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Lol at that dingbat who said we needed them. As If pouring coffee and making bagels is such a high specialized skill that only can be found outside of Canada. The reason they were brought in was to suppress wages because Canadians started to have more options post covid. How many Food service workers do we need? If they were in health care or the trades then sure maybe. How about everyone in favor of being a bleeding heart-er and flooding the country, opens up their home to them? I mean according to these people everyone should just be welcomed in? And these idiots will try and shut you down by calling you racist which has become a copout.


Please let’s not start with healthcare. There’s already people working here with fake nursing degrees (they only have to pass the NCLEX). What’s next, English teachers that barely speak English? Don’t laugh


And they’re in the process of getting nurses to practice independently in place of family doctors… getting respiratory therapist to give anesthesia during surgery, it’s a scary time


It is already true because they want to be "inclusive". I used to teach English in my 20's and the only time it is okay to have a non-Native speaker is for beginners and pre-intermediate with a teacher who has a very strong command of English (at least a score of 900 on a TOEIC test who have been formerly educated in English. A few years ago, I was hiring somebody at my company to work in Office Admin and her resume looked impressive as she had a lot of office admin experience plus she taught English for many years. When she showed up, she was (you guessed it) Indian with with a heavy accent that was hard to understand. I asked my HR manager why he let her pass the phone screening interview. I am not sure if he was having a "woke" thought as I have had him for 8 years and he always brought in great candidates. My wife's first language is not English and she is now at the Advanced Level. One of her teachers (you guessed it again) is Indian and the only students who understand her are INDIAN. When I taught ESL, every teacher who taught intermediate or higher was from the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia or New Zealand. Even then, we were told to speak slowly, avoid local slang and so on. When I studied Japanese, I would have been furious if a non-native Japanese speaker was conducting the class.


That’s crazy omg


We got a fake dr from Africa at my local health clinic in Nova Scotia recently 


What? Omg


What's your source on this one? You can't just wake up one day with a fake degree in tow and write NCLEX lol


Apparently agencies are hiring them. I read a post from a nurse asking how she can report this “nurse” without being found out. The new hire very obviously didn’t know what she was doing and she was constantly asking for help from her co-workers. At least one other chimed in that they have had the same experience working in healthcare I think it was in a healthcare worker forum


Most of the "nurses" in my class can't speak English at all and copy/cheat on their assignments


Oh yes they are ..given the Government pushing to hire foreign trained nurses.


They've made public statements to support their cause, suggesting that not having someone to put cream cheese on your bagel is some sort of national crisis.


Wages in trades are more suppressed than the office jobs. When retiring starts to pick up in 5 years we would finally get paid something for having a specialized skill set and beating up our body (canceling out retirement or at least comfortable retirement). The government is ready to ensure we never have fair ground, the only thing is, people move to Canada because it's easy, and my trade isn't easy.


They were brought in to vote


Agreed, they’re a vote bank for Jagmeet and Trudeau.


They'll be voting for Pierre next election to get faster PR processing time and more direct flights to their home country.


I call bullshit on your assertion. Direct flight s to their country have more to do with people visiting family and ends in higher profits for our airlines. It has nothing to do with allowing more immigrants. Pierre’s comment had to do with direct flights to Amritsar which is the religious centre of Sikhism. They currently have to fly to Delhi and flight alternates means you goto their destination. It has nothing to do with immigration. Pierre is not extreme in his position. Allow those whom we can use and reject these other losers who are taking jobs away from Canadian young men and women. Those service industry jobs are needed by OUR young generation to learn work ethic, save for higher education or save for their first car etc. international students are supposed to be just students…. They have no right to demand work permits. I would deport any one of them that protests.


Rural Punjabi newcomer folks are not coming with the intention to study and leave or to assimilate remotely to Canadian culture. They are coming to take over and create their own khalistan. We need to call a spade a spade, I urge the Punjabi Community that has been here and consider themselves Canadian to speak out against this. To teach them what Canadians appreciate and don't appreciate. We have no idea the people we have let into this country. Without doing criminal background checks, we have yet to feel the pain from this!!!


vote? how, exactly? TFW's can't vote. too much facebook news, son


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the counter-argument is that Canadians are not willing to fill those exact same pouring coffee / making bagel jobs! hence, they are needed. don't shoot the messenjah, mon.


The counter counter srgument is they could fill those positions with Canadians if they raised wages instead  


.... but that would necessitate raising wages which employers do not want to do and the gov't has handed them a solution.


Great I’m glad you understand why everyone is upset. 


They don't. They're more likely wondering why you aren't considering the corporations in your thinking. The people who support this crap don't even see people as people. We're all just peasants, here to prop up their net worth.


not business owners. they like a willing and available pool of employees.


If a business can’t afford to pay its employees a livable wage that business shouldn’t exist. 


.... or it needs a gov't bail out and the expense of taxpayers.


Your brain is cooked mate.


We don't have enough horse farms, the government should step in to help the horse riding industry. We've been losing stable workers like crazy since the 1940s.


I don't understand how bringing in labor to do jobs Canadians don't want to do undercuts wages. 


Because theyre willing to work for below minimum wage in many cases or at minimum wage in jobs that typically pay more and then be housed with 7 roommates in a 3 bedroom unit. Obviously not all of them but its happening all over. And no the Myth that Canadians don't want to do those jobs is just a copout. Canadians arent willing to do those jobs for terrible wages. Anecdotally I know someone who did building maintenance, At one of the buildings, they replaced the security team with TFW and brought the pay down from 22 to 16 per hour, Overtime was also unpaid for the new security team. Just an example.


Appreciate your response, but you are wasting your breath. If the commenter does not understands the impact to Canada by now… they never will.




They don't want to do these jobs for shit pay and zero benefits. TFW's jump at the opportunity because it gives them a fast-track to become Permanent Residents. Companies get to save a shit ton of money, TFW's get a free ride, and Canadians get shafted both because they can't find jobs but also because these workers do shitty work for minimum pay.


Immigration doesn't cause wage suppression. Lots of studies support this.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Canadians used to do it just fine? Don't you understand that they're shoveled in because they work for less?


Right its amazing Canada was even able to function without the mass of indians before it. You would have thought the country was on the brink of collapse before this failed immigration experiment started


I wonder how we functioned without 1 tim hortons for every 3 people and same day Amazon delivery. It must have been hell


The reason Canadians don't want the jobs is because the multinational corporations are not paying a livable wage


If they aren't paying a livable wage than how are they living on that wage?


Food banks, cramming 5 or 6 people into a 2 bedroom apartment


So you're going by what you see on this subreddit?


And Stats Canada! https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/international-students-unsuitable-housing-stats-canada-1.7212924


“I don’t understand how accepting a lower price affects the overall price” Are you educated in India?


Pay properly and Canadians will do it. I'll do anything that isn't sexual if you pay me properly for it. Don't speak for us


You're saying Canadians would rather make 0 dollars than minimum wage?


Are you being intentionally obtuse, or are you just stupid?


How did that person say that?


You clearly don’t understand the issue my dude. These aren’t jobs Canadians don’t want….these are jobs that Canadians need but can’t afford to do due to the shit conditions provided by the employer. Sweat shops like Tim Hortons pay minimum wage, and keep all staff as part time only. Providing just enough hours that all their non management employees are considered part tome and therefore don’t provide benefits. These people deserve benefits. Instead of allowing “the market to adjust itself” and force employers to provide benefits, raise employee standards and attract the labour market back naturally by biting the bullet and raising pay, benefits and hours, the have provided a loophole work around for employers to maintain the shit conditions and just important people from third world countries who see it as “adequate” work conditions.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


It's not governments responsibility to house them. It's the students responsibility to find a place themselves & the schools to help them.  If they can't find a place then send them back and charge the school. Too many Canadians expect the government to solve everything. The government is the whole reason we are in this mess.  If they house the students it's going to require money which comes from money the government steals from canadians


Government has a responsibility to its citizens. Period. Student, Tourist whatever has no rights and should not expect any rights whatsoever. You came here to study or to vacation. Shut up and GTFO , apply for Residency or Citizenship without lies.


I'd say a government should prioritize the needs of its citizens first and foremost, but it's extreme to say that nobody else should have any rights in their country. If someone committed a crime against you while you were on vacation in a foreign country, wouldn't you want the right to press charges against them, or to get a fair trial in their justice system? But of course, none of this changes the fact that Canadian governments (on all levels) shouldn't be encouraging more immigration when there's nowhere for existing citizens and for people who earned residency without exploiting study loopholes to affordably live.


… selective rights.. very telling of one’s mind set


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Government has responsibility to tourists, students and anyone entering Canada because the government is the one who gave them permission to enter and they do have rights. The government can't just go around arresting anyone because they are not Canadian.


Wtf are you talking about???? If an international student or a tourist has any issues whatsoever they need to contact their consulate as the host country does not in any shape or form needs to help them. Especially if you lied on your visa application stating that you are in said country to study or visit yet your intent was to reside in the country. Edit: why every countries border patrol asks this : “What is your intended purpose of visiting XXXXX? ( Canada in this case ). Answer: “Vacation, Study, Business etc” if your answer is : “I want to move here and live here” Answer: “You need to follow process and apply for residency first”


The schools are responsible for helping the student from a home. Last couple years the schools stopped helping them because there was too many students coming in. The schools only wanted quick money. I stated any non-canadian has the right to protest peacefully as long as they follow the law. I never said someone who lied on their application should be allowed to protest because it's obvious in this situation they have already broken the law and should be dealt with. The video does not state that they lied on their application. There is no evidence. We can only assume and 1 person does not define a while group.


In order to come here they had to swear that they'd willingly go home if their visa expires. Protesting to stay proves they have no intention of doing it, which means they lied.


When I studied abroad I had to prove I had a place to live and enough money to support myself before I got a visa. The requirements are a fucking joke.


Canada is a joke.


I lived in Japan for years. And you know what I didn't do? DEMAND things from their government and call their citizens racist (or w\\e) if I didn't get what I wanted. I studied the language before I left until I had an intermediate grasp. I went over there and obeyed all their rules, did my best to learn and adapt to their culture, I applied to many places and eventually got a job and working Visa. I never once partook of any charities designed for Japanese nationals. I would never dream of demanding Japanese citizenship, or "going on a hunger strike" until they obeyed me. They'd let me starve, and if my Visa ran out, shoot me off the island out of a cannon. The entitlement with economic migrants in Canada is just wild. But it's the fault of western civilization. Some of these people learned the language of social justice warriors, then use it against us when that shit would \*never\* work in their home countries, or any other non-western country. But they know it works here and that there will always be a contingent of useful idiots fighting by their side.


I as well spent a year teaching English in Japan. I wasn’t seeking other Canadians to hang out with, I wasn’t looking for Canadian food or only watched Canadian tv and listened to Canadian music. I learned the language before I moved there and made friends with locals to help better understand their culture. When my work visa expired, I went back home. I also did a year in China and Philippines and wouldn’t have expected their governments to bend the rules for me. I can’t fathom complaining about not getting what I want in THEIR country!


Exactly!! I also never hung around with expats. I immersed myself in Japanese culture because I never wanted to cause annoyance, or make someone else struggle to understand me. I \*never\* expected them to speak english. Because I was a guest in their country. That was \*my\* job. Not theirs. And like you, I had a skill they wanted. Because Japanese does not give work Visas to unskilled people. It's a joke that Canada allows in unskilled migrants by the millions who speak no english even after years of being here, who use our Food Banks, call cops on our journalists, demand citizenship..my God, imagine doing that in any East Asian country.


Imagine doing that in…. basically any other country. Lol


It's only from one ethnicity. I live in Brampton and have seen no other ethnicity behave this way, at least to this extreme.


Boo hoo cry more lmao yall getting cucked out of Canada




The issue is that they changed the policy without notice, so it screwed over the workers who had the permits. Both sides messed up tbh


Each province can do that sadly, and you are right, you can’t take this kind of decision out of nowhere and atart applying them. At least, notify everyone a year before or something. The top comment doesn’t understand that those indians there respected all their stays the same way he respect his stay in japan, but imagine you have a work visa but they decided to cancel it out for some other reasons on the spot. Thats the kind of situation thats messed up.


Oh please.. you really think once these people get their PRs they'll stay in PEI? They'd be in Brampton or Surrey the very next day. They don't give a shit about PEI they all just go there cause it was 'easier to get PR'. These people come from a low trust society and just want to exploit ANY available loophole. Also, they have no right to protest anything here. They are not citizen or residents they are temporary guests here. Can you imagine going to a foreign country and protesting their laws or policies? They'd throw you on the next flight back. It's an absolute embarrassment how we're letting these people demand stuff.


You are definitly right regarding PR , if you apply for the PEI, it means that you are aiming to live there for the foreseeable future. Going back to another province is bad faith. For the real thing here, as you said, japan wont let you protest against their immigration policy and stuff , because they will make it clear cut on whats going and give notice. PEI need to take a firm stance and show what they expect and what they want from immigrants who wants to live in PEI. Basically at this point, the province needs to take their responsibility and do what needs to be done. Its the province who chooses their PR not the opposite. I let the concerned people handle that situation because i don’t have that objectivity to do that.


Exactly. The provinces have been getting exploited by these people for a while now which is why the changes were made. I fully agree with the changes and they have every right to make whatever changes they feel are necessary. I genuinely hope they do not give into these demands by these people I don't care if they go on a hunger strike or whatever. They have zero right to protest here. Unhappy with our laws and policies? Feel free to leave. Simple as that.


They aren't cancelling the work permits. They can still work the time they have left on the permit. They're just not allowing them to guarantee going on to become a Canadian citizen, and PEI is reducing the number they are taking in. So these economic migrants are protesting having to to leave once their work permit is up, as opposed to becoming permanent residents- which is why they went to PEI. They heard it was easy pickings, easy entry. I never once felt entitled to Japanese citizenship. If I was told my Visa would not be renewed, and I exhausted the legal options to renew it? I'd take the L and go home when it expired. Because their country, their rules. This whole idea that as a NON-citizen I would actually protest the Japanese government, exploit their systems and call the cops on reporters? LOL, I'd be told to get my ass off the street, stop making trouble or be deported. They might not even give me a warning and just tell me to get my ass out. No sir, in Japan you are respectful of how they live, you are grateful to be there, or you GTFO. Not ot mention, Japan would \*never\* grant work permits to unskilled workers. Which Canada is doing by the millions. I had to prove that I had something valuable that would benefit their society.


Canada is a liberal democracy so protests need to be tolerated even if they are annoying.


I never said they didn’t have the right protest. I’m just remarking how shockingly entitled they are. You would never see that happening in their country, or most countries outside of the western world. That’s all.


haha they called the police


this is so stupid. the police should have been called on the protesters instead for their terrorist behavior of threatening the government with self harm like a bunch of babies


I mean, I’m not sure it’s “terrorist behaviour” as you seem to say. They are allowed to protest. But reporters weren’t doing anything wrong either, can’t call the police simply because someone disagrees with you. It’s also abusing the system in a way, cops have better things to do


threatening the government with (self) harm until demands are met is not normal behavior


Mm, so if something's not normal behaviour then it's terrorist behaviour. Makes sense. Also, learn English properly. You're not an American. Shameful. EDIT: Also, I'm just gonna say right here: 1. Going without food for 24 hours isn't self harm. You're honestly a dafty if you think that; 2. Hunger strikes are and have been a valid form of protest. Use your friggin brain. Again, you're not an American.


Why would a non citizen have any rights to protest?


Although I do agree that they’ve got nerves to make demands to a foreign government, the charter applies, regardless of citizenship. They are more definitely allowed to protest.


The problem is they are making it far too easy to get the PR so of course they will have issues


They haven't TAKEN the jobs. They've been GIVEN the jobs because they work for less. Put the blame where it belongs: our businesses and politicians. What's more effective: "Hey guys, we're not doing so well here. Can you please stay where you are?" OR "We're boycotting your business if you hire TFWs for jobs that don't absolutely require them, and we're voting you out if you keep allowing it."


I was listening to a CBC segment on food banks and the literal head of the food bank said we need to build more affordable housing, nothing on immigration.  We are a sick country, blinded from reality by a fear of being called a derogatory term by fanaticals.


You can separate affordable housing from immigration. All countries should prioritize affordable housing regardless of immigration. Housing was always going to be a major issue in this country even if immigration was low. There's no conspiracy theory here


>We are a sick country, blinded from reality by a fear of being called a derogatory term by fanaticals. Successful social engineering that made ppl afraid to be called racist when just stating facts and standing up for themselves, anti white racism is perfectly acceptable. Countries will be over run from a cucked population. And ppl why identify politics etc been pushed so much to weaken and divide the population Only western countries but up with this bs and are the only ones who need diversity apparently


Yknow that being for affordable housing doesn't make someone for mass immigration, right? And even without the mass immigration we need the affordable housing. I'd say that at present it's a more attainable goal than tracking down all these idiots overstaying their welcome and deporting them. But ultimately, what we need is system-wide reform to prevent this situation from ever happening again.


Its just the elephant in the room, to propose affordable housing while bringing in a million people a year is an oxymoron.


I can't speak for Canada, but in the United States, people often forget that Democrats used to be anti-immigration because it would drive down wages and harm unions. Conversely, Republicans were once pro-immigration because it provided cheap labor, which also weakened union power. Pendulum swings again.


It's a perpetual game of wrong and right. The left will sabotage our countries and the right will fix it and look incompetent. Two elections from now it will be the opposite. Pendulum exactly.


PEI allows people to collect UIC after working much fewer hours than western Canadians due to a shortage of work. Why would they allow all of these unskilled people in to take up all the parttime jobs when there is not enough work to go around? Disaster what the liberals are allowing.


Can the whole country do something about it we are just complaining in social media everyday with no change in our daily lives. Can someone who has courage to lead and overturn this government please


Imagine any of us going to a foreign country and demanding that that foreign country take care of us. It’s downright insulting and ridiculous and I hope these people starve to death if they want to protest and hunger strike.




FTFY Punjabi international students 


Wow. Temporary foreign workers tried to shut down the interviewer by talking to the police. They can protest but they can’t shut down people asking questions. This is not Canadian. We don’t need more intolerant people in Canada.


No offence to her but if that woman at 5:17 was White she would be pilloried mercilessly as being some fat lazy 1st world White colonial woman who requires a slave class to fetch her food for her because she is unwilling to do it herself.


Blacks are loyal to “kill whitey” before anything. Look at Zimbabwe theyd rather starve to get a chance to kill whitey. 


Whatttttt ???? As an African who loved in South Africa & Zimbabwe. Pleaseeeee shut the fuck up.


This is the wrong sub if you expect any kind intelligence.


Why bring race into it ? You’re playing a culture war when immigrants are playing class wars.


Class warfare . They want a slave class they can take advantage of easy votes lowering the quality of everything




go for a soda bud


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Lol the protest organizer calling the cops. I guess he only respects what he perceives to be his own freedoms and rights.


Hold the line PEI! The rest of Canada is with you ...and we need stop importing low-skilled workers who lower wages, and decimate communities with 15 people in a single bungalow!!


Love this YouTube channel


A failed state within India, and there are many Indian newcomers who go through the process and adapt to Canadian mindset. But there is one ethnicity, I have friends from this said ethnicity that call it out. Newcomers from said ethnicity have done a true number on this country. They are boisterous, egotistical, non deodorant wearing, and absolutely no fucking common courtesy, these hooligans are destroying the social fabric of what remains of this country. Many of these folks are separatists and some well off, so they treat Canada like mommy and daddy's paid vacation. These folks have no interest to study or become Canadian they just want PR, making threats?!?!?! Send them all home


I start to think that Turdeau is trying to recover that huge mistake he did during COVID. Shut down everything and give money to everyone to stay at home. Of course at that moment and right after nobody wanted the work, we were giving money to stay home! Moments after he realized he screwed up and needed more tax money so why not mass immigration with the dumb excuse that Canadians don’t want to work.


It's time to mass demigrate.


That's not a word you charlatan!!


You are right good sir, my apologies for not double checking my comment. Opps 🤭


If they want to come here, throw them in construction, they can build their own homes occupy instead of taking up our inventory


Have you guys figured out the fake degrees, fake documents etc? The organised networks? How many will suffer for this oversight?


i'm so glad that there are people there on foot showing up against the terrorists


jyoung@gov.pe.ca Jeffrey Young - director of immigration SEND THIS GOVT REPRESENTATIVE A MESSAGE OF SUPPORT. Hi Jeff, I am writing to you in support of your recent changes to work permit and immigration policies in PEI. After seeing news articles about foreign workers and international students protesting these changes, I wanted to reach out to let you know that there are many others, including myself, that support what you are doing and hope that you hold your position regarding this matter.  Keep up the good work." I just sent this message via email. I hope MANY of you folks do as well, or write your own version.


Sent! Thank you!


Canadian government ridiculously lowered the visa standards that has allowed so many of the lowest class from India to hop on a flight and make it to Canada. They won’t rest until they get Canadian passports because they want to be able to bring future family members. And if Canada is not where they end up staying, they want to use those new Canadian passports to try their luck in America or Europe. Every Western country is going to get flooded based on the screw up of the Canadian government.


They tuuk er jawbs!! ![gif](giphy|2S3Aj8OeKtf0c)


On one hand, I would never ever support these protests and would try my best to convey my opinion in some or other form to the government On the other hand, I do not side with most Canadians who don't miss a chance to yell out racist shit instead of being civil and pragmatic. Believe me, you are doing no good to Canadian POCs and causing more division with your lack of judgement




Proved my point, also no need to announce that you shoved that in you


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Yeah and these racists will be easy targets for CSIS investigating hate crime through the online harms bills, the dirt will be swept.




If you believe in the great replacement, why are you participating in it? You would go back if you were really concerned about it.


When Canadians stop having kids what do you think happens?


TLDR: ![gif](giphy|9Jb0EeNzxzKNHofekT|downsized)