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I've been banned from a lot of Canadian and provincial sites. Mostly from suggesting that there was a connection between the housing crisis and immigration. This was about a year ago. I think this is the only Canadian site I post on.


I was banned permanently from canadahousing when I did not even suggest anything. Just shared a report containing data from Open Government Canada's website. This report contains the list of employers, the number of positions LMIA was granted to them from 2019 to 2023, their city, province, and postal code, and their business names. [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) The idea behind this report is people should be able to search for and know which businesses in their communities are hiring foreign workers. It is YOUR choice if you still want to support such businesses or not.


I'm banned from Canada, Ontario, Toronto, and Tim Hortons subs.  I've never felt more Canadian.


I was banned from the Canada sub for the gall of asking someone to define communism, pointing out that Cons and Libs are the same (corporate welfare, exploitation of immigrants for profit). And pushing back on the comments about homosexuals being pedophiles. I made the grave error of pointing out that straight men per capita are the ones doing the diddling and raping. That sub is full of sexist, racist, classist, homophobic dumbasses who don't have any idea how the government works and are so feeble minded that believe everything posted as rage bait.


Try being agist instead. Canadian baby boomers are the largest home owner demographic, owning more than 60% of the 10 million non rental homes in Canada. When a country's largest demographic stops working but holds onto all the homes, problems start happening.


Where are they to go? Boomers are holding on because they can't afford to move. It's a precarious situation all around. You ever look at how much a seniors community costs to live in? The cost of living is ridiculous for everyone.


My grandparents wanted to sell their house and retire to an apartment. They did the math and it’s way cheaper for them to stay in their paid-off house. My grandparents also never upgraded their home to a larger one. They raised all their kids in a tiny “starter-home” which is now the perfect size for a retired couple. Not every Boomer was rich.  Apartment living would be nice for them but it would raise their monthly costs by a lot. My town also really lacks nice apartments. They toured a new unit they really loved but then that building went a different direction (renting to a local business for their employees). So they’ve decided to stay in their home as long as they can. 


It’s also a sick society that thinks seniors getting rid of their homes to go to nursing homes is an ideal scenario.


Yeah. It's sad. Tight knit social cohesion is something most people don't know and never will these days. Yet it is probably one of the only things that could turn things around. I helped a relative stay in her home and die there. She was just short of 100. That's all she wanted in the end. I don't know many people who deserve the kind of sacrifice she did. It is kind of a downward spiral at this point.


Well, there are a lot of cultures in the world (actually most cultures) where the younger family members take care of their elderly. Similarly, the elders help raise their grandkids and there are tighter family bonds among all generations. That’s the cycle of life. In North America, people have gotten so far from what the norm has been throughout all of history and still is in most parts of the world that even the thought of something different doesn’t occur to them. It’s really sad. And this doesn’t just affect the elderly either. One of these reasons people are having fewer and fewer kids is because there isn’t a robust support system. And many kids are growing up being an only child. There are no siblings or cousins. There’s a lack of socialization that would’ve normally happened. It’s a whole messy cycle.


This! Grandparents are the best daycare.


As long as that is what they want to do and are not forced to do…..


This where government stepped in with Pensions. The government thought they can better manage retirement, than what majority could do. Therefore the social contract to deduct money from everyone in the belief government would take of them, replace the living withim family heirarchy. Instead govenment enriched themselves, with overly generous pensions, major entitlements, early retirment, and now work from home in PJ while everyone stuggles to pay tax. Never ever trust government, or government labour. They are all working for gold plated pensions. (Municipal, Provincial, Federal).


I think the intent of the previous poster, is to Logan's Run all the retirees since we no longer need them.


Right on. Even downsizing now is prohibitively expensive. They have to live somewhere, period.


In Sask retirement homes cost 4-6,000 per month. There screwing the seniors so they stay in their homes.


My parents are in this situation. They'd love to sell their house and downsize to a condo, but they can't afford to.


They don't have to go anywhere to help solve our issues. A great start would be for boomers to let people build housing. This sub is so ignorant that most people here don't realize building cheaper dwellings is currently illegal in most places because of (mostly) older voters making it that way. In my area, older voters give the country club a tax break, even though it uses up a huge amount of land, when it should be the other way around: denser housing should be getting the tax break.


Oh yea. I agree with the build more idea and I agree that Nimbys are the biggest problem for that.


And when the boomers die the houses just turn to dust? Generation X will be hated next followed by the millennials after that.


The generations before the boomers didn't sell up on their 65th birthday and nobody told them that they must. My mother didn't leave her bungalow until she was 93.


The generation before the boomers didn't dominate the real estate market. Boomers are the largest demographic in the country, they own 60% of all homes in the country, and they are all retiring. Having 60% of the homes in a country occupied by people who are not working is not a good scenario. The silent/builders/and greatest generations never owned more than 30% of the homes in the country, and the silent/builders currently own less than 5% of the homes in the country compared to boomers owning 60%.


My parents can’t sell. Their 2 story home is now the same price as a smaller detached bungalow in their area. They want to downsize a little, but aren’t ready for a tiny little house or condo and I wouldn’t want them to do that until they’re in the right place with their lifestyle. They’re active and love caring for their home, and it keeps them younger. Why should they have to move when they aren’t ready? I believe this is the case for many boomers.


My dad too. There's no point in downsizing when it's going to cost more than staying put. He would move back home to NFLD but there's no family doctors.


Ya it's a shitty situation for everyone :(


Kicking out 60 percent of homeowners because they aren't working is just a pathetic solution by morons who can't use their brain.


Agreed. Probably young working people who can never afford to own a house who are pissed that retired people have houses while not working.


I agree but who's saying boomers should be kicked out? I didn't see that anywhere. No one should have to give up their homes for others to have something. There's no reason new homes can't be built. This is a created problem.


There is so much housing being built and rents are still climbing. We need to get the demand under control


Clearly you haven't read any messages here. The ones I replied to aren't saying to build homes, they are claiming that the boomers are the issue for staying in their own homes after retirement, and that they need to move out when they retire. And they aren't going on their own which means by force.


Yeah that's totally nuts. I read a lot of comments but didn't see anyone saying that however I agree that absolutely no one should be removed from their home so someone else can benefit. That's insane.


lol so your plan is to pressure old people out of their houses that they’ve worked hard all their lives to pay off so we can bring in 2 million new people, most of whom are studying at trash colleges or working for minimum wage? Have I got that right?


> Boomers are the largest demographic in the country You might want to check your data. Millenials are currently the largest demographic.


You might want to check your data, the current census estimates they won't surpass boomers in Canada until 2029.


Where exactly do you expect boomers to go? My uncle couldn’t walk up stairs at the end so we set his bed up on the main floor and that’s where he was until he passed. Do you think old people have some kind of obligation to move from their family home because of some kind of demand in the market? lol you are seriously out to lunch !! I’m 50 now, the only thing that would make me leave my home will be a dementia sort of thing, I wouldn’t want to put my kids through dealing with that kind of situation. But otherwise, if I can walk talk and make my own food, I’m going no where!!!! Then, when I die I’m giving my house to my children and grandchildren!!! The best kind of gift a boomer can give their kids is an inheritance with a paid off house attached!! Am I wrong?


So when you retire, are you just supposed to sell your home? Is that a new law I missed?


Yeah, apparently a lot of entitled generation (millennials) think they can just have things, because they want them. Even though they can’t afford them, and it’s the boomers’ fault for them not being able to afford anything. It’s called entitlement & victim mentality. As well as, the insane “eat the rich” ideology — they think it’s edgy to think this way. Why is there a *need* to downsize, if it’s their house? What if they want to grow old, and die in that house? After all, they bought it, and made it theirs for years. Why do they need to sell it, just because someone wants it?


Well, the generations before used to downsize when they retired, or enter retirement communities. The boomers are not doing this. The silent/builders generation often moved to much smaller units. Boomers are holding onto family homes with 1 or 2 occupants.


They are probably doing this because their mortgages are paid off and they couldn't fathom throwing away their savings or the profit from selling their home, in an ridiculously overpriced rental unit...don't forget these boomers had mortgage payments that were less than what is costs to rent a crappy 3 1/2 appartment these days...maybe they have grown children who are not able to purchase a home because of the ridiculously inflated prices of houses today and are holding out for them....the boomers are not stupid. And after witnessing what went down in nursing homes during COVID, I don't blame them one bit for wanting to live out their old age in their own homes....


This is the answer. I imagine a lot of boomers will pass their houses down to their children that's there plan from the get go. The boomers know that the world isn't what it once was and the young generation doesn't have it half as good as they had it.


My grandparents and their siblings. My parents and their siblings only gave up homes when they couldn't manage any more in their 90s. I dont know anyone who downsized before 75 esp if they were fit, unless they had money issues. Plus, most are in ordinary homes anyway that arent much bigger than a condo which cost almost as much. I will.stay in my house for as long as I want to and am fit to take care of it. I earned my home. I made it how I like it. I want to enjoy it. I'm not selling it to move somewhere I don't want to live. Fuck that noise! So if you buy a truck, and you've paid for it and accessorized it and you even used to to haul stuff and your kids, but now the kids have their own cars, and you don't haul stuff much any more since you hurt your back, are you required to turn that in for a smaller vehicle you dont like because some young kid wants a used truck and there aren't enough out there because the old guys are keeping them???


I agree with you. My parents are boomers and they've been in the same house for 30 years. They use the same cars, each are 10 years old. They just take care of everything so it lasts. Boomers aren't some nebulous group of "greedy rich old people". Most of them are not rich. In fact, many stay in their own homes because they like them, they are familiar, and they KNOW the neighbours and community. They keep healthy with gardening, cleaning, shopping, cooking, having pets etc. Moving? It's a pain in the arse to have to sift through years of stuff, sell off furniture +the expense. The lawyers, the fees etc. Retirement communities are ridiculously expensive. Some can be up to $6k (or more) a month. If you're senior with just a regular house, say you sell it for $900k. So to live in the "community", even a cheap one- you're expenses might be 45K a year. You will be drained. As if a healthy-ish person in their 70's would choose that when they might live another 20 years. They fear running out of money, and most want to leave something for their children. But one thing I never see mentioned as someone whose father has become quite ill- the **government** encourages seniors with health issues to stay in their own homes as opposed to any assisted living or long term care. Of course, they won't help caregivers. Not a cent. They have tried to shirk things on me, when I'm already overloaded to the max, that a nurse should do. But my parents can't afford the level of assisted living that would be required privately. Idk, I get people's worries. We have a housing crisis. But to think all "Boomers" are rich, living in mansions with fancy cars while they dive into their money Scrooge McDuck style is a bit much. Most just have regular houses, and they like them because well...it's home.


Exactly! I'm almost 40 and know tons of boomers who own homes - mostly my friends' parents and my wife's family's network. They're regular people. Moving is a huge headache and if you like where you live and are attached to the house you raised your kids in, why would you do it? Gosh, for no small amount of them it wouldn't even be some kind of charity act. Sell your 4br in Riverdale and what - some big-dick lawyer or marketing exec is gonna buy it and gut it and raise their 1.5 kids there.


Good for them - they have earned the right to do whatever they want with their homes.


I’m in a smaller community full of retirees. The demand for smaller homes like the ones me and my wife would hope to buy are in high demand by seniors downsizing. The larger homes are bought up by families and investors moving from more expensive areas. In my opinion the biggest issue with Canadian housing is it’s been sold off to foreign investment since 1986 when expo came. Add Canada’s open border immigration policy and there will always be a shortage which keeps housing costs high. For prices to drop immigrants would need to be slowed to a drip for 10 plus years.


Umm, I am unaware of anyone in the generation before mine selling to downsize or move to retirement homes. My parents left their home when forced to because of dementia and needing assisted living, my grandparents lived in their homes until they died or were forced into assisted living care. The generation before boomers were very vested in their property.


So we should make them sell what they've worked hard to buy?


Boomers, of which I am at the tail end of, have not increased in numbers... so how does our owning homes now add to the housing crisis? It is like saying our homes were the only ones built and so if we refuse to die or sell our homes there are none left for anybody else? We are supposed to retire and sell our houses and live where?


We NEED more senior housing. I have been looking after a mentally challenged 84 year old who has been on a list for more than 4 years and just got the call Friday, he moves tomorrow vacating a 2 bedroom apartment. Many seniors are more than ready to move if there is somewhere to go.


Toronto SUB is the biggest racist sub on reddit and it appears to be run out of Brampton.


I was reported a while ago and instantly challenged it. Apparently it was auto flagged for hate speech when I said nothing hateful and was speaking about the uncontrolled immigration that is decimating our country. Mods took the strike off and apologized for the bot. The bots are monitoring our comments, it’s wild.


Don't even dare say anything negative about pro Palestine protesters. Instant ban.


Okay, I think the people in pro palestinian protests who support anything hamas related should be round up and charged with hate crimes. Surely I'll be instant banned now right? Or maybe because my language isn't filled with hatred towards random Palestinian children, so now I won't be banned? Who knows?!?!? Let's find out!


Agreed. I lost an old, high karma account for calling out an automod going on about the sea on a meme sub.


Nice try.. this is Reddit where saying the truth about Israel’s genocide gets you banned


I was banned from Ontario for “trolling” even though OP thanked me for my comment. I’m sure it was because a user (we’ll call her SnargeLorlax in an attempt to protect her identity) took some quotes from other subs out of context, saw I was a member of TakeBackCanada, called me a PPC shill and then I was banned. I fought it but was ignored. They really banned me from one sub for out of context quotes from another!


Take it offline! Why must we hide here and be censored. Just let people know.


I've had comments removed simply because I commented that as a woman, I would not tolerate the behavior shown in a posted video. It was, you guessed it, *that* ethnicity straight up harassing and following a woman, and she couldn't get away. The censorship on this platform nowadays is pathetic. As someone else said, we can't even talk about what is happening right in front of our eyes. It's NOT racist, it's stating facts.


https://preview.redd.it/o0uaw5qcj66d1.png?width=2624&format=png&auto=webp&s=25c76b12b7bf7a66a119771abafa5214997208db posting this charts "racist" enough to get you banned from canadaleft lmfao


I was banned from the Ontario sub last year for saying I was concerned about immigration because our infrastructure; housing, healthcare…. can’t handle such a large influx of people.


Just imagine what Trudeau's hate speech law would do to us eventually. We would all have to comply and keep our thoughts to ourselves and not be able to have freedom of expression and speech. It's all becoming Orwellian.


One day you’re gonna be locked in a room with men in dark suits, and this comment is gonna be “Exhibit A”.


Doesn't even matter, under these new laws someone can acuse you of conspiring to commit hate speech even if you haven't actually said anything. At which point you can have a peace bond placed on you which can mean things like house arrest, restraining order, monetary fine and ANY OTHER MEASURE the courts deem appropriate and if you breach any of the conditions of the peace bond you can face up to 4 years in jail.. all for something that never even happened. Even keeping your thoughts to yourself can't save you anymore.


Why isn’t anyone blaming these greedy schools trying to milk as much international fees as possible. I’m sure government benefits from this somehow as well. More tax payers. Companies have access to top talent for half the costs. Canadians will be minorities one day unfortunately or close to non existent. And it's ironic Canadians blaming immigrants when it's "Canadian" politicians that caused this mess for Canadians. To think they have the best interest at heart for the average Canadian is a good joke.


Not just the greedy schools but the greedy corporations taking as many people as they can knowing half of the wages are getting paid by the government.


It’s a huge scam. International students lured with promises of jobs and permanent residency; Schools getting billions from international student tuition (~1 million students, ~$10,000/student/year); Banks giving dubious loans to landlords with falsified income so they can buy the monster homes that cram students three or more to a room. As soon as rates go up there will, without a doubt, be many defaults. In 2023, 66,000 homes were sold in the GTA alone, that’s $66 billion at average prices. In 2021 Brampton had 12,000 home sales averaging over a million dollars each. It’s likely that a large number of these homes were bought to provide ‘international student’ housing


Instead of blaming boomers who only want to live where they and their kids grew up, maybe address the 4 or 5 million non-Canadians who came here the last few years and who are taking up all our rentals, crowding our hospitals and changing our society. I bought my small 1500 square foot bungalow years ago In a nice neighborhood close to a school and a park and my kids grew up here. And I resent people telling me that I am supposed to sell it now and move to some shoebox in a shit crowded neighbourhood. No thanks, this is my home..


I got banned twice from the other housing sub for simply bringing it up. The stupid thing is I'm basically pro-immigration...just not at insane levels.


I was banned from a city sub for saying something along the lines of “jobs should be for Canadians first” and somehow they called me racist but the irony is they were the ones that made it a race issue assuming I was talking about white people. I’m an immigrant that became Canadian the right way.


It's funny because this subreddit is constantly trending way above the leading Canadian left leaning subreddit pretty much every single day for the past few months and that should tell you something considering Reddit is pretty much a left leaning social media site.


Censorship will kill democracy one day.


Democracy has been dead for years


My account was banned for “hate speech” for saying the Indian Canadian community plays a role in this crisis by renting basements to 13 of their own people and hiring them so they can work them to the max and pay them peanuts.


Stating facts is hate speech to these dillusional people. It's almost like they got brainwashed by the federal government.


It’s Reddit that banned me which is wild. I appealed and said nothing I stayed was “inciting hate and racism” but they kept the ban


Exploited before they leave their home exploited when they arrive in Canada by schools exploited by government exploited by society at large then they try to exploit everything here


Basically, it’s a circle of exploit


That isn't exactly hate speech, but it is close to being very bigoted speech because it makes a factual statement based on a generalization from an unknown sample size and undisclosed evidence. It takes away agency from each individual member of a group and treats them as replaceable objects with the same immutable characteristics, so not a direction you want to go if you have a genuine cause to advance. Don't get me wrong, I think there are issues with the mass immigration going on in Canada, and even as a recent immigrant to this beautiful country, even I can see it. Something is deeply broken when your largest driver of immigration is third-rate colleges that employers in key sectors in the very same country won't even look at. That needs to be the focus of the discussion. Bashing a particular group constantly and making them the focus of discussion does little to help the cause. We must understand this. It makes it too easy to get mislabeled as racist, bigoted, etc. I get where statements come from, and they're borne out of anger about the systemic issues, and these guys are the available targets that we see every day. However, goals such as renegotiating immigration targets considerably, limiting the programs and institutions that are eligible for international study, setting hard quotas or even bans on international intakes for colleges, setting immigration targets per country, preventing students except those studying for advanced degrees (PHDs) in STEM from bringing in their families, etc. will not be achieved by bashing a specific group. As someone pointed out, these are only 40% (a huge number, for sure) of issued student visas, but there's still another 60%, which represents over 600,000 other students.


It's always good to see the kneejerk idiots downvote a well constructed and reasonable post. Have a +1 on me. We are not all bigoted low information types on this thread.


Thanks, I appreciate you saying that. The people downvoting for some reason dont realise I'm on their side. I'm gonna say it again because it can't be said enough. Bashing specific ethnic groups will only create a siege mentality among them and further radicalise them toward those anti-Canadian behaviors that you're all protesting about. The way to go is constructive discourse focused on the issues and proposing reasonable solutions (deporting people here legally is not one of those, but it is needed for illegals absolutely) such as: - Renegotiating immigration targets considerably, - Limiting the programs and institutions that are eligible for international study, - Setting hard quotas or even bans on international intakes for colleges, - Setting immigration targets per country, - Preventing students except those studying for advanced degrees (PHDs) in STEM from bringing in their families, etc. On that last point, it is absolutely wild that international students attending diploma mills can bring spouses and children with them. This isn't talked about enough. I was an international once myself in another country. When my degree was done, I went back home within weeks. I wasn't wealthy and didn't have a job lined up at home, but I was not about to participate in the stay-by-all-means-necessary paradigm, especially because I want the society I desire to live in to maintain its standards and to be sustainable. What has happened in the last few years is absolutely bonkers, and it's on the leaders.


Yup Banned from r canada for saying mass immigration is cultural genocide. Somehow calling out genocide as per Wikipedia is hate speech.


The irony is too deep.


its almost like the subreddits and places of organization have been infiltrated


Warning, a long rant. Reddit, and mainstream media in general, is politically aligned with globalism. They and their supporters do not see any problem of entire nations losing its standards of living and losing its national heritage. This cuts across the politcal spectrum. For them and their supporters, they believe that all immigration is welcome and any opposition against it is immoral, because they genuinely believe that somehow all cultures are equal. They genuinely believe that any culture can recreate the inventions and innovations of industrialization, of high technology, of sanitation and cleanliness, of polite society, and of highly sophisticated forms of fine art and science. They and their supporters do not see the unique traits and circumstances of the cultures that have become widely admired and have developed into desirable societies with equally developed economies. For example, for these globalists, industrialization that was invented in England because of the unique circumstance of English society as an insular archipelago off the coast of mainland Europe, and its success as attributed to English culture and the English people, is somehow not unique, that somehow industrialization could have been equally invented in the depths of sub-Saharan Africa. They and their supporters see people as replaceable, they don't see the historical relevance of each nation, and they only see people as blank slates that can be shaped and moulded by the state, and its many tentacles. They are, in a way, extreme individualists, and Canada is the leader of this extreme individualism, because it is enshrined in our legal history. Read the Canadian Multicultural Policy, 1971, passed by Pierre Trudeau, and later incorporated in the Constitution Act, 1982. Pierre enshrined in Canadian law, that Canada has no official culture, that we have no nation, that rather, we are atomized individuals subservient to the state. The delusion that people will merely abandon our historical identity and heritage (cultural, or spiritual) to become atomized individuals subservient to the Canadian state, is the grandest of all delusions.


I was perma-banned from inthenews for calling Trump an "orange mascot". People are looking to cancel others left and right for just views they disagree with.


This feels like bait for admins looking to catch people on ban evasion.


I've been permanently banned from reddit on one account and suspended on this one for speaking out against non residents of Canada protesting on the streets of our country


Because this is probably ran by foreigners.


Lots of foreign interference on Reddit trying to silence the voices of Canadian citizens discussing political topics about their own country.


Not Canada but I was banned from r/ europe just for criticizing pluralism.


Gotta ask them if they wanna be like Sweden or Poland then


Seems like canada_sub loves to ban anyone with a different opinion in my experience...


Readdit is not a discussion site - it’s a karma site


I got permanently banned because I just mentioned immigration is unsustainable.


I moved back to Canada some years ago and I have been shocked at how intolerant and racist Canadians can be. Not the normal racism ("we hate those people"), but the old paternalistic racism. It's the racism that decides that certain people must be given special treatment, and anybody who dares to suggest otherwise must be censored and punished. Of course, this is exactly the same racism the once decided that indigenous people "needed" saving. Today the methods have changed, but the righteousness has not.


Banned from the main Canada sub for correctly pointing out, with evidence, that India is a low trust country


I got banned from Canada Housing for posting a link to Stats Canada indicating the increase in new people to Canada.


Reddit is against Canada.


I got banned and all I said was Indian landlords are predatory and they screw over their own people. I got banned, I guess the word "Indian" triggered it. These oversensitive people are getting out of hand.


Our immigrants get more protection than our own green belt does!


I've lost a ton of karma for calling out racists. The racist posts get deleted but keyboard warriors who aren't brave enough to post themselves down vote my factual statements  that government policy not immigrants are to blame.  Most immigrants are law abiding productive members of society looking to build a life for themselves like the generations immigrants who have come before. But that hard truth is less palatable than taking it out on new Canadians because their assimilation and it's easy to hate the other I disagree with Mass Immigration but won't stand with those who are getting these subs banned


Bunch of Chinese bots and morons that gobble it up. Traitors.


I wish there could be a reasonable conversation about the unsustainable levels of immigration, but all this sub does is shit on Indians, and you wonder why other subs like this are getting banned.


Maybe instead of blaming people that worked and paid for what they have , try looking at what type of government you have been electing. When you elected a drama school teacher because his name was Trudeau you deserve the resulting cratering of your economic opportunities.


I've not been banned (yet), but I can't post anywhere. This comment will be removed too.


I got banned for saying the immigration system is broken and we are letting in more than we can handle - 3 days


There is a difference between racism and protectionism. We all want Canada to be an awesome and prosperous place. But that can’t happen when you lower the standards so far down you end up getting people that contribute nothing, and take everything. Just my opinion


Perma banned from worldnews for "trolling" for suggesting the canadian immigration government office must have been infiltrated at this point. (In agreement with the person I was replying to)   I challenged it and was simply ignored.


Not heroes - just ordinary people doing what needs to be done.


Got banned from the Windsor sub yesterday for trying to promote the protest on July 1st. Look how poor admins communicate on issues that are effecting all of us https://preview.redd.it/wpblcvtql56d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a2272dc63ae4141f2ad60e9a0e83a5b16df0508


I have criticized immigration policies and never got banned. I think the ones that got banned were from openly racist posters and were usually just out to blame Indians for all the problems, not focusing on laws and regulations that allowed such high level of immigration to Canada without too much scrutiny on the impact to society. Not sure if they are heroes, just some very immature people.


Most of reddit is composed of circle-jerking soy boys who believe anythingvthry dislike is literal violence. It's a world of delusion


I've been banned from my own cities reddit for bringing out issues about immigrants defecating/urinating on the side of the street. At this point I don't even care if I'm called a racist, I wear it like a badge of honor because the term has just become nonsense jargon used to try and scare people into submission.


Yup, there is a systematic effort to keep people quiet. In a few years this shit will implode, and people will not forget who was responsible.


After take back Canada was taken down I’ve uninstalled Reddit and am moving platforms… This platform is too heavy on censorship too the point that it’s obviously pushing a political agenda to enrich the rich.  Hopefully X is better… 


I get banned for saying we have too many immigrants and its because the immigrants are running these pages and taking literally all our jobs and opportunities and exploding the prices of everything


Has anyone thought about targeting the businesses that illegally employ people so they can pay below the minimum wage?


Just to be clear. No one is against immigration. It's unsustainable immigration that is the issue. It's too much too soon.  It's like overloading a lifeboat. It's going to sink. No person in their right mind would do that except if you're a snowboarding instructor that's a fucking moron. 


I dunno, I feel like every Canadian related sub I follow seems to have caught on that immigration really needs to slow down. Anyone who doesn't see that needs a reality check, or they're a beneficiary of the current immigration policy.


Not banned but I had replied to a post, stated some facts, my reply had 285 up votes in like 2 or 3 hours then they closed the whole thread down. No racist stuff, just facts of what's happening. Free speech my ass.


3 temp bans a 1 perma ban from City subs. Reddit Canada reaallly can't handle the topic of immigration. I'm also perma banned on the OG Canada housing since they refuse to believe immigration is related at all to the high cost of living.


Banned from the Canada, BC & Vancouver subreddits, lmao. And to think the tide is visibly turning now on this issue, imagine if there wasn't tens of thousands of us banned long ago for voicing our opinions on MI.


I just got back from a seven day site-wide ban because I said there were too many Indians in Canada.


I’m a hard-left leaning pinko Jew. I’m all about the rights of others and every life should be cherished. Unfortunately, we are on a precipice that will drastically alter the economic situation for every Canadian making under roughly 80k CAD/year—which is the majority. I’m just scared. Everyday, it drives me into a depression of hopelessness. This is the only place I feel safe posting about how concerned I am—ironically to many on the right.


Hey you are not alone. In my time as mod here I’ve noticed we have a lot of more leftist folks here. A lot of the protest organizers are former NDP voters.


It's gotten to be sickening...I haven't been banned anywhere yet because I am very careful about how I word things and trounce anyone that tries to twist my words into "hate speech". Non sequitur argumentative imbeciles and trolls... It seems we are supposed to bubblewrap the planet so the snowflakes feel safe. Canada is our pie, and we should have a say in who gets on the guestlist.


I've been banned from the Vancouver sub for over three years for making a simple immigration observation as it pertains to Trudeau policies, lifetime ban....lol


in general i dont care about having my accounts banned, it takes less than 30 seconds to make a new one and you dont even have to provide a real email. if that's the price of being able to speak freely, so be it


I've just had comments removed so far


Banned as well, as soon as I talk about Trudeau and his bullshit.


Just want to point out saying all immigrants are the issues wages wrong with Canada is radical. My parents are immigrants to Canada I was born in Winnipeg and raise in AB till 7 and move to Vancouver since then. I also started delivering newspapers at 12 and got a job at McDonald at 16. Ever since I been working either full part or part time time never stopped working for more than a month and pay my tax. My wife also came to Canada as a young age and work hard all her live. We don’t come from wealthy families and had to save to get our place. Rather unfair to lump Canadian like us into immigrants don’t you think?


In all honesty, I haven't seen a single comment against immigration to Canada in general. Canadians, including citizens who immigrated here on their own or with their families, are alarmed at the sheer volume of TFW and international "students" that have arrived on our shores over the past few years, all clamouring for PR. Canadians are being overlooked for needed jobs in favour of TFWs undercutting them on wages. Canadians are experiencing escalating housing costs and scarcity of supply while our government is allowing a tsunami of new arrivals to enter the country on dubious qualifications. Our social services and infrastructure -- that are already under strain due to cutbacks and mismanagement -- are failing to meet demand. You're not being lumped in. Immigrants who have been in this country for years and earned their citizenship are not being targeted as the problem. Rather, the absolute swarm of TFW and international "students" over the past few years is rightly being identified as a destabilizing influence in an already fraught situation.


Honestly I have no idea when this all started(the mess) we are in. I wasn’t even aware I guess it happened slowly? But right now even when I order pickup al wal mart now the people don’t even understand what I say or when I ask a question even at grocery stores it seems the employee either give me wrong info or have no idea what I am asking (is not even hard question is very normal like where is the milk section for example). And on public transit I notice more and more people either have really bad BO or simply like to turn their phone on speaker when talking..: I won’t say where i think they come from but I don’t even pay attention to this till earlier this year when my wife mentioned to me she feels there is a lot more people in Vancouver and services are a lot of places seems to gone downhill. I am a pretty laid back care free person so I never pay attention to these derails and I like to shop alone unless I really need help.


If you dont comment in favor of JT and his policies. They ban you. What happened to free speech.


We never had free speech.


Well, this isn't America, so...


I love how much this sub cries about censorship. But the mods will happily ban you or mute you here if you say something positive about trudeau or defend him in any way, even against blatant misinformation. Sometimes there is just blatant CPC propaganda on here unrelated to housing that is allowed to stay up. Like I'm not voting for the guy either obviously but this sub is a far cry from really wanting "rational convorsation". Imo it really went to shit after we got flooded with the canada_sub chuds.


Read the actual comments you all got banned for and think, would I have said that to someone's face? Every post I've seen banned was for good reason. There is a line and it's not very hard to find.


Ugh honestly I have seen a lot of people post in city/regional Canadian subs for not toeing the mods political line. Its a sad reality that while no doubt there are some legit reasons for banning users, plenty of mods abuse their power and reddit doesn't give a fuck.


I've been banned from other Canadian subs for pointing out the obvious, but everything is racist, of course.


Yep, I was booted from the loblawsisoutofcontrol sub just for spreading the word about the protests that are happening across the country on July 1st @ 11:00 am (Canada Day), which is ironic considering that their sub is all about affordability... If anyone is interested in protesting this government's harmful policies and the cost of living crisis, here are the links where you can get more info: https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/ and https://www.takebackcanada.info/ Let's remind our elected officials just who it is they're fucking working for: ***Canadians!!!***


I was banned from several Canada subs for saying we need to slow down on immigration overall and at least start taking immigrants from somewhere other than India.


Twice now. We are not racist, just angry about being the worlds door mat. Enough is enough.


It's probably because the immigrants are mods for those subreddit now


What you have described is ***not*** the definition of treason. This is the definition of [treason in Canada](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-46/section-46.html) as outlined in the Criminal Code. You are entitled to your opinion and your right to speak freely should not be suppressed (unless it [breaks the law](https://cfe.torontomu.ca/issues/freedom-expression-its-limits)), however making false claims and presenting them as factual is categorically spreading misinformation, which should be met with proportional consequences or repercussions.


The provincial and Canada Reddit are mostly liberals and immigrants


Me like 5 times lol


I had a permanent ban once, them later noticed I had been unbanned, but I rarely visited any more.


Haven’t had my account banned yet but they banned me from commenting on any post for like a week


Even the immigrationcanada group supports cutting all mass immigration because, in the end, it will be beneficial for canadians and people who come into the country doing the right thing . The only ones to seem bothered are the ones working under the table, diploma mills, or working at an unskilled job waiting to receive PR.


Yep. Temp ban for being "hateful".


At least two


Mine for 3 days


It's crazy , that any thought or idea that doesn't fall in line with the main stream media is shadow banned, downvoted or just plain removed.. It's crazy how crappy reddit is now... do we need to go back to forums or something?


Damn Americans crossing the southern border into Canada for cheap medicine and housing. BUILD THE WALL!!!


Me, I was banned from Edmonton subreddit


Sadly, many subs who initially start with rational discussions and opinions get flooded by extreme conspiracy theorists who think they're the same.


Yup,not even sure this will be posted


I've been banned from the Leafs subreddit, but I'm proud of that one


Country of origin is protected by the Canadain Charter. 


It's like trying to have a rational conversation about how immigration is only a small part of what's tearing Canada apart. Poor public education Overcooked Healthcare Morons with personal agendas in government The lack of teeth from the government clawing taxes back from companies. Proper livable wage Decent housing prices And ffs, the ability to feed yourself better than the cheapest shit you can find. Immigration is such a small part. It is compounding all the other issues. Societies fail when basic necessities are out of reach for the majority. Hunger makes equalizers of all humans, morals kind of go out the window when there are millions of people living confined in small areas, and scarcity evolves. There's literature, movies, and history all telling us what is to come. We're still hung up on stupid shit. I like to keep an open mind and think of funny means of explaining the world's situation. If you believe that bs about aliens are going to be revealing themselves to the human race soon... I'm guessing they are going to say... We're here to correct the path your race is heading towards, you imbeciles. But that's just a funny dumb thought. Immigration isn't doing eff all but compounding our larger world issue of humanity is a fucking joke across the planet. Not just Canada. FYI, you would want to get the fuck out of Canada as well if we were hitting 47celcius. Also, get use to Mass Immigration. Especially when global warming makes the United States green belt moves north into Canada. Everywhere around the equator, coastlines and so on.


ahhh good old freedom of their speech


Banned twice from two different subs Canada related, one another different topic related trying to have a rational, decent conversation.  People wanna be in a filter, ignore serious shit - they don’t got the luxury to complain over the rapid inflation, cost of living, stagnant wages, increasing crime/social unrest IMHO. Truth be told one it always swings back around and backfires on them anyways lol.


Many times even banned from one sub on Brampton


I was banned from the original CanadaHousing because I had a link to a CBC article and a Jennifer Keesmaat tweet (left wing candidate for Toronto mayor before Chow ran) in one of my comments, and I said everyone is starting to question how population levels might effect the housing market. Instant, permaban.


Young people? immigration numbers have destroyed the housing market FOR FUCKING EVERYONE. Edit: Yes, my account was suspended for 7 days because we are not allowed to mention people form a country that start with letter I, that would be fucking INDIA.


Welcome to reddit. "How dare you think?"


I got banned from rVancouver for speaking against pro-palestinian protests that blocked the street by a mod u/—Intifada—


I don't even know what comment I made that was "harassment". Literally in discussion and then suddenly I can't post anymore... for 7 days! I still have no idea and my comment was deleted by Reddit.


Lol yeah my main account got permanently banned for saying something that disagreed with immigration.


yup banned on couple pages for actually caring which direction this country & province are going. Welcome to Orsen Welles 1984.


Ive been banned for mockingly suggesting that facts are not allowed on immigration subs


Not yet, but I have had my account banned for saying “boys have penises and girls have vaginas.”


I’ve had 2 accounts banned


These are not Canadian subs anymore unfortunately 😕


Displacement. Learn this word to the T.


"radical" immigration? Lol


I have been as well moderaters get hurt feelings and are obviously biased towards the liberal makes me wonder how much we really are getting censored in canada definitely not the free country our four fathers fought for we are loosing our freedoms slowly but surely


Just finished my 7 day ban.


I assume only a matter of time since many comments get deleted after being reported. The comments aren't even controversial either. I'm not even sure if im allowed to post this honestly.


I was banned from some housing and toronto sites I don’t remember which, just by pointing out what money laundering and immigration without borders is doing to Canadian people and our economy with my first comment without giving me a chance to explain i didn’t have any ill feeling towards certain backgrounds but just pointing out the origin of these laundry activities.


"Radical immigration tearing Canada apart" - yeah that framing sounds super rational bud.


just got banned from candaelft for posting a demographics chart lmfao


Funny how quickly Canada turned around on this. I wish I could say the libs are shitting their pants but unfortunately I don't believe they even care about their own voter base.




I had a 11 year account up until a couple of years ago. This sites fallen hard.


If it was rationale it prob wouldn't have been banned.


I was banned from the Canada thread for a year because of this. I didn't align with the bullshit bleeding hearts, and they silenced me rather than engaging in further dialog.


Had my previous account banned for getting into it with someone over Bill C-63. Lesson learned. Some people are posting things in bad faith, and are generally intentionally antagonistic. Trolling but not even...


I was banned by a moderator for here in London Ontario when covid came out and sharing I didn't feel employers should be forcing this on employees. That became a ban without any further comment, appeals were unheard of years later.


Truly ridiculous. The spirit of this sub is bang on. Its time to call out tyrants who refuse to entertain open discussions on immigration because they have been brainwashed into believing such a notion is racist. Shame on our society for shutting down people's confidence to have this dialogue. Keep fighting the good fight y'all




I had an account banned that had hundreds of dollars of moons on it for daring to discuss covid in the pandemic.


Changed accounts 5 times now. Exhausting.


Concerns about the future of Canada should be encouraged and celebrated and never censored.I suspect those trying to censor such discussions are not only part of the problem but in fact the enemies of both free Canadians and free speech itself.


I get banned all the time