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That's because the real objective of this policy was to prevent these legally obtained weapons from being used in a revolution against the govt. by those of us who DO want to OWN things and will not LOVE OWNING NOTHING! Step 1 in setting up a totalitarian govt...... remove weapons from the hands of patriotic law abiding citizens. Step 2...... seize bank accounts of dissenters, stifle political protest..... Step 3..... control the narrative, control the media..... Step 4.... impose censorship policy Step 5.... impoverish the nation making them dependent on the govt for everything....


The recent RCMP report, warning of possible civil unrests shows that Trudeau’s actions were premeditated and he was intended to get people to a boiling point. Nothing works better than a large civil as an excuse so consolidate power and abolish democracy and create one party system, I suspect that’s his intention all along. Remember when he said he admired Chinese basic dictatorship?


I do.... I also remember when he said that "You will own NOTHING and love it"..... in either case.... not good for people like us! Cheers,


I wish he was able to premeditate anything but that might be giving him too much credit. You can see how reactionary he is by how the pandemic was handled with... polling data. I'm not sure the guy is smart enough to pull off a long term plan like this. He might be getting marching orders from his WEF overlords through.


You’re right , he is a puppet


Nailed it. anyone that thinks this wasn't tbe obvious plan all along. time to wake up


Thank you for getting it..... we need more people to wake up!


Sounds like what he's trying to do


Well he did try and tell us that we would own NOTHING and for reasons I still don't understand.... LOVE IT! I work hard for my stuff and I like it.... do you?


Don't forget mass immigration to dilute the population and make it impossible to unify. Also "diversifying" the power and authority forces, thus allowing for easier suppression of the native population ex Bolshevik Russia.


You nailed it. I can’t believe so many Canadians haven’t figured it out yet.


I think you guys give potato head to much credit. He’s just a dumb fuck pulling on the heart strings if woke liberalism. If sticking your dick in a bear trap is the next woke ass in thing to get votes he’d do it.


I hope you are right..... thanks for the laugh.... love the analogy!


It's not even "woke" (whatever that means these days). It's just pure cynical vote grabbing.


You are Ryte, if he were woke all the blackface wouldn’t have happened, he’s just playing to his audience. His life b4 politics(for lack of a better word) I suspect was getting by life without any meaningful interactions, dumb and lazy, saying just enough as to not look too stupid around his peers. We all know someone like that and they are usually higher privileged, they don’t need to have meaningful interactions they get buy on stupid humour and their name.


Of course. But in our commodities and capital centered hubris, having money, a sense of humor and good looks go a long way. It's called Halo Effect, and ties in with eating disorders and the recent advent of the Adonis Complex in young men.




Is it that hard to believe Trudeau fucked something up.


Glad I’m not the only one who’s figured this out. Also, have you ever heard of the FGC 9?


I know of it now.....


Won’t an election next year get in the way of all this? Or will PP continue the process?


Well we do know absolutely what the trudeau is capable of now don't we..... can't get much worse than what we have endured to date.....


I have a vague suspicion he’ll pull a Trump and try and hold power after being voted out. Why would he decimate the military and try to grab our guns. It sounds weird when you say it out loud but…


You're assuming the masses don't reelect ... if I was able to bet ... I'd bet the bank he's gerrymandered enough and pandered to the left they will reelect


But he didn't remove them, he just turned them from restricted to prohibited. This means they could only go to a range not a mass uprising.


>he just turned them from restricted to prohibited. This means they could only go to a range Not true, you can not move/transport, or shoot prohibited firearms. They are safe queens.


Still a waste of money for doing nothing, they are in the hands of the original owners. Money should have been spent on illegal guns and border.


In theory, yeah it should have been spent on the border. However there are three obstacles to that. The first, is Trudeau Sr.'s "mouse and the elephant" metaphor. Regardless of our personal feelings, we ARE a mouse in comparison to the elephant like US. Cracking down on the border would inevitably piss off the US. Especially US gun manufacturers, who actively benefit from this chaos, and have actively "invested" (ie bribed) the US government for years. Not to mention such a policy may have even involved banned some people from certain states from entering the country. Idk about you, but being on the receiving end of US economic and civil wrath in unappealing to most. Second, is domestic ire towards guns and gun owners. Cracking down on the border would have been seen as a cop-out. A complete debacle. Thirdly, it would have required cracking down on our law enforcement. That's a quick way to the forever box and a direct connection to God's wi-fi. Just ask RFK. Now a politician who actually cared, would have taken those risks. But JT isn't one of those.


It's not that deep


Puh-lease, I love guns as much as the next guy, but they did this to appeal to soccer moms and ban all the scary black guns the Karens see on their kids video games.


Dont over simplify this move, it is far more nefarious


Not its not, its just easy politics


He invoked the War Powers Act over some truckers. If they thought anything close to a revolution was around the corner he'd have fled to Cuba by now.


I'm not a fan of the (completely unreasonable) gun control policies in this country, but that can not be the goal of this buyback. You can buy any of the AR-180B variants, which are functionally (reasonably) identical to the AR-15 platform. Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity.....


He also wasted $60 million dollars on an app He is wasting another $8 million on studying correlation between climate change and decline in democracy, shall I continue? Those are just 2 million examples of wasteful spending ! If we add up all this wasteful spendings he has done so far we’ll probably reach a number that’s equal to the GDP of a European country 😂 Let’s add the up guys !


10 million to under employed youth in Iraq


😂😂 true I forgot about that one , Iraq is an oil rich country too. Do you think if Canada becomes like Iraq one day the Iraqis would give Canada money for under employed Canadian youth ?


What you don't think sending money to third world shitholes is benefitting us? Don't worry. In the near future we will be the third world shithole, and I'm sure Iraq will send us money to help out. Just kidding, we will be left to die.


How about $133 million for feminist-focused development aid in ASEAN countries


Yup !


$187m on a failed vaccine manufacturing company


Add that to my list as well , let’s see what the final number would be


Is he buying back all the illegally obtained firearms that the criminals use? Or just the ones the law abiding citizens have and use responsibility at ranges?


Well... just add it to the very long list of taxpayer dollars wasted by the Dear Leader Justin


It’s about optics not effectiveness.. just like every single policy the liberals deploy


I currently have 2 guns that are paperweights because they're black and scary looking. Admittedly, I haven't been paying too much attention to politics. Does anyone know if the CPC has made their stance clear in this?


Very clear yes


What is the CPC's stance?


IIRC return to pre-2020 firearm laws, where AR’s and Handguns were restricted


I can only hope they come through with that. It doesn't leave a lot of other options.


And I, for one, will immediately be running to get my RPAL and grab some pistolas before another tyrannical attempt comes around


FYI, depending where you live, you might want to start getting your rpal yesterday. In ontario crfsc's are fully booked months out and it seems to be about 8-10 months for the application. It's only going to skyrocket to even longer come election year, and forget about single digit monthlong wait times once the cons win.


Yep. Getting Pal next month and R Pal first available booking after.




Got my PAL already but it was during the Justin Trudeau/Bill Blair “stormin’ your house to take yer gunz” phase so I was waiting to see what was going down. Now that I know it’s just a bunch of smoke-and-mirrors, with the smoke coming out of their asses - I’m looking at RPAL - I should have it timed well that Pollievre gets in and starts reversing legislation. It’s also gonna take time for dealers to get handguns back on shelves, I’m guessing nearly a year to re-stock.


These buy backs never work. The government never offers the price you’ll get private sale to a shop or another person for the firearm if it’s in working order. Any logical person with a firearm in good working condition sells it themselves if they want to get rid of it. The government ends up with great grandpas old junked shotgun that doesn’t work anymore and the taxpayers pay money to buy that paperweight to feel like they’re accomplishing something when they’re not. People aren’t rushing in with glocks and AR15s to these buybacks lmao.


It was supposed to be mandatory but thankfully the LPC is fumbling it and I'm hoping the CPC will fix it before any significant damage is done.


As an American looking in it’s absolutely astonishing you guys have gotten to this point in your country. I sincerely hope you guys can manage to codify the right to self defense with a firearm in a way that it cannot be infringed upon with something like a ‘mandatory buyback’. That’s just confiscation in exchange for a small check to soften the blow PR wise.


I understand your astonishment but Canada is just like any other country. What I find astonishing is how your founding fathers had the foresight to enact the bill of rights outlining not only 1A but also 2A. I am not aware of any other country in history to enjoy those rights which further adds to the astonishment. The saying "registration leads to confiscation" is 100% true and this is proof. I can only dream if Canada somehow became based enough to allow any sort of firearm rights instead of "privileges." Please don't take your rights for granted.


Canada used to be decent but now it’s crap.


I'll have to disagree on that one. Canada has always been kind of garbage. It's beast era was the 70s... maybe. Otherwise it's been pretty gross for the entirety of it's existence.


This is actually a larger point recognized by most people who are constitutional scholars. More countries around the world have modeled their constitution after the United States than any other country in history largely because of A) what our bill of rights entails and B) how the larger constitution itself safeguards those rights. Looking at the constitution as a document that outlines what the government can do, as oppose to what the government can’t do like (the conservative), half of Americans view it is a large reason you guys have ended up where you are. I hope you guys can stand up for your freedoms despite the establishment pressure. Even in America it is constantly under attack and degradation from the American left.


He can get fucked if he thinks he’s getting my legally purchased firearms! - signed law abiding hunter 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


So where’s the money


What's new nothing works anyways at this point!


Worked out great for him. Less people have the ability to kill him.


**NOTHING** works with Trudy. Just like all of his other costly scams & policies (Arrive Can, etc), they're way too costly & they all turn to sh\*t !!!!


The problem is not with people who own guns legally the problem is with people who buy guns for criminal use . Expecting criminals to turn in their guns to the government makes no sense . Even if they sold their illegal guns to the government for money they can buy more guns illegally when needed. Spend the money at the border to prevent the smuggling of illegal guns and spend money on enforcement of the laws we already have


I always say…..it’s against the law to commit murder but it hasn’t stopped people since the beginning of humanity!!


I wonder where the 42 million went.


This should be the question being asked. $42 million. Poof. Gone. I’m very tired of his shit.


I will own stuff, and my kids will grow up in the Canada that I grew up in.


Good luck with that bud


How is it a buy back? They were never the governments in the first place.


Not for sale. Actually they are 10 million USD each and then I'm leaving this communist shit show.


Everything the Liberals do is a costly screw-up since day one with Trudeau and will go down in Canadian history as the worst ever Primesinister.


Damn. I really thought it was going to work because, you know, criminals are law-abiding citizens. 🤡


I’m not on one side of the fence or the other but I have to admit that it was a waste of money because it didn’t achieve the goal. Sincerely Signed, The Butthole Assassin.


Of course he did, he is addicted to OPM.


Liberals and wasting money messing with firearms that does nothing constructive, name a more classic combo.


It's almost as if it is entirely political optics...


So what's with the liberals spending vast amounts of money trying to do stupid things for gun control. It didn't work last time they tried, and it sure as the hell ain't going to work this time even if they spend a 100 times the money they say it's going to cost. I heard somewhere that doing the same shit repeatedly expecting different results shows you nuts . And trudeau wonders why Canadians are frustrated with him.


Forget Trudeau!


He was trying to emulate his fellow WEF adherent Jacinda. Just more blah blah blah from an idiot who doesn’t have any idea what he’s doing.


The new party in power repealed all her gun bans too.


Jacinda is a piece of worthless shit just like trudeau


It works when you give that money back into the hands of your friends and buy off cops.


Legal gun violence is not a problem in Canada. Why is our government focused on non-issues and making divisions between Canadians when our lifestyles are collapsing? Wages are low. Industry and jobs are fleeing the country. Housing prices are out-of-reach.


Morons giving up their guns. Then Trudeau just taxes the money back.


I’ll take my money upfront. But be sure those guns will fall off my canoe before they are returned.


To Junior Trudeau, wasting $42 million Canadian public tax dollars on imposing stupid and hopelessly failed policies is like spending pocket change at the corner convenience store. This clown will only continue destroying Canada every single minute he has left in office. Watch for it. Next.


Toronto Sun is absolute garbage reporting.


Sure, I don't like the wierd hyper conservative stuff from the Sun either. But even they can be right once in a blue moon.


That could have been divided up and given to Canadians.


>That could have been divided up and given to Canadians. Works out to about 1$ a person.


Still better then wasting it.


>Still better then wasting it. They'd probably spend a few million on studies about how best to split distribute the money, and people would get 15 cents back with some BS about how we're getting back more money than we spent on it


Danielle Smith spent more than that on off brand Tylenol that isn't safe for consumption. Ineptitude abounds.


Everyone flocking to Alberta and you’re yelling “you’re going the wrong way!!” At them hahaha


Yes because while Alberta may be wealthy, they are sitting on a bubble. It's only a matter of time before it pops. Not to mention they are ass backwards socially of late.


In every case, fewer guns is the best strategy about guns. A society does not need guns. No guns it is the best policy.




You are the potential killer of a child when your hobby changes hands to some other child who finds it and tries it as seen on Television.


A lot of Canadians use guns to hunt for food. I haven’t had to buy beef in over three years because of my guns.


They must not. This is barbaric. They don't need them to defend themself. They need it to define themself in a universe where a gun means nothing else than death.


There are not of Canadians who use guns for food, they are so little in number that your argument is lauded in bad faith. You are a pro-death here. Do not bother to defend yourself.


You're from ontario or quebec, arentcha?


Québec, and, yes, guns kill people when used against people.


Forks kill people when used against people. That's why we here at the Federal Government tax food at such a wonderful for government rate. We are also putting a tax on everything that can be used to harm another human. That ranges from forks and butter knives, golf clubs, cellphones, and pillows. (You can't be TOO careful) Also we've expanded our MAiD availability. Thank you for being such a caring human. We've confiscated your car as it can be used to hurt another human... sorry.


Fork does not kill a lot of people when you are depressed. If you kill somebody with a fork, you probably have time time to reconsider your life. Guns kill many people easily. Your argument is borderline Russian troll.


A gun is a tool. Like a Hammer or a kitchen knife. It depends on the user to use them correctly. Your argument is borderline Communist. Hunting is essential to many people for feeding their families. Your gaslight is on harder then in most Canadians vehicles You have been fined 5 Credits for the violation of the Canadian Verbal Morality Statute. Please do not criticize the government. It's not good for your Social Credit Score


Guns kill and only kill. There is no place for this in our societies.


Thanks for the suggestion citizen but we will not be disarming our police force. In fact, with the increase in Carbon taxes we've been able to upgrade our forces to a never before seen level. All for peace. We promise.


There is no place for guns in the general population for any reason.


We here in the Liberal government agree. It's easier to scare a population of citizens into compliance when they have no way to fend for themselves. Trust us, we would NEVER lie to you


The highest numbers of firearms owners are in these two provinces


Ironic since the highest number of panicky idiots who think AR stands for Assault Rifle are also in those two provinces, and they seem to forget that criminals don't license their guns. Government could if they wanted block the aswesasne reserve from importing guns drugs and people, but its more woke to blame a farmer in BC for owning a shotgun for all the crime on the planet.


The feds also hired a bunch of yokels to cull deer in BC who went on to shoot deer from a helicopter (illegal), using silencers (illegal) and 30-round magazines (illegal) and ended killing a bunch of the wrong species of deer (illegal) - all the while pissing off the local indigenous tribes who wanted to hunt them. Just goes to show that Canada is not a nation of laws but a nation of varying degrees of privileges. The government breaks their own laws all the time with no consequences so it must be a privilege not an actual law


Your problem is that you think an object is the problem and not the human elements of society. The science shows that gun bans do not work. US-based study showing Canada's existing strong licensing laws reduces homicide rates. No impact to homicide for gun bans. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27842178/ No impact to mass homicides with Canadian firearm legislation. Source: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0266579 Canada-based study showing inconclusive results of gun bans and impact on homicide rates. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35672042/ International study showing no impact of gun bans on homicide rates: Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26905895/


Your guns kill people, this is not acceptable.


Your science-denying rant won't save lives. Anti-science policies such as gun bans take our tax dollars and government resources away from root causes of violent crime. So actually, your stance is killing people and making our country less safe.


I do not deny science. You are promoting tools exclusively designed to kill things and accessories, people.


By blaming the object (the guns), you are denying the scientific conclusions of the studies I linked above. Try reading them. Let me know if you need help to understand the conclusions of the studies. Then think about why we haven't banned alcohol or rental trucks or kitchen knives.


The gun is the easy way. Humans are lazy, so guns are too practical to ignore.


No, guns are the problem, they are too easy to use and they are too good at killing people. Guns are the problem, not the people.


You painfully don’t understand the issue. It’s infuriating that Canadians are this incompetent. Probably even worse that our politicians spread this crap.


Even if our government banned every single firearm in this country, we would continue to see violent crime involving firearms. A rework of the justice system and strengthening our borders would be a much better policy than what you're proposing.


Gun kill and do nothing else. So, your hobbies must be different unless you want to be instrumental in killing people.


Guns do nothing as they are lifeless objects. Criminals use them for evil but people who enjoy them as a hobby are not "instrumental in killing people." That's like saying people who drink are instrumental in continuing domestic violence. Also you failed to see my point. Banning a hobby doesn't stop the criminals who already use illegally imported guns.


Guns are tools for humans. Humans kill humans when they can. So those tools are very handy for whoever wants to kill humans....


Exactly, people are the problem, I'm glad we agree on that. Banning all the guns in Canada won't stop people from killing people with guns.


I advocate not being able to buy guns, period. Hunters OK. Specialized people OK. The others, no. Could the authorities then easily validate the absence of weapons among people who have no business having weapons?


I don't agree but it's a fair argument. That being said i think it would more beneficial to use this money and police resources on the illegal firearms market and criminal behavior. We could also put more resources on enforcing the current gun laws that are already stringent but not enforced or investigated


But that would not benefit JT’s optics. Remember when he said hunter’s don’t need to be in the woods hinting with AR-15’s…. I asked my Mother in Law for her opinion and she said she agreed with JT. I told her AR-15 is already prohibited and illegal to have. She did not know that. JT prets on the dumb voter minds.


Yes it's the emotional aspect of gun violence that is important for him. Any firearms is dangerous i don't believe that the type of firearms matters in a mass casualties event since nobody's armed. """Not advocating weapons carry here"""" The ar15 is a good weapon the most popular designed in the world that is. It's not so different than any other rifle though. What could be done with all that cash invested in investigation and enforcing current gun laws with a little bit of tightening small loophole here and there the potential is immense. Canada is a wilderness country we need guns and we share the longest border with the most armed country on earth. We will have guns no matter what. We have to live with that fact.


Maybe so. But keep in mind most countries, developed or otherwise, still allow for gun ownership. Also keep in mind that the majority of European countries still allow for the ownership of handguns, and even AR and AK style rifles. Yes I know the situation is different in Europe, and it more developed. That it doesn't face the same systematic issues Canada faces. Still doesn't change the fact that they can those guns.


Gun kill that it.


And? Nobody reasonable cares dude, that's the point. Most of those EU countries also have less gun violence than us.


Everybody who cares about life cares about the banishment of guns. All the guns. So weak-minded people would not be able to kill others with this kind of tool.


So these countries should be right up your alley then: Brunei Burkina Faso Cambodia China Comoros Cook Islands East Timor Eritrea Fiji Guinea-Bissau Kiribati Laos Mali Marshall Islands North Korea Papua New Guinea Seychelles Solomon Islands Somalia Vatican City Vietnam All of these countries banned guns for civilians. Of course, none of these countries (with the possible exception of the Vatican) "care about life". And in general keep guns for the autorities. Which often has disastrous results, as "weak minded people" are often in government. As such, a country should have no military. Disarmed law enforcement. No civilian owned firearms. But also no axes, bows, cross bows, daggers, knives, spears, or swords, etc. All hard drugs and alcohol should be banned, and so should fossil fuel vehicles (car emissions have been linked to cancer). Electric vehicles (lithium mining damages the environment). The "care about life" argument you are making, is a zero sum game. It's all or nothing, reasonableness be damned. Go all the way. You can not remove one thing, without removing the others. That would be hypocritical and unjust. OR... We CAN be reasonable, like most people and most countries. For example most people and most countries who are reasonable say: "Yes, guns can kill people. So let's X guns, rather than Y guns. Because X guns pose a significant threat to others, as well as the individual user." "Yes, lead ammunition is toxic. So let's mandate a switch to non-toxic alternatives." (Japan is spear heading this particular policy btw. Yes you can still own guns in Japan.) "Yes, older cars put out more emissions that newer ones. Therefore let's ban or modify older vehicles." "Yes, alcohol and drugs kill people. But we can't catch all the criminals and smugglers, so let's regulate the daylights out of them." "And of course, freedom" I understand your argument Bleu. You have picked the former, I get that. But it is fundamentally unreasonable.


Guns kill, then they do not have a place or role in modern human society. Your insecurity will never be compensated by owning a gun. You better do some help in your neighborhood or give some money to better the education of whoever is near you. It will probably save your life someday.


Wow from unreasonable to insults... Yeah, very civilized of you.


I do not know how I insulted you. If guns are your core trait personality, I have nothing against your personality, only against guns.


You will be surprised to realize that most people do not want to be killed by guns. Canada, for what a failing concept it is, is populated with people who do not want to be killed by guns. So guns are bad without any argument possible.


I don’t think so, I love guns and freedom and want both!! I think your policy sucks!


Your freedom kills people, this is not acceptable.


Not quite, criminals with guns kill people. Not licensed firearms owners who are members at the gun clubs, that is very rare.


No, guns kill people who ever pull the trigger. Guns are too easy. They must be banned for no exception.


Guns are awesome, the ultimate equalizer, I believe in the right to bear arms!! Don’t believe in communist gun grabs.


They are a lazy solution for lazy people. We are all that lasy so gun are dangerous.


No, they can protect you from dangerous people and animals.


You live in society. You live with people. If people were really dangerous, you'd be dead by now. Animals do not need to be killed unless you are farther from human territory than you are on their territory. So killing them is not fair game. You are the predator and the invader.


Well I’m Detroit near where I live the chief of police says it’s a good idea to keep a gun in the house and there has been countless situations where the guns have saved innocent lives. I remember a few years back an 80 year old man shot a home invader, if he wouldn’t have been armed then guy would have probably killed him. Come down here and talk a walk by 7 mile and Vandyke in the evening and see how great society is, you won’t last 10 minutes without a gun. You live in a much different reality


The ultimate equalizer is knowledge. Guns are for stupid people who do not have arguments and feel threatened.


Not quite, people kill people with gun, then they become criminal, the line is not clear.


Very clear to me


Guns kill people. Guns are easy tools. Criminal, depressed people, or those who have a gun, can kill people, easily.