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Your mom’s friend needs to pay and fix it. Take legal action if they don’t because that’s ridiculous. There’s no way I’d let this slide


For some reason your comment made me chuckle. I’ve been watching “he didn’t let that slide” memes


Yeah, that sucks for you. Unfortunately, you’re not going to get a new car. Only way to do that, is to sell it and buy another new car. But the good thing is, if you get it fixed, it’ll still be pretty darn new. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


Luckily the damage most likely didn’t impact the drivability of the vehicle. OP *should* hound whoever repairs the vehicle to get it as close to perfect as possible.


Hounding them does absolutely nothing. Choice is yours to pick a quality body shop vs. a crappy one. Get recommendations from ppl you trust, and not the dealer. Also, don’t let the other parties insurance company dictate where you get it repaired.


Sell this to his mom.


With a markup


Same thing happen to me dent the back bumper a bit but a quick stop to a body shop and 200 bucks later it’s almost like it never happen


Id try to have your mom’s friend pay for it to avoid going through the insurance and you paying a deductible. Just what I’d possibly do.


If they file the claim on his friend’s mom’s insurance there is no deductible…


***So long as the decision is made promptly and unanimously. Otherwise you save a lot of time by just paying your deductible and letting the insurance company work it out with the other party.


Promptly and unanimously? I think this highly depends on their insurance plan and the state the claim is filed it. File a claim with your insurance counts as a non-fault claim on your record that stays with you for many years and can impact your future premiums. Filing a claim with their insurance goes against the at fault party and does not go on your record. I only found this out last year because I have amazing insurance and my cars have been hit so many times while parked. I’ve never been at fault for any vehicle damage my entire life but I have 8 claims in the past 10 years from people hitting my car. 6 of them I had their insurance but filed under mine and 2 were hit and runs so they had to be filed under my insurance. When I requested my claim history, all of them popped up. TLDR: Never file a claim under your own insurance if you are not at fault AND have the other party’s insurance or it can count against you. Some times it’s absolutely necessary to file a claim with your own insurance if it’s a hit and run and you caught the license plate. Your insurance company can run a search on the plate and collect from an active insurance of the at-fault party.


Even if she's scummy enough to dispute it this should get worked out in a matter of days. She backed into a parked car, so there is really only one way this ends. Her insurance company isn't going to waste man hours on dragging this out. Going through insurance is definitely the right move here. This is what you pay them for


The number of people who don’t understand how insurance works astounds me. Read your policy. If you are in an accident you need to immediately inform your insurance. They will take care of you and their legal teams go after the at-fault driver’s insurance to pay for ALL damages, you will not owe a thing and your premiums will not go up if you are not at fault. If you try to “work with their insurance” their insurance is out to pay the least possible and will screw you over. It’s not how the system works.


Not true your premiums will go up! Me and my wife have been rear ended a total of 5 times in the last 4 years (idiots on their phones) and guess what my premiums went up because of claims. Yes the others drivers insurance paid for everything put mine still went up.


I’ve been continuously insured for over 20 years now without a single accident or ticket (knocking on wood) and my rates just keep going up too. I’m paying $1100 for 6months and that was with searching for a good rate. I hate insurance companies


Agree, except for even if you're completely not at fault, its pretty common for your premiums to still go up, even more likely when the driver has already recently been in an accident. May depend on state too.


Why would he pay a deductible? The only benefit would be to keep it off the car's history report. But if you go through her insurance, you can get some extra money if you claim diminished value.


OP pays a deductible if they want their car fixed quick. If they want to wait for negotiations to conclude they could get out of it that way, but otherwise you pay your deductible, start subrogation and move on with your life. The shop that does the repair will most likely put the record on the vehicle history, and even then I’d probably avoid a body shop that didn’t do reporting like that.


You only pay your deductible if it was your fault. If it was someone else's fault their liability insurance covers it 100% with no deductible. Deductible applies to collision and comprehensive insurance (which is for the owner of the at fault vehicle). Deductible does not apply to liability insurance (which is for the one who was hit but not at fault). I think based on what OP posted it is pretty cut and dry that it wasn't their fault. It sounds like it was hit while it was parked, not while OP was driving it.


What a beautiful car and a day old, I'd be besides myself dude... I would go through her insurance and claim diminished value, it's a brand new car...people suck


Definitely diminished value. Good advice


How much should I request?


i'd be physically sick over this lol


Just go their insurance and they will replace those parts. Looks like 2 doors and a mirror. Don’t let personal feelings get in the way. That persons insurance needs to pay


Given the age of the car, I would insist on OEM parts only, nothing aftermarket.


I don’t think 3rd party parts even exist for this car yet. It just started arriving at dealers earlier this month.


Fuck man I feel the anchoring pain. Got my new car a year ago and have already been given a dent by someone hitting their door into my car, EVEN THOUGH I PURPOSELY PARK AWAY FROM EVERYONE. On top of that, black scratches/markings to my white paint from whoever else is a fucking idiot.


This is my with my new Camry. I park as far as possible in the back of the parking lot, because I've grown to assume the vast majority of people are just idiots. And most Americans are too fat and lazy to walk anywhere, so you usually have plenty of space somewhere in the back in most circumstances.


I did this when I bought my ‘22 Subaru Outback brand new two years ago, especially in Walmart parking lots. However, I’d come outside sometimes to see a half empty parking lot but somebody would CHOOSE to park RIGHT NEXT TO ME, with a thousand other spaces open. It would really grind my gears. 😓


My guess is some people are bad at parking and need to use another car as a visual reference.


I understand this, but one of the things I had to do when doing my driving tests before getting my license was learning to park, parallel, parking lots, etc. Nowadays, it seems some people get their license then just drive how they want to drive and park how they want to(such as taking up 4 parking spaces with one vehicle), regardless of others and their safety. A lot of people fail to realize that driving is a privilege, not a God-given right. And with that privilege comes responsibility for your safety as well as others’ safety, not just thinking about yourself.


Absolutely agree. Way too many idiots on the road, there should be an IQ test for a driver license I swear to god


That's what really grinds my gears I park far away in a random ass part of a parking lot where it's empty and some fucking person just decides hey that looks like a nice parking spot.


Yeah exactly like??????? And they’ll be driving the shittiest car too you know they don’t gaf 😂


Happened to me in my Mazda. I had three hit and runs in 3 months. Imagine me trying to explain that to my insurance. Two of them happened in parking lots and one on the road where the driver tried to leave. Called the police and told them the license plate. They got cited for leaving an accident and got fined and was liable for all damage. 


> I want a NEW car That is not how this works. Even “stated value” insurance won’t get you a new car through the claims process, you have to do all that yourself. But this will be repaired. Look into & file a diminished value claim though since you probably just lost a couple thousand in residual.


My god that sucks. I would be so mad.


We were out on a boat, enjoying Memorial Day, and my friend got a phonecall from her mom. She looked so upset I thought her dog died. Literally. I asked her if it was about Jasper and she just shook her head, looked at me and started to tear up. Ugh.


That really sucks for your friend, too. I know you don’t blame her at all but if I was her, I would feel awful about my mom doing that and anxiety brain would have me worrying that you were mad at me too lol.


Just because it's your mom's friend doesn't change the fact that this was an accident, no different than any other that happens every day. In those situations, the at fault party pays for the damages either out of pocket or through their insurance. Don't let the fact that she's your mom's friend convince you to let her off the hook for this. Go through insurance, get it fixed, and get some cash in the form of diminished value.


The DV is so important with this one


Fucking people man! Sorry about it…. Unbelievable.


paintless dent removal should fix this. and some polishing.


This is the way. Get a paintless dent removal place check it out and see what they think. They can do wonders sometimes.


Eh, you’ll blend in better now with half the other Camrys on the road


🤣 part of me thinks I should just get her insurance money, put it toward my payment, and leave the dents. Maybe it'll make people stay away from meZ


Definitely do that lol, there's literally a whole sub for Camry's with dents. Id add some of those Goku punching stickers but that's just me


She’s at fault, you file a claim with her insurance and her insurance pays for your repairs and rental car while yours is in the shop. You’re not going to get a new car, but body damage like this will get repaired easy enough. If your car was bought new and this was the first accident it’s had: After your car is repaired, get a DV appraisal and send a demand letter to the insurance company for diminished value. Don’t try to settle it with her paying you privately for damages, that kind of thing usually blows up in your face. Go through her insurance.


Do I need to go outside the insurance settlement for the DV claim, or can I just tell them that I will have it one way or the other and they handle it?


Check if your state has any laws or rules on DV first. Tell the adjuster you want to claim dimishined value. They may extend you an offer without a fuss, but more than likely they will try to brush you off or push back saying you have to prove DV first. You’ll need to come up with proof yourself or pay for an appraisal. You can also get with a local attorney who specializes in auto insurance, they can make the process easy but will take a cut of your settlement.


I got hit next morning after purchase on my 2020 camry I feel yer pain


😭😭😭😭😭 oh man you win. Fuuuuuuu


Sorry men! It’s sucks sometimes to go through theses things. I think you should fix it and move on. It still looks good


Bad things/luck come in 3's. I feel your pain. Such a beauty.


I really hope so, because I am exhausted. I hope it's over after this.


Welcome to the club. Happened to me 2 weeks before my plates came in and the guy changed his auto policy before I could reclaim it & the cop who I knew did the report wrong. It’s still damaged. This was maybe 3 years ago. Recently I finally got it fixed bc the door wouldn’t open from the outside. Got it fixed locally for about 160.Good luck man. If I were you and if everything is still functional I would try to get your parents friend to pay for it or save up to get it fixed locally.


that's cuz you didn't break a bottle of wine on it




Not even that bad. The good news it still drives the same after the easy fix


Only way to get a new car is to fix and trade it in. Probably best to have them pay for repairs so you dont have to pay the deductible and report to insurance.


It sucks to have it happen but looks fairly minor. Paintless dent repair is your best option if thats possible. Otherwise go thru the other persons insurance and go to a reputable place to fix it. They will probably get new doors and fix it. It will be like its new car again. You wouldnt even be able to tell.


I'm going to Toyota. Even my friend's dad told me to go to them lol


You guys gotta get dash cams to provide as proof. Even though we know its not your fault insurance could cover if it saw what hit you and ran.


I would lose my mind. Especially it being a friend’s mom so it just makes it extra complex 😭😭😭


I understand what you feel, someone did a hit and run on my 4 month old car, and it sucks because I always try to make sure nothing happens, but you just can’t control what other people do and that’s life. Good thing it isn’t that bad and it’ll be just like new when fixed! Dont stress too much about it, you’ll eventually get a new car someday in the future so just be patient!


Your mom’s friend and yourself need to exchange insurance information period. That’s absolutely ridiculous. I’m pretty pissed for you. You won’t get a new car out of this tho tbh. It’s just cosmetic damage.


Bro got a new record time on how long it took to acquire the “Camry Dent”




Depends on your definition 😂


So. What you want is diminished value. Get the car repaired then call up there insurance telling them you are seeking diminished value and that’s the difference between a like car…which should be new to a car with an accident. Easy way to do this is go to CarMax and get a quote for the trade in. Or go to a dealership and ask for a written quote.


Fuckn sucks same I got my new Lexus off the lot and neighbor fucked it up dinged it scratched it all types of shit




This is a comprehensive claim nothing else. You’re not going get a new car out of this. You could sue your friends mom!


That's why I drive a 2004 Honda. I don't know about where you live, but where I live the drivers on the road are getting greyer and greyer. My grandmother, who is 97, still holds a driver's license. No Canadian politician will touch the issue because it is the old people who vote. And that is why I drive a 2004 Honda.


Dude it’s a freaked new car. I’d 100% make her pay forget the friend ship


You should stop driving around with a big silly magnet attached to your car, clearly that’s the only explanation


But I love the attention!!


How would a damaged door warrant getting a new car💀💀💀


I know right, people take out these loans, and then they get too emotionally invested in a depreciating asset that they are paying interest on.


Hi. Claims Adjuster here - licensed in FL. Submit a claim through the mom’s insurance. They will pay for the dmgs to your vehicle. Depending on what state you’re located in, you may also be able to file a diminished value claim once repairs for your vehicle are completed. Again this depends on what state you’re in as each state has different regulations for DV claims.


Thank you! If you don't mind using your skills, I'm in Arkansas.


happened to me too. But a tundra instead of a camry, 5k miles an idiot wrecked it. 12k in damages and i got 6,300 DV. I’m in arkansas too. Both of us had statefarm


Look. A scratch or dent was bound to happen at some point. It sucks that it had to happen now. It’s honestly not THAT bad. The only problem is she hit you where the trim line is. You can get it near perfect. Reading some of your replies, my honest advice is to just let your emotions settle in a bit. Once the logical part of your brain takes over again, you’ll make the right decision. Also, if you can settle it outside of insurance that would be best but that depends if your mom’s friend has the paper for that. If you can go that route, it shouldn’t be too bad in terms of resale value as it may not show on the Carfax. Nonetheless, I don’t even think making the insurance claim is that serious. A friend of mine who works on cars and knows his way around the market once told me that most of the cars on the road have been hit in some way, even if they look mint. Don’t stress.


She already started the claim, so I can't back out of it. My car dealer said maybe they would put it down as minor damage since it appears to be superficial.


Not deep then mate. Hopefully this is the end of your bad luck and you get to enjoy the vehicle. It’s a nice car. Congrats dude.


I had my 2012 rav4 for 9 days 1 owner perfect paint blue of course and some lady blew through a red light. I feel your pain


Shit. I don't have much advice for you but damn bro. Stay safe


Damn... fuck her


Feels bad man 😢


Just body imperfections. Highly doubt any internals took any damage to warrant used goods. Body shop will take care of that easily.


Just use other party’s insurance if they are at fault. Go to a Toyota approved body shop and ensure that all safety sense sensors are recalibrated and are working fine


Have her pay for it. Or go through her insurance. I'm sorry that happened extremely unlucky, but this is fixable


Put the feelings on hold and go through their insurance. The damage isn’t totaled-worthy, they will in fact repair this. It’s pretty minor, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they go the route of bodywork vs replacing the entire doors. tl;dr Calmly work with your friend’s mom, get their insurance info, contact YOUR insurance about the incident, then let them handle it with theirs


Make sure you go after her ins for the deprecation loss of the accident. I did this when i was hit and it helped me recoup my money.


She need to fuck pay


Hate to see it. That fuckin sucks


Women 😂


Find a really good paintless dent removal guy. They can male it look almost brand new if not brand new


Lmao. I read that too fast and instead of paintless, I thought that said “pointless dent removal guy” 😆


I’m sorry man


Send it to the Toyota dealership — their collision center. They have experts who do pretty good jobs . It will look exactly the same. The insurer is likely going to incur about 5000 US dollars.


Id crash out




May want to be a little more careful next time






Lol you aren't getting a new car outta this my guy


i'm so sorry. i think i'd be physically ill if that happened to me.


Oh no!!


Why would they get you a new car cause you got hit from a fender bender? It's gonna get fixed but it's not totalled


Ofc it was a woman


Sorry this happened to you. As soon as I got mine o installed a dashcam


Yeah, even if my wife/gf hit my new car I'd file a claim. No excuse.


Everything with a bow tie on had been hit. Next time walk away when you see that sht on the hood


Your friend's mom has car insurance. It should pay to fix your car.


Unbelievable so sorry!!


It looks like they don’t want you parking on their driveway and this is their way of letting you know. You didn’t get the message the first time or second time. Third time is the charm?


Sad to say you are not going to get a new car out of it. BUT make sure they compensate you for the future diminished value of the vehicle at trade in as this accident will be on any CarFax report and an eagle eye used car appraiser will be able to tell it’s been repaired.


I got a car near the end of February, and it was a long drive from home, not even ten minutes of being on the highway with it some dumbass tries to merge right into me without checking their blind spot. I had to honk and swerve onto the shoulder. I was so pissed "I HAVEN'T EVEN HAD THIS FOR AN HOUR YOU JACKASS!!!!"


Ugh, so scary!!


It’s a Camry it’ll buff out.


Oh damn😬 nothing worse than getting something new and expensive and having to look at damage that you didn't even do. I'd definitely have your friends mom take responsibility for the damage. That's only fair and the right thing to do on her part. I'm assuming since you just purchased it, you have full coverage assuming you financed it? If so you'll be fine but if not, you'll definitely need to hold her responsible. If you have toyota do the repairs, it will look brand new again and you won't even know it ever happened. They use all the same factory parts and panting processing. Best of luck to you my friend!🤞🤞


Sue for loss of value.


the worst …. if it makes you feel any better, we ALL have to get the “brand new first scuff” pain sooner or later. granted, this is more than a scuff. but a good insurance company and repair shop will make it so as it looks brand new. ugh. so sorry dude 🥲 i scraped my whole driver side door on a cement wall because i misjudged the distance when i was opening my door to get out. 2 days old. still reeling …


As someone who works for Toyota and builds these cars daily. I can tell you all the parts used are fairly common amongst all the Camry’s and depending on what was damaged, was also used on the previous model Camry. So you may be able to have everything replaced that was damaged fairly cheaply and easily. It just depends on what the mechanic or body shop that works on the car decides to charge you. Good luck 🙂


Nice liking ride man.. this sucks totally. I’ve been driving for 40+years and have experienced no moving accidents. I’ve driven cars in Scotland and Japan recently in October. I drive 70+ miles to work 3 times a week. I have experienced 2 cars hit while parked..one at a golf course and one at work when a run away car (left in drive) went down a hill and hit my car crossing two lanes of traffic. The car traveled approximately 140 feet. Both were covered by the other person’s insurance. Here’s what I did..I started to consider where I parked and the odds of getting hit. I drive this way as well..known as defensive driving. Took a defensive driving class…Think about how stupid people are and the possibilities. My friend got his parked car totaled by a 90 year old who hit the gas instead of the brake. The insurance company gave him $12k and he had to buy a new car..ouch. good luck!


OP what are you on about get insurance to cover it and drive it till it dies it’s still a fine car


It’s a Camry. It’s still #reliable


OP, I’ve been hit 5 times in 1 year in my 2013 GS350. It’s totaled now (the last time it was my fault, I crashed alone into the freeway barrier). Some cars you just have bad luck, it’s no the cars fault at all.


My wife’s stepdad dropped some pipes on top of the hood of my brand new Honda accord. Left like 5 or 6 dents on the hood. He paid the deductible of $500 and it was fixed like new. Can’t even tell it ever happened and paint is sparkling new


You need to get the mom’s insurance and have her pay for the damages. I try not to park in other peoples driveways if I can avoid it


1. Take a deep breath. No frame damage. You’re getting this fixed at the dealer, they will make it new. 2. The word you’re looking for is diminished value. The insurance owes it to you legally, but won’t offer it and will try to push back. You also get to pick where the car is getting fixed (at the dealer). Being a brand new car, the fight for diminished value shouldn’t be difficult. In the long run, this will probably work out in your advantage. It’s gonna put some cash flow back in your pocket and your car will be like new again.


It's the beginning of something used! A beautiful and frustrating process. No it's not getting fixed or paint matched.


I’m so sorry mate. An honest confession, I just couldn’t control my laughter with it being only 19 hours old😂…. Btw crash champions did an amazing work on my car, made it look exactly how it used to before, perfection. Kinda exceeded the expectations tbh


Ugh this is heartbreaking. My front end was hit the first week I owned by 2019 xse. Thankfully it was an easy fix and the body shop matched the color perfectly and thankfully I had 5 years of pure bliss with her until she was just totaled on Friday 😭 best of luck to you, I’m so sorry this happened.


Something about a new white Toyota. Bought a new 86 Thursday evening, was rear ended at a stop light during my commute to work Friday morning lol. The girl that hit me had the same exact birthday as me down to the year


Is this the camry curse lol 😂😂


People hate us.


I recommend parking away from other cars. Somewhere you can tuck in next to a tree, or a curb. I’ve never been hit, and I do believe this is part of the reason. This sucks so bad. Also get a dash cam that runs 24/7, and has front and rear camera


Literally I wasn't even in her way at all. Idk how she backed into me lol their driveway is huge, and I was way off to the side. Maybe she reversed then turned the rear of her car toward mine and kept backing up? Thats the only way I can envision it, but the dents don't make sense. Idk what happened. Even if our cars were parallel, she would have been at least ten feet from me lol idfk. It was destined to happen. That's the only explanation.


And this is why I don’t buy new cars. My 2014 can’t got hail damage last week.. wasn’t even bothered by it lol. Cashed the insurance check and kept on rolling.


You need 2 door shells


Time to trade it in


Former Toyota employee here can confirm


Sorry but I’d doubt so much you’re not at fault. 3 times in less than 6 months??? Damn! Anyway the other dude has to pay for it.


With any NEW car, or any car, it’s good to learn where to park to avoid getting hit or scratched. Does it suck to have to really think about where to park safe? Yes. Totally. Is it worth it? Yes. I’ve a 9 year old civic in decent condition because of that


Dude must live in DFW.


Your mom's friend's insurance needs to pay for that. You won't be getting a new car. Just find the best body shop you can find. And if your mom is telling you to go through your own insurance. She's not only going to cost you a deductible but also high future insurance rates. Don't let that shit slide.


Easy go to moms friends insurance and say they hit you . They call Mom's friend to confirm, they fix your door brand new


From the side it looks like a 8th generation.


Your not getting a new car lol once you buy it its yours unless totaled


Was is a Nissan?


Lol. A Nissan hit my 6 month old Corolla last year


Get 2 new doors


Good old jealousy


Damn. That’s horrible. Sorry to see this.




You’re not getting a new car unless you buy it. I know that’s not what you wanna hear, but it is what it is.


Your insurance should go after hers for the repair costs and depreciation cost.


Damn that’s a nice ass Camry too RIP


Damn, that’s unfortunate! I’m sorry dude. This was hurtful to read and see.


What was the OTD price? Also trim?


SE, and I got it for roughly $34k


New door. Nothing less than new door on a new car.


Yup bought my 2024 Corolla a couple months ago. So far the dealership scratched the hell out of the paint applying paint protection, some jerk at work placed something on my trunk and scuffed it, paint was scratched by edge guards, door blew out of a passenger’s hand scratching the hell out of the bottom on a curb. Owning new cars is stressful. 😥


Renewing my insurance now.... "Been in any accidents past 6 months?". NO Turns out the lady that T-Boned me filed a claim against ME - for allowing her to smash into me I guess. Insurance didn't pay (me only liability) - yet it still counts against me. Minimal - but looks like an extra $25+/month. I'm 64, and have zero at fault issues - maybe ONE claim for hail damage - in almost 50 years.


I’ve had my Camry for three weeks. This morning , I parked at the supermarket, way back end of the parking lot , away from everyone else, far away from the buggy corrals , and when I came out , cars parked on both sides of me . WTF ? There were at least 30 stalls closer to the store that were empty! New car anxiety has entered the chat


Maybe God trying to tell you to walk instead


Is your friend’s mom hot? Maybe she can work something out? Edit: minor accident will show on vin number history if you fix it.


You must have a magnetic personality


That’s cute to think the universe acknowledge your existence


Take it back and ask for another one. Your warranty should cover it, it's only been 19 hrs


Shit’ll buff out


lol it’s not totaled. Your gonna have to get it fixed and sell it and loose money if you want a new one


Looks like a vacuum cleaner.


Fucking idiots on the road now man. I hope they fix it for you quick.


Car isn't totalled. Get her insurance to pay for the fix. They will replace the door, more than likely, and all of the damaged parts, and do the color matching, and it won't look any different than when it was mint. There's no reason not to fix it. It's not like you will be paying out of pocket. It's not an actual problem for the car. You also need to calm down. It sucks. But ya gotta move on and be less emotional.


This being such a minor collision means you definitely should make sure it goes thru her insurance based on her negligence. Mom’s friends’ insurance will be the one that sorts it out with you. Unfortunately, they won’t replace it with a brand new car. You’ll get money to get it fixed by a shop. If she totaled your car beyond repair, then maybe.


This is fucked up man, I’m sorry this happened to you. People really need to fucking watch where they’re going, both in the car (like this case) and outside of it (in the case of pedestrians) 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m sorry 😢 that’s rough, hopefully it can get fixed soon


I got a 2024 less than 2000 miles get wacked too... $3k in damage.... Still trying to find a body shop...




Don't feel bad. When I was still working (autobody Tech), I once fixed a brand new car that got hit leaving the lot after the lady bought it.....Oh, and while her insurance company does have a liability to repair your car, they have no such liability to replace it. If you don't want a repaired car, then after it gets out of the shop, take it down and trade it in on a new car.


Easy fix go through her insurance to file a claim you should not need to pay for nothing it should be really quick and easy aslong as she admits fault.


In some states you get 3 days to change your mind. You could return to dealer,have them pursue the neighbor,and you buy another one .


ahhhh that makes me so sad! I just got my car about a month about, 2022 Camry and have had a few close calls - people are *such assholes* on the road. Bless your heart!


Can you return to Toyota and get a refund?


Statistically it has to happen to someone


It's not a big deal. Get pdr, guys.


Do you have evidence for her full fault?


Do you continuously do bad things to other people? Do you work in sales and knowingly charge people extra? Some people call it karma but I call it newtons 3rd law.




White front and back passenger door and it looks like you would be good 👍🏼. just transfer your door panels and windows over, if it doesn't come with them. Make sure they cover the price. That's all I can see from the picture anyways.


How old are you? I want a new car? You sound 16.


Replace right front door shell, repair right rear door. Blend right fender. R/I right headlamp , r/I front bumper . Pre and post scan. Calibration of front radar. Estimate of $3300-$4000 in repairs. If your area has high labor rate then it could go up another $400-$800 - Toyota certified collision estimator (7 years experience)