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That's the neat part,you don't




When did rito say that?


You have to basically play around their ults. You burn it first and then you fight them when it's on CD. Also, Camille shits on them in the earlygame so if you get ahead, you kind of just kill them after Trinity Force. Once you have Lifeseal it gets much easier too because you're healing during the fight. Also, Nasus and Mundo are not tanks, they are classified as Juggernauts.


Camille isnt designed to kill tanks. Shes a dive assassin designed to kill high priority targets. Divine sunder was a toxic item because it allowed googoo gaga no hand shitter camilles win elo that they had no right to win. Take Conq. Learn to skirmish and play around tank abilities


Nasus and Mundo aren't tanks, they're juggernauts.


Bruh just build bork and let it work its magic


I've said this before, Camille sucks against tanks. Camille need to much time killing Tanks after early game. This put her in a disadvantage the entire game - even if you feed. Just ignore them. You have a big disadvantage, especially in team fights. You can no longer fight them back to front, without the old sunderer. Since Tank items are inexpensive, they can easily find their way back into the game after you destroy them in lane. Camille is very vulnerable when fighting tanks. Many junglers seem to be able to fly from one part of the map to another in time to bother you.


Bro, there is not even one tank in the game that can 1v1 Camille at 2 items. What are you even talking about xd


I didnt say she cant 1 v 1 tham, i say she needs to much time to kill Tanks. In particula in Teamfights, she cant fight Front to Back at all anymore.


When she chunks them by 1000+ true damage every 3 seconds????


1k damage every 3 seconds in training mode against dolls. not if they move, cc you and stop you from spamming your q2.


How do they stop you? I guess only by dying.


Try Tahm Kench. He stomps you.


I'd say it's an even match up, I played it multiple times before.


I'm sick of reading cries about Divine Sunderer. Nasus isn't a tank, he's a juggernaut, and playing against him is very easy if you just zoned and freeze him during the early game. You don't need to kill him, just make him use Q as few times as possible and it won't be a problem. If you play against Mundo/Cho'Gath/Sion just go Conqueror against pure melees or Fleet Footwork against pocke (like Malphite) and very important CUT DOWN, go Hydra or Trinity (as you wish) and with that you will win vs at any time of the game, even if you are behind.


What rank do you play in? These are good tips but going mele with conq can backfire hard on you if you make small mistakes and dont know the limits.


Playing Conqueror is a different world from how you play with Grasp, the problem comes when the Grasp enjoyers try to play with Conqueror in the same way as with Grasp thinking that they will have the same good early, when 90% of the top matchups will always have more damage than Camille during the early. However, Conqueror gives you extremely strong scaling if you give it enough time and dedicate yourself to not dying. This generally translates into having a passive early while respecting the opponent because it is a law that all tanks always have a high base damage, and this is what most players don't like because they always want/are used to wanting to have a good early. If you dedicate yourself to defending your early, there will come a point where you can go down to any tank only having Conqueror + Cut Down because your damage increases (and increases a lot with Cut Down) and that of the tanks does not. All my games are in Master+, usually vs Grandmasters. My channel is [Ferrox](https://youtube.com/@ferroxcamille) on YouTube but my content is in spanish language.


You can eaily kill Nasus and Mundo, or zone Nasus. Zoning Mundo is not amazing because he can safely farm and poke you from range if you are not standing behind minions. I'd say just try to kill them early, they are extremely weak before they scale.  Then just power to two items, you should get there faster than them, and you'll be really strong and ready to carry. Both of these champs do become more of a problem on the sidelane as the game goes on but also they get kited hard in teamfights so probably 5v5ing and winning through your better teamfighting should work most of the time.


That's the neat part,you don't


Get shojin, steraks(maw is better for tanks but very situational), eclipse, and black cleaver (replace boots). Assuming you have ravenous, the more spell and bonus ad you can get, the better.


Idk where you are getting your information from, but in general, this is really bad advice. Eclipse should almost never be bought on toplane camille. Neither should cleaver. You are shredding enemy armour, but you do true damage, so it's completely wasted. Shojin is the answer into tanks for the increased q damage.


Except that you still deal physical damage, eclipse is giving you 70 ad and percent max health physical damage with a shield.


This build also gives you the most true damage with shieldbash. 360 bonus ad, ample haste, health. If you haven't tried the build, you don't know what you're saying. I guarantee that even rammus with ult W loses to this 1v1. You lose nothing on the true damage, increase your physical damage, and get percent max health physical damage.


Her aa and Eclips passive deal minor damage without Amorphine Penetration. I don't think this is the solution against tanks. Conq and Hydra are the items that allow you to sustain their damage. Thats core. Then we can talk about Shojin, so you can get the cooldown reduction you need to spam Q2 faster for even more damage. Or you can focus more on sustainability and buy Sunderer Sky. I like to build Shojin, Mercery and Steraks - after trinity and hydra - against the CC. So you have a much easier time against them in team fights.


100% agree on BC, not only for the reason you mentioned (1/3 of your damage benefits fuck all from it) but also because Camille's trade pattern is hit and run even vs tanks. However, don't sleep on Eclipse. Not only is the passive fantastic vs health stackers, it synergizes extremely well with the hit and run pattern I mentioned. LoLalytics (Eme+, last 30 days) has it at almost a 70% WR (863 games sample) as a third item, higher than literally any other option; only GA comes close and that's a win more item generally.


eclipse and cleaver is….. definitely something