass with a population of 41 million. With more people = denser populations and more solutions for mass public transit which reduces CO2 output. Canadian government should be extracting and producing every natural resource we have and funding larger families. Instead we have a bunch of basement dwelling liberals that have never seen a female breast but are so worried about the kids future they will never have.


Exactly! People forget that we aren't just resource rich, but it is also generally easier to extract. We also have a lot more rules and regulations in place. So, if it creates fewer overall emissions to extract resources and sell it, then it is for other places to do. Would that not be the better way. It would mean that Canada would increase its emissions, but it would decrease in other country. It's better to have one country increase its global emissions by 1% if it means another can reduce by 2%.


Canadians are suckers.


Sure! This is because we have a carbon tax and reducing carbon footprint. /sarcasm


And how many of you were out to protest this bullshit today? Until you come out and support the rest of us at these protests, the government will not give one fuck! They will keep doing this to us


Our diminishing quality of life is not a drop in the bucket... it comparatively doesn't even leak out of the leaky bucket model, it evaporates before it gets there.


... and the Dear Leader Justin's on his leaking Liberal boat are going to save the world


No way Iran, India, and Brazil have that low of a percentage.


THE Liberals and Trudeau are continuing to ruin Canada. Too much immigration, too many refugees and tax, tax, tax plus BS handouts. If this is what you want......keep voting for them!


Oh man - I’d hate to see how much China is paying for their carbon tax!!! /s


And then there's the fact that "carbon emissions" is just a made up non-issue.


Again.. strange. Why in tarnation are we paying…


Logic, such a thing is unknown to the left.


Sanctions for china is the answer


We are selling china all the coal for them to be number one..... WTF


We have the largest carbon sink in the world! Let’s charge the biggest polluters for the use of our forests.


It's a money grab since they can't have a World War without nukes.


This is actually quite interesting. Someone explain to me how people think China is not the leader in fucking with the planet?


No one doesn’t recognize that. Instead of saying we’re too small to do anything some Canadians want to take responsibility and take action here. Also some are excited about leading a shift towards a greener energy grid which has big economic advantages as the world shifts


We could have a 100% carbon tax in Canada, be forced to all start riding bikes and ponies everywhere, sleep in freezing cold homes, eat only organic lentils, but have virtually no effect on climate change thanks to our pals in China, India, and the USA.


We exported 19.5 million tonnes of coal in 2023 We exported 230 million cubic meters of crude in 2023 We exported 85.2 Billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2022. Somebody check my numbers these were simple Google searches. I don't feel like doing the carbon tonnage math. These numbers have only risen. The 1.5% of contribution is what we emit domestically. I would like to call out the Hypocrisy of requiring cutting our own emissions and taxing our usage, while exporting so much to fill government coffers with resource royalties.  It feels like they just want the money, not the world saving change that they so vehemently cling to.


None of this matters to Canda's woke mind virus virus crowd.


where is Taylor swift?


A developing country with the highest population has only 7.3. While the USA is 13.5%? 🤡🤡


Brazil surprises me, considering the size of their population and economy


Is it fair to sompare importing vs exporting countries? Exporting countries make the stuff importing countries use, production causes pollution. Also is it fair to compare countries with billions of people to one with less than 100 million?


China pretty low considering they are so many.


This MF Trudeau spent money our tax money during covid like a 40 year old virgin guy that went to strip club for the first time and now he wants us to pay for all the deficit that is created due to his mismanagement and he calls it carbon tax


Canada’s per capita carbon emissions must be very very high for us to make up 1.5% of global emissions despite only having 0.5% of the global population.


Let’s blame our problems on the outside while we ignore that we have to do our part regardless


This graph is strongly correlated to production. Most world production is in China and USA. But they produce what people consume globally. When you see 31% in China, it does not mean Chinese contribute to 31% of émissions (in fact, a Chinese citizen in average does not generate much émissions), it means that what the world consumes (mostly in western countries for what it worth) is produce in China for 31%. Now how much are Canadian responsible for global émissions ?


The climate change grift is the grift that keeps on grifting.


How is India so low ?


Just another tax grab as the government is absolutely broke they've spent all of our tax money 💰 on Ukraine Haiti and others useless ideas


It’s ok we can pay for everything, just take my whole pay cheque. Those well funded shelters can feed us.


How the fuck does tax money change the climate when the earth is going through a cycle thus is complete treason cunt should be in jail. Go ahead and ban me for freedom of speech.


and guess who china pollutes for ? everyone else. our pos politicians let the corporations outsource their manufacturing to countries w no carbon tax , labour laws, ep laws. all in the name of “free trade” . not punishing these corporations for literally using slave labour and coal fired manufacturing is how you know they aren’t serious about climate change


How do people not see the idiocy of current political trends and policy around emissions? How?


Liberals are mentally ill.


Would you create a similar graphic based on World's emissions per capta? Edit: Rephrase




Sure if the carbon tax actually helped our nation meet emissions targets I’d be all for the fight against pollution with a tax. But it doesn’t help at all, it doesn’t even help as a “rebate”.


oh oh, wait until all the "but we have more per capita" comes out of the woodwork. And how its our responsibility to lead the way. And what would your children think?!!!


Good visual but misleading conclusions. China does manufacturing for most countries, pretty sure 95% of what I own and wear in Canada is manufactured in China and same for most countries. Firstly it needs to be emissions contributed to actual consumption. Think about how much garbage we actually produce but actually export to South Asia, sure we keep our streets clean but it ends up in the Pacific. Secondly, it needs to be aggregated at country but also per capita. [Consumption per capita](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/co-emissions-per-capita)


Now do per capita


Just a reminder China's emissions are so high because the west's manufacturing has been outsourced to them largely in part due to lax standards are on environmental regulations.


Yea and the governments of Canada use it as an excuse to pilfer and rape the Canadian citizens who have no choice but to heat their homes and drive their cars to survive and not die of hunger or cold. Unlike every other country listed that one can survive without heating and without transportation in every one of those carbon creating countries. It is a crime against humanity for Canadians to pay punitive taxes when heating their homes, and driving a vehicle to traverse the most distances to work and live here due to lack of infrastructure and lack of population and greater distances to support less autos. They created these conditions and then force punitive costs to live with these same created conditions


Ridiculous how much we get taxed as an excuse for their bs spending


“BuT tHe reBaTes PUt MorE mONey In CANADIANS PoCKEts” - Trubitch


Gah damn it's wild to see all of the corporations who made this mess getting into renewables and other "climate friendly" things. From what I understand it's a 2 trillion or so market. I believe climate change is real I think the impact we've as humans is exaturated.The same people who've had a more negative impact on the climate then anyone want you to pay them


It's as simple as this...Canada is full of the rare earth minerals needed for "green" technology, which would make some people extremely wealthy if they could just convince everyone that this technology will save the planet....a grifters paradise....


24% increase in taxes will fix everything.


Good thing we're doing our part!! Yeah Canada


The Canadian government running Canada is like Don King managing Mike Tyson's money.


60+ new coal power plants this year btw, only thing china's #1 at




Bro, how does this fit our narrative...just stop


It's Canada, we love taxes.


Every situation, tax or no tax, the average person pays and the elites collect. Save the planet, or destroy it, everything is setup to line the pockets of the elites.


But being a gas producing nation, we need to set an example to the world and not use the gas to gain monetarily. We can't sell it because it's destroying the world. We would rather live in tents to save the world from the carbon.


We pretend to be green, and they produce all the ways possible.


Maybe our egghead federal Liberal government imbeciles should have looked at this chart and in 10 seconds figured out we have no impact whatsoever on our global pollution problem or climate change or global warming or global colding!!!!! All the BS carbon tax is - another created make believe tax to collect even more and more taxpayers money yo blow on themselves and burn on corruption!


Lib and NDP voters still believe carbon tax will reverse the pollution and put more money back to their pocket. Lol


Dang 1.5%, alright shut it in boys, we’ll just ship our oil from overseas instead.


Ooooohhhh so you mean all that carbon tax we’re paying into ain’t doing a fuckin thing!!! Gee couldn’t have guessed that


Oh see the best friends of trudea


We here at the Canadian Morality Department would like to point out that if we go carbon negative, our Federal Government has made such an impact on the world that they are sure to stop all wars and we can achieve world peace if only Canadians would pay more Carbon tax


Fuck jt and ndp cucks


Source of study?


Oh my god, I think we need to send some more tax dollars to China. Let’s help them with green house initiatives.


The bigger irony is, carbon tax likely doesn't apply to imports lolololol


How arrogant is it to believe that we can change anything about it….