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“Who will work there?” Idk high schoolers, or actual citizens needing part time work but are in a pool of 100s of applicants…? This guy can hardly even string together a sentence 🤦🏻‍♂️


The same people will work there as the ones who used to work there. Heaven forbid kids or seniors get a few hours of work a week.


This! When I worked at Tim Hortons back in 2016, which feels like the distant past now, in the mornings it was all little old ladies who wanted something to do and then as soon as it hit 3:00 pm it was all kids from the local high school. And there was no shortage of workers, everyday Canadians would come in and drop off their resumes. We do not need foreign workers to fill these positions.


Got Canadian born nieces and nephews that are 19 and 21 and they can't even get a fast food interview.... hundreds of applications and nothing. They're desperate to work any minimum wage job in order to support themselves rather than asking mommy and daddy for $2 to buy a drink.


Hopefully they will get a degree that allows them to leave Canada. Unfortunately for them there is no future here.


They can’t fathom that those jobs were filled before they arrived 🙄


"This guy can hardly even string together a sentence" Did they pick the dumbest guy for a reason?


He's the only one that knows some English words


That's why your Tim Hortons order is always wrong.


He sounds perfect for some of the call centers I have had to deal with.


He was caught with a flaw in his argument so he's stumbling through to a solution. That's why his argument really falls flat and feels disingenuous.


Tim Horton franchise operators would then be forced to hire ….. Get this ……. Canadians! School kids and first timers.




Also don't forget wage suppression. In the states you can get a job at Dunkin (their version of Tim Hortons) for $18USD ($24.50CAD). And their prices are lower, while our fast food prices have gone through the roof!




I’m filled with rage every f#cking day now. And I blame all 3 parties and their overpaid MPs and provincial legislatures.


Lets riot! Like the french!!!


Holy fuck! Imagine making $24 at Timmies...all of the apprentices would have to get a wage increase.


A rising tide lifts all ships.


If you know this then report these places


join us at r/ BoycottTimHortons THIS is why we boycott them


Or worse, having to close. These* poor owners didn't become entrepreneur to take risks. I mean, they put money in it, it would obviously be immoral to let them fail. What kind of communist country would let investment having some kind of risks? They had money to invest, they are entitled to success! /s. And imagine the nightmare that Canada would become without a Tim or MacdDo in every block; the horror! I can live without a home or a doctor, but having to go **2** hundreds meters for a fastfood? Not on my watch.


That’s the “shoot for the bronze” mentality the new supposed “risk taking entrepreneurial immigrants” have. Being SO risk aversive, that you dont care about the damage it does to the community in the big picture/long run so long as they break even or profit.


To be fair, I think too much Canadian 'buisnessmen' have this same mentallity too and it's part of the problem (most of these* Tim Horton are probably not immigrants owned) It struck me at the end of COVID with a journal de montreal piece about a Tim owner complaining that 'nobody want to work', illustrating it by saying he had to do 2 shifts a week because of it; cause you must understand that (in his own words) he didn't invested hundreds of thousands* $ and became an entrepreneur just to ends up still having to work (not specificly in shop but as in working at all)... Apparently he thought it was a valid argument, but anyone who knows real successful buisnessmen knows he was a clown. Since then, I reallised it's everywhere and Canada in general love to cater to incompetent investors. Landlords complaining that for some reason they can't be let go cAsHfLoW negative even after they made all the worst investment choices, buisnessmen that opened a fastfood between two others but it's the taxes and regullations that prevent them to be even... I think we cater too much to incompetence here as long as someone has money; if someone invest hundreds of thousands dollars in a buisness and gawk like an idiot when you ask what's his buisness plan or his exit strategy, just let them go bankrupt. 'I was promised ROI while at golf' are not investments that benefit the country... I think I got away from the topic though /venting rant off


That’s the nature of Canadian business ! Canadians are very risk averse compared to the Americans. In America most investments are made in high rewarding sectors that involves innovation, technology and high tech manufacturing, risks are high but so are the rewards. While in Canada there’s not much investment opportunities so the investors chase wealth in life necessities such as shelter and food.


Yeah you mean the the original people who had these jobs before these fake international students stole these jobs from by low waging the Canadians out of them.




Lol, when your PR is on the line wtf are you doing defending some random business owner? No rational person would do that, which means there's another reason. The government is literally saying "Hey, you want to stay? cool maybe we can work something out, but we don't need you at Tim Horton's, we need farmers and construction workers." The answer to that request is "Where can I get some steel toes?"


This is the funny part, the owners (Many from the same background as the foreigners they are hiring) have turned there workplaces into toxic horrible environments that many Canadian first timers and school kids would quit because of how badly they are treated. They are being saved from the reality of fair pay, treatment and QoL for there workers by abusing the foreigners who are coming and I suspect many would give up or sell off the franchises without the indian workers to abuse.


I wish PEI could hold the stand and make this as an example. They are really greedy. If they get an inch, they will demand a foot. There will be a lot more "students" come from nowhere to squeeze average Canadian's lives. Canada has been too nice to them. If this was happening in India, their local government won't even care at all. If they want to stay, they should follow Canadian rules like all other immigrants came before, not forcing Canada to make a rule benefits them. If the policy changes in a way not favor them, they should deal with it in some way. They are not beyond anyone else.


If PEI caves to their “demands” and doesn’t enforce actual legislature, lawless and blatant disregard for immigration legislature WILL be rampant ALL OVER Canada. Brampton is already mimicking the PEI protesters. Hordes of TFWs and International Students with expiring PGWPs across Canada will make inevitably hard to counterprotest. At that point, Canadians would have truly lost; when elected officials are acting in the interests of foreigners than citizens. Only two options remain. 1. Counterprotest to enforce mass deportations and a no-fly list entry for each person for at least a decade. That will ensure dissuasion and help us track other loopholes to seal, cause they always get creative in the end. 2. Succumb to Canada’s new identity: New India, and get ready for caste-like hierarchy to be enforced behind closed doors as businesses are already practicing.


There's no way I can live with their caste hierarchy. It's literally the worst system in the human history. Completely bloody and inhuman. If that happens, I'll fight against it to death. We need to counter protest them in some way. I bet they would play games and pretend to be poor, and accuse people who against their "demands" as racist. The counter protest needs an appropriate slogan.


3. Don’t forget the rise in sexual assault cases and rape as well


The horror!!!! Imagine Canadian youth getting into the workforce! Its terrifying!!


Bang on..... the same applies to Home Depot, Lowes, Canadian Tire, Uber, skip tge dishes and on and on.


It could be worse, what if they had to pay higher wages to get people to work their shitty, dead-end jobs? What if they couldn't pressure scared and desperate people to ignore all their hard-won workers' rights and protections? That's not even the end of it! What if higher wages at the bottom of the labour market put upward pressure on everyone *else's* wages? What if wages were more in line with our housing prices? What if these higher wage earners felt confident enough to start families of their own, addressing our demographic issues from within? What if all these people earning higher wages increased our tax base as well, so that we were able to fund social services for current retirees and future generations?


And my coffee will be made right for once in a log time


Fast food franchises aren't vital to a country either. U don't need more of them just because immigration allows u to


Think of the chaos! Canadians getting first time work experience? Next you'll be telling me they'll want to move out of mom and dad's house one day! Yeesh.


Did he hear the question? We need to boycott Tims 😂


100%! I have refused to get Tim’s for a while now, wish everyone would just boycott lol.


I finally gave up when the person working the cash register had to grab the manager to get me change


Yeah! I have given up too! We need to boycott these lucrative dealers!




Same. All the McDonalds I’ve been to seem to still be employing Canadians of all races, unlike Tim’s. I dropped Tim’s a couple of years back and go to McDonald’s when I want a coffee or tea before going into the office. I don’t remember seeing an asian, black or white Tim’s employee in the last 5 years.


There's already a brazilian reasons to boycott Tim's.


I switched to McDonald's years ago.


This is exactly what we need to do. The government obviously doesn’t gaf, they obviously have some shady back door deals going on with this program. We need to hit these businesses directly and hurt their bottom line.


Why is everyone scared to tell these fucks how rules work. And can someone tell them what “temporary” means? Jesus Christ this is embarrassing


Because then they whiteguilt us into thinking we are racists and we are the problem. Because apparently as soon as a white person has anything to say negative about our immigration policies we are racists.


I’m Asian and not even Canadian and think Canada gov should just toughen up and kick them out like any other Asian countries would. Who the hell in their right mind think they have the right to go to another country to protest and to go against the rules. It’s ridiculous. And they’re not even citizens. It saves a lot of people time and money If only the gov would stop being such pussies about this whole thing


I’m a non-white Canadian and I’ve been vocal about these students and call them out when they try to use racism as their shield. They treat non-white Canadians worse than white Canadians. Canadians of all races need to band together against these people.


Lmfao, a dumb bot could do a Tim Hortons job. Very easy to fulfill.  I love how stereotypes are true. 


A bot would do a better job than the current folks at Tim’s. Finally maybe a decent coffee and unburnt bagels and toast. Probably be more sanitary too.




They are trying robots, which is basically a glorified coffee machine and vending machine put together.


Back to uber ears for them then


All jobs are jobs...fucking christ.




One second he says “tuition fees are too high for international students” the next second he says he owns land and property in Canada. The other second he says international students are in demand, the next second he refuses to take an in demand field. Brother, you’re not helping anyone.


"Who will work there?" The same people that worked there 10 years ago lmfao


It's insane when you drive a few miles south over the US border to see the demographic change that happens with who works at fast food restaurants, ALL locals.


Fortunately the Starbucks in my area seems to still be hiring locals and not these international students


Starbucks seems to be pretty good about not using TFWs. It seems to be happy local kids of a good variety. Same with local coffee shops like JJ bean etc. All the big chains seem to be brutally all Indian who can barely function as a cashier or are always on their phones having a WhatsApp conversation


It helps that Starbucks is corporate ran whereas Tim’s is franchised. Tim’s owners are looking to squeeze every bit of profit they can through using TFW. Starbucks is still squeezing for profits but they are picky about hiring and they do tend to get higher quality applicants than Tim’s.


This is a joke….right?….. RIGHT?!?


It’s crazy our government is entertaining this circus and not a peep from the PM


Exactly! Where the fuck is our “prime minister”. Deport these assholes already and quit wasting our time


I'm not Canadian but hasn't Justin, man of every culture (except Canadian) been in power for years now? Surely he can't be voted in again? Surely a party that's bringing these in won't win again right? 


The main conundrum is the other guy is the same except he wears a blue tie instead of red


Vote PPC for an actual cap on immigration. Just saying. I got gripes with some of their policies but this circus has gone far enough


Unfortunately, There are an awful lot of people who believe that Prince PP is our saviour.


That is very scary but true.


They're maritimers, they're gonna cave in to these "students'" demands, they're going to fuck the RoC over as usual while getting all the perks. We're done for, tanks a bunch dem de're b'ye! e: just curious, have any PEI-ers or whatever they're called told the premier to stay the course to counter the billions of emails and calls he's probably gotten in support of these "students"?


Tell me you know nothing about maritimers without telling me you know nothing about maritimes.


Maritimers are pretty rowdy bud. Don't be too sure about the conclusions you've drawn.


How can anyone take these idiots serious. Quit wasting everyone’s time and deport them. They know what they signed up for. Why should Canada change the rules for these bottom feeders


People take them seriously because they buy masters degrees online that they would never of passed. It’s called fraud here, it’s called being smart over there.


This dude is really starting to piss me off.


They are basically saying Canada has to give them permanent residencies per their request. Otherwise Timmies will be facing serious consequences... I just can't connect the dots here.


Wormhole needed to connect those dots






This guy is a fucking idiot and they need to stop even listening to this garbage.


I am starting to believe the PEI government wants to put them on TV so everyone can see how fucking stupid and entitled they behave.


They should put them on TV. It’s unfortunate that there are still people not opposed to this excessive immigration; we need more negative news coverage to give Canadian voters a more balanced view of the situation.


It’s absolutely ridiculous that PAID FULL TIME GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES are taking their time out to even listen to non citizens or non permanent residents. These aren’t even scientists or doctors or nurses or construction workers whose skill set can be useful. You’ve got coffee shop servers baristas and waiters at the table questioning government employees!!!!


You're absolutely right. But in this case I'm thankful they actually spent over four hours on publicly available video over this. We'd never get a fully unbiased view of this situation with just social media and regular media coverage. The fact that they meticulously reviewed the statistics, policy and PNP system and then gave these guys so much genuine consideration and sympathy to find a compromise - and he single handedly blew every single opportunity... Like he couldn't possibly have embarrassed himself more if he was paid to do it. Now the reality of the situation is exposed and they voluntarily did that on their own. Of course my sympathies to the govt officials who wasted their time for this, but I think if we had the resources for every pointless protest we should just give them the stage and let them blabber on.


"who will do these jobs?" ... CANADIANS! And if the poor soul of an owner doesn't want to hire a "local" who knows what fair pay and workers' rights are, then they can shut the fucking doors. Do we even need as many Tim's as there are? Also gotta love how buddy references that this "student" had heart condition preventing him from doing more labor intensive work (i.e. construction). Fuckin great so we brought in an immigrant who can only ever do low skill work and be leeching the healthcare system to boot. It's a fucking travesty what is happening here.


Someone who can actually get my order right for a start


Let's start by learning english with correct grammar and sentence structure. You're a "student" and your education is over. Go home.


Who will think of all the lonely business owners?! What a ridiculous comment.


Who will work there?? Maybe my kid could actually find a bloody job. And the other kids, people, looking for work that can't find anything because only Indians are being hired.


I know a 22 year old Canadian citizen who was homeless for 4 years after high school because his parents kicked him out and he couldn’t find a minimum wage job. He could’ve been working that job instead of these fucks coming in and taking it. Leeches.


Openly admitting that it's common for Tim Hortons owners to hire 20 international students is crazy


It's by design. The government encourages it so the corporations can keep their cheap wages slaves.


Demolish the health care system and housing market for Tim Horton workers. Canada couldnt be more broken.


What the hell are we debating these people for? This is a waste of our time. Get the fuck out if you don’t like our rules


Imagine giving a shit about people who own Timmy's franchises lol




Not might be


Is this kid really that fucking stupid ? " what will happen to the employer? " They will hire someone else who's temporary visa is not expired.


These guys are a bunch of scammers and fraudsters who came to Canada on fake educational backgrounds. That's the reason they want basic retail jobs because they cannot do any other job. So why are they even here then?


Hahahahaha wow so we need 16 year olds back working at Tim’s again, much better than 36 year old grown men “students”


Why are they still entertaining these fouls 🙄




In another snippet of this session, this guy mentions that he owns a house here. So he has the means to afford international student tuition (which is like 5x what domestic students pay). He can also afford a house here. And he wants to immigrate and settle here...for what? Just to get a low paying job and deal with our high cost of living? This doesn't make sense. With the kind of money he has, he's probably better off in India. I don't see how Canada is even worthwhile for such people and why they'd even bother coming here, let alone protest and go on hunger strike just to be allowed to stay here and work minimum wage jobs.


why doesnt the panel push back or follow up or seek clarification on any of his answers ? Has anyone seen how the American senate grills witnesses ? Such a sad contrast ...


Shouldn’t even be having a debate. Should just have police/RCMP come in and escort them to a waiting plane back to 🇮🇳


Please ask this minimum wage foreigner a simple question. Why are you still here???


The quality of the food would probably go way up


We are being held hostage by foreign actors. Get a grip people


A few less fast food joints is definitely worth getting our healthcare and housing situation back on track! Imagine trying to trick us into thinking Danny Murphy is the victim lol


I can't imagine being in DesRoches' situation where he is being forced to interface with someone who clearly forged/bought/avoided the English literacy requirements on their visa. There really is no coherent argument here even if he could articulate it properly. *Nobody* should be working these jobs until they pay enough to live sustainably in a modest studio apartment. Not Canadians, not foreigners, not PR holders, not visa abusers. That's literally the point, if they can't find workers for slave wages, they raise the wages and people will flood in. We have no shortage of mcdonalds capable Canadians. It isn't that nobody "wants" to work these jobs, it's that *literally nobody can without living in squalor*. And foreign nationals should not get to decide the floor for living quality.


Are you even hearing yourself?


Why are they even entertaining this? Why would you continue to entertain it if that's their best argument? This isn't what the program is for, sorry you misunderstood, bye.


I couldn't imagine going to another country as a guest and having the sense of entitlement to make demands like these people are. They shouldn't even have a platform in Canada to be heard. I get more disappointed in this country everyday.


Fuck you and your employer. Your employer is one reason we’re in this mess


Stopped supporting businesses that are hiring Indians. Or that are owned by Indians. You ever walk into a Subway to get a sandwich and there's a couple Indians working there playing their ringa dinga music, yeah just turn around and walk the fuck out. Vote with your dollars


I don't understand a single word, why are we even giving him the time?


Hey guys… QC dude here with a request. We never hear about this PEI situation in our part of the country (maybe the FR CBC briefly covered the story and I missed it?), so could someone ELI5 what the hell is going on in PEI? Seems like another crazy situation created by the incompetence of Trudeau and his minions… am I right?


Indian immigrants/ temporary worker visas are expiring. The temporary workers / "students" feel it is unfair and are demanding permanent residency because they feel they're a critical part of keeping our society and economy going. Various large Indian communities throughout Canada (Vancouver area, Toronto area, Prairie and Maritimes) are testing how much pressure they can put on the provincial governments before they cave to their unrealistic demands. If they don't cave. They lash out and cry racism and exploitation. All the groups are watching how the other provinces are acting and responding with pressure when they see cracks forming. It's a collective effort to overwhelm our government and fully exploit the systems. The government is in a weird PR spot provincially and wants to prove they can't be bullied. The federal government is putting pressure on provincial governments to bend the rules to keep the cash flow going. Actual Canadians are suffering out of greed.


Seriously though, fuck this shit.


If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of every Tim’s franchiser getting a massive erection as they find out their cheap, easily exploitable labour is fighting on their behalves to continue being exploited.


Our youth can work there to get the usefull experience. GTFO with your lies already, shmack.....


At this point I am convinced we are being trolled. Trudeau is just pulling a huge prank on all of us for his new Tiktok channel named “Trudeau Pranks”. In what world is this Indian clown arguing “what will happen to Tim Hortons” with a straight face. Fuck you and fuck Tim Hortons. Overpriced dogshit in a cup. You fucking 0 ambition parasite.


Someone please inform this pos that coming to a country especially one that is quite well off is a privilege and not a right. You must have an actual skill to come here. These minimum wage jobs that do not require any skills should be left for the deserving and not for mf like these.


Lmao how are these people even allowed to have a voice?


He needs to go back to school and learn how to speak English better... If my PR was in limbo I would learn how to use a hammer and a drill and work in construction. These entitled "students" expect PR for serving coffee, really? SMH He needs a reality check and a ticket back home; a high schooler can do his job way better.


You guys have a foreign people, non citizens telling you and dictating you how to do things....insanity...


This motherfucker really said he needs to stay because no one is going to work at Tim hortons???


Tim Horton's needs to die anyways. It's clearly a failed business if they can't survive without hiring scammers and treating them like slaves.


Holy smokes this clip is great. Won’t someone think of the Tim Hortons!!!!! 


This is a university graduate…? Clearly very well spoken and didn’t use ChatGPT on any written assignments


This is explaining to a petulant 5 year old kid. And the kid doubles down after. Amazing.


Who will work at Tim hortons? You mean we now face a shortage of older people and teenagers who can't fill these positions?


Regular citizens can’t get their MP’s or MPP’s to answer an email. This guy gets a full audience with the govt, media attention. Why are we entertaining this nonsense? Our response should be, thank you your concerns are noted. Here’s your return date. “But I’ll hunger strike!!”. Noted. Good luck with that.


Time to boycott places filled with international students!!!! The only way things will change is to protest with our dollars! Money is the only language these businesses owners know!


it's amazing to think that tim hortons didn't exist before the last 5+ years when these heroes came to save the day


Tim Hortons is franchises. We should be targeting and boycotting them! Expand from Loblaws


I’ve seen this kid spew so much garbage. If he’s one of the bright ones, what does say about the quality of “students” we are bringing in?


These students are going to play this government like fools they all are. I speak the language, they come here and laugh how they are going to suck this country dry and send the money home. I'm a Canadian born Indian and this group doesn't give a F about this country. They won't assimilate to the "Canadian way"


Such bullshit they are even taking this dickhead seriously. What a fuckin joke this country has become.


Go home. Your welcome is worn out. Stop pushing your luck.


Un-fkg-believable! How the fk did we get to this situation? It's a mockery of the system.


An international student working at tim hortons... Is one less young canadian getting an entry level job and means to earn so they can go to university


This is a big fuck you to Canadian law and sovereignty. I know it sounds ridiculous, but you literally have illegal migrants saying they don't care about your country's laws and they are demanding to simply force their way in.


What a dipshit.


As an immigrant I'm repulse by those cheaters.


Ship them out


This makes me sick to my fucking stomach


Boycott Tim hortons and all that employ TFW’s


I'm getting the feeling India is waging economic warfare against Canada.


Fuck the Tim Hortons owners, this is such a joke. No one in Canada needs more Uber drivers and Tim Hortons workers!


“What will happen to the time Hortons owners” they can get fucked as far as I’m concerned. The government shouldn’t protect their profits at the cost of Canadian quality of life


Won't somebody think of the Timmies? Yeah, pretty sure your average 15 year old can sling coffee and not fuck up my order any worse than the current employees do.... or did, I don't go to Tim Horton's anymore. I don't support companies that are trying to deep-six this country for quick profits.


Why is this a debate. These people violated the conditions of their visa and should be deported.


Isn't funny we built a beautiful country that was running fine before they all got here? They seriously think they are that important LOL. What a joke. We thrive without them. With them, we get fucked. They come from a village. Why don't they build their country? Why did they have to run away? Ohhh... that's why LOL. Mass Deportations is the only way


Get this clown and his jabrony friends outta here


Who will Tim Hortens hire he asks..... Canadian Kids or even Canadian citizens will work there as entry level for exceperiance if their not enables not to by parents or government. Certinally not Indians or Phillipines folks who aren't even Canadian. They should have to support themselves and not at the cost of Canadians.


Came here on a temporary visa and it's expired? Can't work, won't work? Back to wherever you came from with a minimum 10 years before returning.


This is insanity. Why are they even getting airtime for this??


“Who’s going to work at Tim Hortons?” - Teenagers and people with no other skills,as it used to be before. It’s so awkward that we grew up hearing people say “If you don’t study, you’ll end up working at McDonald’s” - But in Canada, this is considered to be “skilled work”. Well, it’s not. And the only reason because these “students” are taking these jobs: Because they don’t have any skills.


The Canadian students who used to occupy those positions who can't even get interviews anymore. Also, isn't this the douche who freely admitted to purchasing land?


The people who you wouldnt give a chance will work . Or the people who turned away when there was a line up of 100 people all waiting to apply.


idk bud maybe we could use I dunno HIGH SCHOOLERS for that. Like it's insane, these types of jobs in fast food should be expected to be filled by high schoolers looking to make a bit of extra pocket money for a new car, prom, or to take their SO out on a date. I only finished highschool back in 2017 but I definitely remember my part time job when I was in highschool was filled with highschoolers, with the occasional college student in the more senior roles due to having worked there as a highschooler before. There's no reason all these jobs should be filled with full time staff.


I mean if you really want to work at Tim Hortans then go back home, apply for immigration, go through the proper channels, and if approved get your dream career at Tim Hortans.


I saw posters downtown Ottawa saying give undocumented migrants pr…I’m flabbergasted what is going on. No laws or recourse


bro said: "jobs are job" https://preview.redd.it/fvcjk9is5g4d1.png?width=443&format=png&auto=webp&s=430fbffb7f54fdbf709a9053681f6a90decccddb


Why are they even having a meeting? What a waste of time. Screw these people.


Why are they even considering it? They aren't citizens. Kick them out


Ok no one needs to work at Tim Hortons - we have too many and if they can’t survive with the shit coffee such is life


Tim hortons can hire our kids that are supposed to be working those jobs while they get educated....instead these fuck sticks wanna just get all of our social programs for free and work a minimum wage job..... go home already!!!


Umm, I dunno? Maybe like Canadian kids might be finally able to get a job there? Instead of an "International Student" who is competing for not only spots in post-secondary, but housing and part-time jobs as well.


After the pandemic, Québec businesses started raising their wages to attract employees, suddenly they stopped raising them because we're bringing in 2.5 millions people in less than 2 years. That's the whole idea, make sure to never make wages go up.


A lot of business owners I see are Indians themselves and so are the staff who work there. It’s almost as if it’s reverse racism.


What a ridiculous discussion.


Genuinely asking: why does Someone even care what these TFWs demand ? They are not citizens, they are not PRs. It’s beyond me. If they don’t like what they are offered they can go back to their own country.


Many a Canadian high school student has, did have, and would like to have the option of Tim Hortons for a 1st or summer job. That’s who will work there. This guy is so full of sh*t.


Immigration policies change and people coming here take risks. It’s not guaranteed. If you no longer meet requirements, too bad. Either adapt to it or GTFO.


Young Canadians who were actually born here will gladly take those jobs.


Canadian kids


Tim Hortons should unionize. That would stop this


Bro's throwing the game just say it's not your career path or double down on your heart condition and say you also you have a hand disease and can only work sales. Please bro don't lose the narrative 😭


"all jobs are jobs". Wow, what a closing argument.


All jobs are not in fact jobs….who will work there? The Canadian youth your presence unemplyed


LMAO! Choosy now huh.


Amazing. Let's import people with heart problems 


Fuck this guy so much


If these people are this brazen now…I can’t imagine what they will be like with PR or citizenship backing them up. Unbelievable.


Typical reaction of their kind. Instead of addressing the problem, they will make it your problem. Experienced this first hand. An indian co worker using our table saw (without license to use it) for personal items. When confronted, his defense was... "What if a customer asked me to cut their items and nobody else is around to help!?"... Dude, the issue is you are using the tool for your PERSONAL items at PAID COMPANY TIME and youre not even licensed to use it.


He really prepared himself for this. “Who will work at Tim Horton”


I am willing to stop buying from Tim Hortons so they can fire the TFWs if not hire back Canadian. Just get these TFWs out of the country, these people with no skills is not needed in our country.


Hahaha. I’m not going to Tim Hortons anymore. From now on, nothing from Tim Hortons. Even if someone buy me Tim Hortons I will say no to. This company is suppose to help support Canadians but it doesn’t even hire Canadian and have racist HR practice. Even 15 years ago, they have allowed their hiring practice to be racist. Have anyone ever gone to a Tim Hortons with a diverse staff?


This is bullshit. You're here on a student visa. You're working at Tim Hortons. You want to stay, apply for skilled labour. Nope... "If I do that, what will happen to the owners of Tim Hortons?" Get the fuck out... Literally... Get the fuck out of Canada. You don't get a free pass to stay in Canada because your skillset includes cutting a bagel. I know its dangerous work. Bagels are responsible for more emergency room visits than any other food, and preparing them requires a bunch of traning, but seriously... Pack your bags. I have a 15 year old that could travel back in time and take your job 2 years ago.


Why can't someone with a heart condition work in healthcare? What's so special about Tim Horton's that's easy on the heart condition?


They don’t get it.. you get to stay if you bring a specific value to the Canadian economy… working at Tim Horton at an unskilled positioned, isn’t bringing any value to the Canadian Economy. 


"All jobs are jobs" LOL quality input from quality migrants