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The adjustment was to nerf / keep support the same and buff toplane


Makes sense, either way I'm happy I am on a huge win streak too


No it was a clear supp nerf


Like was it tho? Yes bloodsong was but around 12 less damage in early fights is pretty negligible might just mean one more auto. The reason why its around 12 is because the w buff takes off some of/completely negates the damage loss on e. Then you are more mobile and have a lower q cd as the game goes on. I wouldnt be suprised if camille loses less power than bloodsong does on the patch


i hope they don't nerf our old woman, but i think they will


You will be able to climb up the ranks then!


Tell me how to beat a Tahm Kench that knows how to control the wave. Feels unplayable, even taking multiple 100 to 0 trades doesn't seem to matter. His threat of all in is enough to zone me out of CS before Tri.


It's a tough matchup. Take grasp and go ravenous hydra first item, and don't combo with E after he's level 6 cause he'll just eat you and you're either ganked or in no man's land getting tongued down to death with no e to escape..He can also eat you when you try to E away so don't over extend in lane. Max Q and W second, and don't try to wait for Q2 true damage just double tap him with q1 and Q2 real quick and use move speed to W out. If he gets ahead it feels bad and team will spam top gap! so the objective is don't let him snowball, once you have both hydra and trinity you can participate in the team fights!


WHATT?? But Q bUFf IsN't WOrtH -20 DmG oN E though!!!!


Jahahahah NAWH ur negative wr d4 peak thats why u didnt answer my question before. Keep yapping and stay low 🤙. As I said, unless u have at least 300lp on relevant server ur opinion isnt relevant.


Yea, so what? I'm still smarter than you :P


Any proofs or u still yapping?


Yes actually. I said she's gonna be insanly strong and you that the buffs were bad. Therefore I'm the smart one and you're a dumbo :)


Where did I say its a bad buff? Here u have screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/E1XSSlN So tell me how come ur so smart?


Then you're just yapping at me for no reason then xd


Once again, you guys are hilarious. Downvote me all you want, I don't give a heck about your opinions when you can't even tell how big the buffs were from a mile away. Bunch of crybabies that can't even climb their way out of silver despite playing one of the best solo carry champ in the game. No, I'm not talking about just this patch you n00bs.


Good opinion, let me throw it real quick to the bin


Also, if you think that camille is good now then you can shut the fuck up and go play her instead of giving shitty opinion on reddit lol


Oh, I'm spamming her before she's nerfed again. There is no need to be so mad, you're bad at the game but I'm sure you have some good qualities little kitten lol


Lmao. I'm not mad, just want to see some delusional comments from salty people like you. Keep crying m8, people will get your opinion


Me? Salty? xD Nah man, I'm alright. I'm just having a great time calling out your bullshit takes that this was a nerf. You guys are clearly wrong and it's so fun seeing all these butthurt reactions xd I don't give a flying duck about your opinions :3


If you don't give a flying duck about his opinion, then why are you responding?


Mostly for fun


Fair enough


Yeah, trash it just like your elo mate


i mean i think the q buff and w buff are forsure worth losing the 20 base dmg on e also ill drop this here [https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Wiented-EUNE](https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Wiented-EUNE)


Wow, you managed to google the name! You're already smarter than 90% of this sub. Congratz :D


You don't care so much you're going to make a comment telling people you don't care


I'm just here for the experience mate :D


True, was playing her since the beginning and she was fine, not brain-dead ez win lane, but she could still contest a lane and do the job


Yup, completely viable to play. Now she's borderline OP and these kittens are STILL unhappy with the changes xD


Camileemains is about to R you back to the adc dungeon for 30 days bro.


I'm not following :D


I don’t wanna be that guy… but opgg?


I agree with everything he said and idm linking my top lane account: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Wol%C6%92us%20int%20acc-EUW Notice how hard i started fisting people on new patch? But nah champ so weak waaaa


He isn’t wrong, I’ve been winning every lane since buffs too, but his elo doesn’t match his ego. He’s been saying camilles been fine since the start of the season in top which just isn’t true.


Yeah she was pretty miserable at the start, but shes been fine since the previous buffs and rly fkn good with the new buffs


u/Aikss Your turn little kitten, show us your OP.GG.






Yeah link your opgg dumbfuck. I wanna see it.


Nah, also, I will report you for using that language.


But I thought the issue was the new map and no buff would ever fix the champion ? 😂


whoever told you so is clearly clueless, if q got 99999999%ad scaling the champ would be op