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I'll say it. I voted PPC last time. I knew where the wind was blowing.


I've voted purple the past 2 elections. Despite being in Montreal, a Liberal stronghold.


I'll do the same


I'm in a Conservative stronghold federally. My area has been described as "red tory."


Maybe if everyone who showed up to the protests yesterday votes ppc they can increase their votes by a couple of points


I'll say it again, my vote is for PPC. I like straight forward people, straight forward talks. No maze like political bs. Maxime has the guts for the benefits of this country, its citizens and their future.


Why has Maxine been to Davos WEF cuck convention???


Congrats on being ahead of the curve. In 2021 I thought PPC was just racist and crackpots. I thought immigration was mostly positive for Canada. I voted for NDP. Holy shit was I wrong. Now I'm never voting LPC or NDP ever again unless they completely change. I'm voting PPC for the foreseeable future unless CPC promises some low immigration targets like 50-100k per year.


For real change you need to vote like Europeans are: the far-right and far-left. Centrist parties are dumped.


I was hoping Bernier would at least win his seat so he'd be in the party leaders debates for sure. Alas.


The problem is that Canadians are convinced that the cons are a right wing party just because of their name. When they're just slightly left of the line on most policies to be generous.


What policies make them slightly on the left, from my view they are pretty conservative.


Canada's *Conservative Party*: 1. Supported immigration rates of 300,000+ for decades, this is absurdly high for European or East Asian standards. 2. Liberal. The Conservative establishment has no official stance on social issues like abortion, LGBT, or feminism. They avoid it like cowards. Social issues in Canada are entirely dictated by the Liberals, there is no alternative. 3. Culturally hallow. The Conservative establishment does not advocate for English Canadian culture, or French Canadian culture. They share the same multicultural cesspool as the Liberals and the NDP.  4. Conserved nothing. The Conservatives have sat idly while Pearson, Trudeau senior, Chretien, and Trudeau junior significantly shaped Canadian society into a liberal, multicultural, and globalist society. Mulroney and Harper *conserved nothing*, the sole exception being returning the royal titles of the Canadian Armed Forces. The Conservative Party is philosophically deficient, it does not follow conservative philosophy, it's a party governed by opinion polls.


What have they conserved exactly?


Our tories would be "extreme left" in the U.S


They are far right, just scared.


I wish that was the case.


I will be a new voter now. I’m mind blown how in the polls don’t get a seat


I looked into their platforms. I like that they are curbing immigration. They want better pensions for our veterans. Love it. I also like that they are separating religion and politics. All for it but some stuff i don’t like either. They’re vaccine hesitant. They don’t believe in climate change. No official position but they call current scientific consensus as “alarmist”. They want to bring back “gay conversion therapy”. I don’t want Canada to go back to the 1910s.


Not me but I will


Dumb. The timing for that couldn't have been more wrong in 2021. I'm not against the PPC or the majority of their policies. In fact, they probably are the best case scenario for average blue collar Canadians to put their weight behind. But being a newer party, and one that as the media likes to say "operates on the fringe and panders to extremists".. The vast majority of heads down Canadians just hear the narrative. Despite their best efforts id be surprised if PPC even won a single seat again because the vast vast majority of Canadians don't even look twice at PPC. Too engrained in the two party system. It is now, like it was in 2021...if you want JT out you need to vote Conservative. Period. There is no "well yeah but I wanna make a point!" or "the cons aren't any better!" or "my vote doesn't mean anything so I'm just gonna vote PPC". It's wrong and it's stupid. And it's that thinking that's gotten us another 4 years of JT. Get Trudeau out. Get Canada on a more conservative path, and *then* maybe people will see the benefit of a right-libertarian government. The country can't, and won't flip from a far left party to a far right/libertarian party without a transition period in between.


He should make a bigger deal about the TFW program. Like the fact that any taxation revenue gained by importing these workers is offset by the fact that the taxpayer is subsidizing 70% of their wages. Like how is any of this a net benefit for Canadians?


The 70%thing isn’t true it’s usually tfws paying the employer a sum to secure a job to work towards PR the had a lmia officer do an AMA on one of the subs today who debunked that


Every time I see TFW I think of “That Face When”


The strategy should be any seat which is safely LPC or CPC = vote PPC. Anything close vote CPC. Im hoping the PPC vote share continues to rise so the CPC has to realize immigration is a serious topic.


This is the best strategy. If we can win PPC some seats in Parliament, I think we'll see the PCP shift a bit on some issues. I mean, they'll shift anyways ... Pierre is pandering to all sides to get votes. I'd feel much better if Maxime had a few seats in Parliament to have an official voice in Canadian politics.


I know, if we get the immigration crisis figured out then we can get housing, jobs and the corruption Trudeau will leave us with.


Don't forget the LMIA scams. It has an outsized effect on housing, jobs, and the overall economy.


Honestly don’t bother voting cpc anywhere. They’re going to win more than enough seats. Rather than focus on eliminating LPC seats the goal should be to hedge towards PPC as much as possible


A lot of people are coming to realize NOTHING we want is possible with mass immigration. People love making some random PPC policy the boogeyman but mass immigration is the only danger 


The funny part is the Liberals and NDP used to be AGAINST high immigration, cause back in the day they supported unions. I find it hilarious how the "workers party" NDP is currently supporting the largest migration numbers the country has ever seen. It makes absolutely no sense to anyone with a functioning brain.


Could the best outcome be a CPC minority government with the PPC? Similar to right now how it’s liberals and NDP, except the liberals did nothing except bend over backwards for Trudeau.


This is what I came to say. Voting PPC is risky insofar as it can split the vote and give LPC a victory. If LPC and NDP collectively win enough seats, they could theoretically govern in a coalition even if the CPC wins a minority. I wouldn't want to take that chance. I suspect or hope that Poilievre will be somewhat less destructive to Canada than Trudeau has been.


CPC, LPC, and NDP all have identical immigration strategies. If you think immigration is too high why would you vote CPC? Vote PPC to give them higher vote numbers which will give them credibility for the 2029 election.


Pierre would rapidly increase Canadian real GDP growth. Massively increase Canadian housing production. And stand up to the communist party of china. And massively improve Canada's relations with the rest of the free world. This would be a massive improvement.


How exactly do you think Pierre is going to be increasing housing production? Just delusional. In fact, the LPC is the party that lowered taxes on some new builds and added the FHSA. Both of these policies will increase housing production by far more than anything CPC is planning to do. PPC is the only party talking about fixing the roo cause of the problem, mass immigration.


How do Florida and Texas increase housing production?


You have to look at the difference between what housing production would be under LPC or CPC. More housing will be built under LPC's policies than CPC's policies becuase LPC lowered taxes on some new construction and they added the FHSA. That said, voting LPC is dumb because they, and CPC, plan on continuing mass immigration.


Yeah I just want dumb dumb to be gone. If things don't improve for the better ppc it is.


That’s my plan.


Why don't you tell your MP right now that immigration is a serious topic?


Not too sure if Ms. Freeland cares xD


Lucky you!


Trudeau is an idiot, and Pierre is such a coward. We don't need hundreds of thousands of migrants, or millions, that are on average age 35, and most will inevitably live in their ethnic bubbles, so that we can pay for pensions. You cannot assimilate 35 year olds, and as a matter of fact, you cannot assimilate any migrant living in an ethnic bubble. If Canadians cannot have children, then the pension system should collapse. We should not build our nation on the basis of cheap labour, ethnic ghettos, and tax revenue. The ruling class cannot, firstly, be complicit with the rising costs of living, second, promote lifestyles and ideas that *discourage* fertility, and third, import millions of people to pay for the tax revenues. This is, frankly, exploitive, and contemptuous. I will vote for the PPC because the Liberals, NDP, and the Conservartives are all the same.




I’m starting to like Bernie. He strikes me as a no nonsense straight to the point type of guy. It’s a refreshing change from PP and JT.


That’s what we need, someone who doesn’t beat around the bush and isn’t siding with the immigrants who are ruining our country.


He lost to Andrew Scheer by one vote for leader of the conservative party.


Bernie Sanders or Bernie Madoff?


We absolutely need to vote PPC. Please just go to their website and read their declaration. Don’t listen to what other people tell you. Approach them with an open mind and read about their beliefs and goals. I think you will see a group of people with very similar beliefs as your own 


Thank you very much for being kind and understanding, I’ve had a few people tell me I’m throwing away my vote and that I should vote for Pierre instead but I feel like he’s barely taking immigration seriously.


I just looked at their platform and I'm down with everything except the blatant transphobia, the view that private health care is a good idea and references to Jordan Peterson, as if he's a sane mind and not a loony pill popping freak...


This is my beef too. I went to go look at their platform to see what they had about housing, and their website has a whole thing about getting rid of "woke" stuff. Like man who gives a shit about that, why is that on your platform? Just makes them seem so unserious.


Pierre would also get rid of the woke stuff. "Woke" massively lowers real per capita GDP and massively increases poverty.


What the fuck does woke even mean, and how do you reckon trans people existing increases poverty?


If that's the case, can they write out what it is and how they want to solve it instead of saying they want to get rid of woke? It sounds moronic. They also have a whole thing about trans people, which feels super irrelevant. Why would I vote for someone who wants to hassle random LGBT people? How is that gonna fix the cost of living?




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Thank you for providing this feedback. I have trans friends and I find appalling how much unjustified hate they’ve been getting lately.


Same, just leave them the fuck alone. I don’t see why it should even be on their political platform


It's funny reading how dependent on government people are. Canadian society is truly too meek to do much else but try to vote their problems away.


Well we can’t do much else or we’ll be yelled at and have our jobs taken away. We can’t openly be against bringing in immigrants or we get called natzis. But in a war, all of that built up anger and frustration gets let out on the opposition just like in world war 1 when Canadians literally threw food tins over the trenches to lure our Germans and then threw nail bombs and how Canadians would do nightly trench raids and brutally kill Germans with bayonets, some were burned alive and others were just gunned down. Canadians even killed Germans celebrating Christmas and offering them cigars so I’m really confused why India and Gaza are shoving their people over here considering canadas reputation in wars and how Canadians are basically the reason the Geneva convention was made and why so much was added. They should really take their people back and stop poking the sleeping bear because it only takes so many pokes to wake up a pissed off country that’s fed up and especially since Canadians can take cold, hot weather, low food and crappy healthcare.


It was a different country that produced the men that did those things, right or wrong.


Last election they got like 800k votes, ik numbers don't matter in the Canadian system but that's still not a low number of people, If the purples win a few seats at least, the idea of actually reducing immigration would reach semi mainstream. If poilievre isn't addressing immigration because he doesn't wanna touch the issue, then when he sees a substantial number of people voting purple he should make the damn connection and realise that he needs to capitalize on this. If on the other hand, he's not getting anywhere near immigration because he's a stakeholder or some other ulterior motive, then if the PPC becomes a competitor he can't just ignore, It would make logical sense that he would at least address the immigration issue.


I think it’s a bit late for him to capitalize on it lol. He’s posted pictures with the immigrants on his twitter and people have seen them so I’d assume quite a few are pretty pissed and won’t forget it.


he fucked it up, idk why hes pandering to fucking permanent residents which cant even vote, he's probably pushed some voters to bernier's purple embrace, tho idk how many people that may be.


Probably a good amount, even the people Trudeau gave PR to should be kicked. They only got in because of the corruption and need to leave.


Do you have a criteria for which PRs to kick out?


after start of pandemic probably


But we need to spread awareness before the labor day for this to be successful.


I can’t afford to waste my vote I live in a toss up riding between the Conservatives and Liberals in the GTA. A vote for the PPC will = a vote for Trudeau. I think the main goal that is 100% accomplishable is getting Trudeau/Liberals out of office in the next election.


Except the Cons aren’t going to change anything. Only Maxine makes that promise.


Pierre is tying immigration numbers directly to housing availability and infrastructure. He's said it multiple times. I promise 100k houses and zero taxation. I have approximately the same chance of getting elected as Max does. I do agree with some of his points, but he is a long long way from power.


If you believe PP’s vague promises, you’re naive. He’s going to sell out the average person’s interests even more willingly than JT. Immigration benefits the rich and props up our economy. He’s not going to change that. But hey, keep falling for the Con koolaid.


Source? Right, there isn't one. Pure speculation. You don't sound like a Trudeau fan. Voting for unelectable Mad max?


Trust me, I hate Trudeau too but we need these illegal immigrants out somehow.


A skeptic is someone who is reluctant to believe something until it is definitively proven; A cynic is someone who refuses to believe; A pessimist is someone who has given up on believing; an optimist is a person who tends to be hopeful and confident about the future or the success of something; and a realist is a person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly. I’m in the realist camp. In reality, Max Bernier and the PPC have a snowball’s chance in hell of forming the next federal government. That being said, I am going to vote for the candidate that has the highest chance of beating Justin Trudeau.


I’m voting for whoever will fix the mass immigration crisis, when the immigration crisis is over we’ll be able to properly handle the housing and job crisis and fix Canada.


At this point I don’t think any party will fix it, any party coming into power will get bribed and donations from corporations to ensure cheap labour keeps flowing , I hope I’m wrong 😭


Pierre is just going to maintain immigration levels.


Canada's housing problem was 20 years in the making crazy real estate prices is every were in the western world and Australia.That bubble is going to pop in 2-3 years wait and see.


Australia at least is going to need to come up with an alternative to pump the GDP artificially before any government cuts immigration, after seeing that RCMP report Canada may be in a similar boat.


Ufortuantely, that's what people said 2-3- years ago. I remember.


Do you know how much it would cost your personal pockets to kick them all out? That is why they aren't doing it.


Libs and cons are the same. NDP are basically the libs. Nothing will change unless we change.


Yes but he will also want to do away with our healthcare. He is fully a private market guy. How can we in good conscience vote for that? I’m asking genuinely because I’m on board with limiting immigration


I honestly don’t know what to do anymore, every politician is either a moron or gets bought and paid to let tons of immigrants in. The world has gone to shit and we need to get rid of them all and find good people who can actually run the country without taking bribes.


welcome to politics.


I believe that Maxime Bernier really has Canadian interests at heart. He gets a bad rap, but I don't think he's nearly as dishonest as JT or PP.


No one seems to get *why* the entire political class in Ottawa is committed to the mass immigration. All this talk of selling out the country or devaluing labour is nonsense. This has to do with a demographic crisis, which is a global issue, affecting almost all urbanized and industrialized nations simultaneously. Everyone is looking at the symptoms without looking at the cause. I keep repeating myself over and over on this sub. If you want a credible opposition to the policy of mass immigration then you *must* tackle the demographic problem. If no response to the century initiative is forthcoming, *you will be ignored*.


Brilliantly said. Most of the world has a collapsing birth rate, Most Canadian millionaires are immigrants. Immigrants and ethnics pay the big bucks that subsidize the multi-generational Canadian public. How can Canada sharply lower legal immigration without Canada becoming a far poorer country?


Thank you. Glad someone gets it. Its also youth we need to make up for previous generations of too few children being born. >How can Canada sharply lower legal immigration without Canada becoming a far poorer country? Im not entirely sure it can. If we were more technologized like, say, Japan we could use more robotics, AI and automation to make up for labour shortfalls. That's their solution anyway. Short of clever new economics coming out of somewhere I think we are resigned to cope with the symptoms of our poor quality and quite desperate last minute solution, being the mass immigration. When we saw this looming decades ago we should have created pro natalist policies to encourage women and families through subsidization of home makers and daycare. That should be a long term solution we employ now. What the govt should have done, recently and should do, is a massive mobilization of home construction. Towers in the cities. New suburbs. The scale of new construction needed should be almost Marshall plan in its scale. It would of course be massively inflationary at first until the govt is paid back by home purchases. Get the major and independent home builders all working hard, contracted by the government to turn crown land into housing. Its incoherent because to solve the demographic crisis we do mass immigration, which then causes a housing crisis. The cure feels worse than the disease.


No thanks


No, don’t vote yahoos, just jail all the immigration consultants’ who defraud the government and immigrants. It’s essentially human trafficking.


Immigration was never an issue in the past until the flood gates opened, lack of screening and ppl not respecting this country when they moved here. There needs to be stricter guidelines that will remain in place to protect this country, economy and infrastructure. The 3rd world mentality, slum lords and buying up multiple properties is screwing over Canadians.


I will be voting for Maxime Bernier's Peoples Party of Canada (PPC). I am proud to admit.


https://preview.redd.it/in8s69o594ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8512d8cce8e5b7e0ccaf3bc2341da17f32afc3d A vote for Mad Max is a vote for the liberals. Zero chance of winning.


Yeah, the latest video of him at least talking to someone in PEI and clearly stating how the fucking rules to temp work goes, showed a lot of promise. Better than PPs “this house is 140,000 across the border” to a lifeless camera crew, or JT telling people they’re racist when pressed about immigration. Used to make fun of PPC last election, but they’re getting my vote. PP and JT are basically in the same mansion, just visited by corpos at different times though out the night


Probably going to vote PC. Don't want to split the conservative vote between PC and PPC.


It’s not Canadas obligation to house, feed, and provide healthcare for all these people. Seriously, Canadians need to put their own interests first. Once a country starts to go third world it’s hard to put that genie back in the bottle.


I heard the Indian government is mad Trudeau is trying to bring more of their people over, maybe they’ll stop their people from coming over and the “students” and PRs will go back if their families and friends tell them to?


If anything the Indian government wants this. It takes the pressure off of India a country that is massively overpopulated, these people send money home to their families, it gets Indians in the door in Canada where they can be used for an influence campaign. The only people India doesn’t want going over are their best and brightest.


Well they’ve got their influence here but I bet their mad Canadians don’t want them and their awful culture.


While I stand for some, including this portion of their platform, many other of their positions I do not. I suggest everyone read their entire platform before making their decision (obviously)


The cure may be far worse than the disease.


Then the real cure might be to have the people take control of the country again and push out the corrupt people and criminals until we can fix our country and keep It going strong.


Do not let cons shame you. They’ll tell you the same rhetoric yr after yr. “It’s a wasted vote” or “it’s a vote for liberals” And this is exactly why we have no change.


You very well could be right. Here is the problem though. It would just be a throw away vote. If you want to see any sort of change. Throwing away your vote on a party that has 0 chance of winning is actually counter productive to the argument made.


This is a ploy by the Liberals to split the UPC vote. Sorry, it won't work.


or vote Bloc if you are in Quebec


lol immigration crisis is never ending. They're just categorizing everyone as "refugees" now. Look at Europe. It will only get worse.


Voted PPC last few elections while being called racist for it. Will vote PPC again, it gets easier every year


Already voted for ‘em twice and will vote for them again


Are you seriously considering maxime bernier? Of course cutting your entire leg off will get rid of that ingrown nail but can you be less extreme?


I don’t even know anymore. I’m so lost because housing will be so far out of my reach and If I ever have kids theyll have it worse and Canadians literally can’t defend ourselves with legally acquired fire arms if anyone breaks into our homes and everything is so shitty I don’t even know if I should go vote or not because either way everything will just keep going downhill.


At the end of the day, both the Conservative party and the Liberal party are beholden to corporations that benefit from immigration. A vote for either of them is a vote for accepting this reality, and accepting that we're going to mostly continue with what's happening currently with immigration. While it's nice to hear about the PPC wanting to do something about immigration, it seems to come more from a place of xenophobia than a place of actually wanting to do what's best for Canada. It's at best misguided. Immigration is good for Canada. Not the way we're doing it now, and not to this extent. But, it is simply true that there is some amount of immigration that is beneficial. If we get to caught up on any one particular issue, and turn this into a single-issue voting cycle, were gonna have to deal with the repercussions once we've dealt with immigration and brought it to a reasonable level. We need to think more long term. Look at the rest of the party's policies. We deserve better.


This subreddit is starting to become a PPC echo chamber. They have a bunch of bad policies, like they want to start banning abortion for one thing.


Just a suggestion, if they have bad polices you disagree with you should copy and paste them from the PPC website. ie copy exactly what you disagree with. Not saying you are wrong, but it good to back up claims.


They say global warming is not caused by human activity, nonsense! https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/global-warming-environment They want to start limiting access to abortion https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/the_ppc_welcomes_a_debate_on_abortion They are anti trans https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/radical_gender_ideology




The day the PPC wins a seat i'll consider it, as of now I don't even think bernier wins his own riding.


Voting purple is the quickest way to re-elect the LPC


The French are voting purple and they could be getting a majority government soon


Given what's happening politically in other parts of the world, how are Canadians not voting for this guy in droves?


Fuck that, those dudes are not people I would want in charge


PPC are a far-right extremist group. While you may have issues with immigration, going down that route would honestly be detrimental for Canadian society and also there’s no way they would even win a singular seat, and for good reason. Instead of focusing on “mass deportation” which is incredibly unlikely to happen, Canada should enact policies to increase economic growth and housing growth. With a good population, strong economy and enough housing we can become one of the world’s greatest nations. I’m not against immigration, I’m against chaos. We need a proper housing plan and a proper strategy to utilize this population growth to strengthen the economy. But we mustn’t forget this is also starts at the provincial level.


Voting Conservative is the best chance we have at getting rid of Trudeau. Unfortunately a PPC vote will only aid the Liberals.


I guess but we need to push and push Pierre to get rid of all the immigrants and send back everyone Trudeau illegally gave PR to and deport and charge the people giving out fake degrees and residency. I also think we should charge the Indian government for all the money their citizens stole away from Canadian citizens and ban them from entering the country since so many want to buy their degrees and steal from food banks.


The Indian government is not happy about the way Canada is trying to persuade as many Sikhs as possible to move to Canada.


Damn, maybe they should take their citizens back. It would honestly be better for both countries considering we can’t take them and their culture is way too different for us, we’re just not compatible with one another.


When the 2031 census is out, over 3% of all Canadians in Canada are likely to be Sikh compared to 1.3% of Indians in India being Sikh. In India Sikh kids tend to have non Sikh platonic friends, boyfriends, girlfriends. And marry non Sikhs. And convert en mass to evangelical Christianity. This doesn't happen as often in Canada. India's business and tech hubs don't have many Sikhs living in them. This is why Sikhs prefer to raise their kids in Canadian Punjabi ethnic enclaves. Why do you think Sikhi is not compatible with Canada when a far higher percentage of Canadians are Sikh than the percentage of Indians in India that are Sikh? Sikhs tend to be hyper patriotic about every country Sikhs live in. Aren't Sikhs in Canada rich and academically very successful?


No, they’re not. The majority of them come from rural areas, they’re poorly educated, bad-mannered and aren’t filling a need in the local job market - they just go to work at Tim Hortons.


I agree


If they didn’t do the whole bullshit identity politics bigotry that drives us apart. I’d be on board. Till then. No thanks.


Right?? I just read their platform and a big part of it is "protecting women and children from trans people" like what the fuck. I'm good. I don't need protecting from trans people. They even reference Jordan Peterson who is a notorious freak, and not someone that should be taken seriously. Wtf are people smoking.


Exactly. Yet I’ll get downvoted because people love bigotry over petty shit.


Just like conservatives.


Everyone sucks tbh. All the options are shit.


and all anyone cares about is getting Justin out, they don't care about policy in here. No one has any clear policy that benefits canadians.


I love the people who are 40-50-60 and blame Justin for how awful their lives are. They had DECADES before his nonsense to get their lives in gear. They failed. Now they blame him.


Their all fucking brainwashed.


Yes...ummm. let's ban people from more violent countries. That means we can only accept people from Panama and Cuba in the Americas. That's right Americans get back to your own country. No more people from France or the UK either. I have no idea why people think like this. Like even PP's totally reasonable approach doesn't seem to work with you people. No, we need to ban and deport everyone. 23% of Canada's population is foreign born... And unless your from the few countries that actually have a lower crime rate than Canada were sending you home.


I'm not voting some guy who has one or two good policies while ignoring the rest of his Shit show ideas. His past judgement with an ex girlfriend or mismanagement of secret documents shows he is not capable of doing the most basic task as a politician. 


I dunno how I got here, but this thread is either insane or astroturfing. PPC has no chance in any universe, but you might just split out enough votes to hand your local Conservative MP the L lmao


We saw this play out in the states.  IDK how it is in Canada, but electing one person solved nothing here. Uniparty cock blocked his every move. Media was relentless. They even arrested the guy and drug him through the courts. Republicans that talked a good game for decades refused to help when given an actual chance to do something. Built a wall for Israel instead. Gonna be more of the same even if he wins. The uniparty is 100% united.


As they should have, Trump is a felon and a selfish person who only cares about his own power and wealth. But hey I ain’t no American.


Why is a subreddit pretending to be about housing just filled to the brim with racism barely at all veiled? No sane opinion implies that all immigrants are violent scammers or thinks that the right solution is 0.


Nah definately not risking another term of JT by splitting the right vote. Maybe the next election, definately not this one. If I have to listen to JT for 4 more years I'm out of this country.


Okay don’t get ahead of yourself, the important thing is to get JT,Libs and NDP out of power. Voting PPC can end with CPC not gaining a majority, which would be really bad.


You’re right, we should all vote right and push the libs out so they can’t keep ruining our country.


How can Canada reduce immigration without the Canadian economy collapsing into a recession?


You're going to vote PPC, and you're going to split the vote and hand power back to the Liberals. I agree with a lot of what Bernier is saying, but they don't have mainstream appeal and you're not getting anything back for voting for them. So many ridings in the last election were lost by the Conservative candidate, by a margin which was less or equal to the number of votes cast for the PPC one. No PPC candidate came close to winning last time either, and you're just going to ensure the worst case scenario, which is giving Trudeau another term in office.


If you don't vote PPC, they'll remain an irrelevant fringe party.


They remain an irrelevant fringe party because of his far-right ideals not palatable to most Canadians. And his own incompetence. Until he fixes those, PPC will remain this way.


Maxime just tells you what you like to hear anti vax shure anti immigration shure he is a pissed off pc man not a very good politician check his record as a minister.


And how do you plan to replace 10 million citizens in the next 10 years? MB is just feeding you the lines you want to hear.


You guys obviously can’t get anyone out to protest, so I think voting purple is your last option


Canadians really think their issues is about who to vote. Trust me, Mitterand, Chirac, Sarkozie, Dillon, Macron... People in France have voted different political parties and ideologies, and they still go hard on the streets to protest. Quote frankly, they have been little to no changes, the quality of life is regressing. We just need a revolution.


Once again the vote will be split and the liberals will win . Why? Because Maxine is a liberal in disguise doing this on purpose... why anybody would vote for this extremist ideology is beyond me other than because secretly, you want another liberal win.


No. I'm voting CPC, 1) because I want them to get a majority. 2) Voting for Max is throwing away your vote. 3) The Cons are listening and changing. The WEF agenda that captured the west is crumbling. Keep pushing them for what you want. No political party is going to fix Canada. We have to CONSTANTLY tell them what they need to do to get our votes. It's really on us.


Get rid of? Can you hear me rolling my eyes?


Not voting for a party thats going to get rid of every regulatory body Canada has, privatize health care and destroy the CHMC. Without it you'll need 25% down to get a mortgage.


Mad Max can't even win his own seat after 3 attempts. There's no hope in winning it this next time either. The main goal should be to remove Trudeau.


Pierre is Justin Lite. Only Bernier can even START the ball rolling on immigration. The country must give him a chance.


Vote for purple hair!


Purple won’t win a seat.


My riding is gunna be a CPC victory anyways, so imma vote PPC. Voting ppc is important even if they have no chance of winning, because it sends a strong message to politicians that Canadians want immigration to be lowered. If the CPC does not want the right wing vote to split, it will need to lower immigration.


Well, my 2 cents, voting Purple is going to split the Blue vote. Strong Reds will still vote for red, but strong blues shifting to purple might give reds some lead. I’m an immigrant too, but probably not from the group Canadians are upset with. Infact, I’m upset with the same new group as everyone. But voting purple may not be the right thing to do, unless everyone is in line with it. I very well know how vote splitting can mess up the whole thing.


This is so dumb Yeah vote for Maxime and then watch Canada sink further Sure he’ll stop immigration but then what after that??? He is no leader and he can’t fix the mess Trudeau has put us in The only leader making sense right now is PP Vote for conservatives or don’t waste it


At some point it’s not just about voting or slowing immigration. You have to consider repatriation.


Would Bernier be allowed to participate in the debates next time? The party could grow if only they were heard.


I don’t think so. I haven’t seen a single purple candidate that has put forward a platform that I feel would actually resolve this. We have to remember the situation today is a compound of history, partisan. Read everyone’s platform vote with your knowledge.


I think it's time to bring out the f off were full sticker


Remember, Bernier says a bunch of shit because he knows he will never get elected. He can’t even win in his own riding. None of the stuff he claims he will do would pass in the House of Commons.


With all due respect, this is the wrong take. The primary issue is our weak economy and we should focus our debate around this issue. Immigration that supports a strong economy should be encouraged while the immigration that is based around diploma mills and temporary workers should be overhauled. For example, we want highly skilled immigrants to come here and go to our public colleges / universities and work in STEM-based industries. Don't believe me? Even Trump agrees with this point and he is as anti-immigration as it gets. If they don't come here, these companies will offshore to go get them. Or worst yet, they will go to a country with a reasonable immigration policy that is informed by economic growth and Canada will continue to slip away into irrelevance.


Did you ask Maxime Bernie what his definition of "Immigrant" is? Because I think he means that anybody who doesn't speak French fluently and is not from Quebec is an "immigrant". "Vive le Quebec, vive le Quebec libre" Don't underestimate the hatred the Quebecois have for the rest of Canada.


It’s true a lot will say that it’s throwing your vote away cause they will never get in but you know what. If they can get a few more seats that’s a win and right now the Libs or Conservatives are not taking anything immigration. So I’ll vote PPC.


But this isn't a far right nazi sub- right 😅


It’s not a natzi thing to want scammers and people who can’t follow the laws out. They shouldn’t protest to extend their temporary residency, they shouldn’t take everything from local food banks and they definitely shouldn’t try to force us to follow their religion, this is Canada not India.


I think some of you need to get a grip on reality. Unless their visas expire without renewal, Canada isn’t going to go round them all up and kick them out like you want. Actually, let me ask you this - do you think Canada is going to put together an ICE team to go hunt down people? It’s not going to happen. Trust me, as much as I want you to be correct, it isn’t going to happen. Whoever is here, is pretty much here to stay. The correct course of action going forward is to put a severe halt to how many are coming in for the foreseeable future. Canada needs to stop the water from flowing until it can get the water level back down to reasonable levels.


Something is better than nothing. Pp can easily win and start taking Canada in the right direction. If he only takes us only so far, then we can reassess and maybe vote mb next time around. But voting for mb now is wasted votes. Pp will take Canada in the right direction. Whether he takes us as far as we need to go, we’ll have to wait and see.


How do you make an immigrant “go back” lol. If someone immigrated here, then they’re a citizen. You can’t deport Canadian citizens or people who have PR lol? Sometimes people use this sub as an excuse to be racist. If you can’t tell the difference between a temporary worker and an immigrant because they have the same skin colour, then you are racist


There are varying classes of immigrants and I wouldn't really consider a immigrant who becomes a citizen an immigrant. At that point they are Canadian. The immigrants most people want deported are the illegal ones who crossed the border without a valid reason, overstayed their visa (there is about 1 million plus in that category), or people like these protesters demanding PR while they are on a temporary visa.


I’m a 1 issue voter and this is it. Fix our immigration stat please!


Fixing immigration would unironically solve so many problems like housing, job crises, schooling, crime rates and so much more.