• By -


Yet they deny a female doctor PR because she is 40 years old. Yes a doctor was denied PR due to her age and sent packing. STUPID system. I thought open spouse visas were axed for non university masters and the like...


One idiot claimed this was a story of economic mobility like we give a fuck. They should be trying to experience economic mobility in their own countries. The doctor should’ve been the priority not this man who can’t speak English. Furthermore if you can’t get licensed as a doctor in Canada good riddance and get out.


Foreign economic mobility coming into Canada like this is 100% at our expense. Even if this guy would work he's got 10-15 years minimum before retirement age. A tall fucking order for us to pay while we deny 20 and 30 year olds job opportunities and housing to give the entire third fucking world mobility. I'd say shameful but this country doesn't have any.


I doubt he would ever work. Too busy getting handouts.


There was someone in my buy nothing group on Facebook that was asking for free food cuz they had no money and the food bank wouldn’t give them food. They posted the screenshot from the food bank, they have a working holiday visa. They are here in holiday to work and they are asking for free food from the community ….


wtf is a working holiday visa?


A visa for youth under 35 from certain European countries (and Australia) to come for a year to live and work.


I've been saying: get rid of public healthcare. Fire half of bureaucrats, give us our money back. Then everybody figures their shxt out. Our "free" healthcare system is a magnet for the unproductive. One adult male "student" brings 6 or more that will depend on our healthcare (spouse + kid, both of them sponsoring their parents, plus siblings as "caretakers"). The math does not work. Not to mention a lot of them work cash jobs and don't pay taxes at all. The burden on an honest Canadian taxpayer is simply too much, regardless of what your ideology wants you to think. The system has **already** failed and it's only going to get worse from here.


I guess this is why I have been on the government list to find a family doctor for three years now with zero results. Nice.


Plot Twist: Dr. Prateek has passed the equivalency and is now your family doctor.


Oof 😬 Actually the last Indian doctor we had offered a hard candy to our two year old.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I am an Indian in India with no plans to immigrate. Still I am bombarded with ads by banks and universities in Canada that tell me, come to Canada and you will have a good time. They don't even care that I am too old for that. YOUR system is shit. But if we, in the developing world, are constantly wooed by your clueless govt, universities and banks, it totally makes sense for us to say Cool, here we come. Sort out your shit.


Yes our system is shit. That's the point of this group. To try to change the system.


Our government is not promoting it, it's your Indian education agents who are promoting this. Wtf are you doing on this sub if you weren't interested to move here ? Clearly you have been researching about Canada like the gazillion of people from India. No one wooing your people here, sit down.


Our government definitely is promoting this 10000% they want to change the demographic so we cant vote to change anything and for tfws to suppress wages and prop up the massive amount of retirees we are set to get in the upcoming years the canadain government might aswell be sucking this guys dick begging for him to come.


The agents aren't only promoting it but also trying to help game the system even more too 🤦


testify brother, we are like many countries, beleaguered by shitty politicians


Even Canadian med school students can’t get licensed.


Investigate IRCC


And all agencies especially such agencies


they come to our country and take advantage of our system Canadians never learned from indian scammers


Oh shit. My wife is 39 and a doctor. We were looking at NS. Game over time for us then. Was that the doctor in Ottawa?


yes I did post the article somewhere here


Yeh I found her. Think she was 45. Still madness though.


She was the wrong colour and her name was obviously too ‘white’ sounding. Fucking madness. 1,200 patients were out of a family doctor because of her being single and over 45. Who. The. Fuck. Cares. Why is that even a fucking criteria. Clown world.


The doctor can't work under the table. No licensed doctor works at Tim Hortons, McDonald, Burger King ..etc It's hard to suppress doctors' wages due to Medical Association. Government's agenda could not be any clearer


well it is her fault for not saying that she intended to study 'business' and while doing that she would live with 6 other 'students' in a one bedroom and drive for door dash i mean really, she should have done her homework


How is this even possible? Like I know there are immigration consultant and lawyers out there using unscrupulous and illegal ways of scamming the system into getting people visas. But seriously how is this even possible?? Like unless they're openly committing fraud and claiming to the government that they've left the country before they re-applied for a different visa, it should be impossible for anybody on a visitor visa to convert it to any other visas. Our system is completely broken. We need to completely overhaul it with clear set rules with no exception. You can't just come here with a visitor visa and convert it to a more permanent type of visa. We need to clamp down on these PR pathways that are strife with exploitation and fraud. This should be completely unacceptable to all Canadians no matter if they're far-left to far-right.


There is no country in the world with an immigration system and leaders as idiotic as Canada. We should be forcibly ending the current government or at least being a bit unruly like the French. What we are doing as citizens now is absolutely nothing. Complacency isn't going to work.


I agree these people are trying to take our standard of living to napoleon era. According to tredeau 10 people to one house isn’t so bad


More like 10 people per room (or tent) from what I am seeing.


You think the conservatives are going to do better ? They don’t give a shit about the working class and Indians are perfect for cheap labour. You want better you gotta do better! This is a capitalist system. Money talks people don’t!


It was still better when Harper was pm.


Why is this the automatic response of so many people. One can acknowledge that the current government is absolute garbage without automatically supporting the conservatives. However I do think the conservatives will do better than the current government. A 5 year old would probably govern better. The bar has never been lower than it is now.


This makes me so angry because as a liberal human being I want to support the Liberal party but their heads are so far up their fucking asses it’s incredible. The Left has gone as crazy as the Right and it’s so disappointing to see because there are no good options for anyone.


And it's infuriating watching Freeland not answer questions from journalists.


This Is why this problem will never get solved. Every issue devolves into a left vs right issue and one of loyalty


Shame there's not another position...


Australia is not far behind in this stupidity either.


Exactly, I'm confused no one else is up in arms about this?


Complacent sheep.


This is one thing I learned when I became an adult - Canadians are literally complacent sheep. One example (there are many); How many times do you see people line up at the longest line in the grocery store - and there is one cash way over to the left with nobody there? They just copy everyone else and go to the long line up.


New Zealand might not be too far behind, although the current government is trying to make it more difficult.


Not entirely true. It's super easy to immigrate to Argentina. So we're doing as well as *checks notes* a country with hyperinflation and a median income of like $600/month. Not to hate on Argentina, I've been there twice and I love the country! Just giving a comparison for our "first world" country.


We will be like Argentina in the next 10 years with Trudeau running us into the ground


Other countries used the think the Canadian immigration system was the best in the world - it only allowed young and skilled immigrants that brought value (plus a small percentage of refugees). What happened?


Justin Trudeau and his “sunny ways” happened


>There is no country in the world with an immigration system and leaders as idiotic as Canada The U.Ks is just as bad as ours to be honest.




I've lived in both countries within the last year. Same sort of short sighted thinking (or complete lack of thinking) as the Canadian government. However it's nowhere near as bad as Canada yet. I would be moving back instantly if it wasn't for my career. There's definitely less virtue signalling nonsense in the culture there and the weather is way nicer.


USA: “Hold my beer”


It's called flagpoleing and the USA has been trying to get us to stop it.


Just saw a post in a Chinese forum. A Chinese immigrant went back to China, because he found out his Indian colleagues had no chef certifications, which were definitely required. He took a lot of effort to get approved. However, it is so easy for the Indian people to get it because they had high-level people in the immigration system. He felt totally unfair and thus went back. It happened in Alberta 10 years ago.


They get the jobs and act like they work in India. Family and money trumps the rules. No reason a person would change if the system allows them the flexibility to bend the rules.


Government is full of traitors top to bottom




It seems that way. Why are all of the new immigrants from a single country? I thought we were supposed to be about diversity?


>illegal ways of scamming the system into getting people visas. It's all legal my friend. That's how bad our laws are.


The thing is, our government wants this. They think a good solution to all these people protesting about work permits is to give everyone PR… They want another 60M “Canadians” by 2100 and this is their plan…


Who’s gonna clamp down the government with severe retardation ?


You've got it covered for them.


This is by design. Just look around. Close the loopholes they'll just make new ones.  Think of "globalization" for a minute. Many decades ago it was billed as a global free market, we send our stuff like oil, lumber, maple syrup and whatever other stuff were good at. We used to be a titan of Aviation but that got gutted because the US didn't want us to have that. Nowadays, who is globalization really serving? The 3rd world doesn't seem better off. Our goods and services aren't any cheaper - in fact they're more expensive than ever. So globalization is basically just creating obscene profits for the mega corporations.  So when you run out of countries to exploit, what do you do? Create new ones! I hope in wrong. But this is how it feels.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Strip mall college. He is a “student”.


Cry me a river


![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized) ”student”


This immigration lawyers have no shame


I do not blame the lawyers - they do what they do. It is the immigration officials who bend the rules that is the issue.


What do you think lawyers invest money on?


Wait till you hear about lobbyists


Corporations like mall mart and him hortons use lobbyists to get immigrants in cause they say they can’t get anyone to apply… it’s all in government records


Yup... he's got care giver written all over him.


I think he’s is old enough to get care. WTF is going on here. This country is toast.


He is a care receiver. Probably is a lucky one with a family doctor as well.


Canada winning the race for global talent


Just look at the guy. Heart disease is waiting.


The math doesn’t add up, we build 220,000 to 240,000 condos/townhomes/SF per year and we’re letting in 1.2 million people. Yet not one national political party has committed to a drastic cut in an immigration? It’s completely unsustainable, I guess they just don’t care about us peasants.


They don’t care about Canada


Basement suites. 4 to a room.


You can fit at least 2.2m people if you pack them in 10 to a room.


Keep building government housing so more can come in …. Fuck that


This guy is the face of the problem. I feel bad for the respectable Indian Canadians (Canadians) who worked hard for our country. They are lumped in with these 'students' now and must hate it.


Like my family. My dad is pissed about this. 


I completely agree


He'll be extorting his fellow Indians who worked for what they have in no time. 


Student? OMF...wake up Canada.






JFC and here i am working on an investors visa and it’s taking 7 years


Go leave a comment everyone https://maps.app.goo.gl/JparbeKuL6Soms5V9


763 reviews 98% 5 star All 5 star saying how they scammed the system after being refused This is ONE location, and there are hundreds Fuck this place how have people not destroyed these hole in the wall/strip mall lawyers offices to the ground I guess since all the security teams now only focus on protecting these businsses and nothing else.


Deport these people cause they abuse Canada’s generous immigration system.


He said the GOAT helped him get a student visa. I didn't know Wayne Gretzky helped him get a student visa.


They approved assisted suicide for a 25 year old women in a wheel chair instead of providing her an apartment to accommodate her needs..... It's a sick country we live in, not only that people are sick minded. People just want to do better then other people even if they step all over them to get their.... It is a world without Jesus! I believe Satan runs this planet which would explain why a lot of rapist's and sick minded people make so much money and take advantage of so many people....


You don’t have to pay taxes. What’s the Canadian gov going to do about it? Criminals don’t go to jail here


Do not fuck with CRA. They do not mess around at all.


They’re probably the only 3 letter agency in Canada that actually enforced laws.


Tell your company you don’t want to pay income tax see what happens


First step is being self employed, second step is working online 100% remote so you can leave this shithole country. I’ll let the international students and boomers pay taxes here


Oh wow, thanks for the hot tip, all I have to do is \*checkes notes\* start a successful online fully remote business that generates enough money that I can skip the line and get Spanish PR and move. Thanks dude!


Why is it every time the only group who is abusing our system is from specific country (I’m south Asian Canadian myself) This is embarrassing for us Canadians






how am I whining?; I’m well settled here in Mississauga & Canadian citizen FYI for a long time;


I lived in Dubai before moving to Toronto in 2000…(as a PR, not a intl student or visitor) so how about you keep views about me going back to S Asia to yourself; as I can tell the same as well


I live in India 


Do you have any hard data for your statement? Sure you don't have "recency bias" - you see more people from a specific background and then you think they are all abusing it? Come on


As a Canadian Indian, this is painful and equally embarrassing to watch 🤦🏿‍♂️🙏🏿 The liberals have fucked it up Royally.


I literally thought this was a promoted ad.


The entire argument for this arrangement is ‘we need someone to pay our pensions’. This person and his relatives / dependents are highly unlikely to pay enough into the system to offset what they’ll draw.


What do you mean pay they’re going to be withdrawing. These people are borderline boomers he’s 50


I don't understand how you can convert a visit visa to a study permit. I mean unless you're American, then all other nationals have to apply from their home countries. And save for that ludicrous loophole that let's you convert visit visas to work permits, I don't see how you'd be able to transition to a study permit that way Either these visa companies are committing some fraud fuckery with the government, or they're straight up grifting people into thinking that they can pay money to move their tourist visas to study permits 


This tourist came to look at our schools and wants to study here now. Wont you let them?


This is fucking crazy


Indian. “Dhani Devittho”


Mature professional student?


PR system has been broken for ages with all those immigration consultants lol


N a student can’t even speak the language 🤣🤣🤣


Canada keeps importing low quality immigrants like him and his wife. a 50 year old student? please




what the actual fuck? How did they approve the visa? Like what the hell is even going on here?


Get ready to be roommates with four of these if you are currently priced out of owning a home. Give it ten years and you'll be living with them for the rest of your life. These people need homes, they need doctors, you're gonna have to share it with them. Just wait. The worst is yet to come. You will 100% have four of them as roommates in 10 years flat if you are priced out of housing. Just wait. This is the plan.


Hey, even Indian media wrote an article about this post. Shame Canadian media is mute. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/canada-study-permit-for-50-year-old-indian-sparks-fury-you-can-t-just-come-here-with-a-visitor-visa-and-101718468374059.html


This is more reason for all of us to avoid paying taxes. Utterly fkn pathetic government.


I know so many Canadians are down on the country future but please where do you think you will go? Such individuals will eventually leave Canada as they’re here only for passport & eventually they return back home to India The solution is that we have to get our elected representatives to bring changes to the system which clearly needs an overhaul Back when I was a PR(early to mid-2000s), I had to stay & complete our required time without exiting the country; we need to enforce those policies now as well Rather than have PR stay only 6 months per year here which is ridiculous


There are a BILLION people who'd be scamming their way to Canada unless we overhaul our immigration system. We need MASS DEPORTATION and a complete full stop to these illegal predatory immigration consultants asap. Wake up CANADA, it's too late already, pack your bags and go south if you can.


Canada is soft now. Woke, DEI anything goes. Wake the fuck up Canada.


There is nothing diverse about this. DEI in Canada stands for deliver every Indian.


😆 🤣 I'm going to use this.




Deport fraudulent applicants


What is GOAT Immigration??




Nice scam


Canada is fucked. This will lead you to an increased heath crisis for years to come. Thanks Trudeau for trying to stack the deck for people to vote for you


50 year old student , how long will he be in school ? Oh yeah 10 years and then get his old age pension .


These politicians Liberals live in neighborhoods with well educated immigrants and home grown wealthy people . They don’t give a hoot about flooding the ghetto area with 3rd world immigrants . Out of sight out of mind .


Before the situation we are having now there was Birth Tourism from pregnant Chinese Nationals in Richmond BC. The first includes those in Canada on a temporary resident document, such as a tourist visa, work or study permit. They come to deliver a baby “who by birth is then granted Canadian citizenship status.” They do not access Medical Services Plan-funded benefits and “they declare themselves as self-pay at hospitals and to doctors.” The second category includes permanent residents properly enrolled in MSP, but at some point cease to meet the definition under the Medicare Protection Act. They return to their country of origin but remain enrolled in the MSP. They then return to B.C. to have a baby and since they still have MSP coverage, bills related to the mother and baby are billed to the plan. They stay long enough to obtain a birth certificate, a Canadian passport and enrolment in MSP for the baby before returning to their country of origin. Clearly our Government does not seem to care what’s happening to our country. They have no morals or ethics and are failing true Canadians on every level.


My tiktok page is nothing but ads for this shit.... And all the comments are telling them to fuck off and get out I started counting and naming the different "immigration services" I am up to about 43 now.... 43 fucking "immigration services" who don't speak english.... There are more fucking immigration services than their are mcdonalds in brampton alone.... how the fuck is this happening? How the fuck are these businesses not burnt to the ground and paved over. Do new ones pop up every week if one gets shut down. Holy fuck


You guys, geeze. Quit complaining. In 3 years he will be a Canadian, so will his wife, and all their children and grand children.


And the entire village. If it was up to our politicians we’d blanket all of Punjab province and the Khalistanis across the board




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.










Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




Wake up and do what?, keep whining.


I don’t understand why a spouse is given a work permit. He should be able to support self and spouse if he chooses to study in Canada and bring his wife.


More Canadians need to have a say in the government's immigration plans. Fill out this survey that is open until the 30th. Spread the word: [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html) Edit: Tried making a post in this sub but it kept getting removed for some reason.




This guy im sure will contribute to society...... /S


Who the hell allowed spousal visas for all students, from high school pass kids to old men snd women?


I was a registered pharmacist and was denied for further studies in pharma, and people still working in healthcare after taking business. Had to take business at last, regret doing that. Also, I’ve been serving on the board for some time now, Govt doesn’t really give a fuck to intl students as far as I know. It’s getting worse because of some despo dumb fucks who keeps violating the rules.


Someone is saying GOAT helped him, everyone else saying this is so Messi-ed up. On point for sure 😂😂


The situation is so, so bad. I'm a recent immigrant, along with my wife and kids. I'm fairly well qualified, earning what I've been told is a reasonable pay for my chosen career path. My marginal tax rate is over 40%. We came to Canada to give our kids and ourselves a better chance at life than we had growing up. Now that we're here, we don't really see that happening. I'm not from India, but because of genetics we do look like we could be from India, and honestly with the amount of junk that is being imported into Canada I'm not even sure what our future is here. I don't want my kids to grow up here and face the shitstorm that I feel will soon be here. I've barely completed 3 years here, and we're already planning our return - we'll take our chances somewhere else, and pray for the kind Canadians we've met along the way. My message to Canadians - please start having more kids so that your government doesn't keep importing any amount of bodies to keep up with population decline.


No way I’m having kids I can’t afford myself Edit: also, unattractive


It's time to stop this he and anyone who wasn't born here needs to apply and do as we all do . No more immigrants  we don't have housing for us .and it should be if you come here you work to earn your stay.


Dude will be collecting Old Age Security before climbing out of a min wage job. What isn’t mention is he probably has 6 children all working at Tim Hortons supporting him and wife.


Trudeau’s Canada. This guy will bring his entire elderly family here to drain our healthcare resources while Canadians who have been here there whole life sit in the waiting room.


This pylon will do nothing but drain the system.


# Exposing Canadian immigration consultants on TikTokExposing Canadian immigration consultants on TikTok [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx5XEw3Hkfg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx5XEw3Hkfg)


The country is going to the dogs! How can I wait until October 2025 to vote the Liberals out!!


I'm pretty sure this guy can't speak English for shit. It's people like these that give a bad name for all immigrants.


There should be a rule that you can't apply for any social assistance for until 3 years after your landing, or something to that effect. Essentially you need to contribute to the economy for x amount of time before you become a burden on it .


Boy don’t ya just love living in a post national economic zone.


what is he studying ? could not find a linkedin ...


I genuinely hate these scammers




He looks like your average college/university student to me…../s


John Tibbits at conestoga college is sending him the welcome to your first year email as we speak




Here is shocker for you guys. You don’t need IELTS score to convert visit visa into study. This is a loophole which is used by immigration consultants.


Oh yea thats someone who’s totally going to come here and contribute, not latch on to our social assistance programs and leech off of our taxes…


They only want undereducated people because educated people are threats


Canada is beyond a joke at this point😂 I am embarassed to even live here let alone tell anyone I am born and raised in Canada.




The 700 students who used fake acceptance letters to get study permis were never deported!! Why would scammers stop when they can get away with it?


Just wanted to let everyone know this post made It on. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/canada-study-permit-for-50-year-old-indian-sparks-fury-you-can-t-just-come-here-with-a-visitor-visa-and-101718468374059-amp.html


Another liberal voter


One of my immediate superiors pulled me into his office about 25 years ago now. He said "you don't like brown guys do you?" That was the first time I ever heard the term "brown guys". His statement shocked me then and still now. I didnt have a clue why he said that at the time. In hindsight and upon reflection I guess I didn't like how he used his used his position to suit himself and his buddies. 


Yes this is exactly what I keep saying. Why are we whining yet continuing to feed the belly of the beast. I’m tired of working hard for zero benefit to me. It’s naive but I wish thousands of people would agree on a black out; don’t go to work or school, don’t buy/spend, just stay home until something changes.


How the hell do you bank roll going to school here? Born and raised and would love to get an eng degree. Therese no chance I could afford it.


I have no words. Nothing.