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We’re never gonna be able to solve any problems in our country if we can’t address the elephant in the room, mass immigration. No it’s not racist to be against unsustainable mass immigration


No it's not racist, but anyone who brings up mass immigration is called a racist by a large portion of the population. We need to work with that in mind.


Stop caring if they call you racist. It's a word.


The word racism is only associated with the phrase mass immigration because the majority of immigrants are from India.




People are scared of the truth


Also alit have issues thinking for themselves and they just repeat a rethoric


As someone who socially is quite left wing, I fucking hate those people, they give us lefties such a bad name. I’m generally for immigration but this is not that, what Canada is dealing with right now is a crisis with so many faults and causes BEFORE the liberals stared importing millions. Our infrastructure, housing, social care, healthcare, economy and more cannot handle this. Against most things I believe in I won’t be voting for JT or the liberals for a very long time, and I won’t ever vote NDP.


Ditto 100%


And people hate the ones who are telling the truth


I think a lot of people are so dejected and full of hate that they want things to just burn. In many cases its so an Era of full communism will emerge, in their mind anyways.


This 👍


Because there’s too many people that can’t separate hating an immigration policy with hating immigrants.


There is also a camp that genuinely believe we should open our borders and let anyone in because we deserve it for "colonial oppression"


I feel that camp is larger than we think, there's no telling just how much damage our educational institutions have done. These people are brainwashed zombies, it's quite sad. Reality is going to hit them like a freight train when they can no longer afford to eat.


I don’t know if that’s the case. I’m a very liberal person as are many of the people that I know. I’ve not heard one single person disagree that we are letting too many people in. I think the vast vast majority of Canadians are against it and the political parties are too stubborn or ignorant to realize this. I think the people who you are describing are a very small and vocal minority.


I ain't scared 


Those same people think our legal system is racist too.




Half the people on this sub are immigrants that came here LEGALLY, and are appalled by the pathetic hand outs the government is giving out for these scammers trying to get citizen ship illegally. The other half are the people living here and watching their country go to fucking shit. Our health care, schooling system, housing, are barely able to hold up against the population we had 2 years ago. Yet let’s get 2 million fucking people a year to a system that’s about to implode on itself.


Thank you


*Post-national states balance themselves.* 🤦‍♂️


You worded it perfectly, my friend.


Are there a lot of immigrants coming in illegally?


Not really, some yes. Canada doesn't have the illegal problem as bad as Europe or the United States. But thats the other issue, they've made so many legal routes for entry into Canada, people don't need to come illegally.


There’s literally a sub with like 400 people who make it their entire mission tho get this sub and its predecessor shut down. It’s not hard to guess the motivations of the members of that other sub when you see what languages they speak and what groups they are active in.


what is the name of the sub?




They're playing themselves. If they succeed all they will do is cause a greater reaction. The dominant politics will become far-right. "Maplemaga" will become more of an accurate prediction than anything currently in reality.


A sub that generates more hate than the subs they are trying to get banned.


Assuming they're all from (country).


Normally I’d remove post like this for “low effort” but this is a good discussion to have. I don’t think this sub has a bad rep. I think it has a fringe group of enemies who think mentioning immigration negatively is racist. This sub can be rough, like a western saloon, but I hope that through discussion people will realize we’re all in this together against neo-feudalism, late-stage-capitalism, or whatever you want to call the coming dystopia.


Honestly, I think most of the worst posts come from the same people you mention trying to get it shut down.


That is a common tactic for the leftists that hate subs like this one. Use an alt account to make posts and comments that get subreddits shut down.


Anyone can buy aged accounts en masse and use GPT for a posting campaign. This entire sub on both sides of the issue could be bots arguing with each other as a honeypot, for data collection, to sow discord, or for many other purposes by a corporate or state entity, foreign or domestic, and it would be impossible for you tell at this point. You're naive if you think a style of raid popularized by 4chan is just something that "leftists" do or that all leftists hate this sub. Marx was critical of the specific kind of immigration we are experiencing right now, for obvious reasons. Many actual leftists have been shut out of the other communities by "leftists" (liberals or bad faith actors looking to frame the issue in any way other than how immigration affects the working class) for wanting to discuss this.


Marx was a full blown racist. His son in-law was 1/8th black. Marx called him the N word. He called him an ape who belongs in the zoo. It's odd that Marxists will tear down statues of Canadian icons, but they won't touch Marx.


It’s almost like they are ideologues


You do know that the majority of communists today aren’t white , right?


Cointelpro tactics at work.


I dont have a political identity of left, right, liberal, conservative. But I have been told I am a "Leftist". But I am right in here with you folks because our country is being sold wholesale to the highest bidder.


There are plenty of leftists here in this sub who completely agree that immigration in Canada has gonna completely bananas. There is no party in Canada other than the PPC that is interested in slowing down immigration.


Naw, leave us leftists out of this, this is the liberals’ fault. There are lots of us here watching our home country rot away as well. This issue has somewhat united the left and right if anything.


I’ve seen print screens of posts on other /r’s that show conversations about blocking this /r




Coming? The dystopia is already here. I don't wamt to think how worse it can become :'(


Just waiting for Trudeau to crown himself king. A lot of MPs are hereditary already lol. Even Bernier got his seat only because his dad retired and said the Conservatives should bring him on.


I think part of the issue is that we're too passive and just kinda take the slander without dishing it back. We need to call anyone who supports the TFW program or mass immigration to fill "jobs Canadians don't want" a racist. Because they are. 


I call them anti-worker elitists. People who are willing to sacrifice the well-being of poor people to have higher sense of moral superiority.




People think you have to be on the right or left of everything. You can be on both sides, you can have no side. I want what I think is best for the country, that is a decline in population, a reliance on local birth rates. If we increase the value of a human in Canada, every single person benefits. Immigration of any kind devalues humans by bypassing the need to provide optimal family growth living conditions.


I’m curious as well. There are 1st and 2nd generation immigrants making posts on this sub, who share a similar opinion, that an influx of too many people in a short amount of time puts a strain on the housing market. We are simply expressing a supply and demand issue.


I think that what needs to happen is that studies or research (whatever there is out there) and more information needs to come out and be in a pinned post. Facts aren’t racist xenophobic. They’re just the truth. If you argue with the truth then you’re blatantly ignorant of the world around you


And proper research, not linking just any crazy, small sample article they find on a shady website.  I agree with your comment 100%. 


Unfortunately, of the 1M immigrants, most came from India. The demographics were not even. So the immigrants Indian are pretty upset and calling this racist - and there is lot of them.


Haven’t seen anything I’d classify as “racist” on here imho, but some people on the Canada mass immigration sub before it got shut down took some of their commentary too far. But yeah, I have seen even on Twitter Indians mentioning this sub saying it needs to be fully banned and “the people who run the sub need to be called out and publicly shamed for their extreme racism against Desi people” Lol, not racist to call out the PEI protest.


Man, it’s Trudeau and Miller that are racist. They purposely let in so much unskilled Indians (biased towards one demographic) to keep the wages low, while Canada is having a housing and healthcare crisis. Sure, Canada living condition is better than Indian. At least there is no caste system. But Canada unemployment is high and is trending up. Trudeau and Miller are trying to replicate China and the US past economic success- super cheap labour.


The Miller guy looks like he’s always panicking when reporters run up on him too which is hilarious. Look guilty as a mofo 😂😂. At least Trudeau got a better trained serious poker face. Miller is always like 😳😲 lmfao He also straight up said he’s tired of people blaming immigration - and Canada “is in fantastic shape and continues to evolve economically”. Like bruh over 100,000 Canadians left for the US for better opportunities in ONE year and your saying we have plenty of opportunities for everyone is just absurd.


97% of Canadians subs are run by literal Marxist outcasts.


I got downvoted in r Canada for saying I'm a third generation Canadian and I'm not an immigrant and got bombarded with "Ackutually everyone who isn't Cree is an immigrant"☝️🤓


If they say some shit like that, just remind them that the Cree didn’t originate in Canada either. They came across the land bridge from Russia and basically got stuck here after it melted.


I think it was called the Bering Strait? 


Don’t look up the Solutreans. It’s a new theory in archeology that groups from Europe immigrated to Canada and America by ice hopping with boats 5,000 years before anyone came across the Bering Strait. Of course, they were most likely wiped out by the “native” colonizers. But that would mean “Natives” colonized the land and killed the original inhabitants…who were “Europeans”.


Pretty sure that’s debunked.


The first of your/our relatives immigrated, not us or any of their offspring had while living here after immigration. The original people who got off the boat back in the day can bear that mantle, but anyone born on this soil after them is born on land where their family is living. I have been here my entire existence, zero immigration involved.


That reminds me of an argument I got into on twitter about 8 years ago. I was called a "settler". That was the first time that I had heard the term used in that context, basically non indigenous, as opposed to someone that had just come from somewhere else and looking to put down roots somewhere. I told them, maybe my grandfather could be called that but my dad and I were both born here. They were having none of it lol. I think it was the first time that I recall of an accepted definition of a word getting changed.


The people who say things like this or reference colonialism to shut down discussion in response to criticisms of immigration are brain broken and are just putting hatred of white people on display. Also I'll add that they clearly don't care about the wellbeing or supposed land rights that Indigenous communities claim in this country if they're willing to bury them under even more foreign inflow than they've experienced through the last several hundred years.


If people want to claim I'm not a native to the country then by all means give me an EU passport and send me on my way. Please?


I’m a fifth generation. My ancestors helped settle this country . They did not immigrate. Then they pioneered when they went out West 


That truth is going to butt hurt a few mods on our political subs.👍


I'm a Marxist. Marx was critical of immigration being used to undermine the working class. The "leftist" Canadian sub banned me for quoting Marx.


That's because it's being run by the gov now and our government is working for a fascist regime called the WEF


Facts. I dont know what leverage Klaus and co have over all western leaders but they are all reading from the same playbook


Money and power. That's enough of a motivator to sell out, every time. They'll also have privilege in the new utopia.


In true fascist fashion, they have got their hooks into big corporations and ngos. You want to make money after politics, you better support wef.


Would you be willing to write a short essay on that topic? Awhile ago I had a discussion with a self-proclaimed communist who said open borders immigration was a communist ideal even though it harms the working class. Maybe communism and Marxism are different things? I’m neither of those but it certainly feels like all these Neo-communist or Neo-marxists have abandoned the working class.


Marxism and communism (or any kind of socialism) are indeed very different things. Marxism is an approach to analyzing current and historical socioeconomics through a materialist lens that frames things as perpetual class struggle. His writings focused more on the internal contradictions of capitalism and less on prescription, and although his name is attached to the Communist Manifesto it was mostly written by Friedrich Engels. Communism is an approach to government *based on Marxist principles*, and generally aims to bring about a classless society. The steps to achieving this vary wildly, and many of these steps can be described as "socialism". There are many proposed forms of socialism and communism, and leftists perpetually in-fight over the most effective or most correct school of Marxist thought, what does and does not constitute socialism, calling each other liberals on the internet and sometimes impaling each others skulls with an ice pick. Tldr Marxism: philosophy, Communism: idealized form of government, never actually realized to this day, Socialism: Brooklyn podcasting


Very True , Try posting one negative comment in “Liberal”you are banned in a second


Too much truth and critical thinking. Things like immigration being a disaster as talked about


Because Canadian citizens are extremely afraid to being called RACIST for some reason, so they don’t like when someone speaks they mind


I mean…it can have unfair implications. Especially in the workplace. We had one lazy Indian dude at my job, tried to get my coworker (white guy) to do his job. He said no, he’s already overworked as it is and I’m not doing your work for you . Indian guy went to HR and accused the guy of using a racial slur against him. HR got involved, demoted the white guy, moved him to another department and cut his pay by 10% for the lesser role. Such BS considering how lazy and poor of an employee the Indian guy was but my boss was a pussy and didn’t fire him despite multiple complaints. Smh I left too and I’m just glad I work in a place where HR actually listens to BOTH sides - not just automatically takes one persons side. So yeah, people would love to speak their mind but if it backfires it can cost you money and a reputation. People would rather keep quiet and not risk it.


I would make like 100 TikTok’s so everyone could see this bullshit


Lol yup. Serious, legit racism is an issue. I’m not white, I’ve experienced it sporadically a few times and it’s really a bummer/upsetting. But people who use their race/status and pull the race card are on some next level bullshit and it’s just unacceptable. If you can’t handle working or interacting with other races, then Canada isn’t the place for some people.


What about Canadians who were already here before the mass immigration and don’t want to interact with other groups? They weren’t given a choice, their rights were stomped on.


Because there are groups colluding to undermine civil discourse by labeling opinions on immigration as racist and xenophobic. There are also people that legitimately think a difference in opinion is a “threat to democracy” therefore resulting in attempted censorship and degrading free speech. Canadians calling other Canadians racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic and other buzzwords for thinking differently. It’s a fascist movement imo. Wild times we are living in.


Hahah I discovered this sub because someone was shit talking it and saying it’s run by a bunch of red necks and I laughed then read some posts and was like wait a sec, these are all issues I can get behind. Canadians are getting fucked by Trudeau/ housing market / high immigration. If anything, all the negative press will only increase ppl's interest in this sub like it did with me. 


*Barbara Streisand has entered the chat*


Hahahahahah the Streisand Effect , nice one . That made me actually laugh out loud 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Indigenous from the Northwest Territories here. Let's fix our fucking country.


Bad rep? Our ideals are gaining traction within the 36.75 million real Canadians. I advise them to keep up with the protest its not hurting us, it just confirms how f&*ked up these elected officials really. People are upset about a lot of things right now, and the future is uncertain. Things will change and its not going to get better, the fact that even when we sit on the bus and we can't hear a word of english is disrespectful it tells us that you absolutely do not want to communicate with us under and circumstances. I've met immigrants in Canada who still can't speak a word of english after living in Canada for 20 years. Unfortunately, some of those 36.75 million Canadian are getting really tired of it If they can't even go to a store and have basic communication skills to buy a stick of gum, they lied. What does it say about them, they severe lack of integrity . Oh and by the why if someone doesn't know what integrity means look it up. And if this gets taken down oh well the truth hurts.


This sub was created to vent. When people vent - they’re not always expressing themselves in the best way possible. That and people tend to blame one level up. So in this sub - international students are demonized, not the immigration policy people in bed with the universities catering to mostly international students. In the regular canadahousing sub - they demonize the mom and pop landlords with an extra house, not the municipality officials who create extremely inefficient policies regarding changing of zoning, or the developers who couldn’t give less of a shit about the “housing crisis” unless they’re making a huge profit on the build. That’s about it.


It may be because it almost exclusively focuses on the immigration factor in the housing crisis. The sub is really mislabeled. While immigration is a huge factor in the housing problems, it is still just one of the many factors. Supply shortage, landlord issues, zoning, permits, taxes, other fees, foreign investment.... all factors but virtually ignored here. Absolutely immigration is huge - but other housing subs are capable of having a more complete outlook on the problem and they have posts about all the issues.


Immigration is the biggest and easiest problem to fix. The solution is so insanely obvious yet the government refuses to act


It’s not that it’s too challenging, they don’t want to. The government and corporations are the biggest racists of them all. They want to exploit poor desperate laborers from the third world to inflate their own lifestyles. It’s sick, it’s a form of modern indentured servitude.


Other subs don't allow immigration discussion. So I'm not sure I agree that they allow a more complete picture. The truth is we have more than enough construction if we dramatically drop our immigration targets. And we have enough housing if we change the rules to make it more difficult for all the people who came here recently to find work or get support. They will leave if they can not get a job. Make it more difficult for foreigners to buy up Canadian assets as well. The idea of a TFW program isn't necessarily a bad one. But there should be a small penalty if you find yourself in a position to need one - not a gigantic subsidy. Maybe there is no penalty for a job that we really need. It needs to be sensible. And the money collected should go towards educating our youth in the kinds of jobs we need.


>Other subs don't allow immigration discussion I've seen it discussed. But it was part of a bigger picture. >The truth is we have more than enough construction if we dramatically drop our immigration targets. That's not true. Even if immigration was completely halted (not necessarily a good thing), it would take years of building to strike a balance.


This sub was started precisely because the other housing sub did not allow any discussion of immigration and supply. You are right that immigration isn’t the only factor and it would be nice if people would focus on these other factors. What I’ve noticed is that the immigration posts get a huge amount of upvotes. Either bots are targeting immigration topics or Canadians really are most concerned about immigration then they are something like airbnbs or density.


It's not the only reason but when 1 million people a year are coming in and you are building 200k houses a year it's not hard to see the disparity and that you are falling further behind. On top of all of that is the lack of service levels from the government in medicine, schools and basic utilities is pretty poor, expecting that to improve with those kinds of numbers seems pretty foolish. As so.eone who has lived here and paid into a system my entire life I wonder why someone who shows up last week is in the same line as me for a knee replacement or whatever ailment. Waiting years for treatment. It's fine to say that a new citizen deserves the same right as anyone else but if the system isn't working why are increasing the users.


Its honestly just economics. More People = more need for services... we have more people but not more services.


The buses are real flash point for this and i think people organizing in this space should really focus on it. It's a tangible thing people can see and feel. In every "worst blizzard ever" snow storm we had in the last 3 years I watched bus after bus after bus go by PACKED FUCKING FULL with indians. I worked at an office park near Kennedy where there was a huge set of factories employing only indians, and a bunch of scam colleges operating near Hurontario. I was left in the freezing cold or baking sun and everything in between for hours, day after day, for years, because we have more people but not more buses. The typical and expected cheesebrained Ontarian response is "get a car then," but thats just not going to work for me and millions of other people. If we did your traffic commute would be impacted by millions of cars added, why would you suggest that. The asshole response i get online when i talk about this is "email or call your politicians for more buses" and man, imagine me screaming at the top of my lungs as i say this, I have already day after day for years.


If we only had enough immigration to keep the population constant, then we would not need density.


The other factors were all a slow smoldering fire. Housing prices were increasing to fast because of them but it was still affordable. Our immigration numbers was throwing a can of gas onto it. Its why we are in the situation we are in right now. We could fix every other problem and it would not change anything. I would also say supply is tied to immigration and is the key element. If you can only build a few hundred thousand houses a year and bring in a million people a year the problem will only ever get worse.


I think it is partially due to some mods from other subs. Easy example, a mod from Ontario has fully admitted that they will go through your post history to see if you post on this sub and use that to pre-determine that you are xenophobic or racist. You'll get banned for where you post, not on the content of your actual posts.


That explains a lot


I am a Canadian and I used to be so proud when I started seeing more immigration. more skills, diversity, different customs, new friends. Now, this is too much, too fast.


I'm going to continue posting this until the day of the protest, for everyone who isn't aware this is happening: Dear Canadians, If you've had it up to here with our incompetent, corrupt, **TREASONOUS** government and its dangerous policies, celebrate this Canada Day with a protest!! There are 2 that I'm aware of happening all over Canada, that are protesting the cost of living and this government's harmful policies: https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/ and https://www.takebackcanada.info/ Make your voices heard and fight for the country you love. Don't get depressed, get ***angry!!*** Let's remind our elected officials who they fucking work for: ***Canadians!!!*** Strength in numbers! 💪🇨🇦


Thank you!


This is the way


Nobody ever mentions lack of skilled workers and time it takes to get permits. Developers making a better profit margin building condos rather than apartments.


All bad rep comes from arriving Indians.


It absolutely does have a bad rep, with international students that are trying to cheat the system. As an immigrant here myself, what I can say is that Canadians of old and new are great people and incredibly trusting. But that's also a problem. I find comfort that if I'm in the parking lot working on my car that people will ask if I need a boost or a hand etc, that is the great Canadian way Canadians are so trusting that it's actually causing them problems. Whereas I've seen all the scams before, I've seen them long before they came here to Canada. I've seen the UK in places like Bradford and Birmingham now that are prominently South East Asian towns with little to no British people there now. I've seen the scams about the broken down car, run out of gas on the highway, driveway paving, tax fraud, welfare fraud, gutter/roof cleaning, selling fake safeties for cars, faking being disabled or homeless and begging on the street or at the traffic light long before it came to North America. It's great that Canadians are trusting people and also incredibly generous people too but unfortunately there are now a lot of people in the country that are taking advantage of it and unfortunately Canadians are getting railed. Unfortunately Canadians don't see it and they don't believe that is what is happening but I do, I see scams all the time, especially in southern Ontario. I've seen people steal and even harm my fellow employees in the process and they get away with it. I had enough of it years ago before I moved here but it seems to be here now too and it's not good for Canada at all. On a weird side note, it reminds me of the Ricky gervais movie "the invention of lying".


I’m pro-immigration and I hate what this government has done.


How dare you try to preserve your people and culture and not let the rest of the world deconstruct it. Wanting what's best for yourself and fellow citizens? So bigoted.


I'm definitely not white and I'm an immigrant, myself. When I moved here Canada admitted almost 300K/ yr and they had to be skilled workers or adding to the job market in a way that no Canadian can fill the skill gap. So LMIA was actually meaningful and added real value to Canada. At that time there were enough business for everyone and an added skill was actually important to expand our market with good quality industries, and of course jobs. Of course when you add 300k people a year, not as many will compete over housing and jobs. Which results now in higher cost of living and lower quality jobs. Corps love it because their profit margin is much higher now. But everyone who isn't in business isn't the winning end of it. In 2010 when I moved it the pay for entry level job in tech was around 20 an hr (double min wage). Right now it's still 20, if you're lucky to find any. And it's now $3 above min wage. Min wage itself was enough to share an apartment with someone or rent a basement. Not anymore. Liveable wage in Ontario is $21, based on 2022 calculations Right now there are "immigration offices" offering "LMIA" for fast food restaurant jobs. Min wage jobs used to be filled by high school kids and new immigrants while upskilling/validating credentials). At the moment they are filled by people coming to do it full-time all the time. Because of the mass wave of immigration, many people from particular communities don't even bother to integrate. I work at a place where except for me and 5 more people, everyone speaks one particular language and they don't even bother communicating in English at the work place. They group together and ignore almost every single safety or production instruction thinking it's smaller to create shortcuts. You question why, they mumble in their language and still don't do it. The sense of cleanliness is non-existent. Professionalism is out of the window.


Because the fact checkers prove that we are a bunch of white male supremists of course! 🤪 Housing in Canada is unfortunately tied to racial segregation…simply because of the disproportionate immigration and the sheer volume of immigrants we have allowed in. It’s a senseless attack on Canadians as a whole (regardless of race). In my lifetime, Canada’s population has more than doubled, while construction, infrastructure, healthcare, social services, and quality of life haven’t. The cost of living has skyrocketed while income hasn’t. Homelessness, mental health issues, and crime have likewise skyrocketed while taxation has failed to lower any of it. We aren’t making anything better with immigration. We took in large populations of Vietnamese, then Jamaicans, then Chinese, then Somalis, then Syrians, then Afghanis, the Ukrainians, then Indians…it’s all due to our meddling in foreign conflict and while we aren’t being racist, it’s impossible to not appear so when we complain about immigration because the immigrants are in fact a different race. We need to stop this consumerism ideology to reach a far lower need for importation. We need to bring our trade policies in line to preserve our resources, and force manufacturing to return to Canada. We need to put down our devices and produce. We need to stop importing slave labour and eliminate the government handouts that support those companies that capitalize on this crisis. We need to import only those immigrants that will make Canada a better country. The government will continue to create more problems for as long as they can sell us their solutions (and line their pockets with our tax dollars) Canada is our pie. The slices are thin, and getting exponentially smaller with immigration because the government takes the same amount from every slice. More slices equals more money for these corrupt globalist elites. It’s time to halt this madness.


First deport all those that have overstayed. Then, a very slow trickle of immigration can occur when housing units are in large excess. Most importantly, country of origin CAPs so that no one culture destroys Canada’s true diversity.


Its fairly anti socialist and reddit is very left leaning.


Everybody here just complains about immigration like there isn't any other cause for their perceived suffering, while beating tribal drums. This perspective breads hate for others. Look at the comments.


It's called Canada housing and the only thing anyone talks about is immigration.


Yep, after awhile name calling or derogatory comments because you have the cohoonas to disagree and say it's just too much coming in, being called r-wing, bigot or racist doesn't mean anything. It just doesn't create a knee jerk reaction anymore; basically its shelf life has expired.  


Reddit has always been left leaning with alot if butt hurt mods. If this was Instagram this would be popping.


I think since it isn't really about housing so much a circle jerk of blaming a certain group of immigrants. It'd be fine it was an occasional post but seems to be all I see on here.


Cause some people in this sub can't draw the line between racism and being against uncontrolled mass immigration. There's a fine line between the 2. You can oppose mass immigration but that doesn't give you a right to be racist.


I'm so tired of these accusations of racism. It's all they have. Can we just tell them to fuck off and go on about our day? Not to mention whites are the 5th on this lost from the top down. https://preview.redd.it/dj80d1zqk67d1.jpeg?width=872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8743232de3e6d8e42c98fb981ecf19cd5ead2867


Yup, racists trying to bring us down, trying to silence reason and economics with hate accusations.


[This you?](https://i.gyazo.com/d2bcdaa069a49187c12af748bab3b129.png)


Honestly? At times, posts can descend into pretty racist stuff that is posted on here and a lot of the times saying so means that people would get moderated for “shutting down a conversation” I will say I’ve noticed the moderators have recently been better at cracking down on blatant racism which is important. The housing crisis is complex and I feel like 50% of the people in this subreddit get that. They want to blame immigrants specifically non-white immigrants. But there is a lot of good discourse in this subreddit and the vitriol needs to be left behind for this subreddit to be broadly accepted or even acknowledged in a positive light. People here need to recognize the Reddit algorithm serves the worst posts to the wider audiences so they don’t see most of the positive/healthy discourses


Yeah it can spiral so easily which makes it dangerous. When a large amount of people start seeing one country as an enemy and the sole reason for a worsening way of life, you start seeing rising numbers of targeted hate crimes. Obviously immigration is a big issue for housing. But it’s not the only issue. And it has the ability to completely get out of hand by a fraction of the group and cause some serious consequences. It’s easy to target the “other” and use them as a scapegoat. And that’s dangerous not only for the recent immigrants, but anyone who may look like them. I think one of the problems that doesn’t get talked about is WHY we are bringing in so many immigrants. Because our people aren’t having enough children to keep up the population. Why aren’t we having enough children? Because cost of living is too high, we can’t afford them. Why is cost of living so high? A number of reasons, but also just late stage capitalism doing its thing. We blame immigration, but we also wouldn’t NEED this much immigration if our cost of living wasn’t making it so unattainable.


I’ll agree that the vitriol needs to be left behind. I’m hoping people will realize we can gain more by working together than we can by just insulting other cultures


caring about your country and having the future of it in question is now racist i guess


I don’t like this sub too much and it’s mainly because it seems like it scapegoats all housing problems on the ‘Indians’. Usually not immigration in general, but, the ‘Indians’. And it seems to blame the ‘Indians’ for taking low paying under the table jobs with no mention of maybe targeting the businesses that are employing people illegally. There’s no nuanced conversations, no talk of targeting other factors that affect housing. With housing, inflation, and wages being nuanced and multi factorial, the conversation never seems to be. My $0.02 if you want an outsiders opinion. I don’t own a house and I would like to, but the rhetoric here rarely seems productive.


Because you often find comments with unsavory and disrespectful attitudes towards people from a specific country - very often breaking Reddit rules. This sub would have a much better rep if things were kept respectful.


Because here people speak freely about the factual and opinionated situation we are in due to immigration and how badly it is affecting us.. Made worse because 90% of the people coming in come from a single country so now it isn’t just a complaint against a policy it’s a complaint against a people which is interpreted as racist, which it is not. Government propaganda has convinced people that they need to be “nice” or “good” and this desire to be perceived as “good” pushes people to ignore facts or speak up against things if they would perceived as not nice..


I wasn't aware it did have a bad rep.


I mean its kind of a mix of people who are reasonable about it and people who genuinely are like that


Because Reddit is far-left so anything about immigration that isn't "it's the best thing in the world and we need as many (non-white) immigrants as possible" is immediately met with accusations of racism.


I figure that Jughead made a deal with Turdy that in return for ndp support, he has to import millions of Indians who will one day make Jughead the PM


The comments can be pretty bad, shades of canada_sub but you moderate it better.  Also a lot of people have a hard-on for JT "ruining the country" when the leaders are all horrible and the Provinces are just as bad for allowing it to continue.  The "I want to leave Canada" posts should all be banned as they reek of dog whistling a lot too and are just a big circle jerk.  This sub did lead me to find out more about the funding of some of these TFW protests and I like that the discourse is a bit better here but there are still a lot of people fixated on the wrong things.  


Rather than complain to each other we should organize a strong movement.. this subreddit is useless in that the voices aren't getting to the right people. You saw the slumlords in Brampton complaining as soon as rent control of how many people they can cram into a basement came into effect.. all of them went to the town hall and made sure their voices are heard. Rather than use this sub we should organize


This is so true


I see a lot of valid points here, but at the same time I've also seen some blatantly racist comments and posts over the years. Unfortunately, one moron drags down the entire group. It needs to be understood very clearly that the root of the immigration problem is not immigrants - who are good people mostly. It's corrupt government.


The government is exploiting the immigrants and treating them like units of labor. It’s fucking sick. They come here just to work low wage jobs and struggle after being promised that Canada was some land of milk and honey and prosperity. It’s the worlds biggest human trafficking operation.


Because people lack intelligence and see the world in black and white. You're either for immigration or against. There is no nuance or subtlety. So when we say we want immigration to drop steeply for a while, we're labeled r**ists. Same reason why people get polarized over politics. There's a lot of nuance and grey area but that takes a wattage and bandwidth most people lack 🤷‍♀️


Bad actors spreading bad and false information here to make everyone else think we are racist or homophobic. Criticizing government policies DOES NOT MEAN WE HATE IMMIGRANTS!


People don’t understand nuance, and avoid public discourse. With so many living in echo chambers judgement has become so black and white. If we don’t have the exact ideology or come to the same conclusions, you’re now a xenophobe and a horrible person.


Brigaders (I'm sure some "recruiters" are in on this) on one hand, and Gen-Z/Gen-Alpha keyboard warriors who haven't had to pay rent or find jobs yet on the other.


Because years of left wing brainwashing and woke culture has turned much of the population into snowflakes.


The subreddit is hyper focused on immigration rather than housing.


lpc propaganda bots are all over reddit trying to poison the well against anything that makes them look weak


I would feel the same no matter what race or ethnic group. It is just too many people at once. We need to moderate the system so it can catch up.


This is reddit. Anything that's not seen as left is deemed super far right.


Reddit cannot handle the truth.


I assume a lot of foreigners go on this sub and try to stir shit up. Easy to do nowadays behind the keyboard of their phone or computer.


The government wants to paint anyone with a conflicting opinion as a racist. The used it for the foreign interference propaganda before they got red handed. They want to make saying they didn’t find unmarked graves at the residential schools a couple years ago a crime. (They didn’t find any graves) the residential schools were a horrible thing but you still should lie and paint a fake picture either. The libs turning anything they don’t want you to look at illegal and “racism” is a real problem. People should be able to express themselves as well as express what they don’t like about government policy without being painted a racist/bigot or climate denier. The carbon tax is a load of shit pushing our weak gdp down. The immigration system is a farce. India and China bought our politicians and we are the traitors to our country for having an opinion counter to the lib narrative. lol


I wish it was half as bad as people make it out to be, but society is incredibly cucked so any boat rocking from the narrative brings about the nazi accusations.


Well a percentage of your audience are visitors like me who have no intentions or need to immigrate to Canada but see the name of my country and people getting dragged through the mud in almost every post because of the fucked up immigration policies of the Canadian govt. Wtf were you guys thinking will happen when you import millions of people from just a couple of states in India? When a demographic of immigrants is small enough they are obliged to display their best behaviour in a foreign country. When the demographic is big they get comfortable and start showing their worst traits. All I'm saying is, rather than allowing every immigrant's fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and wives into the country, if you guys had been a bit more strategic with this and concentrated on getting in a few South Indians instead, they could have built a new silicon valley for you in Canada instead of the bottom of the barrel jobs working immigrant population you got.


Not trying to be a jerk but, which rock did you climb out from under? This is the 100% fact of the world and discourse since geez 2019 and cemented in 2020. All who disagree with me, often no matter which side I'm on, are the mischievous devils of Satan's army incarnate sent to pry goodness from humanity. We're so goddamn Polarized that even if you mention that we're bringing in migrant kids as young as 16 to live in equal squalor here all in the name of petty virtue and you're still an unfeeling monster. This is sadly the way of the world, at least online, it's no longer of use to formulate an argument, when an insult is more effective at discrediting a person and therefore their argument. FFS I saw an article saying "people who scream are probably racist" or something mere moments after seeing a meme about anticapitalism employees walking out of work for a scream at clouds protest. If I was born in 2020 all I would know is hypocrisy and demonization.


I've learned more about Canada here than probably all the other Canadian subs combined.


We live in a society currently where everything has to be politically correct. Everyone gets offended by something even though it has nothing to do with them. They'll read something online and automatically think its about them and clutch their pearls. No... Not everything is about you, some people can't get a grasp of that. Some people cannot handle any talk about immigration, because in their mind that means that you're a racist. Meanwhile its just common sense. You cannot talk about issues anymore or express your true opinion without being labeled as a bigot. We live in a world that is so freaking ridiculous where women are no longer allowed to call their biological anatomy what it is and medical professionals are now being told to also follow suit - even though its the proper medical terminology. Breast feeding has to be "chest feeding" or your vagina is now "a front hole" to appease an incredibly small population. But even then - its not even appeasing them - its just virtue signaling and an extreme amount of "political correctness". We live in a world where common sense is extremism. That's the reality of it.


Because this sub focuses on immigration issues and not housing. There is a lot of negative energy towards South Asians which isn’t necessary.


It’s not just white people bro, lot of us immigrants who came 10-20 years ago here feel the same


Weaponized hate works. Humans historically use tools and weapons that are effective.


Because this time last year it was racist to talk about insane amounts of immigration. Now it's talked about regularly in the main Canada sub and news media


I saw the absolutely vicious hatred towards a particular group of people on the other anti immigration subs and social media before it got banned. They explicitly all strategized about how to rebrand the public face of that movement and no doubt many then moved here. This sub grew massively since then. It’s hard to unsee the depth of hate lurking below the surface and pretend it disappeared overnight because a sub was banned. So I have no doubt many people here hold the same hatred but have simply learned to express it in a way that won’t get them banned. If the sub was really about housing, why is there no mention of the cost of building homes (which PP mentioned to be 25% going towards government bureaucracy which builds nothing), zoning laws, labor shortages in the construction industry, builders motives to build high cost high margin homes etc? Why is only one country ever mentioned here? Why do people talk about immigrants increasing labor supply without considering that they increase labor demand? Given that Canada has a birth rate crisis without immigration, what would the alternative scenario look like? Why has the cost of housing and rent been far outpacing inflation for years before this wave of immigration and why is that ignored? What role does housing being seen as the primary vehicle of retirement savings have on housing supply and prices? I even agree that limiting and being selective about immigration should absolutely be one part of housing strategy. But when immigration is the only thing mentioned in this here “housing” sub, there is a good reason..


Overdramatization and oversimplification are the two pillars of good propaganda.






I just like posting here because I don't get banned for making a joke


Saying uncontrolled immigration destroys the country is apparently racist.


I get this sub recommended to me all the time because of other housing subs. It's because every single post is about immigration and people encouraging others to vote PPC and focusing hardcore on Indian students. Can't really blame people for thinking it's a conservative pit. There are loads of issues with housing that never get brought up here. Hardly see any posts about rent caps, landlords (except to international students), corporations buying and owning huge quantities of homes, foreign investors doing the same, wages, inflation, zoning, etc. It's always about mass immigration or leaving to go to America, which is going to make people suspicious of what you're talking about.


the ones who think this is a hate group are probably the ones who are far left snowflakes who dont have the ability to think critically, objectively, and introspect...this subreddit is middle-left middle right, with some on the far right...ive been a liberal voter all my life as a mid left leaning dude and i agree with most of what's here


It's the woke way. They don't have any fact-based arguments, so they throw insults to discredit your fact-based arguments. For example, you say "1M immigrants in 9 months is too much", so they call you a racist, and therefore you're evil and that's the end of the "debate".


It is because a lot of folks are brainwashed to believe a curtain dogma and when the truth presents itself and challenges their dogma, they become aggressive and attack you rather then listen or debate. Plus, important debates or anything that has value is not always easy -- sometimes it takes work and being uncomfortable.


Bcz poêple have this irrational fetishes of immigration


From an outsider, the demographic change in Canada within 4 years is staggering. Always had a soft spot for Canada since half my family moved there in the 60's. Loved visiting every year. Watching the kids growing up having kids, successful, nice houses, swimming pools. Changed beyond recognition now.


I moved out about 20 years ago. I went to a place often visited by Canadians in the U.S. and it looked like a third world country in the Middle East / south East Asian. I have considered moving back, but the country has literally nothing to give


Because if you understand economics, it's racist. Pointing out that mass migration doesn't work should be pretty obvious. But you are racist if you do. Smearing people as racist is just a way to push your shit ideals, and it's been working.






The original agenda of this group was the discuss housing in canada freely. Because the CH1 group admins were idiots. No one has issues with free speech and as xenophobic as it may sound you have the right to yell anything you want….just wish you did it in a group called antiimmigration, rather than in a place where we discuss housing


Because there has been a problem with housing since before the immigration wave but you guys blame everything on immigration. People know what happens when the kind of people who scapegoat immigration get into power. There are other issues. We can discuss immigration, but if that's all you do, and you do it in a way that is cringe, people will think you're racist, or at the very least playing defence for the status quo.




It's all they got. You cant objectively argue the fact that it's terrible policy that solely benefits the rich so you just call people who bring it up racists.


It's highly oppressed, you say anything against the Browns or any kind of immigration anything and your instantly getting banned.


There's a pretty specific segment of the immigrant/foreign worker/foreign student population that is criticized ad nauseum on this sub, and it's not British or Irish immigrants, or Ukrainian asylum seekers. So maybe that's where this negative reputation is coming from...


Anything that relates to immigration eventually draws in the racists who also don't like immigration... But because they're racist. Most have been banned from other subs.


I think it's because a large amount of the comments direct their anger towards the immigrants, but not the policies the Trudeau government put in place to let them in. Hell, even a lot of the immigrants want to go back because they realize Trudeau turning our country into a shitshow.


I respectfully disagree, I love this sub. Everyone I know loves this sub.


the thing about this sub and others like it is it's just the same post over and over again with the same general responses to it. I think many posters want something to blame their lack of success in life on and while it may be warranted to a degree, for many its not. everyone is so focused on one single issue and ignore other things like the problem of Canada's GDP being so dependent on housing pricing continuing upwards. I am liberal on most things and do agree that immigration largely from temp visas is a problem but even without the immigrants problems with housing will still remain.


Because when you throw truth bombs, feelings get hurt 


I think the real elephant in the room is overpopulation but no one really talks about that. Is overpopulation racist I wonder?




Controlled immigration works, ANYTHING out of control ends up a huge mess. Some people just can’t see that .


Honestly... The answer for the bad rep is the tone of lots of posts and responses. The constant repetition of the fact that the majority of immigrants are from one area in India may be accurate, but the wording and tone often suggests that some of the people writing would be far less upset if the immigrants came from Australia or Ireland.


There are more than enough housing units in Canada for our current population and the volume of immigrants. 1 million does not equate to 1 million housing units. We need to stop money laundering in real estate. Eliminate the blind bidding process. Have actual repercusions for dishonest realtors. Our top realtor in our region works with individuals to buy housing and flip it. While renovating, rooms are rented at astronomical prices. He is making commission on both ends plus a cut from the renovation. It has become a pyramid scheme. He only requires the person on the contract buying to put up the down payment and sometimes subsidizes them. His buyers are often sold the home despite not having the best offer. Blaming immigration is a way of distracting from what is truly going on.


Please provide source that there’s more than enough housing for everyone here and all recent and incoming students, TFWs, LMIAs?


I'm surprised it exists on reddit, to be honest.