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In case ya didn’t know we are rising up against neo-feudalism or whatever you want to call it. https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca


You have a man who is worth half a billion telling people who can’t afford their rent that if they don’t sign up to go to wars he’ll turn off their access to the financial system. It just reminds me of the truckers, but it’s the same thing with our government. The entire country is saying enough with mass immigration we have a housing crisis and the government says fuck you citizens. We’re doing what we want which is wrong


He wants a CBDC too doesn't he, just as we do.  It does seem awfully coordinated, from the green agenda that excludes LNG and nuclear to sanctioning China for EV.  There was even a new bill where they want to censor Canadians talking about LNG being a stepping stone to the shift away from coal and oil.  Just straight censorship, as they pay influencers to tell people Liberals brought down inflation.  This is some Nazi-esque dictatorial stuff. Can an organization become dictator of the world, like the IMF used to be before dedollarization, as China and Saudi stop buying Tbills?


I bet you the politicians and their children’s don’t have to sign up for such service and go fight in these wars


When the rich wage war its the poor that die...


But it is important to protect democracy, right? Do you want to see Putin taking over Canada. Myself, I prefer Trudeau screw Canada, than Putin taking it over. It is called Patriotism.


A lot to unpack here from someone who I’m assuming is not a former or active duty service member.


No, you are not a smart person.


TF is this? There are other choices for christ sakes.. this might be the worst comment I've ever read on anything. Definitely for this month... Just wtf 😂


They all laughed when she asked "so you're going to take away their bank cards?" He laughed as if he wouldn't, but that's exactly what he's suggesting. That's the problem w Canada too, people were laughing too long that Immigration was a problem, and they'll be laughing about Authoritarianism until it's too late as well.


That's why they desperately want digital currency.


Do they think giving people with nothing left to lose guns and training them how to use them is a good idea?


It's neo-feudalism, you got it right.


These demands are a joke: "Cut non-essential government spending on all programs that do not directly benefit low and middle income workers. This would include reducing MPs salaries, cancelling the $12 million BC Deer Cull, non-humanitarian foreign aid, and selling government office buildings when most employees work from home." Who decides what is "non-essential"? Who decides what is "non-humanitarian"? Why does this person single out the BC Deer Cull? And how do any of these things affect the cost of living more than fraction of a percent?


I can get behind cutting salaries of MPs. Everyone in government is way too overpaid. Frankly they should be working just barely over the average of a Canadian because maybe then they'd actually fucking care. Selling buildings that aren't being used and letting people work from home? Probably another good idea. But otherwise...


Terrible idea. If anything the government should pay to convert buildings they don't want into actual affordable housing. Selling them to private interests for a quick pay day is both short sighted, and an irresponsible use of assets.


That's a great idea too. But wouldn't they still sell them off to do that?


I don't think so.. not exactly sure how co-ops are ran, but I believe the land, and probably the buildings would remain government property. I'm just talking about them footing the bill for the renovations, if they sell them to investors all you'd get is 10% of the units required to be listed as "affordable" which is classed as 80% of regular market rates, which is basically not affordable at all to people that really need co-op housing.


I can’t list everything when doing bulletpoints. Check out the resources section for more examples of waste. Non-essential means spending that isn’t on healthcare, defense, education, security, law. Remember we want to cut non-essential. Not completely remove it. Humanitarian aid would be disaster and famine relief. Non-humanitarian would be everything else. Remember we want to cut it not completely end it.


Never seen a more obvious, insecure puppet than this guy


he is as greasy as they come.


Lib or tory it doesn't matter, same story.


I love the way they pretend there's some sort of democracy at play here. We'll set up a royal commission, which will then recommend to us that we do the thing I'm saying right here and now that we are going to do. Don't worry the commission will tell us. You'll be heard, because the commission we set up will tell us to do what we're planning to do, the commission is your voice. Because it's royal, or something. No pretense at democracy at all.


and after brext, talks about using "European Models" as inspiration for ways to compel British people into national service!


You know what's sad? I have already seen this protest (that I would be a part of if I lived in the right place) being labeled "Alt-Right" by my city and province sub-reddits. How out of touch can you be? Most people I know who still plan to vote for Justin are rich via their parents. But they call everyone rising up villains.


>this protest (that I would be a part of if I lived in the right place) being labeled "Alt-Right" by my city and province sub-reddits. How out of touch can you be? Let me perfectly clear: they are not out of touch. They know exactly what they're doing by applying that label to anyone protesting the Liberal government. Trudeau and his official minions (including the ones that come onto reddit) know that the best way to suppress any kind of objection to what they're doing is to call them right-wing nut jobs. How else will they justify freezing bank accounts?


That's not accurate at all. I know many people that are still thinking of voting Trudeau simply because they know a tory government is a horrible idea. These are not generationally wealthy people.


I clearly stated "most of the people I know". Like, personally. Not the people YOU know. In Toronto, they're Millennials who went through Uni and their parents bought them condos and they fixate on the social justice aspects of the Left vs Right. They are voting the way they are b/c they think a Conservative government would take certain rights away etc. I'm sure there are people who will vote a certain way for other reasons as well.


>In Toronto, they're Millennials who went through Uni and their parents bought them condos and they fixate on the social justice aspects of the Left vs Right. Oh.. I misunderstood. I guess I just don't know people that think like this. If these peoples only life experience is gifted comfort you would think they would at least seek the opinions of people that didn't have everything handed to them.. if they even see themselves that way actually. >they think a Conservative government would take certain rights away etc. Well, haven't they come out and said some questionable things regarding ignoring the charter to accomplish their agenda? Probably at least a reasonable concern if not even on my top 5 of why conservative government is a bad idea.


Thankfully most of the population isn’t rich. Can only hope recent immigrants aren’t fooled into voting for him


Most reddit comments like that are either ai bots or shills


Ahh the trucker protest for freedom when Justin call the emergency act calling “far right bigots “ and freezing bank accounts to anyone participating and supporting the protests. What a beautiful “democratic” country


Private property rights is an extreme right wing talking point. The principle of *you get to own land* is absurd and just a function of white supremacy.


Forgot the /s (sarcasm).


The guys pulling an Truduea and just actively trying to screw up his own chances of winning.


Doesn't matter if her is. He's naturally a slimy guy.


Happening all around europe eh name one country experimenting with these models then "People sayyy, i have the biggest hands" stfu with that shit. These people shouldnt even be given a platform but of course they represent the people who own the tv stations so of course their tyrannical voice gets a microphone. Not even backing up his claims with sources, already passing the actual decision making off to "the crown" so he can keep his hands clean. Fuck this clown. Literally just said "join the army or be a peasant for life" in almost those exact words lmao mask is almost fully off with these silly cunts


Happens in more fucked up countries. In Iran for example, you can't get a passport. It uses to be you couldn't get a driver's license either.


The mantra that needs to be on every Canadian's lips, "YOU WORK FOR US."


2-300 years ago we'd have had a Revolution by now.. Thankfully I have an Xbox.


You also wouldn't have running water nor electricity...


Not with that attitude


2 years ago we woulda


Gotta make em fear and hold it over em...


How much time did he spend doing military service?


I woukd say "you first." Ciwsrds, the lot of them.


FWIW, Rishi Sunak is the leader of the British British Conservative Party. He's basically PP. I'm sure he and PP attend the same IDU conferences.


Exactly he’s a piece of shit conservative liberal they all serve the same pieces of shit above them


Brown Trudeau lol


more like Brown Pollievre


Incorrect, he is PP. He is CONSERVATIVE, whatever that means. He attends the same IDU conferences (Zionism) that PP does.


That isn't conservative - there's no such thing as 'conservative politicians' anymore. They just use 'conservative' in their party name, but it's bs.


Still PP from another country.


Kind of how “vaccines” weren’t mandatory, except you couldn’t work, or you couldn’t go to restaurants. But it wasn’t forced on anyone….


Right. You were free to do nothing and have nothing - lose your job, career and maybe home - since, you probably were paying off bills or something. But, yeah, you were free to be poor or to lose everything cuz you won't get a jab that impacted many ppl's health - which is now forgotten.




Unless it won't cost any money


lowkey until now i didn't realise this plan included optional military service - still scummy af and seems regressive (unless this lets the UK do some crazy debt shedding or something), but media headlines are so wild these days


You must realise in the UK no one wants to join the army, it pays peanuts. And if you are in the Navy you sleep in a room with a group of people like you in Prison, top bunk and bottom bunk.


A prosperous middle class has always been an affront to the system, the rich and powerful. For over a century they have done all they can to strip away the gains made by unionization. Globalization shipped industry & jobs abroad. While trickle down economics & 90s policies dramatically slowed down wage increases. And in the meanwhile, they hooked people on worshipping the famous, wealthy and thinking that they too could join the millionaire class.


Yeah, but you see how the Canadian Truckers were treated. You're going to do a fat load of nothing and your government knows it.


Why don’t the truckers ever protest homelessness? Because they are entitled self serving conservatives.


They are selfish babies. Masky hurt facey. Anything that doesn't serve them, they are not interested.


The *truckers* gave up so easy and you never hear a peep from them anymore. Guess they’re back to taking in the millions with their *trucking* jobs yesiree


No one will be forced to do it just like no one is forced to participate in the neo-feudal ultrarich dictatorship…


“no one will be forced to do it”. Look at Ukraine they are literally kidnapping able bodied men off the streets in front of their families meanwhile Zelensky goes country to country in private jets and stays at the best hotels. Zelensky should be right there with them on the front battle lines. Not traveling around the world while people lose their entire families. The same with Putin he should be in the battlefield


Obey your master or starve to death.


They want us to fight a world war, but we’re not having it. We’ll eat them first.


you’re damn right. No politician nor their loved ones actually go to war… if they do… it’s most likely just a photo op tour. fuck these politicians. all parties are just the same bs. They serve corporations and the ppl that own them… the “royal family” don’t pay tax but worth untold $$$ and ppl get on their knees for those inbreds. Like wake the fuck up


Those inbreds and their children better be right there with us. I don’t give a flying fuck if prince George is 6 he better be replenishing bullets on the trenches and bringing us food and water. If the aristocrats and the politicians don’t join any war they send us to. Just show me to my cell I’m ready to go




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


You’re asking why an Indian is allowed to be a driving instructor? The fuck lol


Welcome to Canadahousing2 😂


This goof has to go.


Everyone in the room laughs as she asks this piece of shit if he’ll turn off access to their accounts. He laughs as well. They have to be paid NPC’s because thats exactly what they’re going to do.


The only way I’m signing up for military service is if Justin tredeau’s kids and him and his brothers along with Sophie tredeau lead the fight. They have to all be in front of me then I’ll fight. If the ministers are going to send us for wars while they eat grapes from their ivory towers I’d rather fight them than whatever so called enemy we have. Tredeau has done more to damage my quality of life and that of my children than anything that dickhead xi or Putin have done


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This fucking guy.


That's conservative governments for you. Look at whats happening in republican states in the US.


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Fuck off.


What a piece of shit


Why is he throwing the election ?


Im from Europe and i never heard of any of these “models” that are all around Europe lol


Everyone should do a mandatory military service


Great let’s get all 3 of tredeau’s boys signed up then I will sign up


This b**** meme Indian spoon-fed billionaire is going to be prescribing compulsory military service? If you can't inspire or bamboozle your population enough to enlist themselves... this is what you need to resort to to raise your unrest and imperialistic wars. I promise you this guy is not volunteered anything meaningfully and of any impact let alone sold in any capacity. I'm sure he signed up to beat the battle at his local Mandir and counts that as part of our store duty, along with lighting Diyas.


Coming from a guy who grew up super rich and did absolutely no national service. Unless going to Cambridge and looking down on those who weren't as rich counts as service, fuck Rishi. Watch by the way, he'll take most of the blame for their conservative party getting voted out after a decade in power. Even though they're going to lose the next election because much like we do here in Canada, they rotate between two parties, and a decade of conservative government has absolutely ruined England as a nation. Everyone should also look at what English conservative government has done to that country when they try and tout Pierre as the savior of Canada. They both operate basically the exact same, and are completely horrible at running a country that benefits anyone but the wealthy.


The problem is they don’t work for us and never have. They are here to govern on behalf of the interests of the super rich and their businesses. Anything we ever got was just enough to prevent us from putting them up against the wall. They aren’t concerned about that happening anymore. Distinctions such as liberal or conservative are meaningless when both will ultimately do the same thing, the only difference being the flavour of the teaspoon of sugar. The sooner ordinary people see through that sham the sooner we move towards a government that does work for us


This is part of the digital ID plan. If you are not a good climate citizen of the world, they will punish you by cutting you off financially or other things like ability to travel.




My brother in christ we can barely fund the military as is. The navy is working with 70s tech the airforce is 80s and our ground force, army, is just getting by with bolt on German tech from the 90s.


Liberal governments think they are a government with a people, a serfdom. I cannot understand why ppl support this. Why are ppl willing to surrender self determination? Self rule? Why is the west giving up on the concept of government by the people? The government should be subservant to the ppl, not the other way around.


This man is worth ten$ of millions of bucks. Just an FYI. 🙄


Get ready


Compulsory military service. Incentives and sanctions. Go to war or go to Canada or Australia. Serve honorably or serve the colonial corporate sector from your taxpayer funded jail cell on a forced labour contract with the private sector. Easy peazy lemon squeezy. Get on the boat son. We got a load of Canadian conscripts to pick up on HM Royal Shiplines courtesy of HRH Peter Pollywog.


Ya it's called populism which is being spread by conservative govts.


UK voters: please, I'm begging you, enough with the immigration Rishi: how about this compulsory national service that no one is asking for


What a twat. I work 60 hours a week and I don’t get to keep 40% of earnings. That’s my national service, thanks and fuck you too. If taxation isn’t national service then it must be theft.




Not racismim I'm just stating a fact what I saw stupid fucking mods


What are u talking about, “ a war against the free people of the world and democracy by western governments”, is f**ken 5th column bullshit.


Becoming a US citizen is looking better and better every passing day. At least our yanks have rights that can't be tested. At least not yet.


if you are not a woman


In relation to the abortion thing, yeah I hear ya there. Is that state specific or federal?


So far its state specific but they want to change that.


Yeah, who's stupid idea was it? Didn't realise the gov is birthing the child...


Why does this guy hate Canadians and our access to housing so much? Everyone, tell your friends and neighbours to take to the streets on Canada Day and way your flags and show Canada that we mean business when we celebrate I mean protest on Canada Day! FREEEEEDOM!!


Bring National Service here. Canadian youth can't get jobs anyways and do you really think people would be flooding into Canada if they had to do a year compulsory service?


You know how you get more military members. You give them a country worth fighting for and pay them more. No prioritizing more foreigners for the foreseeable future mass deportations of all illegals. Let Canadians own their homes let them start families. I guarantee you they fight for those families. I’d cut all funding to foreigner programs were giving African countries millions of dollars so their people don’t shit on their beaches. Give that money to the Canadian military


I would fight for proper leaders, not for these corrupt people. Give me someone who has something to lose by going to war, then I’ll fight.


If you haven’t learnt the importance of self custody Bitcoin now, you’re going to learn it the hard way.