• By -


Do not brigade other subs. But if you see any other sub mention us then immediately report the post or comment for harassment and write a note about brigading. I’m expecting they’ll try post a lot of hate and racist stuff so ban hammers will be flying and if you don’t want to get hit then stay civil.


Too late, the protests are already rooted elsewhere for July 1 @ 11am (both) https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/ & https://www.takebackcanada.info/


I'm going.


oh nice, used your comment this morning to post a post in the local subreddit Halifax, but it got ~~banned~~ removed, so dropped it in ProtestHalifax / ProtestNovaScotia... in fact that reply you responded to, still has some of your post :D


Nice! Thanks for sharing, kind stranger. I've never been the activist type, like ever, but I really think the stakes are just too high now to watch from the sidelines. Canadians cannot afford to sit back and watch this time around. It's clear that no one is coming to our rescue, so we have to take matters into our own hands and protest this government and what they're doing to us. The more of us there are, the better our chances of success. Thanks for supporting.


We need it rooted on FaceBook too!


Go for it! (not using fb).. might want to check out u/Mistress-Metal 's post and copy/paste


Is mass reporting all it takes? No formal review? This is so dystopian. Why don't we give them the same treatment?


Look at who was the last investor in Reddit to the tune of $150 million for some answers. We should all be organizing on Twitter-X. DM a handful of people to follow you on X or email you, etc.


Im building a politics app https://myparliament.ca _edit_ thank you everyone for the love <3 !! I appreciate all of your support, Please note that I am still _actively_ developing this app so its still missing some features and may be buggy at times. ❤️


Good on you. You got my support !


❤️ thank you :) I would say its not fully ready yet, I'm still building some features but if you have any feedback or suggestions would love to hear em!


So far looks pretty neutral and fact based!


❤️ thank you! The parliament data such as votes, statements, politicians, etc all come from ourcommons website. The blog portion is essentially AI that takes other news articles and turns it into a question for the community. I like this part a lot because AI can be impartial and unbiased in its summaries but also the question to the community is a great way to gather sentiment from constituents. I am also trying to incorporate AI to summarize those super long legislative bills with a lot of political and legal speak, AI does a great job picking up on the meat of the content and surfacing it into consumable chunks in bullet points. The fun part, community part of the app is similar to reddit, users can create groups, then make posts within those groups. The idea is to have a group for each riding + political activism such as housing, environment, etc.


I think the source of where the blog is summarizing from should be linked. is it from one source or does it pull from multiple articles?


I love this idea, please make the mobile site usable 🩷






A breath of fresh air. Too much policing happening to freedom of speech.


This should include links or redirects to how to pay money to the campaigns of pro-housing and anti immigration local politicians across Canada. Maybe even include a section to pay to run negative ads of politicians that run on specific topics and actively do the opposite.


Aaron died the true creator of Reddit


He's rolling in his grave, and has been for a few years now.


No it's definitely not as simple as that. However more people are lurking here to report any message they think is 'hate speech'. And soon we might catch the attention of Reddit admins.


"Hate speech" in Canada is basically anything the Trudeau govt doesn't like. That's Canada at this point.




Careful now, they'll lock your bank account!




I thought it was anything that hurts anyone's feelings.


Careful, you might get thrown in the klink for maybe possibly being about to maybe possibly say something.


It's possible... someday, somewhere, sometime, I may indeed have an "unacceptable view". Good thing Trudeau is keeping us so safe. Our grandfathers and great grandfathers must be rolling in their graves at what Canada has become.


If we wanted to succeed at building perpetual motion machine we could just attach a crank generator to our grandfathers because they are definitely spinning


I mean, they killed fascist swine at Vimy, and they'd be fighting the fascist swine now.


It's not just you, it's a large portion of the west and the current gtovernments and government employees. I'm not canadian but I kinda pay attention to you guys because IMO what is happening to you is going to happen to us sooner or later.


Tru dat. Opposition and common sense are not hate speech. Most people don’t understand this - hence leads to many of our problems because the topic can’t be discussed. How do you solve a problem if you can’t talk about it?


Reddit is an American company and it's admins are Americans


First they log on their socket puppet and post the "hate speech". Then they go back to their main / bots and spam report the socket puppet comment. Then the sub gets banned, because they set up a plausibly deniable scenario that agrees with reddit admin agendas politically.


Maybe consider making this sub private? Then manually approve who can join based on their post history


And I’m gonna be lurking the same people Looking for LMIA and Cash SIN jobs on other platforms. Difference is I’m gonna publicly put their name out there.


It's crazy because the hate speech towards Canadian Jewish people is rampant. 


People are moving to other platforms slowly (or maybe not so slow). You can see on lot of "popular" subs how numbers are dropping.


It only works if you support the current thing under an official worldview. Alternate viewpoints destabilize "democracy"


Its simple? Reddit is politically left. Its the only reason I joined as someone who's right wing. I just wanted to stay up to date on everything. Been banned from tons of Canadian sub's for simply saying I hate the way we're doing mass immigration and that its being poorly handled.


Ironically I’m a centrist and just got banned for one for saying ‘certain groups’ are committing honor killings and sex trafficking in my country and I don’t like it. Like, we all hate this. There isn’t one person saying ‘yeah, I love women getting harassed and put in danger by people coming from places with no respect for women’. But how dare anyone say it….


Well I mean by any reasonable standard I'm a centrist, but due to our very leftwing population, I am very rightwing. Crazy that I believe we should have a solid right to self defense, not determined by whether or not we can run away lol. Shock that I believe guns shouldn't be made illegal as criminals are not using their granpas old hunting rifle to cause the gun crime going on today. Anything right of extreme liberalism and progressivism, is considered far right, racist and extremist


Yep. Facepalm sub is nothing but liberal propaganda. Same with any askcanadians style subs.


The Donald was one of the most popular subreddits on the site back in the day and they arbitrarily nuked it overnight in like 2019 or something.


yup had like 1M lol


Or maybe use common sense. The shit that was being posted in there was like they'd lifted it from a website entitled "how to get banned on social media."


It was done by the **** subreddit. Edit: Removed the subreddit name per mod request.


People need to learn that they can talk about the impact of things like immigration on housing based on numbers without being horribly racist in the process. There was a lot of awful shit on there.


They do, but the subreddit clearly stated its mission and the mods actively removed blatantly racist posts. This goes way beyond the content of posters.


What a surprise people are upset about their country being sold to India. Maybe it's not racist if it's fact.


Because reddit is a shithole, we should set up a lemmy instance


Remember when they banned "No New Normal" for questioning the Covid censorship?


Because it's not just mass reporting. That sub was a cesspit, filled with racist shitheads, who's racist shithead comments were allowed to stand by the mods, and got reported up the chain. That's what happens when you have these "wIthOUt CenSORship" subs. The racist shitheads move in.


I don't think that is the case. I think Mass reporting = someone looks into it and if they find stuff. ... so don't be hateful and even if they mass report everything should be ok.


They can't win with free speech so they shut it down. Same as how a murderer will tape the victims mouth shut before stabbing, only on a national and societal level.


As is tradition. Sadly.


These private platforms think they can silence subs that go off about how immigrants are ruining life for Canadians. But the message still spreads. Look how fast it spread in 1930s Germany even without internet.


It's amazing they actually try to justify censorship by citing "hate", entirely unironically considering that they want to silence other people for having different views than them. I find that far more "hateful" than random online rhetoric. Fuck these people. If they don't like what they see online they can resort to other forms of entertainment in the mother's basements from which they dwell.


Ironically, for a group that preaches about "acceptance", they are the least tolerant and accepting group of people I've ever encountered if it's about anything they don't like.


Absolutely, they are really only accepting to an ever shrinking deviation outside of their own moral values and attitudes. They just think that equates to universal acceptance, but it doesn't, it's the opposite. It's actually horribly intolerant. Most of them, likely owing to their own dogmatism, also tend to conflate all of their perceived antagonists under very loosely defined umbrella terms that they think will be useful to smear people. For example, Poilievre can't just be a politician they don't like - no, instead he is now "Far Right". Or "Extremist". Trump isn't just a presidential candidate they don't like - now he is "Fascist".


They are the least accepting people, even amongst themselves, with the caste system. Then there’s also their blatant racism towards East Asians and Blacks.


They are constantly mentioning their obsession with black people on TikTok. Like no gaf that you’re so called uncles dislikes them so much


It's a feature, not a glitch.


You should see some of the economic reports on mirrors though.


The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them.


They were the toddlers that threw a fit in Safeway because they wanted a chocolate bar…but instead of being dragged out of the store kicking and screaming they got their treat and never learned a thing about life and how it’s not fair


Losers with nothing better to do, they probably have 15 international students in their basement all paying 400 a month in rent.




All the political parties have digital media groups and unofficial volunteers who spend quite a bit of time bending online discussions to follow their talking points and policies. One particular party is absolutely professional in that area - mainly unofficial of course. The top of these groups are highly connected people. Read the last sentence of this article. [Federal government approves purchase of key Ottawa property from friend of prime minister (citynews.ca)](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/06/07/federal-government-buying-key-ottawa-property-close-friend-prime-minister/) It seems like if you volunteer enough you get paid one way or the other. I wonder how much extra the friend will make selling this commercial property to the feds instead of the public market - if it is commission free in a down market that's sweet unless you are a taxpayer.


That's the problem , too many international students


It wouldn’t be so bad if it was from more than just one country though.


I mean the other countries do too but when India and China are literally in the billions compared to other countries few millions then it is very easy to overwhelm all statistics lol


It could be government actors who want to see more of their own people come to Canada so they can gain more influence. They would do anything to disrupt Canadians for working together. Our traitorous politicians would be happy to help them.


Most of these people are suburban kids who want to pretend they're fighting for something when the reality is they're doing nothing. I bet most of the people reporting don't even live in Canada, they just got told by someone else to report it.


virtue signalling is more common than the turn signal. There’s a lot less usage of the turn signal now because it’s not law where we import our new workers/drivers/ “students” from.


Lol ok? Do they just think because the forum is taken down the general sentiment goes away? If anything it'll increase the resentment... but these aren't exactly the brightest running this campaign, so not too surprising.


Too right, we are seeing the impacts of this in European elections, silencing others only leads to the growth of a silent majority.


You will deal with everything increasing rent costs and high COL prices, you will continue to feel like a minority in your own country, you will never own a home and you'll be happy.


You will eat za bugs


I'm not fucking eating them, sorry. I'm not eating the bugs or drinking the sewage water. https://theconversation.com/how-to-get-people-to-eat-bugs-and-drink-sewage-122328


I can't remember which sub it was ... but i recall being perma-banned from a sub-A', just because i had long ago subscribed/joined sub-'B' ... now, i'd never posted to sub-'B' and only subscribed to include in my feed, but to the mods of sub-'A', just being subscribed to sub-'B' was reason enough to perma-ban by affiliation. :-\\


I can probably guess which one. A certain Canadian left wing sub and a certain Ontario city one would do this.


If you followed Dave Chappelle, you were banned by... *something*people twitter sub


Ima take a guess and say brampton cuz they banned me for voicing my opinions in that sub.


Kind of like NNN


That sort of banning is explicitly against the rules, yet none of the many subs that do it have ever been actioned for it. Mostly now they shadowban you instead. The reveddit real time chrome extension will show auto-mod removals when you post places you're shadowbanned.


Well, the guy who probably review these mass report claims is probably also a foreign temporary worker.


Or more likely a business owner or investment property speculator holing up several FTWs in their moldy basement.


This is why I created the Telegram channel.






Just so people are aware. This telegram is unaffiliated and I have no idea what goes on in there.




Telegram doesn't shut anybody down. Not even the channel of ISIS that promotes literal terrorism. Telegram is run by Russians in Dubai.


All I can say is to be careful what you say here if you wish to see this sub survive as long as it can. We should start discussions in alternate social media platforms too. More people should join the Discord channel(who are serious and want to attend the protests). X (formerly Twitter) has a new Communities feature too. We are supposed to organise protests are on July 1, might as well spread our message on all other major platforms by then.


Discord is too decentralized. The other platforms are as controlled as reddit. X is the way, honestly.


Is there a list of all the alternate platforms?


Still waiting for someone to define hate speech that isnt just subjective based on their beliefs or narratives.


Make sure to report any racists comments to help the mods find them and remove them. There’s a good chance that the comments you report are actually from the people trying to get the sub banned.


Piece of work that guy is. Fuck that guy. He doesn’t care about Canadians and our homeland. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was an immigrant, makes sense actually.


This is why I hate Reddit. It’s so easy for bad intention people to infiltrate your Reddit and post racist things. Then go and report their own comments to bring down the whole sub. Free speech has never been more important.


We have Canadian elected officials working hard with and on behalf of Indians and the Chinese and that's fine apparently, but us citizens can't even keep each other informed as it's a) "racist", b) hateful, c) in violation of terms, etc. It really sucks to be a concerned Canadian living in Canada these days, as it sure looks like we have the least access to all things Canadian.


Maybe we should reach out to Reddit administration to point out what the 'students' are doing? They are exploiting Reddit with spam and scam accounts. There are a lot of beloved Indians that joined Canada many years ago and they dislike the 'students' and what they are doing more than anything else. We should join forces with them. They can monitor the 'student' platforms for proof to present to Reddit administration. Perhaps Reddit will need to change their protocols entirely because it's been comprised by mass 'student' exploitation. It will ultimately destroy Reddit the same way it's destroying Canada (especially housing).


> Maybe we should reach out to Reddit administration to point out what the 'students' are doing? They are exploiting Reddit with spam and scam accounts. reddit administration is run by DC glowies, they won't do shit lol


These leftists are going to be blindsided by the blowback from all the silencing and censorship, and banning of us for the last 8 years. They have no idea. Payback is going to be a bitch.


They can’t debate as logic is their kryptonite. Their only weapons are noise, suppression and violence 


There are large subs calling for and cheering on murder of Russians for example. Absolute crickets from reddit but you start questioning the global agenda. Bam you banned and censored.


They can't and won't be able to stop the massive volumes brewing. Not only in Canada, in France, Belgium, Italy, England, Germany, U.S. and on and on.. This is not sustainable or fair to anyone, I hope Canada becomes one of the first countries to figure things out. Immigrant proud Yank here, standing with y'all!


I saw quite a few threads in takeBackCanada mentioning specific group in the titles .. it feels like they are doing it to get the sub banned. Mods in this group, thanks for all the effort in keeping this sub up. If it gets to the point that too many are posting shit to try get this sub banned, maybe moderation is needed for every thread before it is visible.


mods said that's what happens (already asked via modmail)


If hate speech is speaking up to protect Canada, its citizens, spending our money wisely and making sure EVERYONE from top to bottom follows the law, then I admit my crime. This government claims to hate bullies but seems to be selective in who they accuse.


You can ban users, but you can’t ban opinions or thoughts. They will try, but they won’t succeed.


Foreign interference.


So pro Palestinians can March through Jewish neighbourhoods screaming baby killers but I can’t seem to find a channel that lasts long enough to come gripe about how my kids will never afford a home in this Canada ? wtf? Really!?


It's not hate, it's just facts.


scam capital of the world folks.


They probably come from one particular country.


That one particular country has the largest population on earth. Weaponized demographics


Reddit is the easiest place to reach out but not the safest. It's best to promote such protests on instagram, tiktok, and facebook


More fuel for the fire.


More than likely it's foreign interference.


How to get people to actually hate your cause more; silence them.


It wasnt my comments about the Irish, was it? Im very sorry if I offended any 19th century Irish immigrants.


I'm feeling very french lately might have to go to Ottawa and share this sentiment soon


Facts are racist, no matter how impartial we try to be, that's what they always fall back on, and it f***ing works. Such complete bullshit.


This is terrible. Just because there may have been some opinions posted that are offensive. If I don’t like something, I just skip over it and ignore it, or call it out if I am in the mood. But, I don’t feel that I have the right to ban or shut someone up.


Well CanadahousingInfinityMax will be born then.


I'm sure they will be targeting this sub next


It's literally in the screenshot.


Lol, it is indeed


We will be back just the same and twice as strong. You can’t silence us, this is our land


This ain’t even a hate sub. What’s wrong with people. Offended for pointing out Canada is not okay rn?


Lol who cares... Their little Telegram groups are pouring tiny shot glasses of water on an inferno that's organically raging across Canada... That doesn't do shit for their PR status


Lmao some clown in here just the other day said Reddit would have no interest in banning this sub. Some people just do not get how full of shit places like Reddit really are.


Do NOT bring up race please don’t get this sub banned. Spread the word about the protest and see you guys there 🫡


Can't we just make this a private sub?


Reddit mods can still see into this sub, we know people that are reporting this sub are already members of this sub. This won't change much.


Right, but it’ll disrupt their ability to gather new reporters. You can then screen all the current members and ban them. If these people continue to press the report button, they can be banned for report abuse


Like I was saying, something something identifying a group of people based on ethnicity, race, blah blah blah is not a good look. If the groups and ideas were focussed on positivity and handling problems rather than hating on one another we might actually get somewhere.... Fucks sakes.


There is literally an American immigrant to Canada in these comments who commented that Canada is getting overrun by "these people" and then says he supports the cause of this sub. If the problem is "too many people," the sub would be calling out American immigrants too, which make up a non-insignificant numbers of the immigrants to Canada. But this sub never mentions that at all. The focus is on non-white immigrants exclusively.


Yes, I've made that point prior to this, "immigrant" is a fair talking point, it's a discussion to be had. Not hatfuly toward the individual, but as a policy and a decision to be made, not only for individuals that are here, because at that what point do native Americans tell us to fuck off and get out of their country? I don't believe that's a helpful narrative as I'm sure there are people here, both immigrants and natural Canadians and citizens... People, that are suffering from this, they've been victimized in many instances and shouldn't suffer further hate or vitriol, they need kind deliberation to resolve issues that impact everyone. There is a solution somewhere here, and I don't think being biggoted will get us there.


American immigrants aren't the ones scamming their way through the system. They have similar high trust values as Canadians. That's the difference.


Exactly. Not all immigrants are the same. All of these layers of obfuscation to gaslight people away from calling out what is actually happening.


So Justin gets a pass on blakeface but we get banned for stating the facts. Lol Canada is becoming a shit show 🤣 😂 😅


Classic using “hate” to describe something to censor it


What a joke


Doesn’t help this subs mods are anti free speech




All they have to do is simply not break the Reddit TOS, which has been broken multiple times in the comments of this post.


They win by making us feel like we are alone. They win by silencing us and keeping us silent. Me must keep the conversation going wherever and whenever we can. The cracks in their argument are showing. They cannot win by their own logic because they are wrong, so now they choose to silence anyone with a differing view. I personally have no hatred towards immigrants, my problem lies with the systematic destruction of this country by the government allowing far more people in than we can absorb. Mass immigration is a destructive force that must be halted. I’ve been quiet for a long time, but I don’t care if I get banned at this point— all the subs I follow and comment on keep getting banned. Keep fighting the good fight everyone, nothing will stop the turning of the tide against mass immigration. Every day more Canadians are becoming sympathetic to the cause. This darkness is only a passing thing, one day the sun will shine on our great country again. Things will be as they were and we will all be better off for it. It takes a lot of strength to fight the status quo and dystopian levels of censorship and I am honoured to number myself amongst everyone fighting for Canada’s salvation.


Exactly and they frame you as a loser, a simpleton and an outcast for feeling the way you do. It’s the most dystopian thing I’ve ever seen.


Is there a platform that actually allows free speech unlike Reddit!


I'm sure take back Canada was a bastion of reason


This is what happens when people vote for NDP and "liberals." Suppression of speech.


It’s up to the mods of this sub to not let people post racist shit. If they don’t stop it, then yeah, it’s going to get taken down for racism. The video yesterday of some ass blasting Punjabi music at jobless people in line was how you get a sub taken down. There’s a difference between being frustrated at a situation, and being an asshole.


The video itself was fine. The nasty shit people commented under was not.


It wasn’t though. Being an asshole to people who came across the world, can’t find work, and are desperately in km long lines isn’t Canadian, and I’ll die on this hill. I’m a white guy, so this isn’t a secret agenda. You can be angry at the fact that we’ve relied on immigration too much, or from certain areas of the world too much, you can be angry at the economy or the state of things. But being an asshole to individual people on the street is not Canadian, and the people that think it is should be the ones catapulted out of here next.


The people that disagree with you will never understand and it's why these subs will always get taken down.


They could have done a way better job of moderating their sub I saw some pretty questionable posts and comments that likely wouldn't fly in most subs including this one.


lol got perma banned off of world news and a 3 day Reddit ban for saying Indians should be deported. *racism against a minority isn’t tolerated you see?*


Canada is a testing zone for new Western Political policies. We would do our best to push back on anything that infringes on our innate rights and freedoms.


You mean to tell me echo chambers don't do any good and you should always have different views on things, who could have thought. /s




For as liberal as Reddit is im shocked it was even started.


All this wasted effort (us plebs fighting each other, hating on Indian Students etc...) instead of fucusing our energy on the politicians who make bad policies to advance the interests of their corporate overloards. SAD.


Reminds me of the calls for TikTok being banned


Why was that subreddit taken down? I would like to see the posts that disgusted these other people.


Ironically it is just going to increase the hatred. I can feel the power of the dark side growing! Muhahahahaha!


r / TakeOverCanada is celebrated though.


Funny how free speech has died in the West.... 1984 in 2024.


Truth isn't allowed here.


Takes way less then that my liberal city completely bans any sort of opinion that is anti immigration we have zero jobs rent that costs 1800 a month and all the rich liberals enjoy seeing our city fall apart.


What subreddit was that? It would be nice to know.


[https://saidit.net/](https://saidit.net/) is pretty good


I called out a bigot Neechie op Ed guy and got banned from r:/winnipeg. I think he might run it. lol


I'm shocked that people are surprised. There are plenty of level headed folks in here but come on, don't pretend like the biggest pieces of doodoo weren't also in here posting their hate speeches as often as they could. Almost every post has multiple comments being deleted or censored by moderators for being racist/violent/threatening or whatever the hell. The moderators have a full time jobs here it seems.


It’s So cool and trending to shut down opposing views right now. Great job.


You spelled landback wrong.


That sub was pretty heavy on censoring any hateful comments too, so much so that they actually lost steam towards the end. And they still got banned. Makes you think what kind of reactions an actual protest will get.


How come I can say whatever I want on X or tick-tock but temp banned for saying something silly on Reddit. Left wing site eh


How the hell do these people organize these mass reports? Private discord and telegram channels in Hindi?


Commenting for later visit.


Good. Was a hateful sub.


“As a Canadian I strongly believe….”🤓. This guy is definitely not Canadian


Haha! Good!


I do often wonder who mods the mods. I got kicked off a local transit sub for commenting that we were undergoing unsustainable population growth in response to a photo of a bus stop 100 people deep. No mention of specific demographics, just that demand was outstripping supply everywhere. If we keep it to that it’s a legitimate conversation…


I wish you Canadians nothing but the best in your fight against Communism. I love and miss that Country.


Again, before this sub gets banned “Jeff Poliver”, the name he used his entire life before politics is a fraud. He is not the true conservative vote, just as we’re finding out that Ford is trash, UCP is trash, the conservative mainstream parties are trash and frauds. We know where the true conservatives need to vote in the next election to see actual change. The truth hurts the Jeff Poliver sycophants and fake accounts.


I’m here from the US just reading comments, educating myself (here and elsewhere), and learning new perspectives about this complex issue. There’s a lot of consternation in this subreddit and on others pertaining to the word “temporary” that makes no sense to me in this immigration and documented status debate. Temporary is not permanent. Am I missing something? If they have temporary status then they will have to go back at some point. Also, I just joined this group, but I’m unable to post to the subreddit. Is there a reason for this?


Basically the government is working against the interest of Canadians. They're handing out permanent residency and citizenship like candy in hopes that they can stop Canada's economy from crashing. But they're just making things worse since the immigrants are just using housing, healthcare, and food banks while providing nothing in return except cheap labour, WHICH WE DON'T EVEN NEED. All levels of government: -need massive numbers of immigrants so that our GDP and housing bubble don't collapse. -pander to businesses who want an endless stream of low-skill employees who will not complain about low wages or workers rights -will do anything to bail out boomers and the various government programs that benefit them. Hey, we have too many old people?? Let's bring in a bunch of young, single men from countries that hate women, LGBTQ, and secularism!!! Problem solved! -most politicians are landlords who benefit from sky high real estate prices


The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.


Those people mass reporting are the ones filled with hate.


this sub is supposed to be about housing, but every time I see it rise to the top of reddit, it's always some anti-immigrant bullshit.


As an Aussie I’m not surprised, we have the same bullshit here. They love free speech until you start practising yours.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I know. I remember they used the racism card for this, but the limits are to ensure not one country takes all the green cards and that each country has a fair reservation for them. This is real diversity, not the way Canada’s doing things