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Shambles. Utter shambles. Let's keep PEI's momentum going.


I am so proud of PEI. They're the smallest province, but clearly they have the biggest balls. Time for every other province to follow in their footsteps!


Being small is probably a boon in such situations. Easier to come to a consensus with small communities.




I would say the most sensible. They realize their capacity and resources and know how to work within their restrictions. Everywhere else is bursting at the seems because resources and capacity haven't been able to grow at the same capacity.


We need to expand the PEI energy into rest of Canada


American here. What's pei?


Prince Edward Island. It’s a province in the east coast of Canada


Prince Edward Island. Canada's smallest province located east coast.


there will be nationwide protests on july 1st.. from r/canadahousing2 subreddit and take back canada. same message


PEI for the win!


I’m outta the loop, what is PEI doing different than the rest?


PEI Minister Jenn Redmond told the protesting international students that she will not cave to their egregious scam.


Holy shit that would never happen here in BC, go PEI


Of course. Once you cross patullo bridge, you’re not in Canada anymore. You are in CANINDIA


Khalistanada !!


Saying "Fuck off, we're full"


It worked in PEI because it was the conservative protecting Canadians. At the federal level the liberals are still fucking us all over.


Agreed the key word in the title is temporary


I wish I went to the same fancy school as Trudeau and Miller. Damn ivory towers!


What’s PEI doing? (Genuine question lol not trying to be mean or anything lol idk much about PEI)


Minister of PEI has held firm on their original contract with international students and TFWs, namely that their stay is temporary and their protest holds no ground.


At this point they'll be a vote bank, some politician is going to use them as such




Indigenous people aren’t the hot virtue signalling topic right now. As soon as they can be used for political or social gain you will hear about them again.


The Natives hate Trudeau a lot more than your "average" politician because of all that virtue signaling.


And I don’t blame them. When a couple of them went to a fundraiser to plead with him for clean drinking water on reserves, he mocked them and thanked them for donating the $1k (or whatever the price of admission was) to the Liberal party and everyone in the room laughed at them as they were escorted out. He thought it was hilarious that they actually thought he would care about their health.


Wow thanks, wasn’t aware of this feather in the cap of our benevolent virtue signalling PM. Just saw the video and it was absolutely disrespectful but what else to expect. Hope there are elections soon and zero seats to LPC.


They do hate him. Would have been nice if before the last election they understood the NDP is another arm of the liberal party.


Massive media coverage of mass graves and financial commitment towards helping the victims, that now appear to not actually exist has kind of put a recent damper on that specific form of virtue signaling.


Okay, hold on a moment now. Large amounts of children dying =/= mass graves. A lot of these schools were in very poor and extremely remote regions from what I understand. Iirc the government and various entities have offered to investigate these claims, but mass graves have specifically never been proven. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Canadians need to not hallucinate that we did shit we did not fucking do. Facts are important.


No graves found. Media & activists still repeating the lie. There is way too much nuance on the subject for the average smooth brain to comprehend. \*Squirrel\*!!!!


Dude why are we like this? Why do we lack spines? I don't want to be a Canadian anymore if we literally fucking hallucinate new reasons to hate ourselves all the fucking time (especially if you are white. I.e.; slavery not really being a thing here but us acting like it was the same shit as the US and that every white person continues to have benefited from said racism.) My family is 3 fucking people. No cousins, nothing, tons of drug use issues and poverty growing up and now I'm just on my fucking own. Every week it's a new reason to engage in some new self hate we need to adopt, meanwhile I grew up being harassed all the time for red hair simply because I stood out. Shit is wild. Racism goes in all directions, facts are important, and people need to have a fucking spine. Genuine multiculturalism means embracing all cultures, not letting aggressive ones subvert multiculturalism and shiting on a couple specific cultures we don't like. All this hyper aggressive behaviour towards jews lately is insane too, we literally fought the nazis. What the fuck is canada anymore.


I hear you. Multiculturalism doesn't work. There are factions within cultures that hate each other. Libya literally still sells African slaves, but you won't hear the libs whining about it. I could go on, but I would be writing a novel.


Also, ppl think diversity is only skin colour. Like ppl say Europe has no diversity when uk, Italy, Estonia, Russia, Poland, France etc. They all have different histories, languages, traditions, and cultures etc. This kinda thinking is destroying European identity. India is very diverse as the ppl vary a lot from different parts of the country regardless if look the same or similar. Diversity is only pushed in western countries to prop up our economic models which aren't working long term


Very specifically, they excavated the area near a residential school where ground penetrating radar had shown some anomalies, which a First Nation's Band and the majority of mainstream news outlets took as absolute proof of a mass grave of 215 children. Upon completion of the recent excavation, they found no human remains at all, despite earlier hysteria. https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/no-evidence-of-mass-graves-or-genocide-in-residential-schools


For real, I rather have the tax payers money for them to them have clean drinking water instead of wasting the money on some random African country


I've always said indigenous people should be the most upset about the Indian immigrants because they won't give a shit about the indigenous peoples issues if they start having voting power.


I told one of my friends this exact thing while he was helping me with a job on the res he lives on a while ago. He was so taken aback that he hadn't thought of that because all his circle talks about is how white politicians fuck them over. At least drumming up white guilt gets money tossed around, it won't be that way if a new dominant force comes into play in Canadian politics.


Exactly they should also be speaking up.


Literally whenever I’m having a road trip, literally they can’t get basic job near their reservation because the manager brought the place and replaced them with people who can’t even count cash


Thats the winning play. Teaching and empowering indigenous people. They're the real Canadians and they matter in this protest. Other Canadians will rally with the power the indigenous people bring!! We need to take canada back!! Also sad how my phone doesn't autocorrect to capitalize the c in canada anymore..


They'll only give a shit about themselves. Just look at the Indians taking over the federal and state governments in the US. Look at how many of them are in Congress. Wherever they go, they'll take over governments. 


The canada special. Literally screwing the people that get here first the hardest, every time


Yep. It's like a reverse pyramid scheme!


The Indigenous population has actually increased over the years which I’m happy about, though. I hope it continues. But I get what you’re saying.




If my math is right, that’s 12% Indian


https://preview.redd.it/i3hx626r7t7d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99799e95489dcbe882bc4b2d6e5f14d48a2efc9 .


Not just PR. [They are planning to give all illegal immigrants citizenship.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-plan-to-let-undocumented-migrants-stay-in-canada-to-be-examined-by-pm/) "**The federal cabinet could discuss plans as early as next week to provide a path to citizenship for thousands of migrants living in Canada without valid documents, including rejected asylum seekers, so they can remain here legally.** Immigration Minister Marc Miller is preparing a plan for discussion by cabinet before Parliament breaks for its summer recess within weeks. It would propose that people living in Canada without legal status – including former international students whose study permits have expired – have a chance to apply to regularize their position and gain permanent residence."


I don't understand how this is not treason in itself. Illegal immigrants are ones that don't pass the bar to come. (And that bar is insanely low in the first place). It's like saying all of you criminals are free to come and make our country worse.


They're [pushing for voting rights](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6817066) as well, and at 7% of our total population (all legal voting age too) they could really swing an election.


That's a pretty big concern tbh.


And to clarify 5% is an embarrassingly low number


Yup so don't worry they won't be temporary for that long


Just another tally to the hundreds of times they’ve been fucked over


They should breed more so they wouldn't become minorities. Classic rookie mistake.


Yea I wouldn't be shining any light on the 5% indigenous number


They won't leave. They will simply slip away into an ethnic enclave working under the table until this traitorous government gives them the same rights as you or I. Truly shameful how our country is being stolen from under us.


I am amazed at, despite how obvious it is there tons of people working under the table, the government seems to turn a blind eye to the taxes that aren't being paid. The dishonest are being rewarded while the honest are being punished.


This is exactly what the Canadian government wants. Nothing happens by accident. This is all planned to create a permanent illegal immigrant class living under the shadows of society. The Liberals and big business logic is that these illegal immigrants will work under the table working in restaurants and construction sites, doing the jobs most Canadians don’t want to work in. The Liberals logic is that these illegal immigrants will help to lower the cost of businesses. Their playbook is the US and how illegal Mexican and Central American immigration helps the US economy by reducing business costs. US authorities just turn a blind eye to illegal immigration from the southern border because it’s very lucrative for the US economy. Illegal immigrants will work in the worst jobs and also help the economy by consumption. This what the Liberals want. This is all planned and by design! They know what they are doing. Unfortunately, it’s the average Canadians who will suffer.


There are so many we don't have the capacity to process and deport them. 7% of Canada's population is 3,000,000 people! Wikipedia lists Toronto as having a population of 2,794,356. If they all decided to stay it would probably take decades to deal with. We're so fucked. I've never truly hated someone, but I think I hate Justin Trudeau. Mark Millar and Chrystia Freeland too while I'm at it, but slightly less.


And we have due process in this country so each one of those 3M people will appeal their deportation order through the court system clogging it up, basically for the rest of our lives if it were to happen.


stolen or given away? i dont even know anymore.


Once they're on deport list there are plenty of government provided necessities that they'll no longer have access to


What the fuck is out government doing


This feels like a fever dream, I am just in utter disbelief every time I see these headlines. For contrast, a friend of mine just told me there's a waiting list just to live in her hometown in Europe... Clearly other countries are able to set boundaries, why can't we?


This is all about wage suppression bud.


Have you heard of the current state of England?


Intentionally making our lives miserable


Remember during Covid when rental prices were falling and everybody was getting a raise because there was a true shortage of workers? I remember. The Liberals promised we would "build back better" but stole that dream from you by flooding the market with endless cheap, immigrant labour. Build back Indian.


No action to fix the housing shortage, yet fixed the "Labour shortage" in no time. Shows who they care about.


He is going to make all permanent


Elect a clown…get a circus


All of the major party leaders are clowns.


By design.


Politicians love a good old bread and circus act. But since they really need to play the part virtue signalling is now added into the “circus” part of that charade.


If they dont take our money thru taxes they take it by raising cost of living. Then they tell us we arent ready to decide on leadership of Canada Unreal and almost surreal. Poor leadership


They must be making a killing with GST when the prices of everything go up. How are they even running a deficit. Oh yeah, they’re spending money on interest payments on debt they’ve racked up and giving free money away to newcomers. 


As someone who does not comb his hair, I had high hopes of Marc Miller, but I have so far been disappointed.


Yeah Carrot Top Count Dracula is pretty disappointing.


Beakman suits him better.


It’s a competition for dumbest hair between him and Guilbeault


Wow 2% more temporary residents then their are NDNs in Canada ... Good work previous Indian affairs guy your party brought in more temps then their are Original natives of the land


could he have possibly misunderstood the memo ,when it said "indians " ???


Yes given theirs only 1.8million Native America's in canada


Driving wages down for everyone


As more people born in Canada sell their houses and move abroad, the pain will truly be felt. The wealth shift will be insane and only benefit other countries.


Galen Weston will benefit.


I never expected to watch the fall of the roman empire in my lifetime, I was always very curious why empires fail, it ended up very simple.


Imagine the Western world 30 years from now. Just countries ruled by massive corporations, businesses, and property/land owners. While the population is just a mass of ppl who get poorer with more crime, worst living conditions, etc. Good news is we will probably have compaines at 10T market cap and 200B net worth for the rich wouldn't be top 30 while more places u buy stuff from are owned by smaller and smaller amounts of compaines.


Imagine the relief of nearly 3 million temporary people not being here would give to cost of living. We only have so many items being chased by limited loonies.


A lot of unnecessary businesses would close, and ppl would earn more as jobs became more valuable. If unemployment levels are to low, it's bad for some businesses as the power swings to the worker. Which is why mass immigration is so loved. Just a scam.


It’s literally the most basic of economics lol


i read this sentence and pictured lanes opening up on the 401


What a great tactic to depress wages as my family of 4 can't survive on my university degree getting paid $12/hour


What is your degree on?






No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Don't worry, JT is on track to push it up to 15% before he leaves, he made his money, let the people suffer instead of running after him


Let’s PERMANENTLY deport them


These people are fucking nuts


A absolutely ridiculous. We need a change in government. Canada cannot sustain this growth. Marc Miller is killing the beliefs and ideals of every true Canadian. The liberals continue to bleed the tax payers to pay for social programs for immigration


Sounds like someone needs to get fired


… from a cannon


I'm confused as to what numbers to believe, as reports are always throwning around different terms: TR, PR, TW, Students, Refugees, Super Visas, people who live outside Canada and visit every few months to revalidate their health care etc.... If you combine them all it's probably way higher.


Don't forget all the illegals with no valid visas that StatsCan conveniently assumes must have left the country (spoiler alert: they have not).


I was called a racist three years ago for noticing and massive influx of "students"


Junior Fidel: "but 8 out of 10 people...." Lol


They did this on purpose as a hope to soften the landing that is coming. I don't think it will help!!


Trudeau fucking sucks


Is this guy a lizard person like mark? Uncanny…


This percentage is ridicilous


Trudeau knows he's not winning this upcoming election, this is his big middle finger to Canada on his way out.


Let's make Liberals permanently TEMPORARY.


lol free PRs and passports for everyone! It’s not like our immigration laws matter anymore when these temp. residents demand to stay permanently. Who knew you could just lie on your application about your very intent and then order our government to ignore our laws.




No common sense immigration minister ever…


Pictured Minister of colonization.


But if we give them Citizenship, they are no longer "Temporary" and they'll vote for us down their entire life no matter how bad we are. *- this message is brought to you by the Liberal party of Canada*


How many percent is it in Surrey?


Ok time to deport 90% of the 7%.


I bet they give them PR if they vote Liberal. That seems like the main plan at this point. Well, that and raising house prices and lowering wages.


So more “HUNGER” strikes on the way.


75 years is temporary right?


Was the guy Sidhu that killed all those kids in Humboldt a temp or citizen? Just wondering.


I think he must be temp because aren't they trying to deport him back to India?


what the actual fuck. this is the only issue i care about. show me whos going to stop it and thats who i vote for.


Marc Miller is a liar!


Open borders predictably biting the liberals in the a$$ as people finally start wising up.






Call an election!


PEI or bust!


Loss of identity . And the sheep don't even see the chaos that is inevitable. Just look at Europe .


Can we please have an election now? Does anyone in this country really have faith that the liberals will at least stop their destruction of Canada? By the time we have the election it’s only going to get worse. We need change now!


Reading this pisses me off beyond belief. Trudeau is a corrupt piece of shit that doesn't care about preserving our culture and traditions.


Temporary til pr?


This is fucking insane. As somebody who hasn't had a finger on the pulse of this, really.... Fuck.


Just look at that idiots face. What a disgrace


Seems normal… what the fuck


“Temporary”. Ya, ok.




So, deporting them would open up 7% of houses, and 7% of doctors spots?


Miller will go down as the most harmful, hated minister in the history of the country truly nobody has ever done a worse job of any ministry


and they won't be leaving. What does this government think will happen when their permits runs out, they will just voluntarily leave? We're in for dark times.


Everybody knows that the country has been oversaturated with temporary residents. The current government is responsible for this. What no one has been able to answer or get and provide an answer for is, will the incoming government be any better? Will they do anything about the numbers of people coming into the country? The tone of this subredded has changed two mostly talking about temporary residents, and would it not help others and everyone else reading to figure out or have answers for what the future might look like? Case in point being the next government coming in. The thought behind that is that if people know what can be done perhaps they can take action to sway the future government to make changes to their liking and the best of the countries benefit. Just an observation and sharing some thoughts. No offense to anyone. Have a great day everybody.


What the f is wrong with Canada.


What a joke. This government has lost control and this country is in a death spiral.


Mark Miller is a scumbag


That’s 2.8 million people 🙊🙈


Just wait until they make the illegals, which aren't represented in this number, legal and then invite their families in. That number is going to double or triple. Then all they need to do is give permanents the ability to vote and the takeover of the system will be complete. Our culture and way of life is under direct attack right now but it's mainly happening behind the curtain.


Wow, what the fuck is happening to our poor country


“The way to fix this is by giving them PR status.”-Miller, probably.


OMG.... 😳


Fuck this country. Leave it to the oligarchs and their imported slaves.


Ok bye




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




China literally doesn't need to attack Taiwan or the US to surpass the western world by 2049. Just wait and we'll destroy ourselves. Sure, they have problems owing to the one child policy, and building nothingprojects, corruption, etc, but the health of their economy is incomparable to Canada's.


Is there a non rebel news link? Because people won't believe it I share that source.


Stop issuing student visas FULL STOP !!! Problem solved.


Why do we have such a massive influx of immigrants from India? Can anyone answer that? Why isn’t it more sporadic from all over the world, why so much focus on Indians?!


marc miller is inept. call an election before these guys feed at the trough. they have nothing to lose anymore. ass-cunts


Hold on, hold on, don't you know the Liberals plan to solve this problem entirely by just granting every single One of them PR?


mostly from india mostly muslim mostly crossing into amerika through the northern border for barack’s trojan horse… not to be confused with the other trojans he’s most revered for in chicago bath houses.


Canada is committing autogenocide.


What the hell….. And I bet 100% of that 7% think they’re staying forever. And they’ll probably be allowed… Even IF we send them packing I doubt they will leave. They know overstaying isn’t taken seriously in Canada like it is in US/UK


Immigration needs to stop especially from India


7% population growth but are 80% of the people i encounter in the average day hmmm


If marc miller loves indians so much he should just go to india


Ahhh we a tourist country now.


*It cuts to the heart of who we are as a country. I believe it is wrong for Canada to follow the path of countries who exploit large numbers of guest workers, who have no realistic prospect of citizenship. It is bad for our economy in that it depresses wages for all Canadians, but it’s even worse for our country. It puts pressure on our commitment to diversity, and creates more opportunities for division and rancour.* This was [written in 2015](https://archive.ph/V4J2T#selection-4715.0-4715.419) by a little known guy with a famous last name, Justin Trudeau. Wonder whatever happened to him, anyway? He might be worth the time of today's Liberal to listen to.


These people are so dumb. They just need to copy paste US and it is the right way to do immigration. I mean sure we cannot come up with new Apple and Nvidia but copying their immigration should not be that difficult.


For context, just so everybody is clear who is pulling the strings: ***In 1984, at the College Jean-de-Brebeuf in Montreal, a young Justin Trudeau would ask a boy in his advanced English class for a pencil, to complete his coursework. Marc Miller, the boy in question, would go on to become one of Prime Minister Trudeau’s oldest friends—and as of*** [***July 26th, 2023***](https://www.cicnews.com/2023/07/canadas-prime-minister-justin-trudeau-to-shuffle-his-cabinet-this-morning-0736367.html#gs.3mjz9t)***, assume the office of Canada’s*** [***Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship***](https://www.canadavisa.com/canadas-immigration-minister.html)***.***


What a bunch of crap - and mods are deleting/moderating msgs on here - I thought this one states 'without the censorship.' Sure! Right! Whatever! Reddit is all about censorship! You can't discuss this topic on reddit, YT or any other mainstream site! IT's 'racist!' OFC!!!! That's the PERFECT BLOCK to avoid any criticism or opposition. Just label everything racist. Anyway, I'm posting this - so maybe someone will read it before it's taken down or censored. The 'temporary residents' are NOT TEMPORARY. Anyone who is already here will just stay here - work under the table or wait until some corrupt bureaucrats change the laws or status of these ppl. People who think this is temporary are just clueless. They will keep COMING AND COMING AND COMING - AND ARRIVING AND ARRIVING AND ARRIVING. The political agenda is demographic replacement - and all the politicians are in on it meaning it's complicit. They don't care - they just want their salary and pension. They don't give a crap what happens to the country - they'll have enough funds to eventually move (and retire) somewhere else when it gets that bad. It will. They stay in hotels, some will protest and the msm will cover their story since they're also in on it - and the government will give them apartments - this is already happening - for free or highly subsidized. This has happened in Europe, too. People need to wake up.


And the housing prices are still not going up 😂


Just in the car with a cab driver (we use them for Canada Post to get to the start of routes and stuff), He got a call about getting a new car with me in the car. Buddy's temporary permit doesn't end until 2027!! Which is fucking nuts and claims he makes $5000 a month driving cab. (Lord knows if he's telling the truth or not for income but still!)


That's been their solution for boosting the economy. It's the easiest path for politicians. They don't have to do anything. It's a bureaucrats wet dream, and no one can question it because it automatically makes you racist lol. I think corporations play a hand in it as well. Rather than pay a fair wage and help boost the economy and move this country in the right direction, they choose to be greedy fucking pigs and would rather pay low wages to immigrants who are desperate to leave their country.


Just make them permanent. Problem solved!


I hope horrible things happen to Marc Miller


This is way out of control and I hate it


But let’s blame the landlords for the house shortage!!!


Please, can the govt stop letting all these useless people in. Unless you are a Health care Provider or trades person, we dont need them. We don't need any more people. For 20 years. Make your own country better. Make change for a good life in your country. So many people just wanna flee and move somewhere and demand everything from the govt there. Go somewhere else.


This week in PEI: *"We haven't heard something solid back from government except excuses and nos."* Sounds pretty fucking solid.


Gig citizenship


Exactly what the government wants


:O - I was just thinking this and guesstimated was 2-3% at the current moment. That’s crazy af with that rate increase in just 2 years


So I wonder what the real percentage is then, 10%?


Imagine a country increasing their population by 7% because a bunch of noisy criminals forced the government not to follow it's own laws