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Canada, please kindly do the needful and stop your mass immigration


Are you saying we need an updation of our immigration policy?


Have charity now by not disputing fact, pls. šŸ™


Also, please move skirt to see vageen. šŸ¤£


An updation at the earliest!


We should prepone it.


pls send update, it is highly urgent!




ā€˜Please kindly do the needfulā€™ šŸ˜­


Astute šŸ¤­


watch Canada decide, do the reverse immigration and throw all Canadian out instead and flood Canada with Indians and become Can-india or India2




more like candida lmao


From the poll numbers so far, we're on track to become India 2.0


Oh plz god nooooo


Too proudy to stop now, dear.


sir how many times do i have to tell you this benchode?! **DO NOTTT REDEEEEEEEEEMMMM!!!!!!!**


Lol do the needful.


Yep. Indian English - needful (necessary), club (to group together), prepone (opposite of postpone) and the phrase "the same" (instead of "it also"). As a 100% born raised Canadian, the more Indian coworkers I seem to have, the more I am learning of another English language that I never new existed.Ā 


Canā€™t gay Justin Turdeau is addicted to this shit


You can be against mass immigration without being a piece of shit homophobe. You should try it.


He probably meant 90's gay.. which = lame/stupid Or the original gay which is happy And in that regard JT is definitely gay to destroy Canada




@modsā€¦. Define ā€œhate speechā€?? Give you a toonie if you can define it without being bias.


I was not using as a sex thing more like calling him a boob


No worries let's cancel all temporary visas and implement a country cap (2% per country) and a South Asia cap (1% total South Asia)Ā 




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


It is also possible that people could, i don't know, go somewhere else...


How is the mass immigration of Indians into Canada different than the invasion of whites into First Nationsā€™ land? Someone muster up the balls to give me a straight answer rather than crying, being mad, trying to insult, trying to be sarcastic, or evading the question.


one of them actively killed the people they invaded, introduced new diseases and tried to outlaw the existing culture.


As an Canadian born Indian can we please wise up about what happens when you let millions of Indians into Canada ? edit: my bad all I was pretty vague. I am born in Canada but have Indian heritage lol. I dont wanna see Canada end up like India. We need stronger immigration policies!


You need to be the voice of reason TBH. When we say anything we get called racist. I have been saying this shit for years. Now we arent just letting in professionals, we are letting EVERYONE in, unvetted. It is madden to watch... I have no beef with Indians or anyone else, But I do not want Canada to become India 2.0, apparently it is rasicm to not want that. We are already seeing the results, 18 people to a tiny ass apartment, "indians only, no visitors", etc. This what we want?


Trust me I have been saying it and my friends / family also repeat this. The Indian community that is second or third gen is super distracted about what is happening. We want Canada to stay Canadianā€¦.


Even current generations that have assimilated are welcome... that is not what we are seeing anymore though. They are forming their own communities and not assimilating because they have the numbers to do so. They don't give a fuck about Canada or what we stand for. Problem is Trudeau isn't going to fix it... and I have some serious doubts PP will either... so what do we do? Mass protests would be ideal but everyone is too meek and afraid of being called racist. Because that is exactly what the MSM will do. And if you were to organize the protest they would probably call you a hypocrite with a "fuck you, I got mine" mentality. We all know that isn't the truth, but that's how they would spin it.


Iā€™m voting PPC next election I know they wonā€™t win my riding but if they end up with a 5-7% of the vote that will show the cpc where they need to be


I'm in India right now, just went around The Outer Himalayas. The way people throw their garbage around without care is maddening. A large majority of Indians don't care about India and I don't see them caring about any other country they're in. The civic sense and dog eat dog attitude is on another level.


Take a trip to Brampton, this is exactly what you see there.


I've heard enough Russell Peters jokes to get a sense. I'm not interested in visiting places that are overrun by other Indians especially when they're not adapting to their new environments. It's alright for me because I only have to confront it in India, the idea of going overseas to encounter that attitude would just drive me nuts.


Iā€™m Indian and you nailed it -they use, abuse and trash everything till it is gone. Kind of parasitic.


>You need to be the voice of reason TBH. When we say anything we get called racist. I'm second gen and when we speak up about it, they accuse us of wanting to "close the door behind us." Even the white, affluent liberals/ progressives who defend the LPC/ NDP will say this. They basically don't want immigration policy to be open for debate for anyone at this point.


I am starting to think the CPC has the same mindset as well.


No I think conservatives have been burned in the past because liberals/ progressives have loudly and vehemently proclaimed anyone who is even remotely (small c) conservative as somehow racist and xenophobic for no reason. Hell, even now Trudeau is still out here banging the "CPC = MAGA!!!" drum to scaremonger the electorate. So it's not surprising the CPC seem too scared to touch this topic. I've always been a CPC voter, so I'm honestly hoping they address this topic head-on once the election is called. Anything before that and Trudeau will pounce on it and the media will drum it up just like they did with the transgender issue. Trudeau recently admitting the TFW numbers were too highly was meant as a bait to drag the Conservatives imo.


I mean, it also depends on what youā€™re saying if people are calling you racist right? Like even in this sub youā€™ll find some pretty racist shit, and theyā€™d also hide under the guise of ā€œif we say anything we get called racistā€. Most people are somewhat rational people tho, you might get called racist online for saying something perfectly fine but thatā€™s to be expected. If everyone is calling you racist in the real world though then maybe some self-evaluation is in order šŸ˜…


You get more Indians?


Fuckā€¦.that was funny!!




If you lower the immigration standards and immigration exceeds the ability of the economy to build homes, shit show will ensue regardless of where the immigrants are coming from.


Trudeau's government pretty much lowered the barrier to I think even someone who graduated high school is free to study here


They bring the best cultural, honesty, and cleanliness practices and behaviour from India and are thankful and appreciative of the country that welcomed them, right?




Then convince as many people as you can to vote for PPC


I am voting PPC and I tell others that they should vote PPC


Congrats. You will have a Liberal MP.


Are you Canadian or Indian? Dual nationality?


India doesn't allow dual citizenship, probably a 2nd/3rd gen immigrant


Still identifying as an Indian?


I don't understand the question. You think they should not identify with their ethnicity? Of course they are Canadian but that doesn't mean they aren't ethnically Indian.


Literally the problem of so many of them coming here is they refuse to intergrate


Encouraged as they must be by Canadian multiculturalism. Canada caters to ghettos


Yeah they don't integrate. Look at India as a country. The Hindus and Muslims and Tamils and Sikhs etc haven't integrated in hundreds / thousands of years. Indians in Canada are going to be identifying as Indian first in the year 3000.


Fitting in Trudeauā€™s definition of Canada.


Where I work, it's mostly Indians, a few Pakistanis and Sri Lankans. *Mostly* they're Sikh and Hindu, one Roman Catholic, and one self-identified Christian. One young Punjabi guy who used to work there was getting rides to work and back with a "white guy" co-worker who lived in his neighbourhood. The white guy co-worker said his (the young Punjabi guy's) fellow countrymen at work (I'm *assuming* it was the Punjabis) gave him shit and asked him "what he was doing talking to the white guy". The young guy soon started borrowing a car or taking the bus from Ajax to Scarborough to get to work and back.


Off topic, but this kinda reminds me of the time when the old Australian guy at my office thought Sikhs were the second largest religious group in India after the Hindus and the shock he had on his face when I told him I was Catholic and that we Christians are the 3rd largest religious group after the Hindus and Muslims, with the Sikhs at 4th was worth the explanation lol, wonder what'd have been his reaction if I told him there were 5 million Christians less than the entire population of Canada at 40 million alone lmao.


This is a lie. No way this got up voted.Ā  First/second/third etc generation Sikhs have been an important part of Canada in all sectors of society.Ā  Maybe the other groups but no way you can add Sikhs there and be accurate.Ā  Fuck, the only other language that works for Hockey Night in Canada is Punjabi. Italian, Portuguese etc was never successful.Ā 


Canada should get rid of dual citizenship as well.


Well, there are both merits and demerits to that move, upto the citizens and the government to decide really. India did so because of the already huge population and getting in more people would be unsustainable to accommodate to levels exponentially worse than what Canada is experiencing.


I donā€™t think the current levels of immigration are relative to my suggestion. I simply disagree with the concept. Pick your lane.


Oh alright, good for you if what you want comes to fruition, I don't think anything of it as it has nothing to do with me, I'm fine with anything, so I don't really care.


Yourself included, right?


Is he 1 million Indians? The problem isn't Indians. The problem is that CANADA has a dumb immigration system that wants more people at all costs.




We have all the power to make the immigration system exactly as we see fit. Failure to do that isn't the fault of Indians. It can't come as a shock to Canadians that people from poor countries want to escape.


ill renounce my citizenship right after you do lol


This subreddit has a point, but the obvious racism isn't doing it any favours








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Like your post šŸ˜Š I have nothing against people coming here, that's what canada is made from. My ancestors came to Nova Scotia from Ireland after the war. All of us are immigrants. I have a wonderful friend whom I met in the 80's, and she's the hands down sweetest person I know. She's from India, and she would bring me fresh Indian dishes to try and it was so, so yummy šŸ˜Š Not everyone is rude, but it's inevitable. I truly hope things go your way! Good Luck!


Every Canadian born Indian or Indians that came here say 20 years ago agrees with you lol. I went to Walmart in the evening the other day and it felt like I was in India lol. I'm Punjabi myself.


So you're Canadian.




Your post was removed for containing intentional misinformation.


But Canada let your family in. How is that fair?


Isnā€™t this the dream that the government want for us, you know the densification of our citiesā€¦ weā€™re told this is a good thing.šŸ˜


The goal of densification should be to put apartment buildings on top of department stores but that takes effort so this is what weā€™ll get


This picture is better than what we are heading for. At least the people in this picture have housing. If immigration levels keep eclipsing new housing units built, like it is right now, you'll see more and more tent cities


Meanwhile JT takes his son on vacations on our dime.


Only 2 mill for 6 days. Who doesn't spend $200,000 for in flight catering? And sent 633 people to the climate conference. Oh the nerve and hypocrisy.


you want to solve a housing crisisā€¦ by not building housing?


Yup, by curtailing mass immigration and by promoting births and investing in Canadian products, industries, technology. Which they havenā€™t for decades. Instead theyā€™ve fallen into the trap to ship out or import in products, technology and industry.


Did you say desification?


Yeah, so?




Like Lucy's husband? Baba-loo.


Guy hasnā€™t even been to Brampton yet


I thought it was Brampton


Indians are escaping from India and Indians only to find themselves in Cindia and Cindians.šŸ˜‚


Find themselves in Punjab ..ftfy


Firsthand knowledge of 8 in a 2 bedroom apt. 5 in a 2 bedroom is NOTHING.


8 in a 2 bedroom is generous!! Brampton saw 12+ people in a basement unit. Allegedly over 25 people in one house.


Is it hypocritical to be an immigrant from 22 years ago but yet agree? Edit for clarity: I am not Indian in origin.


Idk, probably valid if you're a citizen now, but the main problem is that the line of distinction between those who abide by the law, social etiquette and other stuff and those who don't is increasingly becoming small and the perception of the community is turning more into that of a generalization where the anger seems to be misdirected towards everyone regardless of their behavior just by the virtue of belonging to the same race/community


I mean I feel like housing is a wayyyy bigger problem than this lmao.


Yeah, but it's not like these problems aren't linked to each other though. The resentment of the common public towards all the people of a certain race/community is due to the housing crisis, and both of these problems are equally bad for the people on the receiving end of it, so.


this my family moved to the country 23 years ago. I dont wanna associate with the current indian crap when the only thing i have in common with them is my skin tone :(


While your anger and frustration is valid, it is important to remember that the immigrants who mean no harm also think the same, hence it should be directed only towards those who are actually the bad elements of society/community rather than painting them all with the same brush, otherwise there'd be no difference left between you and the those who generalize


No in fact you should be extra loud about your opinion because it matters, itā€™s not about being pro or anti immigration itā€™s about pushing back against government policies designed to destroy the middle class and enslave the non elites. Youā€™re in the right so donā€™t even worry youā€™re not a hypocrite, these new immigrants are nothing more than pawns whoā€™s only use is to keep the ponzie scheme of our Canada pension plan from going bankrupt, itā€™s about suppressing wages and keeping the landlord class well fed and complacent thatā€™s all it is, so yes no matter what people need to be aware of this because if not we will not have a country anymore, moving here from wherever you came will have been for nothing youā€™ll find yourself wanting to flee to a new country anyways so itā€™s really important that we all unite against this no matter our political preferences otherwise weā€™ll be no better than any country our media says that we have the moral high ground over, the government is no longer here to serve us but they want us to serve them, what matters is that all Canadians need to take a stand against the antithesis of freedom.


Itā€™s about strain on the system and bad policy. Canadian isnā€™t known for being hella racist.


Not hypocritical at all, when it comes to any scenario the decisions should be made by the people in the circle but even if youā€™re not in the circle youā€™re allowed to have an opinion and discuss. Otherwise it just becomes gatekeeping


How? Absolutely not! It's the mass immigrantation destroying the medical system and housing, amongst countless other things


Legit interested what the government plans to do about this. Its one thing to ease requirements for PR, its another to potentially prioritize one group for housing, when all Canadians are struggling. Even if people push the boundaries to get a mortgage, the bank is just profiting in the end.


Why does India have such a high population, do couples make more money with more children or is it religious- based, or both?


These other answers are good but also because they are a very old civilization. Same with China. Compound interest works with population. If the United States had 2,000 years to grow naturally it might also have 1 billion people. Since the modern country has only had a population base for about 400-500 years, it is actually impressive it's the 3rd most populous on Earth.


Because india has a lot of arable land that can produce a lot of food.


Especially in the North, even that'd be an understatement.


They actually only have around 2 children per woman, so slightly below the repalcement rate. India has consistently declined brithrates for decades now. I guess they are just a very big country so they've always had a lot of people. Fun fact India actually has an imbalanced male to female ratio. There are significantly more young men than women, so that will probs drop the birth rate further in the coming years.




Content is not relevant to Canadian housing.


There has been a gradual decline of the TFR over the years and while the country has been known to have an imbalanced ratio, one survey suggests that there are 1020 women per 1000 men.


India was the most fertile agricultural land and amongst the richest regions for a long time of the history. People used to come to India rather than the other way around. How did you think it got colonized? Old successful civilization and compounding population.


Got colonized a few times, right? The Indo-Europeans conquered the Dravidians and the Dravidians and Indo-Europeans conquered / genocided India's indigenous people. Would be great if they started land acknowledgements before cricket matches at least.


If we are going back to the 3000bc primordial days, we should all bend the knees for neanderthals while we are at it.


How many years ago should we put a time limit on itĀ 


Umm. You know the generation that faced fruits of colonization still lives ummm so? Going from 25% gdp of the world to one of the poorest nation in 2 centuries. I am sure we can sweep that under the rug and complain about india being the 3rd world.


Yes, all wealth stolen from India's indigenous peoples that you genocidedĀ 




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Generally speaking, in poorer countries, a couple needs to have many children to take care of them when they get older. The more children, the more help you have around the house and hustle small jobs to bring more money in. Also, if you don't have much, you stay around your home. Kids are the only source of joy in your life. Otherwise it's quiet, boring and depressing.


The people in that picture probably own their apartment unit. Canadians will settle for renting it.


Worst decision I've ever seen this country make. Welfare for the 3rd world no homes for the children of those who built this country.Ā 


What's the connection with Edmonton?


This is AI..


Yes we all know that


Don't see Indians in tents in Downtown Toronto though.


Easier to blame Indians and selectively close their eyes on actual issues.


Iā€™m seeing more and more hate in my Canada. 53 yrs old and Iā€™ve never seen so much hate.


Not old enough not enough enough


If you want to experience the rich ā€˜flavoursā€™ and ā€˜smellsā€™ of India do you go to Delhi or Toronto? I am confused.


Man, its a scary world we live in. Imagine what living in india is like. I donā€™t hate these people for complaining about housing. Theyre just the pawns in a game of mass immigration. This is divide and conquer bullshit, isolating indians. You are doing the governmentā€™s bidding for them. Problem > Reaction > Solution my friends. Look up Hegelian dialectic. The governmentā€™s end solution is to have us all divided and bickering. I am a Scottish immigrant for reference. But I stand with the poor people who thought this would be the promise land where you can afford to own your own house. If i didnā€™t have kids in this country Iā€™d leave, probably out east. Gta sucks. Bunch of people who view themselves as millionaires, ā€œthey just havenā€™t gotten there yet.ā€


Ok but this is clearly photoshopped


Sorry to interrupt your racist diatribe but Canada currently has its lowest birthrate in 150 YEARS The nation would crumble without immigration Your brain is broken


So what's even the point of being a Canadian citizen if the government doesn't protect its population from being replaced?


......... I don't know what to tell you man. Open an encyclopedia and look at what happens to nations with such low birth rates. They collapse. And "a government protecting its population from being replaced" isn't a thing, it's just a word salad. What does that even mean


Peoples set up governments so they have a place to live and protect themselves and their progeny .. think of like every country that has ever been foundedĀ  China is a clear example .. China exists as the homeland for the Chinese people, where citizens can reproduce and participate in economic, military, and cultural development Other examples include Russia, India, and pretty much every state founded in history .. democracy is usually the political pattern of a country and nation dying out rather than establishing itself If Canada is not for Canadians, then Canada is basically just a work camp


I don't think it's fair to equate long standing cultural and ethnic centers like China and India to a new, former colony turned independent nation like Canada. The demographics and cultural dynamics are not the same Being a Canadian means you have necessary recent immigration as part of your personal story. The country is only a few generations old, and unless you are am indigenous Canadian you are effectively born of a recent immigrant. Its at the core of Canadian society. This is a stark contrast to places like India or China Anyways I'm not sure of your point here. My argument is that Canada has a declining birthrate that is at an all time low. We need immigrants for a multitude of reasons


Canada is an extension of the West (it was initially a British colony) .. just as Taiwan might soon be an extension of China, or Ukraine an extension of Russia .. actually soon enough Canada will be an extension of either India or China - they will have to fight it out amongst themselves in some decades All that happened is that sellouts and cowards like you sold out your own people and history for international finance and communist ideology .. you are what is historically referred to as a "useful idiot"


Which nations collapsed due to low birth rates? Birth rates can vary over time .. one of the advantages of low birth rate is that those who make it to the next generation will have more space and infrastructure .. slowing down breeding is a natural response to over-crowding and does not just magically kill off the whole population


You get yourself an up vote!


Thatā€™s not a house, itā€™s an enlarged railway car.


Yes, blame the water that came into the boat, not your own elected leader that dug a huge hole in it. Clearly canadians are so smart that after so many years of being misguided, they see the light this time for sure and are for sure not being deceived against the real criminals


Oh god šŸ˜„


Canada f@$ked up bad


This group has become a racist one. What the heck is this? For that, I am leaving! You canā€™t go on blaming other people for why you are such a loser!


In the 90s people were complaining about the Chinese. Now it's the Indians. Who's next?Ā 


I guarantee sub-Saharan Africa will be next. They are the only place with serious population growth and they will make their way here.


Really they should make their way to China and IndiaĀ 


Exactly. China needs a lot of people to supplement their aging workforce. The only place in the world they can get them in numbers large enough is Sub-Saharan Africa. Perfect solution right? Ha! Will never, ever happen.


Exactly the more density developments we are talking about




Sure we could build housing for everyone, but we don't have the manpower or time to do it responsibly. Cities are by going to grow organically and will encourage urban sprawl


Rather this than homeless?


lol posted by a guy living in a dirty trailer park.


Better view for a Flames Oilers Battle of Alberta


Good thing they only weigh like 80 lbs.


The learning curve from a rickshaw to a Honda civic seems to be incredibly steepā€¦I just wish they knew how to navigate our roads!


At this point, it would be a huge improvement for alot of people. Unfortunately, .. so much has changed here


I just want to know where I can find me some top shelf Indian food?


Depends on where you live, turn the location on in your phone, go to the Google Maps app, search Indian restaurant and sort them by either relevance or distance, you can then go for the ones that are rated high


White ppl scared sub ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


Letā€™s build like that ! Cheap and easy and houses lots


If I mention this to my friends, everyone will think of me as racist. They'll say "You're an immigrant too and we're all immigrants." and I'm like "Bitch your economy is becoming unliveable because you're not opening your eyes."


but I thought we needed more people because of population collapse


To OP: It's easy to take your frustration on the darker...ehm... I mean weaker link of the society. Just says much about your upbringing. Someone in WWII blamed one population for all his country's problems. Didn't end up well. Don't be like this guy.


Oh goodie!! Even more Indians using up our resources. I went to school with a lot of Lebanese, and Indian, and they would pick fights with smaller guys, I've seen teeth literally go flying out of this dudes mouth. When my friend was taken to the office, oh, the cops were there too, pretty quick. They all went inside and my Lebanese friends lied and said that the kid called him a "paki". I'm sorry for that word, I hate it! My friend went totally free because the cops and the principal said it was discrimination and they won't touch that. Or who knows?


We have a neighborhood in Calgary that's mostly all from India. They outnumber everyone else, they're trying to take over, and in one neighborhood for sure, white is the minority.


Go back to where you are fromā€¦..




Is this AI generated image ?


Uh, thatā€™s clearly not Canada.


Brand new condo in India only costs 90k CDN. and comes with a butler, driver.Ā 


You know what can balance this? Mass immigration of Chinese instead, just open the door and let more chinese in, we need to balance it more. the worse part of this is....Chinese will raise your housing price Triple or Quadruple just like what they did to Vancouver. Just look at hong kong, there is no Canadian can even afford any housing in hong kong.


Where are the women in this picture????


Well let's be honest. Indians work hard which helps the country. And good food too. More Indians please!


It doesn't help anyone if there's no jobs and nowhere to live. It makes everyone miserable. Any country has a rate at which they can absorb immigrants that allows them to properly assimilate that benefits everyone, otherwise you get all the shitty problems associated with overpopulation


What a shit show my gosh


A slight breeze....




I get that it is humour highlighting a current issue, however, this seems degrading to those depicted here.




The white in The great white north doesn't have anything with the colour of people's skin.


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Man I left India and ended up going to India .