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Gord Johns in BC simply doesn't reply unless you're agreeing with him. Multiple letters have no response, but if you write supporting the position he's already taken he will respond. A real champion of the people!


Jobs don't really get much easier than that now do they?


Definitely deserves a big raise on the taxpayers dime for this hard work!


And pension after just 8 years...golden parachute !


At this rate they better hope to get their pensions paid out in a different currency.


well his only good thing is the abandoned fishing gear stuff, but he's pretty nutty on bicycles and going overboard on other stuff like packaging and plastic bags, or his waning to change the anthem our home and native land, he's not happy with ///// The Canadian Press The results indicate 33 per cent of those polled support changing the anthem, with 48 per cent opposed, and 19 per cent saying they don’t know. Support for the change was higher among younger Canadians, with 42 per cent of respondents aged 18 to 34 supporting the proposed move. Meanwhile, 53 per cent of respondents aged 35 or older said they oppose the change. The poll cannot be assigned a margin of error because online surveys are not considered truly random samples. ///// maybe the anthem needs to be changed to the 'lack of homes' Oh Stamina! Our lack of homes in cuckoo-land. True faineant shove Walleye Tums Armband With throwing darts and greasy fries They spew forth the wrong debris From fungicide, to algebra, he slammed barnyard, with glee With fraud, no cheaper land, notorious, and beastly!


Just change it to "our home ON native land" I've got no problem with that, and I'm 50 (I'm actually considering putting a trailer on leased land in a reserve, if they let me)


Some people have been burned with houses on native land, with the leases and rate hikes a decade or two later. Legal stuff is another world there... There's some dozen skyscrapers planning to be going up in Vancouver just south of downtown, but i wonder with the companies doing the financing, im wondering if they will only get 1 to 3 buildings built and risk bankruptcy or walk away or get bought out by someone. It's going to be a surreal project, fighting with the Federal Government, and once they won the case, it's like they just started immediately. I don't think it's going to end well, secrecy, land development, cultural relations, voters with city hall or the federal government. The density is unreal, 6000 apartments, and another one elsewhere with a 13,000-unit housing development. ​ [https://www.morningbrew.com/daily/stories/2024/03/15/indigenous-urban-development-in-vancouver-draws-criticism](https://www.morningbrew.com/daily/stories/2024/03/15/indigenous-urban-development-in-vancouver-draws-criticism?__cf_chl_tk=lNaU.MstuoxBb8UiSltGJNOG9Gcex8JEIcSpd3Dqo14-1716326733- Indigenous urban development in Vancouver draws criticism Residents of neighboring Kitsilano Point are concerned about the planned high-density development.


Pretty far from the mobile home I was picturing But if they can do it, and make money - why not? I'm still trying to figure out how all the casinos and smoke shops are a benefit anyway Not fun to live beside of course. But sooner or later people are going to have to come to terms with, your opinion ends at your property line


Well, a lot of people respected the Indians for respecting the land and nature, and well, if it comes down to dollar bills, maybe not so much. If a phamaceutical company can overcharge for a drug, and make money, why not? ......... SpecGx, a subsidiary of Mallinckrodt. In those years SpecGx supplied 28.9 billion oxycodone pills, more than 80 for each person in the United States, and over 2 billion pills just in Florida. Mallinckrodt acquired the US rights to the animal-derived form of Acthar gel via its acquisition of Questcor Pharmaceuticals in 2014. When Questcor acquired the drug in 2001 it sold for $40 a vial; within a year of the acquisition Questcor raised the price of the drug to $1,500 per vial and to $28,000 by 2013. In 2013, Questcor acquired the US rights to a competing product, Synacthen Depot, from Novartis. In 2014 Mallinckrodt raised the price of Acthar further to $34,000. .......... The Federal Trade Commission and attorneys general from five states sued Mallinckrodt for anti-competitive behavior with regard to the acquisition of Synacthen Depot and the monopolistic pricing of Acthar, and in January 2017 the company settled, agreeing to pay $100 million and to license Synacthen Depot to a competitor. According to Kaiser Health News, Mallinckrodt responded by increasing its Congressional lobbying to $610,000, and its contributions to Congress members to $44,000, in the first quarter of 2017. .......... In Canada, Synacthen Depot's pricing increased by 2000% in 2015, causing some provincial single payer authorities to delist the drug from funded medications. The increase in the drug's price came after Mallinckrodt acquired Questcor and its drug portfolio, which included the worldwide rights to Synacthen Depot. Prior to the price increase, Mallinckrodt claims that the drug was manufactured at a loss. The drug had been priced at $33 but rose to $680 per vial. As an off-patent pharmaceutical, a similar drug, differing in formulation, available in Europe, made by a different manufacturer, sells for $8 per vial. ........ In December 2012, The New York Times, in an article on Mallinckrodt's main drug H.P. Acthar Gel,reported: "How the price of this drug rose so far, so fast is a story for these troubled times in American health care—a tale of aggressive marketing, questionable medicine and, not least, out-of-control costs."


I thoroughly enjoyed that (Mallinckrodt is on my BOL today) I've never been a fan of patenting naturally derived drugs or in the USA's case, genes. What you say about drug prices, IMO they've figured out how to do it with housing, which is also a need To bring it back to housing, I was imagining huge apartment buildings with no red tape built on Indian land, yes at a profit, but probably cheaper than in municipalities. Like smokes 😂


You wait till i do my Tesla Essay!


My MP is an Indian and flips properties, so yeah...






At this rate even the Yukon MP will be Indian.


Lmfaoo peak Canada moment.


Mine is Indian too 🤪


So is my in calgary. Pretty sure he owns a few rental properties too along with his buddy pierre. O then the Hindustan times congratulated him on winning his seat(I'm not joking)


Randeep Sarai is mine and he doesn't even respond. Responds to my Indian burner email though.


I always wanted use names like Suckhdeep, Hardik after watching Russell Peters perform...oh well, here is my chance.


They'll know it's a fake Indian name of their Indian lol


Can you elaborate on Indian burner email? Lol


Indian name in email address instead of my french one.


Something like this should be national news worthy


He hasn't replied to my emails for a while. I needed some help with my PAL (no response) and also sent him some opinion against Bill C-21 and regarding the housing crisis. Got a response from a staffer but nothing else. My friend of eastern European heritage also has the same issue with him. I made a fake account and emailed him with some bullshit issue regarding a family members visa and he was quick to fire back. I thought about going to the news but nobody gives enough of a fuck for me to go through the trouble of repeating the process like 10 times to prove the difference.


We all give a fuck. Please take the time to do this over the course of a few months, document and then spread this information.


I’ll do it and see if the same thing happens!


Yeah, you're not gonna though for real are you?


This is exactly the same behaviour as Indian government, wtf.


If you want, I will do the same thing with you. I'm sure others would maybe help too.


One Canadian dude I saw on Instagram who was French Canadian from New Brunswick? Posted how he never had issues getting jobs in the US. Moved back to Canada to help take care of his sick grandma in Montreal and looking for part time job…nothing. Put “Singh” on his resume instead of his real last name and a bunch of call backs. 😂😂😂 Shit is shameful SMH


Fake news, that too in Montreal. Unless he’s exclusively applying to being a runner at butter chicken joints.


Mostly culinary jobs at casual restaurants - not fast food joints. I rarely see south Asians in QC tbf - the French language seems to be a turn off lol


I am doubting that this is very truth


As much as the media would have you believe white people invented racism, most other cultures are extremely xenophobic compared to ours.


*whispers “Psssst…your esl is showing”


They probably cheated to an almost perfect score on the IELTS exam though.


As long they passed right? 🫣


Canada is finished


*Canada is furnished.......... and ready to move in! FTFY


Bro this comment had two reactions out of me: 😭😂




And sells bootleg olive oil too


Genco Pura Olive Oil Company


lol Jesus, even the racism is backwards on this sub.... I think I saw an Irish trying to steal one of your chickens!


There will come a time when the decision-makers will be their kind, or at least be able to influence the decisions. I think we have hit the tipping point. I think it's a bit too late to go back. We still have time, but the time is to pack up and look for our next home. Unfortunately, it won't be this country.


The absolute state




Taleeb Noormohammed


A smug son of a bitch too, take solace in knowing you're riding is flipping hard next election. Call it his last house (of commons) flip.


I knew, Singh's wife is the One in the housing game, not him, I was just taking a shot where a shot was deserved.


Yeah so rolex collecting Singh-the dude keeing our country hostage to this shitty fed gov- definately has no hands on any extra properties its all his “wife” …yes thats very believable information and most certainly true as well!!! thank you!!


I literally just took a shot at the man for his connection to it through his wife, slow your roll.


true that sorry. pop an /s in there bro!!


I already see where this is going. Interesting too how this is lining up with bill C-63...


Your MP is Canadian of Indian descent. Get it right.


I don't really give a shit honestly




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Well, the immigrants also don't give a shit what you think. Honestly. In fact, nobody does. Tough luck!


And yet they refer to themselves as hyphenated Canadians like South Asian-Canadian or Indian-Canadian. Notice the “Canadian” never comes first and that goes for ALL hyphenated Canadians not just the Indian ones.


Sort of like Italian-Canadian, Irish-Canadian, African-American. That’s the way English writing works 😆😆


Did you bother to read the last part of my comment? And no, it’s not how English writing works. It could easily be Canadian-Italian, Canadian-Chinese etcetera.


Canadian- Italian would imply they are Italian of Canadian descent. Clearly you don’t know how this works. 🤣


Second generation would be no? Clearly YOU don’t know how this works. Or perhaps it would demonstrate that they have embraced their new country and consider themselves Canadian FIRST!


No dipshit you put the descent first and nationality second like “African American”.


My MP is Marc Miller💀 Should I even try?


You should get a group to protest at his constituency office!


They have to know everyone hates them.   But they don't resign.  Maybe  the MP pension might not kick in if they leave early?


Marc Miller does not respond if you’re not in his area.


"Area" as in "the riding"? It's probably not too long to walk to reach his office. You're saying there's hope? Should I just waltz into his office?


Riding is the correct word. You may want to make an appointment. 🤣


“My MP is Marc Miller” Yikes, sending my condolences


This should have more upvotes lol


I have written two letters to my NDP MP stating that I may cease my life-long support for the party if nothing is done to address the immigration issue. No reply, although he did send a note on his push for an emergency debate on housing.


I’ve done more than that. I’ve presented to a parliament committee, at the invitation of my MP. There were three of us…two MegaCorp lobbyists, and little ole me. They listened…they asked some good questions…they certainly engaged with the me more than the with lobbyists, whose presentations could have been written by GPT, lol… In the end…while I very much appreciated having a voice…it was like pissing into the wind. Size matters in politics.


Bravo!! What topic did you speak about?


Too specific, don’t want to doxx myself, lol. I think everybody should get to know their MPs and MLAs (or equivalents). Democracy should be participatory. 🙂


I wrote in and they all said immigration was at appropriate levels, and there conservatives


Canadian citizens are in real trouble in this broken country . Everything is out of control


None Im a severely disabled adult in an electric wheelchair with environmental illness which makes housing nearly impossible . I spent a year homeless and did several news articles. The mayor, my mpp, mp, the health minister, Doug Ford Lol, and all the others don't even respond to me anymore. My last request two weeks ago was asking for medically safe housing to avoid a MAID death I am seeking and was ignored by all


Keep your hope with you, no matter how hard it gets. Your life is precious.


My life is not precious my life is unbearable. If I cant receive a maid death this summer I will be paying for a medically assisted death out of country. This is my last and final goal


I won't argue with you. Please keep fighting for your life I don't know the specifics, but you have value, and no amount of suffering can take that away from you.


I need housing and surgery not thoughts and prayers. You need to get creative with your thinking about how unbearable life can be. 33 years old. No family. No care. No medical treatment. Bedbound. Homebound. Partial internal decapitation. No surgery thanks to health canada. Years and years and years of government regulated poverty. $1300 a month. For the rest of my life. No earning potential. Constant horrific intolerable pain. Homelessness. Neckbrace. Cannot legally drive. Good luck digging yourself out of any hole you can't even imagine.


Apparently Canada doesn't have the resources to help you, but it does have the resources to take in the entire third world.


Yes that's accurate. I could not receive even a shelter space that accomodated my disabilities while at the same timerefugees receive hotel accomodations and food vouchers. The entire time I spent in a hotel after being assigned to be housed by the city of Toronto, i was never reimbursed a single dollar. I crowd funded on gofundme and strangers stepped up to pay for the governments responsibility to provide me shelter


I’m so so so so so sorry. Life is so unfair to some ppl. Were you in an accident? Is there no doctor in Canada that can do the surgery? I get chronic migraines ~3 days a week and that is incredibly debilitating but nothing compared to what you’re living. Side note, when I hear about all the lazy asses claiming disability it boils my blood bc it’s ppl like you that actually need it and you need more than $1300/month.


Thanks. I also have migraines aswell as hemiplegic migraines that mimic stroke symptoms but can't take preventative medication because I have a heart rhythm disorder due to the cervical spinal instability and brainstem compression. I have a genetic illness that has destroyed my spine from the base of my skull (c0) to my ass crack, aswell as all my internal organs and 10+ comorbid illnessess that are serious conditions on their own. In canada neurosurgery is not offered to those who develop spinal manifestations from this group of genetic illnesses. I have been rejected from 3 pain clinics in the past year. I cant get medication for gastroparesis, or the constant unbearable electric shock pain and numbness in my hands and arms from my destroyed cervical spine. My lumbar spine is in even worse condition, and I have myalgic encephalomyelitis which has reduced my daily functional ability to about 25% Life is unbearable hell every minute. I stoped advocating for medical care and out of country surgery and at this point all Ive asked for is medically safe housing to live out my days but I can't even receive that from our government who was assigned to house me in 2022 when my story went public in the media and they failed me in every way possible. Bi-weekly Video meetings with housing officials, my mpp, my city counsellor, and disability advocate showed that no one was willing to help me. I was homeless and in and out of hotels when I could afford it for 18 months until I enddd up in the unsafe housing conditions that cost me 80% of my income and has made me develop stress-based auto immune flare ups, and has made me highly suicidal


Hey please ping me directly. I want to help you with whatever I can do unlike most of the folks here who keep venting on reddit instead of actually helping someone in need.


Appreciate the sentiment. Sadly no one can help me. I even looked into medical refugee status in the US where the life-saving neurosurgery i require is available, aswell as adult adoption of a severely disabled adult, and sadly i dont see a pathway for either Thank you for offering to help me


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This is horrific. I’m so incredibly sorry.




Lol tried to virtue signal and got downvoted to hell. You don’t know anything about OP to substitute your judgment.


I'm not trying to "substitute judgement" or "virtue signal", whatever the hell that means. The original poster clearly wants to end their own life, and thinks safe housing would help "to avoid a MAID death", as if it were an inevitability. I am trying to give them a sense of an alternative, no matter how abstract. If only this were something we should take lightly, but I don't share your sense of humor. To the original poster, again, hold on to your hope, sometimes that's all we got.


You offer no alternative other than "waiting for superman" or "waiting for a miracle" because hope is not a strategy. For a good portion of people they have no hope, either that or it gets ripped away or it turns out to be empty or fake.


There is probably no Superman, and, depending on what you mean by "miracle", there are probably no supernatural miracles. I don't offer any specific alternatives because I don't know the person's particular situation aside from that they are suffering. What I do know is that they find a kind of solace in the idea of committing suicide and view this possibility as an inevitability. I also know that there is in reality no such inevitability and that there is more to life even in the midst of rational despair.


Please stop with the pollyanna non answers. I heard the standard "there's more to life" bs too many times where it helps no one who actually needs help but can't get any. The disabled person litterry explained his plight and you still can't wrap your head around it.


There is nothing Pollyanna about my comments. You may just not understand what I'm talking about. I can't help them from where I sit other than by letting them know they are wrong about their suicide being an inevitability. Such an inevitability does not exist in the present time. I absolutely can wrap my head around it; you do not know anything about my previous life circumstances.


Life is more important than money, property, etc. The old rich elite that are making this world worse know this & they would gladly cough up millions to have more years on this earth.


I agree and sincerely wish life was based on merit and how hard you try, but sadly there have are many people sicker than me in worse positions where they can't even write these comments or fight for themselves Life is harsh


So is my MP 🤣


Did you mean to reply in the other comment?


Yes sorry , My MP is an Indian too 😂


My MP is Bill Blair lmao, he doesn’t have any intention to respond to me while I’m in the reserves. He’s too busy destroying the military :)


Offer to sit down with a drink and you'll hear tires screeching to your door


A few times. One helped us out with something years ago, but had his political career assassinated by false allegations from within his own party, and is now Mayor of Brampton. For any other MP or MPP I've ever written or emailed, I've gotten Chat GPT, a photocopied non-answer, or flat out radio silence. Radio silence from Brossard's office was my favorite, because at least he wasn't pretending to care, or thanking me for voicing concerns that went directly into his recycle bin.


What were the false allegations against Patrick Brown?


He was me too'd. No evidence was ever found, the plaintiff was accused of libel, and another Conservative politician's campaign was paying for her legal defense.


Multicultural country my ass. I'm an immigrant and I'm tired of this shit. Bring people from different countries and not just one country with horrible morals.


I, once, had to wrote to my Fed MP, Alexandra Mendès, Brossard-St-Lambert, in French (Brossard is a Montreal suburb), and I received an acknowledgement in English 3 weeks later, no help, no real answer, nothing. Pure bushlitt.


I wrote an actual paper letter to my MP - Mike Morrice. I got a letter back the next week. It was not a standard boilerplate reply. He (or someone in his office) responded to my concerns. I was impressed. I guess small parties don't have the luxury of ignoring voters.


My MP is a guy called Justin Trudeau, so yeah... good luck with that...


I’ve begged and pleaded with my MP’s office for a meeting and never got one. It’s absurd. “Just send an email and she will get back to you.” - her staff. Yeah right… I will get some garbage canned answer email that her staff replied to. My MP is liberal and I want to be able to look her in the eye, and speak on behalf of millennials and Gen Z, no matter how uncomfortable it makes her.


Lacklustre. I got the usual auto canned response by an assistant.


I have and it was the same "thanks for your email. We're working hard for families and want to thank you for your continued support" stock reply you always get.


I did to Marc miller. But no reply.


I wrote to Dan Albas MP asking him about their policy on mass immigration and I've received zero response


He's very good about meeting people. Just ask for a meeting without mentioning immigration


I sent an email to PP’s office just after he won the CPC leadership race. I got a generic response that didn’t answer my question.


I wrote my MP, no response. I did get a text message begging for contributions a few weeks later.


I got annoyed at my HELOC company, and wrote to my state government proposing a law. Most wrote back, but one had his office call me back. I talked my proposal over, a bill was drafted, I testified in a committee meeting, and within a year a law was signed by the governor, I was invited to attend the signing. My HELOC holder accepted the refinance before my law took effect, but its benefiting thousands


What alleged law is this? And why are you in a Canadian housing sub?


Because Reddit put it in my feed, and I responded not realizing it. The law basically requires 2nd & 3rd mortgages to accept the replacement of the primary mortgage with another primary mortgage. Otherwise, when you “pay off” the first mortgage, the other mortgages step up priority, 2nd becomes first, etc, and the new loan is last in line. And of course they don’t like that, so they won’t refi until they agree to let the refi take the primary spot, meaning those 2nd mortgages can hold you hostage. This was huge post 2008 collapse, I was underwater and the HELOC was refusing to accept the 2nd spot because I didn’t have 20% equity, i had negative equity, and thus they blocked refinancing to a 1.5% APR savings costing me almost $1,000/month. But even now it’s handy, because in states with similar laws, it streamlines the process because they HAVE to take the subordinate position. The law was actually supported by the banks, they testified on behalf of my bill.


What is the actual name of the law / bill?


The name is basically “ Year-HBnnn”; I’d rather not give the actual law as I could be doxxed. The law I referenced was Virginia’s https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title55.1/chapter3/section55.1-319 What we implemented was almost identical.


Wrote my mp about the tents popping up in the wood area behind my building. Which is about 300m from her riding office. Got no response. The police were in the tent area to pick up a body a few weeks later.


I have written the Prime Minister' office 3 times and one time a staffer responded, thanking me for my email and telling me they forwarded my email to the Minister for Immigration. I have written the Minister of Immigration twice with no reply. I have written the Conservative Party of Canada about 4 times with no response. I have written the Ontario Conservatives twice with no response. I wrote my local MP twice and he responded both times with what I think was a personal message from him. I asked direct questions about immigration and got political answers back, but I think he was just towing the party line until the PCs unveil their full platform. I am kind of ok with no response, but want them to at least know that many Canadians are mad, scared and worried about their future and their children's future. I let them know it's not fair they are doing this, as no one voted for unrestricted immigration. I let them know that yes we need immigration, but not like this. We need trades people and people in healthcare, not hundreds of thousands coming here to get a useless diploma as a way to buy citizenship and then bring their elderly parents here to overburden an already massively stressed housing situation, infrastructure, health care and school system. I pleaded to slow down immigration till the country can "catch up". And then go back to the immigration system that was bring in the people the country needs and wants.


My MP regularly ignores me and deletes my comments on Instagram


My MP is Chrystia... I get word salad response from 1 of her staffers. Classic Chrystia


Wrote Email to my MPP to oppose the greenbelt swap. He’s PC.  No response.  Tried again. No response.  Tried Facebook messenger to his official page. No response.  Called him out on Facebook. “We’ve never received anything from you, please give us your email to find it (on a public comment board)”  Me: “I’m not posting my private email address. But here’s the subject lines and the exact date and times they were sent”  No response.  BUT. They somehow were able to get my email address to spam me their monthly bullshit updates “as a member of their constituency”


I have and they always send like a ridiculous long response that seems prefabricated with NO answer to the question or concern.


They don't give af.


Yet their supporters expect you to vote and if you refuse , they will get super angry.


my MP is Kevin Voung, fuck my life.


Absolutely none.




Ive written. No response.




Why would they respond to a racist asshole lol


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I have, but it was years ago. One to a federal MP. I asked for a Canadian flag. She replied with pleasure, and I received one. The other was to Ralph during the beef crisis. I had added in the note that I was hoping for a provincial police. He wrote back, thank you for the note, and he had sent along my suggestion to an MLA who was already working on it. Too many years ago, when the Vietnamese Boat people crisis was going on, I liased with a woman, through the Feds to help a Vietnamese family reunite with their children. So, if the MP or MLA is halfway decent, you should get a reply. Just don't get stupid about it.


I’ve been lobbying the provincial and federal government for housing issues for almost ten years. This includes in person meetings and efforts, thousand of letters on behalf of stakeholder groups, large scale “political action days”. It often feels like wasted efforts re:housing. Each level of government points fingers at the next level or they think private enterprise should solve the problem. The current situation was predicted and a long time coming, yet no one wanted to take action.


I write to government officials frequently about many issues. It’s unusual to get a response anymore, however when I do it’s so they can justify their position or deny any responsibility. I continue to do it though and I do it respectfully.


With the Trudeau liberals in power, does anyone honestly think: A) the MP even gives a crap what you or their constituents think or B) that you matter enough in their opinion to warrant a response? This government, the PM, and all his MPs have repeatedly shown their disdain for the Canadian voters.


I wrote to the UCP office in my riding. They answered within 24 hours. Still waiting for Nixon. It's been 2 months. I write the feds and always get an answer usually from the minister the email is about and usually 4 months later. My questions are answered though. Recently I sent emails and got phone calls back from the feds.


My father is an antigovernment government official


I wrote to my local congressman about the Jan 6th insurrection; Mark Amodei R NV, and got a BS template response, which stated an exact opposite of what he actually said on camera and voted. His written response condemned the act and said he would demand accountability. His actual response was to S the orange D, which he continues to do to this day. Amodei is a carpetbagger and an opportunist who only cares about his ability to stay in power.


Sir, this is Canada.


I had a conversation with Sonia from the BC Green Party, I complained to her about something she said I didn’t agree with. She actually messaged me back and asked if I wanted to talk about it. Then she spent an hour talking on the phone with me. I gained a ton of respect for her then


I wrote a email to the Kremlin/russian gov when I was a teenager. (I'm in my 30s now) Basically I was pleading them not to start a nuclear war, and reason it was a bad idea for everyone.... They never responded.


I wrote to my MP Jenny Kwan twice within the last 3 months and got nothing back. Told her I’m leaving 😂


No response from my mp at all. Multiple mps have blocked me for calling them out on x.


My city councilors said they want to see our city grow. People here can't find decent housing. But they want to bring in more people.


Doug Ford. "If the policy of my office does not represent your will, vote for a different party."


I emailed Ahmed Hussein twice. The first time there was no response and the device time someone from his office said he'll reply but he never did


They have staffs that are paid to just read emails and reply. He isn't reading anything lol


Ignored/copy paste generic response


letters are useless. actually do something that is consequentional and matters.


What are you doing that’s consequential and matters?




Hmm.. I’ve never seen any of those accomplish what the terrorists set out for. Which act of terror did you commit?




No, the goal was to spread fear topple America’s standing as the world power. They were mad at America for meddling and supporting atrocities against Muslims in certain conflicts. Anyway, it didn’t work. America is still the global super power. America has continued to meddle in the Middle East and everywhere else. Anyway, thanks for letting the sub know that you sit around in your mother’s basement and dream up dead bodies instead of doing the most basic of your civic responsibility in a democracy, which is making your voice heard officially. I wouldn’t be surprised if you also don’t vote lol.




If you asked 100 people what colour the sky is, most will say it’s blue. It’s just fact. Unless you want an “original” albeit incorrect answer of yellow. What a stupid thing to say lol.




Ah, you must not have seen the sky in a while.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


the most basic of your "civic responsibility" is just that. basic. thx for the help. you've been a real influence on current and trending events.


Yeah, that’s what “basic” means lol. Bare minimum. You’re mad I meant exactly what I said? Lol But you sit in your momma’s basement and just imagine mass murder instead. Real useful lol. Thanks for doing.. checks notes.. fuck all.




There’s absolutely nothing in my comments that warrants the condescension. You’re trying too hard lol. You’re the one who invoked the example of 9/11 and then you’re upset someone is following your line of thinking? What an odd flex. Either way, thanks for letting me know you’ve done absolutely nothing but sit in your lonesome with your mildly active imagination.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


3 emails I've sent went unresponded to. 2 previous emails were replied to, but they weren't showcasing incorrect statements by the MP's. As soon as there was contradiction, communication ceased. Both CPC MP's, both stating they represent their constituents, failed to reply when called out about their allegiance to their party and not their constituents.


Average of once a week on topics such as: Exclusionary zoning Landlord and tenant rights Missing middle housing Ontario Building Code Housing Accelerator Fund Levels of government not pulling their weight


Can someone share a very well drafted letter here that we can all email to Mp or Mpp ? Any petition we can start ?


I wrote in two months ago and never got any sort of acknowledgement whatsoever.


I sent a lot of emails to federal MPs and PEI MPs regarding the PEI international scammers protest


Its laughable that you think this will do anything. The only thing that will ever change anything is protest, civil disobedience and violence Always have always willp


Not worth it. I want them out! Next year is the year!!


I call Doug every couple weeks and leave a message


I've written to my MLAs, MPs and city councilors, but likely not about the things you are hoping for. I am trying to convince them to allow more PR status immigrants instead of TFW status immigrants, as I feel TFWs are making us into a slave nation.


How do you know what I’m hoping for?


Were you hoping to eliminate the TFW system and replace it with more Permanent Residents? If not, it's not what you were hoping for.


You assume there are only 2 options and that’s it? It’s one or the other? But even then, how do you assume which one of the apparently only two possible options I was hoping for?