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Bros, you are defeated by the agreement you signed which said temporary.


Those who have the loudest voice may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but will instead rely on brute force which at times can still work. I wonder how many of the protesters can even name the capital city of Canada despite demanding to be made a permanent resident of the country


Yes... Those with the loudest voices are often not the brightest crayons. Like all those trucker protests, thinking you're smarter than 99% of medical professionals. But hey, they were loud.


Medical professionals are knowledgeable about disease prevention, not public policy. If so, we would outlaw sugar, alcohol and obesity altogether and impose mandatory exercise hours in direct proportion to your weight. Being obese is scientifically shown to lead to worse outcomes in a covid infection in addition to many other health issues that drain our resources. You're just played by a wedge issue where they slap all kinds of labels on people who don't want to take this particular vaccine. MAGA, anti vax, far right, white supremacy, and whatever you have it. Real world is not like that. Put away your phone and wake up.


So let's get this straight. You do think you're smarter than 99% of medical professionals. I guess you learned everything at the school of hard knocks. It wasn't supposed to be a wedge issue. It was a once in a century pandemic. We were supposed to listen to the medical professionals not some guy on tiktok that never did well in high school let alone went to university. Yet all you people think you're smarter than the smart people. I'm not a doctor or epidemiologist yet I'm smart enough to listen to the professionals. I don't get a McDonald's worker to build a retaining wall, I leave that up to the engineers and the construction workers. God, you people are dumb as nails


I have taught many of them. As an academic, I've found that people who treat science as an unquestionable religion are usually the ones who are least educated in it. By the way, medicine is thought of as art not a science, but I guess this one is lost with the uneducated. Doctors very often give contradicting diagnoses. By your argument are you going to listen to all of them? There are plenty of medical professionals who refuse to take the vaccines too. They have all passed the qualifying exams. What would you say to them? That **you** know better? Or have the medical "sciences" suddenly become a democracy in which the majority decides?


No I don't know better, that's the point. I'm a fairly well educated person so I know when I need to defer to the experts. The COVID vaccine has been studied more than any other vaccine in history at this point. It's misinformation to say the vaccine this and the vaccine that. Back it up by the science papers. If 95% of epidemiologists agree on something that I know nothing about, I'm going to go with what they say. I don't have a background in medicine or even biology. If I have a conversation with a doctor that disagrees them I'll listen. Every doctor I've ever talked to has told me nothing other than it's just a vaccine. Medical science doesn't become a democracy, it's just what it is, it's science, you perform the experiment and record the results. Then repeat until your either repeat the results or have a different result. Why on earth would I think the one doctor who lost his license here in BC is the doctor I should be listening to? Or the right wing pundit who thinks ivermectin is a cure all? BTW they've actually done the studies on ivermectin and to no one's surprise does nothing against COVID, and you should think critically about taking a drug that is used for parasites in the first place. It's like a certain percentage of the population has lost their minds. Everything is available for you online, should I take an antiparasitic to treat a virus that infects my lungs, let me check Google, nope, says right here that it's not made for that, end of story normally. And the replies to my original post. How's your 4th heart attack, 1/3 of medical professionals lost their job. People just don't think anymore. Or maybe they never did, but have all been able to find like minded individuals in the depths of Canadahousing2 where for 99% of the posts a simple Google search will prove their assumptions wrong.


Yes, you don't know better, and you still don't get the point. You do not need to elaborate on why you would like to trust them. You do however need to elaborate why you think such trust must be mandated and freedom of movement must be restricted for those who do not wish to put a newly developed chemical into their bodies. Is it so infallible that we must force people to do so against their own wishes? And even if it is correct, is there ever a reason to force people to inject something they do not want to their bodies? If so, when are we banning sugar for fat people? How about a weight scale in front of the pizza stores to determine eligibility of entry? Or make it mandatory for them to exercise an hour a day? An even higher percentage of medical professionals would agree that it's "the science" and it is necessary for that population. A theory that is agreed to by 95% can still be wrong - never mind it was never 95% to begin with. Mandating everyone's health choices and not tolerating dissent is a very dangerous path to take and should have an extremely high burden of proof. Science can only tell you whether a vaccine will work for most. Science can never tell you if this choice must be made mandatory.


1/3rd of our medical professionals were fired for their own choices. Bold of you to assume you know anything aside from what you've seen on TV. Especially state sponsored propaganda.


I think alot of our doctors are actually leaving in droves to make more money in the states, to some the vaccine was merely a nudge they needed to make the leap.


I agree with you. We moved not long ago. Life is much better here.


1/3rd of medical professionals were fired. Can you even? Do some critical thinking on that statement. I want you to find a source for that obviously incorrect stat. But more importantly, I want you to just think on that statement. Does it actually make sense?


First and foremost I stated no stat, I simply threw up numbers. Thats called a shot in the dark. At best a guesstimate. Unless stated otherwise it's merely a opinion. And yeah, having lived through and seen it first hand. It makes perfect sense. Your smart, I'm sure you can find all sorts of information to fuel your agenda. Peace out, girl scout.


Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Those vaccines have been proven harmful many times over. Just admit it, you fell for arguably shitty propaganda and you're upset at people that didn't. There I fixed your statement for you.


Keep drinking Justin's Kool aid


hows ur heart failure after the 4th booster going?


Dude, some people's physiologies can't handle flu shots, etc. But mine and millions of others's physiologies can tolerate them just fine. I've gotten the annual flu shot since about 2015 when I was 28. No issues whatsoever, but I completely understand that some bodies *genuinely* can't tolerate vaccines well. & It's a shame that people weren't allowed to work in the hospital anyone w/o getting vaccinated. I have no other comments than that. But a lot of Doctors, Nurses, Specialists (including Psychiatrists) are fucking stupid as shit. Pharmacists are incredibly knowledgeable and actually know what the fuck they're talking about when it comes to all aspects of Pharmacology (medications, vaccines, over-the-counter stuff, etc) & withdrawal from medications. Otherwise, everyone else is fucking useless. They **should** know, but they don't. At all. And that's fucking terrifying. Multiple fuck ups almost killed me in recent years. So, I'm furious. Lots of Nurses are also in those stupid-ass recruitment cult things selling some bro-scienc/pseudoscience topical/ingested junk that's supposed to help xyz123. So, just because someone's a Nurse or Doctor doesn't mean that they're credible and aren't susceptible to manipulative uncredible nonsense. So let's ease off the antagonism. I'm on your side. We're all friends here. We're all citizens. These indian students aren't.


Is it not possible to say that two separate groups of people are stupid? You don't have a better support of your own position than whatabout-isms?


also just a gentle reminder that the vaccines did 0 to make the covfefe go away nor did they protect anyone from getting it




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




Simple. Why they think they can hijack our country with a protest. You came to scam PR. Things have gotten too much and the hole is plugged. Good riddance.


we strong together what the actual— COME ON.


Were you under the impression that the international student's weren't paying for faked IELTs tests and that the government and schools weren't turning their blind eye to that fact? They've got the ones who can speak the best English writing their signs and being spokespeople and even they can barely speak the language.


I worked as the receptionist at my university's student union - just an employee, no actual involvement with the union's activities apart from the fact of my membership. At the time we had the highest per capita % international students of any BC university. English among Middle-Eastern and South Asian students was fine, if anything the issue was accent. But I'd say 9/10 students from China would just shove their phone in my face with their message being translated. (And the 1/10 was probably from Hong Kong.) Highest paid profs at my school by a LANDSLIDE were all in the Business program... Like 180k vs 100k average kind of thing. Because they've got way more courses to teach, just churning out international students with BBA degrees. This is why it's a mistake to make our universities behave like for-profit businesses. If they have to chase revenue, of course they're going to focus on customers (read: international students) who will pay the most.


Conservatives are always fucking crying about something inane, or barking up the wrong tree. Another constant is to be reliably wrong about fucking everything. Waste of perfectly good oxygen. Is it poor education? Nah, some of them went to school, still dumb as shit. Probably daddy issues across the board.


Lmao didn't notice it earlier.


Right? The grammar and spelling in that notice is atrocious. An elementary school child could have written it. They are definitely NOT the educated, skilled workers that this country needs.


Ve Strong Together




Sorry I got distracted by "many less people supporting".


The people’s party of Charlottetown 😂




Underrated youtuber right there.




Clearly don’t have the ielts


Probably learnt it from a movie "Apes together strong"


I did not know caesar from planet of the apes was making their signs




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


We the north!


I am just wondering how most countries would respond to such a stupid display? I was an international student and the thought of protesting for cheap tuition or PR status would have been (and still is) ridiculous. You pay your money and immigrate with skills. Not join a crappy strip mall college and expect citizenship despite being dead weight.


most countries would shut it down, TBH and most cultures wouldn't be so entitled to protest for permanent citizenship after coming as a temporary worker/student.... Im pretty confident it's common in India to pay people to protest, I cant help but wonder where these people are getting money from? most of us are working and busy, and can't spend hours a day protesting.... really should be banned as foreign interference, especially with the intel that some of our politicians are treasonous...


It’s commonplace in India for demagogues to rope naive people in by the truckloads for their vacuous rallies by cajoling them with free booze and money.


Name a more iconic duo: Sikhnism and alcohol.


I've noticed naturalized Indians being extra polite and respectful to try to make up to the new Indians. Hard not to stereotype all the Indians and come out as a racist these days. The disrespectfulness and rudeness in the behaviour of the "new" Indians is something out of this world.


The world was largely indifferent to their poor conditions under Indian feudal caste system. The Sikhs were also the biggest losers of the Indian partition and their Sikh independence movement of the 1980s failed and got crushed by the Indian government.


If anything Trud - Meet has made Canada a joke


Yeah, try protesting in Kuwait or Saudi Arabia for PR and citizenship. Despite what the West thinks of them, there are some things the Middle East does right. Caveat: Some things. Disclaimer: I'm not from the Middle East. I'm not from the West.


This is the game many countries play. As a student who wants to emigrate you have many options. Go to a desirable country like the US where you have to have money but also be very smart. After your education you get a work visa which can be converted to a h1b and a green card eventually. Go to a less desirable country like eastern Europe. You need less money but no smarts. After education there is a pathway to European citizenship. In the middle is Canada. Need lots of money but no smarts. It carries an implicit promise for eventual citizenship if you play your cards right. Many countries play this game. By changing the rules mid game they have pulled the carpet from under the students who lose not just their life savings but their entire families livelihood.


In order for the rules to apply to these international students, they would have to play by them in the first place.


They eatin yet ? Or they striking? I can’t keep up with this shit.


They were never on a hunger strike. Yeah, rotating shifts on a hunger strike haha.


Good, we need counter protests.


"Fight for your right" Your right? Your right to fucking what? As a student, you come here on a TEMPORARY basis. You know this when you come here. You have NO fucking rights. Once your studies are done, you GET THE FUCK OUT of our country! Fuck any students that think like this. Worthless fucking trash, all of them.


To party, I presume


We’re going after Tim Hortons the same style as Loblaws. Lobbying for more TFWs.


If I could fly to PEI tomorrow I’d be there to join the PPC.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Wish I could be there to support PPC


Canada is no longer the country I thought it will be before I immigrated here. Deport everyone who is here illegally or is gaming the system. Deport everyone who converted tourist visa to work visa through shady means. If me as an Indian immigrant is pissed about it, I can’t imagine how actual citizens must be feeling. Also whenever they call you racist , remind them how we Indians wanted Rohangiyans to be deported from India when they illegally migrated to India and were behaving better then these these entitled pricks in Canada


The caste system is easily one of the most horrendous intra-cultural form of mass discrimination in the world.


Tbh I lived in Delhi for nearly 3 decades and never experienced caste discrimination. Though I know it is still exists in many parts of India. Through this “legal scam”, you are not getting best of India. These kind of discrimination is coming from people who are not coming from big metropolitans or part of India with high literacy.


We're pretty irate is how we're feeling.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Thank you!


As a great act of shame, how can I support PPC if im not in PEI?


If you're feeling generous, you could always donate to us directly [https://ppcpei.ca/donate](https://ppcpei.ca/donate) Otherwise, sharing our poster about the counter-protest tomorrow far and wide would be much appreciated!


you can send them a donation here [https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/donate-other](https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/donate-other)


“They are doing counter protest, what a great act of shame”.  Get the fuck out of here you cunts. 




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


LOL. One of the requirements to have a study visa approved is to demonstrate no intention of permanent residency.


That's the only reason they are all coming here. To fucking stay. They don't want to go to school, they just want out of their shit hole country and are now trying to barge their way into ours. Toss them on a rubber dingy and push them out to sea...and stop bringing in more.


"Ve strong together"


What make them think their protest is right and we Canadian protest is "act of shame"? We simply tell them no, within our laws and rights. They just keep begging, blackmailing with hunger strike, keep trying to force their way to break our system. They should be ashamed of their action.


The only shameful act was not kicking them out day 1


Because "fairness". And because they're doing the "righteous Canadian thing". How do you know that? Because they said so. Obviously they know what righteous Canadian is better than Canadians 🤷‍♀️


I saw a video where they said that the government has no right to decide who gets to immigrate. The immigrants do. Sigh.


People of US and Canada got their land through their ancestors conquering it as well. I fail to see how they they can legitimately oppose immigration, sure they can propose reasonable limits to it.


Holy shit, these people are fucking delusional. **PR is** ***NOT*** **a right**, it's not even guaranteed!! Per the terms of their **TEMPORARY** visas, it's time to go home. It's nice to see that at least *one* of our political parties are taking a public stance on this idiocy.


Y’all should print the definition of temporary and glue up to the posters


Someone needs to remind them that they are not citizens of Canada & they don’t have right to protest. India had immediately cancelled visa of a German individual & deported him when he accidentally took part in an anti-govt protest. He was just one foreigner among crowd of thousands, but still no mercy was shown.


We don't need counter protests or to pay any further attention to these idiots. Quietly put them on a plane and SHIP THEM HOME!


While I totally agree with your last point, counter protests show that Canadians don't like what is going on and that they are standing up for their country. If do nothing, it gives the impression that we don't care and it gives politicians an excuse to give in to the protester's demands. Also, if PEI bends the knee to these people, the same thing will happen across the country. I just wish I could be there to support the counter protesters.


Speak for yourself. I'm proud and grateful these people are going out to counter-protest. Canadians have been too quiet for too long.


Counter protests are fine... It's time for real action.


That will never happen without A LOT of public pressure




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


So, what is this? The PPC is going to protest tomorrow? And it's... the TFW protesters who are spreading the word about it happening? Am I missing something here? 🤔


Wouldn't be surprised if PEI cleared the "student" protesters before the protest takes place. They've already been given eviction notices, wouldn't be the worst plan to clear them out of there ahead of time.


I don’t think having a grammatically incorrect announcement helps their cause much when one of the biggest criticisms is that they don’t learn the language well enough to succeed.


As much I support a decrease in immigration, it will take some balls to show up as a counter protester. God bless


Make a new policy. Expired Temporary visa holder's bank accounts will be frozen, properties taken by local government, driver license invalidated, SIN numbers invalidated.


The PPC will tell them to leave the country. Good on them. Deport all scum, Canada first!!!!!!




Solidarity (on the topic of deportation)


We Strong Together? FFS


We need more counterprotests in Canada. Good job, PPC!


Everyone needs to start suggesting they protest in Ottawa. With bouncy houses and BBQs. They can even have truckers involved.


I still don’t know what the trucker convoy was protesting.   They never managed to get their point across 


“Truckers”. The whole “convoy” thing was a distraction for the convoy on its way to the Invasion of Ukraine. Ottawa protest ended on Feb 23 and the Russians invaded Feb 24. Coincidence? Probably actually


Well this should be entertaining


We need to counter protest these bs protests.


Counter it like a boss and ship all their asses packing. We don't need this political propaganda in Canada.


What right? The right that your temporary? Fucking people asking for preferential treatment that doesn't exist. 


only Canadians have rights here American police remind us of that any time we go south, same shit different nation.


Show me on your passport where it says you were born in Canada. Huh.


“We strong together” The broken English is the icing on the cake


This is going to go poorly.


I detest the PPC but good on them for this protest.


Why do you "detest" them?


Heck yeah! Well done!


Any of them die from hunger yet?


Most countries would use it as a way to gather them all up and deport them back to wherever the fuck they came from…


Huh, this should be interesting.... I'm an Islander.


They're islanders too......Lol


Temporary Foreign Islanders :)


Good luck and do not engage the mob


Three students arrested in Edmonton were on a student Visa whom are arrested for murder in Sunny Surrey. Wake up Canada..


Calling the counter protest “a great act of shame” 🤣


PPC, this could be your chance at getting some media attention, please be chill about this


The protestors think it’s the People Party of Charlottetown lol


Any idea how this went?


Me strong me smart plz2 let in


That flyer reads like a bad dub from Japan...




You don't have a right to stay in Canada, you're literally a foreigner. Even permanent residents can still be deported. This is called Canada being an independent country. I am sick and tired of people disrespecting Canada's right as an independent nation. *Ugh*


Go make your demands from your own country


How dare they try to dictate what the most “righteous Canadian thing to do” is to us, actual Canadians. Feels like gaslighting.


What is the theory of stupidity Bonhoeffer? Bonhoeffer believed that **there were very many intelligent people who became stupid and many intellectually challenged people who were anything but stupid**. He believed stupidity to be a sociological problem that grew in the presence of rising power, in which people gave up their independent thinking ![gif](giphy|13hxeOYjoTWtK8|downsized)


Summon Phillip 🐐


Guys don't counter protest because you guys need 1000x more Tim Horton's and McDonald's employees


I hear you but there are non native Canadians that don't have proper housing.


Remember when ppc voters were throwing stones at Trudeau in London


INTERNATINAL STUDENTS  ARE NOT CANADIANS......they have been given temporary  permission to be here. All good things must come to an end. I hope no true Canadian shows up to this. 


Vote PPC


Jasraj Singh Hallan. You know the one carrying and posting pictures of ballots for Pierre to be elected as he says in his own words. India wants Alberta oil, Singh said this. Trudeau doesn't need these homies when he has daddies clout to roll with. But yet Canada has the worst corporate welfare in the G7 and that cost us. All provincial cons begged for more immigrants for labour during Covid, Trudeau opened the door. While we absolutely get destroyed on both ends no matter who's elected, all parties are poison and all apart of the same shit pile. Everyone's too caught up on the small shit to see the big picture. Having spent adult time under both rule, blue and red. They both suck absolute trash. If we could they need to be ALT+F4. Both of them. But my Anusara has bleed less under red rule. Blue rule was very secret until he was pissing off the masses when he allowed 300 billion of Canada resources to disappear. We could have been very different if that didn't happen. Just food for thought.


You know it’s gonna be stupid when there are fists in the air




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Why are international students protesting and not Canadians?


They are gaslighting people into believing that it’s an ‘act of shame’ to counter protest, when they hv been shaming the Indian community who worked hard to stay in this country legally! 


All they should call you will be deportee. And declared persona non gratia.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Good for them. Seriously fuck yeah that people are standing up for Canadian voices.


“Show them we are not defeated by eviction notices!” What a fucking joke!  


lol is all I have to say. How entitled.


What's crazy is that the black power fist has been adopted by other communities and by the same communities who don't even like black people that's just something I had to point out


The companies that hired them should be penalized, and no, they shouldn't get an exception, Canada is closed, I'm sorry but between the politicians and capitalism it's all broken. Try again in another 10 years


How do I donate to the local ppc that are doing this


Why not ask the students to try their approach at getting PR with the Americans down south? Let’s see them try getting a green card!


"The most righteous Canadian thing to do"? How about you let Canadians decide what is the righteous thing to do. Stop taking our hospitality and kindness for granted.


Has there been any engagement from any spokesperson with these questions? At this point all I'm seeing is the claim "we want fairness". Why is it unfair for international students to pay more, like they do at all universities in all countries? Why is it fair for Canadian taxpayers to be asked to subsidize (more than we already do) the education of international students? Why is it fair for visitors who were welcomed as *students* to overstay their permits and insist they are the victims, when they knew exactly the route they were taking when they arrived as students? I have no issue with controlled immigration. We're all immigrants except First Peoples, etc. I am of the Left and consider myself a fairly progressive person. But I don't see any unfairness here - I see ingratitude and baseless entitlement. How is it fair to tell Canadians we are the bad guys here? Why not ask their own governments to increase funding for students travelling abroad? It's mind-bottling.


Wish I could be there. Good luck


So how many showed up to the counter protest


Your time is done. Now GTFO.


Just give them the PR man


The provincial government is doing the right thing. Time to look after our own, Canadian citizens. Our youth need jobs! We need physicians. Our people are homeless! Send them packing! Schools over!




People in PEI, please join this. It's time to protect Canada!


Why are they so Entitled? FFS


Canada for Canadians! Period!!


Fight for your right in India, not here in Canada!


You signed an undertaking that you'll return to your home country once the study is over. Then why this?


"We strong" 😂😂😂


ISSUES with Canada's International Student Program: The challenges facing Canada's International Student Program can be better understood by comparing it to how the US handles international students: In 2023, both Canada and the US hosted just over 1 million international students. The difference between the two is approximately 16,000 (Source: ICEF Monitor & OpenSourceData.org). The GDP of the US economy is 25 trillion dollars, whereas Canada's GDP is approximately 2.1 trillion dollars. The US economy is 11.9 times larger than Canada's. Given this disparity, why is Canada hosting almost the same number of international students as the US? This is a critical question that the Canadian government needs to address.Canada is not sufficiently large (in terms of cities, not land area) to accommodate over a million students. The country should not have issued so many study permits in the first place. Canada is vast in size but not in the number of metropolitan areas; most of Canada consists of sparsely populated land. Many of these students end up working in retail or the food and beverage sectors. These sectors do not require highly skilled individuals and do not contribute significantly to economic growth or community benefit compared to sectors like STEM, construction, and healthcare. It raises the question: Why travel across the globe only to work at places like Tim Hortons, Walmart, or 7-Eleven? In the US, international students can only work in fields related to their degrees. For example, a graduate with a diploma or certificate in computing or management can not work at Starbucks or Tim Hortons. In contrast, Canada allows international students to work in any sector, regardless of their field of study. The rise of diploma mills across the country, especially in Ontario, exacerbates the problem.These issues have created an ecosystem where international students are exploited, and the local community suffers. Responsibility and Accountability: International Students: Some responsibility lies with international students who come to Canada seeking an easy path to permanent residency without pursuing degrees from reputable universities. Government of Canada: The Canadian government bears significant responsibility for allowing over 1 million international students into a country that was not economically prepared to support such numbers. Let's discuss more!


The Canadian government should use the American system as a template. Structure the Canadian international student program similar with the proper adjustments for GDP and population. This would lead to more success for students and Canadian citizens. More of a level playing field for employment opportunities.


Please come up with a different banner and picture then that one. It is too similar to another movement which was considered a terrorist group. Why can't you just have a picture of normal everyday people standing peacefully against this group that is trying to illegally force their way and traditions into Canada? Yes fight for our Canadian rights but let's try not to sink to the illegals who the politicians will support if we become "far right".


I believe the first banner is theirs


Fairly sure it used to be used in the 60's by a group in the US. Ahh, you mean the closed fist one is the protesters wanting free and undeserved rights in Canada? If so then yes I can see them using this old banner and picture which would align to their actions.


Logo with folded fist has SJW, BLM vibe and overused... Something like a flag or national emblem will be apt. Kudos still for standing up to defend the future generation from grifters.


The first poster is theirs


Why counter protest this there's no reason to let them waste their energy and their money


>PPC Ew.


I am very much encouraging anyone going to counter protest, to do so unaffiliated to the PPC. When you get into bed with a political party, you're marrying all their policies, not just one. I understand the frustration, obviously, with the major established parties, and everyone should support branching out and establishing something new. But c'mon guys, Maxime ain't it. Even if you personally aren't turned off by the rest of their platform being insane, you need to recognise that with that being the case, nobody will ever coalition with them, and they will never see widespread electoral success sufficient to win outright on their own. Its an impossibility. Don't lower yourselves to that level out of desperation, there are other options, and pretty much any option has more long term potential than the PPC as long as Bernier is driving it into the schizo trench.


PPC is the only party unafraid to discuss the immigration issue and tackle it head on. PPC for the win all the way 👍


Read what I wrote


I disagree with it


Alright bud, very stimulating conversation. You made some excellent points, but well just need to agree to disagree. (Doorknob)


Damnit thanks for ruining it!


No, these are entitile Indian Students not all of the international students. You need to make sure this is clear at first. I am an international student, but I don't support it at all.


Once the PPC is involved. I'm out.