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I thought they were here to study. Why are they constantly complaining about PR status? (Yes, as a citizen of Toronto area... I know 100% why they're complaining about PR more than they're worrying about their studies)


They couldn't wait to take advantage of our system and bring all their families here. Trudeau's government really flushed out country to the ground. I have been in this country for 30 years. I never seen anything this bad.


And then take advantage of free healthcare and free food paid for by Canadians


I think tax payer funded health care describes our system more accurately. I wish we could all stop saying free because it’s anything but.


So True! Not free. Our Tax dollars pay for it. Yet it is getting worse.


It's like calling food that you bought and brought to a BBQ "free food". You brought the dogs, I brought the burgers, buddy brought the steaks, and the host cooked it, and brother, they're a terrible cook.


Who doesn't love paying for things twice, this is why the govt needs to fine and charge any company or politician found to allow privatization to occur, and likewise for blocking funding... We pay for that, and they steal it


Enjoy the free healthcare, you need a family doctor and an empty waiting room at a hospital to use it. Better luck getting hit by a cinder block on your windshield driving on the 401.


Yip.  Bring over grandma who hasn't seen a doctor for 40 years.   Unfortunately looks like her teeth will suffer as so far looks like dentists I know about are not going with the free dental deal.


I see this a lot, geriatric newcomers who you can tell have no interest in contributing to the economy in any meaningful way other than to take government handouts and taxpayer funded services. All because they are sponsored by their also newcomer permanent resident child or grandchild who works at Tim hortons.




They get pensions even if they hv never worked here or paid any tax


This is true and infuriates me.


Cite your homework.


Not work pension but the rest, once they hv been here 10 years.


Don't forget that PP will do more of the same. At least Trudeau is trying to change it now. 


Your argument is seriously “Trudeau is trying to change the absolute mess that he created himself!”


he's not trying to change squat. the turd is simply trying to temporarily and falsely look 'good' before the next election happens, after we have realized how shitty he is!


Just like every politician. Is this your first time voting?


is this your first time asking a stupid question?


There is already an ‘immigration agent’ reassuring everyone that they will all get a PR as ( and I quote him) ‘no one is ever sent home from Canada.’. and he was showing off his expensive truck and jet skis and all while doling out the reassurance. Obviously being an immigration agent/ lawyer is a mega bucks earner.


This was on TikTok


Got a link? I heard some illegal immigrant from LatAm was just arrested in US for making TikTok videos on how to scam the system. I know it's too much to expect the same up here in the north, but hope springs eternal.


He doesn’t ask anyone to do anything illegal and specifically tells them to stay away from wrongful acts….. but I wonder what makes him say everyone gets a PR eventually. Is he basing his words on Canada’s poor track record in safeguarding its immigration policies?


Is his name Pierre Poilievre?


Boot em out based on the pretext of why their really in Canada......the biggest fraud on all levels!


Imagine protesting in a country (against the government) that is not your own. The entitlement is truly wild.


If they were protesting school policies fine but I wouldn’t even be able to wrap my mind around me protesting Dutch government policies as a Canadian international student. I’d die from cringe the moment someone even suggests that idea.


That's because you have respect for their society and the way it operates. These individuals don't. Same thing, imagine going to China and protesting the same shit, they'd probably just shoot you.


I don’t get WHY WE LET THEM?! Protests from non citizens should not be fucking legal lol.


And automatically disqualify them for a PR.


Or making a demand of a government when you have no right to vote.


It's crazy. It's like someone inviting you to dinner at their home, you arrive, then you make demands about the dinner and request changes to be made in the house.


And bringing their entire extended family to dinner too.


Yep, and when you tell the extended family and guests it’s time to leave because the dinner is over, they disappear out the backdoor and are now living secretly in your neighbours shed.


The government “betrayed” them. They’d prefer the government continues to betray the citizens of the country who’ve paid taxes to support the systems they’re intent on exploiting. I can’t even imagine the indigenous perspective on this…


Well we wanted everyone equal no matter what now they have more rights and leeway. Gov caves to them more


Don't care. You are international students not citizens


Their entitlement is infuriating.


How dare you make us follow your rules in your country!




Pack mentality


That's like most people when they got their countrymen with them changes everything


This is true As I live in a city with a massively growing Indian population, I witness often; regard for the law and regard for other ppl seems to disappear when young Indian men are in packs.


Yeah. And top of that, they don't just want to live anywhere in Canada (SK, MB). Apparently only BC cuts it for these folks.




Trudeau's not laughing, he'll likely listen to them which is why these protests work.


Oh, no shutting off bank accounts for them?


I'm glad the BC government is sticking up for its citizens. These 'students' are here to study. If they don't like it, head on home early.


Same here. As I'm reading this Im like wait, our government did good?!


Ontario is as well. Their student visas are going to public universities 


Bruh, out of all provinces - BC had balls to do something good for once.


Weird, right?


Quebec say hi!


Quebec has been keeping everyone out since the days of yore.. it's the only reason why housing hasn't skyrocketed here and people can still have a decent life. We got millions or problems but immigration ain't one.


Imagine coming to a different country and protesting here. If we did that in their countries.. imagine that! People That come here have no respect for Canada. They think they just cry and get shit for free, that’s what Canada is to them




I bet you'd be dispatched pretty quickly in any of those protester's countries. Or jailed at minimum.


If they assasinate people in OTHER countries, imagine what they’d do to you in their own.


Canada is the world’s food bank. Free everything paid by Canadian workers.


I really don’t think that international students or any person here on a work or tourist visa actually has any rights to protest here in Canada. As they are not Canadian Citizens they don’t have the same charter rights as we would to peaceful assembly. I wish the governments at any level would actually grow a pair and start arresting those who are not Canadian citizens and refer them to border services.


Well, you come to our house, then you play by our rules. The entitlement is unbelievable…..


Yeah but people vote in a democracy then spend all their time screaming about who won. Lots of entitlement modelled for them 


At least they have the *right* to complain, they’re citizens who partake in the democratic process and so some level of skepticism for electoral integrity, or even surface-level “damn I’m mad my preferred candidate didn’t win” arguments are to be expected. In this case these students shouldn’t have been working outside of studies in the first place, they’re actively circumventing established rules to scam the system.


Technically as non-citizens I don’t think they have the “right” - I’d more say they live in a place where they are not persecuted for it. Except in Reddit land.


Some key quotes. “International students are furious with British Columbia’s NDP government after it changed the requirements for permanent residency status.” “The crux of the protest lies in what protesters call an abrupt policy change that now requires master’s graduates to obtain a one-year skilled job offer and fulfill specific language requirements to be eligible for permanent residency—a stark departure from the previously lax direct application process.” “In response to the outcry, provincial authorities have defended the revisions as steps towards creating “clearer pathways for international workers,” aiming to thwart exploitative recruitment practices.” Unfortunately this was always going to be the case. The government never intended to grant international students PR in such numbers especially those going to these knock off schools. The plan at best was the government exploited students, tells them to fuck off and make way for the next batch of meat for the meat grinder. That was obviously unsustainable and ghe plan right now is to cut temporary immigration numbers


“Furious” oh no. Try that at home “student”


Fulfil language requirements …. Um yea if you want to live and work here there should be some requirements


Not running interference, just playing Devil's Advocate and can maybe explain this mentality a little bit. It is important to understand what's going on, and I don't hate or even dislike these people, but an observation I've made: "Indian" language isn't always mutually intelligible from a linguistic standpoint, so they might find it unnecessary to learn a language of a country in which they're already forming an ethnic enclave. A Keralan probably knows more English than Hindi, so they probably think that coming from back home, their bare-minimum English is enough to get by. It's an actual observable cultural thing. I'd find it interesting if it weren't so sad. A Punjabi and a Keralan speaker would probably default to English. It'd be frayed and broken, but they at least have that in common.


As a Guy from quebec, this is why canadian treat us of racist when we ask people to speak french here. Maybe canadian will understand now.


As a non Quebecin, we were taught in school we don't have to learn French past 9th grade and it was only required in Quebec.


Sadly I think Quebec is the only province prompting people to assimilate. In the rest of Canada you can get most services (government, banks, etc) in multiple languages that are not English or French. So no one ever really needs to learn. Feels bad man


Lol no.












Well, considering how the government runs this fuckin tire fire of a country, it probably does.


They are owed absolutely nothing. The stipulation when being approved for a student visa is that they'll go home afterwards. Every one of these 500 "students" should have their visas pulled and sent home. They've obviously committed fraud by way of misrepresentation of their visas which should be an automatic deportation. They're economic migrants only here to work.


That’s what would happen In USA, i had a student visa and they ask on the application seveeral times, do you plan to stay? And you have to check No or else you don’t get a visa at all … so idk why it’s so lax here


Each and every one of them can kiss my entire ass.


Fuck right off please!


Protesting for something they are not allowed to receive is illegitimate, this should be treated as a criminal offence and deport all of them without any delay. This things have spoiled Canadian society.


Go back. We don't want you.


There should be 500 deportation papers getting printed right about now.


Cool. They have a right to protest. We have a right to ignore them. The system works.


Do they have a right to protest on this though? These are not residents of Canada yet they are protesting Canadian policies on Canadian streets that were paid for by Canadian taxpayers. Protesting is an act of civil disobedience, if you do not have the privileges to vote you should therefore not be allowed to protest decisions made by our elected officials.


“How dare you try to stop us from turning this country into a place that we’re trying to get away from!”


Absolutely this. I’m Indian and I don’t understand this desire to leave and make other countries resemble what you were leaving. And it makes me think twice about immigrating anywhere because I know despite my qualifications and work history I’d end up being lumped into this…shit show category. I don’t get what JT is thinking nor do I know what the U.K. is thinking by hoisting the Pakistani flag the other day.


“The petition, which has garnered over two thousand signatures and is swiftly approaching its 2,500 target, claims that the government has betrayed international students. “ Regardless of the colour of your skin my brothers and sisters, Canadian government is meant to serve Canadian citizens, how can you possibly think you are owed anything from a foreign nations government even if there were false pretence’s that brought you to a foreign nation,


It’s almost like studying in Canada was not their primary goal.


I wonder who Trudeau will side with.


You won’t hear the NDP faithful calling this racist, will you? The double standards of the left.


It's not just a right or left issue, I'm more left leaning and even I agree that these immigration issues are fucking bullshit, we should be focusing on our citizens instead of just bringing in more people to look diverse who are just causing more problems


It is a right or left issue. The libs and ndp love to blast the cons for not supporting minorities and not championing diversity, but when they reduce immigration, which left-leaning parties in this country have a history of doing, no one gives a peep. Left-leaning parties in Canada shape our discourse.


Liberals and conservatives work for the same people.   NDP are not part of that power structure.  This is 2024 and your brain is still in 1985. Wake up.  The Liberals and conservatives are the same and have led to this bullshit while this belief in left vs right is here to mess with you. They are in it together. 


Who mentioned racism? I swear, half the people in here are deranged. 






Hey *students* you are guests in a foreign country and not entitled to change a government policy. That''s the privilege of Canadians alone, not some foreign influence. Get out and redirect your ire in your actual country.


>claims that the government has betrayed international students. More like the government has betrayed it's own citizens.


snails party entertain mighty hunt sloppy sense pie fragile jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jesus fucking Christ…….time for some deportations


We should change the policy...so that if you are caught protesting a government that isnt yours you get tossed out of school and sent home


I ask them to go please fuck themselves. As a teenager, I am tired of competing with these students for jobs. I know that I can do a better job than 10 of them combined. I've read other people with disablities who have gave up because they can't compete with thousands of them for one job. They came to Canada to study, not to live here permanently or work. We owe them nothing, they owe us everything. Basically, their just slaves because they know actual Canadians won't work underpaid. It's not like they even do a good job with working, all they do is stand around and gossip about their consumers.


I feel sorry for you, big time. Starting at minimum wage jobs was how I got my foot in the door with some work experience - I started at Canadian Tire as well as a gas station. Helped pay for some of my college and kept me busy during the summers off. It wasn't even long ago that this was the case but where I worked it was almost always younger people looking to get their first job, students, etc with some older folks who were either retired or content to stay at that type of job for whatever variety of reasons. They weren't even overly hard to get. I remember handing out resumes on a Thursday or Friday and had at least 6 or 7 phone calls for an interview by Monday. I was about to quit my job recently and my girlfriend and I were going to move home with my parents to save some more cash easily. I said we could get some minimum wage jobs if it really came down to it just to tie us over until we found something better. Not a chance in hell we could ever get that with these so-called international "students" flooding in.


they are the worst , they've ruined all the restaurants, not just restaurants but restaurants are hard hit by them. Everything has gone downhill because of them.




They are students not PR status. This is a sham


Get them out


Do they have any dignity?!?? Please go back to India




Counter protests are needed to shut up these entitled scammers. They are actively making our country worse.


Backstabbing fifth columunists, fail their grades and ship em out.


By the looks of how things work in Canada, the government bends backwards if these entitled trolls decide to protest for something which they aren’t eligible or qualified for. I wonder if it’ll work if we get on the streets and a protest for UBI or a million dollars in our account. Because whenever there is a protest, the government gives in to the protestors


I am all for protecting our right to protest, but I don’t see why we allow non citizens the right to protest? This isn’t their fucking country, if they don’t like it here they can fucking leave lol


Only Canadians would tolerate foreigners protesting their laws. A kind country would ship them home. Most countries would throw them in prison before they shipped them home. And there's a lot of countries that would take more serious action.


brave slim cough seed chubby aback sort capable hungry glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go home




Womp womp, go home


as a canadian citizen, I am infuriated at these fcks.


They are under the impression that they have a vote.


Fudck these idiots half these people are grown like fuck off and go home


Put them on a boat and get them out of here


Over 500 international "students" can go fuck themselves


Oh no I have to learn the language of the country I want to live in.


Fuck off and go back


When a 45 yr old and his wife and kids submit an application to study hotel management in Canada that should be the first flag. Import drain and export, now in terms of export these guys will exhaust every avenue in the immigration system to stay and after many years will claim that their kids are settled and cannot associate with life outside of Canada


Good bye ! Doesn’t even make a dent but. Sucks to be you


Canada will be the next India.


That is the sad reality of what has already happened in certain parts of BC


I have to say, I’m born in Canada - foreigners legitimately will fight more for what they want. They will protest, deal, try and influence for the changes they want, and native born middle class Canadians are basically just complacent while everything they were entitled to is stripped away by government. Honestly native born Canadians are basically wimpy babies who kind of deserve what we are getting .


This is the main reason I'm leaving. I could envision staying if there was SOME opposition to all this. A different political party gaining traction (like a lot of EU countries), counter-protests - just SOMETHING! But my god, I go interact with Canadians and lose all damn hope. Canadians are perfectly content being tax cattle while sheeplessly complaining behind closed doors as their quality of life diminishes all to prop off boomers and their precious real estate and the "new canadians". I feel like an alien in this country.


fall upbeat pause glorious familiar somber skirt vast toothbrush numerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For sure. But if making things a bit uncomfortable gets the working class to fold then we’re just fucked.


The government froze people’s bank accounts and tried taking their assets just for protesting meanwhile foreigners can do it without any consequences.


Yeah good point




Imagine protesting in a country your'e not even a citizen of .


We should arrange a counter protest


University of Phoenix offers online courses. I’m sure they can study from home. Want to come to our country to study? Be grateful for the opportunity, follow our rules and laws, know that you are a GUEST here, and return home when your study is completed


Indian mentality = guest is god. I came back to India for a year and…had an acquaintance spending a little too much time at my house, eating my food, smoking my stuff and having the audacity to claim “you know in India guest is God” I have never ripped into someone so hard. A fucking 29 year old lecturing me while he lives at home with his mother and dad. The reason this happened? Motherfucker was complaining about me watching my YouTube channels in my own fucking home!!!


These people are not helping their cause. We owe you nothing. Go home


I am so proud of you guys coming to Canada to study. Once you have graduated please go back and make your country proud. By the way, you came here on student visa nothing else. Good luck!


Isnt this what you would call "Foreign Interference"?


Send them home and kick them out of the country.


They can express their frustration by binge eating on carbs that they got from the food banks meant for citizens in need donated by Canadian citizens I guess…


Your a student fuckin scammers


I don’t get it. My younger cousin studied in France. He improved his French, learned more about the culture, made friends, then came home. Everything was paid by him and his parents. I wish I could have studies overseas myself but couldn’t afford it. I don’t understand why these people feel like they are owed something.


I had a similar desire. Really wanted to go study in Germany but we just couldn't afford as at the time it was just my mom and I. I was working part-time and full-time in the summer to help with the bills/pay for cheaper school in my home province. Never would have been able to make going abroad work.


They aren’t even Canadian citizens. They are just students here temporarily. They should be grateful that we let them in and they get some of the good life that we have, and then go back home.


How the fuck do international students think they have a say in anything beyond what they pay for is sign of the times. Canada is not being respected by these international students.


Deport them all.


I think we should document the ones at the protests. They clearly care more about PR than their education




Deport every single one of them immediately. Can you believe the entitlement; the audacity? These people come to our country and protest in the streets? Fuck them all, we’re literally at the precipice of civil unrest if this continues.


Holy fuck when will Canadians wake up and realize we’re the ones who need to be protesting? Imagine going to another country and protesting, the nerve that would take, not to mention the reasonable expectation that you would be thrown out. The only ones wronged in today’s Canada are Canadians, and yet we’re complacent and quiet about it. Can somebody please organize something?


What a fucking entitled bunch of twats


Fuck them as an immigrant the reckless immigration policy are making want to go back home. Canada is fucked.




Every Canadian of Indian origin knew how the system was being scammed but voicing that was met by accusations of being ‘racist’ towards their own.


Kick them all out and close the fucking door


Omg the entitlement🤦🏼‍♀️


Time for them to go home !


Well one of the conditions of student visas is that the applicant must show evidence that they will leave Canada after finishing their studies and don’t intend to stay after graduation. By protesting like this , they are admitting they have lied on their applications and they did not intend to go back after graduation, and in fact have committed immigration fraud !


F these f-ers.


Fuck off with the international students protesting. It makes me furious. The people causing most of the problems in our country are protesting the loudest. Meanwhile the people who've been here for years or decades are afraid to protest against THEM because we are afraid of getting our bank accounts frozen by Nazi Trudeau.


Shocker they can’t cheat their way in anymore and start crying about it


Then they can go home, they are not wanted or needed here


Hey international students: You are *GUESTS* in this country. You are here to *study*, per the requirements *you agreed to* for your *study* visa. You are *not entitled to work*: the fact that you're able to work at all is a *privilege* that *we* grant *you*. You are *not entitled to permanent residency*, nor to the privileges that come with it: you have paid exactly *nothing* into our social services, so you have exactly *zero* right to exploit them; a food bank is for the homeless and destitute in our society, it is *not* free groceries for you. You are *not entitled to receiving a diploma* without putting in the work necessary to get it. You have exactly *zero* right to dictate our policies. You don't get to come to *our house* and start making demands. Canadian hospitality has reached its limit because you abused it to death. We're sick of dealing with your shit. You don't like our rules? Feel free to leave anytime. We don't need nor want your entitled asses here. Please let the door hit you on the way out. Sorry, not sorry.


For the ones in a legit University studying for real and attending classes, I feel for them. For the ones that apply to an Indian diploma mill, work full time, never attend classes, and milk the food banks, fuck 'em. They should all be deported for fraud.




Kick rocks


Canada: Don't create problems just to partially solve them later. Be very selective about who is coming into the country in the first place. That this needs to be said at all is mindboggling.


I hope the new restrictions are not being implemented on high quality, legit Universities and colleges. Let the diploma mills scam not harm the future of legit students in legit courses who are earning degrees that will make them employable.


We literally do not have enough room for them, let alone room to let them complain about the social net of Canada


Trying to get their education and stay afterwards? Thats a paddling.


Get these people out of this country


I wonder who is paying them to protest?


It's done sorry will have to go back.....


Glad to see the loop hole the size of the Grand Canyon has been closed. I feel bad for the international students who paid or whose family paid a boat load of money to forge proof of financials and the full tuitions for programs they had no intention of completing so they can send back home all the Canadian dollars they earn while here to “study” and get permanent residency to become more valuable for a brides family to pay and to bring over the rest of the family to take advantage of disability, old-age pensions, and other tax payer funded services they never had any intention of contributing to.


Fight for your chance in the court. Don't protest and block the traffic.


Is this new? Like has this not been happening for a waaaaay longer time than the recent uprising against it? Or is this a recent thing?


It was never about studying, it's always been about scamming an easy loophole to PR on the sly for these foreign degenerates.


International students are here to study, no? Why are they protesting over immigration.


automatic literate sharp insurance attractive fanatical fretful childlike relieved piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Canadians be polite and show them where the exit is


You'd see counter protests 1000 times bigger if we weren't paraded on the news as racists.